A disease among race horses occurred in izmir Şirinyer and . in
istanbul/Veliefendi hipodromes. There were lack of appitite, dullness
high fever (39.5.- 40,8°C) and painful cough. Acording to our clinical
observations we had a suspicion from equine influenza: For the purpose
of virus isolation, nasal, swabs were collected from diseased
animals and blood sera from recovered horses.
The samples were inoculated into embryonatec eggs and we isola,
ted two strains for virus. Isolates were agglutinating guinea pig and.
chicken erytrocytes.
The both virus were identified as lnfluenza A/Equi/2/Miami/1/
63 type in O.I.E./C.I.A.H. International Reference for Equine influenza
at the Munich University in West Germany .
. Specific antibodies were identified with HI test (1 /40-1 /640)
against the virus of type «lnflueriza A, haemagglutinan 3, Neurominidaz
2» in'9 bloodsera samples ofconvalescent horses.
lt being thus, Equine influenza was diagnosed ·for 'the first time·
in .. Turkey. ·
1 - Anschütz; W; Scholtissek, C; Rott, P. (1972) :
Genetic relationship ebtwen ıifferent inflüenza strains . . Medical Microbiology
and lmmunoloy; 1972, 158. Nr. 1. 26 - 31.
2 - Akiyama. Y.; Kumanomido, . T. e mesai arkadaşlar (1972) : .
Studies on the: outreak of equine inflüenza ·in Japon 1971; Conditions of the
outreok on inestiation of the haemagglutination ·inhibiting anti.body,
Experimental Reports of Equine Health Laborotory. Nr. 9, 10-28· Tokyo
154/ Japan.
3 - Böhm, H. O. (1966) :
·lsolierung eines lnfluenzavirus in · Deutschland beim seuchenhaften Husten
der Pferde.
Beri. Münch. tierörztl. Wschr· .. 79. 201,205, 1966.
4 - Curiciere, C; Plateau, E. (1979) :
Outbreak of equine influenza in France.
Bulleti Mensuel de la Societe Veterinaire Pratique de France. 1979, 63 (3)
191 - 198.
5 - Eugen Fröhner und Wilchem Zwick (1919) :
Lehrbuch der speziellen Patholoie und Therapie der Haustiere. 1. Teil. 338 ·
6 - .Jensen, K. (1973)
Diagnosis of mixed infections with · myxovirus. influenza· A/equi/2 and herpas
Virus equi 1 among DaniSh stud horses.
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica; 1973, 14, tosc. 2, 205 - 218
7 - Jukic, B. ·{1973) :
Equine . lnfluenza;,. Serological findings in .the past-epidemic period. Vete.
rinarskki Archiv. 1973, 43, Nr. 1/2, 48-53. ·zagrep/Yugoslavya
8 - Kono, .·V. ve mesai arkadaşları (1972) : :
The first outbreak of equine influenza in Japon
National lnsiitut of ·animal Health Quarterly 1972, '12, Nr. 4, 183-187.
9 _ Kumanornido. T; Okuda, V.; Akiyama, V ve mesai arkadaşları (1972) :
Studies on the outbreak· of equine influenza in Japon.
Experimental Reports of· equine Health Laboratory, 1972; Nr. 9, 35,43 ·Tokyo 154, Japon
10- Lake, C. T. (1901-1994):
Outbreak of equine influenza in Malaysia an Singapore.
Singapore Veterinary Journal. 1981-1984; 5, 53-54.: :
11 - Mansa, S. (1984) :
Vaccinations against equine influenza.
Dansk Veterinary tidsskrift; 1984, 67 (17), 849-952.
12 - Plateau, F.; Cruciere. C. ve arkadaşları (1983): /
A new outbreak of equine influenza in France. The main epidemiological
and serological features.
Pratique Veterinaire Equine; 1983, 15 4) •. 165-167.
13 - Rouse, B. T. 1972) :
lnfluenza immunization and immunglobulins in the equine species.
Diss. Abstracts international;. 1972. 328. ·Nr. 9 ,5527-5528.
14 - Sovinova, O. B.; Tumova, F. 1959) .
Acta Virology; 2, 52.
15 - Tumova, B.; Schild. G. C. 1972):
Antigenic .relationships between type A influenzaviruses . of. human, .porcine,
equine and avion origin.
Butletin of the World Health organization; . 1972, 47 _Nr. 4. 453(460.
16 - Waddell, G. A.; M. M. Sie.gel 1963):
Journal Amer. Vet. Med. Ass .. 143, . 587,
17 - Waldmann. O.; K. Köbe 1934'{:
Berl. u. Münchener Tierörztl. Wschr.; 50. 1, 561,
18 - Weremowicz, S.; Parzych. R: ve Malicki,- K (1983) .:
Laborotory ·. investigations .on equine influenza ·during the outbreak in
Paland in 1980./Zeentralblatt für vet. med., B: 1983, 30 {3). 232-236.
