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Kanatlılarda Marek Hastalığı ve Bursal Lezyonlar

Yıl 1992, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 1 - 12, 01.12.1992


Kanatlıların lenfoproliferatif hastalığı olarak bilinen Marek hastalığı
: periferal sinirlerde, çeşitli içorganlarda, gonatlarda kasta ve deride
mononükleer hücre infiltrasyonu ile karakterize viral bir hastalıktır.


  • ADLDINGER, H.K., CALNEK, B.W: Patogonesis of Marek's Disease: Early distribution of virus and Viral Antigenes in Infected Chinkes. J. Natl. Cancer. Inst., 50: 1287- 1298 1979
  • ASDRUBALI, G. D .. LANDRO, R .. CIORBA. A.: Bursal Lesions in Chicken with Natural and Experimentally induced Marek's Disease. La Nuova·Veterinaria, 5: 243-251 , 1973
  • BEYER, L.Von, VOGEL, K.: Zur Diagnosti und Differential diagnostik der Marekscher Krankheit des Hundes 2. MIH; Pathologisch-anatomiche und Histologische Kriterian. Mh. Vet. Med. 27: 72-74, 1972
  • BEYER. L. Von, URBANECK. D.: Zur Pathomorphologıschen klasifikation und Differentialdiognose der Marekscher Kranbhert und Lymphoiden Leukose Mh. Vet. Med., 27: 672 - 677. 1972
  • BIGGS. P.M.: Marek's Disease Vet. Rec., 80: 583-589. 1967
  • CALNEK. B.W .. MADIN. S.H.: Characteristics of invitro mfection of Chicken Kidney CRRR Cultures with a Herpesvirus iroın Marek's Disease. Anu. J. Vet. Res., 30: 1389- 1402. 1969
  • CALNEK,B.W., HITCHNER. S.B.: Lokalization of viral Antigen in Chiçkens infected with Marek's Disease Herpesvirus J.Natl. Cancer. Inst.. 43: 935-949. 1969
  • CALNEK, B.W .. ADLDINGER. K.A .. KAHN. D.E.: Feather Follicle Epitheliuın. A source of Envelopet and lnfectious Cell-free Herpesvirus form Marek's Disease. Avian. Dis. ,14: 219-233, 1970
  • CALNEK. B.W., SCHAT, K.A., ROSS, L,J,N .. CHEN, C.G.H.: Furthen Caracterization of Marck's Disease Virus-infected Lyınphocytes II. invitro ınfection. Int. J. Canscr., 33: 399-406, 1984
  • CHALLHAN. H.V.S., PANISUP. A.S., WHITE.H.: Soıne Histochemical Studies on The Mervous System and Skcletal Muscles of Poultry Affectcd with Marek's Disease, lndian Vet. J. 62: 282-288. 1985
  • CHURCHILL, A.E.; PA YNE. I.N., CHUBB, R.C.: Inıınunization Against Marek's Disease Using Alive Attennueted Virus. Nature, 221: 744-747, 1969
  • DA VIS ON. T.F .. PO WELL, P.C.: Corticosterone Induced Imnıunosuppression and Its Importance in Outbreaks of Marck's Disease in Vaccinated Chicken. British Poultry Science, 28: 760-761. 1987
  • EKPERIGIN, H.E., FADCY. A.M., LEE. E.F., LIU, X., Mc COPER R.H.: Coınp Lesions and Mortaliyt Patterns in Wihte Leghorıı Layer Affected by Marek's Disease. Avian Dis. 27: 503-512, 1983
  • FIRTH, G.H.; The normal Lymphotic System of The Doıııestic Flow, Vetr. Bulletin 47. 167-175 (1977)
  • FUSTIOMATO, Y .. OKADA. K .. OKADA, M .. MATSUKAWA, K.: Pathlogical Studies of Marek's Disease. I. The Histopathoiogy on field Cases on Japon. Jap. J. Vet. Res .. 19:7-26. 1971
