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Yıl 1970, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 9-10, 110 - 141, 01.12.1970


Eskidenberi ilmi araştırmaların ekserisi hayvanlar üzerinde yapılmakta ve bu nedenle de, deneme hayvanıanna çok sayıda ihtiyaç hasıl olmaktadır. Nitekim, Robert Koclı, kendi adı ile anılan
ve 4 maddeden ibaret olan, Kodı Postulat'ında «izole edilen etkenler hassas hayvaniara şırınga edilince hastalık meydana getirmelidirler » demektedir. Bu çağlarda başlayan deneme hayvanı kullanma tutkusu, zamanımız ilim adamlannda da ayni kuvvette bulunmaktadır. 


  • 1 - Aberbathy, R.S. and Landy, J.J; (1967): Increased Resistence to Endo. toxin in Germ Free Guinea pigs. Proc. Soc. Exp. Med., 124 : 1279. 1283.
  • 2 - Abrams, G.D. (1969) : The Normal Microbial Flora and Resistance of the Small Intestine. Advence Study Institute. The Germfree Animal as a Tool in Research Leuven, Belgium. Abstract No. 12.
  • 3 - Asano, T. (1967): Inorganic lons in Secal Content of Gnotobiotic Rats. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. med:, 124 : 424 . 430.
  • 4 - Betts, A,O. (1969): Some Uses of Gnotobiotic Farm Animals. Adven. ced Study Institute. The Germfree Animal as a Tool in Research. Le. uven, Belgium. Abst ract No. 39.
  • 5 - Bleby, J. (1967): Specific Pathogen Free Animals. The UFAW Hand_ book on the Care and Management of Laboratory Animals, 201- 215: Third ·ed. Livirgstone
  • 6 - Burmester, B.R. and Waters, N.F. (1955) : The Role of the Infected Eggs in the Transmission Visceral Lymphomatosis. Poult. Sci., 34: 1415- 1429.
  • 7 - Calhoon, J.R. and Matthews, P.J. (1964): A Method for Initiating a Colony of Specific Pathogen Free Gıinea Pigs. Lab. Aniaml Care 14 : 388-394.
  • 8 - Cohen, J.O.L., Newton, W.L., Cherry, W.B. and Updyk, E.L. (1968) : Normally Occurring Staphyloccic Antibodies in Germ Free Mice. J Immunol., 90: 358 _ 367.
  • 9 - Cohendy, M. (1912) : Experineces surla vie sans Microbes. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 26: 106 _ 137.
  • 10 - Craven, J. and Miniats, O.P. (1969) : Antagonism Between Escherichia Coli Strains in Dualinfected Gnotobiotics Pigs. Advances Study Instıtu te. The Germfree animal as a Tool in Research Leuven, Belgium. Abt. ract No. 6.
  • 11- Davey, D.G. (1962) : Use of Pathogen Free Animals. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 55 : 256 _ 259.
  • 12 - Dinsley, M. (1967): Germ Free Animals. The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Manegement of Laboratory Animals, Ihird ed. 216 _ 238.
  • 13 - Dinsley, M. 1969): Genetic Manegement in Gnotobiotic Colonies. Advance Study Institute, The Germfree Animal as a Tool in Research,Leuven, Belgium. Abstract No. 6
  • 14 - Duclaux, E. (1.885) : Presentee par M. Pasteur, Physilogie Vegetale. sarla germination dans un sol richie en matiers organiques, mais exempt de microbes. C.r. hebd. Searc. Acad. Sci., Paris. 1.00-66-68. Site. Reyniers , J.A. (1969 ): (Pure ·culture concept and gnotobiotics.) Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 78 : 3- 16
  • 15 - Fahey, J.E. and Grawley, J.F. (1954) : Studies on Chroniç Respiratory Disease of Chickens. III. Egg Transmission of Pleuropneumonia _ Like Organisms . Canad . J . Comp. Med. Vet. Sci., 18: 67-75.
  • 16 - Fitzgerald, G.R. and Pollard, M. (1967) : Interferon Production by Germ Free Mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 126: 245- 249.
