Araştırma Makalesi
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Differentiation between Marek's disease and leukosis among laying hens, its distribution curve and preparation of vaccine against Marek's disease

Yıl 1977, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 11-12, 22 - 63, 01.12.1978


Ahmet Sipahioğlu; Harndi Girgin; Aysel Ergün, Reinhard
Fuht, Etlik Veteriner Kontrol ve Araştırma Enstitüsü Ankara.
This study was carried out in order to recognize the
existence of Marek's disease and leukosis, its clinical, seralogisal
and histopathological differentiation and the production
of vaccine against Marek's disease in Turkey.
Marek's disease in its acute form was observed in broilers
Only whereas laying hens showed the· chronical form of the
disease. White hens were more susceptible to the disease
whereas red . races such as Golden Commets showed the
lowest susceptibility.
1015 different organs from suspected hens were examined
histopathologically and determined 240 . of . them as Marek's
disease and 3 of the rest as lymphoid leukosis.
LL and MD were compared with relate· to cellular compositian
in these materials. LL tumors showed a uniform, large
lymphoid cells (blast cells) whereas the cells in MD were determined
· in proliferative lesions as being a.nisomorphic and
pleomorphic cells, especially various size of lymphoid cells,
reticular cells and plasma cells; it is also noticed .somotimes
heterophil granulocytes and fibrocytic cells.A vaccine against Marek's disease was -produced with
HVT - FC 126 vaccine strain. Serological rate of immunity
was 76,9 % under the laboratory conditions.
2134 sera of hens. were exkamined serologically for 1 h ··)
diagnosis of Marek's disease. İn the agar - gel precipitnti.on
tests 59,2 % of hens sefa were positive for Marek's di.sease.


