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Yıl 1974, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 5-10, 11 - 37, 01.12.1976


Studies with the object of determining the second intermediate
host of Dicrocoelium detriticum were carried out at two 'places:
Karacabey State Farm and its surroundings in Bursa and Kumkale State Farm in Çanakkale which are representative of the South
Marmara geographical Region. · · ·
The ant fauna in the Region was determined·being·of 15 species
of ants, without undetermined ·specimens, in . the year- :of 1973-
1974 as follows: Camponotus aethiops, C. ligniperda, Crematogaster scutellaris, Plagiolepis pygmaea, Tapinoma erraticum ,. Lasius
aİienus, Messor capitata, M .• semirufa, M. stuructor, Brachymyrmex,
sp.; Cataglyphis bicolor, C .cursor, Formica spp. (two undetermined
species) and· F. rufibarbis.
Among these ants, F. rufibarbis, (Plate 1, fig, 2) C. cursor, and
C. bicolor know as second intermediate hosts in Europe and Asia.
The study was concenirated on these three species. Only F. rufibarbis were found infected with a burden of from one to 117 metacercarial cysts of D. dendriticum per ant in the region. This is first record in this country.
Metacercarial cysts were measured as .368 - 0.0448 mm. inlength 0,288 - 0,336 mm. in width and 0,080 - 0,096 mm. in thickness of double shells (Plate 1, fig.3 and 4). More cystes were obtained from the ants with large abdomen or the big ones.
Nests of F. Rufibarbis colonies were seen on wet ground of flatlands and meadows associated with a small hills(Plate1, fit. 1)
Observations of activites of F. rufibarbis colonies show that infected ants were seen to be attached on leaves of plants nearby the nesthills (Plate II, fig1,2 and3). These ants were always carrying metacercariae in abdominal cavities, and brain worms in suboesophagial ganglion.
When temperature decreased in evenings, infected ants began to move with fear and losing their balence in walking and to crawl up to the plant, attached strongly themselves on leaves with their jaws. They spent the night in the same position. They again begin to move from abnormal behaviours to normal in the next morning when temperature increased. These abnormal behaviours of infected ants were noted from the behinnging of April to the middle of November during obserbations in the yars of 1974 - 1975.
In the gasters of infected ants. there were some spots in cropround and oval in shape and dark - brown in color (Plate III, fig1). İt is noted that there was a correlation in numbers of spots with the numbers of metacercariae abtained from abdominal cavities of infected. ants.
Five hamsters, two guinea - pigs, Two rabbits and one sheep were used in experimental infestions of definitive hosts with metacercarial cysts from F. Rufibarbis in various conditions. The results were summarized in Tables (I, II, III). The experiments showed up that the cysts from live ants appeared to be infective, those cysts from dead ants were less infective and the cysts kept in saline for 24 hours at room temperature and in incubator for 26 C lost their infectivity.
In the early days of spring, Land snail and ants which were
idenitified as · first and second intermediary host of D. dendriticum
were active so that ants become infected by eating cercariae dropped by infected snails. Animals become infected by eating plants
on which .infected ant s were ' attached, during' night- grazing, beginning
from evening to next morning from April to November.
Ants serve in transmitting D. dendriticum to animals as well
as · in keeping metacercariae infective, besides the transformatian
uf cer'cariae to metacercariae.
Lan d snails of H elicella candicans, H elicopsis derbentina,, H.
krynickii and Momıclıa carthusiaııa, as vvell as ant of F. rufibarbis
colonies were brought from the Marmara region to the Institute
garden in Ankara for experimental studies to determine duration of
i.rıfections in the hosts. Land snails and ants did not adapt to the
new conclitions so the expected studies were not carried out in the
year. 1975-1976.
The data mentioned here is published as a second pai·t of the
studies ·which appeared .in British Veterinary Journal (1971), 27,
67. 75.


  • 1- Aliev, S. Y., 1966 o. (Azarbeycan'da Dicrocoeliose un epizootologiasi). Dokl. Akod. Niılik : . Azerb:· SSR, 22 (11), 58 - 60.
  • 2- Aliev, S. Y., 1966 b. (So me problems . on the pathogenssis of dicrocoeliçısis). · Veterinaryo, 43 (12), 41 -42.
  • 3 - Aliev, S. Y., and N. V. Demidov, 1971. (lmnıunity in dicrocoeliasis). Trudy Uzbekskogo lnstitüte Veterinarli, ·19, · 90-93.- · · · ·.
