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The studies on icterohaemorrhagio leptospiral infections of cattle in Ankara region.

Yıl 1979, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1-2-3, 78 - 85, 01.12.1981


Blood samples were obtained from one of the 65 cattle
having fever and icterrohaemoglobinuriae atafarmin Haymana,
Its Blood and urine were inoculated into six-week old hamsters
by the subcutaneous route a:O.d into Fletchers, aıl"d Chang
After 29 days of ineubatian a strain was isolated in Fletcher's
Bovin urine inoculeted into hamster, leptospira were found
in t~ir kidney and isolated a new strain The strain were found
pozitive in M.A. test against leptospira grippotyphosa irnmun
serum in 1/~400 titre when sera from the 65 cattle tested examination
by M.A test gave pozitive result against Leptospira grippotyphosa
in 1/ 200-1/3200 titre.
From these cases, three cows belonging to this form died.
Case II
Blood serum and kidney samples from two cattle sent to our
laboratory f:rom Keskin, Ankara were.examined for leptospirosis.
Serum samples were examined by Micro Agglutination test
CM.AJ the sera were found positive against Leptospira grippotyphosa
in 1/1600 titre.
Tissue emulsions of kidneys were inoculated into Fletcher's,
and Chang media and to 6 weeks old 6 hamsters, subcutaneously
and intra peritoneally.
The leptospira organism were isolated in Fletcher's and
Chang media and were identified under the dark field microscope.
The two hamsters which were inoculated intra peritoneally
died within 13 days after inoculation kidney emufsion ·from
the dead hamsters were inoculacted into anather set off hamsters
for the pathogenicty control.
The isol'ated new strain was positive in, 1/ 10.000 titre against
Leptospira grippotyphosa immun serum when tested with M.A