  • 1 - Asdrubali, G., Dilandro, R. e Ciorba, A., 1973: Ricerche · sul comportamento della borsa di fabrizio nella malattia di Marek spontanea e sperimentale. Nuova Vet., 49, 243-251.
  • 2 - Başkaya, H. ve Minbay, A., İ974 : Marek hastalığı <Monografi) . Ankara· Üniv. Vet. Fak. Yayın., 299.
  • 3 -Bayer, J. und Urbanek! D., 1972 : Zur pathomorphologisc hen klassifikation und differentialdiagnose der Marekschen krankheit und lymphoiden leukose. Mh. Vet. Med., 17, 672-677.
  • 4 - Beale, A.J., 1970 : Experience with Marek's disease vaccine. Prog. Immunobiol. Standart., 5, 116 - 119.
  • 5 - Bülow, V.V. and Monreal G., 1974 : Control of Marek's disease by va~cination in the west GermanyActa Vet. Brno., 43, 161-167. ·
  • 6 - Bülow, V:V. and Biggs, P.M., 1975 : Precipitating ant~gens associated with Marek's disea.Se viruses and herpes virus of turkeys. Avian ·Path.,· 4, 147 - 162.
  • 7 - Calnek. B.W., Hitchner, S.B. and Adlinger, H.K., 1970 : Lyophilization of cell- free Marek's disease herpes virus and herpes virus of turkey. Aplied Microbiol., 723 -726.
  • 8 - Calnek, B.W: and Witter, R.L., 1972 : Marek disease. In «Diseases of Poultry" edited by M.S. Hofstad, B.W. Calnek, C.F. Helmbolt, W.M. Reid and H.W. Yoder, J.c .Sixth ed., 470 - 502. The Iowa State University Press,Ames.
  • 9 - Cauchy, L., 1971 : La maladie de Marek. Histologie, ultrastrusture de cellules et des particules virales. Ann. Rech. V eter., 1,5-32. . ,
  • 10 - Chubb, R.C. and Churchill, A.E., 1968 : Precipitati~g antibodies associated with Marek's disease. Vet. Rec., 83,4-7.
  • 11 - Churchill, A.E., Baxendale, W. and Carrington G., 1973 : Viraemia and antibody development in chicks fallawing the administration of turkey herpesvirus. Vet Rec., 92,327 - 334.
  • 12 - Darcel, C., 1973 : Turnar viruses of the fowl with special reference to avian leukosis, including Marek's disease, Monograph No. 8, Agric. ~ Canada.
  • 13 - Eidson, C.S. and Anderson, V., 1971 :· Immunization against Marek's disease Avian Dis., 15,68-81.
  • 14 - Enchev, S., 1973 : Vurkhu patomorfologichnite izmenanı-. ya na bursa fabricii timusa u pileta, zaboleli ot Marekova bolest. Veterinarnomed. Nauki, Sof., 10,29-38.
  • 15 - Ertürk, E. ve Pamukçu A.M., 1974 : 1933 - 1974 yilları araarasında Ankara ve yöresinde kanatlı hayvanlarda rastlanan hastalık ve tümör olaylan. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 21,13 - 20.
  • 16 - Fernando, W.W.D. and Calnek, B.W., 1971 : In:fluence of bursa of Fabricius on infection and pathological response of chickens exposed to Marek's disease herpesvirus. A.vian Dis., 15,467-476.
  • 17- Fujimoto, Y., Nakagawa, M., Okada, K., Okada, M., and Masukawa, K, 1971: Pathological studies of Marek's disease I. The histopathology on field cases in Japan. Jap. J. Vet. Res., 19,7-26.
  • 18 - Goodchild, yY.M. 1969: Same observation on Marek's disease <Fowl paralysis) Vet. Rec., 48,87 -.89.
  • 19 - Helmboldt, C.F.: Wills, F.K. and Frazier, M.N., 1963 : Field observation of ·the pathology of skin. leukosis. Avian Dis., 7,40? - 411.
  • 20 - Ingwersen, P. und Monreal, G., 1974: Untersuchungen zur sta ndardisi erung der titration von lyophilisierten putenherpes _ vakzinen gegen die Marek'sche krankheit. Beri. Münch, Tierörztl. Wachr., 7,389 - 392.
  • 21 - Jakowski, R.M., Fredrickson, T.N., Luginbuhl, . R.E. and Helmboldt, C.F., 1969 -: Early changes in b_ursa of Fab ~ ricius from Marek's disease. Avian Dis., 13,215-224.
  • 22 - Köküuslu, C. ve Özkul, İ.A., 1975 : Evcil kanatlılarda gördüğümüz tümör çeşitleri. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 22,41-49.
  • 23 - Kraft, V .. Ingwersen, P. und Monreal, G .. 1973 : Zur inethedik der titration von lyophilisierten und zellossoziierten Marek vakzinen. Beri. Münch. Tierörztl. Wschr., 86,283 - 285.
  • 24 - Krasnikov, G.A .. Soloviova, L.R. and Fuks, P.P., 1975: Differential diagnosis of avian leukosis and Marek's disease. Veterinariya, Kiev, 40,32 - 37.
  • 25 - La.pen, RF., Piper, R.C. and Kenzy, S.G .. 1970: Cutaneous changes associated with Marek's disease of chickens. J. natn. Cancer İnst . , 45,941 - 950.
