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İshalli ve Sağlıklı Buzağılarda Campylobacter Jejuni / Coli Taşıyıcılığı

Yıl 1989, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 5, 143 - 149, 01.12.1989


İshalli buzağıların ve sağlıklı buzağıların rektal örneklerinden sırasıyla
% 31 ve % 16 oranında Campylobacter türleri izole edildi.
.izole edilen 47 suşun 34'ü C.jejuni, 13'ü C.c.oli olarak identifiye edildi. Ruminasyona başlamış ve nisbeten yaşlı 42 ishalli buzağının
23'de, halen sütle beslenen gene 58 ishalli buzağının 8'de Campylobacter türleri saptandı. Ruminasyon dönemindeki 42 sağlıklı buzağının 9'dan Campylobacter izole edildi. Ruminasyona başlamış dönemdeki ishalli buzağılardan yüksek oranda C.jejuni ve C.coli izolasyonu, bu organizmaların 3 haftalıktan büyük buzağılarda enterik infeksiyenlara neden olabileceğini gösterdi.


  • ALLSUP, T.N., HUNTER, D. (1973) : lihe isolation of vibrios from diseased and ihealthy calves. Vet. Rec., 93: 389-392.
  • AL-MASHAT, R.R., liAYLOR, D.J. (1980) : Campylobacter spp in enteric lesions in cattle. Vet. Hec., 107·: 3·1'-34.
  • AL-MASHAT, R.R., TAYLOR, •D.J. (1980) : Production of diarrhea and ' dysentry in experimental cal.ves lby .feeding pure cultures of Campylobocter fetus sulbsp ieiuni. Vet. Rec., 107: 459-4·64.
  • AL-M.AJSHAT, R.R., TAYLOR, D.J. (1'981) : Production of enterilis in calves by the oral inoculation of pure cultures of Campylolbacter fecalis. Vet. Rec., .109: 97-101.
  • AL-MASHAT, R.R., TAYLOR, D.J. (1983) : Production of enterilis in calves by the oral inceulation of pure cultures 'Of .Campylobacter fetus sulbsp intestinalis.Vet. Rec .. 112: 54-58.
  • BLASER, M.J., BERKOWITZ, I.D., La'FORCE, F.M., CRAVENS, J .. RELLER L.B., WANG, W.L.L. (1979) : Campylo'bacter enteritis: elinical and epidemiologic .features. ·Ann. lntern. Med., 91 : 179-185.
  • DİKER, S. . iSTANBULLUOGLU, E. (1983) :. Sağlıklı ve sürgünlü ·hayvanlardan Campylobacter fetus •subsp jejuni izolasyonu üzerinde çalışmalar. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 30: 28-34.
  • DiKER, K.S., YARDlMCI, H . , AYDIN, N. (1987) : Location of tıhermophilic Campyldbacter spp in various parts of dhicken intestines. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 34: 570-576.
  • FlREHAMMER , .B.D., MYERS, L.L. (1881) : Campylobacter fetus subsp jejuni: its possible significance in anteric disease of calves and lambs. Am. J. Vet. Res., 42: 918-922.
  • FOX, J.G. (1982) : Caımpylobacteri.osis-a new disease in loborator.y animals.Lab. Anim. Sci., 32: 625-637.
  • LANDER, ı K.P . , GILL, K.ıP.W. (1985) : Campylobacters. In: Isolation and identification of Microorganisms of Medical and Veterinary lmportance (Ed. C.H. COLLINS, J.M. GRıA'NGE). Acadenıic Press, London, pp. 123-142.
  • MODOLO, J.R., BISıPING, W., KIRPAL, K. (1887) : Isolation of Campylobacter sp. from calves witıh and without diarrhea . Pesquisa Vet. 'Brasil., 7: 23-25.
  • MOLBAK, K., HOJLYNG. N., GAARSLEV, K (1988) : prevalence of campylobacter excreto~s among Uberian children related to environmental conditions. Epidenıiol. lnfect., 100: 227-237.
  • MORGAN, J.H., HALL, G.A., REYNOL.ıDS, D.J. (1986) : The association of Campylo'bacter species with calf diarrhea. Proc. 14th World Cong. Dis. Cattle, 1: 325-330.
  • MUNROE, D.L., PRESCOTT, J.F., PENNER, J.L. (1983) : Campylobacter jejuni and C.coli serotypes isoloteel from chickens, cattle, and pigs. J. Clin. Microbiol., 18: 877-881.
  • MYERS, L.L, FIREH.AMMER. B.rD., BORDER, M.M., SHOP.P, D.S, (1984) : Prevalence of enteric pathogens in the feces of healthy tıeef calves. Ani. J. Vet. Res., 45: 1544-1548.
  • PRESCOTT, J.F., BRUIN-MOSOH, C.W. ('1981) : Carriage of Campylobacter Jejuni in healthy and diarrheic calves. Am. J. Vet. Res., 42: 164-165.
  • SARD, D.M. (197-8) : Expectation and observation. Vet. Rec., 103: 552-555.
  • SCHULZE, F., GOTTSCHALDT, J., HÖFER, M. (1987) : Method for isoloting and differenliating eampylo'bacter fr·onı calf faeces sampıas. Monat. Vet. Med., 42: 13ô-139.
  • SHANE. S.M ., MONTROSE, M .S. (1985) : lihe occurence and significance of Campylo'bacter jejuni in man and animals. Vet. Res. Comımın . , 9: 167-188,
  • SHMANOV. K.S. (1985) : Pathogenicity of Campylobacter jejuni for unweaned calves. Boyulleten Vsesoy.uznogo lnst. Eksp. Vet., 59: 52-55.
  • SNODGRASS, D.R., TERZOLO, H.R., SHERWOOD, D., CAMPBELL, 1., MENZIES,J.D., SVNGE, ıB.A ( 1986) : Aetiology of diarrhoea in young calves.Vet. Rec., 119: 31-34.
  • TERZOLO, H.R., L.AJWSON, G.HK, SNODGıRASS, D.R. (1987) : Enteric campylobacter infection in gnotdbiotic calves and lambs. Res. Vet. Sci., 43: 72-77.
  • WARNER. D.P., BRYNER, J.H. (1984) : Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli inceulation of neonatal calves. Am. J. Vet. Res., 45: 1822-1824.