  • 17 - Forbes .M., Park, J.T. and Lev,·, M. (1959) : Role of the Intestlnal Flora in the Growth response of Chicks to Dietary Penicillin. Ann. Y. Acad. Sci. , 78: 321-327.
  • 18 - Foster, H.L. (1961): Development of Specific Pathogen Free and Germ Free Animals . Bio_ Medical Review. 1: 77 _ 85.
  • 19 - Foster, H.L. and Black, C.L. (1969): Utulizing the Germfree Rat in the Investlgation of Clinical Manifestations Caused by a Filtrable Agent. Advance Study Institute. The Germfree Animal as a Tool in Research. Leuven, Belgium. Abstract No. 23.
  • 20 - Glimstedt, G. (1936): Bacterienfreie Meerschweinchen. Acta Path. Microbiol. Scand. Suppl., 30: 1_ 295. Site. Reyniers, J. A. (1959): Pure Culture Concept and Gnotobiotics. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 78: 3 .16.
  • 21 - Gordon, H.A. (ı959) : Morphological and Physiological Characterlzation of Germ Free Life. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., ·78: 208.220.
  • 22 - Grisemer, R.A. and Gibson, J.P. (1963): The Gnotobiotic Dog. Lab. Ani mal Care, 13 (pt): 648.649.
  • 23 - Gustafsson, B.E. (1948): Germ Free Rearing of Rats. General Techni ques. Acta Path. Microbiol. Scand .suppl. 73 : 1 ,130.
  • 24 - Gustafsson, B.E., and Laurell, C.B. (1958): Gamma Globilin in Germ Free Rats. J. Exp. Med. 108: 251. 258.
  • 25 - Gustafsson, B.E., and Laurell, C.B. (1959): Gamma Globulin Productioin Germ Free Rats after Bacteriel Contamination. J. Exp. Med. 110: 675-684.
  • 26 - Gustafsson, B.E. (1959) : Lightweight Stainless Steel System for Re. aring Germ Free Animals. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sd. 78 : 17. 28.
  • 27 - Hall, \V.J., Legenhausen, D.H. and l\lcDonaJd, A.D. (1949) : Studies on Fowl Typhoid. L Nature and Disseınination . Poult .Sci. 23 : 344. 362.
  • 28 - Harven, E. (1964) : Virus Particles ın Thymus of Conventional and Germ Free Mice. J. Exp. Med. 120 : 857 . 868.
  • 29 - Henthorne, R.D. and Kester, W.O. (1959) : Diseases Free Laboratory Animals Related to Germ free Life.· Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sel. 78 : 276 _ 280.
  • 30 - Hudson, J.A. and · Luckey, T.D. (1964) : Bacteria. Induced Morphologic Changes. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 116 : 628 - 631.
  • 31 - Jensen, S.B., Mergenhagen, S.E., Fitzgerald, R.J. and Jordan, H.V. (1933): Susceptibility of Conventinoal and Germfree Mice to Lethal Effects of Endotoxin. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 113 : 710. 714.
  • 32 - Joshi, N., Blackwood, A.C. and Dale, D.G. (1964) : A Simple Chemical Method for Detection of Leakes in Flexeble Isolator- Canad. J. Comp. Med. and Vet. Sci. 28 : 128. 133.
  • 33 - Kelly, M.G., Newton, W.L. and O'Gara, R.W. (1963) : Susceptibility of Newborn Germfree Mice to Tumor Induction by 3. Methylcholanthrene. Cancer Res. 23 : 978 _ 982. Site. The Year Book of Veterinary Medicine. (1964), Vol. 2, 361. 362.
  • 34 - Küster (1915) : Die Gewinnung, Haltung und Aufzucht Keimfreier Tle. re und İhre Bedeutung für die Erforschung Natürlicher Lebensforgan. ge. Arbeiten Kaiser. Gesund. 48 : 1 _ 79.
  • 35 - Loesche, W,J. (1968) : Protein and Carbohydrate Composttion of Cecal Content of Gnotobiotic Rat and Mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 128 : 195.199.
  • 36 - Loesche, W.J. (1968) : Accumulation of Endogenous Protein in the Ce. cum of the Germfree Animals. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 129 : 380 _ 384.
  • 37 - Luckey, T.D. (1959) : Nutrition and Biochemistry of Germfree Chicks. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 78 : 127.165.
