Hücre kültürlerinin mikoplazma kontaminasyonlarının tespiti için kullanılan aceto-orcein ve floresan DAPI ile boyama yönteminin bazı özellikleri karşılaştırmalı olarak incelendi: 1- Laboratuvarımız stoklarında mevcut hücre kültürleri bu iki metot ile test edildi; 2- Birinci aşamada mikoplazma suşu ile kontamine edildi ve gene sözkonusu iki metot ile test edildiler; 3-Mikoplazmadan ari Vero, FL ve BHK21 An30 hücre kültürleri, kontamine olduğu birinci aşamada tespit edilmiş olan BHK21 An14 hücre kültürünün vasatı ile ayrı ayrı 1/10 ve 1/100 dilusyonlarda enfekte edildi ve iki metotla test edildiler.
Sonuçta floresan DAPI boyama yönteminin aceto-orcein boyama yöntemine nisbetle daha duyarlı olduğu tespit edildi. Ancak, literatürde bildirilen bazı hatalı pozitif ve negatif reaksiyonların varlığı gözönüne alınarak, daha başarılı sonuç almak için iki yöntemin beraberce kullanılması tavsiye edildi.
CHEN, T.R,, (1977) ·: In situ Detection of Mycoplasma Contamination in Cell
Cultures By Fluorecent Hoechst 33258 Stoin. Exp. Cell Res., 104, 25'5-262.
FOGH. J. and FOGH, .H., (1965) : A Method for Direct Demonstration of
PPLO in Cultured Cells. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. N.Y. 117, 899-901 .
Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda MD 20205 Nov. 18: ·1987, «.Points
to Cohsider in the Characterization of Cell-Lines· Used to Produce Biologicals.
McGARRITY, G.J., PHILLIPS, D. and VAIDYA, A., (1980) : Detection of M.
hyorhinis infection .in Cell Respiratory Gultures. Cytogenet Cell Genet., 27,
McGARRITY, GJ. STEINER. T. and VANAMAN. V. (1983) : «Use of lndi
cator Geli ·Lines ,for Recovery and ldentification of · cell Culture Mycoplasmas;
Methods in Myccoplasmology Vol. 2, pp. 167-190; Acad. Press. Inc.
N.Y .• London.
MOWLES; .J.M: (1989) .: The Use of Ciprofloxacin for the Elimination of
Mycoplasma from Naturally İnfected Cell-Lines. Accepted for Publication : in Cytotechnology,
POLAK, A.A, ( 1983) : Detection and Elimination of Mycoplasmas in Cell
Cultures. Thesis, RIVM; Nederlands.
PRECIOUS, B. and R·USSELL, W.C. (1987) ' Growth, Purification and Titrat
lion of -Adenoviruses. Virology, a practical approaoh ed. B.W.J. Mahy. IRL
Press Ltd. Oxford,Washington D.G.
ROBINSON, L.B .. WICHELHAUSEN, R:B. and RAZINAN, B., (1956) : Cantamination of Human Cell Cultures by Fleuro-pneumonia Like Organisms.
124, 1147-1150.
RUSSEL. W.C .. NEWMAN, C. and WILLIAMSON, D.H, (1975) : A Simp'e
Cytochemical Technique for Demonstration of DNA . in Cel's lnfected with
Mycoplasmas and Viruses. Nature (London) 253, 431-462.
STRANBRIDGE, E. and SCHNEIDER, E. L. : «The Need for Non Culturcl
Methods for the Detection on Mycoplasma Contaminan:s» Joint WHO/IABS
Symposium on the Standardization of Cell Substrates for the Production of
Virus Vaccines. Geneva. Dec. 1976. Develop. Biol. Standard. Vol. 37, pp. 191-
200. (S. Karger, Basel. 1977).
World Health Organization Technical Report Series 747, WHO Geneva, 1987.
(Acceptability of Cell Substrates for Production of Biologicals>
A study on the detectlon of mycoplasma contaminations in cell cultures by using fluorescent DAPI and aceto-orcein staining techniques
Some aspects of the detection of mycoplasma contaminations
in ·cell culturs both by fluorescent DAPI stain and aceto-orcein
stain have been studied comperatively : 1 - The cell cultures already present in our laboratory's stocks have been tested by those two methods. 2 - Three of mycoplasma-free cell cultures tested in the first step have been artificially infected with three different mycoplasma strains arid stained by two techniques comperatively;
3_ Mycoplasma-free Vero, FL and BHK21 An30 cell cultures. have
been infected with the medium of mycoplasma contaminated BHK21,An14 cell culture in two different dilutions (1 /10 and 1 /100) and after 24 hours of incubation stained with two methods separetely.
As a result, fluorescent DAPI staining assay has been estimated
more sensitie than aceto-orcein staining. However by taking into
concideration some false positive and negative reactions mentioned
in the literature, the combination of two techniques has been advised for more satisfactory detection.
CHEN, T.R,, (1977) ·: In situ Detection of Mycoplasma Contamination in Cell
Cultures By Fluorecent Hoechst 33258 Stoin. Exp. Cell Res., 104, 25'5-262.
FOGH. J. and FOGH, .H., (1965) : A Method for Direct Demonstration of
PPLO in Cultured Cells. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. N.Y. 117, 899-901 .
Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda MD 20205 Nov. 18: ·1987, «.Points
to Cohsider in the Characterization of Cell-Lines· Used to Produce Biologicals.
McGARRITY, G.J., PHILLIPS, D. and VAIDYA, A., (1980) : Detection of M.
hyorhinis infection .in Cell Respiratory Gultures. Cytogenet Cell Genet., 27,
McGARRITY, GJ. STEINER. T. and VANAMAN. V. (1983) : «Use of lndi
cator Geli ·Lines ,for Recovery and ldentification of · cell Culture Mycoplasmas;
Methods in Myccoplasmology Vol. 2, pp. 167-190; Acad. Press. Inc.
N.Y .• London.
MOWLES; .J.M: (1989) .: The Use of Ciprofloxacin for the Elimination of
Mycoplasma from Naturally İnfected Cell-Lines. Accepted for Publication : in Cytotechnology,
POLAK, A.A, ( 1983) : Detection and Elimination of Mycoplasmas in Cell
Cultures. Thesis, RIVM; Nederlands.
PRECIOUS, B. and R·USSELL, W.C. (1987) ' Growth, Purification and Titrat
lion of -Adenoviruses. Virology, a practical approaoh ed. B.W.J. Mahy. IRL
Press Ltd. Oxford,Washington D.G.
ROBINSON, L.B .. WICHELHAUSEN, R:B. and RAZINAN, B., (1956) : Cantamination of Human Cell Cultures by Fleuro-pneumonia Like Organisms.
124, 1147-1150.
RUSSEL. W.C .. NEWMAN, C. and WILLIAMSON, D.H, (1975) : A Simp'e
Cytochemical Technique for Demonstration of DNA . in Cel's lnfected with
Mycoplasmas and Viruses. Nature (London) 253, 431-462.
STRANBRIDGE, E. and SCHNEIDER, E. L. : «The Need for Non Culturcl
Methods for the Detection on Mycoplasma Contaminan:s» Joint WHO/IABS
Symposium on the Standardization of Cell Substrates for the Production of
Virus Vaccines. Geneva. Dec. 1976. Develop. Biol. Standard. Vol. 37, pp. 191-
200. (S. Karger, Basel. 1977).
World Health Organization Technical Report Series 747, WHO Geneva, 1987.
(Acceptability of Cell Substrates for Production of Biologicals>