Carriage of Campylobacter jeiuni and Campylobacter coli in healty and diarrheic calves

Yıl 1989, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 5, 143 - 149, 01.12.1989


Campylobacter jejuni and C.coli were isolated from the rectal
swabs of 31/100 diarrheic and 16/100 healthy calves. Of the 47
isolates, 34 were identified as C.jejuni and 13 as C.coli. In diarrheal
calves, campylobacters were isolated from 23/42 (55%) older ruminant
ca!ves and 8/54 (14%) young milk-fed calves. Campylobacter
spp were isolated from 9 (21 %) of 42 ruminating healthy calves. The
high frequency of isolation from diarrheic ruminating calves indicates
that C.jejuni and C.coli may cause enteric infections in this group
of calves.


  • ALLSUP, T.N., HUNTER, D. (1973) : lihe isolation of vibrios from diseased and ihealthy calves. Vet. Rec., 93: 389-392.
  • AL-MASHAT, R.R., liAYLOR, D.J. (1980) : Campylobacter spp in enteric lesions in cattle. Vet. Hec., 107·: 3·1'-34.
  • AL-MASHAT, R.R., TAYLOR, •D.J. (1980) : Production of diarrhea and ' dysentry in experimental cal.ves lby .feeding pure cultures of Campylobocter fetus sulbsp ieiuni. Vet. Rec., 107: 459-4·64.
  • AL-M.AJSHAT, R.R., TAYLOR, D.J. (1'981) : Production of enterilis in calves by the oral inoculation of pure cultures of Campylolbacter fecalis. Vet. Rec., .109: 97-101.
  • AL-MASHAT, R.R., TAYLOR, D.J. (1983) : Production of enterilis in calves by the oral inceulation of pure cultures 'Of .Campylobacter fetus sulbsp intestinalis.Vet. Rec .. 112: 54-58.
  • BLASER, M.J., BERKOWITZ, I.D., La'FORCE, F.M., CRAVENS, J .. RELLER L.B., WANG, W.L.L. (1979) : Campylo'bacter enteritis: elinical and epidemiologic .features. ·Ann. lntern. Med., 91 : 179-185.
  • DİKER, S. . iSTANBULLUOGLU, E. (1983) :. Sağlıklı ve sürgünlü ·hayvanlardan Campylobacter fetus •subsp jejuni izolasyonu üzerinde çalışmalar. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 30: 28-34.
  • DiKER, K.S., YARDlMCI, H . , AYDIN, N. (1987) : Location of tıhermophilic Campyldbacter spp in various parts of dhicken intestines. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 34: 570-576.
  • FlREHAMMER , .B.D., MYERS, L.L. (1881) : Campylobacter fetus subsp jejuni: its possible significance in anteric disease of calves and lambs. Am. J. Vet. Res., 42: 918-922.
  • FOX, J.G. (1982) : Caımpylobacteri.osis-a new disease in loborator.y animals.Lab. Anim. Sci., 32: 625-637.
  • LANDER, ı K.P . , GILL, K.ıP.W. (1985) : Campylobacters. In: Isolation and identification of Microorganisms of Medical and Veterinary lmportance (Ed. C.H. COLLINS, J.M. GRıA'NGE). Acadenıic Press, London, pp. 123-142.
