Bu çalışmada çeşitli yetiştirmelerden sağlanan 158 at serumu ile Ankara bölgesindeki at Brucellozis'inin sero-prevalansı araştırılmıştır. Bu serumlardan %42.40'ı (67) çabuk lam aglutinasyonu, % 1,89'u (3) Rose Bengal plate testi ile pozitif bulunmuştur., %29,11'i (46) ise serum aglutinasyon testi ile değişik titreler göstermiştir..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
CRAMLET, S.H., BERHANU, G. (1977) : Bruceila abortus tilres to equine
fistulous withers in Ethiopia. Vet. Med. Smail Anim . Clin., 74 (2) : 195-196.
DAWSON, F.L.M. (1977) : Further serological reactions to bruceila antigen
in the horse. Equine Vet. J., 9(3): 158-160.
DAWSON, F.L.M ., DURRANT, D.S. (1975) : Same serological reactions to
bruceila antigen in the horse. Equine Vet. J., 7(3) : 137-1/ıO.
DEN N V, H.R. (1972) : Bruceilasis in the horse. Vet. Rec., 90 ( 4) : 86-91.
DENNY, H.R. (1973) : A review of the bruceilasis in the horse. Equine Vet.
J., 5: 121-125.
FECHNER, J., MEVER, W. (1960) : Untersuclıungen zur pferde 'bruceilose.
Arclı. Exper. Vcterinarmed., 14: 1327-1339.
GIBBON, R.W. , MANNING, J.P. (1968) : The prevalence of bruceila aggiutinins
in the serum of horses. Vet. Med. Smail Ani m. Clin., 64: 907-91 O.
J.E., CONTRıERES, A.G. (1983) : Serological study of some cases of
equine bruceilosis. Archivos de Zootecnica., 32(123): 159-163.
GODOV, A.M., BORG, L. (1976) : Ecological aspects of bruceilasis serological
study of race .Jhorses. Univ. Federal de Minas Gerais., 28 (2): 121-123.
HINTON, M., BARKER, G.L., MORGAN, T.L.A. (1977) : Abortion in mare associated
with Bruceila abortus infeelian and twins. Vet. Rec., 101: 26-27.
HUTCHINS, D.R., L:EP.HE-RD, (1968) : The occurance of agglutinins to Bru•
ceila abortus in horses. Aust. Vet. J., 44: 323-325.
KARVOUNARIS, P.A., PAPAKYRI•AKOU, E. (1972) : Serological studies in
bruceikisis • in equidae. • 1-Bruceila agglutinin tilres in the serum of healthy
horses and mules. Acta Microbiol. Heilenica., 17(3): 181-189.
KULSHRESTHA, R.C., ARORO, R.G., KALR•A, D.S. (1978) : Brucellesis in
canıals and horses. Int. J. Anim. Sci., 45(9): 673-675.
MACMILLAN. A.P. (1985) : A retrospective study of serology of bruceilasis
in horses. Vet. Rec., 117(24) : 638-639.
MACMILLAN, A.P., COCıKH•EM , D.S. (1986) : Observations on the long term
effects of Bruceila abortus infeelian in the horse, including effects during
pregnancy and lactation. Equine Vet. J., 18(5): 388-390.
(1982) : Experimental Bruceila abortus infeelian in the horse: observations
during the three months fallawing in~culation. Res. Vet. Sci., 33: 351-359.
21 - MASON, B.J.E. (1972) : Brucellesis in the horse. Vet. Rec., 90(7): 197-198.
MACCAUGHEY, W.J., KERR, W.R. (1967) : Abortion due to bruceilasis in a
thoroghbred mare. Vet. Rec., 80(5): 186-187.
MACCAUGHEY, W.J., KERR, W.R. (1967) : The Coombs' or antiglobulin test
in the horse. Vet. Rec., 18: 542.
MCNUTT, S.H ., MURH•AY, C. (1924) Bacterium abortion (Bang) isolated
from the fetus of an aborting mare. J. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc., 97: 576-580.
MILLAR, R. (1961) : Disease of the ligamantum nuchae associated with
Bruceila abortus infection in the horse and its treatment with strain 19 vaccina.
Brit. Vet. J., 118: 167-170.
NICOLETTI, P.L., MAHLER, J.R., SCARRATT, W.K. (1982) : Study of agglutinins
to Bruceila abortus, Brucell acanis and A.quuli in horses. Equine Vet.
J .. 14 ( 4): 302-304_
NOVILLA, M.N., NESSE, J.B., SESE, A.B. (1972) : A serological survey for
Br.abortus antibodies in imported and native horses using the rapid plate
aggutination test. Phiippine J. Vet. Med., 11 (1): 1-9.
