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Proteolitik Olmayan, Avirulan Bacillus Antracis Mutantlarının İzolasyonu veKobaylarda Mukayeseli Bağışıklık Denemesi ile Bu Mutantlardan Canlı Aşı Hazırlanması

Yıl 1969, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 7-8, 23 - 54, 01.12.1969


Bu çalışmada Sterne suşu 'nun proteolitik olmayan mutantla riyle hazırlanan anthrax aşıları ve orijinal Sterne aşılannın mukayeseli bağışıklık, zararsızlık deneyleri ve aşının maliyetini etkileyen faktörler üzerinde durulmuştur . 1 - 20 cm. mesafeden 35 watt'lık ultraviole ışınlarına 45 dakika maruz bırakmakla Bac. anthracis'in Sterne suşundan (34F2 ) avirulan, proteolitik olmayan suşlar izole edildi. Proteolitik olmayan mutant suşların sütlü agarlardan besleyici agarlara pasajları yapıldı ve aerop ve % 20 co, atmosferi altında 3 er gün üretildi. Bunlardan bir çoğu proteolitik olmayan karakterini kaybetti, fakat bir mutant suş (29/la) bu şekilde yapılan 45 pasajda proteolitik olmayan karakterini muhafaza etti. 2 - Aynı metodla virulan, bir suştan da 2 proteolitik olmayan mutant suş izole edildi. Bu proteolitik olmayan mutant suşların 500 sporu kobayların deri altına injeksion edildiğinde virulan bulundular. 3 - 29 /la ve Sterne suşları, kazein digest vasatarında besleyici agarlara nazaran daha iyi sporlandı. Kazein digest vasatlarında 3 gün üretilen 29 /la mutant suşunun glyserinli süspansionu Sterne suşunun glyserinli süspansionuna nazaran % 25 daha fazla canlı spor ihtiva etmekteydi. Kazein digest vasatlarında 5 gün üretilen 29 /la suşunun süspansionları Sterne suşuna nazaran % 100- 150 daha fazla canlı spora sahipti. 4 - 29/la ve Sterne suşlarının kobaylarda yapılan mukayeseli bağışıklık testlerinde 29 /la mutant suşu, Stern e suşuna nazaran 2 - 5 misli daha etkili bulundu. S - Bu suşların 2x10 8 ·Ve 1x10 8 miktarlarındaki sporları deri altı ve adale içi kobaylara inakule edildiği zaman 29 /la mutant suşu Sterne suşundan daha emin bulundu. 6 - Ml. lerinde 8, 6, 4 ve 2 milyon spor bulunan 3 çeşit [a - % 40 glyserin, % 60 fizyolojik tuzlu su ve % 0,1 sapanin b - % 30 aluminium hydroksit, % 70 fizyolojik tuzlu su; c - Mineral yağlı Saf White Nedle Oil- B) ] aşı 29 /la mutant suşu ile hazırlandı. Keza Sterne aşıları da aynı miktar spor ihtiva edecek şekilde hazırlandı. Bu aşılardan her birinin O,S ml. i ile deri altı verilmek suretiyle 6 şar koyun aşılandı ve aşılamadan 7 ve 15 gün sonra eprüve edildi. Mineral yağlı aşı hariç her iki suştan da hazırlanan bütün aşılar çok iyi bağışıklık verdiler. 7 - Ml. inde 10 milyon spor bulunan her bir aşıdan 1- 3 ml. ile koyun ve keçiler deri altı ve adale içi inokule edildiği zaman Sterne aşısı 29 /la mutant suşundan hazırlanan aşılara nazaran daha çok reaksion verdi.


  • Aeurbach, S. and Wright, G.G., (ı955) : Studies on immunity to anthrax.VI - İmmunizing activity of protective antigen against various strainsof Bacillus anthracis. - J . İmmunol., 75, ı29- ı33.
  • Aktan, M., (ı954) : Antraksa karşı yapılan aşılar ve üç muhtelif antraksaşısı ile tavşanlarda muafiyet kontrolu.- Ziraat Vekii.leti,. Etlik Bakteriyolojive Seroloji Enst. Neşriyatı, Güven Matbaası , Ankara , ı - ı2
  • An<lo, Ii., Akaike, Y., and Moriya, ·Y., (ı96ı) : Attenuation of Bacillu>anthracis by penicillin and immunogenicity of the attenuated organisms.- Bull. Azabu Vet. Coll., Japan, 8, 37 - 45.
