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Pathogenicity and immunity in Escherichia coli infections

Yıl 1988, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 229 - 240, 01.12.1988


The Importance of E.coli as a pathogen has been known for many years. Virulence factors of E.coli such as the ability to produce toxin, to resist the immune defenses of the host, and to locate and colonize the appropriate tissues by specific adhesins can not be attributed to a single determinant. Therefore presence of enterotoxigenic or enteropathogenic E.coli strains in diarrheic young animals should be confirmed by laboratory diagnostics based on enteropatohogenicity and colonization factors. Recently, the presence of specific fimbriae (K99, K88, 987p, CFA/I, CSI, CSII, CSIII, F41, Type-1) in pathogenic E.coli strains has been found to be significantly correlated with pathogenicity. The fimbria confers on pathogenic isolates the ability to adhere and to colonize various specific host epithelia and are strongly immunogenic. The methods have been developed to stimulate immunity by vaccination of dams.


  • ACRES. S.D. (1985) : Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coii lnfections in Newborn Calves: A Review. J . Dairy Sci., 68: 229-256.
  • ACRES, S.D., iSAACSON, R.E., BABIUK, LA. and ,KAPiTANY, R.A. (1979) lmmunization of Calves Aganist Enterotoxigenic Colibacillosis by Vaccination Dams with Purified K99 Antigen and Whole Celi Bacterins lnfect. ımmun., 25: 121-126.
  • ARDA, M. (1985) immunoloji , (·Bağışıklık Bilimi) Cilt-1, A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Vay. No: 404, A.Ü. Basımevi , Ankara.
  • ARDA, M., MiMBAY, A. ve .AYDIN, N. (1982) Fak. Yay. No: 386, AÜ. Basımevi, Ankara.
  • ARP, L.H. (1984) : Responce of Turkeys to Escherichia coli. Rev. Inf. Dls. April, 142-143.
  • BEACHEY, E.H. (1981) : Bacterial Adherence: Adhesin Receptor lnteraction Mediatink the Attachment of Bacteria to Mucosal Surfaces. J. Inf. ;Dis., 143·: - 325-345.
  • CANTHEY, J.R. (1985) : lnfectious Diarrhea: Pathogenssis and Risk Factors. Am . . J. Med., 28: 65-75.
  • FARIS, A (1985) : Adhesives and Hydrophobic AdsoPbtive Properties of Enterotoxigenic and Bovine Mastitis -Escheriohia coli : ldentification of Fibronectin Binding Fimbria. Doctorate Thesis. Swidish Uni. Agr Sci. .Upsala.
  • GUINE!E P.A.M., JENSEN, W.H. and AGTEBERG, C.M. (1976) : Detection ot the K99 Antigen by means of Agglutination and lmmunoelectrophoresis in Escherichia coli Isolates from Calvas .and lts Correiation with Enterotoxigenicity, lnfect. llmmun., '13: 1369-1377.
  • GYIMAH, .J.E., PANIGRAHY, B. and WILLIAMS, J.D. (1986) lmmunogenicity of Escherichia coli multivalent Vaccine in Chickens. Avion Dls. 30. 68-689
  • iSTANBULLUOGLU, E. (1980) : Enterik •Enfeksiyanlarda Yerel Bağışıklığın Rolü. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 24: 24 -30.
  • JONES, G.W. and RUTT<ER, J .M. (1972) : Role of the K88 Antigen in the Pathogenssis of Neonatal Diarrhea Caused by Escherichia coli in Piglets. 5: 918-927.
  • KASCKENBEEK, A., JOSSE, M. and SCHOENAEHS, F. (1977) : Relations chez les Escherichia· coli d'origine entrele Pouvoir · Enteropathogene, l'antic gene et l ' hemagglutination, Ann. Med. Vet., 121: 239-248.
  • KESKiNTEPE, .H. (1976) .: lnsan ve •Hayvanlarda Enteropatojenik Escheriohia coli Enfeksiyonları, i.ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 2: 30-4B.
  • KLEMN, P. (1985) : Fimbrial Adhesins of Escherichia coli., Rev. Inf. Dis .. 7: 321-340.
  • MOON, H.W. and McDONALD, J.S. (1983) ; Antibody Responce of Cows to Escherichia coliPilus Antigen K99 after oral Vaccination with live or dead bacterins. Am. J. Vet. Res., 44: ,493-496.
  • MYERS, L.L. (1978) : Enteric Colibacillosis In Calves: lmmunogenicity and Antigenici!ty ;Of Escherichia coli Antigens. Am. J. Vet. Res., 39: 761-765.
  • NAGY, B. (1980) : Vaccination of Cows with o K99 Extract to Protect Newbom Calvas .Aganist Experimental Enterotoxigenic Colibacillosis. lnfect. lmmun., 27: 21-24.
  • NAGY. L.K., MACKENZIE, T. and PAINTER, K.R. (1983) : Protection of the Nursing Pig Aganist Experimentally lnduced Enteric Colibacillosis by Vaccination of Dam with Fimbrial Antigen of Escherichia coli ( K88, K99; 987p) . Vet. Rec. 117: 408-413.
  • ORSKOV, F. (1978) : Virulance Factors of the Bacterial Cell Surfaces. J. Inf. Dis., 137: 630-633.
  • PEARSON, G.R. and LOGAN, E.F. {1983) : The Pa thology of Necnatal ·Enteritis in Calvas with Observation on Escherichia coli Rotavirus and Cyrptosporidium. Ann. Recah. Vet., .14: 422-426.
  • SHERMAN, D.M., ACRES, S.D., SADOVSKI, P.L., SPRINGER, J.A., BRAY, B, RAY.BOULD, T.J .G. and MUSCOPLAT, C.C. (1983) : Protection of Calvas Aganist Fatal Enteric Colibacillosis by Orally Administered Escherichia Coli K99-Specific Monoclonal Antibody. lnfect. lmmun., 42: 653-658.
  • SIHVONEN, L and MIATTINEN, P. (1985) : Rotavirus and . Enteretoxigenic Escherichia coli lnfections of Calves on a ciased Finnish Dairy Form., Acta. Vet. Scand. 25: 205-207.
  • SMITH, H.W. {1978) : Transmissible Pathogenic Characteristics of lnvasive Strains of Escherichia coli., J.A.V,M.A., 173: 601-607.
  • SMITH, H.W and · HALL; S. (1958) : T•he Transmissible Nature of the Genetic Factor in Escherichia coli that Controls Enterotoxin Production. J. Gen. Microbiol. 52: 319-334.
  • WARD, A.C.S., SRIRANGANATHAN , N., EVERMANN, J.F. and TRAUB-DARGATZ,J.L. (1986) : lsolatıon of Piliated Escherichia coli from Diarrheic Foals . .Vet. Microbiol., 12: 221-228.
  • TRUSZCYNSKI, M (1984) : Escherichia coli-lnfeclionen beim Shchat., Mh. Vet. Med., 39: 813-816.

