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A study on the residues of aflatoxin in the egg samples in the Middle Anatolia

Yıl 1987, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 101 - 116, 01.12.1987


In this study, the existence of aflatoxin in eggs obtained from laying hens feed with possibly mycotoxin contaminated feed.
55 eggs were used in the study. According to our results. 3 samples contained aflatoxin B1 at the amount of 0.002, 0.007 and 0.007 ppm respectively and in one sample had aflatoxin G1 at the amount on 0.005 ppm. Remaining samples did not contain aflatoxin at the measurable amount.


  • 1 - ALLCROFT, R., CARNAGHAN, R.B.A. (1962) Groundnut toxicity-Aspergillus flavus toxin (aflaoxin) . in animal . product: Preliminar)i communication. The Vet. Rec. 74 (31) : 863-864.
  • 2 - ALLCROFT, R., CARNAGHAN, .· R.B.A. (1963) : Groundnut ·toxicity: .An exa- minotion for toxin in human food product from animals · fed · toxic · ground meal. the Vet.Rec. 75 (10). '
  • 3 - ARAFA, A.S ., HARMS, R.H., MILES, R.D., BLOOMEH, R.T. (1979) :' Rewiew of Aflatoxicosis in animal production. Feedstuffs, Feature ' seetion Sep, 17,
  • 4 ~ ARDA M. (1979) : Mikoloii. A.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yoyınları 366, Ders Kitabı 261 .
  • 5 - BROWN, J.M.M., ABRAHAMS, L, (1965) : Biochemical studies on. Aflatoxi cosis. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Res. 32 (1) : 119-146.
  • 6- COOMES, T.J., CROWTHER, P:C., FRANCIS, B.J. and STEWERS, L. (1965) ; the detection and stimation of aflatoxin in .groundnuts and .groundnut materials. The Analyst. 90, 492; · . · .
  • 7 - DEMiRER, MA, AKKILIC, M., ÖZALP, E., KAYMAZ; Ş., DİNÇER, B., İNAN, T. (1979) : . Piyasada satıan bazı ·karma yemlerin ve yem maddelerinin mycofloralarının belirlenmesi · ve bunlarda bulunan .Aspergilius suşlarının Aflatoxin yapabilme yeteneklerinin araştırılması. A.Ü Veteriner-. Fakültesi Dergisi. Cilt: 26, No: 3-4.
  • 8- DİLMEN, S. (1971) : Yumurtanın beslenme değeri ve_.tüketimi. üzerinde yeni görüşler. Afyon Veteriner Bölge Gıda Kontrol · Laborotuvarı Dergisi. Cilt: 2 (2) ; 20-39
  • 9 - F.AO /WHO (1967) : Expert committee on nutrition. Wld,. Mltd. Org; Techn. Rep, Ser., 377. Geneva 1967. .. ..
  • 10 - GARLICH, J.D., TUNG; H.T., HAMILTON, · P..B. (1972) : Delayed .effects of aflatoxin on egg production. Poultry Sci. 51 (2). · . · · '
  • 11 - GARLICH, J.D., TUNG, H.T., HAMILTON, P.B.- (1973) · : The effects of short term feeding of aflatoxin on egg production and some plasma constituents of the laying hen; Poultry Sci. 52: ,2206-2211
  • ·12 - GÜRAY, 0 ., VURAL, N. (968) : Mycotoxinlerle meydana gelen besın zehirlenmeleri mjnasebetiyle Aflatoxinler üzerinde bir araştırma . A.Ü.T.F. Mec. XXI (IV) : 1030-1044.
