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Atlarda İnfertiliteye Neden Olan Mikrofloranın Saptanması

Yıl 1992, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 97 - 103, 01.12.1992


Bu araştırmada, infertilite problemleri olan kısrakların klitoris ve serviks uterilerinden, aygırların ise orificium urethra externa, corpus penis ve fossa glandislerinden alınan örneklerin bakteriyolojik yoklamaları yapıldı ve izole edilen etkenierin antibiyotiklere duyarlılıkları belirlendi.
lnfertilite problemi olan 86 kısrağın 65 (% 75.6)'inin kiltorisinden ve
12 (% 13.9)'sinin serviksinden izolasyon yapılabildi. Kısrakların klitoris ve serviks uterilerinden E.coli, Staph.aureus, Staph.epidermidis, Streptococcus sp., Str.agalactiae, Acinetobacter sp., K.pneumoniae, Bacillus sp., Corynebacterium sp., Pseudomonas sp., Moraxella sp. izole ve identifiye
edildi. Incelenen 40 aygırın urethra, fossa glandis ve corpus penisinden ise Streptococcus sp., E.coli, Acinetobacter sp., Staph.aureus, Staph.epidermidis, K.pneumoniae, Corynebacterium sp., Moraxella sp., Bacillus sp., Al caligenes sp., Neisseria sp., Pseudomonas sp. izole ve identifiye edildi. Infertil kısrak ve aygırlara ait materyalierin T.equigenitalis yönünden yapılan
bakteriyolajik yoklamalarında herhangi bir üreme kaydedilemedi.
Çalışmada , antibiyogram testi sonucunda, kısraklardan izole edilen
Gram pozitif bakteriler ampisilin, kloramfenikol kanamisin, neomisin, penisilin
ve tetrasikline; Gram negatif bakteriler ise kolistin sülfat, tetrasiklin, ampisilin (E.coli ve Pseudomonas sp. hariç). kloramfenikol, kanamisin, neomisin, streptomisin'e (Pseudomonas sp hariç) duyarlı bulundu. Aygırlardan izole edilen Gram pozitif bakteriler ampisilin, kloramfenikol, kolistin sülfat, kanamisin, neomisin, penisilin, streptomisin, tetrasiklin'e ; Gram negatif bakteriler
ise kloramfenikol, tetrasiklin ve kolistin sülfat, kanamisin, neomisin,
streptomisin'e (Arizona sp. hariç) duyarlı bulundu.