  • 38 - Luckey, T.D. (1965) : Effects of Microbes on Germfree Animals.Advan. ces in Applied Micobil. 7 : 169 _ 223.
  • 39 - Mandel, L., Miler, I. and Moravek, F. (1969) : The Effet of Ionizing Ra. diation on Natural Resistance Factors in Germfree Piglet. Advanced Study Institute. The Germfree Animal as a Tool in Research. Leuven, Belgium. Absctract. No. 37.
  • 40 - Metchnikoff, E. 1903) : E'tudes sur la flore Intestinale. Ann. de L'Institute Pasteur. XXIII. 929. Site. Reyniers, J.A. (1959) : Pure Culture Concopt and Gnotobiotics. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 78: 3 -16.
  • 41 - Midtvedt, T. (1969) : Opsinizing and Bacteriolytic Effects of Sera from Gnotobiotics and Conventionalized Ra ts on 32 P- Labelled E. coli. Ad. vanced Study Institute, The Gerfree Animal as a Tool in Research. Leu. ven, Belgium. Abstract No. 35.
  • 42 - Mirand, F.A. (1969) : The Response of a Polycythemic Virus in Germfree Mice Advaced Study Institute. The Germfree Animal as a Toll In Reseach . Leuven, Belgium. Abstract No. 24.
  • 43 - Miyakawa, M., Iijima, S., Kobayashi, R., Tajima, M., Isomur, N., Shini. zu, T., Kobayashi, I. and Asano, M. (1954) : Report on Succes of Long. term Rearing of Germfree Guineapigs. Trans. Soc. Pathol. Japan. 43 : 450. Site. Reyniers, J .A. (1959) : Pure Culture Concept and Gonotobio. tics. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 78 : 3 _ 16.
  • 44 - Miyakawa, M. (1959) : The Miyakawa Remote_ Control Germfree Rea. ring Unit. Ann. N.Y. Acd. Sci. 78 : 37- 46.
  • 45 - Miyaknwa, M. (1959) : The Lymphat 'ı c System of Germfree Guineapıgs. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 78 : 221 _ 236.
  • 46 - Morris, J.H. (1963) : Management of Specific Pathogen Free Guineapig Colony. Lab. Animal :are, 13 : 96 _ 100.
  • 47 - Nance, F.Cohn, ı., Heneghan, J.B., Bornside, G.H., Kline, Crook, J.N., Tedesco, V.E. and Rusca, J. (1969) : Ge rmfı·ee Dogs in the Study of the Surgical phys'ology of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Advanced Study Institute. The Germfree Animal as a Tool in Research. Leuven, Belgium. Abst. ract No. 19.
  • 48 - Nencki, M. (1886) : Bemerkungen zur einer Bemerkung Pasteur's. Na. unyn. Schmİedeberg Arch. exp. Path. Pharmak., 20 : 385. 388. Site. Dins. !ey, M. (1967) : Gemıfree Animals. The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Manegement of Laboratory Anima ls. 216 . 238. Third ed.,
  • 49 - Nuttal, G.H.F. und Thierfelder, H. (1897) : Thierisches Leben ohne Bak. terien in Verdauungskanal. (III. Mitteilung). Versuche an Hüchnern. Hoppe. Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem. 23 : 231. 235. Site .Reyniers, J.A. (1959) : Pure Culture Concept and Gnotobiotics. Ann. N .Y. Acad. Sci. 78: 3-16.
  • 50 - Paget, G.E. (1962) : Pathologic State of Spesific Pathogen Free Ani. mals. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 55 : 262 _ 263.
  • 51 - Pasteur, L. (1885) : Observastions Relatives a la note precedente de M. Duclaux. C.r. Hebd. Seans. Acad. Sci. Paris, 100, 68. Site. Dinsley, M. (1967 ) : Germfree Animals. The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Manegement of Lab. Animals. S. 216 _ 238.
  • 52 - Payzın , S. ( 1968) : Gnatobiyoloji ve İmmunolojideki yeri. Mikrobioloji Bulten 2 : 112 _ 118.
  • 53 - Peter, W·.L. (1962) : Provision of Pathogenfree Animals. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 55 : 253- 256.