  • Avcıl, F., ve Emre, M.N., (1964) : Türkiye'de hazırlanan Max-Sterneanthrax aşısı, -Etlik Vet. Bak. Enst. Dergisi, 2 sayı 3 - 4, 239 - 246.
  • Aygün, S., (ı934) : Türkiyede (anthrax) Dalak yanığı ve sava§ı veTürk üniversel Antraks (T.Ü.A.) aşısı üzerinde bilg~ler.- Ankara, YüksekZiraat Enstitüsü, 82 sayfa.
  • Beıton, F. and Strange, R.E., (1954) : Studies on protective 'lntigen producedin vitro from Bacillus anthracis, medium and methods of production.-British J. Exp. Path. 35, 144- 152,
  • Besredka, A., (ı921) : Vac.cinaD:m par voie cutanee charbon : cuti -infection, cuti - vaccination, cuti - immunite. -Ann. !nst. Pasteur, 35. 421-430
  • & - Boor, A.K., (ı955) : An antigen prepared in vitro effective for iınrn:nizat'bnagainst anthrax. I - :preparation and evaination of the crude protective antigen, - J. İnfect. Dis. 97, 194 - 202. Brown, E.R., Cherry, 'W. B., Moody, M:.D., and Gordon. M.A., (1955) . :the induction of motility in Bacilltis anthracis by means of BaGteriophagelysates. J. Bacteriol 69, 590-602. l Burrow, W., Moulder, J.W. and Lewert, R.M., (1963) :racis in text- book of Mikrobiology. - Saunders Comp.,London, 28, 688 - 696. Bacillus anthPhiladelphia -
  • Çizmen, F. (1946) : Antraks muafiyetinin mihanikiyeti ve prat!kte kullanılanaşıların mukayeseli denemeleri.- Y.J. Basımevi, Ankara, 78 sayfa.
  • De Armon, I.A., Jr., Klein, F., Lincoln, R.E., 1\'lahlandt, G., and Fernelius.A. L., (1961) : İınmunological studies of anthrax. I- An index to determine quantitative immunization,- J. İmmunol., 87,233- 239.
  • E!'türli, ö. ve Beşe, M., (1961) : Kombine aşıların bağışıklık etkis!ı üzerindebir araştırma.- A.Ü. Vet. Derg. 8, 188 - 196.
  • Fubra, E.S., (1966) : Nonproteolytic, avirulent Bacillus anthracis as alive vaccinE'.- J. Bacteriol. 91, 930- 933.
  • Gladstone, G.P., (1946) : İmmunity to anthrax: Protective antigen prese:ıt in cell- free culture filtrates.- Brith. J. Expt. path. 27, 394 - 410,
  • Grosso, A.M., and Perez, A.A., (19ô3) : (Experiments with the Sterne anMı.rax vaccine. I - Immunizing properties of the Sterne strain of Bacillus anthracis in subcultures in pepton agar. II- Behaviour of Sterne ac.thrax vaccine prepared with different vehicles.) -Rev. İnvest . Ganad. No : 18. pp. 319- 328, Ref. Vet. Bull. 34, (1964) : 2057.
  • Guex- Holzer, S., and Tomcsik, J., (1958) : The isolation and che m'ı::al nature ·of capsular and cell- wall haptens in a · Bacillus species. - J. of · Gen. Microblol. 14, l4 - 25:
  • Harris- Smithı, P.W., Smith, H. and Keppie, J., (1958) : Production in vitro of the toxin of Bacillus anthracis, previously recognized in vivo. - J . Gen. Mkrobiol. 19, 91- 103.
  • - Jacksoıı, F.C., Wright, G.G. and Armstrong, J., (1957) : İmmunizatioıı of catte against experimental anthrax with alum- -precipitated protective a ntigen or spore vaccine. - Amer. J. Vet. Res., 18, 771 - 777.
  • Ja~otot, H . et Virat, B., (1SHO) : Vac-cination contre L'infection Charbonneus par injection de bacteridies tuees en excipient huileux. preıniere no te? Ann. Inst. Pasteur., 98,' 297 - 300.
