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Tavşan Hastalıkları

Yıl 1973, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 3-4, 72 - 94, 01.12.1973


Virus ( OA. suşu) embyolu yumurtanın chorio- allantcik membranı (CAM) üzerinde ürer ve makroskopik lezyonlar meydana getirmez. Halbuki, myxoma virusunun oluşturduğu odaklar çok daha büyüktür. Embryonun kendisinde herhangi bir bozukluk görülmez. Do.ku kültürlerinde de (tavşan, rat, insan, v.s.) · üreyarek hücre dejenerasyonlarına (CPE) 'yol -açar.


  • 1- American ·Public Healt Association, .Inc ( 1954) : Care of Lobııratory Animals . 1970 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. U.S.A.
  • 2- Andrew, C,, and Preira, H . 'G, ' (l967) ·: Viruses of Vertebrates. Second Ed ., London, Bailliere, Tindal and Classell.
  • 3 - Bedson, .H. S. and Dudkworth, M.·J. (1963): Rabbii pox, an experimental study of the ''pathways of infection 'in rabbits .J. Path. Bact., ss : 1-20.
  • 4- Betts, A. O. and York, C. J. ( 1967) : Viral and Rickettsial infections of Animals Vol. 1. , Acad Press, London and New York.
  • 5 - Blackmore, D. K., Guillon; J.. C.,. and Schwanzer, V. ( .1972) : The Viruses of Labora tory Rodents and Lagomonphs. . BVA Editerral .Servi ce; Londarı WIM, OAT.
  • 6 - Bruner, D. W .and .Gillespie, J. H. (1973).: Hagan's infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals. · Comstock Publishing Ass., 6 ' th. ed., Cornell Univ; Press, ithaca, -N. Y., U.S.A.
  • 7- Conalty, M. L. ( 1967) : Husbandry 'ofcLaboratory Animals : Academic Press. London and New Yor.
  • 8 - Cruickshank, R. ( 1965) : Medical Microbiology 11 th. ed., E and S. Li.yingstone Lmd., Edinburgh . .
  • 9 - Department of the Army, . TB-MED-25-5 (1967): ' Care and Management of Laboratory Animals. N A V M E. D P ~ 51 03.
  • 10- Dumas, J. ( 1953) : Les animaux de Laboratorire. Editions Medicale Flammarion,22, rue ele. vaugirard - Paris- 6° .
  • 11 - Gay, W. 1. ( 1965): Methods of Aninıals Experimentation. · Vol. 1. Academic Press. New York and London .
  • 12 - Herrlein, H. G., Coursen, G. B., Randall, R. and Slanetz, C. A ( 1954) : Handbook of Laboratory Animals. National Academy of Sciences -National Research Council, Washington, D. C.
  • 13- Hoffmann ( 1963): Les Anımaux de Laboratoire . . Vigot Freres- Editeurs, 23, Rue de I'Ecole de Medicine- Paris Vl e
  • 14 - Joubert, L., Leftheriotis, E. et Mouchet, J. ( 1973): La Myxomatose ll. La Myxomatose Spontanee et sa Transmission Naturelle. L'expansion Scientifique Francaise, 15, rue Saint- Benoit, 75278 Paris.
  • 15 - Jung, S. ( 1962) : Grundlagen fur die Zucht und Haltung der Wichtigsten Versuchstiere. Gustav Fischer Verlag Stuttgart.
  • 16 - Kolmer, J. A., Spaulding, E. H. and Robinson, H. W. ( 1951) : Approved Laboratory technic. Fifth ed. Appleton- Centry- Crofts, Inc ., New York .
  • 17 - Lane- Peter, W., Worden, A. N., Hill, B. F., Paterson, J. S. and Vevers, H. G. ( 1967) : The Ufaw Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory Animals. Third Edition . E and S. Livingstone Ltd ., Edinburgh and London.
  • 18 - Leiport, T., Piringer, W. und Pilgerstrofer, W. ( 1953) : Laboratoriums- Diagnostik. Urban und Schwarzenberg, Wien- lnnsbruck.
  • 19 - Merchant, .I. A. and Packer, R. A. ( 1967) : Veterinary Bacteriology and Virology. 7 th . Ed., The lowa State Univ. Press, Ames, lowa, U.S .A.
  • 20 - Ribelin, W. E. and Mccoy, J. R. ( 1965) : The Pathology of Laboratory Animals. Charles C Thomas . Publisher. Springfield. lllinois, U.S.A.
  • 21- Röhrer, H. ( 1969) : Handbuch der Virus infektionen bei Tieren . Band ll. S. 547- 602; Band V/ 1 S. ,299- 320; B and V /2. S. 690- 711. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, jena.
  • 22 - Sabatier, H. ( 1971) : Le Lapin et son elevage Professional. Dunod, Paris.
  • 23 - Siegmund, O. H., Mc:Leun, J. W., Arınistead, W. W. Hagan, W, A., Hutchings, l . M. and Schnelle, G. B. ( 1961) : The Merck Veterinary Manual. Second Ed ., Merck and Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., U.S;A.
  • 24 - Van Goidsenhoven, ch. et Schoenaers, F. ( 1955) : Maladies lnfectieuses des Animaux Domestiques. Vigot freres, 23 rue de 1 'Ecole de Medicine, Paris.
  • 25 - Varenne, H., Rive, M. et Vaigneau, P. ( 1963) : Guide de L'elevage du Lapin . Librairie Maloine S. A. 27, Rue de l'ecole- de Medicine, Paris- 6c
  • 26 - Weisbroth, S. H. and Sher, S. ( 1970) : Spontaneoud Oral papallomatosis in rabbits. J: A. V. M. A:, 157 : 1940-1944.
  • 27 - Worden, A. N. ( 1949) : The UFAN Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory Animals. Bailliere, Tindal and Cox. London .