  • 54 - Phillips, A.W. and Smith, J.E. (1959) : Germfree Aniınal Technique and Their Applicaions. Advances in Applied Microbiol. 1: 141 _ 174.
  • 55 - Phillips, B.P., Wolfe, P.A. aml Gordon, H.A. (1959) : Studies on Rearing the Guineapigs Germfree. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sü 78 : 183- 207.
  • 56 - Philiips, B.P. and Wolfe, P.A. (1959) : The Use of the Germfree Guinca. pigs in the Studies on the Microbial Interrealtionships in amoepiasis . Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci 78 : 308- 313.
  • 57 - Pleasents, J.R. (1959) : Rearing Germfree Cesarien- Borne Rats, Mice and Rabbits Through Weaning. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 78 : 116 _ 126.
  • 58 - Pleasents, ,J.R., Wostman, B.S. and Zimmerman, D.R. (1964) : Improved Handrearing Methods for Small Rodents. Lab. Animal Care. 14 : 37 _ 47.
  • 59 - Pollerd, M. and Salomon, C. (1963) : Oncogenic Effect of Methylcholan. threne in Newborn Germfree Mıce. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 112 : 256-259.
  • 60 - Pollard, M. and Teah, B.A. (1963) : Spontanous Tumors in Germfree Rats. J. N at. cancer Inst. 31. : 457 _ 465. s•te. The Year BOOK of Vet. Med. (1964). 2 : 360.
  • 61 - Pollard M. and Matsuzawa, T. (1964) : Radiation. Induced Leukemla in Germfree Mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 116 : 967. 971.
  • 62 - Pollard, M. (1965)Germfree Animals and Biological Research. Sci. 145 : 247- 251.
  • 63 - Pollard, M. (1967) : Application of Germfree Animals to Problems in Comperative Medicine. Advances in Vet. Sci. 11: 139. 157.
  • 64 - Pollard, M. (1969) : A Comparison of Neoplasma Induced in Germfree Rats by Chemical and Viral Oncogenic Agents . Advanced Study Insti tute. The Germfree Animal as a Tool in Research. Leuven, Belgium. Abstract No. 21.
  • 65 - Price, J.E., Millen, T.W. and Alberst, J .O. (1954) : Studies on N ewcast. le Disease. IV. The Presence of Newcastle Disease vırus in Eggs of Hens Vaccinated with Live Vaccine. J. Amer. Vet. Med. Asso., 116 : 54. 55·.
  • 66 - Przjalkowski, Z. (1939) : Parasitism in Germfree ·Laburatory Animals. Advances Stundy Institute. The Germfree Animal as a Tool in Research. Leuven , Belgium · Abstract No. 7.
  • 67 - Raibaud, P., Dickinson, A.B., Sacquet, E., Charlier, H. at Mocguet, G. (1966) : La Microflora du Tube Digestif du Rat. IV. Implantation Cont. role chez le rat Gnotobiotique de differents Genres Microbiens Isoles du Rat Conventional. Ann. d'Institut Pasteur, 111: 193. 210.
  • 68 - Reyniers, J.A. (1942) : Rearing of Cesarean borne M. rhesus Monkey under Sterile Conditions. J . Bact., 43 : 778. Site. Reyniers, . J :A. ( 1959) : Pure Culture Concept and Gnotobiotics. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 78 : 3. 16.
  • 69 - Reyniers, J.A. and Trexler, P.C. (1943) : The Germfree Tecnique and its Application to Rearing Animals free from Cuntamination. In' Micrurgical and Germfree Methods, pp. 114 .143. Ed. Reyniers, J . Spring. field, III. Thomas. Site . Reyniers, J.A. (1959) : Pure Culture Concept and Gnotobiotics. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 78 : 3 _ 16.
  • 70 - Reyniers, J.A. (1957) : The Production and Use of Germfree Animals in Experimental Biology and Medicine. Amer. J. Vet . Res., 18:678 . 687.
  • 71 - Reyniers, J.A._ (1959): Pure Culture Concept and Gnotobiolics. Ann. N. Y. Acad . Sci. 78 : 3 . 16.