  • 4 - Angelovski, T., A. lllejev and Z. Madzlrov, 1970. (Epizootiology of dicrocceliasis in Sheep). '~ieterlıiarski Glasnik. 24; ·995 .- 999. · · 5 - Anokhin, ı. A., 1966. (Diurnai cycle of activity and behavior of ants (Formica praten'sis): infe'cted with dendriticum ·rııetacercariae' dÜriritı" the grazirig secisön) . Zool. 'Zh .-;' 45 '(5), 687- S92.
  • 6 - Badie, A., M. vincett, C· Morel- Voreille et D. Rondeland, 1973. Cycle de Dicrocoeli. um dendriticum (Rudolphi.- 1819) en : linousin ... Ethologie des fol.irmis parasitae par fes metacercaires. C. r. Seans. Soc. Biol.; 1157 (5) 752 - 727. •' :
  • 7 - Bernard, F., 1968. Les Fourmis (Hymenoptera Formicidae) D'Europe· occideııtale ,et septentrionale. Masson et Cie editeurs. Paris.
  • 8 - Del Rio Lozano, J., 1967. (Epid~miology of Qicrocoelium infeelian in Leon Pr~vln ce). Trab. Ensoc. agric. exp. Leon., 4, 163 - 237.
  • 9 - Dollfus, R. P. et R. Revinge, 1S65. Fourmis respo.nsibles de fa propagation de la «petite douve» Dicrocoeiiu'm lonceoiotum (Rudolph!, 1803) 'de mouton en Lorroine. Observations sur la iarve metacercaire. V. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 260 ) 6): .. 175~-17.60
  • 10 - Fetisov, V. 1. 1973. (Detectiori ' of a'nts, the second lntermediÔte hbsts of Dfcrocoeli. .. üm dendriticum in 'the . forest - Steppe zone of the European part' of The USSR, and in the northern caucasus) .. Byull, vsesoyunogo lnst. (gelmintologli im K.İ. Skryabina, No. 10. 1.06
  • 11 - Gebaur, o. und W. Hohorst, 19668. Beitrag zur epidemiologie des lanzettegelbefalls unter alpinen mittelgebirgsverholhnissen. Wien. Tierarztl. Mschr., 55 (5/6), . 382 '~ 385.
  • 12 - Grigoryan, G. A. and V. D. Akopyan, 1958. (Ermenistan (SSR) şcirtlcirı ·altında Dicrocoelium lanceotum Stiles et Hossall, 1896 un biyolojisi hakkında bigfiler) (ön rcipo·rı: Byufl. ·riauch'o'- teı<n ~ ınfearni . inst; Zhivot:-' Vet: 3·. 39- 40
  • 13 - Grigoryan, G. A. and V. D. Akopyan, 1960, (Experimentai ·data ·on the·•biology of, Dicrocoeiium ianceatum stiles and Hossall. 1896), Trudy · armyonsk Naucho· noıssied :· ' lnst. .Zhivot : vet., 4, 247- 254. · · ·
  • 14 - Grigoryan, G. A., R. A. Khanbegyan and A. S. Ovanesyan, 1956. (The bioiogy of Dicrocoelium lo nceolatum ·· sıııes and Hossall> 1896) · (Preiimanary · report) . Veterinoriya, 9, 119 -1 27.
  • 15 - Grus, ı., 1966. Prilog poznavanju epizootiologise dikrocelioze i drugog prelazııog domacina na tevenima srbije, Acta Vet., Beogr., 16 (3). 249- 255.
  • 16 - Grus, 1. J., 1970 (A contribution to the knowledge of the biology of Dicrocoelium lanceolatum; With special reterence to patho- nıorphological changes and thera·py ·ar sheep). 'löid; 16 ' (3); 249-255: ·
  • 17 - Hohorst, W., 1971 . Pers. Canını. Frankfurt (main) - Hoechst.
  • 18 - Hohorst, ·W. und G. Graefe, 1961. Amaisen- obligatorische Zwischenwirte des lanzet · tegels (Dicrocoeluim dendriticum). Naturwlss. 48 (7), 229- 230.
  • 19 - Hohorst .. W.· und G., Lamler, 1962. Experimertelle Dicrocoeliose- Studien. z. Tro· penmed. Parasit 13 (4). 377- 397.
  • 20 - Janllja, R.,· R •. Milk~. M. Cankovio, 1972·. (Exaınination of the an ts, the secol")d inter· mediary host of Dicrocoelium lanceatum in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 1). Veterinaria Sarajevo, 21 (3). 317- 322.