  • 26 - Mayor, O.Y., 1968: Histopathological aids to the diagnosis of · certain poultry diseases .. Vet. Bull., 38,273-285.
  • 27 - Nakagawa, M., 1965 : Pathological studies on fowl paralysis. The relationship between lesions in the nervous systems and those in the visceral organs. Jap. J . Vet. Res., 13,55 - 56.
  • 28 - Okada, M., 1970 : Light and electron microscopic obsarvations on the visceral lesions in Marek's disease. Jap. J. Vet. res., 18,97.
  • 29 - Okazaki, W., Purchase, H.G., and Garrido, C., 1972: The invitro assay of of the herpes :virus of turkeys. Prog. Immunobiol., 5,126- 131.
  • 30 - Pappenheimer; A.M., Dunner, D.C. ve Cone, V., 1929: Studies on fowl paralysis CNeurolymphomatosis gallinarum) I. Clinical features and pathology. Jour. exp. Med., 49,63.
  • 31 - Payne, L.N., 1976: Diferential diagnosis of avian lymphuid leukosis and Marek's disease. C.E.C. Publica.tion EUR 5494 o . Luxembourg.
  • 32 - Payne, L.N., Powel, P.C, and Renni.e, .M., 1974: Response of B and T lymphocyte and other blood leukocytes in chickens with Marek's · disease. Symp. Quant. Biol., 39,817 - 826. 1._
  • 33 - Payne, L.N. and Rennie, M., 1970: Lack of' effect of bursectomy on Marek's disease. -J . Natn. Cancer Inst.. 45,387- 397.
  • 34 - Payne, L.N. and Rennie, M., 1975: B c~ll antigen Markers on avian lymphoid leukosis. Vet. Rec., 454-455. • 1
  • 35 - Peterson, R.D., Purchase, H.G., Burmester, B.R., Cooper, M.D. and Good, R.A., 1966 : Relationships among visceral lymphematosis, bursa of Fab'ricius and bursa - dependent lymphoid tissues of the chicken. J. natn. Cancer Inst., 36,585 - 598. ·
  • 36 - Purchase, H.G. and Biggs, P.M.; 1967 :. Characterization of five isolates of Marek's disease. Res vet. Sci., 8,440- 449. .
  • 37 - Purchase, H.G. and Burmester, B.R., 1972: Leukosis(sarcoma group. In «Diseases of Poultry» edited by M.S. Hof'stad, B. W. Calnek, C.F. Helmboldt, W.M. Reid ·and H.W. Yoder, Jr. $ixth ed., 502 - 568. The Iowa· State Press, Ames.
  • 38 - Ratz, F., Szeky, A. and Vanyi, A .. . 1972 Studies on the histopathologic changes of acute Marek's disease. Acts Vet. hung., 22,349- 364.
  • 39 - Ross, L.J.N., Basarab, 0., Walker, D.J. and Whitby, B., · 1975 ; Serological relationship between a pathogenic strain of Marek's disease virus, its attenuated derivative and herpes virus of turkeys. J. gen. Viral., 28,37-47.
  • 40 - Sharme, R.N., Mohanty, G.C. ve Rajya, B.S., 1972 : Skin mani{estations of Marek's disease. Curr. Sci., 41,708~ · 710.
  • 41 - Siccarcli, F.J. and Burmester, B.R., 1970 : The clifferential diagnosis of lymphoid leukosis and Marek's disease. Tech. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agric No. 1412.
  • 42 - Szeky, A. and Vanyi, A., 1973: Histogemesis of the acute Marek's disease Acta Vet. hung., 23,369-380.
  • 43 - Ubertini, T. and Cahnek, B.W., 1970 : Marek's disease her- / pesvırus in peripheral nerve· lesions. J. natn. Cancer Inst., 45,507-514.
  • 44 - Vieltz, V\l .E. and Landgraf, H., 1972 : Vaccination experiments against Marek's disease by application of an at. teunated Marek herpes virus and a turkey herpes virus. Prog. Immunobiol., 5,141 - 148.
  • 45 - Willemart, J.P. et Schricke, E., 1972 : A_pparition en France de la Forme cutanee de la maladie chez le poulet de chair. Rec. Med. vet. 148,1_351 - 1361.
  • 46 - Witter, R.L., Purchase, H.G. and Burgoyne, G.H., 1970 : Peripheral nerve lesions siniUar to those of Marek's disease in chickens inoculated ·with reticuloendotheliosis virus. J . natn. Cancer İnst., 45,567 - 577.
  • 47 - Yamamoto, H, Yashino, T., Hihara, H. and Ishitani, R., 1972 : Histopathologic comparison of Marek's disease· with avian lymphoid leukosis. Nat. Jnst. Anim. Hlth. Quart., 12,29 - 42.
  • 48 - Zanella, A., 1972: Marek's disease : Preparation and control of vaccines and results of vaccination. Prog. Immunobiol.; 5,149 - 155.
  • 49 - Zygraich, N., Petermans; J., Colinet, G. and Huygelen, C., 1972 : Marek's disease with turkey herpes virus. Prog. Immunobiol., 5,136-140.

