An application of test of selection and neutrality in the data of domesticated sheep
Yıl 1988,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 65 - 76, 01.12.1988
M. İhsan Soysal
Faruk Doğrul
The applicability of selective neutrality for sheep investigated
due to accumulated data on it. The variations of gene :frequencies
in sheep populations of World were discussed.The magnitude of
genetic changes among populations were not consistent with selective
neutrality hypothesis.
The cause of exceptations of non selective neutrality for the
data of world wide sheep polymorphisms were argued. It is concluded
that not all alleles investigated were selectively neutral.
- 1 - AGAR, N.S., EW.A:NS, J.W. ROBEıRTS, L. (1972) : Red blood cell potassium
cmd haemoglo'bin polymorphfsm in sheep o rewview. Anim. Breed. Abs. 40,
- 2 - AKAGI, S., WATANABE, S., SUZUKI, S. (1971) : Studies on alkaline phosphatose
of sheep serum, Proc. of Japon Acad., 47, 751-756.
- 3 - AKAGI, S. (1974) : Haemotypological study of sheep, Memoirs of the Tokyo
' Univ. of Agric., Vol. XVI 53-109.
- 4 - ANANTHAKRISHNAN, R. (1973) : A study of gene differences -between same
breeds of stıeep, Anim. Blood Grps, Biochem. Genet. 4, 141-146.
- 5 - ATROSHI, F. (1979) : Phenotypic and genetic association between production
& reproduction traits and 'blood ıbiochemical polymorphic characters
in Finn sheep, Agricultural Research Centre, lns. of Anim. Breed, Vanta,
- 6 - BERY, R.J., SOUTHERN, H.N. (1970) : Variation in Mammalion Popul., Zool.
Soc. of Lond. Academic Press.
- 7 - BUIS, R.C., TUCKER, E.M. (1983) : Relationship between rare breeds of
sheep in Netherlands as 'based on blood typing, Anim, Blood Grps. Blochem.
Genet. 14, 17-26.
- 8 - CAVALLI-SFORZA, L.L. (1966) : Population structure and humen evolution,
Proc. Ray. Soc. Lond. Ser. B 164. 366-379.
- 9 - CURTAIN, C. ·(1971) : Allotypes of serum a-macroglobulin, B - Iipoprotein and
immunoglobulins in the domesticated sheep (Ovis Aries). Wox Sang, 21 ,
- 10 - EAGLTON G.E., HALL, J.G., RUSSEL, W,S. (1970) : An estimation of dominance
at the locus controlling blood potassium in sheep, Anim, Blood Grps.
Biochem. Genet. 1, 135-143.
- 11 - FESUS, 1., RASMUSSEN , BA (1971) : The distribution of transferrin and
haemoglobin types in families of Suffolk and Targee sheep, Anim. Blood
Grps. Biochem. Genet., 2, 39-43.
- 12 - KALLA, S.D., GHOSH. P.K., TANEJA, G C. (1972) : ·Erytrocyte glutathione
level in relation to blood potassium type in Rojasthan desert sheep, Anim.
Blood Grps. •Biochem. Genet., 3, 121-1:23.
- 13 - KALLA, S.D., GHOSH, P.K (1974) : A note on relationship· .between wool
quality and blood potassium type in sheep, ·Anim. Blood Grps. Biochem.
Genet., 5, 167-169.
- 14 - KIMURA, M. '(1968) : Genetic variability maintained in o finite population
due to mutational ·production of neutral ·or nearly neutral izo allels. Gen.
Res. 11 247-269.
- 15 - KIMURA. M., OHTA, T. (1971) : Protein polymorphism as o phase of malecular
evoltion, Nature, 229, 467-469.
- 16 - KIDD, K.K .. CAVALLI-SFORZA, LL. (1974) : The role of genetic drift in the
differantation of Icelandic and Norvegian cattle, Evolotion, 28, 381-385.
- 17- LEVONTIN, R.C. HUBBY, LL. (1966) : A malecular approach to the study
of genic heterozygosity 'in natural populations. ll Amount of variations and
degree of heterozygosity in natural populations of «Drozophyla Pseudocura >>
Genetics, 54, 595-609.