  • 21 - Kalkan, A, 1969 a. Güney Marmara bölgesi kabuklu kara süınüklüleri. Etlik Vet. Bakt. ·Enst: D.erg., 3 (7-8). ·12-20.
  • 22 - Kalkan; ·-A. 1969 b; Güney Marmara Bölgesi karınca türleri. lbid., 3 ·(7 / 8). 21 ·- 22.
  • 23 - Kalkan, A., 1970. Dicrocoelium dendriticum (Rudolphi, 1819) Looss, 1899 un biyolojisi; bicrocoeliasis'te epizootioloji, tedavi ve profilaksi. lbid., 3 (9/10). 97- 109. Kalkan, A., _1971. Dicrocoelium dendriticum (Rudolphi, 1819) Lass, 1819 in Tu,rkey. 1. F_ield Studies of intermediate and final hosts in the south Marmara Region . . Br, Vet. J :, 127, 67- 75.
  • 24 - Kalkan, A., N. Şerbetci, H. Oğuz ve H, Çelik, 1975. Dicrocoelium dendriticum (Ru . dolph,i,, 18,19). LoÇ)s •. 1899'un ikinci Arakonakcılarla (Karınca) olan ilişkileri, Tebliğ Raporu TBTAK, V. Bilim Kongresi, 29 Eylül - 2 Ekim 1975, Ankara.
  • 25 - Krull w: H . ." 1956. Experiments imielving potential detinitive hasts of Dicrocoelium dendriticum (Rudolphi, 1819) Looss. 1899 : Dicrocoelidoe. Corııel Vet., 46 (3). 511-525 ..
  • 26 - Krull, W. H., .. 1958. The migrotory route of the riıetacercarie of Dicrocoeliuın dendriticum Rudolphi, 1819) Laos, 1899 in the definitiye host Dicrocoelidae, ibid., 48 (1). 17- 24.
  • 27 - Krull, W. H. and C. R. Mapes, Studies on the biology of Dicrocoalium dentriticum (Rudolphi 1819) Laos, 1899 (Tremotoda Dicrocoeliiea) . !ncluding its relation to : the intermediote hast.- Cionella lubrica (Müller.) : 36 : 1952- (IV). lnfection experiments involving definitive host. ibi d, 42 (2). 277-258. 1952 (VII). The second intermediate host of Dicrocoelium dentriticum- ibid, 42, 603-604. 1953. (IX). Notes the cyst. metacarcaria and infection in the ant, Formica Fusca. ibid., 43, (3). 389-410.
  • 28 - Salimov, B., 1963. (Study of the 1 st ve 2 nd in termediate hosts of D. dendrlticum in the uzbek SSR). Mater nouch. Konf. vsev. obsch. Gelmint., Year 1963. Port ll, 80-81 .
  • 29 - Salimov, B., 1971. (Second intermediote host of Dicrocoelium dendrlticum in Uzbekiston). Trudy Uzbek Nouchno- ıssled. lnst. Vet., 19, 106-109.
  • 30 - Sevadjian, P.K., 1954. (ldentificotion of an additicnal host of D. dendriticum Stiles and Hassol i, 1896, in conditions of the Ermenla. SSR). Do k. Akod . na u k. ormyonsk. SSR., 19 (5). 153-157.
  • 31 - Sevadjlan, P.K., 1955. (New finding concerding the collection of species of Intermediate hosts of the loncet fluke in the Armenian SSR., and the development of the parasites in them) . Lev. Akod. nauk. armyanks. SSR., 8 (12), 69-81 .
  • 32 - Sevadjlan, P.K., 1956. (Experimental infeelian of definitlve host wlth metacercariae of Dicrocoelium laneectum Stiles and Hasoıı. 1896). (Tremotoda: Dicrocoelildae). ibid., 9, (7). 89-93.
  • 33 - Sevadjian, P. K., 1959. (The migratory route of the cercoria of Dicrocoelium lonceotuın Stiles and Hossoll, 1896 in the definitive host) Veterinariya, 36, (4), 45-48,
  • 34 - Vershinln, 1.1., 1957. (Epizootiology of Dicrocoelium infectlons of sheep and its bi ology in the koluga Region) . Trudy Mosk. Vet. Akod., 19 (2/1). 3-15.