  • ALLEN, W. E. (1979): Aspects of genital infection and swabbing techniques in the mare. Vet. Rec., 104: 228-231.
  • AMTSBERG, G. und KRABJSeH, P. (1975) : Ergebnisse der bakteriologischen zervixtopferuntersuchung von Varmblutstutan in den jahren 1969-1973. Dtsch. Terarztl. Wschr., 82: 97-136.
  • BAUER, A.W., KIRBY, W.M.M., SHERRIS, J,C, and TURCK, M. (1966) : Antibiotic susceptibility testing by a standardized single disk method. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. , 45: 493- 496. .
  • BLOBEL, H., KITZROW, D. und BLOBEL, K. (1978) : Contagious equine meirilis (CEM). Tierarztl. Umschan., 33: 523.
  • BLOBEL, H., WLECKLINSKI, C.G. und BLOBEL, K. (1980) : Zum nachweis p. hamolysierender streptokokken in zervix und klitoristupfe propen von stuten. Tierarztl. Umschan., 35: 826-830.
  • BLOBEL, K., BRÜCKLER, J. und REIMERS, G. (1987) : Ein beitrag zur erfassung bakterieller fortpflanzungsstörungen in der pferdezucht und vorschlage zur behandlung. Dtsch. Tierraztl. Wschr. 94:160-162.
  • BREWER, R.A. (1983) : Contagious equine metritis: A review. Vet. Bul., 53: 881-891.
  • CROWHURST, R.C. (1977): Genital infection in mares. Vet. Rec., 100:476.
  • CROWHURST, R.C., SIMPSON, D.J., GREENWOOD, R.E.S., ELLIS, D.R. and EVANS, W.E. (1979) : An outbreak of contagious equine metritis in 1977 and its effect the following season. J. Reprod. Fert. Suppl., 27: 351-354.
  • ECKSTEIN, K. (1983) : Verbreitung und bedenlung der ansteckenden gebarmutterentzündung der pferde (CEM 77) in Bundesrepublik Deutschlant. Diss.
  • ENGVALL, A., HOLMSTEDT, S. und JOHANSSON, S. (1983) : Utbrott av smittsam metrit hos sto (CEM) : Sverige. Svensk Veterinartidning., 35: 107-109.
  • FRANK, C.J., DAVIT, J.S.E. and SMITH, H. (1979) : Code of practice for the control of contagious equine metritis and other equine venereal diseasesfor the 1980 covering season.Vet. Rec. 105: 395-397.
  • HORSERAGE SETIING LEVY BOARD (1984) : A Commen code of practice for the control of contagious equine metritis and other equine reproductive diseases for the 1985 covering season in France, lreland and United Kingdom. Vet. Rec., 115: 307.
  • HUGHES, J.P. (1978) : Contagious equine metritis: A review. Theriogenol, 11 : 209-216.
  • KAMADA, M., AKIYAMA, Y., ODA, T. and FUKUZAWA, Y. (1981): Contagious equine metritis: Isolation of Haemophilus eqiugenitalis from horses with endometritis in Japan. Jpn. J. Vet. Sci. , 43: 565-568.
  • KAMADA, M., KUMANOMIDO, T., ANZAI, T., KANEMARU, T., SENBA, H. and OHISHI, H. (1986) : Isolation and drug susceptibility of streptomycin sensitive Taylorella equigenitalis from mares with metritis and infertility in Japan. Bull. Equine Res. lnst. 23: 55-61 .
  • KLUG, E., MERKT, H., KIRPAL, G. und FLUGE, A. (1987) : Mapnahmen zur eindammung eines akuten auftretens der kontagiösen equiner metritis (CEM 77) in Bereich einer Staatlichen Deckstelle. Dtsch. tierarztl. Wschr. 87: 153-208.
  • KON E MAN, E.W. (1979) : Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology. J.B. Lippincolt Company Philadelphia.
  • LAAK, E.A.,FENNEMA G. and JAARTSVELD, F.H.L. (1989) : Contagious equine metritis in Nederland.Tijdschr.Diergenceskd., 114: 189-201.
  • LORIN, D., PRILHOFER, K. und ARBEITER, K. (1984) : Nachweis der kontagisen equinen metritis (CEM) in Österreich. Wien. tierarztl. Wschr., 81 : 81-85.
  • MACKINTOSH, M.E. (1981) : Bacteriological techniques in the diagnosis of equine genital infections. Vet. Rec., 108: 52-55.
  • MERKT, H., WOCKENER, A., HEILKENBRINKER, T., ZEMHE, M., WITTENBRINK, M.M. und BISPING, W (1987) : Mikrobielle untersuchung in der Stutengynakologie. Der Praktische Tierarztl., 3:5-12.
  • O'DRISCOLL, J. (1977) : Venereal infection in thoroughbreds with Bacillus proteus mirablis.Vet. Rec., 100: 534.
  • RICKETIS, S.W. (1976) : Klebsiella aerogenes in mares. Vet. Rec., 99 : 489-490.
  • RICKETIS, S.W., ROSSDALE, P.D., WINGFIELDDIGBY, N.J., FALK, M.M., HOPES, R., HUNT, M.D.N. and PEACE, C.K. (1977) : Genital infection in mares. Vet. Rec., 101 : 65.
  • SAHU, S.P. and DARCLIRI, A.H. (1980) : Contagious equine metritis: Isolation and characterization of the etiologic age nt. Am. J. Vet. Res., 41 : 1379-1382.
  • SEVINÇ, A., ISTANBULLUOGLU, E., YURDAYDlN, N. ve ÇELEBI, M. (1984) : Çifteler Arap aygırlarının spermatolojik özellikleri, spermalarındaki bakteriyel flora ve dölverimleri üzerinde araştırmalar. Doğa Bilim Derg., 8: 288-293.
  • SUGIMOTO, C., ISAYAMA, Y., SAKAZAKI, R. and KURAMOCHI, S. (1983) : Taransfer of Haemophilus equigenitalis Taylor et al. 1978 to the Genus Taylorella gen. nov. as Taylorella equigenitalis comb. nov. Curr. Microbiol. 9: 155-162.
  • SUGIMOTO, C., ISAYAMA, Y., KASHIWAZAKI, M., FUJIKURA, T. and MITANI, K. (1980) : Detection of Haemophilus equigenitalis, the causal agent of contagious equine metritis, in Japan. Natl.lnst. Ani m. Health A (Jpn), 20: 118-119.
  • SWANN, A.l. (1978): Contagious equine metritis. Auburn Vet., 34:84-86.
  • SWERCZEK, T.W. (1978): The first occurrence of contagious equine metritis in the United states. JAVMA., 173: 405-407.
  • SWERCZEK, T.W. (1979) : Elimination of CEM organism from mares by excision of clitoral sinuses. Vet. Rec., 105: 131-132.
  • TAINTURIER, D., TESSIER, P.H., SARDJANA, K.W., et FERNEY, J. (1982) : Metrite contagiouse des equides. Revue Med. Vet., 133: 765-770.
  • TAYLOR, J.E.D., ROSENTHAL, R.O., BROWN, D.F.J., LAPAGE, S.P., HILL, L.R. and LEGROS, R.M. (1978) : EQUIINE Vet. J., 10: 136-144. In : SUGIMOTO, C., ISAYAMA, Y., SAKAZAKI, R. and KURAMOCHI, S. (1983) : Transfer of Haemophilus equigenitalis Taylor et al. 1978 to the Genus Taylorella gen. Nov. as Taylorella equigenitalis comb. nov. Curr. Microbiol. 9: 155-162.
  • TAYLOR, C. E. D. ( 1979) : A Recently recognised venereal disease of horses and its causative organism . J. lnfect., 1: 81-86.
  • TIMONEY P.J. (1979) : Contagious equine metritis in lreland. Vet. Rec., 105: 172-173.
  • TIMONEY, P.J. and POWELL, D.G. (1982) : Isolation of the contagious equine metritis organism from colts and fillies in the United Kingdom and lreland. Vet. Rec., 111 : 478- 482.
  • TIMONEY, P.J. and STRICLAND, K.L. (1982) : Contagious equine metritis in the republic of lreland. Ir. Vet. J. 36: 159-160.
  • VAISSAIRE, J., PLATEOU, E., LAVGIER, C.C. et TAINTURIER, D. (1986) :La metrite contagieuse equine a Haemophilus equigenitalis. Bull. Acad. Vet. de France. 59: 375- 384.
  • WYFFELS, R., SPINCEMAILLE, J. en De SCHAEPDRIJVER, L. (1988) : Besmettelijke metritis bij poaiden : Twee uitbraken in Belgie. Vlaams Diergeneesk. Tijdschr., 57: 82-89.

