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Ankara'da At Brucellozis'inin Prevalensı Üzerinde Bir Çalışma

Yıl 1988, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 117 - 126, 01.12.1988


Bu çalışmada çeşitli yetiştirmelerden sağlanan 158 at serumu ile Ankara bölgesindeki at Brucellozis'inin sero-prevalansı araştırılmıştır. Bu serumlardan %42.40'ı (67) çabuk lam aglutinasyonu, % 1,89'u (3) Rose Bengal plate testi ile pozitif bulunmuştur., %29,11'i (46) ise serum aglutinasyon testi ile değişik titreler göstermiştir..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


  • All, A.H., ZAIAN, W.A., SHARMA, V.K. (1985) : Sero-prevalence of bruceilosis in horses in Iraq. lndian Vet. J., 62: 917-921.
  • ALTON, G.G., JONES, L.M. (1967) : Laboratory technique in brucellosis. FAO/WHO Mono. Ser., No. 55.
  • COLLINS, J.D., KELLY, W.R., TWOMEY, T. (1971) : Bruceila-associated vartebral osteomyelitis in a thoroughbred mare Vet. Rec., 88: 321-326.
  • COSGROVE, J.S.M. (1961) : Clinical aspects of equine brucellosis. Vet. Rec., 73 (50): 1377-1382.
  • CRAMLET, S.H., BERHANU, G. (1977) : Bruceila abortus tilres to equine fistulous withers in Ethiopia. Vet. Med. Smail Anim . Clin., 74 (2) : 195-196.
  • DAWSON, F.L.M. (1977) : Further serological reactions to bruceila antigen in the horse. Equine Vet. J., 9(3): 158-160.
  • DAWSON, F.L.M ., DURRANT, D.S. (1975) : Same serological reactions to bruceila antigen in the horse. Equine Vet. J., 7(3) : 137-1/ıO.
  • DEN N V, H.R. (1972) : Bruceilasis in the horse. Vet. Rec., 90 ( 4) : 86-91.
  • DENNY, H.R. (1973) : A review of the bruceilasis in the horse. Equine Vet. J., 5: 121-125.
  • FECHNER, J., MEVER, W. (1960) : Untersuclıungen zur pferde 'bruceilose. Arclı. Exper. Vcterinarmed., 14: 1327-1339.
  • GIBBON, R.W. , MANNING, J.P. (1968) : The prevalence of bruceila aggiutinins in the serum of horses. Vet. Med. Smail Ani m. Clin., 64: 907-91 O.
  • GIJON, F.C., BENITO, A.A., GAITAN, A.U., SERRANO, de BUR•GAS, E., SERRANO, J.E., CONTRıERES, A.G. (1983) : Serological study of some cases of equine bruceilosis. Archivos de Zootecnica., 32(123): 159-163.
  • GODOV, A.M., BORG, L. (1976) : Ecological aspects of bruceilasis serological study of race .Jhorses. Univ. Federal de Minas Gerais., 28 (2): 121-123.
  • HINTON, M., BARKER, G.L., MORGAN, T.L.A. (1977) : Abortion in mare associated with Bruceila abortus infeelian and twins. Vet. Rec., 101: 26-27.
  • HUTCHINS, D.R., L:EP.HE-RD, (1968) : The occurance of agglutinins to Bru• ceila abortus in horses. Aust. Vet. J., 44: 323-325.
  • KARVOUNARIS, P.A., PAPAKYRI•AKOU, E. (1972) : Serological studies in bruceikisis • in equidae. • 1-Bruceila agglutinin tilres in the serum of healthy horses and mules. Acta Microbiol. Heilenica., 17(3): 181-189.
  • KULSHRESTHA, R.C., ARORO, R.G., KALR•A, D.S. (1978) : Brucellesis in canıals and horses. Int. J. Anim. Sci., 45(9): 673-675.
  • MACMILLAN. A.P. (1985) : A retrospective study of serology of bruceilasis in horses. Vet. Rec., 117(24) : 638-639.