  • 35 - Vogel, H. und J. Falcao, 1954. Uber deri Leberzyklus des Lanzettegels, Dicrocoelium dentriticum dendriticum in Deutschland, Z. Tropenmed. Parasit., 5, (3), 275-298

Türkiye'de Dicrocoeliuın dendriticum (Rudolphi, 1819) Loss 1899. ll-Güney Marmara Bölgesinde ikinci Arakonakçı (Karınca) Tespiti Üzerine Çalışmalar

Yıl 1974, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 5-10, 11 - 37, 01.12.1976


Dicrocoelium dendriticum un karıncalarla ilişkilerini saptamak
üzere yapılan bu çalışma Karacabey Harası ve çevresi (Bursa) ile
Kumkale inekhanesi (Çanakkale) de yürütüldü.
1973 - 1974 yılı çalışmalarında, teşhis edilmeyenler hariç, 15 karınca
türü tesbit edildi. Bu türlerden Fonnica rufibarbis, Cataglyplzis
cusor ve C. bicolor türleri üzerinde çalışıldı. Sadece F. rufibarbis
lerde D. dendriticumun metaserker kistlerine rastlandı ve karınca
başına en az bir, en çok 117 olarak sayıldı. Ayrıca suboesophaial
ganglionlarda beyin kurdu saptandı.
Bulaşık karıncalarda anormal davranışlar izlendi. Akşam üzerIeri
çevre ısısı düştüğü anlarda bulaşık karıncaların yuva çevresindeki
bitkilere tırmandıkları, yapraklara tutundukları, geceyi orada
geçirdikleri; ertesi sabah çevre ısınınağa başlayınca normale dönüştükleri
görüldü. Bu davramştaki karıncaların diseksiyonlarında kesinkes bulaşma bulundu. Karın boşluğundan toplanan kistlerin büyüklükleri
0,368- 0,448 x 0,288- 0,336 mm. ve çift çeper kalınlıklan
0,080-0,096 mm. olarak ölçüldü. Bulaşık karıncaların kursaklarında
görülen lekelerin sayısı ile, toplanan kist sayısı arasında uygunluk
saptandı.Metaserkederle kesin konakçıların bulaştırma denemelerinde
karıncalardan toplanan metaserker kistlerinde bulaşma yeteneği yüksek, ölü karıncalarda w toplananlarda zayıf, . serum fizyolojikle
24 saat bekletilenlerin ise yeteneksiz oldukları anlaşıldı.
Bulaştırılan kesin konakçılarda, ilk D. dendriticum yumurtası
bir kobayın gaitasında 71. günde görüldü. Bulaştırmadan 45 ·gün
sonra ölen bir hamsterden olgun D. dendriticun'lar toplandı.
1974- 1975 yıllarina ait bölge. otlaklarında sürdürülen saha çalışmalarında enfekte karıncalara Nisan -Kasım ayları arasında rastlandı.
Evcil hayvanların dicrooeliasise, gece otlamaları esnasında
yakalaridıkları sanılmaktadır. Karıncaların serkerlerin gelişmesini
sağlaması yanında, metaserkerlerin bulaşma yeteneklerini koruduğu ve parazitlerin kesin. konakçılara ulaşmasını sağladığı görevini yaptigı görüşline varıldı.

Bölgeden getirilen arakonakçılar, yeni yaşam şartlarına uyum
sağlayamadılar ve çalışımanın deneysel bulaştırma ve gelişme sürelerinin
saptanmasına yönelik 1975- 1976 yılı çalışınalarından ·sonuc


  • 1- Aliev, S. Y., 1966 o. (Azarbeycan'da Dicrocoeliose un epizootologiasi). Dokl. Akod. Niılik : . Azerb:· SSR, 22 (11), 58 - 60.
  • 2- Aliev, S. Y., 1966 b. (So me problems . on the pathogenssis of dicrocoeliçısis). · Veterinaryo, 43 (12), 41 -42.
  • 3 - Aliev, S. Y., and N. V. Demidov, 1971. (lmnıunity in dicrocoeliasis). Trudy Uzbekskogo lnstitüte Veterinarli, ·19, · 90-93.- · · · ·.
  • 4 - Angelovski, T., A. lllejev and Z. Madzlrov, 1970. (Epizootiology of dicrocceliasis in Sheep). '~ieterlıiarski Glasnik. 24; ·995 .- 999. · · 5 - Anokhin, ı. A., 1966. (Diurnai cycle of activity and behavior of ants (Formica praten'sis): infe'cted with dendriticum ·rııetacercariae' dÜriritı" the grazirig secisön) . Zool. 'Zh .-;' 45 '(5), 687- S92.
