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And now viral maedi-visna in sheep is in Turkey

Yıl 1987, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 9 - 22, 01.12.1987


This being the first time, maedi-visna was diagnosed in the
sheep imported from West Germany, in Turkey in 1985. The diagnosis
was based on histopathological lesions and seralogical examination.

In our cases, the lungs were of a uniformly grayish yellow to
grayish blue color and of uniform consistency. Being distended
the lungs appeared large; they weighed two to four times the normal;
The cut supfaces were dry.
Histopathological ·changes were characteristic of .a chronic
interstitial pneumonia and the bulk of the alveolar space had been
replaced by thickened al·veolar walls.
In microscopic examination, thickened alveolar septa were
showing mesenohymal cell proliferation; the cells varied from large
round mononuclear forms. some of which appeared to be macrophages,
to short fibroblastic cells.
The smooth muscles of the alveolar ducts were hypertrophic.
Perivascular. peribronchial and peribronchiolar lymphoid cell proliferation
was seen.
Near the bronchi, there was also some tendency for the alveolar
lining cells to swell and become cuboidal.
A few of the large macrophages were containing one or more
peculiar. spherical, cytoplasmic inclusions from 1 to 3 microns in
The two sera samples, 477 and 2214 were both positive on ager
gel immunodiffusion test for maedi-visna- antibodies.


