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«Studies on isolation of Haemophilus somnus from bovine diseased and normal pulmonary tissues»

Yıl 1992, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 49 - 62, 01.12.1992


Haemophilus somnus was isolated and identified from four lungs of
130 lungs with pneumonia and from one of 90 lungs with normal appearance.
The collected materials were seeded on to blood agar, Mac Conkey
and brain-heart infusion agar with blood and yeast extract using steril
swabs. The organisms grew well only on brain-heart infusion agar with blood
and yeast extract in the presence of % 1 O C02 atmesphere and after 48
hours incubation. The colonies were greyish yellow in colour, translucent,
rounded, 1 mm in diamater and butter-like in consistency. The isolated organisms
were gram negative, pleomophic and coccobacilli and they fermented
glucose. lndol and oxidase tests were positive but catalase negative.
All the isolates tested with H.somnus antiserum and gave agglutination
in the slide-agglutination test.


  • ANDREWS, J.J., ANDERSON, T.D., SLIFE, L.N. and STEVENSON, G.W. (1985) : Microscopic lesions associated with the isolation of Haemophilus somnus from pneumonic bovine lungs. Vet. Pathol., 22 : 131-136.
  • ANDREWS, J.J., SLIFE, L.N . and STEVENSON, G.W. (1983) : Naturally occuring Haemophilus somnus pneumonia in cattle. In proceedings of the Third International Symposium of the World Assodation of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians. Vol. 2 : 377-384
  • ARDA. M., DIKER, K.S., ERDE(3ER, J. (1989) : Sığırların Haemophilus somnus infeksiyonlarının teşhisinde çeşitli serolojik testierin karşılaştırılması üzerinde çalışmalar. Doğa Türk Vet. Hayv. Derg.,13 : 83-88.
  • ARMSTRONG, K.R., OSBORNE, A.D. and JANZEN, E.D. (1986) : Haemophilus somnus masiiiis ina dairy cow. Vet. J., 27: 211-212.
  • ASMUSSEN, M.D. and BAUGH, C.L. (1985) : Thiamine pyrophosphate (cocarboxylase) as a growth factor for Haemophilus somnus. J. Clin. Microbiol., 14 : 178-183.
  • BAILIE, W. E., ANTHONY, H. D. and WEIDE, K.D. (1966) : lnfectious tromboembolic meningoencephalomyelitis (sleeper syndrome) in feedlot cattle. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc., 148: 126-166.
  • BLOOD., D.C., HENDERSON, J.A. and RODOSTITIS, O.M. (1979) : Haemophilus septicaemia of cattle. Vet. Med. 519-520.
  • BEEMAN, K.B. (1985) : Haemophilus somnus infection of cattle. Compendium, 7: 259.262.
  • CANTO, G.J. and BIBERSTEIN, E.L. (1982) : Serological diversity in Haemophilus somnus. J. Clin. Microbiol., 15 : 1009-1015.
  • CORBEIL, L.B., WIDDERS, P.R., GOGOLEWSKI, R., ARTHUR, J.,INZANA, T.J. and WARD, A.C.S. (1986) : Haemophilus somnus, bovine reproductive and respiratory disease. Can. Vet. J., 27 : 90-93.
  • CORBOZ, L. (1981) : Epidemiology of Haemophilus somnus infection in callle : colonial variants of strains isolated from various sources. In Haemophilus, Pasleurella and Actinobacillus, Ed. M. Kilian, Academic Press, London , pp: 133-142.
  • CORBOZ, L. and POHLENZ, J. (1976) : Experimentelle infectionen mit sogenannten Haemophilus somnus beim kalb : vergleich von stammen mit unterschiedlicher virulenz. Schweiz. Arch. Tıerheilk . , 118: 429-440.
  • CORBOZ, L. and WILD, P. (1981) : Epidimiologie der Haemophilus somnus infection beim rind: vergleich von stammen in der polyacrilamidgel-electrophorese (PAGE). Schweız . Arch. Tierheilk. 123: 78-88.