Türkiye'de Enflüenza Equi Enfeksiyonunun İlk Defa Çıkışı
1. Aralık 1984 tarihinde İzmir Şirinyer ile Mayıs 1985 de istanbul/
Veliefendi Hipodromlarındaki yarış atlarında; iştahsızlık, durgunluk,
yüksek ateş (39,5 ·c- 40,8°C) ve öksürükle seyreden çok bulaşıcı
bir hastalık çıkmıştır. ·
a) Hasta atlardan alınan burun sekresyonlarından (Swab) birısı
izmir ve biriside istanbuldan olmak üzere embryonlu tavuk yumurtası
kültürlerinde iki virus suşu izole edilmiştir.
b) - izole 'edilen' heriki virus suşu kobay v-e tavuk kanı eri:t rositl:
erini Hi test'inde agglütine etmiştir.
. c) Virus suşları , Federal Almanya Münih Üniversitesi bünyeşinde
bulunan tek tırnaklıların enflüenzası referens merkezinde (O.I.E/
C.I .A.H İnternational Reference center for equine lnfluenza) «Enflü- ·
enza A/Equi/2/Miami1 / 63 > tipi olarak idantifiye edilmiştir.
2. Her iki vak'a yerinden hastalığı geçirmiş atlardan alınan 9 kan
serumunda 1/40-1/640 dilüsyonlarda Hi test'inde « Enflüenza A,
hemagglütinan 3, Neurominidaz 2» tipindeki virusa karşı spesifik antikorların varlığı isbatlanmıştır.
3. Bu çalışmamızla ·; Türkiyede ilk defa tarafımızdan tek tırnaklı
hayvanlarda «Enflüenza · A/Equi/2/Miami/1/63» enfeksiyonu · tesbit
1 - Anschütz; W; Scholtissek, C; Rott, P. (1972) :
Genetic relationship ebtwen ıifferent inflüenza strains . . Medical Microbiology
and lmmunoloy; 1972, 158. Nr. 1. 26 - 31.
2 - Akiyama. Y.; Kumanomido, . T. e mesai arkadaşlar (1972) : .
Studies on the: outreak of equine inflüenza ·in Japon 1971; Conditions of the
outreok on inestiation of the haemagglutination ·inhibiting anti.body,
Experimental Reports of Equine Health Laborotory. Nr. 9, 10-28· Tokyo
154/ Japan.
3 - Böhm, H. O. (1966) :
·lsolierung eines lnfluenzavirus in · Deutschland beim seuchenhaften Husten
der Pferde.
Beri. Münch. tierörztl. Wschr· .. 79. 201,205, 1966.
4 - Curiciere, C; Plateau, E. (1979) :
Outbreak of equine influenza in France.
Bulleti Mensuel de la Societe Veterinaire Pratique de France. 1979, 63 (3)
191 - 198.
5 - Eugen Fröhner und Wilchem Zwick (1919) :
Lehrbuch der speziellen Patholoie und Therapie der Haustiere. 1. Teil. 338 ·
6 - .Jensen, K. (1973)
Diagnosis of mixed infections with · myxovirus. influenza· A/equi/2 and herpas
Virus equi 1 among DaniSh stud horses.
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica; 1973, 14, tosc. 2, 205 - 218
7 - Jukic, B. ·{1973) :
Equine . lnfluenza;,. Serological findings in .the past-epidemic period. Vete.
rinarskki Archiv. 1973, 43, Nr. 1/2, 48-53. ·zagrep/Yugoslavya
8 - Kono, .·V. ve mesai arkadaşları (1972) : :
The first outbreak of equine influenza in Japon
National lnsiitut of ·animal Health Quarterly 1972, '12, Nr. 4, 183-187.
9 _ Kumanornido. T; Okuda, V.; Akiyama, V ve mesai arkadaşları (1972) :
Studies on the outbreak· of equine influenza in Japon.
Experimental Reports of· equine Health Laboratory, 1972; Nr. 9, 35,43 ·Tokyo 154, Japon
10- Lake, C. T. (1901-1994):
Outbreak of equine influenza in Malaysia an Singapore.
Singapore Veterinary Journal. 1981-1984; 5, 53-54.: :
11 - Mansa, S. (1984) :
Vaccinations against equine influenza.
Dansk Veterinary tidsskrift; 1984, 67 (17), 849-952.
12 - Plateau, F.; Cruciere. C. ve arkadaşları (1983): /
A new outbreak of equine influenza in France. The main epidemiological
and serological features.
Pratique Veterinaire Equine; 1983, 15 4) •. 165-167.
13 - Rouse, B. T. 1972) :
lnfluenza immunization and immunglobulins in the equine species.
Diss. Abstracts international;. 1972. 328. ·Nr. 9 ,5527-5528.
14 - Sovinova, O. B.; Tumova, F. 1959) .
Acta Virology; 2, 52.
15 - Tumova, B.; Schild. G. C. 1972):
Antigenic .relationships between type A influenzaviruses . of. human, .porcine,
equine and avion origin.
Butletin of the World Health organization; . 1972, 47 _Nr. 4. 453(460.
16 - Waddell, G. A.; M. M. Sie.gel 1963):
Journal Amer. Vet. Med. Ass .. 143, . 587,
17 - Waldmann. O.; K. Köbe 1934'{:
Berl. u. Münchener Tierörztl. Wschr.; 50. 1, 561,
18 - Weremowicz, S.; Parzych. R: ve Malicki,- K (1983) .:
Laborotory ·. investigations .on equine influenza ·during the outbreak in
Paland in 1980./Zeentralblatt für vet. med., B: 1983, 30 {3). 232-236.