  • MACMILLAN, A.P., COCıKH•EM , D.S. (1986) : Observations on the long term effects of Bruceila abortus infeelian in the horse, including effects during pregnancy and lactation. Equine Vet. J., 18(5): 388-390.
  • MACMILLAN. A.P., BASKERVILLE, A., HAMBLETON, P., CORBEL, M.J. (1982) : Experimental Bruceila abortus infeelian in the horse: observations during the three months fallawing in~culation. Res. Vet. Sci., 33: 351-359. 21 - MASON, B.J.E. (1972) : Brucellesis in the horse. Vet. Rec., 90(7): 197-198.
  • MACCAUGHEY, W.J., KERR, W.R. (1967) : Abortion due to bruceilasis in a thoroghbred mare. Vet. Rec., 80(5): 186-187.
  • MACCAUGHEY, W.J., KERR, W.R. (1967) : The Coombs' or antiglobulin test in the horse. Vet. Rec., 18: 542.
  • MCNUTT, S.H ., MURH•AY, C. (1924) Bacterium abortion (Bang) isolated from the fetus of an aborting mare. J. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc., 97: 576-580.
  • MILLAR, R. (1961) : Disease of the ligamantum nuchae associated with Bruceila abortus infection in the horse and its treatment with strain 19 vaccina. Brit. Vet. J., 118: 167-170.
  • NICOLETTI, P.L., MAHLER, J.R., SCARRATT, W.K. (1982) : Study of agglutinins to Bruceila abortus, Brucell acanis and A.quuli in horses. Equine Vet. J .. 14 ( 4): 302-304_
  • NOVILLA, M.N., NESSE, J.B., SESE, A.B. (1972) : A serological survey for Br.abortus antibodies in imported and native horses using the rapid plate aggutination test. Phiippine J. Vet. Med., 11 (1): 1-9.
  • OLIVER•A. O.C., MOVEIRO , V.J., LIME, C.S. (1973) : Brucellosis in the horses. Revista Med. Vet. Brasil., 9(2): 93-107.
  • RANKIN, J.B.F. (1973) : Equine bruceilasis in north-west •England. Equine Vet. J., 5: 125-128.
  • ROBERTSON, F ... MILNE, J., SILV.ER, CL. (1973) : Abertion associated with Br.Abostus (biotype 1) in the thoroughbred mare. Vet. Rec., 92(18): 480-481.
  • SCHELLINER, H. (1934) : Uber die Bruceila des Pferdes, Experimentelle Untersuchungen. Tierarztl. Rdschau. 40: 764.
  • SEN, G.P., JOSHI, T.P., SINGH, G. (1974) : Bruceilasis among horses in 1:'• dia-serological study. lndian Anim. Hlth., 14(1) : 7-9.
  • SEN, G.P., JOSHI, T.P., SINGH, G. (1975) : Brucellosis among horse in lndia-serological study. Equine Vet. ., J6(2): 94-96.
  • SHORTRIDGE, E.U. (1967) : 2 cases of suspected Bruceila abortus in mares. N.Z. Vet. J., 15: 33-34.
  • SINHA, B .D., VERMA, B.B. (1979) : Studies on the prevaleııce of c quinc bruceilasis in Punjab. Bull. Int. Epit., 91 (7-8): 545-552.
  • VAN DER HOEDEN, J. (1930) : The baciilus of bovine abertion as a cause of disease in equines. Vet. Rec., 10:2ô7.
  • VANDERASSCHE, M., DEVOS, A. (1960) : Excretion of brucella in the semen of stailions. U.l. Diergen. Tıjdschr .. 29: 119.
  • VIANA, F.C., REIS, R., SANTOS, W.L. (1981) : Serological investigalion fcr equine bruceilasis in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Arg. Esc. Vet. PFMG: Bela Horizonte., 33 (3) : 431-435.
  • WISNIEWISKI, E., RANUS, W. (1984) : Bruceilasis in horses. Medycyna Veterynaryjna., 40(7) : 419-421 .

