İç Anadolu bölgesinde bulunan Devlet Kurumlarından ve Halik elindeki hayvanlardan temin edilen 2919 adet sığır kan serumu ,tüp komplement fikzasyon ve mikro komplement fikzasyon testiyle paratüberkülosis bakımından mukayeseli olarak muayeneye tabi tutulmuş, her iki test sonucunda tüp komplement fikzasyonda %2,7 m.c. fikzasyonda ise %2,2 reaktör tesbit edilmiş olup m.c. fikzasyon testinde pozitif reaksiyon gösteren 67 serum tüp komplement fikzasyon da aynı neticeyi vermiş. 12 serumdan ise değişik sonuç alınmıştır. Buna göre her iki test arasında uyarlık oranı %84,8 olarak bulunmuştur.
ARDA, M. (1982) : Özel Mikrobiyoloji A.A Vet. Fak. Yayınları No:386 Ders Kitabı A.Ü. Basımevi, ANKARA
OHANDLER, R.L. (1956) : A micro complement fixatiön for Johne'·s Disease
and its Application to Diagn·osis ·in cattle and sheep; Vet. Rec. 68, 819-825 .
DEMİRER, F . YÜCEL, N. (·1964) : Çifteler harası ile Alpu'daki Mesut Zeytinoğlu' na ait çiftlikteki sığırların gaitasından (Bacillus) Mycobakterium
paratuberculosis (Johne'i)'in memleketimizde ilk izolasyonu: Türk Vet. HeK.Derg. 34. 3-4. 170-171.
DOYLE. T.M . (.1954) : Isolation of Johne's basilli from the udder·of clinically affected cows . Brit. Vet. J. 110, 6, 215-218.
EMRE, N. (1967) : Yurdumuz sığırlarında paratüberkülozun teşhis metodları üzerinde mukayeseli araştırıncilar. Güven Matbaası , Ankara.
GRAYSON, A.R., LETTS, GA (1958) : Johne's disease in victorian cattle:
Aust, Vet. J. 34, 147-151.
HATEKEYAMA, H .. YUGI, H., NEMATO, H. (1963) : An Outbreak of Johne's
disease Among sheep in Japon: Not. lnst. Anim. Hlt. Ouart; 3, 21-31 .
HOLE, N.H. (1952) : Johne's disease 1-present day· diaghosis and preliminary
note on an investigation into the value of a serological method; Vet.
Res. 64, 601-603.
HOLE. N.H. (1956) : Johen's disease in bovines infectian and .spread, Epidemiology, diagnosis in control of Johne disease in cattle, ·sheep and goats;
Org. Ec. Coop. Paris, Proj: 207, 83-120.
HOLE, N.H. and MACLAY, M.H. (1959) · The diagnosis of Johne's Disease
in Cattle and identification of M. Johne infectioıi; Vet. Rec. 71, 1145-1167.
JOHNE, H.A. and FROTHINGAM, L. (1895) : L. Dtsch. 2. Tiermed 21, 438.
Cited. by Hagan, W.A. and Bruner, D.W. The infectious Disease of Domestic
Animals; Ithaca, New York, (1961): 416-431 .
KOPECKY, K:E. (1973) : Distrubution of bovine paratuberculosis in the united states; JAVMA 162: 787-788 ..
LARSEN, A.B., V.ARDAMAN, T.H., MERKAL, R.S . (1963) : An exterded study
of a herd of cattle NaturaIy infected with Johne's disease. ·ll-The significicance
of the complement, fixation tesıs . Amer. J. Vet. Res. 24 .. 948:950.
LARSEN, A.B., VARDAMAN, T.H. and MERKAL, R.S. (1965) : En extended
study of Herd of cattle Naturally infected with Johne's Disease: The Significance
of the ·Hemagglutination Test; Amer. J. Vet. Res., 26, 111, 254-257.
LARSEN, A.B., MERIKAL, R.S. (1968) : The effect of mana-gment on the incidanse
of ciinical Johne's disease. J. AVMA, 152, 1771-1773.