Tavukların Marek ve Loukosis Hastalıklarının Araştırılması ve Marek Hastalığına Karşı Etkin bir Aşı Hazırlama

Yıl 1977, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 11-12, 22 - 63, 01.12.1978


Bu araştırma Türkiye'de MD ve LL'nin aranması, bu hastalıkların
klinik, serolojik ve histopatolijik ayırımı ve Marek
hastalığına karşı bir aşı hazırlamak için yapıldı.
Marek hastalığının akut formu sadece kasaplık piliçlerde
görüldü; buna karşın yumurtacı tavuklarda hastalığın kronik
formuna rastlanıldı. Beyaz ırkların hastalığa daha alıngan
oldukları , kırmızı ırkların örneğin Golden Commet'lerin
en düşük alınganlık gösterdikleri saptandı.
Hastalıktan şüpheli 417 hayvandan 1015 organ ve doku
parçası alındı ve bunlar histopatolojik olarak incelendi; 240
hayvanda MD, 3 hayvanda da LL bulundu-. Bu materyallerde
LL ve MD hücre kompozisyonlarına, göre karşılaştırıldı. LL
tümörlerinde bir örnek büyük lenfoid hücreler (blast hücreler),
buna karşın MD' de proliferatif lazyonlarda anizomorfik
ve pleomorfik hücreler özellikle, çeşitli büyüklükte lenfoid
hücreler, retikuler hücreler ve plasma hücreleri görüldü. MD'de
ayrıpa heterofil granulositler ve fibrositik hücreler de dikkati
çekti.Marek hastalığına karşı HVT-FC 126 aşı suşu kUllanılarak
bir aşı yapıldı. Laboratuvar koşullarında bağışıklık
oranı % 76,9 bulundu.
MD'nin serolajik teşhisi için 2134 tavuk serum u yoklan-.
dı. AGP testlerinde ·MD yönünden % 59,2 olumlu sonuç alındı.