  • 13- HAMILTON, P.B., GARLICH, J.D : (1971) : Aflatoxin as a possible cause of fatty liver syndrome. Poultry Sci. 50: 800.
  • 14- HAMILTON P:B. (1971) : A natural and extremely severe occureiıce of Aflat oxicosis in laying lıens. Poultry Sci. 50: 1880.
  • 15- HAMILTON, P.B ., GARLICH, J.D. (1972) : Failure of vitamin supplementa · •tion to alter fatty liver syndrome caused by aflatoxin . Poıiltry Sci. 51 : 688.
  • 16- HURF, W.E .. WYATT, R.D., HAMILTON P.B. (1975) : Effects of dietery aflatoxin on certain egg yoll< parameters. Poultry Sci . 54: 2014.
  • 17 - JACOUET, J. (1972) : Afla toxines et antibiotiques. Revue d'iınmunogie . 36, 187.
  • 18 - JACOBSON, W.C., WISEMAN, H.C . (1974) : The transmission of aflatoxin B, into eggs_ Poultry Sci. 53: 1743.
  • 19 - ·KELLEY, V.C., MOR;A., E.C. (1976) : Ultrastructural changes induced by chronic Afla-toxlcosis in chickens. Poultry Sci. 55: 317-324.
  • 20 - KRATZER, F.H., BANDY, D., WILEY, M., BOOT-H, A.N. (1969) : Aflatoxin effect in poultry. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 131: 1281.
  • 21 - MABBE, M.S., CHIPLEY, J.R. (1973) : Tissue distribution and metabolism of aflatoxin B, - C" in broiler chickens. App , .Microbiology_ 25 (5) : 763-769.
  • 22 - RAJION, M.A., PARRELL, D.J. (1976) : Energy and nitrojen metabolism of diseased chickens, : Aflat oxicosis. Poultry Sci. 17: 79-92.
  • 23 - SAWHNEY, D.S., VADEHRA, D.V., BA'KER, R.C. (1972) : The metabolism and tox icology of C" aflatox ins in laying hens. Poultry Sci . 51 (5).
  • 24 - SAWHNEY, D.S., VADEHR•A, D.V., BACKER, R.C. (1973) : Aflatoxicosis · in the laying Japanese quail. Poul try Sci. 52: 465.
  • 25 - SIMS W.M., KELLEY, D.C., SANFORD, P.E (1970) : A study of aflatoxicosis in laying hens. Poultry Sci. 49: 1082.
  • 26 - SMITH, J.W., HAMILTON, P.B. (1970) : Aflatoxicosis in the broiler chickens. Poultry Sci. 49: 207.
  • 27- SMITH, R.S., GRIFFIN, J.B., HAMILTON, P.B. (1975) : Survey of aflatoxi cosis -in afrm animals. App_ Environ Mic. 31 (3) : 385.
  • 28 - SPEERS, G.M., MIROCHA, C.J., CHRISTIANSEN, C.M., BEHRNES, J.C. (1977) : Effect of laying hens of feed ing corn invated by two species of Fusarium and pure T2 mycotoxin. Poultry Sci . 56: 98.
  • 29 - STOLOFF, L., TRUCKSESS, M.W. (1978) : Survey for aflatoxin B, in chic- ken eggs_ J. Assoc. off Anal. Ohem . 61 (4).
  • 30 - STRZELECKI, E.L;, GASIOROWSKA, U.W. (1974) : Alfatoxin B, in feedstuffs. Zbl. Vet. Med. B, 21, 395-400.
  • 31 - TEKİNŞEN, O.C. : Yumurta . Tavukçuluk Derneği Yayınları 1.
  • 32- TRUCKSESS , M.W., LEONARD, S. , WALTER, A.P., ALVA, F.C., LOUISE, S.L., ANONY, O.F. (1977) : Thin layer chromatographic determination of aflatoxin B, in· eggs. Journal AOAC.' 60 (4) .
  • 33- ZINTZEN, H. (1976) : Aflatoxin sorunu. Roche (Vitamin) , sayı : 9.

