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İç Anadolu'nun Bazı Yörelerinde Tatlısu Balıklarının Parazitleri

Yıl 1988, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 143 - 166, 01.12.1988


1981-1984 yılları arasında İç Anadolu bölgesinde değişik yörelerinden 999 tatlısu balığının paraziter yönden kontrolü yapılmıştır. Balık örnekleri Çifteler Sakaryabaşı Balık Üretim ve Araştırma istasyonu ile Gölbaşı-Eymir göllerinden projenin ilk iki senesi her ay alınmış, ayrıca değişik zamanlarda 3 baraj gölünden (Kurtboğazı, Hirfanlı, Sarıyer), 2 dereden (Kızılcahamam- Nallıhan) ve 1 göletten (Çankırı, Günerdiğin) yakalanan balıklarda kontrol edilmiştir.
Hem kültür hem de yaban balıklarının (cyprinus carpio (Sazan), Tinca tinca (Kadife), Salmo gairdneri( Alabalık), Alburnus sp. (Gümüş-İnci), Silurus glanis (Yayın), Esox lucius (Turna), Barbus sp. Varicorhinus sp. Chondrostoma sp. , Blicca bjoerkna ,Aspius aspius)kontrolleri yapılmıştır.
Ağla yakalanan balıklar, yarıyarıya su ve oksijen içeren naylon torbalar içinde canlı olarak laboratuvara getirilmiş ve muayene öncesi öldürülerek ekto- ve endoparazitler yönünden kontrol edilmiştir.
Kontroller vücut yüzeyi, solungaçlar, vücut boşluğu, kan ve kalp, yüzme kesesi, karaciğer, böbrek, sindirim sistemi ve kasları kapsamıştır.
Kontrol edilen balıkların türleri, alındığı yer, taşıdıkları parazitler kaydedilmiş olup, kontrol edilen 999 balıktan 597'sinin (%59.7) bir veya daha fazla parazit türü ile enfekte olduğu saptanmıştır.