  • CZUPRYNSKI, C.J. and HAMILTON, H.L. (1985) : Bovine neutrophils ingesi but do not kill Haemohilus somnus in vitro. lnfect. lmmun., 50: 431-436.
  • DEWEY, K.L. and LITTLE, P.B. (1984) :The pathogenicity of Haemophilus somnus in various laboratory animal species. Can. J. Comp. Med., 48: 27-29.
  • DIERKS, R.E., HANNA, S.A. and DILMANN, R.C. (1973) : Epizootiology and pathegenesis of Haemophilus somnus infection. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc., 163: 866-869.
  • DIKER, K.S. ARDA, M. and IZGÜR, H. (1986) : Isolation and characterization of Haemophilus somnus from cows with metritis. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 33:52-57.
  • DIKER, K.S ., ERDEĞER, J. and HASHIMOTO, K. (1989) : Effects of disinfectants on Haemophilus somnus. Etlik Vet. Mikrob. Derg. 5: 137-142.
  • DIKER, K.S ., YARDlMCI, H. and HASHIMOTO, K. (1989) : Survival of Haemophilus somnus in biological milieus. Etlik Vet. Mimrob. Derg. 5: 127-136.
  • GARCIA,-DELGADO, G.A., LITTLE, P.B. and BARNUM, D.A. (1977) : A comparison of Haemophilus somnus strains. Can. J. Comp. Med., 41 : 380-388.
  • GOGOLEWSKI, R.P., KANlA, S.A., INZANA, T.J., WIDDERS, P.R., LIGGITT, H.D. and CORBEIL, L.B. (1987) : Protective abillity and specificity of convalescent serum from cal ve s with Haemophilus somnus pneumonia. lnfect. lmmun., 50: 431-435.
  • GOGOLEWSKI, R.P., LEATHERS, C.W., LIGGITT, H. D. and CORBEIL, L.B. (1987) : Experimental Haemophilus somnus pneumonia in calves and immunoperoxidase Icealisation of bacteria. Vet. Pathol., 24: 250-256.
  • GOGOLEWSKI, R.P ., SCHAEı:ER . .!).C. WASSON, S.K., CORBEIL, R.R. and COR BEIL, L.B. (1989) Pulmonary persistence of Haemophilus somnus in the presence of specific antibody. J. Clin. Microbiol., 9: 1767-1774.
  • GONZALES, H.F. and BINGHAM, D.P. (1983) : Genetic relatedness of Haemophilus somnus to seleel genera of bacteria. Am. J. Vet. Res., 44:1793-1795.
  • GOSSLING. J. (1966) :The bacteria isolated from lesions of embolic menigoencephalitis of canle. lllınois Vet., 9: 14-18.
  • GROOM, S.C, HAZLETT, M.J. and LITTLE, P.B. (1986) : An evaluation of the APIZYM system as a means of identifying Haemophilus somnus and related taxa. Can . J. Vet. Res., 50: 238-244.
  • GROOM, S.C. and LITTLE, P.B. (1988) : Effects of vaccination of calves against induced Haemophilus somnus pneumonia. Am. J. Vet. Res., 49 :793-800.
  • GROOM, S.C., LITTLE, P.B. and ROSENDAL, S. (1988): Virulence differences among three strains of Haemophilus somnus fallawing intratracheal inceulation of calves. Can. J. Vet. Res., 52: 349-354.
  • HUMPHRY, J.D. and STEPHENS, L.R. (1983) : Haemophilus somnus: a review, Vet. Bull., 53:987-1004.
  • JACKSON, J.A., ANDREWS. J.l. and HARGIS, J.W. (1987) : Experimental Haemophilus somnus pnoumonia in calves. Vet. Pathol., 24:129-134.