MC. QUEEN, D.S. (1959) : Johne disease with particular reterence to diagnosis
( a) field aspects; Austr. Vet. oJ ur. 47-52.
MERKAL, R.S. (1984) : Paratulberculosis: Advanced in cultural, serologic,
and vaccination methods. JAVMA 184, 8, 939-943.
RICE; C.E., KONST, H., CARJ:E,RtE, J. (1961) : Studies of Johne'•s disease in
Canada X. A more sensitive complement-fixation test; Vet. Bull. 626.
RlNGDAL, G. (1960) Diagnosis of Johne's disease in cattle, Nord. Vet.
Med. 12, 513-531.
RINGDAL, G. (.1965) : Studies on Johne's disease in a single herd during
cı five year period; Nor. Vet. Med. 17, 411.
S.TUART, P. (1962) : The Diagnosis of Johne disease in cattle and the effect
·of vaccination on tuberculin and Johnin tests. BuJI. Off. Int. Epiz. 58,
TWORD, F.W., INGRAM, G.L.W. (1912) : Proc. royal society. Serios. B. 84,
517. Cited . by central Veterinary Lab. WeY:bridge. Johne disease in Bovines.
Org. Eur. Ec. Coop. Paris !Project (1956) 207, 27.
WITHERS, F.W. (1959) ll. incidance of the disease. Vet. Rec. 71 . 1150-1153.
YlLMAZ, S. (.1956) : Sığırların paratüberküloz hastalığının teşhisinde microkomplement
fikzasyon testi ile yapılan serolojik araştırmalar. Etlik Vet. Bakt.
Enst. Derg. 3, 1-2.
ZIMMBRMAN, T., WESTPHAL, W. (1964) : Age of cattle in relation to cpuearence
of complement fixin antibodies against paratuiberculosis antigen.
Vet. BulI. 34, 478.
A comparative analysis of Johne's disease by using micro-complement fixation and tube complement ·fixation tesıs in the cattle of Central Anatolia
A comparative analysis of Johne's disease in the cattle of central anatolia with micro c.fixation and tube c.fixation tests.
According to our laboratory research, 2919 blood sera from the animals of state and private farms were tested by the micro complement fixation and tube complement fixation methods.
A) The result of
M. Complement fixation
Amount of samples :2919
Tihe serum dilution :1/5
Pozitive: 67
Suspicious: 22
B) The result of
Tube C. fixation
Amount of samples: 2919
The serum dilution :1/5
Pozitiıve: 79
Suspicious: 35
ARDA, M. (1982) : Özel Mikrobiyoloji A.A Vet. Fak. Yayınları No:386 Ders Kitabı A.Ü. Basımevi, ANKARA
OHANDLER, R.L. (1956) : A micro complement fixatiön for Johne'·s Disease
and its Application to Diagn·osis ·in cattle and sheep; Vet. Rec. 68, 819-825 .
DEMİRER, F . YÜCEL, N. (·1964) : Çifteler harası ile Alpu'daki Mesut Zeytinoğlu' na ait çiftlikteki sığırların gaitasından (Bacillus) Mycobakterium
paratuberculosis (Johne'i)'in memleketimizde ilk izolasyonu: Türk Vet. HeK.Derg. 34. 3-4. 170-171.
DOYLE. T.M . (.1954) : Isolation of Johne's basilli from the udder·of clinically affected cows . Brit. Vet. J. 110, 6, 215-218.
EMRE, N. (1967) : Yurdumuz sığırlarında paratüberkülozun teşhis metodları üzerinde mukayeseli araştırıncilar. Güven Matbaası , Ankara.
GRAYSON, A.R., LETTS, GA (1958) : Johne's disease in victorian cattle:
Aust, Vet. J. 34, 147-151.
HATEKEYAMA, H .. YUGI, H., NEMATO, H. (1963) : An Outbreak of Johne's
disease Among sheep in Japon: Not. lnst. Anim. Hlt. Ouart; 3, 21-31 .