  • 1 - Asdrubali, G., Dilandro, R. e Ciorba, A., 1973: Ricerche · sul comportamento della borsa di fabrizio nella malattia di Marek spontanea e sperimentale. Nuova Vet., 49, 243-251.
  • 2 - Başkaya, H. ve Minbay, A., İ974 : Marek hastalığı <Monografi) . Ankara· Üniv. Vet. Fak. Yayın., 299.
  • 3 -Bayer, J. und Urbanek! D., 1972 : Zur pathomorphologisc hen klassifikation und differentialdiagnose der Marekschen krankheit und lymphoiden leukose. Mh. Vet. Med., 17, 672-677.
  • 4 - Beale, A.J., 1970 : Experience with Marek's disease vaccine. Prog. Immunobiol. Standart., 5, 116 - 119.
  • 5 - Bülow, V.V. and Monreal G., 1974 : Control of Marek's disease by va~cination in the west GermanyActa Vet. Brno., 43, 161-167. ·
  • 6 - Bülow, V:V. and Biggs, P.M., 1975 : Precipitating ant~gens associated with Marek's disea.Se viruses and herpes virus of turkeys. Avian ·Path.,· 4, 147 - 162.
  • 7 - Calnek. B.W., Hitchner, S.B. and Adlinger, H.K., 1970 : Lyophilization of cell- free Marek's disease herpes virus and herpes virus of turkey. Aplied Microbiol., 723 -726.
  • 8 - Calnek, B.W: and Witter, R.L., 1972 : Marek disease. In «Diseases of Poultry" edited by M.S. Hofstad, B.W. Calnek, C.F. Helmbolt, W.M. Reid and H.W. Yoder, J.c .Sixth ed., 470 - 502. The Iowa State University Press,Ames.
  • 9 - Cauchy, L., 1971 : La maladie de Marek. Histologie, ultrastrusture de cellules et des particules virales. Ann. Rech. V eter., 1,5-32. . ,
  • 10 - Chubb, R.C. and Churchill, A.E., 1968 : Precipitati~g antibodies associated with Marek's disease. Vet. Rec., 83,4-7.
  • 11 - Churchill, A.E., Baxendale, W. and Carrington G., 1973 : Viraemia and antibody development in chicks fallawing the administration of turkey herpesvirus. Vet Rec., 92,327 - 334.
  • 12 - Darcel, C., 1973 : Turnar viruses of the fowl with special reference to avian leukosis, including Marek's disease, Monograph No. 8, Agric. ~ Canada.
  • 13 - Eidson, C.S. and Anderson, V., 1971 :· Immunization against Marek's disease Avian Dis., 15,68-81.
  • 14 - Enchev, S., 1973 : Vurkhu patomorfologichnite izmenanı-. ya na bursa fabricii timusa u pileta, zaboleli ot Marekova bolest. Veterinarnomed. Nauki, Sof., 10,29-38.
  • 15 - Ertürk, E. ve Pamukçu A.M., 1974 : 1933 - 1974 yilları araarasında Ankara ve yöresinde kanatlı hayvanlarda rastlanan hastalık ve tümör olaylan. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 21,13 - 20.
  • 16 - Fernando, W.W.D. and Calnek, B.W., 1971 : In:fluence of bursa of Fabricius on infection and pathological response of chickens exposed to Marek's disease herpesvirus. A.vian Dis., 15,467-476.
  • 17- Fujimoto, Y., Nakagawa, M., Okada, K., Okada, M., and Masukawa, K, 1971: Pathological studies of Marek's disease I. The histopathology on field cases in Japan. Jap. J. Vet. Res., 19,7-26.
  • 18 - Goodchild, yY.M. 1969: Same observation on Marek's disease <Fowl paralysis) Vet. Rec., 48,87 -.89.
  • 19 - Helmboldt, C.F.: Wills, F.K. and Frazier, M.N., 1963 : Field observation of ·the pathology of skin. leukosis. Avian Dis., 7,40? - 411.
  • 20 - Ingwersen, P. und Monreal, G., 1974: Untersuchungen zur sta ndardisi erung der titration von lyophilisierten putenherpes _ vakzinen gegen die Marek'sche krankheit. Beri. Münch, Tierörztl. Wachr., 7,389 - 392.
  • 21 - Jakowski, R.M., Fredrickson, T.N., Luginbuhl, . R.E. and Helmboldt, C.F., 1969 -: Early changes in b_ursa of Fab ~ ricius from Marek's disease. Avian Dis., 13,215-224.
  • 22 - Köküuslu, C. ve Özkul, İ.A., 1975 : Evcil kanatlılarda gördüğümüz tümör çeşitleri. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 22,41-49.
  • 23 - Kraft, V .. Ingwersen, P. und Monreal, G .. 1973 : Zur inethedik der titration von lyophilisierten und zellossoziierten Marek vakzinen. Beri. Münch. Tierörztl. Wschr., 86,283 - 285.
  • 24 - Krasnikov, G.A .. Soloviova, L.R. and Fuks, P.P., 1975: Differential diagnosis of avian leukosis and Marek's disease. Veterinariya, Kiev, 40,32 - 37.
  • 25 - La.pen, RF., Piper, R.C. and Kenzy, S.G .. 1970: Cutaneous changes associated with Marek's disease of chickens. J. natn. Cancer İnst . , 45,941 - 950.
  • 26 - Mayor, O.Y., 1968: Histopathological aids to the diagnosis of · certain poultry diseases .. Vet. Bull., 38,273-285.
  • 27 - Nakagawa, M., 1965 : Pathological studies on fowl paralysis. The relationship between lesions in the nervous systems and those in the visceral organs. Jap. J . Vet. Res., 13,55 - 56.