  • KENNEDY, P.C., BIBERSTEIN, E.L., HOWARTH, J.A., FRAZIER, L.M. and DUNGWORTH, D.L. (1960) :lnfectious meningoencephalitis in canle, caused by Haemophiluslike organizm. Am. J. Vet. Res., 21 :403-409.
  • LAMONT, M.H. and HUNT, B.W. (1982) : Haemophilus somnus and conjunctivitis. Vet. Rec.,lll :21.
  • McEWEN, S.A. and HULLAND, T.J. (1985) : Haemophilus somnus induced otitis and meningilis in a heifer. Can. Vet. J., 26: 7-8.
  • MOREIRA, A.R., TERZOLA, H.R.,ODRIOZOLA, E. SALAMANCO, A.G., CASARO, A.P. and ARNALDE, J. (1987) : Bovine bronchopneumonia associated with Haemophilus somnus. Rev. Med. Vet., 68: 36-38.
  • POTGIETER, L.N.D., HELMAN, R.G., GREENE, W. BREIDER, M.A., THURBER, E.T. and PEETZ, R.H. (1988) : Experimental bovine respiratory tract disease with Haemophilus somnus. Vet. Pathol., 25: 124-130.
  • SAUNDERS, J.R. and JANSEN, E.D. (1980) : Haemophilus infections. ll. A Canadiarı field trial of commercial bacterin: elinical and serological resluts. Can. Vet. J. 21: 219-224.
  • SAUNDERS, J.R., THIESSEN, W.A. and JANSEN, E.D. (1980) : Haemophilus somnus infections. 1. Aten year (1969-1978) retrospective study of losses in canle herds in Western Can ada. Can. Vet. J ., 21 : 119-123.
  • STEPHENS, L.R. and LITILE, P.B. (1981) : Ultrastructure of Haemophilus somnus, causative agent of bovine infectious thromboembolic meningoencephalitis. Am. J . Vet. Res., 42: 1638-1640.
  • STEPHENS, L.R., LITILE, P.B. WILKIE, B.N. and BARNUM, O.A. (1981) : Humoral immunity in experimental thromboembolic meningoencephalitis in cattle caused by Haemophilus somnus. Am. J. Vet. Res., 42: 468-473.
  • STEPHENS, L.R., HUMPREY, 1.0., LITILE, P.B. and BARNUM, O.A. (1983) : Morphological, biochemical, antigenetic and cytochemical relationship among Haemophilus somnus, Haemophilus agni, Haemophilus haemoglobinaphilus, Histophillus ovis and Actinobacillus seminis. J. Clin. Microbiol., 17: 728-737.
  • STEPHENS, L.R., LITILE, P.B., HUMPREY, 1.0., WILKEE, B.N. and BARNUM, O.A. (1982) : Vaccination of cattle against experimentally induced tromboembolic meningoencephalitis with a Haemophilus somnus bacterin. Am. J . Vet. Res., 43: 1339-1342.
  • STASTOVA. A. (1988) : Haemophilus somnus asa cause of bronchopneumonia in calves. Vet. Med., 33: 193-200.
  • WALKER, R.L.,BIBERSTEIN, E.L., PRITCHETI, R.F. and KlRKHAM, C. (1985) : Deoxyribonucleic acid relatedness among Haemophilus somnus, Heamophilus agni, Histophilus ovis, Actinobacillus seminis and Haemophilus influenzae. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 35: 46-49.
  • WARO, G.E., NIVARO, I.R. and MAHESWARAN, S.K. (1984) : Morphologic features, structure and adherence to bovine turbinali cells of three Haemophilus somnus variants. Am. J. Vet. Res., 45: 336-338.