  • ATAY, D. (1986): Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliği ve Ülkemizdeki Kurulu İşletmelerin Sorunları ve Çözüm Yolları, Su Ürünleri Sektörünün Bugünkü Durumu ve Sorunları Sempozyumu. 13-14 Ekim, İzmir
  • BAŞARAN, A. ve KELE,A. (1976): Devegeçidi Baraj Gölünde yaşaan bazı balık türlerinde Lugula İntestinalis (L) plerocercoid'lerinin yayılma oranı ve etkileri Biol. derg. 26:45-56
  • Başbakanlık Devlet istatistik Enstitüsü (1986): Su ürünlerin Anket Sonuçları 1984. Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Matbaası. Ankara
  • BOHL, M. {1978) : Disease, control and reproduction of grass carp in Germany p. 243-251. Ed. J:V. Shireman. In Proceedings of the grass carp con•ferer. ce. University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agriculture Sciences.
  • BURGU, A. ve OGUZ, T. (11985) : Carassius balıklarının parazitolojik yoklama sonuçları. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 31': 197-206.
  • BYKHOVSKAYA-PAVLOVSKAYA, I.E. and others (1962) : Key to Parasites of Freshwater Fish of the USRR. lzdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR. Mosk•vaLeningrad 1962 (Translated from 'Russian. lsrael Program for Scientific Translations. Jerusalem, 1964).
  • CANTORAY, R. ve ÖZGAN, A. (1975) : Elazığ ve çevresindeki tatlısu balıklarında ligulose. Fırat Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., i 298-301. •
  • CHUBB, J.C. (1979) : Seasonal occurrence of hefminths in freshwater fishes. Part ı. Monogenea. Adv. Parasit., "17: 133'-199. ••
  • CHUBB, J.C. (1980) : Seasonal occurrence of helminths in freshwater fishes. Part ll. Trematoda. Adv. Parasit., 18: 141-13.
  • CHUBB, •J.C. (1981) : Seasonal occurrence of helminths in freshwater -fishes. Part lll. Larvol cestoda and nematoda. Adv. Parasit., 19: 1-120.
  • CHUBB, J.C. (•1984) : The economic importance of fislh parasites. EMOP IV, 14-19 October, İz;mir, Abstract•s, 247.
  • EKİNGEN, G. (•1975) : Same parasites found on brown trout (Salmo trutta,L.) in Munzur• stream . Fırat Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 2: 283-290:
  • EKiNGEN, G. • (1976) : Same parasites found on European catfish (Siluris glanis, L.) and bro:wn trout (Sal mo trutta, L.) in Turkey.' ' Fırat Ün iv. Vet Fak. Derg., 3: 112-115.
  • EKİNGEN, G. and SARIEYYÜBOGLU, M•.: (;1980) : Vertebral abnormalities in rainbow trout (S. gairdneri, L.) Fırat Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg:, •5: • :1-6.
  • GELDiAY, R. ve BALIK, S. (1974) : Türkiye Tatlısu Balıklarında Rastlanan Başlıca ic ve Dış Parazitler. :Ege Üniv. Fen Fak. Monografiler Sergisi, No.14. Ege Ünlv. Matbaası, Bornova.
  • GÜRALP, N. (.1968) : Yurdumuz baraj göllerinde Ligulose. Türk. Vet. Hekim . Dern. Derg., 38: 29-30.
  • HERMANNS, W. und KÖRTiNG, W. (1985} : Spherospora tincae Plehn, 1925 in tench Tinca tinca L. fr.y. J. Fish. Dis., 8: 281-288.
  • HERMANNS, W. und KÖRTiNG, W. (.1985} : Ein verbesseries vertahren zunı Nachweis der Drehkrankheit (Myxosoma cere'bralis, Hofer 1903) bei der Regenbogenforelle. Beri. Münch. Tierörztl. Wschr. , 98: 12ô-129.
  • HOFFMAN, Gol. (.1967) : Parasites of North American Freshwater Fishes. University of California Press, Berkeley.
  • HOFPMIAN, G.L. {1978) : Ciliates of fres'hwater fishes. Parasitic protozoa, Vol ll. Academlc Press.
  • KAZUBSKI, S.L. and MIGAIJA, K. (1974) : Studies on the distinctness of Chilodonella cyprini (Moroff) and Ch.hexastioha (•Kiernik) (Chlamydodontidae, Gymnostomatida), Ciliate parasites of fishes. Acta Protozool., 13: 9-43. Acta Protozool., 13: 9-43.
  • KOÇ, F. (1965} : Sazan balıklarında tespit olunan « Mucophilose ıı üzerinde araştırma . Türk Vet. Hekim. Dern. Derg., 35: 104-107.
