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Studies on the preparation and antigenicity of the vaccine against leptospirosis.

Yıl 1979, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1-2-3, 44 - 58, 01.12.1981


The vaccine was prepared fröm Leptospira grippotyphosa
Haymana strain which was isolated by the author from Haymana-
The culture was grawn in Chang's medium supplemented
with vitamin Bıı for 9 days.
Formelin (37 %) was added in the ratio of 0,05 % after harvesting
the culture. The number of the leptospira organisms
were counted with a haemocytometer and the culture was filtered
through types SM, 11305-0,65 pore size sartari us membrane.
Leptospira organisms on the filter membrane collected
in to a steril flask at concentration of 1,5 x 109 /ml. with saline
solution containing 0,01 % merthiolate·.
The monovalent vaccine was produced from Haymana-strain.
CL. grippotyphosa) purity of the vaccine was ascertained in
nutrient broth, blood agar (aerobic and anaerobic). Fletcher's
agar, Chang medium, Littman Oxgall agar, mycobiotic agar and
Sabourod's medium.
Safety of the vaccine was checkedin goats, rabbits, guinea
pigs and hamster.s
InnocuÜy of the vaccine was alsa checked by inoculating
two guinea pigs with 5 ml. of the vaccine.
For untowards reaction vaccinated animals were obserwed
for a period of 21 days. At 21 post vaccination day blood samples
from the tes animals were tested by micro agglutination Lysis
test. and titres were as follows:
Two goats 1/100, one· rabbit 1/200, two 1/800, two 1/1600
and guineo-pigs 1/100- 1/800.
The efficeacy of the vaccine w as tes te d by chaJlenging. vaccinated
and 12 control hamsters at 21 post vaccination day with
a virulent strain of L. grippotyphosa.
All of the control hamsters died within 14 days wheras the
vaccinated animals survived.


  • 1 - Anderson, L. E., Jenkin H. M., 1972. Estimation of leptospiral viabitity with agar pour plates. Am. J . Vet. Res., 33 (12) , 2487-2592.
  • 2 - Babudieri, B., Bussinello, E., Bajocchi, E., Salvi, A., Massa, L., 1955. Studi sulla lestospirosi delle· riasie della valle padana Ricerche epidemiologiche profila.ssi vachinale. Riv. Infort .. 42, 453.
  • 3 - Ba budieri, B., Leptospira aşı protokolu.
  • 4 - Bey, R. F., Johnson, R. C., 1978. Hummoral immun respanses of cattle vaccinated with leptospiral pentavalent outer envelope and whole culture vaccine Am. I. Vet. Res., 39 (7) , 1109-1114.
  • 5 - Bey, R. F., Johnson, R. C., 1978. Humoral immune response of dogs vaccinated wLth leptospiral pentavalent outer enevlope and whole culture vaccines. Am. J . Vet. Res., 39 (5) , 831-836.
  • 6 - Cacchione, R. A., Saravi M. A., Cascell, E. S., Martinez, E. S., 1977. Trivalent vaccine against canine leptospirosis I. serological respanses and laboratory tests) Revista de medicina veterinaria, Argentina 58 (5 / 6) 419-422, 425 Reff. : Vet. Rull. 1979. 316-2433.
  • 7 - Finn, M. A., Jenkin H. M., 1972. Gytopathic effects of · leptospim serotypes patoc and canicola in threekidney cell culture. systems. Am. J. Vet. Res., 34 (5), 669-672.
  • 8 - Fish, N. A., Kings Cote, B., 1973. Pro.tection of gilts leptospirosis by use of a li ve vaccine. Canadian Veterinary Journal 14 (1), 12-15.
  • 9 - Hanson, L. E., Tripathy, D. N., Killinger, A. H., 1972. Current Status of leptospirosis Lmmunization ins Swine · and cattle journal of the American Veterinaıry Medical Association 161 (ll), 1235-1243.
  • 10 - Jiran, E., Kadlec, V., Svatos, L., 1972. A freeze-dried trivalent vaccine against canine leptospirosis Veterinarni Medicina. 17 (6), 367-377. Reff. : Vet. Bull. 1973, 7, 69.
  • ll - Kida, H., Ishıı, T., Tsunehisa, Y., Yamamoto, S., Yanagava, R., 1977. Comparison of vaccines prepared from leptospires grown in a serum medium and in a chemically defined medium. Zentralblatt pür Bak-'teriologie parasitenkunde, infektions krank heiton and Hgiene Erste Abteilung originale 238 A (.1) 86-96
  • 12 - Morris, J. A., . Orr, H. S., 1979. Immunity induced hamters vaccinated with a ribosome extract of leptospira inter organs seragrup icterohaemorrhagiae. J o u mal of Biological Standardization 7 (1), 81-87 U. K.
  • 13 - Nowakowski, J., Orzechowska-Kulawczuk, M., 1977. Immunogenicity of vaccines against. Leptospirosis in dogs Mdycyna Weterynaryjina 33 (9) , 524-526.
  • 14 - Nowakowski, J., Orzechowska-Kulawczuk M., Majdan, S. 1977. Agglutinin and protective antibodies in pigs vaccineted 'with monovalent vaccines against leptospirosis. Medycyna Weterynarjna 33 (8}, 455-458.
  • 15 - Petrov, V. F., Bezborodkin N. S., 1972. Dynamics of formation of immuniıty to leptospirosis in pigs inoculated with combined vaccine against swine fever. Erysipelas and leptospi:rosis 25, 7-10 (Ru) . Vet. Inst. uı. Lenina. Vitebsk Belorusskaya SSR. Reff. : Vet. Bull. 1973. 216-2487.
  • 16 - Riademann, S., Zamora, I ., 1977. Bovine amniotic fluid as a substitute for rabbit serum in the culture of leptospi·rosis. Revista Latin Arnericana de microbilogia 19 (2), 83-86 Chile. Ref. : Vet. Bull. 1979. 401. 3090.