Normal ve Pnöymonili Sığır Akciğerlerinden Haemophilus Somnus İzolasyonu Üzerinde Çalışmalar

Yıl 1992, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 49 - 62, 01.12.1992


130 Pnöymonili akciğerden dört ve 90 normal görünüşlü sığır akciğerinden
1 adet Haemophilus somnus izole ve idenlifiye edildi. Toplanan materyallerden
steril eküvyonlarla kanlı agar, Mac Conkey agar ve kanlı - maya
özetli beyin-kalp infüzyon agara ekimler yapıldı. Sadece kanlı-maya özetli
beyin-kalp infüzyon agarda% 10 CO2 atmosferde, 48 saat inkubasyondan
·sonra üreme belirlendi. Koloniler; grimsi sarı renkli, tereyağ kıvamında, 1
mm çaplı, yarı saydam, yuvarlak şekilli olarak görüldüler. Izole edilen gram
negatif, pleomorfik, küçük kokobasil şeklindeki mikroorganizmalar glukozu
fermente ettiler. lndol ve oksidaz pozitif, katalaz negatif bulundu. H.somnus
antiserumu ile kontrol edilen izolatların tümü lamda aglutinasyon verdi.


  • ANDREWS, J.J., ANDERSON, T.D., SLIFE, L.N. and STEVENSON, G.W. (1985) : Microscopic lesions associated with the isolation of Haemophilus somnus from pneumonic bovine lungs. Vet. Pathol., 22 : 131-136.
  • ANDREWS, J.J., SLIFE, L.N . and STEVENSON, G.W. (1983) : Naturally occuring Haemophilus somnus pneumonia in cattle. In proceedings of the Third International Symposium of the World Assodation of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians. Vol. 2 : 377-384
  • ARDA. M., DIKER, K.S., ERDE(3ER, J. (1989) : Sığırların Haemophilus somnus infeksiyonlarının teşhisinde çeşitli serolojik testierin karşılaştırılması üzerinde çalışmalar. Doğa Türk Vet. Hayv. Derg.,13 : 83-88.
  • ARMSTRONG, K.R., OSBORNE, A.D. and JANZEN, E.D. (1986) : Haemophilus somnus masiiiis ina dairy cow. Vet. J., 27: 211-212.
  • ASMUSSEN, M.D. and BAUGH, C.L. (1985) : Thiamine pyrophosphate (cocarboxylase) as a growth factor for Haemophilus somnus. J. Clin. Microbiol., 14 : 178-183.
  • BAILIE, W. E., ANTHONY, H. D. and WEIDE, K.D. (1966) : lnfectious tromboembolic meningoencephalomyelitis (sleeper syndrome) in feedlot cattle. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc., 148: 126-166.
  • BLOOD., D.C., HENDERSON, J.A. and RODOSTITIS, O.M. (1979) : Haemophilus septicaemia of cattle. Vet. Med. 519-520.
  • BEEMAN, K.B. (1985) : Haemophilus somnus infection of cattle. Compendium, 7: 259.262.
  • CANTO, G.J. and BIBERSTEIN, E.L. (1982) : Serological diversity in Haemophilus somnus. J. Clin. Microbiol., 15 : 1009-1015.
  • CORBEIL, L.B., WIDDERS, P.R., GOGOLEWSKI, R., ARTHUR, J.,INZANA, T.J. and WARD, A.C.S. (1986) : Haemophilus somnus, bovine reproductive and respiratory disease. Can. Vet. J., 27 : 90-93.
  • CORBOZ, L. (1981) : Epidemiology of Haemophilus somnus infection in callle : colonial variants of strains isolated from various sources. In Haemophilus, Pasleurella and Actinobacillus, Ed. M. Kilian, Academic Press, London , pp: 133-142.
  • CORBOZ, L. and POHLENZ, J. (1976) : Experimentelle infectionen mit sogenannten Haemophilus somnus beim kalb : vergleich von stammen mit unterschiedlicher virulenz. Schweiz. Arch. Tıerheilk . , 118: 429-440.