  • KÖRTiNG, W. (1984) : Economically important parasitic disease in aquaculture of flshes. Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish. Pathol., 4: 70-71 .
  • KÖRTlNG, W. (1984) : Larvol cyclophyllidean cestodes in carp and tench. Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pat•hol .• 4: 40-41 .
  • KÖRTiNG, W. (1984) : The economic importance of helminths parasitic in freshwater fishes. EMOP IV, 1'4-19 October, izmir. Abstracts, 251.
  • KÖRTiNG, W. und HERMANNS, W. (-1984) : Myxosporidien-lnfectionen in der Niere des Karpfens (Cyprinus car.pio L.) aus niedensôohsischen Teioh- ' wirtschaften. Beri. Münch. Tierörztl. Wschr .• 97: 255-259.
  • KÖRTiNG, W. HOFFMANN, R., NEUKIRCH, M. und FUHRMANN. H. (1984} : Myxosporidien'bedingte Schwimmblasenentzündung bel Karpfenbrut. Beri. / Münch. Tierörzt l. Wschr., 97: 99-104.
  • LANDOLT, M.L (1973) : Myxosoma cerebralis Isolation and concentration . from fish skeletal elenıents-trypsin digestion method. J . Fish. Res. Bd. Can .• 30: 1713-1716.
  • LOM, J .. (;1966) : Sessiline peritrichs from the surface of some freshwater fishes. Folia Parasit (Praha). 13: 36-56.
  • LOM, J. (:1973) : The mode of attachment and relation to the host in Apiosoma piscicola, Blonchard and Epistylis lwoffi, Faure• Fremiet, ectocommensals of freshwater fish. Folia Parasit (Praha) .. 20: 105-1.12.
  • LOM, J., GOLEMANSKY, L. and GRUPCHEAVA, G. (1976) : Protozoan parasites of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.): A comparative study of their occurence in Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia, with the description of Triohodina perforata sp. n. Folia Para sit. (Praha) ., 23: 289-300.
  • MERT, i. ve COŞKUN, F. (1986) : Su ürünleri potansiyelimiz ile stoklarımıza olumsuz yönde etki yapan faktörler. Su Ürünleri Sektörünün Bugünkü Durumu ve Sorunları Sempozyumu. izmir.
  • MIGALA, K. (1971) : Studies on natural populations of parasitic protozoa on Cyprinus car.pio L. in pond culture. Carps in the first year of life. Acta Protozoologica, 8: 309-339.
  • MOKHAYER, B. (1976) : Fish diseases in Iran. Riv. lt. Piscic. lttiop. •A.. 9: 123-128.
  • MOLNAR, K. {1977) : Comments on the nature and methods of collection of fish cocciclia . Parasit Hung., 10: 41-45.
  • MOUNAR, K. and BOROS, G. (1981) : A light and electron microscopic study of the agent of carp mucophilosis. J. Fish. Dis., 4: 325-334.
  • MOLNAR, K. and PELLERDY, L. (1970) : Further studies on coccldla of freshwater fishes in Hungary. Acta Vet. Hung., 20: 45-55.
  • NILZ, J . (.1984) : Parasitologische Untersuchungen an Salmoniden in einer Forrelenteichwirtschaft in Südniedersachsen. Diss .• Hannover.
  • PAPERNA, I. (-1964) : Competitive exclusion of Dactylogyrus extensus by Dactylogyrus vastatar (Trematoda , Monogenea) on the gills of reared carıp . J. Parasitol., 55: 94-98.
  • PAPERNA, 1. (1966) : The metazoan parasite of lsrael iniand water fishes. Barnidgeh, 16: 3-66.
  • PAPERNA. I. and LAHAV, M. (1973) : New records and further data on fish parasites in ısrael. Bamidgeh, 23: 43-51.
  • REICHENBACH-KLINKE, H.H. (ed) (1975) Die Bedeutung der Parasiten für dia Produktion von Süsswa.sserfischen. Fisch und Umweit 1. Gusta;V Fisher Verlag, Stutgard.
  • RIBELIN, W.E. and MIGAKI, G. (1975): The Pahhology of Fishes. The University of Wisconsin Press. Ltd. London
  • ROBERTS, RJ and SHEPHERD, CJ. (1979): Handbook of Trout and Salmon Diseases, Whitefriars Press. Ltd. London and Tonbridge.
  • SCHEUBEL, J. (1973): Die sessilen Ciliaten unserer Süsswasserfische unter besonderer Berücksichtingung der Gattung Apiosoma Blanchard, Zool. Jb. Syst. 100 1-63
  • SOMMERVILLE , C. (1984): The economic importance of protozoon parasites of fish. EMOP IV. 14-19 October, İzmir, Abstracts, 249
  • WOLF, K. MARKIW, M.E., MACHADO CRUZ, J. GALHANO. M.H. EIRAS, J. Fish Dis. 4:355-357