  • 1 - ABRAHAM, A.; SHIMSHONY, A,; RAPOPORT, E. : (1984) Precipitating antibodies to maedi-visna virus in lsraeli sheep. Refuch Veterinarith, 41 (3) 71-76.
  • 2 - ALiBAŞOGLU, M.; ARDA, M. : (1975) Koyun pulmoner adenomatosis'·inin Türkiye'de durumu ile patolojisi ve etiyolojisinin araştırılması, Tübitak VHAG 273/4, 48-49.
  • 3 - BANKS, K.L,; ADAMS, D.S. McGUIRE, T.C.; CARLSON, J. : (1983 Experimental infection of sheep by caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus and goats by progressive pneumonia virus, Am. J, Vet. Res., 44 •(12) 2307-231:1
  • 4 - BARBAN, V.; OUERAT, G.; SAUZE, N.; FILIPPI, P.; VIGNE, H.; H:USSO, P.; VHU, c. : (1984) Lentiviruses are naturally resident in a latent form in long-term ovine fibroblast cultures, J. Vir., 52 (2) 680-682,
  • 5 - BLOOD, D.C.; HENDERSON, J.A. : (1971) Veterinary medicine, Third edition, 671-673.
  • 6 - BUXTON, A.; FR·ASER, G. : (1977) Animal microbiology, Vol. : 2, 784-787,
  • 7 - OAPOR•AL!E, V.P.; ·FOGUNT, A,; L!ELLI, R.; MANTOVANI, A,; NANNINI, D,; SIMONT, P. : (1983) Preliminary o'bserıvations · on the · presence of ·visnarnaedi in ltaly, Vet. Res. Communications, 6 (1) 3:1-35.
  • 8 - OAPOR·ALE, V.P. : l.JEl.JLI, R.: RUTILI, D. : (1985) Isolation visna-maedi virus from the choroid .plexus of an apparently healthy sheep. in ltaly, Vet. Res. Conınıunication 9 (2) 115-122.
  • 9 - COTTıERIAU, V.: ·UAVAL, A.: JEANPERT, A. : (1977) ldentification du maedi dans l'est de la France, Bull. de L'acad. Vet. de France, 50 (2) 223-232 .
  • 10 - CUTl.J P, R.C.: JACKSON, T.A.: LAIRD, G:A. : (1977) Prevalence of ovine p~ogressive pneumonia in a sampling cull sheep from western and nıidwes · tern United States, Am. J. Vet. Res., 38 (12) 2091-2093,
  • 11 - CUTUP, R.C.: JAOKSON, T.A.: LEHMKUHL, H.D. : (1979) Lesions of ovine progressive pneumonia : lnterstitial pneumonitis and encephalitis, Am. J. Vet. Res., 40 (10) 1370-1374.-
  • 12 - DAWSON, M.: JEPFREY, M.: CHASEY, D,; VENABL!ES, C.: SHAR.P, J.M. : (1983) Isolation of . o syncytium-forming virus from o goat with polyarthritis, Vet. Rec., 112 (14) 319-321.
  • 13 - GOEL, Y.P.: HAJELA, S.K.: SHARMA, D.N.: DWIVEDI, J,N, : (1977) Comp ·lementfixing antibod ies for maedi in serum of sheep and goats in Uttar Pradesh, lndian J. Anim. Sci.
  • 14 - GONDA, M.A.: WONG-STALL, F.; GALLO, R.C.; CLEMENTS, J E, ; NARAYAN, 0 .; Gll.JDEN, R.V. : (1985) Sequence hamology and morphologic similarity of HTıl.JV-111 and visna virus, a pathogenic lentlvirus, Science, USA, 227, 173-177.
  • 15 - HOFF-JORGENSEN; R. : (1977) Slow virus infections with particular reterence to moedi-visno and enzootic bovine leukaemia, Vet. Sci. Communications, 1 (3) 251-263.
  • 16 - HOUWERS, D.J.: TER.PSTR·A, C. (1984) Sheep pulmonory adenomatasis Vet. Rec., 114 (1) 23.
  • 17 - IMBERLIN, R.H. : (1983) Problems of long ineubatian vi ral diseases and · their erodication in sheep production. Proceedings of the 35 th Easter School in Agricultural Science, University of Nottinghaın (Edited by W. Haresing) 299-316.
  • 18 - KOPCZEWSıKI, A.: BACZYNSKI, Z.; CZUPA, R.: SALWA, A. : ·(1984) Dynomics of losses in sheep with signs of' adenomatasis and visna-maedi in 1980-1982, Medycyna Veterynar.yjqa, 40 (12) . 711-713.
  • 19 - LAMONTAGNE, L.: Roy, R.; GIRAIRD, A,; SAMAGH. B.S. : (1983) Seroepidemiological survey · of ınaedi-:visna virus infection in sheep and goat flocks in Ouebec., Conodian J. Coı:np. Med., 47 (3) 309-315.
  • 20 - LIN, F.H. : (1978) .Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of visna virus polypeptides isolated by agarose gel chromatogrophy,, J. Vir., 25 (1) 207-214.
  • 21 - MAHIN, L, ; CHANDL:I, M.; HOUWıERS, D.J. : (1984) A preliminary report on the occurrence of maedi-visna in sheep in .Morocco, Vet., 6 (2) 104,
  • 22 - MOLEN, E J. Van Der; VıECHT, U,; HOUWER·S, D.J. : (1985) A chronic indurative mostilis in sheep associated with maedi·visna virus infection. Vet. Ouarterly, 7 (2) 112-119.
  • 23 - PAMUKCU, M. : (1970) Veteriner patoloji, Cilt: 2, A.Ü. Vet. Fak, Yay. 220-222.
  • 24 - PAUTART, G ; BENKOEL, L.; MICCO, P. DE; TAM!Al:ET, J. : (1978) As· pects biologiques de la fusion cellulaire induite in vitro par le virus visna du mouton, Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie, 172 (1) 111-121 .
  • 25 - PYPER, J.M.; CLEMENTS, J.E.; MOLINEAUX, S.M.; NARAYAN, O : (1984) Genetic variation among lenUviruses: hemology tbetween visna virus and caprine arLhritis-encephalitis virus is confined to the 5' gog-pol region and a smail portion of the env gene J. Vir. 51 (3) 713-721.
  • 26 -- OUERAT, G.; SARSAN, V,; SAUZE, N.; FILIPPI, P.; VWNE, R.; RUSSO, P.; VITU, C. ; (1984) Highly lytic and persistant lentiviruses naturally present in sheep with progressive pneumonia are geneticalfy distinct. J. Vir,, 52 (2) 672-679.
  • 27 - RUSSO, P.; GIAUFFRET, A.; LASERRE, M.; SARRAZIN, C. : (1980} Isolation of a strain of visna-maedi virus from sheep in France. Bull. de I'Acad. Vet. de France, 53 (2) 287-293.
  • 28 - SOHIPP.ER, I.A.; MISEK, A.; LUDEMANN, L.; LIGHT, M.; LIMESAND, W, (1983) Ovine progressi·ve pneumonia infection via the owl route. Vet. Med. and smail Aninı. Clinician, 78 (3) 415-417.
  • 29 - SCHIPRER, I.A.; LIGHT, M,; LUDEMANN, L. : (1985) Control of evine progressive pneumonia, North Dakota Form Research, 43 (4) 30-31, 35.
  • 30 - SEIMENIS, A.; SCOUL:AS, E.; PAPADOPOULAS, C,; MASTROYIANNI, M,; MANGANA, 0.; STOFOROS, E,; SKYRIANOS, G.; MENASSE, 1. : (1983) Slow viral diseases of sheep and goats in Greece. Bull. Hell. Vet. Med. Soc., 34 (1) 59-71.
  • 31 - SHEFFIELD , W.D. ; NARAYAN, 0,; STRANDBERG, J.D,; ADAMS R.J. : (1980) Visnamaedi like disease associated with an ovine retrovirus infection in a Corriedale sheep. Vet. Path ., 17 (5) 544-552.
  • 32 - SIHVONEN, L. : 1984) Late immulie responses in experimental · maedi Vet, Micer., 9 (3) 205-213.
  • 33 - SMITH, H.A.; JONES, T.C. (1968) Veterinary pathology, 867-868.
  • 34 - THORMAR, H.; BARSHATZKY, M.R,; · ARNESEN, K,; KOZLOWSKI, P.B. (1983) The eme~genee of antigenie .variants is a rare event in long-term visna virus infeetion in vivo, J, Gen. Vir., 64 (7) 1427-1432_
  • 35 - TONTIS, A.; ZWAHL:EN, R.; 1984) Furt-her eases of respiratory slow virus diseases in sheep in the Bern region. Sohweizer Arehiv für Tierheilkun. de, 126 (6) _305-311.
  • 36 - URMAN, · H.K (1977) Veteriner Patoloji, Sinir - Sistemi Patolojisi, A,Ü. Vet. Fak. Vay,, 133-135.
  • 37 - VADHEIM; K.L.: SCHIPPER, I.A. : (1983) Deteetion of eolostral antibodies to · ovine · porgressive ·. pneumonia Visna-maedi) virus. North Dakota Farm Research, 41 (3) 26-27,
  • 38 - ZWAHLEN, R.; AESCHBACHER, M.; BALCER, T.; STUCKI, N.; WVOER- WALTHER, M,; W.EISS, M.; STEOK, F. : (1983) Lentivirus infections In gôats with carpitis and interstitial mastitis, Sehweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 125 (5) 281-299.