  • CORBOZ, L. and WILD, P. (1981) : Epidimiologie der Haemophilus somnus infection beim rind: vergleich von stammen in der polyacrilamidgel-electrophorese (PAGE). Schweız . Arch. Tierheilk. 123: 78-88.
  • CZUPRYNSKI, C.J. and HAMILTON, H.L. (1985) : Bovine neutrophils ingesi but do not kill Haemohilus somnus in vitro. lnfect. lmmun., 50: 431-436.
  • DEWEY, K.L. and LITTLE, P.B. (1984) :The pathogenicity of Haemophilus somnus in various laboratory animal species. Can. J. Comp. Med., 48: 27-29.
  • DIERKS, R.E., HANNA, S.A. and DILMANN, R.C. (1973) : Epizootiology and pathegenesis of Haemophilus somnus infection. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc., 163: 866-869.
  • DIKER, K.S. ARDA, M. and IZGÜR, H. (1986) : Isolation and characterization of Haemophilus somnus from cows with metritis. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 33:52-57.
  • DIKER, K.S ., ERDEĞER, J. and HASHIMOTO, K. (1989) : Effects of disinfectants on Haemophilus somnus. Etlik Vet. Mikrob. Derg. 5: 137-142.
  • DIKER, K.S ., YARDlMCI, H. and HASHIMOTO, K. (1989) : Survival of Haemophilus somnus in biological milieus. Etlik Vet. Mimrob. Derg. 5: 127-136.
  • GARCIA,-DELGADO, G.A., LITTLE, P.B. and BARNUM, D.A. (1977) : A comparison of Haemophilus somnus strains. Can. J. Comp. Med., 41 : 380-388.
  • GOGOLEWSKI, R.P., KANlA, S.A., INZANA, T.J., WIDDERS, P.R., LIGGITT, H.D. and CORBEIL, L.B. (1987) : Protective abillity and specificity of convalescent serum from cal ve s with Haemophilus somnus pneumonia. lnfect. lmmun., 50: 431-435.
  • GOGOLEWSKI, R.P., LEATHERS, C.W., LIGGITT, H. D. and CORBEIL, L.B. (1987) : Experimental Haemophilus somnus pneumonia in calves and immunoperoxidase Icealisation of bacteria. Vet. Pathol., 24: 250-256.
  • GOGOLEWSKI, R.P ., SCHAEı:ER . .!).C. WASSON, S.K., CORBEIL, R.R. and COR BEIL, L.B. (1989) Pulmonary persistence of Haemophilus somnus in the presence of specific antibody. J. Clin. Microbiol., 9: 1767-1774.
  • GONZALES, H.F. and BINGHAM, D.P. (1983) : Genetic relatedness of Haemophilus somnus to seleel genera of bacteria. Am. J. Vet. Res., 44:1793-1795.
  • GOSSLING. J. (1966) :The bacteria isolated from lesions of embolic menigoencephalitis of canle. lllınois Vet., 9: 14-18.
  • GROOM, S.C, HAZLETT, M.J. and LITTLE, P.B. (1986) : An evaluation of the APIZYM system as a means of identifying Haemophilus somnus and related taxa. Can . J. Vet. Res., 50: 238-244.
  • GROOM, S.C. and LITTLE, P.B. (1988) : Effects of vaccination of calves against induced Haemophilus somnus pneumonia. Am. J. Vet. Res., 49 :793-800.
  • GROOM, S.C., LITTLE, P.B. and ROSENDAL, S. (1988): Virulence differences among three strains of Haemophilus somnus fallawing intratracheal inceulation of calves. Can. J. Vet. Res., 52: 349-354.
  • HUMPHRY, J.D. and STEPHENS, L.R. (1983) : Haemophilus somnus: a review, Vet. Bull., 53:987-1004.
  • JACKSON, J.A., ANDREWS. J.l. and HARGIS, J.W. (1987) : Experimental Haemophilus somnus pnoumonia in calves. Vet. Pathol., 24:129-134.