  • Jacotot, H. ct Virat, B., (1963) : Vaccination contre L'infection Charbonneus par injection de bacteridies Tuees en excipient huileux.- Ann. Pasteur., 104, 823 - 826.
  • Kelner, A., (1949a) : Effect of visible light on the recovery of streptomyces griseus conidia from ultraviolet irradiation injury.- Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 35, 73 - 79.
  • n:eıner, A., (1949b) : Photorea ctivation of ultraviolet irradiatcd Escherchia coli, with special reference to the dose - reduction principlP. and to ultraviolet.- Induced mutatio-n.- J. Bact. 58, 511- 522.
  • - Klein, F., Hainer, B. W., Mah!amlt, s: G., u.nd Lincoln, R. E., (1963) : Immunological studies of anthrax. III. Comparison of antibody titer and immunity incl,ex after anthrax immunisation. - J. Immuncl. 91, 431- 437.
  • - Kolesove, S. G., and Mikhailov, N. A., (1956) : (I- Trial of alııminium hydroxide anthrax vaccine under field conditions. II- Immunogenic properties of alumini um hydroxide vaccine and results of large scale trials. ı - Trud Nauchno- Kontrol. !n:.ıt. Vet. preparatow, 6. 242 - 255. Ref. Vet. Bull. 28, ( 1958) : 1307 - 1308.
  • - Iiolesove, S. G., 1\'likhailov, N. A. and Borisovich, Y. E., (1S57) : (Method of preparing aluminiuro hydroxide vaccine against anthrax und the results of field trials) .- Trud. nauchno- kontrol. Inst. Vet. Preparatow. 7, 191- 200. Ref. Vet. Bull. 29, (1959) : 928. Lederberg, J ., (1948) : Problem in microbial genetics, - Heredity, 2, 145- 198. .,
  • Lee, L. A., Kidd, A. R. i\'1., aml Sterne, M., (1961) : Antibiotic treatment and its effect on anthrax·immunisation.- Vet. Record, 73, 1426.
  • Lincoln, R. E., \Valker, J. S., Klein, F., and Ha,ines, B. W., (1964) : Anthrax- Advances in Veterinary Science, Academic press., New- York, London, 9, 327 - 368. ·
  • Lin<lley, W. H., (1963) : Anthrax vaccination.- J. Amer. Vet. Med. Asso.- 142, 621 - 623.
  • Mawcchi, M., (1931) : Clin. Vet., Milano 54, 577. cited by Sterne, M., (1959) : Anthrax in infectious disease of animals, Diseases due to bacteria, by Stableforth, A. W., and Galloway, İ. A., Butterworths Scientific Publications, London, ı, 16 - 52.
  • - Newcombe, H. B., and \Vhitehead, H . A., (1951) : Photoreversal of ultraviolet indııced mutagenic and Jethal effects in Eschericl1icı coli,- J . Bact. 51. 243 - 251.
  • Nungester. W. J., (1.929) : Dissociation of Bacillus anthracis.- J . Infect. dise, 44, 73 - 125. 3,1 Özce be. İ., {1935) : Asprogime şarbon aşısı.- · Köy hocası matbaası, Ankara, 30 sayfa.
  • Ö7.cebe, İ., (1953) : Anthrax enfeksionuna karşı yeni bir aşı.- Türk Vet. Hek. Derg. 23, 916-917.
  • Pankratov. A. Y .. Tret'yakova, A. A., and Smirnov, I . I., (1960) : (Tests of imrnunity in sheep i noculated simultaneously açrainst anthrax. brucelIosis. and nox.)- Veterinariya, Moscow, No. 9, 38-40. Ref. Vet. Bull .. 31, {1961) : 357.
  • - Pa«t<ıur. L .. Chamberland et Roux. · (1881) : De L'attenuation des virus et de leur r etour a la virul ence.- Comot. Rend. Acad. Sci., 92. 429. cited bv Sterne. M .. (1959) : Anthrax in infectinus disease nf animals. dise:ıses due to bacteria, by Stableforth, A. vV., and Galloway, İ. A., Butterworths scientiflc publications. London, 1, 16 - 52.