Determination of Microflora which Causes lnfertility in Horses

Yıl 1992, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 97 - 103, 01.12.1992


In this study, the bacteriological examinations of the samples taken
from clitorises and cervix uteries of mares with infertility problems and from orificium urethra externas, corpus penises and fossa glandises of stallions were made and the sensitivity of isolated agents to antibiotics was determined.
Isolation could be made from cervix uteries of 12 (13 .9 %) and elitarises
of 65 (75.6 %) of 86 mares. From clitorises and certix uteries of the mares,E.eoli, Staph.aureus, Staph.epidermidis, Streptoeoeeus sp., Str. agalactiae, Aeinetobaeter sp., K.pneumoniae, Baeillus sp., Corynebaeterium sp., Pseudomonas sp., Moraxella sp. were isolated and identified. From urethras, fossa glandises and corpus penises of the examined 40 stallions, Streptoeoeeus sp., E.eoli, Aeinetobaeter sp., Staph.aureus, Staph.epidermidis,
K.pneumoniae, Corynebaeterium sp., Moraxella sp., Baeillus sp.,
Alealigenes sp., Neisseria sp., Pseudomonas sp. were isolated and identified. In none of the samples from the infertile mares and the stallionsT.equigenitalis was obtained.
As a result of antibiogram test, Gram (+) bacteria isolated from the
mares were sensitive to ampicilline,chloramphenicol, kanamycine, neomycine,penicilline, tetracycline and for Gram (-) bacteria were sensitive to colistine sulfate, tetracycline, ampicilline (except for E.eoli and Pseudomonas sp.), chloramphenicol, kanamycine, neomycine, streptomycine (except for Pseudomonas sp.).
Gram (+) bacteria isolated from the stallions were sensitive to ampicilline, chloramphenicol, colistine sulfate, kanamycine, neomycine, peniciline, streptomycine, tetraeycline and for gram (-) bacteria were sensitive to
chloramphenicol, tetraeycline, colistine sulfate, kanamycine, neomycine, streptomycine (except for Arizona sp.).