OLIVER•A. O.C., MOVEIRO , V.J., LIME, C.S. (1973) : Brucellosis in the horses.
Revista Med. Vet. Brasil., 9(2): 93-107.
ROBERTSON, F ... MILNE, J., SILV.ER, CL. (1973) : Abertion associated with
Br.Abostus (biotype 1) in the thoroughbred mare. Vet. Rec., 92(18): 480-481.
SCHELLINER, H. (1934) : Uber die Bruceila des Pferdes, Experimentelle
Untersuchungen. Tierarztl. Rdschau. 40: 764.
SEN, G.P., JOSHI, T.P., SINGH, G. (1974) : Bruceilasis among horses in 1:'•
dia-serological study. lndian Anim. Hlth., 14(1) : 7-9.
SEN, G.P., JOSHI, T.P., SINGH, G. (1975) : Brucellosis among horse in
lndia-serological study. Equine Vet. ., J6(2): 94-96.
SHORTRIDGE, E.U. (1967) : 2 cases of suspected Bruceila abortus in mares.
N.Z. Vet. J., 15: 33-34.
SINHA, B .D., VERMA, B.B. (1979) : Studies on the prevaleııce of c quinc
bruceilasis in Punjab. Bull. Int. Epit., 91 (7-8): 545-552.
VAN DER HOEDEN, J. (1930) : The baciilus of bovine abertion as a cause
of disease in equines. Vet. Rec., 10:2ô7.
VANDERASSCHE, M., DEVOS, A. (1960) : Excretion of brucella in the
semen of stailions. U.l. Diergen. Tıjdschr .. 29: 119.
VIANA, F.C., REIS, R., SANTOS, W.L. (1981) : Serological investigalion fcr
equine bruceilasis in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Arg. Esc. Vet. PFMG: Bela
Horizonte., 33 (3) : 431-435.
WISNIEWISKI, E., RANUS, W. (1984) : Bruceilasis in horses. Medycyna Veterynaryjna.,
40(7) : 419-421 .
A study on the prevalence of equine Bruceilasis in Ankara
Sero-prevalance of Brucellosis on 158 sera of horses in Ankara region has been studied and it has been found to be positive 42.40% (67) by Bru ella plate test, 1.89 %3 by Rose Bengal plate test and 29.11 %46 by serum agglutination test (SAT). Out of 46 (29.11%) sera samples tested 41 (89,1%) showed a titre of 1/10, 5 (10.8%) of 1/20 on SAT, respectively.
The results show clearly that horses kept in Ankara region are free from Brucella abortus infection.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
All, A.H., ZAIAN, W.A., SHARMA, V.K. (1985) : Sero-prevalence of bruceilosis
in horses in Iraq. lndian Vet. J., 62: 917-921.
CRAMLET, S.H., BERHANU, G. (1977) : Bruceila abortus tilres to equine
fistulous withers in Ethiopia. Vet. Med. Smail Anim . Clin., 74 (2) : 195-196.
DAWSON, F.L.M. (1977) : Further serological reactions to bruceila antigen
in the horse. Equine Vet. J., 9(3): 158-160.
DAWSON, F.L.M ., DURRANT, D.S. (1975) : Same serological reactions to
bruceila antigen in the horse. Equine Vet. J., 7(3) : 137-1/ıO.
DEN N V, H.R. (1972) : Bruceilasis in the horse. Vet. Rec., 90 ( 4) : 86-91.
DENNY, H.R. (1973) : A review of the bruceilasis in the horse. Equine Vet.
J., 5: 121-125.
FECHNER, J., MEVER, W. (1960) : Untersuclıungen zur pferde 'bruceilose.
Arclı. Exper. Vcterinarmed., 14: 1327-1339.
GIBBON, R.W. , MANNING, J.P. (1968) : The prevalence of bruceila aggiutinins
in the serum of horses. Vet. Med. Smail Ani m. Clin., 64: 907-91 O.
J.E., CONTRıERES, A.G. (1983) : Serological study of some cases of
equine bruceilosis. Archivos de Zootecnica., 32(123): 159-163.
GODOV, A.M., BORG, L. (1976) : Ecological aspects of bruceilasis serological
study of race .Jhorses. Univ. Federal de Minas Gerais., 28 (2): 121-123.
HINTON, M., BARKER, G.L., MORGAN, T.L.A. (1977) : Abortion in mare associated
with Bruceila abortus infeelian and twins. Vet. Rec., 101: 26-27.
HUTCHINS, D.R., L:EP.HE-RD, (1968) : The occurance of agglutinins to Bru•
ceila abortus in horses. Aust. Vet. J., 44: 323-325.