- 18 - LEVONTIN, 'R.C., KRAKAUER J. (1973) : Distribution of gene frequency as
o test of selecUve neutrality of polymorphism, Genetics, 74. 175-195.
- 19- LUSH, I.E. (1970) :The extend of biochemical variation in mammalian popu- ·
lations, Symp. Zooı. Soc. Lond., 26, 43-71
- 20 - McDERMID, E.M., AGAR, N.S. CHAI, C.K. (1975) : Electrophoretic variation
of red cell enzyme systems in from animals, Anim. Blood Grps. Biochem.
Genet., 6. 127-174.
- 21 - MUKAI, T. (1968) : Experimental studies on the mecanism involved in the
maintenange of genetic variability in drozophyla pop. Jap. J. Genet., 45,
- 22 - OGDEN, A.L. (1961) .: Biochemical polymorphism in form animals, Anim.
Breed Albs ., 29, 127-138.
- 23 - PEMBECİ M. (1978) : Atatürk Üniversitesi Koyun Kan Potasyum Seviyesi
Kalıtımı, Doktora tezi, Atatürk Üniv. Zir. Fak. Zoot. Bölümü, Erzurum.
- 24 - RASMUSSEN, B.A (1962) : Blood groups in sheep, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci, 97,
- 25 - RASMUSSEN, B.A., TUOK'ER, E.M. (1973) : Transferrin types and reproduction
in sheep, Anim. Blood Grps. Bicchem. Genet. 4 . . 207-220,
- 26 - RENDEL, J., AULUND, 0 ., FREDLAND, 0 ., MOLLER, F. (1964) : lihe relationship
between alkaline phosphatase polymorphism and blood groups O
in sheep, Genetics, 50, 975-986.
- 27 - ROBERTSON, A. (1967) : Biochemical polymorphism in animal ·improvoment.
Proc. of the 10th European Conf on Anim. Blood Grps. and Biochem. Polymorphism,
Paris 1966. 35-40.
- 28 - ROBERT, R.S., ROHLF, F.J. (1969) : Biometry, W,H, Freeman Company, San
- 29 - SALENDER, R:K. (1970) : Biochemical polymorphism in population of the
house mouse and old field mouse, Symp. Zool. Soc. Lond., 26, 73-90.
- 30 - SINGH, H.P .. BHAT, P.N., RAINA, B,L., SINGH, R. (1979) : Phylogenetic relations
hip between indigenous sheep breeds, lnd. J. Anim. Sci., 49, 910-915.
- 31 - SHIMAOKA, T. (1980) : Studies on biochemical genetics of blood in six
breeds of Japanesse sheep, Doctorate thesis, (Japanesse with English
summary). Univ. of Agricul. Tokyo.
- 32 - SHIMAOKA, T., T.ANAKA, K., TSUNODA, K. SUZUKI, S. (1980) : Polymorphism
of heamogolbin a B X-protein and NADH diaphorase in red cell,
Alkaline phosphatase and transferrin in blood plasma of sheep, J. of Agric.
Sci., Tokyo Univ. of Agric, 25, 145-154.
SUZUKI, S. (1981) : Polymorphism of prealbumin 1-11, Acidic esterase and
aryl esterase •in plasma and heamoglobin in red cell of sheep, Japanesse J.
of Zooth. Sci., 52, 253-261.
- 34 - SHIMAOKA, T., TSUNODA, K. OTAKE, M .. SUZUKI, S. (1981) : Genetic relationship
among six sheep breeds ·in Japon in investigated from biochemical
polymorphism, Japanesse J. of Zooth. Sci., 52, 253-261 .
- 35 - SHIMAOKA, T., TSUNODA, K., HIROTO, K., KIKKAWA. S .• IDA. H. (1983) :
Genetic relationship among Suffolk, Finnisch Landrace and their crosses
investigated from biochemical polymorphism. Japanesse J. of sheep res.,
Nihon menyou Kenkyu Koi Shi (Jpn. with •Eng. summary). 20, 14-20.