Escherichia coli Enfeksiyonlarında Patojenite ve İmmunite

Yıl 1988, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 229 - 240, 01.12.1988


Escherichia coli'nin bir patojen olarak önemi yıllardır bilinmektedir. E.coli'nin toksin üretme yeteneği, konakçının savunma sistemlerine direnme ve spesifik adhezinleriyle uygun dokulara tutunma ve kolonize olma gibi virülens faktörleri tek bir determinanta bağlanamaz. Bu yüzden ishalli genç hayvanlarda enterotoksijenik veya enteropatojenik E.coli'lerin varlığı enteropajenite ve kolonizasyon faktörlerini temel alan laboratuvar teşhis metodları ile doğrulanmalıdır. Son yıllardar patojenik E.coli suşlarında spesifik fimbriaların (K99. K88, 987p, CFA/I, CSI, CSII, CSIII, F41, Tip-1)varlığı, patojenite ile doğrudan ilişkili bulunmuştur. Fimbrialar patojenik suşların muhtelif spesifik konakçı epitellerine tutunma ve kolonize olmalarını sağlar ve güçlü immunojeniktirler. Bu özellikten hareketle gebe hayvanların aşılanmasına yönelik metotlar geliştirilmiştir.


  • ACRES. S.D. (1985) : Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coii lnfections in Newborn Calves: A Review. J . Dairy Sci., 68: 229-256.
  • ACRES, S.D., iSAACSON, R.E., BABIUK, LA. and ,KAPiTANY, R.A. (1979) lmmunization of Calves Aganist Enterotoxigenic Colibacillosis by Vaccination Dams with Purified K99 Antigen and Whole Celi Bacterins lnfect. ımmun., 25: 121-126.
  • ARDA, M. (1985) immunoloji , (·Bağışıklık Bilimi) Cilt-1, A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Vay. No: 404, A.Ü. Basımevi , Ankara.
  • ARDA, M., MiMBAY, A. ve .AYDIN, N. (1982) Fak. Yay. No: 386, AÜ. Basımevi, Ankara.
  • ARP, L.H. (1984) : Responce of Turkeys to Escherichia coli. Rev. Inf. Dls. April, 142-143.
  • BEACHEY, E.H. (1981) : Bacterial Adherence: Adhesin Receptor lnteraction Mediatink the Attachment of Bacteria to Mucosal Surfaces. J. Inf. ;Dis., 143·: - 325-345.
  • CANTHEY, J.R. (1985) : lnfectious Diarrhea: Pathogenssis and Risk Factors. Am . . J. Med., 28: 65-75.
  • FARIS, A (1985) : Adhesives and Hydrophobic AdsoPbtive Properties of Enterotoxigenic and Bovine Mastitis -Escheriohia coli : ldentification of Fibronectin Binding Fimbria. Doctorate Thesis. Swidish Uni. Agr Sci. .Upsala.
  • GUINE!E P.A.M., JENSEN, W.H. and AGTEBERG, C.M. (1976) : Detection ot the K99 Antigen by means of Agglutination and lmmunoelectrophoresis in Escherichia coli Isolates from Calvas .and lts Correiation with Enterotoxigenicity, lnfect. llmmun., '13: 1369-1377.
  • GYIMAH, .J.E., PANIGRAHY, B. and WILLIAMS, J.D. (1986) lmmunogenicity of Escherichia coli multivalent Vaccine in Chickens. Avion Dls. 30. 68-689
  • iSTANBULLUOGLU, E. (1980) : Enterik •Enfeksiyanlarda Yerel Bağışıklığın Rolü. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 24: 24 -30.
  • JONES, G.W. and RUTT<ER, J .M. (1972) : Role of the K88 Antigen in the Pathogenssis of Neonatal Diarrhea Caused by Escherichia coli in Piglets. 5: 918-927.