Parasites of freshwater fishes in same areas of Central Anatolia

Yıl 1988, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 143 - 166, 01.12.1988


The purpose of this project was to investigate the distribution
and possible pathogenic role of ecto-and endoparasites of freshwater fishes in some areas of Central Anatolia.
Totally 999 fishes from different areas of Central Anatolia were
collected and examined between the years of 1981-1984. The fish
samples were talken mainly from Gölbaşı-.Eymir lakes and Çifteler
Sakaryabaşı Fish Breeding and Research Station. With a few exceptions
fish samples were taken monthly from these two places
mentioned above, during the first two years of project. In. addition to these places, fishes were also obtained from three dam lakes
(Kurtboğazı-Hirfanlı-Sarıyer), two streams • (Kızılcahamam-Nallıhan)
and one pond (Çankırı, Günerdiğin). Fishes were caught by nets and transferred to the laboratory in the plastic bags filled with equal volumes of water and oxygen. As a result most of the
fishes were alive before examination. Both farmed and feral fishes
(Cyprinus carpio, Tinca tinca. Salma gairdneri, Alburnus sp. , Silurus glanis, Esox lucius, Barbus. sp .. Varicorhinus sp., Chondrostoma sp., Blicca bjoerkna, Aspius aspius) were caught. Immediately after
killing, fishes were controlled for• ecto- and endoparasites. This
control comprised ıbody surface, gill, body cavity, blood and heart.
swimming bladder, liver, kidney, digestive tract and muscles. Species
and number of examined fishes from each places. local and
general distribution and percentage of their parasites were recorded.
The following parasites were found.
I) Ectoparasites
a) Protozoa : Trichodina sp. (T.domerguei, T.nigra), . Trichodinella
sp., Ichtyophthirius multifilüs, ;Apiosoma sp., ,Chilodonella
cyprini, Costia necatrix, Cryptobia branchialis.

b) Crustacea : Argulus foliaceus (Carp louse), Ergasilus sp . Lernaea cyprinacea (Anothor worm).

c) Monogenea : Dactylogyrus sp., Gyrodactylus sp.

d) Metacercariae : Clinostomum complanatum (from Alburnus)
and other.

e) Nematode larvae Unidentifled

f) Mucophilus cysts

II) Endoparaısites

a) Protozoa : Trypanosoma sp., Trypanoplasma sp., Coccidia
(Eimeria sp.), Myxozoa (Myxosoma, Myxdbolus, Myxidium.
Spherıospora), Hexamita sp.
b) Digenea : Sanguinicola sp. {eggs), Asymphylodora tincae
and unidentified m:etacercariae.
c) Cestodes : Ligula intestinalis plerocercoids, Proteocephalus
osculatus, Caryophylleus laticeps. l'arval Cylophyllidean
d) Nematoda : Philometra intestinalis
e) Acanthocephala : Pomphorhynchus laevis, Neoechinor hynchus rutili
The rate of infection with one or more parasites varied with different species of both fish and parazites, sampling origin and season of the year. Of the 999 fishes examined 597(59.7%) were found to harbour parasites.