- 36 - SMITH, J.M. (1970) : The causes of polymorphism, Symp. Zool. Soc. Lond.,
26, 371-383.
- 37 - SOYSAL, M.l. (1983) : Atatürk Üniversitesi Koyun Populasyonunun :bazı Kalıtsal
Polimorfik Kan Proteinleri Bakımından Genetik Yapısı , Doktora Tezi,
Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Erzurum.
- 38 - SOYSAL, M.l., KATSUMAT·A, M., TANAKA , M. (1985) : A study on biochemical
poly.morphism in some sheep population of Japon, (Yayınlanmamış). Tokyo
Univ. of Aigric., lns. of Anim. serology.
- 39 - TSUNODA, K. (1885) : Hikaku ketsuekı gata gal<u (comperative haemotology,
Japanesse). Shokako, Tokyo, 121'-196.
Morphological characters and blood protein polymorphisms in the sheep
of Bangaldesh. Report of genetic studies on breed differentiation of the
natıve domestic ·animals in Bangaldesh, Tokyo Univ. of Agric., 57-85.
- 41 - TUCKER , E.M. (1975) : Genetic markers in the plasma and red blood cells
in blood of sheep (M.H!Biunt Ed.). 123-153. Springer Verlag, ıBerlin-Heidelber.
g "Newyork.
- 42 - TUCKER, E.M. (1976) : Same physological aspects of genetic variations in
the lblood o·f sheep, Anim. Blood Grps. Biochem. Genet., 7, 207-2•15.
- 43 - YAMAZAKI, T., MARUYAMA, T. (1973) : Evidence that enzyme polymorphism
are selectively neutral but blood group polymorphisms are not, Science, 26.
No., . 1091 .
Evcil Koyun Verilerinde Tabii Seleksiyon ve Nötralitenin Test Edilmesi Üzerinde Bir Uygulama
Yıl 1988,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 65 - 76, 01.12.1988
M. İhsan Soysal
Faruk Doğrul
Çeşitli coğrafi bölgelerde bulunan koyun populasyonlarında
gözlenen kan grupları polimorfizime ilişkin birikmiş çok sayıda
verileri kullanarak «Selektif Nötralite» ve dolayısıyla «Tabii Seleksiyon
» hipotezlerinin test edilmesi konusu araştırılmıştır.
Farklı coğrafi bölgelerde koyun populasyonlarının gösterdiği
kan grupları ve biyokimyasal polirmorfizm verilerindeki varyasyon
incelendiğinde, bu varyasyonun selektif nötralite hipotezinden kaynaklanmadığı
görülmüştür. Söz konusu varyasyonun nedenleri tartışılmış
ve incelenen kan grupları allellerinin hiç değilse hepsinin
selektif nötral allel olmadığı, ancak az bir kısımının selektif nötral
olabileceği sonucuna varılmışrtır.
- 1 - AGAR, N.S., EW.A:NS, J.W. ROBEıRTS, L. (1972) : Red blood cell potassium
cmd haemoglo'bin polymorphfsm in sheep o rewview. Anim. Breed. Abs. 40,
- 2 - AKAGI, S., WATANABE, S., SUZUKI, S. (1971) : Studies on alkaline phosphatose
of sheep serum, Proc. of Japon Acad., 47, 751-756.
- 3 - AKAGI, S. (1974) : Haemotypological study of sheep, Memoirs of the Tokyo
' Univ. of Agric., Vol. XVI 53-109.
- 4 - ANANTHAKRISHNAN, R. (1973) : A study of gene differences -between same
breeds of stıeep, Anim. Blood Grps, Biochem. Genet. 4, 141-146.
- 5 - ATROSHI, F. (1979) : Phenotypic and genetic association between production
& reproduction traits and 'blood ıbiochemical polymorphic characters
in Finn sheep, Agricultural Research Centre, lns. of Anim. Breed, Vanta,
- 6 - BERY, R.J., SOUTHERN, H.N. (1970) : Variation in Mammalion Popul., Zool.
Soc. of Lond. Academic Press.