  • KASCKENBEEK, A., JOSSE, M. and SCHOENAEHS, F. (1977) : Relations chez les Escherichia· coli d'origine entrele Pouvoir · Enteropathogene, l'antic gene et l ' hemagglutination, Ann. Med. Vet., 121: 239-248.
  • KESKiNTEPE, .H. (1976) .: lnsan ve •Hayvanlarda Enteropatojenik Escheriohia coli Enfeksiyonları, i.ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 2: 30-4B.
  • KLEMN, P. (1985) : Fimbrial Adhesins of Escherichia coli., Rev. Inf. Dis .. 7: 321-340.
  • MOON, H.W. and McDONALD, J.S. (1983) ; Antibody Responce of Cows to Escherichia coliPilus Antigen K99 after oral Vaccination with live or dead bacterins. Am. J. Vet. Res., 44: ,493-496.
  • MYERS, L.L. (1978) : Enteric Colibacillosis In Calves: lmmunogenicity and Antigenici!ty ;Of Escherichia coli Antigens. Am. J. Vet. Res., 39: 761-765.
  • NAGY, B. (1980) : Vaccination of Cows with o K99 Extract to Protect Newbom Calvas .Aganist Experimental Enterotoxigenic Colibacillosis. lnfect. lmmun., 27: 21-24.
  • NAGY. L.K., MACKENZIE, T. and PAINTER, K.R. (1983) : Protection of the Nursing Pig Aganist Experimentally lnduced Enteric Colibacillosis by Vaccination of Dam with Fimbrial Antigen of Escherichia coli ( K88, K99; 987p) . Vet. Rec. 117: 408-413.
  • ORSKOV, F. (1978) : Virulance Factors of the Bacterial Cell Surfaces. J. Inf. Dis., 137: 630-633.
  • PEARSON, G.R. and LOGAN, E.F. {1983) : The Pa thology of Necnatal ·Enteritis in Calvas with Observation on Escherichia coli Rotavirus and Cyrptosporidium. Ann. Recah. Vet., .14: 422-426.
  • SHERMAN, D.M., ACRES, S.D., SADOVSKI, P.L., SPRINGER, J.A., BRAY, B, RAY.BOULD, T.J .G. and MUSCOPLAT, C.C. (1983) : Protection of Calvas Aganist Fatal Enteric Colibacillosis by Orally Administered Escherichia Coli K99-Specific Monoclonal Antibody. lnfect. lmmun., 42: 653-658.
  • SIHVONEN, L and MIATTINEN, P. (1985) : Rotavirus and . Enteretoxigenic Escherichia coli lnfections of Calves on a ciased Finnish Dairy Form., Acta. Vet. Scand. 25: 205-207.
  • SMITH, H.W. {1978) : Transmissible Pathogenic Characteristics of lnvasive Strains of Escherichia coli., J.A.V,M.A., 173: 601-607.
  • SMITH, H.W and · HALL; S. (1958) : T•he Transmissible Nature of the Genetic Factor in Escherichia coli that Controls Enterotoxin Production. J. Gen. Microbiol. 52: 319-334.
  • WARD, A.C.S., SRIRANGANATHAN , N., EVERMANN, J.F. and TRAUB-DARGATZ,J.L. (1986) : lsolatıon of Piliated Escherichia coli from Diarrheic Foals . .Vet. Microbiol., 12: 221-228.
  • TRUSZCYNSKI, M (1984) : Escherichia coli-lnfeclionen beim Shchat., Mh. Vet. Med., 39: 813-816.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Osman Erganiş Bu kişi benim

Mehmet Ateş Bu kişi benim

Osman Kaya Bu kişi benim

Ersin İstanbulluoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1988
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1988
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1988 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Erganiş, O., Ateş, M., Kaya, O., İstanbulluoğlu, E. (1988). Escherichia coli Enfeksiyonlarında Patojenite ve İmmunite. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 6(3), 229-240.