  • FUJIMATO, Y., OKADA. K. , KAKTHATA. K. MATSUL T., NARITA. M .. ONUMA. M .. MIKAMI, J.: Initial Lesions in Chickens Infected with TM Strain of Marek's Di scas~ Virus. Jap. J. Vet. Res., 22: 80-94, 1974
  • FLETCHER. O, T., SHIERMAN. L. W.: Variation in Histolgy and Grawth Characteristics of Transplantable Marck's Disease Lymphomas. Cancer Reseach, 45: 1762-1765. 1985
  • GINTING. N.: Marek's Disease in Kedu Chickens. Penyakit Hewan 25: 79-81, 1985
  • GOODCHILO, W.M.: Some Observations on Marek's Disease (Fowl Paralysis) Vet. Rec., 84: 87-89, 1969
  • GRUNDBOECK. A .. CAUCHY, L.. COUDERT. F., DAMBRINE. G.: Cytological and Cytochemical Invcstigation on Lenfoid and Heıııotopoietic Organs. Ncvres. Irises and Neoplastic Tissues in Chickcns Affected with Avian Tumor Viruses. Bui!. Vet. Inst. Pulaw. 27: 35-46 , 1984
  • HOFSTAD. M.S., BARNES. H.J .. CALNEK, B.W., REID. W.M .. YODER. H.W.: Disease of Poultry 8. th EDITION. 2 PRINTING. U.S.A. p. 325-360 1988
  • HUDSON. L.. PA YNE, L.N.: A Anıılisis of T-B Cells of Marek's Disease Lyıııplıoınas of The Chicken. Nat. New. Biol.. 241: 52-53. 1973
  • ISOGAI, H .. FUJIMATO. Y .. OKADA., K .. KHIJO. K.: Effect of Bursectoıny on The Paragenesis of Marek's Disease. Jap. J. Vet. Res. 28: 137-148. 1980
  • JAWOWSKL R.M., FREDRlCKSON, T.N., LUGINBUHL, R.E., HELMBOCH, C.F.: Early Changes in Bursa of Fabricius from Marek's Disease. Aviaı1. Dis .. 14: 215-222. 1969
  • JAKOWSKI, R.M., FREDRICKSON, T.N., CHOMIAK. T.W., LUGINBHUL. C.F.: Hcınatopoietic Destruction of Marek's Disease. Aviaı1. Dis., 14: 374-385, 1970
  • KARDEVAN, A .. THAKUR, M.N .. MASZTU, S.Z .. TOTH, B.: Studies on The Patagenesis and Epizootiology of Marek's Disease. II. Exaıııination on The Histogenesis of Marek's Disease. Magyar Allatorvosok LAPTA. 234-240. 1973
  • KUTSAL, O .: Bursa Yöresi Tavuklarında Görülen Marek Hastalığının Teşhisisinde, Deri ve içorgan bulguları üzerinde FA ve Histopatolojik Yöntemler Kullamlarak Yapılan Araştırmalar. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Dergisi. 36: 15-39 , 1989
  • LEE, L.F .. ARMSTRONG. R.L.. NAZERIAN. K.: Comparative Studies of Six Avian Herpesviruses. Avian. Dis. 16: 799-805, 1975
  • MOHANEY. G.C., SHARMA. R.N .. GOPALKRUHNA. S .. PRADHAN. H. U .. RAJV A. B.S .: Lesions of Marek's Disease in some Modified Cutaneaus Appendogesof Chicken. Poultry Sience, 55: 40-44, 1976
  • MORIGUCHI, R .. FUJIMATO, Y., IZAWA. H.: Marek's Disease in Filed Chickens; Corrolation between incidence of Marek's Disease and Nuclear-İnklusion Formation in The Peather Follicul Epithelium . Avian Dis .. 28: 331-342. 1983
  • NAZERIAN. K.: Oncogenesis of Marek's Disease. Canser Res. 33: 1427-1430. 1973
  • NAZERIAN. K .. PURCHASE. H.G.: Combaned Fluorescent Antibody and Elektron Microscopy Study of Marek's Disease Virus Infected Cell Culture. J. Virol., 5: 79-90 , 1970
  • NAZERIAN. K .. SHARM. J.M.: Detection of T-cell Surface Antigens in Marek's Disease Lymphoblastoid Cell line. J. Nath. Cancer Inst.. 54: 277-279. 1975