  • 6 - Badie, A., M. vincett, C· Morel- Voreille et D. Rondeland, 1973. Cycle de Dicrocoeli. um dendriticum (Rudolphi.- 1819) en : linousin ... Ethologie des fol.irmis parasitae par fes metacercaires. C. r. Seans. Soc. Biol.; 1157 (5) 752 - 727. •' :
  • 7 - Bernard, F., 1968. Les Fourmis (Hymenoptera Formicidae) D'Europe· occideııtale ,et septentrionale. Masson et Cie editeurs. Paris.
  • 8 - Del Rio Lozano, J., 1967. (Epid~miology of Qicrocoelium infeelian in Leon Pr~vln ce). Trab. Ensoc. agric. exp. Leon., 4, 163 - 237.
  • 9 - Dollfus, R. P. et R. Revinge, 1S65. Fourmis respo.nsibles de fa propagation de la «petite douve» Dicrocoeiiu'm lonceoiotum (Rudolph!, 1803) 'de mouton en Lorroine. Observations sur la iarve metacercaire. V. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 260 ) 6): .. 175~-17.60
  • 10 - Fetisov, V. 1. 1973. (Detectiori ' of a'nts, the second lntermediÔte hbsts of Dfcrocoeli. .. üm dendriticum in 'the . forest - Steppe zone of the European part' of The USSR, and in the northern caucasus) .. Byull, vsesoyunogo lnst. (gelmintologli im K.İ. Skryabina, No. 10. 1.06
  • 11 - Gebaur, o. und W. Hohorst, 19668. Beitrag zur epidemiologie des lanzettegelbefalls unter alpinen mittelgebirgsverholhnissen. Wien. Tierarztl. Mschr., 55 (5/6), . 382 '~ 385.
  • 12 - Grigoryan, G. A. and V. D. Akopyan, 1958. (Ermenistan (SSR) şcirtlcirı ·altında Dicrocoelium lanceotum Stiles et Hossall, 1896 un biyolojisi hakkında bigfiler) (ön rcipo·rı: Byufl. ·riauch'o'- teı<n ~ ınfearni . inst; Zhivot:-' Vet: 3·. 39- 40
  • 13 - Grigoryan, G. A. and V. D. Akopyan, 1960, (Experimentai ·data ·on the·•biology of, Dicrocoeiium ianceatum stiles and Hossall. 1896), Trudy · armyonsk Naucho· noıssied :· ' lnst. .Zhivot : vet., 4, 247- 254. · · ·
  • 14 - Grigoryan, G. A., R. A. Khanbegyan and A. S. Ovanesyan, 1956. (The bioiogy of Dicrocoelium lo nceolatum ·· sıııes and Hossall> 1896) · (Preiimanary · report) . Veterinoriya, 9, 119 -1 27.
  • 15 - Grus, ı., 1966. Prilog poznavanju epizootiologise dikrocelioze i drugog prelazııog domacina na tevenima srbije, Acta Vet., Beogr., 16 (3). 249- 255.
  • 16 - Grus, 1. J., 1970 (A contribution to the knowledge of the biology of Dicrocoelium lanceolatum; With special reterence to patho- nıorphological changes and thera·py ·ar sheep). 'löid; 16 ' (3); 249-255: ·
  • 17 - Hohorst, W., 1971 . Pers. Canını. Frankfurt (main) - Hoechst.
  • 18 - Hohorst, ·W. und G. Graefe, 1961. Amaisen- obligatorische Zwischenwirte des lanzet · tegels (Dicrocoeluim dendriticum). Naturwlss. 48 (7), 229- 230.
  • 19 - Hohorst .. W.· und G., Lamler, 1962. Experimertelle Dicrocoeliose- Studien. z. Tro· penmed. Parasit 13 (4). 377- 397.
  • 20 - Janllja, R.,· R •. Milk~. M. Cankovio, 1972·. (Exaınination of the an ts, the secol")d inter· mediary host of Dicrocoelium lanceatum in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 1). Veterinaria Sarajevo, 21 (3). 317- 322.
  • 21 - Kalkan, A, 1969 a. Güney Marmara bölgesi kabuklu kara süınüklüleri. Etlik Vet. Bakt. ·Enst: D.erg., 3 (7-8). ·12-20.
  • 22 - Kalkan; ·-A. 1969 b; Güney Marmara Bölgesi karınca türleri. lbid., 3 ·(7 / 8). 21 ·- 22.