Ankara ve Çevresinde Üretilen Yumurta Örneklerinde Aflatoksin Rezidülerinin Araştırılması

Yıl 1987, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 101 - 116, 01.12.1987


Bu çalışmada küflü yemlerle beslenme olasılığı bulunan yumurtacı tavuklarda, yumurtaya geçen Aflatoksin varlığının araştırılması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada 13 değişik yerden toplanan 55 yumurta Aflatoksin bakımından analiz edilmiştir.
Araştırmamız sonuçlarına göre, 3 numune ekstraktında 0.0002, 0.007 ve 0.007 ppm düzeyinde Aflatoksin B1; 1 numune ekstraktında 0.005 ppm düzeyde Aflatoksin G bulunmuştur. Geri kalan 51 yumurtada ölçülebilir düzeyde Aflatoksin saptanmıştır.


  • 1 - ALLCROFT, R., CARNAGHAN, R.B.A. (1962) Groundnut toxicity-Aspergillus flavus toxin (aflaoxin) . in animal . product: Preliminar)i communication. The Vet. Rec. 74 (31) : 863-864.
  • 2 - ALLCROFT, R., CARNAGHAN, .· R.B.A. (1963) : Groundnut ·toxicity: .An exa- minotion for toxin in human food product from animals · fed · toxic · ground meal. the Vet.Rec. 75 (10). '
  • 3 - ARAFA, A.S ., HARMS, R.H., MILES, R.D., BLOOMEH, R.T. (1979) :' Rewiew of Aflatoxicosis in animal production. Feedstuffs, Feature ' seetion Sep, 17,
  • 4 ~ ARDA M. (1979) : Mikoloii. A.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Yoyınları 366, Ders Kitabı 261 .
  • 5 - BROWN, J.M.M., ABRAHAMS, L, (1965) : Biochemical studies on. Aflatoxi cosis. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Res. 32 (1) : 119-146.
  • 6- COOMES, T.J., CROWTHER, P:C., FRANCIS, B.J. and STEWERS, L. (1965) ; the detection and stimation of aflatoxin in .groundnuts and .groundnut materials. The Analyst. 90, 492; · . · .
  • 7 - DEMiRER, MA, AKKILIC, M., ÖZALP, E., KAYMAZ; Ş., DİNÇER, B., İNAN, T. (1979) : . Piyasada satıan bazı ·karma yemlerin ve yem maddelerinin mycofloralarının belirlenmesi · ve bunlarda bulunan .Aspergilius suşlarının Aflatoxin yapabilme yeteneklerinin araştırılması. A.Ü Veteriner-. Fakültesi Dergisi. Cilt: 26, No: 3-4.
  • 8- DİLMEN, S. (1971) : Yumurtanın beslenme değeri ve_.tüketimi. üzerinde yeni görüşler. Afyon Veteriner Bölge Gıda Kontrol · Laborotuvarı Dergisi. Cilt: 2 (2) ; 20-39
  • 9 - F.AO /WHO (1967) : Expert committee on nutrition. Wld,. Mltd. Org; Techn. Rep, Ser., 377. Geneva 1967. .. ..
  • 10 - GARLICH, J.D., TUNG; H.T., HAMILTON, · P..B. (1972) : Delayed .effects of aflatoxin on egg production. Poultry Sci. 51 (2). · . · · '
  • 11 - GARLICH, J.D., TUNG, H.T., HAMILTON, P.B.- (1973) · : The effects of short term feeding of aflatoxin on egg production and some plasma constituents of the laying hen; Poultry Sci. 52: ,2206-2211
  • ·12 - GÜRAY, 0 ., VURAL, N. (968) : Mycotoxinlerle meydana gelen besın zehirlenmeleri mjnasebetiyle Aflatoxinler üzerinde bir araştırma . A.Ü.T.F. Mec. XXI (IV) : 1030-1044.
  • 13- HAMILTON, P.B., GARLICH, J.D : (1971) : Aflatoxin as a possible cause of fatty liver syndrome. Poultry Sci. 50: 800.
  • 14- HAMILTON P:B. (1971) : A natural and extremely severe occureiıce of Aflat oxicosis in laying lıens. Poultry Sci. 50: 1880.