  • 72 - Reyniers J. .A. (1959) : Desing and Operation of Apparatus for rearing Germfree Animals . Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 78 : 47. 79 .
  • 73 - Reniers, J.A. and Sacksteder,M.R. (1959) : Tumorigenesis and the Germfree Chickens. A Preliminary Report. Ann. N .Y. Acad. Sci. 78 : 328-353.
  • 74 - Saba, T.M., Filkins, J.P. and Luzio, N-R.. (1967) : Phagocytic and Opsonic Activites of Germfree Rats. Proc. Soc. Exp. Bio •. Med. 125 : 634. 636.
  • 75 - Schaedler, R.W. and Dubos, R .J. (1961) : The Susceptibility of Mice to Bacterial Endotoxin. J. Exp. Med. 113 : 359 _ 570.
  • 76 - Schottelius,lM. (1908) : Die Bedeutung der Darmbacterien für die Er. nahıung . HI. Arch. Hyg. Bakt. 67:177.208. Site. Reyniers, J.A. (1959) : Pure Cuıture Concept and Gnotobiotics. Ann. N.Y. Acad. sc··. 78 : 3- 16.
  • 77 - Skelly, B.J., Trexler, P.C. and Tanami, J. (1962) : Effect of Clostridiuın Species upon Cecal Size of Gnotobiotic Mice. Proc. Sac. Exp. Blo!. Med 110 : 455 - 458.
  • 78 - Springer, G.F., Horton, R.E. antl Forbes, M. (1959) : Origin of Antihu. man Blood Group B Agglutinins in Germfree Chicks. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci 78 : 272 • 275.
  • 79 - Thorebecke, G.J., Gordon, H.A., Wagner, M. and Reyniers, J.A. (1957) : Lymphoid Tissues and Serum Gamma Globulin in Young Germfree Chic. kens. J . Infect. Dis. 101 : 237 - 251.
  • 80 - Thorebecke, G.J. (1959) : Some Histological and Functional Aspects of Lymphoid Tissue in Germfree Animals. I. Morphological Studles. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 78 : 237.246.
  • 81 - Trexler, P.C. (1959) : The Use of Plastics in the Desing of Isolator System. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Aci. 78 : 29 _ 36.
  • 82 - Trexler, P.C. and Skelly, B.J. (1963) : Microbic Flora for the Gnotobiotic Laboratory AnimaL Lab. Animal Care 13 : 609- 615.
  • 83 - Uhr, J .W., Dancis, J. and Finkelstein, M.S. (1963) : Passage of Bacte . riophage 0 X 174 Across Placenta in Gulneapig. Proc. Sac. Exp. Biol. Med-. 113 : 391 . 394.
  • 84 - Wagner, M. (1959) : Determination of Germfree Status. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 78 : 89 . 101.
  • 85 - Wagner, M, (1959) : Seralogic Aspects of Germfree Life. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci«. 78 : 261- 27).
  • 86 -- Wagner, M. (1969) : Immunization Against Experimental Dental Carles in Gnotobiotic Rats. Advances Study Institute. The Germfree Aniaml as a Tool in Research. Leuven, Belgiuın. Abstarct No. 16.
  • 87 - Vandeputte, M., Sacquet, E . and DeSomer, P. (1969) : Effect of Polyo. mavirus on Lymphold Tissue of Germfree and Conventional Mlce. Ad. vanced Study Institute. The Germfree Animal as a Tool in Research. Leuven Belgium. Abstract. No. 22.
  • 88 - Wollman, E. (1911) : Sur L'elevage des Mouches Steriles. Ann. Inst. Ps. teur, 23 : 79 _ 88.
  • 89 - Wostmann , E. (1913) Sur L'elevage de tetards Steriles. Ann. Inst. Psteur, 27 : 154 . 161.
  • 90 - Wostmann, B.S. (1959) : Serum Protein in Germfree Animals. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Aci. 78 : 254- 260.
  • 91 - \Vostmann, B.S. (1959) : Nutrition of the Germfree Mammals. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 78 : 175. 182.
  • 92 Young·, G.A. (1957) : Özel Görüşmeler. Nebraska , Ziraat Fakültesi. Animal pathology Dept. Nebr. U.S.A.