Ve Şimdi Koyunların Viral Maedi-Visna 'sı Türkiye'de

Yıl 1987, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 9 - 22, 01.12.1987


1985 yılında Türkiye'de ilk kez dışalımla Batı Almanya'dan ,gelen
koyunlarda maedi-visna teşhis edildi. Tanı, histopatolojik bulgulara
ve serolojik yoklamalara dayandı.
Olaylarımızda akciğerler boz - sarımtrak. boz-mavimtrak renkte ve her taraflarında düzenli kıvamda idiler. Akciğerler büyümüz ve normalden 2- 4 kat daha ağırdı; kesit yüzleri kuru idi.
Histopatolojik değişiklikler Pneumonitis interstitialis chronica ile karakteristik idi ve alveoler aralıklar daralmış, bunların yerlerini kalınlaşan alveoler duvarlar almıştır. Mikroskobik incelemede kalınşamış alveol duvarları mazenşimal hücre proiferasyonu gösteriyordu; hücreler, bazıları makrofaj olan büyük, yuvarlar, mononükleer formlardan kısa fibroblastik hücrelere kadar değişiyordu. Alveoler kanalların düz kaslarında hipertrofi vardı. Perivasküler, peribronşiyal ve peribronşioler olarak lenfoid hücre proliferasyonu görüldü. Bronşçuklara yakın olarak alveolleri astarlayan hücrelerde epithelialization vardı.
Bazı alveoler makrofajlar bir veya daha fazla, acayip,yuvarlak,intrasitoplasmik , 1-3 mikron çaplarında inkluzyonlar içeriyordu,
477 ve 2214 numaralı kan serum örnekleri AGIT'de maedi-visna antikorları için pozitif idiler.