  • NEUMANN. U .. WITTER. R.L.: Differential Diagnosis of Lymphoid Leukosis and Marek's Disease by Tumor Associated Criteria. II. Study on Field Cases. Avian Dis., 23: 426-433. 1979
  • ÖZKUL. A.: Piliçlerin Deneysel Gumboro Hastalığında (lnfeksiyöz Bursal Hastalık) Olu§an Bulguların histopatolojik ve Elektron Mikroskobik olarak incelenmesi. A. Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doçentlik Tezi. ANKARA. 1980
  • PAYNE, L.N.: Marek's Disease: Recent Development. The Vet. Annual. Edition. C.S.G. Grunsell, Britol. J. Wright and Sons Ltd.d., 49-61 , 1969
  • PAYNE. L.N., RENNIE, M: Lack of Effect of Bursektomy on Marek's Disease.J. Natl. Canser. Inst., 45: 387-397. 1970
  • PAYNE, L.N., RENNIE. M: Presence of Natural Hemagglutinin to Sheep Errytrocytes in Sera form Chickens free form Marek's Disease. Vet. Rec., 87: 109-110, 1970
  • PURCHASE, H. G. : lmmunofluorescence in the study of Marek's Disease. J. Viral., 3: 557-565, 1970
  • PURCHASE, H. G.:. Virus-spesific lmmunoflourescent and Precipitin antigens and Cell Free Virus in tissues of Birds Infected with Marek's Disease. Res. Vet. Sci .. 8: 440- 449. 1967
  • PURCHASE, H, G., BIGGS, P.M.: Characterization of Five Isolates of Marek's Disease. Res. Vet. Sci., 8, 440-449. 1967
  • PURCHASE, H. G .. BURGOYNE, G.H.: Immunofluorescence in The study of Marek's Disease: Detection of Antibody. Amr. J. Vet. Res .. 31: 117-123. 1979
  • ROUSE. B. I., WELLS. R.J .N., WARNER., N.L.: Proportion of Tand B Lympocytes in Lesion of Marek's Disease. Thereotical Implications for Patogenesis. J. Immunol., 110: 534-558, 1973
  • SCHIDLOYSKY, G., AHMED, M., JENSEN. K.E.: Herpesvirus in Marek's Disease Tumars. Science. 114: 959-961. 1969
  • SEVOIAN. M., CHAMBERLAIN, B.M.; Avian Lymphomatosis IV . Patogenesis. Avian Dis., 8: 281-310. 1964
  • SPENCER. J.L., CALNEK, B.W.: Marek's Disease: Aplication of Immunofluorcscence for Detection of Antigen and Antibody. Am. J. Vet. Res., 31 : 345-358 , 1970
  • TANYOLAÇ. A.: Özel Histoloji A.Ü. Basım Evi - ANKARA, 1984
  • WITTER, R.L.. NAZERIAN, K. , DURCHASE, H.C.: BURGOYNE. G.H.: Isolation from Turkey of Cell Associated Herpesvirus Antigenically Related to Marek's disease Virus. Amer. J. Vet. Res., 31: 525-538, 1970
  • YAMAMATO. H .. YOSHINO, T .. HIHARA. H .. ISHITANI, R.: Histopathologic Comparison of Marek's Disease with Avian Lymphoid Leukosis Nath. lnst. Anim. Hlta. Quart, 12: 29-42. (1972)

«Marek's disease in chickens and bursal lesions»

Yıl 1992, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 1 - 12, 01.12.1992



  • ADLDINGER, H.K., CALNEK, B.W: Patogonesis of Marek's Disease: Early distribution of virus and Viral Antigenes in Infected Chinkes. J. Natl. Cancer. Inst., 50: 1287- 1298 1979
  • ASDRUBALI, G. D .. LANDRO, R .. CIORBA. A.: Bursal Lesions in Chicken with Natural and Experimentally induced Marek's Disease. La Nuova·Veterinaria, 5: 243-251 , 1973
  • BEYER, L.Von, VOGEL, K.: Zur Diagnosti und Differential diagnostik der Marekscher Krankheit des Hundes 2. MIH; Pathologisch-anatomiche und Histologische Kriterian. Mh. Vet. Med. 27: 72-74, 1972