  • KENNEDY, P.C., BIBERSTEIN, E.L., HOWARTH, J.A., FRAZIER, L.M. and DUNGWORTH, D.L. (1960) :lnfectious meningoencephalitis in canle, caused by Haemophiluslike organizm. Am. J. Vet. Res., 21 :403-409.
  • LAMONT, M.H. and HUNT, B.W. (1982) : Haemophilus somnus and conjunctivitis. Vet. Rec.,lll :21.
  • McEWEN, S.A. and HULLAND, T.J. (1985) : Haemophilus somnus induced otitis and meningilis in a heifer. Can. Vet. J., 26: 7-8.
  • MOREIRA, A.R., TERZOLA, H.R.,ODRIOZOLA, E. SALAMANCO, A.G., CASARO, A.P. and ARNALDE, J. (1987) : Bovine bronchopneumonia associated with Haemophilus somnus. Rev. Med. Vet., 68: 36-38.
  • POTGIETER, L.N.D., HELMAN, R.G., GREENE, W. BREIDER, M.A., THURBER, E.T. and PEETZ, R.H. (1988) : Experimental bovine respiratory tract disease with Haemophilus somnus. Vet. Pathol., 25: 124-130.
  • SAUNDERS, J.R. and JANSEN, E.D. (1980) : Haemophilus infections. ll. A Canadiarı field trial of commercial bacterin: elinical and serological resluts. Can. Vet. J. 21: 219-224.
  • SAUNDERS, J.R., THIESSEN, W.A. and JANSEN, E.D. (1980) : Haemophilus somnus infections. 1. Aten year (1969-1978) retrospective study of losses in canle herds in Western Can ada. Can. Vet. J ., 21 : 119-123.
  • STEPHENS, L.R. and LITILE, P.B. (1981) : Ultrastructure of Haemophilus somnus, causative agent of bovine infectious thromboembolic meningoencephalitis. Am. J . Vet. Res., 42: 1638-1640.
  • STEPHENS, L.R., LITILE, P.B. WILKIE, B.N. and BARNUM, O.A. (1981) : Humoral immunity in experimental thromboembolic meningoencephalitis in cattle caused by Haemophilus somnus. Am. J. Vet. Res., 42: 468-473.
  • STEPHENS, L.R., HUMPREY, 1.0., LITILE, P.B. and BARNUM, O.A. (1983) : Morphological, biochemical, antigenetic and cytochemical relationship among Haemophilus somnus, Haemophilus agni, Haemophilus haemoglobinaphilus, Histophillus ovis and Actinobacillus seminis. J. Clin. Microbiol., 17: 728-737.
  • STEPHENS, L.R., LITILE, P.B., HUMPREY, 1.0., WILKEE, B.N. and BARNUM, O.A. (1982) : Vaccination of cattle against experimentally induced tromboembolic meningoencephalitis with a Haemophilus somnus bacterin. Am. J . Vet. Res., 43: 1339-1342.
  • STASTOVA. A. (1988) : Haemophilus somnus asa cause of bronchopneumonia in calves. Vet. Med., 33: 193-200.
  • WALKER, R.L.,BIBERSTEIN, E.L., PRITCHETI, R.F. and KlRKHAM, C. (1985) : Deoxyribonucleic acid relatedness among Haemophilus somnus, Heamophilus agni, Histophilus ovis, Actinobacillus seminis and Haemophilus influenzae. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 35: 46-49.
  • WARO, G.E., NIVARO, I.R. and MAHESWARAN, S.K. (1984) : Morphologic features, structure and adherence to bovine turbinali cells of three Haemophilus somnus variants. Am. J. Vet. Res., 45: 336-338.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Vildan Özdemir Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1992
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1992
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1992 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Özdemir, V. (1992). Normal ve Pnöymonili Sığır Akciğerlerinden Haemophilus Somnus İzolasyonu Üzerinde Çalışmalar. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 7(2), 49-62.