  • 1 - ABRAHAM, A.; SHIMSHONY, A,; RAPOPORT, E. : (1984) Precipitating antibodies to maedi-visna virus in lsraeli sheep. Refuch Veterinarith, 41 (3) 71-76.
  • 2 - ALiBAŞOGLU, M.; ARDA, M. : (1975) Koyun pulmoner adenomatosis'·inin Türkiye'de durumu ile patolojisi ve etiyolojisinin araştırılması, Tübitak VHAG 273/4, 48-49.
  • 3 - BANKS, K.L,; ADAMS, D.S. McGUIRE, T.C.; CARLSON, J. : (1983 Experimental infection of sheep by caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus and goats by progressive pneumonia virus, Am. J, Vet. Res., 44 •(12) 2307-231:1
  • 4 - BARBAN, V.; OUERAT, G.; SAUZE, N.; FILIPPI, P.; VIGNE, H.; H:USSO, P.; VHU, c. : (1984) Lentiviruses are naturally resident in a latent form in long-term ovine fibroblast cultures, J. Vir., 52 (2) 680-682,
  • 5 - BLOOD, D.C.; HENDERSON, J.A. : (1971) Veterinary medicine, Third edition, 671-673.
  • 6 - BUXTON, A.; FR·ASER, G. : (1977) Animal microbiology, Vol. : 2, 784-787,
  • 7 - OAPOR•AL!E, V.P.; ·FOGUNT, A,; L!ELLI, R.; MANTOVANI, A,; NANNINI, D,; SIMONT, P. : (1983) Preliminary o'bserıvations · on the · presence of ·visnarnaedi in ltaly, Vet. Res. Communications, 6 (1) 3:1-35.
  • 8 - OAPOR·ALE, V.P. : l.JEl.JLI, R.: RUTILI, D. : (1985) Isolation visna-maedi virus from the choroid .plexus of an apparently healthy sheep. in ltaly, Vet. Res. Conınıunication 9 (2) 115-122.
  • 9 - COTTıERIAU, V.: ·UAVAL, A.: JEANPERT, A. : (1977) ldentification du maedi dans l'est de la France, Bull. de L'acad. Vet. de France, 50 (2) 223-232 .
  • 10 - CUTl.J P, R.C.: JACKSON, T.A.: LAIRD, G:A. : (1977) Prevalence of ovine p~ogressive pneumonia in a sampling cull sheep from western and nıidwes · tern United States, Am. J. Vet. Res., 38 (12) 2091-2093,
  • 11 - CUTUP, R.C.: JAOKSON, T.A.: LEHMKUHL, H.D. : (1979) Lesions of ovine progressive pneumonia : lnterstitial pneumonitis and encephalitis, Am. J. Vet. Res., 40 (10) 1370-1374.-
  • 12 - DAWSON, M.: JEPFREY, M.: CHASEY, D,; VENABL!ES, C.: SHAR.P, J.M. : (1983) Isolation of . o syncytium-forming virus from o goat with polyarthritis, Vet. Rec., 112 (14) 319-321.
  • 13 - GOEL, Y.P.: HAJELA, S.K.: SHARMA, D.N.: DWIVEDI, J,N, : (1977) Comp ·lementfixing antibod ies for maedi in serum of sheep and goats in Uttar Pradesh, lndian J. Anim. Sci.
  • 14 - GONDA, M.A.: WONG-STALL, F.; GALLO, R.C.; CLEMENTS, J E, ; NARAYAN, 0 .; Gll.JDEN, R.V. : (1985) Sequence hamology and morphologic similarity of HTıl.JV-111 and visna virus, a pathogenic lentlvirus, Science, USA, 227, 173-177.
  • 15 - HOFF-JORGENSEN; R. : (1977) Slow virus infections with particular reterence to moedi-visno and enzootic bovine leukaemia, Vet. Sci. Communications, 1 (3) 251-263.
  • 16 - HOUWERS, D.J.: TER.PSTR·A, C. (1984) Sheep pulmonory adenomatasis Vet. Rec., 114 (1) 23.
  • 17 - IMBERLIN, R.H. : (1983) Problems of long ineubatian vi ral diseases and · their erodication in sheep production. Proceedings of the 35 th Easter School in Agricultural Science, University of Nottinghaın (Edited by W. Haresing) 299-316.
  • 18 - KOPCZEWSıKI, A.: BACZYNSKI, Z.; CZUPA, R.: SALWA, A. : ·(1984) Dynomics of losses in sheep with signs of' adenomatasis and visna-maedi in 1980-1982, Medycyna Veterynar.yjqa, 40 (12) . 711-713.
  • 19 - LAMONTAGNE, L.: Roy, R.; GIRAIRD, A,; SAMAGH. B.S. : (1983) Seroepidemiological survey · of ınaedi-:visna virus infection in sheep and goat flocks in Ouebec., Conodian J. Coı:np. Med., 47 (3) 309-315.
  • 20 - LIN, F.H. : (1978) .Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of visna virus polypeptides isolated by agarose gel chromatogrophy,, J. Vir., 25 (1) 207-214.
  • 21 - MAHIN, L, ; CHANDL:I, M.; HOUWıERS, D.J. : (1984) A preliminary report on the occurrence of maedi-visna in sheep in .Morocco, Vet., 6 (2) 104,