  • - PP.r,.on <ıus. G .. Cooner. M 8 .. anrl Percival. R . C., {1956) : Studies on anthrax nr p:ned from Nonencapsulated variants of Bacillus Anthracis.Am. J. Vet. Res. 17, 153-156.

The isolation of avirulent nonpreteolytic mutant of Basillus antracis and the immunity test in guinea pigs and preparation of live vaccines from this mutant

Yıl 1969, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 7-8, 23 - 54, 01.12.1969


This study has been done comparatively on the immunity and safety test on the vaccines which were prepared by a nonproteolytic mutant of Sterne's strain and the vaccines of original Sterne's and the factors of financial effect of production. 1 - Some avirulent, nonproteolytic mutants were isolated from Sterne's strain (34F2) of Bacillus anthracis by exposure by irradiation for 45 minutes at 20 cm. from the filament of a 3S W Ultraviolet lamp· These nonproteolytic mutants were madde subcultures from the milk agar to nutrient agar and were incubated aerobic and 20 % carbon dioxide atmosphere for 3 days. Many of them lost their nonproteolytic character, but a mutant strain (29/la) was stable its nonproteolytic character in about 4S subculteres by the same method. 2 - 2 nonproteolytic mutants were isolated from virulent strain by the same method. These nonproteolytic mutants were found virulent, when they were tested in guinea- pigs for virulence by subcutaneous injection of SOO spores. 3 - 29/la and Sterne's strain both sporulated better on casein digest medium than nutrient agar. The glycerinized suspensions of 29 /la mutant strain contained about 2S % mo re viable spores than the glycerinized suspensions of Sterne's strain, when they were incubated on casein digest medium for 3 days. The suspensions of 29 /la contained ab out 100- 150 % more viable spores than the suspensions of Sterne's strain, when they were incubated on casein digest medium for 5 days. 4 - Comparison of the protection of guinea- pigs induced by the vaccines of the 2 strain showed that the 29/la mutant strain was from 2- to S times more effective than the Sterne's strain. 5 - 29/la mutant strain has been found safer than Sterne's strain, when guinea- pigs were inoculated intramusculary and subcu taneously with about 2 x 10 8 and 1 x 10 8 spores of each of these strains. 6 - Three kinds of vaccnies [a - 40 %" glycerine, 60 % physiological saline, and 0,1 % saponin b - 30 % aluminium hyddroxide, 70 % physiological saline; c - mineral oil (White Needle Oil- B)] which included 8, 6, 4, and 2 million spores in ı ml. of each, were prepared by 29/la mutant strain. Sterne's vaccines were prepared also in the same amount of spores. 6 sheep of a group were vaccinated subcutaneously with O,S ml. of each of these vaccines and challenged on 7 and ıs days after vaccination. All the so vaccines which were prepared by both strains, except the vaccines of c- with mineral oil, gave very good immunity. 7 - When sheep and goats were inoculated intramusculary and subcutaneosly with 1-3 ml. of each of these vaccines which contained 10 million spores per ml., Sterne's vaccine gave more reactions than the vaccines which were prepared from 29/la mutant strain.


  • Aeurbach, S. and Wright, G.G., (ı955) : Studies on immunity to anthrax.VI - İmmunizing activity of protective antigen against various strainsof Bacillus anthracis. - J . İmmunol., 75, ı29- ı33.
  • Aktan, M., (ı954) : Antraksa karşı yapılan aşılar ve üç muhtelif antraksaşısı ile tavşanlarda muafiyet kontrolu.- Ziraat Vekii.leti,. Etlik Bakteriyolojive Seroloji Enst. Neşriyatı, Güven Matbaası , Ankara , ı - ı2
  • An<lo, Ii., Akaike, Y., and Moriya, ·Y., (ı96ı) : Attenuation of Bacillu>anthracis by penicillin and immunogenicity of the attenuated organisms.- Bull. Azabu Vet. Coll., Japan, 8, 37 - 45.
  • Avcıl, F., ve Emre, M.N., (1964) : Türkiye'de hazırlanan Max-Sterneanthrax aşısı, -Etlik Vet. Bak. Enst. Dergisi, 2 sayı 3 - 4, 239 - 246.
  • Aygün, S., (ı934) : Türkiyede (anthrax) Dalak yanığı ve sava§ı veTürk üniversel Antraks (T.Ü.A.) aşısı üzerinde bilg~ler.- Ankara, YüksekZiraat Enstitüsü, 82 sayfa.