  • ALLEN, W. E. (1979): Aspects of genital infection and swabbing techniques in the mare. Vet. Rec., 104: 228-231.
  • AMTSBERG, G. und KRABJSeH, P. (1975) : Ergebnisse der bakteriologischen zervixtopferuntersuchung von Varmblutstutan in den jahren 1969-1973. Dtsch. Terarztl. Wschr., 82: 97-136.
  • BAUER, A.W., KIRBY, W.M.M., SHERRIS, J,C, and TURCK, M. (1966) : Antibiotic susceptibility testing by a standardized single disk method. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. , 45: 493- 496. .
  • BLOBEL, H., KITZROW, D. und BLOBEL, K. (1978) : Contagious equine meirilis (CEM). Tierarztl. Umschan., 33: 523.
  • BLOBEL, H., WLECKLINSKI, C.G. und BLOBEL, K. (1980) : Zum nachweis p. hamolysierender streptokokken in zervix und klitoristupfe propen von stuten. Tierarztl. Umschan., 35: 826-830.
  • BLOBEL, K., BRÜCKLER, J. und REIMERS, G. (1987) : Ein beitrag zur erfassung bakterieller fortpflanzungsstörungen in der pferdezucht und vorschlage zur behandlung. Dtsch. Tierraztl. Wschr. 94:160-162.
  • BREWER, R.A. (1983) : Contagious equine metritis: A review. Vet. Bul., 53: 881-891.
  • CROWHURST, R.C. (1977): Genital infection in mares. Vet. Rec., 100:476.
  • CROWHURST, R.C., SIMPSON, D.J., GREENWOOD, R.E.S., ELLIS, D.R. and EVANS, W.E. (1979) : An outbreak of contagious equine metritis in 1977 and its effect the following season. J. Reprod. Fert. Suppl., 27: 351-354.
  • ECKSTEIN, K. (1983) : Verbreitung und bedenlung der ansteckenden gebarmutterentzündung der pferde (CEM 77) in Bundesrepublik Deutschlant. Diss.
  • ENGVALL, A., HOLMSTEDT, S. und JOHANSSON, S. (1983) : Utbrott av smittsam metrit hos sto (CEM) : Sverige. Svensk Veterinartidning., 35: 107-109.
  • FRANK, C.J., DAVIT, J.S.E. and SMITH, H. (1979) : Code of practice for the control of contagious equine metritis and other equine venereal diseasesfor the 1980 covering season.Vet. Rec. 105: 395-397.
  • HORSERAGE SETIING LEVY BOARD (1984) : A Commen code of practice for the control of contagious equine metritis and other equine reproductive diseases for the 1985 covering season in France, lreland and United Kingdom. Vet. Rec., 115: 307.
  • HUGHES, J.P. (1978) : Contagious equine metritis: A review. Theriogenol, 11 : 209-216.
  • KAMADA, M., AKIYAMA, Y., ODA, T. and FUKUZAWA, Y. (1981): Contagious equine metritis: Isolation of Haemophilus eqiugenitalis from horses with endometritis in Japan. Jpn. J. Vet. Sci. , 43: 565-568.
  • KAMADA, M., KUMANOMIDO, T., ANZAI, T., KANEMARU, T., SENBA, H. and OHISHI, H. (1986) : Isolation and drug susceptibility of streptomycin sensitive Taylorella equigenitalis from mares with metritis and infertility in Japan. Bull. Equine Res. lnst. 23: 55-61 .
  • KLUG, E., MERKT, H., KIRPAL, G. und FLUGE, A. (1987) : Mapnahmen zur eindammung eines akuten auftretens der kontagiösen equiner metritis (CEM 77) in Bereich einer Staatlichen Deckstelle. Dtsch. tierarztl. Wschr. 87: 153-208.
  • KON E MAN, E.W. (1979) : Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology. J.B. Lippincolt Company Philadelphia.
  • LAAK, E.A.,FENNEMA G. and JAARTSVELD, F.H.L. (1989) : Contagious equine metritis in Nederland.Tijdschr.Diergenceskd., 114: 189-201.
  • LORIN, D., PRILHOFER, K. und ARBEITER, K. (1984) : Nachweis der kontagisen equinen metritis (CEM) in Österreich. Wien. tierarztl. Wschr., 81 : 81-85.
  • MACKINTOSH, M.E. (1981) : Bacteriological techniques in the diagnosis of equine genital infections. Vet. Rec., 108: 52-55.
  • MERKT, H., WOCKENER, A., HEILKENBRINKER, T., ZEMHE, M., WITTENBRINK, M.M. und BISPING, W (1987) : Mikrobielle untersuchung in der Stutengynakologie. Der Praktische Tierarztl., 3:5-12.