Leptospirosis'e Karşı Etkin Bir Aşı Hazırlanması ilee Bu Aşının Keçi, Tavşan, Kobay Ve Hamsterlerde Bağışıklık Denemeleri

Yıl 1979, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1-2-3, 44 - 58, 01.12.1981


Bu çalışma Ülkemizde u~un zamandır eksikliği duyulan
leptospirosis hastalığına karşı bir aşı hazırlamak için yapıldı.
Aşımızda Ankara- Haymadan izole ettiğimiz, patojen L. grippotyphosa
sero grubundan yerel haymana suşu kullanıldı.
Aşı üretimi Bıı vitamini katılmış Chang vasatında yapıldı.
Üretimden sonra % 0,05 formone inaktive edildi.
Aşı süzüldükten sonra 1,5 x 10-ıı germ olacak şekilde % 0,01
lik merthioletli fizyolojik tuzlu su ile sulandırıldı. Aşı mono:..
valan, formolle· inaktive edilmiş bir aşıdır. Sterilite kontrolunda
aşınan saf ve temiz oJduğu saptandı. Bağışıklık testlerinden
M.A testi ile keçi, tavşan, kabaylatın kan serumları işlendi. Yeterli
seviyede immun antikdrlar bulundu. Aynı hayvanlarda
aktif protektif test uygulandı. % 69 -% 84,5 arasında bağışıklık