  • 1 - Akhmedow, M. M., Amaev, K. G., Salıkov, Y1U. S., Makhmudov, M. P . 1979. (Epidemlyoloji of leptospirosis in animals cattle, buffalo, horse, sheep, swine and dog in Dagestan) Veterinariya Moscow USSR No. 1. 42. 43 Reff.: Vet. Bull 1979, 573, 4386.
  • 2 - Carpio, M. M., İversen, J. O. 1979. A serological survey of leptospira İnterorgans serotype Romona in saskatchewan horses Canadian Vet. J . 20 (5) 127-130.
  • 3 - Cole, J.R., jr.; Sulzer C.R., Pursel, A.R. 1973. Improved microtechnique for the leptospiral microskopic agglutination test Applied mleroblology 25 (6), 976-90.
  • 4 - Corrigall, W. 1978. Naturally Occurrine leptospirosis (Lep. BallumJ in a Red deer. (cervus elaphus) veterinary Record 103 (4) , 75-76.
  • 5 - Daninde, D. F., Jones, C. J., Myers, D. M. 1979. A study of leptospirosl.s among Animals in Barbados W. I. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hypiene 73 (22) , 161-168.
  • 6 - Fenestad, K. L., Borg-Petersen, C. 1972. Leptospirosis in Danish wild mamals journal of wild life Diseases 8 (4) 343-351.
  • 7 - Florio, A.R., Lescure, F., Guelfi, J.F., Lau.tie R., Meigner, B., Geral B.F. 1973. (Studies of icterogenic leptospiı'al infections of dogs in the Toulouse aırea) Bull. de la societe de sciences Vet. et de Med. Comparee de tyon 75 (2) , 87-94.
  • 8 - Hakioğlu F. 1956. Uzun köprü sığırlarmda serolajik ve kültürel metodlarla tesbit edilen Jeptospirosis hastalığı. Türk. Vet. Hek. Der. Dergisi, 26 (114-115), 2767-2796.
  • 9 - Jelambi, F', Pena, A., Padilla C., İvanova, N., lpolanco, J. E. 1976. Leptospirosis of demostic animals (pig, cattle, horse, dog) in Venezuela. Veterinaria Tropical 1 (1), 63-71. Reff. : Vet. Bul. 1978, 571-4104.
  • 10 - Leon Vizcaino L., Miranda Garcia A., Perez, M. 1977. New outbreaks of leptospirosis in cattle and pigs in Cordoba Sublemento cientifico de boletin informetiro, consefo General de colegios Veterinarios de Espana No. 207/ 208, 7384.
  • 11 - Marler, R. J ., 1979. Leptospirosis in coyotes Dissertation Abstract international 39 B (10), 4665.
  • 12 - Masedo Agirre, C., Chernukha, Yu. G., 1979. Classification of leptospires isolated in peru. Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii, Immunobiologü, (2) , 77-81.
  • 13 - Matus, F., Mike J., 1978. Testing of leptospira allergen (leptospirin) in swine herds. Magjar Allatorvosok Lapzo 33, (2) , 103, 104-107.
  • 14 - Morales, G. A., Guaman, V. H., Beltran, L. E., 1978. Leptospirosis in Colombia: isolation of leptoı;pira spp. from the kidneys of brown rats traped on infected piggeries Tropical Animal Health and production 10 (2) , 121-123.
  • 15 - Myers, n: M., Caparo, A. C., Moreno, J. P., 1977. Isolation of serotype hardjo and other leptospira from Armodillos in Argentina. Bulletin of the Pan Am. Health organiastion ll (2) , 131-139.
  • 16 - Özgen, H., Tunus, M., 1954. Türkiye'de ilk olarak Leptospira Bovis suşunun kültürel geliştirilmesi. Türk. Vet. Hekim. Dergisi, 24 (98-99), 1865-1874.
  • 17- Ryan, T. J., Marshall, R.B., Edwars, J.D., Stevenson, B.l., 1977. Isolation of leptospires f.rom the vitreous humor of aborted piglets Newzealand veterinary Journal, 25 (ll) , 352.
  • 18 - Shenberg, E., Torten M., Kapeler S., Doljanski, N., Costin C., 1978. Public healt aspect of leptospirosis caused by the serovar hardjo in İsrael Refuah V eterinarith 35 (2) , 59-67.
  • 19 - Vardar, T., 1976. 1963-1974 yılları arasında yurdumuz evcil hayvanlarında görülen Leptospirosis olayları. Etlik Vet. Bakt. Enst. Dergisi 4 (5-10)' 147-162.

Ankara Bölgesinde sığırlar arasında seyreden ikterohemoglobinuri vakalarında serolojik ve kültürel metotlarla tesbit edilen leptospirosis olayları

Yıl 1979, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1-2-3, 78 - 85, 01.12.1981


Türkçe Özet Eklenecek.