Viral Diseases of Rabbits

Yıl 1973, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 3-4, 72 - 94, 01.12.1973


Virus ( OA. suşu) embyolu yumurtanın chorio- allantcik membranı (CAM) üzerinde ürer ve makroskopik lezyonlar meydana getirmez. Halbuki, myxoma virusunun oluşturduğu odaklar çok daha büyüktür. Embryonun kendisinde herhangi bir bozukluk görülmez. Do.ku kültürlerinde de (tavşan, rat, insan, v.s.) · üreyarek hücre dejenerasyonlarına (CPE) 'yol -açar.


  • 1- American ·Public Healt Association, .Inc ( 1954) : Care of Lobııratory Animals . 1970 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. U.S.A.
  • 2- Andrew, C,, and Preira, H . 'G, ' (l967) ·: Viruses of Vertebrates. Second Ed ., London, Bailliere, Tindal and Classell.
  • 3 - Bedson, .H. S. and Dudkworth, M.·J. (1963): Rabbii pox, an experimental study of the ''pathways of infection 'in rabbits .J. Path. Bact., ss : 1-20.
  • 4- Betts, A. O. and York, C. J. ( 1967) : Viral and Rickettsial infections of Animals Vol. 1. , Acad Press, London and New York.
  • 5 - Blackmore, D. K., Guillon; J.. C.,. and Schwanzer, V. ( .1972) : The Viruses of Labora tory Rodents and Lagomonphs. . BVA Editerral .Servi ce; Londarı WIM, OAT.
  • 6 - Bruner, D. W .and .Gillespie, J. H. (1973).: Hagan's infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals. · Comstock Publishing Ass., 6 ' th. ed., Cornell Univ; Press, ithaca, -N. Y., U.S.A.
  • 7- Conalty, M. L. ( 1967) : Husbandry 'ofcLaboratory Animals : Academic Press. London and New Yor.
  • 8 - Cruickshank, R. ( 1965) : Medical Microbiology 11 th. ed., E and S. Li.yingstone Lmd., Edinburgh . .
  • 9 - Department of the Army, . TB-MED-25-5 (1967): ' Care and Management of Laboratory Animals. N A V M E. D P ~ 51 03.
  • 10- Dumas, J. ( 1953) : Les animaux de Laboratorire. Editions Medicale Flammarion,22, rue ele. vaugirard - Paris- 6° .
  • 11 - Gay, W. 1. ( 1965): Methods of Aninıals Experimentation. · Vol. 1. Academic Press. New York and London .
  • 12 - Herrlein, H. G., Coursen, G. B., Randall, R. and Slanetz, C. A ( 1954) : Handbook of Laboratory Animals. National Academy of Sciences -National Research Council, Washington, D. C.
  • 13- Hoffmann ( 1963): Les Anımaux de Laboratoire . . Vigot Freres- Editeurs, 23, Rue de I'Ecole de Medicine- Paris Vl e
  • 14 - Joubert, L., Leftheriotis, E. et Mouchet, J. ( 1973): La Myxomatose ll. La Myxomatose Spontanee et sa Transmission Naturelle. L'expansion Scientifique Francaise, 15, rue Saint- Benoit, 75278 Paris.