  • 15- HAMILTON, P.B ., GARLICH, J.D. (1972) : Failure of vitamin supplementa · •tion to alter fatty liver syndrome caused by aflatoxin . Poıiltry Sci. 51 : 688.
  • 16- HURF, W.E .. WYATT, R.D., HAMILTON P.B. (1975) : Effects of dietery aflatoxin on certain egg yoll< parameters. Poultry Sci . 54: 2014.
  • 17 - JACOUET, J. (1972) : Afla toxines et antibiotiques. Revue d'iınmunogie . 36, 187.
  • 18 - JACOBSON, W.C., WISEMAN, H.C . (1974) : The transmission of aflatoxin B, into eggs_ Poultry Sci. 53: 1743.
  • 19 - ·KELLEY, V.C., MOR;A., E.C. (1976) : Ultrastructural changes induced by chronic Afla-toxlcosis in chickens. Poultry Sci. 55: 317-324.
  • 20 - KRATZER, F.H., BANDY, D., WILEY, M., BOOT-H, A.N. (1969) : Aflatoxin effect in poultry. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 131: 1281.
  • 21 - MABBE, M.S., CHIPLEY, J.R. (1973) : Tissue distribution and metabolism of aflatoxin B, - C" in broiler chickens. App , .Microbiology_ 25 (5) : 763-769.
  • 22 - RAJION, M.A., PARRELL, D.J. (1976) : Energy and nitrojen metabolism of diseased chickens, : Aflat oxicosis. Poultry Sci. 17: 79-92.
  • 23 - SAWHNEY, D.S., VADEHRA, D.V., BA'KER, R.C. (1972) : The metabolism and tox icology of C" aflatox ins in laying hens. Poultry Sci . 51 (5).
  • 24 - SAWHNEY, D.S., VADEHR•A, D.V., BACKER, R.C. (1973) : Aflatoxicosis · in the laying Japanese quail. Poul try Sci. 52: 465.
  • 25 - SIMS W.M., KELLEY, D.C., SANFORD, P.E (1970) : A study of aflatoxicosis in laying hens. Poultry Sci. 49: 1082.
  • 26 - SMITH, J.W., HAMILTON, P.B. (1970) : Aflatoxicosis in the broiler chickens. Poultry Sci. 49: 207.
  • 27- SMITH, R.S., GRIFFIN, J.B., HAMILTON, P.B. (1975) : Survey of aflatoxi cosis -in afrm animals. App_ Environ Mic. 31 (3) : 385.
  • 28 - SPEERS, G.M., MIROCHA, C.J., CHRISTIANSEN, C.M., BEHRNES, J.C. (1977) : Effect of laying hens of feed ing corn invated by two species of Fusarium and pure T2 mycotoxin. Poultry Sci . 56: 98.
  • 29 - STOLOFF, L., TRUCKSESS, M.W. (1978) : Survey for aflatoxin B, in chic- ken eggs_ J. Assoc. off Anal. Ohem . 61 (4).
  • 30 - STRZELECKI, E.L;, GASIOROWSKA, U.W. (1974) : Alfatoxin B, in feedstuffs. Zbl. Vet. Med. B, 21, 395-400.
  • 31 - TEKİNŞEN, O.C. : Yumurta . Tavukçuluk Derneği Yayınları 1.
  • 32- TRUCKSESS , M.W., LEONARD, S. , WALTER, A.P., ALVA, F.C., LOUISE, S.L., ANONY, O.F. (1977) : Thin layer chromatographic determination of aflatoxin B, in· eggs. Journal AOAC.' 60 (4) .
  • 33- ZINTZEN, H. (1976) : Aflatoxin sorunu. Roche (Vitamin) , sayı : 9.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Nesrin Tuncer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1987
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1987
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1987 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Tuncer, N. (1987). Ankara ve Çevresinde Üretilen Yumurta Örneklerinde Aflatoksin Rezidülerinin Araştırılması. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 6(1), 101-116.