  • 1 - Anderson, L. E., Jenkin H. M., 1972. Estimation of leptospiral viabitity with agar pour plates. Am. J . Vet. Res., 33 (12) , 2487-2592.
  • 2 - Babudieri, B., Bussinello, E., Bajocchi, E., Salvi, A., Massa, L., 1955. Studi sulla lestospirosi delle· riasie della valle padana Ricerche epidemiologiche profila.ssi vachinale. Riv. Infort .. 42, 453.
  • 3 - Ba budieri, B., Leptospira aşı protokolu.
  • 4 - Bey, R. F., Johnson, R. C., 1978. Hummoral immun respanses of cattle vaccinated with leptospiral pentavalent outer envelope and whole culture vaccine Am. I. Vet. Res., 39 (7) , 1109-1114.
  • 5 - Bey, R. F., Johnson, R. C., 1978. Humoral immune response of dogs vaccinated wLth leptospiral pentavalent outer enevlope and whole culture vaccines. Am. J . Vet. Res., 39 (5) , 831-836.
  • 6 - Cacchione, R. A., Saravi M. A., Cascell, E. S., Martinez, E. S., 1977. Trivalent vaccine against canine leptospirosis I. serological respanses and laboratory tests) Revista de medicina veterinaria, Argentina 58 (5 / 6) 419-422, 425 Reff. : Vet. Rull. 1979. 316-2433.
  • 7 - Finn, M. A., Jenkin H. M., 1972. Gytopathic effects of · leptospim serotypes patoc and canicola in threekidney cell culture. systems. Am. J. Vet. Res., 34 (5), 669-672.
  • 8 - Fish, N. A., Kings Cote, B., 1973. Pro.tection of gilts leptospirosis by use of a li ve vaccine. Canadian Veterinary Journal 14 (1), 12-15.
  • 9 - Hanson, L. E., Tripathy, D. N., Killinger, A. H., 1972. Current Status of leptospirosis Lmmunization ins Swine · and cattle journal of the American Veterinaıry Medical Association 161 (ll), 1235-1243.
  • 10 - Jiran, E., Kadlec, V., Svatos, L., 1972. A freeze-dried trivalent vaccine against canine leptospirosis Veterinarni Medicina. 17 (6), 367-377. Reff. : Vet. Bull. 1973, 7, 69.
  • ll - Kida, H., Ishıı, T., Tsunehisa, Y., Yamamoto, S., Yanagava, R., 1977. Comparison of vaccines prepared from leptospires grown in a serum medium and in a chemically defined medium. Zentralblatt pür Bak-'teriologie parasitenkunde, infektions krank heiton and Hgiene Erste Abteilung originale 238 A (.1) 86-96
  • 12 - Morris, J. A., . Orr, H. S., 1979. Immunity induced hamters vaccinated with a ribosome extract of leptospira inter organs seragrup icterohaemorrhagiae. J o u mal of Biological Standardization 7 (1), 81-87 U. K.
  • 13 - Nowakowski, J., Orzechowska-Kulawczuk, M., 1977. Immunogenicity of vaccines against. Leptospirosis in dogs Mdycyna Weterynaryjina 33 (9) , 524-526.
  • 14 - Nowakowski, J., Orzechowska-Kulawczuk M., Majdan, S. 1977. Agglutinin and protective antibodies in pigs vaccineted 'with monovalent vaccines against leptospirosis. Medycyna Weterynarjna 33 (8}, 455-458.
  • 15 - Petrov, V. F., Bezborodkin N. S., 1972. Dynamics of formation of immuniıty to leptospirosis in pigs inoculated with combined vaccine against swine fever. Erysipelas and leptospi:rosis 25, 7-10 (Ru) . Vet. Inst. uı. Lenina. Vitebsk Belorusskaya SSR. Reff. : Vet. Bull. 1973. 216-2487.
  • 16 - Riademann, S., Zamora, I ., 1977. Bovine amniotic fluid as a substitute for rabbit serum in the culture of leptospi·rosis. Revista Latin Arnericana de microbilogia 19 (2), 83-86 Chile. Ref. : Vet. Bull. 1979. 401. 3090.
Toplam 16 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ali Altan Bulu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1981
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1981
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1979 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1-2-3

Kaynak Göster

APA Bulu, A. A. (1981). Leptospirosis’e Karşı Etkin Bir Aşı Hazırlanması ilee Bu Aşının Keçi, Tavşan, Kobay Ve Hamsterlerde Bağışıklık Denemeleri. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 5(1-2-3), 44-58.