HOLE, N.H. (1952) : Johne's disease 1-present day· diaghosis and preliminary
note on an investigation into the value of a serological method; Vet.
Res. 64, 601-603.
HOLE. N.H. (1956) : Johen's disease in bovines infectian and .spread, Epidemiology, diagnosis in control of Johne disease in cattle, ·sheep and goats;
Org. Ec. Coop. Paris, Proj: 207, 83-120.
HOLE, N.H. and MACLAY, M.H. (1959) · The diagnosis of Johne's Disease
in Cattle and identification of M. Johne infectioıi; Vet. Rec. 71, 1145-1167.
JOHNE, H.A. and FROTHINGAM, L. (1895) : L. Dtsch. 2. Tiermed 21, 438.
Cited. by Hagan, W.A. and Bruner, D.W. The infectious Disease of Domestic
Animals; Ithaca, New York, (1961): 416-431 .
KOPECKY, K:E. (1973) : Distrubution of bovine paratuberculosis in the united states; JAVMA 162: 787-788 ..
LARSEN, A.B., V.ARDAMAN, T.H., MERKAL, R.S . (1963) : An exterded study
of a herd of cattle NaturaIy infected with Johne's disease. ·ll-The significicance
of the complement, fixation tesıs . Amer. J. Vet. Res. 24 .. 948:950.
LARSEN, A.B., VARDAMAN, T.H. and MERKAL, R.S. (1965) : En extended
study of Herd of cattle Naturally infected with Johne's Disease: The Significance
of the ·Hemagglutination Test; Amer. J. Vet. Res., 26, 111, 254-257.
LARSEN, A.B., MERIKAL, R.S. (1968) : The effect of mana-gment on the incidanse
of ciinical Johne's disease. J. AVMA, 152, 1771-1773.
MC. QUEEN, D.S. (1959) : Johne disease with particular reterence to diagnosis
( a) field aspects; Austr. Vet. oJ ur. 47-52.
MERKAL, R.S. (1984) : Paratulberculosis: Advanced in cultural, serologic,
and vaccination methods. JAVMA 184, 8, 939-943.
RICE; C.E., KONST, H., CARJ:E,RtE, J. (1961) : Studies of Johne'•s disease in
Canada X. A more sensitive complement-fixation test; Vet. Bull. 626.
RlNGDAL, G. (1960) Diagnosis of Johne's disease in cattle, Nord. Vet.
Med. 12, 513-531.
RINGDAL, G. (.1965) : Studies on Johne's disease in a single herd during
cı five year period; Nor. Vet. Med. 17, 411.
S.TUART, P. (1962) : The Diagnosis of Johne disease in cattle and the effect
·of vaccination on tuberculin and Johnin tests. BuJI. Off. Int. Epiz. 58,
TWORD, F.W., INGRAM, G.L.W. (1912) : Proc. royal society. Serios. B. 84,
517. Cited . by central Veterinary Lab. WeY:bridge. Johne disease in Bovines.
Org. Eur. Ec. Coop. Paris !Project (1956) 207, 27.
WITHERS, F.W. (1959) ll. incidance of the disease. Vet. Rec. 71 . 1150-1153.
YlLMAZ, S. (.1956) : Sığırların paratüberküloz hastalığının teşhisinde microkomplement
fikzasyon testi ile yapılan serolojik araştırmalar. Etlik Vet. Bakt.
Enst. Derg. 3, 1-2.
ZIMMBRMAN, T., WESTPHAL, W. (1964) : Age of cattle in relation to cpuearence
of complement fixin antibodies against paratuiberculosis antigen.
Vet. BulI. 34, 478.
Vural, B., & Atala, N. (1988). İç Anadolu Bölgesinde Sığırlardaki Paratüberkülozisin Mikro-Komplement Fikzasyon ve Tüp Komplement Fikzasyon Testi ile Serolajik Oolarak Tetkiki. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 6(3), 87-97.