  • 1 - Akhmedow, M. M., Amaev, K. G., Salıkov, Y1U. S., Makhmudov, M. P . 1979. (Epidemlyoloji of leptospirosis in animals cattle, buffalo, horse, sheep, swine and dog in Dagestan) Veterinariya Moscow USSR No. 1. 42. 43 Reff.: Vet. Bull 1979, 573, 4386.
  • 2 - Carpio, M. M., İversen, J. O. 1979. A serological survey of leptospira İnterorgans serotype Romona in saskatchewan horses Canadian Vet. J . 20 (5) 127-130.
  • 3 - Cole, J.R., jr.; Sulzer C.R., Pursel, A.R. 1973. Improved microtechnique for the leptospiral microskopic agglutination test Applied mleroblology 25 (6), 976-90.
  • 4 - Corrigall, W. 1978. Naturally Occurrine leptospirosis (Lep. BallumJ in a Red deer. (cervus elaphus) veterinary Record 103 (4) , 75-76.
  • 5 - Daninde, D. F., Jones, C. J., Myers, D. M. 1979. A study of leptospirosl.s among Animals in Barbados W. I. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hypiene 73 (22) , 161-168.
  • 6 - Fenestad, K. L., Borg-Petersen, C. 1972. Leptospirosis in Danish wild mamals journal of wild life Diseases 8 (4) 343-351.
  • 7 - Florio, A.R., Lescure, F., Guelfi, J.F., Lau.tie R., Meigner, B., Geral B.F. 1973. (Studies of icterogenic leptospiı'al infections of dogs in the Toulouse aırea) Bull. de la societe de sciences Vet. et de Med. Comparee de tyon 75 (2) , 87-94.
  • 8 - Hakioğlu F. 1956. Uzun köprü sığırlarmda serolajik ve kültürel metodlarla tesbit edilen Jeptospirosis hastalığı. Türk. Vet. Hek. Der. Dergisi, 26 (114-115), 2767-2796.
  • 9 - Jelambi, F', Pena, A., Padilla C., İvanova, N., lpolanco, J. E. 1976. Leptospirosis of demostic animals (pig, cattle, horse, dog) in Venezuela. Veterinaria Tropical 1 (1), 63-71. Reff. : Vet. Bul. 1978, 571-4104.
  • 10 - Leon Vizcaino L., Miranda Garcia A., Perez, M. 1977. New outbreaks of leptospirosis in cattle and pigs in Cordoba Sublemento cientifico de boletin informetiro, consefo General de colegios Veterinarios de Espana No. 207/ 208, 7384.
  • 11 - Marler, R. J ., 1979. Leptospirosis in coyotes Dissertation Abstract international 39 B (10), 4665.
  • 12 - Masedo Agirre, C., Chernukha, Yu. G., 1979. Classification of leptospires isolated in peru. Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii, Immunobiologü, (2) , 77-81.
  • 13 - Matus, F., Mike J., 1978. Testing of leptospira allergen (leptospirin) in swine herds. Magjar Allatorvosok Lapzo 33, (2) , 103, 104-107.
  • 14 - Morales, G. A., Guaman, V. H., Beltran, L. E., 1978. Leptospirosis in Colombia: isolation of leptoı;pira spp. from the kidneys of brown rats traped on infected piggeries Tropical Animal Health and production 10 (2) , 121-123.
  • 15 - Myers, n: M., Caparo, A. C., Moreno, J. P., 1977. Isolation of serotype hardjo and other leptospira from Armodillos in Argentina. Bulletin of the Pan Am. Health organiastion ll (2) , 131-139.
  • 16 - Özgen, H., Tunus, M., 1954. Türkiye'de ilk olarak Leptospira Bovis suşunun kültürel geliştirilmesi. Türk. Vet. Hekim. Dergisi, 24 (98-99), 1865-1874.
  • 17- Ryan, T. J., Marshall, R.B., Edwars, J.D., Stevenson, B.l., 1977. Isolation of leptospires f.rom the vitreous humor of aborted piglets Newzealand veterinary Journal, 25 (ll) , 352.
  • 18 - Shenberg, E., Torten M., Kapeler S., Doljanski, N., Costin C., 1978. Public healt aspect of leptospirosis caused by the serovar hardjo in İsrael Refuah V eterinarith 35 (2) , 59-67.
  • 19 - Vardar, T., 1976. 1963-1974 yılları arasında yurdumuz evcil hayvanlarında görülen Leptospirosis olayları. Etlik Vet. Bakt. Enst. Dergisi 4 (5-10)' 147-162.
Toplam 19 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

A. Altan Bulu Bu kişi benim

Mübeccel Yumuşak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1981
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1981
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1979 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1-2-3

Kaynak Göster

APA Bulu, A. A., & Yumuşak, M. (1981). Ankara Bölgesinde sığırlar arasında seyreden ikterohemoglobinuri vakalarında serolojik ve kültürel metotlarla tesbit edilen leptospirosis olayları. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 5(1-2-3), 78-85.