Gnotobiyotik Yaşantı

Yıl 1970, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 9-10, 110 - 141, 01.12.1970


Eskidenberi ilmi araştırmaların ekserisi hayvanlar üzerinde yapılmakta ve bu nedenle de, deneme hayvanıanna çok sayıda ihtiyaç hasıl olmaktadır. Nitekim, Robert Koclı, kendi adı ile anılan
ve 4 maddeden ibaret olan, Kodı Postulat'ında «izole edilen etkenler hassas hayvaniara şırınga edilince hastalık meydana getirmelidirler » demektedir. Bu çağlarda başlayan deneme hayvanı kullanma tutkusu, zamanımız ilim adamlannda da ayni kuvvette bulunmaktadır. 


  • 1 - Aberbathy, R.S. and Landy, J.J; (1967): Increased Resistence to Endo. toxin in Germ Free Guinea pigs. Proc. Soc. Exp. Med., 124 : 1279. 1283.
  • 2 - Abrams, G.D. (1969) : The Normal Microbial Flora and Resistance of the Small Intestine. Advence Study Institute. The Germfree Animal as a Tool in Research Leuven, Belgium. Abstract No. 12.
  • 3 - Asano, T. (1967): Inorganic lons in Secal Content of Gnotobiotic Rats. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. med:, 124 : 424 . 430.
  • 4 - Betts, A,O. (1969): Some Uses of Gnotobiotic Farm Animals. Adven. ced Study Institute. The Germfree Animal as a Tool in Research. Le. uven, Belgium. Abst ract No. 39.
  • 5 - Bleby, J. (1967): Specific Pathogen Free Animals. The UFAW Hand_ book on the Care and Management of Laboratory Animals, 201- 215: Third ·ed. Livirgstone
  • 6 - Burmester, B.R. and Waters, N.F. (1955) : The Role of the Infected Eggs in the Transmission Visceral Lymphomatosis. Poult. Sci., 34: 1415- 1429.
  • 7 - Calhoon, J.R. and Matthews, P.J. (1964): A Method for Initiating a Colony of Specific Pathogen Free Gıinea Pigs. Lab. Aniaml Care 14 : 388-394.
  • 8 - Cohen, J.O.L., Newton, W.L., Cherry, W.B. and Updyk, E.L. (1968) : Normally Occurring Staphyloccic Antibodies in Germ Free Mice. J Immunol., 90: 358 _ 367.
  • 9 - Cohendy, M. (1912) : Experineces surla vie sans Microbes. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 26: 106 _ 137.
  • 10 - Craven, J. and Miniats, O.P. (1969) : Antagonism Between Escherichia Coli Strains in Dualinfected Gnotobiotics Pigs. Advances Study Instıtu te. The Germfree animal as a Tool in Research Leuven, Belgium. Abt. ract No. 6.
  • 11- Davey, D.G. (1962) : Use of Pathogen Free Animals. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 55 : 256 _ 259.
  • 12 - Dinsley, M. (1967): Germ Free Animals. The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Manegement of Laboratory Animals, Ihird ed. 216 _ 238.
  • 13 - Dinsley, M. 1969): Genetic Manegement in Gnotobiotic Colonies. Advance Study Institute, The Germfree Animal as a Tool in Research,Leuven, Belgium. Abstract No. 6
  • 14 - Duclaux, E. (1.885) : Presentee par M. Pasteur, Physilogie Vegetale. sarla germination dans un sol richie en matiers organiques, mais exempt de microbes. C.r. hebd. Searc. Acad. Sci., Paris. 1.00-66-68. Site. Reyniers , J.A. (1969 ): (Pure ·culture concept and gnotobiotics.) Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 78 : 3- 16
  • 15 - Fahey, J.E. and Grawley, J.F. (1954) : Studies on Chroniç Respiratory Disease of Chickens. III. Egg Transmission of Pleuropneumonia _ Like Organisms . Canad . J . Comp. Med. Vet. Sci., 18: 67-75.
  • 16 - Fitzgerald, G.R. and Pollard, M. (1967) : Interferon Production by Germ Free Mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 126: 245- 249.