  • ATAY, D. (1986): Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliği ve Ülkemizdeki Kurulu İşletmelerin Sorunları ve Çözüm Yolları, Su Ürünleri Sektörünün Bugünkü Durumu ve Sorunları Sempozyumu. 13-14 Ekim, İzmir
  • BAŞARAN, A. ve KELE,A. (1976): Devegeçidi Baraj Gölünde yaşaan bazı balık türlerinde Lugula İntestinalis (L) plerocercoid'lerinin yayılma oranı ve etkileri Biol. derg. 26:45-56
  • Başbakanlık Devlet istatistik Enstitüsü (1986): Su ürünlerin Anket Sonuçları 1984. Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Matbaası. Ankara
  • BOHL, M. {1978) : Disease, control and reproduction of grass carp in Germany p. 243-251. Ed. J:V. Shireman. In Proceedings of the grass carp con•ferer. ce. University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agriculture Sciences.
  • BURGU, A. ve OGUZ, T. (11985) : Carassius balıklarının parazitolojik yoklama sonuçları. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 31': 197-206.
  • BYKHOVSKAYA-PAVLOVSKAYA, I.E. and others (1962) : Key to Parasites of Freshwater Fish of the USRR. lzdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR. Mosk•vaLeningrad 1962 (Translated from 'Russian. lsrael Program for Scientific Translations. Jerusalem, 1964).
  • CANTORAY, R. ve ÖZGAN, A. (1975) : Elazığ ve çevresindeki tatlısu balıklarında ligulose. Fırat Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., i 298-301. •
  • CHUBB, J.C. (1979) : Seasonal occurrence of hefminths in freshwater fishes. Part ı. Monogenea. Adv. Parasit., "17: 133'-199. ••
  • CHUBB, J.C. (1980) : Seasonal occurrence of helminths in freshwater fishes. Part ll. Trematoda. Adv. Parasit., 18: 141-13.
  • CHUBB, •J.C. (1981) : Seasonal occurrence of helminths in freshwater -fishes. Part lll. Larvol cestoda and nematoda. Adv. Parasit., 19: 1-120.
  • CHUBB, J.C. (•1984) : The economic importance of fislh parasites. EMOP IV, 14-19 October, İz;mir, Abstract•s, 247.
  • EKİNGEN, G. (•1975) : Same parasites found on brown trout (Salmo trutta,L.) in Munzur• stream . Fırat Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 2: 283-290:
  • EKiNGEN, G. • (1976) : Same parasites found on European catfish (Siluris glanis, L.) and bro:wn trout (Sal mo trutta, L.) in Turkey.' ' Fırat Ün iv. Vet Fak. Derg., 3: 112-115.
  • EKİNGEN, G. and SARIEYYÜBOGLU, M•.: (;1980) : Vertebral abnormalities in rainbow trout (S. gairdneri, L.) Fırat Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg:, •5: • :1-6.
  • GELDiAY, R. ve BALIK, S. (1974) : Türkiye Tatlısu Balıklarında Rastlanan Başlıca ic ve Dış Parazitler. :Ege Üniv. Fen Fak. Monografiler Sergisi, No.14. Ege Ünlv. Matbaası, Bornova.
  • GÜRALP, N. (.1968) : Yurdumuz baraj göllerinde Ligulose. Türk. Vet. Hekim . Dern. Derg., 38: 29-30.
  • HERMANNS, W. und KÖRTiNG, W. (1985} : Spherospora tincae Plehn, 1925 in tench Tinca tinca L. fr.y. J. Fish. Dis., 8: 281-288.
  • HERMANNS, W. und KÖRTiNG, W. (.1985} : Ein verbesseries vertahren zunı Nachweis der Drehkrankheit (Myxosoma cere'bralis, Hofer 1903) bei der Regenbogenforelle. Beri. Münch. Tierörztl. Wschr. , 98: 12ô-129.
  • HOFFMAN, Gol. (.1967) : Parasites of North American Freshwater Fishes. University of California Press, Berkeley.
  • HOFPMIAN, G.L. {1978) : Ciliates of fres'hwater fishes. Parasitic protozoa, Vol ll. Academlc Press.
  • KAZUBSKI, S.L. and MIGAIJA, K. (1974) : Studies on the distinctness of Chilodonella cyprini (Moroff) and Ch.hexastioha (•Kiernik) (Chlamydodontidae, Gymnostomatida), Ciliate parasites of fishes. Acta Protozool., 13: 9-43. Acta Protozool., 13: 9-43.
  • KOÇ, F. (1965} : Sazan balıklarında tespit olunan « Mucophilose ıı üzerinde araştırma . Türk Vet. Hekim. Dern. Derg., 35: 104-107.
  • KÖRTiNG, W. (1984) : Economically important parasitic disease in aquaculture of flshes. Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish. Pathol., 4: 70-71 .
  • KÖRTlNG, W. (1984) : Larvol cyclophyllidean cestodes in carp and tench. Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pat•hol .• 4: 40-41 .