  • 15 - Jung, S. ( 1962) : Grundlagen fur die Zucht und Haltung der Wichtigsten Versuchstiere. Gustav Fischer Verlag Stuttgart.
  • 16 - Kolmer, J. A., Spaulding, E. H. and Robinson, H. W. ( 1951) : Approved Laboratory technic. Fifth ed. Appleton- Centry- Crofts, Inc ., New York .
  • 17 - Lane- Peter, W., Worden, A. N., Hill, B. F., Paterson, J. S. and Vevers, H. G. ( 1967) : The Ufaw Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory Animals. Third Edition . E and S. Livingstone Ltd ., Edinburgh and London.
  • 18 - Leiport, T., Piringer, W. und Pilgerstrofer, W. ( 1953) : Laboratoriums- Diagnostik. Urban und Schwarzenberg, Wien- lnnsbruck.
  • 19 - Merchant, .I. A. and Packer, R. A. ( 1967) : Veterinary Bacteriology and Virology. 7 th . Ed., The lowa State Univ. Press, Ames, lowa, U.S .A.
  • 20 - Ribelin, W. E. and Mccoy, J. R. ( 1965) : The Pathology of Laboratory Animals. Charles C Thomas . Publisher. Springfield. lllinois, U.S.A.
  • 21- Röhrer, H. ( 1969) : Handbuch der Virus infektionen bei Tieren . Band ll. S. 547- 602; Band V/ 1 S. ,299- 320; B and V /2. S. 690- 711. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, jena.
  • 22 - Sabatier, H. ( 1971) : Le Lapin et son elevage Professional. Dunod, Paris.
  • 23 - Siegmund, O. H., Mc:Leun, J. W., Arınistead, W. W. Hagan, W, A., Hutchings, l . M. and Schnelle, G. B. ( 1961) : The Merck Veterinary Manual. Second Ed ., Merck and Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., U.S;A.
  • 24 - Van Goidsenhoven, ch. et Schoenaers, F. ( 1955) : Maladies lnfectieuses des Animaux Domestiques. Vigot freres, 23 rue de 1 'Ecole de Medicine, Paris.
  • 25 - Varenne, H., Rive, M. et Vaigneau, P. ( 1963) : Guide de L'elevage du Lapin . Librairie Maloine S. A. 27, Rue de l'ecole- de Medicine, Paris- 6c
  • 26 - Weisbroth, S. H. and Sher, S. ( 1970) : Spontaneoud Oral papallomatosis in rabbits. J: A. V. M. A:, 157 : 1940-1944.
  • 27 - Worden, A. N. ( 1949) : The UFAN Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory Animals. Bailliere, Tindal and Cox. London .
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mustafa Arda Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1973
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1973
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1973 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 3-4

Kaynak Göster

APA Arda, M. (1973). Tavşan Hastalıkları. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 4(3-4), 72-94.