  • MODOLO, J.R., BISıPING, W., KIRPAL, K. (1887) : Isolation of Campylobacter sp. from calves witıh and without diarrhea . Pesquisa Vet. 'Brasil., 7: 23-25.
  • MOLBAK, K., HOJLYNG. N., GAARSLEV, K (1988) : prevalence of campylobacter excreto~s among Uberian children related to environmental conditions. Epidenıiol. lnfect., 100: 227-237.
  • MORGAN, J.H., HALL, G.A., REYNOL.ıDS, D.J. (1986) : The association of Campylo'bacter species with calf diarrhea. Proc. 14th World Cong. Dis. Cattle, 1: 325-330.
  • MUNROE, D.L., PRESCOTT, J.F., PENNER, J.L. (1983) : Campylobacter jejuni and C.coli serotypes isoloteel from chickens, cattle, and pigs. J. Clin. Microbiol., 18: 877-881.
  • MYERS, L.L, FIREH.AMMER. B.rD., BORDER, M.M., SHOP.P, D.S, (1984) : Prevalence of enteric pathogens in the feces of healthy tıeef calves. Ani. J. Vet. Res., 45: 1544-1548.
  • PRESCOTT, J.F., BRUIN-MOSOH, C.W. ('1981) : Carriage of Campylobacter Jejuni in healthy and diarrheic calves. Am. J. Vet. Res., 42: 164-165.
  • SARD, D.M. (197-8) : Expectation and observation. Vet. Rec., 103: 552-555.
  • SCHULZE, F., GOTTSCHALDT, J., HÖFER, M. (1987) : Method for isoloting and differenliating eampylo'bacter fr·onı calf faeces sampıas. Monat. Vet. Med., 42: 13ô-139.
  • SHANE. S.M ., MONTROSE, M .S. (1985) : lihe occurence and significance of Campylo'bacter jejuni in man and animals. Vet. Res. Comımın . , 9: 167-188,
  • SHMANOV. K.S. (1985) : Pathogenicity of Campylobacter jejuni for unweaned calves. Boyulleten Vsesoy.uznogo lnst. Eksp. Vet., 59: 52-55.
  • SNODGRASS, D.R., TERZOLO, H.R., SHERWOOD, D., CAMPBELL, 1., MENZIES,J.D., SVNGE, ıB.A ( 1986) : Aetiology of diarrhoea in young calves.Vet. Rec., 119: 31-34.
  • TERZOLO, H.R., L.AJWSON, G.HK, SNODGıRASS, D.R. (1987) : Enteric campylobacter infection in gnotdbiotic calves and lambs. Res. Vet. Sci., 43: 72-77.
  • WARNER. D.P., BRYNER, J.H. (1984) : Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli inceulation of neonatal calves. Am. J. Vet. Res., 45: 1822-1824.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

K. Serdar Diker Bu kişi benim

Mehmet B. Özlem Bu kişi benim

Şeyda Diker Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1989
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1989
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1989 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

APA Diker, K. S., Özlem, M. B., & Diker, Ş. (1989). İshalli ve Sağlıklı Buzağılarda Campylobacter Jejuni / Coli Taşıyıcılığı. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 6(5), 143-149.