  • 23 - Kalkan, A., 1970. Dicrocoelium dendriticum (Rudolphi, 1819) Looss, 1899 un biyolojisi; bicrocoeliasis'te epizootioloji, tedavi ve profilaksi. lbid., 3 (9/10). 97- 109. Kalkan, A., _1971. Dicrocoelium dendriticum (Rudolphi, 1819) Lass, 1819 in Tu,rkey. 1. F_ield Studies of intermediate and final hosts in the south Marmara Region . . Br, Vet. J :, 127, 67- 75.
  • 24 - Kalkan, A., N. Şerbetci, H. Oğuz ve H, Çelik, 1975. Dicrocoelium dendriticum (Ru . dolph,i,, 18,19). LoÇ)s •. 1899'un ikinci Arakonakcılarla (Karınca) olan ilişkileri, Tebliğ Raporu TBTAK, V. Bilim Kongresi, 29 Eylül - 2 Ekim 1975, Ankara.
  • 25 - Krull w: H . ." 1956. Experiments imielving potential detinitive hasts of Dicrocoelium dendriticum (Rudolphi, 1819) Looss. 1899 : Dicrocoelidoe. Corııel Vet., 46 (3). 511-525 ..
  • 26 - Krull, W. H., .. 1958. The migrotory route of the riıetacercarie of Dicrocoeliuın dendriticum Rudolphi, 1819) Laos, 1899 in the definitiye host Dicrocoelidae, ibid., 48 (1). 17- 24.
  • 27 - Krull, W. H. and C. R. Mapes, Studies on the biology of Dicrocoalium dentriticum (Rudolphi 1819) Laos, 1899 (Tremotoda Dicrocoeliiea) . !ncluding its relation to : the intermediote hast.- Cionella lubrica (Müller.) : 36 : 1952- (IV). lnfection experiments involving definitive host. ibi d, 42 (2). 277-258. 1952 (VII). The second intermediate host of Dicrocoelium dentriticum- ibid, 42, 603-604. 1953. (IX). Notes the cyst. metacarcaria and infection in the ant, Formica Fusca. ibid., 43, (3). 389-410.
  • 28 - Salimov, B., 1963. (Study of the 1 st ve 2 nd in termediate hosts of D. dendrlticum in the uzbek SSR). Mater nouch. Konf. vsev. obsch. Gelmint., Year 1963. Port ll, 80-81 .
  • 29 - Salimov, B., 1971. (Second intermediote host of Dicrocoelium dendrlticum in Uzbekiston). Trudy Uzbek Nouchno- ıssled. lnst. Vet., 19, 106-109.
  • 30 - Sevadjian, P.K., 1954. (ldentificotion of an additicnal host of D. dendriticum Stiles and Hassol i, 1896, in conditions of the Ermenla. SSR). Do k. Akod . na u k. ormyonsk. SSR., 19 (5). 153-157.
  • 31 - Sevadjlan, P.K., 1955. (New finding concerding the collection of species of Intermediate hosts of the loncet fluke in the Armenian SSR., and the development of the parasites in them) . Lev. Akod. nauk. armyanks. SSR., 8 (12), 69-81 .
  • 32 - Sevadjlan, P.K., 1956. (Experimental infeelian of definitlve host wlth metacercariae of Dicrocoelium laneectum Stiles and Hasoıı. 1896). (Tremotoda: Dicrocoelildae). ibid., 9, (7). 89-93.
  • 33 - Sevadjian, P. K., 1959. (The migratory route of the cercoria of Dicrocoelium lonceotuın Stiles and Hossoll, 1896 in the definitive host) Veterinariya, 36, (4), 45-48,
  • 34 - Vershinln, 1.1., 1957. (Epizootiology of Dicrocoelium infectlons of sheep and its bi ology in the koluga Region) . Trudy Mosk. Vet. Akod., 19 (2/1). 3-15.
  • 35 - Vogel, H. und J. Falcao, 1954. Uber deri Leberzyklus des Lanzettegels, Dicrocoelium dentriticum dendriticum in Deutschland, Z. Tropenmed. Parasit., 5, (3), 275-298
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ahmet Kalkan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1976
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1976
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1974 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 5-10

Kaynak Göster

APA Kalkan, A. (1976). Türkiye’de Dicrocoeliuın dendriticum (Rudolphi, 1819) Loss 1899. ll-Güney Marmara Bölgesinde ikinci Arakonakçı (Karınca) Tespiti Üzerine Çalışmalar. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 4(5-10), 11-37.