  • 22 - MOLEN, E J. Van Der; VıECHT, U,; HOUWER·S, D.J. : (1985) A chronic indurative mostilis in sheep associated with maedi·visna virus infection. Vet. Ouarterly, 7 (2) 112-119.
  • 23 - PAMUKCU, M. : (1970) Veteriner patoloji, Cilt: 2, A.Ü. Vet. Fak, Yay. 220-222.
  • 24 - PAUTART, G ; BENKOEL, L.; MICCO, P. DE; TAM!Al:ET, J. : (1978) As· pects biologiques de la fusion cellulaire induite in vitro par le virus visna du mouton, Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie, 172 (1) 111-121 .
  • 25 - PYPER, J.M.; CLEMENTS, J.E.; MOLINEAUX, S.M.; NARAYAN, O : (1984) Genetic variation among lenUviruses: hemology tbetween visna virus and caprine arLhritis-encephalitis virus is confined to the 5' gog-pol region and a smail portion of the env gene J. Vir. 51 (3) 713-721.
  • 26 -- OUERAT, G.; SARSAN, V,; SAUZE, N.; FILIPPI, P.; VWNE, R.; RUSSO, P.; VITU, C. ; (1984) Highly lytic and persistant lentiviruses naturally present in sheep with progressive pneumonia are geneticalfy distinct. J. Vir,, 52 (2) 672-679.
  • 27 - RUSSO, P.; GIAUFFRET, A.; LASERRE, M.; SARRAZIN, C. : (1980} Isolation of a strain of visna-maedi virus from sheep in France. Bull. de I'Acad. Vet. de France, 53 (2) 287-293.
  • 28 - SOHIPP.ER, I.A.; MISEK, A.; LUDEMANN, L.; LIGHT, M.; LIMESAND, W, (1983) Ovine progressi·ve pneumonia infection via the owl route. Vet. Med. and smail Aninı. Clinician, 78 (3) 415-417.
  • 29 - SCHIPRER, I.A.; LIGHT, M,; LUDEMANN, L. : (1985) Control of evine progressive pneumonia, North Dakota Form Research, 43 (4) 30-31, 35.
  • 30 - SEIMENIS, A.; SCOUL:AS, E.; PAPADOPOULAS, C,; MASTROYIANNI, M,; MANGANA, 0.; STOFOROS, E,; SKYRIANOS, G.; MENASSE, 1. : (1983) Slow viral diseases of sheep and goats in Greece. Bull. Hell. Vet. Med. Soc., 34 (1) 59-71.
  • 31 - SHEFFIELD , W.D. ; NARAYAN, 0,; STRANDBERG, J.D,; ADAMS R.J. : (1980) Visnamaedi like disease associated with an ovine retrovirus infection in a Corriedale sheep. Vet. Path ., 17 (5) 544-552.
  • 32 - SIHVONEN, L. : 1984) Late immulie responses in experimental · maedi Vet, Micer., 9 (3) 205-213.
  • 33 - SMITH, H.A.; JONES, T.C. (1968) Veterinary pathology, 867-868.
  • 34 - THORMAR, H.; BARSHATZKY, M.R,; · ARNESEN, K,; KOZLOWSKI, P.B. (1983) The eme~genee of antigenie .variants is a rare event in long-term visna virus infeetion in vivo, J, Gen. Vir., 64 (7) 1427-1432_
  • 35 - TONTIS, A.; ZWAHL:EN, R.; 1984) Furt-her eases of respiratory slow virus diseases in sheep in the Bern region. Sohweizer Arehiv für Tierheilkun. de, 126 (6) _305-311.
  • 36 - URMAN, · H.K (1977) Veteriner Patoloji, Sinir - Sistemi Patolojisi, A,Ü. Vet. Fak. Vay,, 133-135.
  • 37 - VADHEIM; K.L.: SCHIPPER, I.A. : (1983) Deteetion of eolostral antibodies to · ovine · porgressive ·. pneumonia Visna-maedi) virus. North Dakota Farm Research, 41 (3) 26-27,
  • 38 - ZWAHLEN, R.; AESCHBACHER, M.; BALCER, T.; STUCKI, N.; WVOER- WALTHER, M,; W.EISS, M.; STEOK, F. : (1983) Lentivirus infections In gôats with carpitis and interstitial mastitis, Sehweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 125 (5) 281-299.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Hamdi Girgin Bu kişi benim

Nejat Aydın Bu kişi benim

A. Demir Yonguç Bu kişi benim

Emine Aksoy Bu kişi benim

Remzi Çorak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1987
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1987
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1987 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Girgin, H., Aydın, N., Yonguç, A. D., Aksoy, E., vd. (1987). Ve Şimdi Koyunların Viral Maedi-Visna ’sı Türkiye’de. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 6(1), 9-22.