KARVOUNARIS, P.A., PAPAKYRI•AKOU, E. (1972) : Serological studies in
bruceikisis • in equidae. • 1-Bruceila agglutinin tilres in the serum of healthy
horses and mules. Acta Microbiol. Heilenica., 17(3): 181-189.
KULSHRESTHA, R.C., ARORO, R.G., KALR•A, D.S. (1978) : Brucellesis in
canıals and horses. Int. J. Anim. Sci., 45(9): 673-675.
MACMILLAN. A.P. (1985) : A retrospective study of serology of bruceilasis
in horses. Vet. Rec., 117(24) : 638-639.
MACMILLAN, A.P., COCıKH•EM , D.S. (1986) : Observations on the long term
effects of Bruceila abortus infeelian in the horse, including effects during
pregnancy and lactation. Equine Vet. J., 18(5): 388-390.
(1982) : Experimental Bruceila abortus infeelian in the horse: observations
during the three months fallawing in~culation. Res. Vet. Sci., 33: 351-359.
21 - MASON, B.J.E. (1972) : Brucellesis in the horse. Vet. Rec., 90(7): 197-198.
MACCAUGHEY, W.J., KERR, W.R. (1967) : Abortion due to bruceilasis in a
thoroghbred mare. Vet. Rec., 80(5): 186-187.
MACCAUGHEY, W.J., KERR, W.R. (1967) : The Coombs' or antiglobulin test
in the horse. Vet. Rec., 18: 542.
MCNUTT, S.H ., MURH•AY, C. (1924) Bacterium abortion (Bang) isolated
from the fetus of an aborting mare. J. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc., 97: 576-580.
MILLAR, R. (1961) : Disease of the ligamantum nuchae associated with
Bruceila abortus infection in the horse and its treatment with strain 19 vaccina.
Brit. Vet. J., 118: 167-170.
NICOLETTI, P.L., MAHLER, J.R., SCARRATT, W.K. (1982) : Study of agglutinins
to Bruceila abortus, Brucell acanis and A.quuli in horses. Equine Vet.
J .. 14 ( 4): 302-304_
NOVILLA, M.N., NESSE, J.B., SESE, A.B. (1972) : A serological survey for
Br.abortus antibodies in imported and native horses using the rapid plate
aggutination test. Phiippine J. Vet. Med., 11 (1): 1-9.
OLIVER•A. O.C., MOVEIRO , V.J., LIME, C.S. (1973) : Brucellosis in the horses.
Revista Med. Vet. Brasil., 9(2): 93-107.
ROBERTSON, F ... MILNE, J., SILV.ER, CL. (1973) : Abertion associated with
Br.Abostus (biotype 1) in the thoroughbred mare. Vet. Rec., 92(18): 480-481.
SCHELLINER, H. (1934) : Uber die Bruceila des Pferdes, Experimentelle
Untersuchungen. Tierarztl. Rdschau. 40: 764.
SEN, G.P., JOSHI, T.P., SINGH, G. (1974) : Bruceilasis among horses in 1:'•
dia-serological study. lndian Anim. Hlth., 14(1) : 7-9.
SEN, G.P., JOSHI, T.P., SINGH, G. (1975) : Brucellosis among horse in
lndia-serological study. Equine Vet. ., J6(2): 94-96.
SHORTRIDGE, E.U. (1967) : 2 cases of suspected Bruceila abortus in mares.
N.Z. Vet. J., 15: 33-34.
SINHA, B .D., VERMA, B.B. (1979) : Studies on the prevaleııce of c quinc
bruceilasis in Punjab. Bull. Int. Epit., 91 (7-8): 545-552.
VAN DER HOEDEN, J. (1930) : The baciilus of bovine abertion as a cause
of disease in equines. Vet. Rec., 10:2ô7.
VANDERASSCHE, M., DEVOS, A. (1960) : Excretion of brucella in the
semen of stailions. U.l. Diergen. Tıjdschr .. 29: 119.
VIANA, F.C., REIS, R., SANTOS, W.L. (1981) : Serological investigalion fcr
equine bruceilasis in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Arg. Esc. Vet. PFMG: Bela
Horizonte., 33 (3) : 431-435.
WISNIEWISKI, E., RANUS, W. (1984) : Bruceilasis in horses. Medycyna Veterynaryjna.,
40(7) : 419-421 .
İzgür, M., Akay, Ö., Candaş, A., İnan, A., vd. (1988). Ankara’da At Brucellozis’inin Prevalensı Üzerinde Bir Çalışma. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 6(3), 117-126.