  • O'DRISCOLL, J. (1977) : Venereal infection in thoroughbreds with Bacillus proteus mirablis.Vet. Rec., 100: 534.
  • RICKETIS, S.W. (1976) : Klebsiella aerogenes in mares. Vet. Rec., 99 : 489-490.
  • RICKETIS, S.W., ROSSDALE, P.D., WINGFIELDDIGBY, N.J., FALK, M.M., HOPES, R., HUNT, M.D.N. and PEACE, C.K. (1977) : Genital infection in mares. Vet. Rec., 101 : 65.
  • SAHU, S.P. and DARCLIRI, A.H. (1980) : Contagious equine metritis: Isolation and characterization of the etiologic age nt. Am. J. Vet. Res., 41 : 1379-1382.
  • SEVINÇ, A., ISTANBULLUOGLU, E., YURDAYDlN, N. ve ÇELEBI, M. (1984) : Çifteler Arap aygırlarının spermatolojik özellikleri, spermalarındaki bakteriyel flora ve dölverimleri üzerinde araştırmalar. Doğa Bilim Derg., 8: 288-293.
  • SUGIMOTO, C., ISAYAMA, Y., SAKAZAKI, R. and KURAMOCHI, S. (1983) : Taransfer of Haemophilus equigenitalis Taylor et al. 1978 to the Genus Taylorella gen. nov. as Taylorella equigenitalis comb. nov. Curr. Microbiol. 9: 155-162.
  • SUGIMOTO, C., ISAYAMA, Y., KASHIWAZAKI, M., FUJIKURA, T. and MITANI, K. (1980) : Detection of Haemophilus equigenitalis, the causal agent of contagious equine metritis, in Japan. Natl.lnst. Ani m. Health A (Jpn), 20: 118-119.
  • SWANN, A.l. (1978): Contagious equine metritis. Auburn Vet., 34:84-86.
  • SWERCZEK, T.W. (1978): The first occurrence of contagious equine metritis in the United states. JAVMA., 173: 405-407.
  • SWERCZEK, T.W. (1979) : Elimination of CEM organism from mares by excision of clitoral sinuses. Vet. Rec., 105: 131-132.
  • TAINTURIER, D., TESSIER, P.H., SARDJANA, K.W., et FERNEY, J. (1982) : Metrite contagiouse des equides. Revue Med. Vet., 133: 765-770.
  • TAYLOR, J.E.D., ROSENTHAL, R.O., BROWN, D.F.J., LAPAGE, S.P., HILL, L.R. and LEGROS, R.M. (1978) : EQUIINE Vet. J., 10: 136-144. In : SUGIMOTO, C., ISAYAMA, Y., SAKAZAKI, R. and KURAMOCHI, S. (1983) : Transfer of Haemophilus equigenitalis Taylor et al. 1978 to the Genus Taylorella gen. Nov. as Taylorella equigenitalis comb. nov. Curr. Microbiol. 9: 155-162.
  • TAYLOR, C. E. D. ( 1979) : A Recently recognised venereal disease of horses and its causative organism . J. lnfect., 1: 81-86.
  • TIMONEY P.J. (1979) : Contagious equine metritis in lreland. Vet. Rec., 105: 172-173.
  • TIMONEY, P.J. and POWELL, D.G. (1982) : Isolation of the contagious equine metritis organism from colts and fillies in the United Kingdom and lreland. Vet. Rec., 111 : 478- 482.
  • TIMONEY, P.J. and STRICLAND, K.L. (1982) : Contagious equine metritis in the republic of lreland. Ir. Vet. J. 36: 159-160.
  • VAISSAIRE, J., PLATEOU, E., LAVGIER, C.C. et TAINTURIER, D. (1986) :La metrite contagieuse equine a Haemophilus equigenitalis. Bull. Acad. Vet. de France. 59: 375- 384.
  • WYFFELS, R., SPINCEMAILLE, J. en De SCHAEPDRIJVER, L. (1988) : Besmettelijke metritis bij poaiden : Twee uitbraken in Belgie. Vlaams Diergeneesk. Tijdschr., 57: 82-89.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Nafiz Yurdaydın Bu kişi benim

Jale Erdeğer Bu kişi benim

Necmettin Tekin Bu kişi benim

Ali Daşkın Bu kişi benim

Ongun Keskin Bu kişi benim

Erich Klug Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1992
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1992
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1992 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Yurdaydın, N., Erdeğer, J., Tekin, N., Daşkın, A., vd. (1992). Atlarda İnfertiliteye Neden Olan Mikrofloranın Saptanması. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 7(2), 97-103.