  • Beıton, F. and Strange, R.E., (1954) : Studies on protective 'lntigen producedin vitro from Bacillus anthracis, medium and methods of production.-British J. Exp. Path. 35, 144- 152,
  • Besredka, A., (ı921) : Vac.cinaD:m par voie cutanee charbon : cuti -infection, cuti - vaccination, cuti - immunite. -Ann. !nst. Pasteur, 35. 421-430
  • & - Boor, A.K., (ı955) : An antigen prepared in vitro effective for iınrn:nizat'bnagainst anthrax. I - :preparation and evaination of the crude protective antigen, - J. İnfect. Dis. 97, 194 - 202. Brown, E.R., Cherry, 'W. B., Moody, M:.D., and Gordon. M.A., (1955) . :the induction of motility in Bacilltis anthracis by means of BaGteriophagelysates. J. Bacteriol 69, 590-602. l Burrow, W., Moulder, J.W. and Lewert, R.M., (1963) :racis in text- book of Mikrobiology. - Saunders Comp.,London, 28, 688 - 696. Bacillus anthPhiladelphia -
  • Çizmen, F. (1946) : Antraks muafiyetinin mihanikiyeti ve prat!kte kullanılanaşıların mukayeseli denemeleri.- Y.J. Basımevi, Ankara, 78 sayfa.
  • De Armon, I.A., Jr., Klein, F., Lincoln, R.E., 1\'lahlandt, G., and Fernelius.A. L., (1961) : İınmunological studies of anthrax. I- An index to determine quantitative immunization,- J. İmmunol., 87,233- 239.
  • E!'türli, ö. ve Beşe, M., (1961) : Kombine aşıların bağışıklık etkis!ı üzerindebir araştırma.- A.Ü. Vet. Derg. 8, 188 - 196.
  • Fubra, E.S., (1966) : Nonproteolytic, avirulent Bacillus anthracis as alive vaccinE'.- J. Bacteriol. 91, 930- 933.
  • Gladstone, G.P., (1946) : İmmunity to anthrax: Protective antigen prese:ıt in cell- free culture filtrates.- Brith. J. Expt. path. 27, 394 - 410,
  • Grosso, A.M., and Perez, A.A., (19ô3) : (Experiments with the Sterne anMı.rax vaccine. I - Immunizing properties of the Sterne strain of Bacillus anthracis in subcultures in pepton agar. II- Behaviour of Sterne ac.thrax vaccine prepared with different vehicles.) -Rev. İnvest . Ganad. No : 18. pp. 319- 328, Ref. Vet. Bull. 34, (1964) : 2057.
  • Guex- Holzer, S., and Tomcsik, J., (1958) : The isolation and che m'ı::al nature ·of capsular and cell- wall haptens in a · Bacillus species. - J. of · Gen. Microblol. 14, l4 - 25:
  • Harris- Smithı, P.W., Smith, H. and Keppie, J., (1958) : Production in vitro of the toxin of Bacillus anthracis, previously recognized in vivo. - J . Gen. Mkrobiol. 19, 91- 103.
  • - Jacksoıı, F.C., Wright, G.G. and Armstrong, J., (1957) : İmmunizatioıı of catte against experimental anthrax with alum- -precipitated protective a ntigen or spore vaccine. - Amer. J. Vet. Res., 18, 771 - 777.
  • Ja~otot, H . et Virat, B., (1SHO) : Vac-cination contre L'infection Charbonneus par injection de bacteridies tuees en excipient huileux. preıniere no te? Ann. Inst. Pasteur., 98,' 297 - 300.
  • Jacotot, H. ct Virat, B., (1963) : Vaccination contre L'infection Charbonneus par injection de bacteridies Tuees en excipient huileux.- Ann. Pasteur., 104, 823 - 826.
  • Kelner, A., (1949a) : Effect of visible light on the recovery of streptomyces griseus conidia from ultraviolet irradiation injury.- Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 35, 73 - 79.
  • n:eıner, A., (1949b) : Photorea ctivation of ultraviolet irradiatcd Escherchia coli, with special reference to the dose - reduction principlP. and to ultraviolet.- Induced mutatio-n.- J. Bact. 58, 511- 522.