A study on the prevalence of equine Bruceilasis in Ankara

Yıl 1988, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 117 - 126, 01.12.1988


Sero-prevalance of Brucellosis on 158 sera of horses in Ankara region has been studied and it has been found to be positive 42.40% (67) by Bru ella plate test, 1.89 %3 by Rose Bengal plate test and 29.11 %46 by serum agglutination test (SAT). Out of 46 (29.11%) sera samples tested 41 (89,1%) showed a titre of 1/10, 5 (10.8%) of 1/20 on SAT, respectively.
The results show clearly that horses kept in Ankara region are free from Brucella abortus infection.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


  • All, A.H., ZAIAN, W.A., SHARMA, V.K. (1985) : Sero-prevalence of bruceilosis in horses in Iraq. lndian Vet. J., 62: 917-921.
  • ALTON, G.G., JONES, L.M. (1967) : Laboratory technique in brucellosis. FAO/WHO Mono. Ser., No. 55.
  • COLLINS, J.D., KELLY, W.R., TWOMEY, T. (1971) : Bruceila-associated vartebral osteomyelitis in a thoroughbred mare Vet. Rec., 88: 321-326.
  • COSGROVE, J.S.M. (1961) : Clinical aspects of equine brucellosis. Vet. Rec., 73 (50): 1377-1382.
  • CRAMLET, S.H., BERHANU, G. (1977) : Bruceila abortus tilres to equine fistulous withers in Ethiopia. Vet. Med. Smail Anim . Clin., 74 (2) : 195-196.
  • DAWSON, F.L.M. (1977) : Further serological reactions to bruceila antigen in the horse. Equine Vet. J., 9(3): 158-160.
  • DAWSON, F.L.M ., DURRANT, D.S. (1975) : Same serological reactions to bruceila antigen in the horse. Equine Vet. J., 7(3) : 137-1/ıO.
  • DEN N V, H.R. (1972) : Bruceilasis in the horse. Vet. Rec., 90 ( 4) : 86-91.
  • DENNY, H.R. (1973) : A review of the bruceilasis in the horse. Equine Vet. J., 5: 121-125.
  • FECHNER, J., MEVER, W. (1960) : Untersuclıungen zur pferde 'bruceilose. Arclı. Exper. Vcterinarmed., 14: 1327-1339.
  • GIBBON, R.W. , MANNING, J.P. (1968) : The prevalence of bruceila aggiutinins in the serum of horses. Vet. Med. Smail Ani m. Clin., 64: 907-91 O.
  • GIJON, F.C., BENITO, A.A., GAITAN, A.U., SERRANO, de BUR•GAS, E., SERRANO, J.E., CONTRıERES, A.G. (1983) : Serological study of some cases of equine bruceilosis. Archivos de Zootecnica., 32(123): 159-163.
  • GODOV, A.M., BORG, L. (1976) : Ecological aspects of bruceilasis serological study of race .Jhorses. Univ. Federal de Minas Gerais., 28 (2): 121-123.
  • HINTON, M., BARKER, G.L., MORGAN, T.L.A. (1977) : Abortion in mare associated with Bruceila abortus infeelian and twins. Vet. Rec., 101: 26-27.
  • HUTCHINS, D.R., L:EP.HE-RD, (1968) : The occurance of agglutinins to Bru• ceila abortus in horses. Aust. Vet. J., 44: 323-325.
  • KARVOUNARIS, P.A., PAPAKYRI•AKOU, E. (1972) : Serological studies in bruceikisis • in equidae. • 1-Bruceila agglutinin tilres in the serum of healthy horses and mules. Acta Microbiol. Heilenica., 17(3): 181-189.
  • KULSHRESTHA, R.C., ARORO, R.G., KALR•A, D.S. (1978) : Brucellesis in canıals and horses. Int. J. Anim. Sci., 45(9): 673-675.
  • MACMILLAN. A.P. (1985) : A retrospective study of serology of bruceilasis in horses. Vet. Rec., 117(24) : 638-639.
  • MACMILLAN, A.P., COCıKH•EM , D.S. (1986) : Observations on the long term effects of Bruceila abortus infeelian in the horse, including effects during pregnancy and lactation. Equine Vet. J., 18(5): 388-390.