- 7 - BUIS, R.C., TUCKER, E.M. (1983) : Relationship between rare breeds of
sheep in Netherlands as 'based on blood typing, Anim, Blood Grps. Blochem.
Genet. 14, 17-26.
- 8 - CAVALLI-SFORZA, L.L. (1966) : Population structure and humen evolution,
Proc. Ray. Soc. Lond. Ser. B 164. 366-379.
- 9 - CURTAIN, C. ·(1971) : Allotypes of serum a-macroglobulin, B - Iipoprotein and
immunoglobulins in the domesticated sheep (Ovis Aries). Wox Sang, 21 ,
- 10 - EAGLTON G.E., HALL, J.G., RUSSEL, W,S. (1970) : An estimation of dominance
at the locus controlling blood potassium in sheep, Anim, Blood Grps.
Biochem. Genet. 1, 135-143.
- 11 - FESUS, 1., RASMUSSEN , BA (1971) : The distribution of transferrin and
haemoglobin types in families of Suffolk and Targee sheep, Anim. Blood
Grps. Biochem. Genet., 2, 39-43.
- 12 - KALLA, S.D., GHOSH. P.K., TANEJA, G C. (1972) : ·Erytrocyte glutathione
level in relation to blood potassium type in Rojasthan desert sheep, Anim.
Blood Grps. •Biochem. Genet., 3, 121-1:23.
- 13 - KALLA, S.D., GHOSH, P.K (1974) : A note on relationship· .between wool
quality and blood potassium type in sheep, ·Anim. Blood Grps. Biochem.
Genet., 5, 167-169.
- 14 - KIMURA, M. '(1968) : Genetic variability maintained in o finite population
due to mutational ·production of neutral ·or nearly neutral izo allels. Gen.
Res. 11 247-269.
- 15 - KIMURA. M., OHTA, T. (1971) : Protein polymorphism as o phase of malecular
evoltion, Nature, 229, 467-469.
- 16 - KIDD, K.K .. CAVALLI-SFORZA, LL. (1974) : The role of genetic drift in the
differantation of Icelandic and Norvegian cattle, Evolotion, 28, 381-385.
- 17- LEVONTIN, R.C. HUBBY, LL. (1966) : A malecular approach to the study
of genic heterozygosity 'in natural populations. ll Amount of variations and
degree of heterozygosity in natural populations of «Drozophyla Pseudocura >>
Genetics, 54, 595-609.
- 18 - LEVONTIN, 'R.C., KRAKAUER J. (1973) : Distribution of gene frequency as
o test of selecUve neutrality of polymorphism, Genetics, 74. 175-195.
- 19- LUSH, I.E. (1970) :The extend of biochemical variation in mammalian popu- ·
lations, Symp. Zooı. Soc. Lond., 26, 43-71
- 20 - McDERMID, E.M., AGAR, N.S. CHAI, C.K. (1975) : Electrophoretic variation
of red cell enzyme systems in from animals, Anim. Blood Grps. Biochem.
Genet., 6. 127-174.
- 21 - MUKAI, T. (1968) : Experimental studies on the mecanism involved in the
maintenange of genetic variability in drozophyla pop. Jap. J. Genet., 45,
- 22 - OGDEN, A.L. (1961) .: Biochemical polymorphism in form animals, Anim.
Breed Albs ., 29, 127-138.
- 23 - PEMBECİ M. (1978) : Atatürk Üniversitesi Koyun Kan Potasyum Seviyesi
Kalıtımı, Doktora tezi, Atatürk Üniv. Zir. Fak. Zoot. Bölümü, Erzurum.
- 24 - RASMUSSEN, B.A (1962) : Blood groups in sheep, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci, 97,
- 25 - RASMUSSEN, B.A., TUOK'ER, E.M. (1973) : Transferrin types and reproduction
in sheep, Anim. Blood Grps. Bicchem. Genet. 4 . . 207-220,
- 26 - RENDEL, J., AULUND, 0 ., FREDLAND, 0 ., MOLLER, F. (1964) : lihe relationship
between alkaline phosphatase polymorphism and blood groups O
in sheep, Genetics, 50, 975-986.