  • KÖRTiNG, W. (1984) : The economic importance of helminths parasitic in freshwater fishes. EMOP IV, 1'4-19 October, izmir. Abstracts, 251.
  • KÖRTiNG, W. und HERMANNS, W. (-1984) : Myxosporidien-lnfectionen in der Niere des Karpfens (Cyprinus car.pio L.) aus niedensôohsischen Teioh- ' wirtschaften. Beri. Münch. Tierörztl. Wschr .• 97: 255-259.
  • KÖRTiNG, W. HOFFMANN, R., NEUKIRCH, M. und FUHRMANN. H. (1984} : Myxosporidien'bedingte Schwimmblasenentzündung bel Karpfenbrut. Beri. / Münch. Tierörzt l. Wschr., 97: 99-104.
  • LANDOLT, M.L (1973) : Myxosoma cerebralis Isolation and concentration . from fish skeletal elenıents-trypsin digestion method. J . Fish. Res. Bd. Can .• 30: 1713-1716.
  • LOM, J .. (;1966) : Sessiline peritrichs from the surface of some freshwater fishes. Folia Parasit (Praha). 13: 36-56.
  • LOM, J. (:1973) : The mode of attachment and relation to the host in Apiosoma piscicola, Blonchard and Epistylis lwoffi, Faure• Fremiet, ectocommensals of freshwater fish. Folia Parasit (Praha) .. 20: 105-1.12.
  • LOM, J., GOLEMANSKY, L. and GRUPCHEAVA, G. (1976) : Protozoan parasites of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.): A comparative study of their occurence in Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia, with the description of Triohodina perforata sp. n. Folia Para sit. (Praha) ., 23: 289-300.
  • MERT, i. ve COŞKUN, F. (1986) : Su ürünleri potansiyelimiz ile stoklarımıza olumsuz yönde etki yapan faktörler. Su Ürünleri Sektörünün Bugünkü Durumu ve Sorunları Sempozyumu. izmir.
  • MIGALA, K. (1971) : Studies on natural populations of parasitic protozoa on Cyprinus car.pio L. in pond culture. Carps in the first year of life. Acta Protozoologica, 8: 309-339.
  • MOKHAYER, B. (1976) : Fish diseases in Iran. Riv. lt. Piscic. lttiop. •A.. 9: 123-128.
  • MOLNAR, K. {1977) : Comments on the nature and methods of collection of fish cocciclia . Parasit Hung., 10: 41-45.
  • MOUNAR, K. and BOROS, G. (1981) : A light and electron microscopic study of the agent of carp mucophilosis. J. Fish. Dis., 4: 325-334.
  • MOLNAR, K. and PELLERDY, L. (1970) : Further studies on coccldla of freshwater fishes in Hungary. Acta Vet. Hung., 20: 45-55.
  • NILZ, J . (.1984) : Parasitologische Untersuchungen an Salmoniden in einer Forrelenteichwirtschaft in Südniedersachsen. Diss .• Hannover.
  • PAPERNA, I. (-1964) : Competitive exclusion of Dactylogyrus extensus by Dactylogyrus vastatar (Trematoda , Monogenea) on the gills of reared carıp . J. Parasitol., 55: 94-98.
  • PAPERNA, 1. (1966) : The metazoan parasite of lsrael iniand water fishes. Barnidgeh, 16: 3-66.
  • PAPERNA. I. and LAHAV, M. (1973) : New records and further data on fish parasites in ısrael. Bamidgeh, 23: 43-51.
  • REICHENBACH-KLINKE, H.H. (ed) (1975) Die Bedeutung der Parasiten für dia Produktion von Süsswa.sserfischen. Fisch und Umweit 1. Gusta;V Fisher Verlag, Stutgard.
  • RIBELIN, W.E. and MIGAKI, G. (1975): The Pahhology of Fishes. The University of Wisconsin Press. Ltd. London
  • ROBERTS, RJ and SHEPHERD, CJ. (1979): Handbook of Trout and Salmon Diseases, Whitefriars Press. Ltd. London and Tonbridge.
  • SCHEUBEL, J. (1973): Die sessilen Ciliaten unserer Süsswasserfische unter besonderer Berücksichtingung der Gattung Apiosoma Blanchard, Zool. Jb. Syst. 100 1-63
  • SOMMERVILLE , C. (1984): The economic importance of protozoon parasites of fish. EMOP IV. 14-19 October, İzmir, Abstracts, 249
  • WOLF, K. MARKIW, M.E., MACHADO CRUZ, J. GALHANO. M.H. EIRAS, J. Fish Dis. 4:355-357
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ayşe Burgu Bu kişi benim

Turan Oğuz Bu kişi benim

Wolfgang Körtıng Bu kişi benim

Nevzat Güralp Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1988
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1988
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1988 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Burgu, A., Oğuz, T., Körtıng, W., Güralp, N. (1988). İç Anadolu’nun Bazı Yörelerinde Tatlısu Balıklarının Parazitleri. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 6(3), 143-166.