  • MACMILLAN. A.P., BASKERVILLE, A., HAMBLETON, P., CORBEL, M.J. (1982) : Experimental Bruceila abortus infeelian in the horse: observations during the three months fallawing in~culation. Res. Vet. Sci., 33: 351-359. 21 - MASON, B.J.E. (1972) : Brucellesis in the horse. Vet. Rec., 90(7): 197-198.
  • MACCAUGHEY, W.J., KERR, W.R. (1967) : Abortion due to bruceilasis in a thoroghbred mare. Vet. Rec., 80(5): 186-187.
  • MACCAUGHEY, W.J., KERR, W.R. (1967) : The Coombs' or antiglobulin test in the horse. Vet. Rec., 18: 542.
  • MCNUTT, S.H ., MURH•AY, C. (1924) Bacterium abortion (Bang) isolated from the fetus of an aborting mare. J. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc., 97: 576-580.
  • MILLAR, R. (1961) : Disease of the ligamantum nuchae associated with Bruceila abortus infection in the horse and its treatment with strain 19 vaccina. Brit. Vet. J., 118: 167-170.
  • NICOLETTI, P.L., MAHLER, J.R., SCARRATT, W.K. (1982) : Study of agglutinins to Bruceila abortus, Brucell acanis and A.quuli in horses. Equine Vet. J .. 14 ( 4): 302-304_
  • NOVILLA, M.N., NESSE, J.B., SESE, A.B. (1972) : A serological survey for Br.abortus antibodies in imported and native horses using the rapid plate aggutination test. Phiippine J. Vet. Med., 11 (1): 1-9.
  • OLIVER•A. O.C., MOVEIRO , V.J., LIME, C.S. (1973) : Brucellosis in the horses. Revista Med. Vet. Brasil., 9(2): 93-107.
  • RANKIN, J.B.F. (1973) : Equine bruceilasis in north-west •England. Equine Vet. J., 5: 125-128.
  • ROBERTSON, F ... MILNE, J., SILV.ER, CL. (1973) : Abertion associated with Br.Abostus (biotype 1) in the thoroughbred mare. Vet. Rec., 92(18): 480-481.
  • SCHELLINER, H. (1934) : Uber die Bruceila des Pferdes, Experimentelle Untersuchungen. Tierarztl. Rdschau. 40: 764.
  • SEN, G.P., JOSHI, T.P., SINGH, G. (1974) : Bruceilasis among horses in 1:'• dia-serological study. lndian Anim. Hlth., 14(1) : 7-9.
  • SEN, G.P., JOSHI, T.P., SINGH, G. (1975) : Brucellosis among horse in lndia-serological study. Equine Vet. ., J6(2): 94-96.
  • SHORTRIDGE, E.U. (1967) : 2 cases of suspected Bruceila abortus in mares. N.Z. Vet. J., 15: 33-34.
  • SINHA, B .D., VERMA, B.B. (1979) : Studies on the prevaleııce of c quinc bruceilasis in Punjab. Bull. Int. Epit., 91 (7-8): 545-552.
  • VAN DER HOEDEN, J. (1930) : The baciilus of bovine abertion as a cause of disease in equines. Vet. Rec., 10:2ô7.
  • VANDERASSCHE, M., DEVOS, A. (1960) : Excretion of brucella in the semen of stailions. U.l. Diergen. Tıjdschr .. 29: 119.
  • VIANA, F.C., REIS, R., SANTOS, W.L. (1981) : Serological investigalion fcr equine bruceilasis in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Arg. Esc. Vet. PFMG: Bela Horizonte., 33 (3) : 431-435.
  • WISNIEWISKI, E., RANUS, W. (1984) : Bruceilasis in horses. Medycyna Veterynaryjna., 40(7) : 419-421 .
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Müjgan İzgür Bu kişi benim

Ömer Akay Bu kişi benim

Arkun Candaş Bu kişi benim

Akif İnan Bu kişi benim

Hatice Ayhan Bu kişi benim

Ömer Esendal Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1988
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1988
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1988 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA İzgür, M., Akay, Ö., Candaş, A., İnan, A., vd. (1988). Ankara’da At Brucellozis’inin Prevalensı Üzerinde Bir Çalışma. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 6(3), 117-126.