  • 17 - Forbes .M., Park, J.T. and Lev,·, M. (1959) : Role of the Intestlnal Flora in the Growth response of Chicks to Dietary Penicillin. Ann. Y. Acad. Sci. , 78: 321-327.
  • 18 - Foster, H.L. (1961): Development of Specific Pathogen Free and Germ Free Animals . Bio_ Medical Review. 1: 77 _ 85.
  • 19 - Foster, H.L. and Black, C.L. (1969): Utulizing the Germfree Rat in the Investlgation of Clinical Manifestations Caused by a Filtrable Agent. Advance Study Institute. The Germfree Animal as a Tool in Research. Leuven, Belgium. Abstract No. 23.
  • 20 - Glimstedt, G. (1936): Bacterienfreie Meerschweinchen. Acta Path. Microbiol. Scand. Suppl., 30: 1_ 295. Site. Reyniers, J. A. (1959): Pure Culture Concept and Gnotobiotics. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 78: 3 .16.
  • 21 - Gordon, H.A. (ı959) : Morphological and Physiological Characterlzation of Germ Free Life. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., ·78: 208.220.
  • 22 - Grisemer, R.A. and Gibson, J.P. (1963): The Gnotobiotic Dog. Lab. Ani mal Care, 13 (pt): 648.649.
  • 23 - Gustafsson, B.E. (1948): Germ Free Rearing of Rats. General Techni ques. Acta Path. Microbiol. Scand .suppl. 73 : 1 ,130.
  • 24 - Gustafsson, B.E., and Laurell, C.B. (1958): Gamma Globilin in Germ Free Rats. J. Exp. Med. 108: 251. 258.
  • 25 - Gustafsson, B.E., and Laurell, C.B. (1959): Gamma Globulin Productioin Germ Free Rats after Bacteriel Contamination. J. Exp. Med. 110: 675-684.
  • 26 - Gustafsson, B.E. (1959) : Lightweight Stainless Steel System for Re. aring Germ Free Animals. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sd. 78 : 17. 28.
  • 27 - Hall, \V.J., Legenhausen, D.H. and l\lcDonaJd, A.D. (1949) : Studies on Fowl Typhoid. L Nature and Disseınination . Poult .Sci. 23 : 344. 362.
  • 28 - Harven, E. (1964) : Virus Particles ın Thymus of Conventional and Germ Free Mice. J. Exp. Med. 120 : 857 . 868.
  • 29 - Henthorne, R.D. and Kester, W.O. (1959) : Diseases Free Laboratory Animals Related to Germ free Life.· Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sel. 78 : 276 _ 280.
  • 30 - Hudson, J.A. and · Luckey, T.D. (1964) : Bacteria. Induced Morphologic Changes. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 116 : 628 - 631.
  • 31 - Jensen, S.B., Mergenhagen, S.E., Fitzgerald, R.J. and Jordan, H.V. (1933): Susceptibility of Conventinoal and Germfree Mice to Lethal Effects of Endotoxin. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 113 : 710. 714.
  • 32 - Joshi, N., Blackwood, A.C. and Dale, D.G. (1964) : A Simple Chemical Method for Detection of Leakes in Flexeble Isolator- Canad. J. Comp. Med. and Vet. Sci. 28 : 128. 133.
  • 33 - Kelly, M.G., Newton, W.L. and O'Gara, R.W. (1963) : Susceptibility of Newborn Germfree Mice to Tumor Induction by 3. Methylcholanthrene. Cancer Res. 23 : 978 _ 982. Site. The Year Book of Veterinary Medicine. (1964), Vol. 2, 361. 362.
  • 34 - Küster (1915) : Die Gewinnung, Haltung und Aufzucht Keimfreier Tle. re und İhre Bedeutung für die Erforschung Natürlicher Lebensforgan. ge. Arbeiten Kaiser. Gesund. 48 : 1 _ 79.
  • 35 - Loesche, W,J. (1968) : Protein and Carbohydrate Composttion of Cecal Content of Gnotobiotic Rat and Mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 128 : 195.199.
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Toplam 92 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Veteriner Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mustafa Arda Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1970
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1970
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1970 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 9-10

Kaynak Göster

APA Arda, M. (1970). Gnotobiyotik Yaşantı. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 3(9-10), 110-141.