  • - Klein, F., Hainer, B. W., Mah!amlt, s: G., u.nd Lincoln, R. E., (1963) : Immunological studies of anthrax. III. Comparison of antibody titer and immunity incl,ex after anthrax immunisation. - J. Immuncl. 91, 431- 437.
  • - Kolesove, S. G., and Mikhailov, N. A., (1956) : (I- Trial of alııminium hydroxide anthrax vaccine under field conditions. II- Immunogenic properties of alumini um hydroxide vaccine and results of large scale trials. ı - Trud Nauchno- Kontrol. !n:.ıt. Vet. preparatow, 6. 242 - 255. Ref. Vet. Bull. 28, ( 1958) : 1307 - 1308.
  • - Iiolesove, S. G., 1\'likhailov, N. A. and Borisovich, Y. E., (1S57) : (Method of preparing aluminiuro hydroxide vaccine against anthrax und the results of field trials) .- Trud. nauchno- kontrol. Inst. Vet. Preparatow. 7, 191- 200. Ref. Vet. Bull. 29, (1959) : 928. Lederberg, J ., (1948) : Problem in microbial genetics, - Heredity, 2, 145- 198. .,
  • Lee, L. A., Kidd, A. R. i\'1., aml Sterne, M., (1961) : Antibiotic treatment and its effect on anthrax·immunisation.- Vet. Record, 73, 1426.
  • Lincoln, R. E., \Valker, J. S., Klein, F., and Ha,ines, B. W., (1964) : Anthrax- Advances in Veterinary Science, Academic press., New- York, London, 9, 327 - 368. ·
  • Lin<lley, W. H., (1963) : Anthrax vaccination.- J. Amer. Vet. Med. Asso.- 142, 621 - 623.
  • Mawcchi, M., (1931) : Clin. Vet., Milano 54, 577. cited by Sterne, M., (1959) : Anthrax in infectious disease of animals, Diseases due to bacteria, by Stableforth, A. W., and Galloway, İ. A., Butterworths Scientific Publications, London, ı, 16 - 52.
  • - Newcombe, H. B., and \Vhitehead, H . A., (1951) : Photoreversal of ultraviolet indııced mutagenic and Jethal effects in Eschericl1icı coli,- J . Bact. 51. 243 - 251.
  • Nungester. W. J., (1.929) : Dissociation of Bacillus anthracis.- J . Infect. dise, 44, 73 - 125. 3,1 Özce be. İ., {1935) : Asprogime şarbon aşısı.- · Köy hocası matbaası, Ankara, 30 sayfa.
  • Ö7.cebe, İ., (1953) : Anthrax enfeksionuna karşı yeni bir aşı.- Türk Vet. Hek. Derg. 23, 916-917.
  • Pankratov. A. Y .. Tret'yakova, A. A., and Smirnov, I . I., (1960) : (Tests of imrnunity in sheep i noculated simultaneously açrainst anthrax. brucelIosis. and nox.)- Veterinariya, Moscow, No. 9, 38-40. Ref. Vet. Bull .. 31, {1961) : 357.
  • - Pa«t<ıur. L .. Chamberland et Roux. · (1881) : De L'attenuation des virus et de leur r etour a la virul ence.- Comot. Rend. Acad. Sci., 92. 429. cited bv Sterne. M .. (1959) : Anthrax in infectinus disease nf animals. dise:ıses due to bacteria, by Stableforth, A. vV., and Galloway, İ. A., Butterworths scientiflc publications. London, 1, 16 - 52.
  • - PP.r,.on <ıus. G .. Cooner. M 8 .. anrl Percival. R . C., {1956) : Studies on anthrax nr p:ned from Nonencapsulated variants of Bacillus Anthracis.Am. J. Vet. Res. 17, 153-156.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Şükran Durukan Bu kişi benim

Nabi Emre Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1969
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ocak 1969
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1969 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 7-8

Kaynak Göster

APA Durukan, Ş., & Emre, N. (1969). Proteolitik Olmayan, Avirulan Bacillus Antracis Mutantlarının İzolasyonu veKobaylarda Mukayeseli Bağışıklık Denemesi ile Bu Mutantlardan Canlı Aşı Hazırlanması. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 3(7-8), 23-54.