  • BEYER. L. Von, URBANECK. D.: Zur Pathomorphologıschen klasifikation und Differentialdiognose der Marekscher Kranbhert und Lymphoiden Leukose Mh. Vet. Med., 27: 672 - 677. 1972
  • BIGGS. P.M.: Marek's Disease Vet. Rec., 80: 583-589. 1967
  • CALNEK. B.W .. MADIN. S.H.: Characteristics of invitro mfection of Chicken Kidney CRRR Cultures with a Herpesvirus iroın Marek's Disease. Anu. J. Vet. Res., 30: 1389- 1402. 1969
  • CALNEK,B.W., HITCHNER. S.B.: Lokalization of viral Antigen in Chiçkens infected with Marek's Disease Herpesvirus J.Natl. Cancer. Inst.. 43: 935-949. 1969
  • CALNEK, B.W .. ADLDINGER. K.A .. KAHN. D.E.: Feather Follicle Epitheliuın. A source of Envelopet and lnfectious Cell-free Herpesvirus form Marek's Disease. Avian. Dis. ,14: 219-233, 1970
  • CALNEK. B.W., SCHAT, K.A., ROSS, L,J,N .. CHEN, C.G.H.: Furthen Caracterization of Marck's Disease Virus-infected Lyınphocytes II. invitro ınfection. Int. J. Canscr., 33: 399-406, 1984
  • CHALLHAN. H.V.S., PANISUP. A.S., WHITE.H.: Soıne Histochemical Studies on The Mervous System and Skcletal Muscles of Poultry Affectcd with Marek's Disease, lndian Vet. J. 62: 282-288. 1985
  • CHURCHILL, A.E.; PA YNE. I.N., CHUBB, R.C.: Inıınunization Against Marek's Disease Using Alive Attennueted Virus. Nature, 221: 744-747, 1969
  • DA VIS ON. T.F .. PO WELL, P.C.: Corticosterone Induced Imnıunosuppression and Its Importance in Outbreaks of Marck's Disease in Vaccinated Chicken. British Poultry Science, 28: 760-761. 1987
  • EKPERIGIN, H.E., FADCY. A.M., LEE. E.F., LIU, X., Mc COPER R.H.: Coınp Lesions and Mortaliyt Patterns in Wihte Leghorıı Layer Affected by Marek's Disease. Avian Dis. 27: 503-512, 1983
  • FIRTH, G.H.; The normal Lymphotic System of The Doıııestic Flow, Vetr. Bulletin 47. 167-175 (1977)
  • FUSTIOMATO, Y .. OKADA. K .. OKADA, M .. MATSUKAWA, K.: Pathlogical Studies of Marek's Disease. I. The Histopathoiogy on field Cases on Japon. Jap. J. Vet. Res .. 19:7-26. 1971
  • FUJIMATO, Y., OKADA. K. , KAKTHATA. K. MATSUL T., NARITA. M .. ONUMA. M .. MIKAMI, J.: Initial Lesions in Chickens Infected with TM Strain of Marek's Di scas~ Virus. Jap. J. Vet. Res., 22: 80-94, 1974
  • FLETCHER. O, T., SHIERMAN. L. W.: Variation in Histolgy and Grawth Characteristics of Transplantable Marck's Disease Lymphomas. Cancer Reseach, 45: 1762-1765. 1985
  • GINTING. N.: Marek's Disease in Kedu Chickens. Penyakit Hewan 25: 79-81, 1985
  • GOODCHILO, W.M.: Some Observations on Marek's Disease (Fowl Paralysis) Vet. Rec., 84: 87-89, 1969
  • GRUNDBOECK. A .. CAUCHY, L.. COUDERT. F., DAMBRINE. G.: Cytological and Cytochemical Invcstigation on Lenfoid and Heıııotopoietic Organs. Ncvres. Irises and Neoplastic Tissues in Chickcns Affected with Avian Tumor Viruses. Bui!. Vet. Inst. Pulaw. 27: 35-46 , 1984
  • HOFSTAD. M.S., BARNES. H.J .. CALNEK, B.W., REID. W.M .. YODER. H.W.: Disease of Poultry 8. th EDITION. 2 PRINTING. U.S.A. p. 325-360 1988