  • 28 - Okada, M., 1970 : Light and electron microscopic obsarvations on the visceral lesions in Marek's disease. Jap. J. Vet. res., 18,97.
  • 29 - Okazaki, W., Purchase, H.G., and Garrido, C., 1972: The invitro assay of of the herpes :virus of turkeys. Prog. Immunobiol., 5,126- 131.
  • 30 - Pappenheimer; A.M., Dunner, D.C. ve Cone, V., 1929: Studies on fowl paralysis CNeurolymphomatosis gallinarum) I. Clinical features and pathology. Jour. exp. Med., 49,63.
  • 31 - Payne, L.N., 1976: Diferential diagnosis of avian lymphuid leukosis and Marek's disease. C.E.C. Publica.tion EUR 5494 o . Luxembourg.
  • 32 - Payne, L.N., Powel, P.C, and Renni.e, .M., 1974: Response of B and T lymphocyte and other blood leukocytes in chickens with Marek's · disease. Symp. Quant. Biol., 39,817 - 826. 1._
  • 33 - Payne, L.N. and Rennie, M., 1970: Lack of' effect of bursectomy on Marek's disease. -J . Natn. Cancer Inst.. 45,387- 397.
  • 34 - Payne, L.N. and Rennie, M., 1975: B c~ll antigen Markers on avian lymphoid leukosis. Vet. Rec., 454-455. • 1
  • 35 - Peterson, R.D., Purchase, H.G., Burmester, B.R., Cooper, M.D. and Good, R.A., 1966 : Relationships among visceral lymphematosis, bursa of Fab'ricius and bursa - dependent lymphoid tissues of the chicken. J. natn. Cancer Inst., 36,585 - 598. ·
  • 36 - Purchase, H.G. and Biggs, P.M.; 1967 :. Characterization of five isolates of Marek's disease. Res vet. Sci., 8,440- 449. .
  • 37 - Purchase, H.G. and Burmester, B.R., 1972: Leukosis(sarcoma group. In «Diseases of Poultry» edited by M.S. Hof'stad, B. W. Calnek, C.F. Helmboldt, W.M. Reid ·and H.W. Yoder, Jr. $ixth ed., 502 - 568. The Iowa· State Press, Ames.
  • 38 - Ratz, F., Szeky, A. and Vanyi, A .. . 1972 Studies on the histopathologic changes of acute Marek's disease. Acts Vet. hung., 22,349- 364.
  • 39 - Ross, L.J.N., Basarab, 0., Walker, D.J. and Whitby, B., · 1975 ; Serological relationship between a pathogenic strain of Marek's disease virus, its attenuated derivative and herpes virus of turkeys. J. gen. Viral., 28,37-47.
  • 40 - Sharme, R.N., Mohanty, G.C. ve Rajya, B.S., 1972 : Skin mani{estations of Marek's disease. Curr. Sci., 41,708~ · 710.
  • 41 - Siccarcli, F.J. and Burmester, B.R., 1970 : The clifferential diagnosis of lymphoid leukosis and Marek's disease. Tech. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agric No. 1412.
  • 42 - Szeky, A. and Vanyi, A., 1973: Histogemesis of the acute Marek's disease Acta Vet. hung., 23,369-380.
  • 43 - Ubertini, T. and Cahnek, B.W., 1970 : Marek's disease her- / pesvırus in peripheral nerve· lesions. J. natn. Cancer Inst., 45,507-514.
  • 44 - Vieltz, V\l .E. and Landgraf, H., 1972 : Vaccination experiments against Marek's disease by application of an at. teunated Marek herpes virus and a turkey herpes virus. Prog. Immunobiol., 5,141 - 148.
  • 45 - Willemart, J.P. et Schricke, E., 1972 : A_pparition en France de la Forme cutanee de la maladie chez le poulet de chair. Rec. Med. vet. 148,1_351 - 1361.
  • 46 - Witter, R.L., Purchase, H.G. and Burgoyne, G.H., 1970 : Peripheral nerve lesions siniUar to those of Marek's disease in chickens inoculated ·with reticuloendotheliosis virus. J . natn. Cancer İnst., 45,567 - 577.
  • 47 - Yamamoto, H, Yashino, T., Hihara, H. and Ishitani, R., 1972 : Histopathologic comparison of Marek's disease· with avian lymphoid leukosis. Nat. Jnst. Anim. Hlth. Quart., 12,29 - 42.
  • 48 - Zanella, A., 1972: Marek's disease : Preparation and control of vaccines and results of vaccination. Prog. Immunobiol.; 5,149 - 155.
  • 49 - Zygraich, N., Petermans; J., Colinet, G. and Huygelen, C., 1972 : Marek's disease with turkey herpes virus. Prog. Immunobiol., 5,136-140.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ahmet Sipahioğlu Bu kişi benim

Hamdi Girgin Bu kişi benim

Aysel Ergün Bu kişi benim

Reinhard Fuhr Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1978
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1978
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1977 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 11-12

Kaynak Göster

APA Sipahioğlu, A., Girgin, H., Ergün, A., Fuhr, R. (1978). Tavukların Marek ve Loukosis Hastalıklarının Araştırılması ve Marek Hastalığına Karşı Etkin bir Aşı Hazırlama. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 4(11-12), 22-63.