- 27 - ROBERTSON, A. (1967) : Biochemical polymorphism in animal ·improvoment.
Proc. of the 10th European Conf on Anim. Blood Grps. and Biochem. Polymorphism,
Paris 1966. 35-40.
- 28 - ROBERT, R.S., ROHLF, F.J. (1969) : Biometry, W,H, Freeman Company, San
- 29 - SALENDER, R:K. (1970) : Biochemical polymorphism in population of the
house mouse and old field mouse, Symp. Zool. Soc. Lond., 26, 73-90.
- 30 - SINGH, H.P .. BHAT, P.N., RAINA, B,L., SINGH, R. (1979) : Phylogenetic relations
hip between indigenous sheep breeds, lnd. J. Anim. Sci., 49, 910-915.
- 31 - SHIMAOKA, T. (1980) : Studies on biochemical genetics of blood in six
breeds of Japanesse sheep, Doctorate thesis, (Japanesse with English
summary). Univ. of Agricul. Tokyo.
- 32 - SHIMAOKA, T., T.ANAKA, K., TSUNODA, K. SUZUKI, S. (1980) : Polymorphism
of heamogolbin a B X-protein and NADH diaphorase in red cell,
Alkaline phosphatase and transferrin in blood plasma of sheep, J. of Agric.
Sci., Tokyo Univ. of Agric, 25, 145-154.
SUZUKI, S. (1981) : Polymorphism of prealbumin 1-11, Acidic esterase and
aryl esterase •in plasma and heamoglobin in red cell of sheep, Japanesse J.
of Zooth. Sci., 52, 253-261.
- 34 - SHIMAOKA, T., TSUNODA, K. OTAKE, M .. SUZUKI, S. (1981) : Genetic relationship
among six sheep breeds ·in Japon in investigated from biochemical
polymorphism, Japanesse J. of Zooth. Sci., 52, 253-261 .
- 35 - SHIMAOKA, T., TSUNODA, K., HIROTO, K., KIKKAWA. S .• IDA. H. (1983) :
Genetic relationship among Suffolk, Finnisch Landrace and their crosses
investigated from biochemical polymorphism. Japanesse J. of sheep res.,
Nihon menyou Kenkyu Koi Shi (Jpn. with •Eng. summary). 20, 14-20.
- 36 - SMITH, J.M. (1970) : The causes of polymorphism, Symp. Zool. Soc. Lond.,
26, 371-383.
- 37 - SOYSAL, M.l. (1983) : Atatürk Üniversitesi Koyun Populasyonunun :bazı Kalıtsal
Polimorfik Kan Proteinleri Bakımından Genetik Yapısı , Doktora Tezi,
Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Erzurum.
- 38 - SOYSAL, M.l., KATSUMAT·A, M., TANAKA , M. (1985) : A study on biochemical
poly.morphism in some sheep population of Japon, (Yayınlanmamış). Tokyo
Univ. of Aigric., lns. of Anim. serology.
- 39 - TSUNODA, K. (1885) : Hikaku ketsuekı gata gal<u (comperative haemotology,
Japanesse). Shokako, Tokyo, 121'-196.
Morphological characters and blood protein polymorphisms in the sheep
of Bangaldesh. Report of genetic studies on breed differentiation of the
natıve domestic ·animals in Bangaldesh, Tokyo Univ. of Agric., 57-85.
- 41 - TUCKER , E.M. (1975) : Genetic markers in the plasma and red blood cells
in blood of sheep (M.H!Biunt Ed.). 123-153. Springer Verlag, ıBerlin-Heidelber.
g "Newyork.
- 42 - TUCKER, E.M. (1976) : Same physological aspects of genetic variations in
the lblood o·f sheep, Anim. Blood Grps. Biochem. Genet., 7, 207-2•15.
- 43 - YAMAZAKI, T., MARUYAMA, T. (1973) : Evidence that enzyme polymorphism
are selectively neutral but blood group polymorphisms are not, Science, 26.
No., . 1091 .