  • HUDSON. L.. PA YNE, L.N.: A Anıılisis of T-B Cells of Marek's Disease Lyıııplıoınas of The Chicken. Nat. New. Biol.. 241: 52-53. 1973
  • ISOGAI, H .. FUJIMATO. Y .. OKADA., K .. KHIJO. K.: Effect of Bursectoıny on The Paragenesis of Marek's Disease. Jap. J. Vet. Res. 28: 137-148. 1980
  • JAWOWSKL R.M., FREDRlCKSON, T.N., LUGINBUHL, R.E., HELMBOCH, C.F.: Early Changes in Bursa of Fabricius from Marek's Disease. Aviaı1. Dis .. 14: 215-222. 1969
  • JAKOWSKI, R.M., FREDRICKSON, T.N., CHOMIAK. T.W., LUGINBHUL. C.F.: Hcınatopoietic Destruction of Marek's Disease. Aviaı1. Dis., 14: 374-385, 1970
  • KARDEVAN, A .. THAKUR, M.N .. MASZTU, S.Z .. TOTH, B.: Studies on The Patagenesis and Epizootiology of Marek's Disease. II. Exaıııination on The Histogenesis of Marek's Disease. Magyar Allatorvosok LAPTA. 234-240. 1973
  • KUTSAL, O .: Bursa Yöresi Tavuklarında Görülen Marek Hastalığının Teşhisisinde, Deri ve içorgan bulguları üzerinde FA ve Histopatolojik Yöntemler Kullamlarak Yapılan Araştırmalar. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Dergisi. 36: 15-39 , 1989
  • LEE, L.F .. ARMSTRONG. R.L.. NAZERIAN. K.: Comparative Studies of Six Avian Herpesviruses. Avian. Dis. 16: 799-805, 1975
  • MOHANEY. G.C., SHARMA. R.N .. GOPALKRUHNA. S .. PRADHAN. H. U .. RAJV A. B.S .: Lesions of Marek's Disease in some Modified Cutaneaus Appendogesof Chicken. Poultry Sience, 55: 40-44, 1976
  • MORIGUCHI, R .. FUJIMATO, Y., IZAWA. H.: Marek's Disease in Filed Chickens; Corrolation between incidence of Marek's Disease and Nuclear-İnklusion Formation in The Peather Follicul Epithelium . Avian Dis .. 28: 331-342. 1983
  • NAZERIAN. K.: Oncogenesis of Marek's Disease. Canser Res. 33: 1427-1430. 1973
  • NAZERIAN. K .. PURCHASE. H.G.: Combaned Fluorescent Antibody and Elektron Microscopy Study of Marek's Disease Virus Infected Cell Culture. J. Virol., 5: 79-90 , 1970
  • NAZERIAN. K .. SHARM. J.M.: Detection of T-cell Surface Antigens in Marek's Disease Lymphoblastoid Cell line. J. Nath. Cancer Inst.. 54: 277-279. 1975
  • NEUMANN. U .. WITTER. R.L.: Differential Diagnosis of Lymphoid Leukosis and Marek's Disease by Tumor Associated Criteria. II. Study on Field Cases. Avian Dis., 23: 426-433. 1979
  • ÖZKUL. A.: Piliçlerin Deneysel Gumboro Hastalığında (lnfeksiyöz Bursal Hastalık) Olu§an Bulguların histopatolojik ve Elektron Mikroskobik olarak incelenmesi. A. Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doçentlik Tezi. ANKARA. 1980
  • PAYNE, L.N.: Marek's Disease: Recent Development. The Vet. Annual. Edition. C.S.G. Grunsell, Britol. J. Wright and Sons Ltd.d., 49-61 , 1969
  • PAYNE. L.N., RENNIE, M: Lack of Effect of Bursektomy on Marek's Disease.J. Natl. Canser. Inst., 45: 387-397. 1970
  • PAYNE, L.N., RENNIE. M: Presence of Natural Hemagglutinin to Sheep Errytrocytes in Sera form Chickens free form Marek's Disease. Vet. Rec., 87: 109-110, 1970
  • PURCHASE, H. G. : lmmunofluorescence in the study of Marek's Disease. J. Viral., 3: 557-565, 1970
  • PURCHASE, H. G.:. Virus-spesific lmmunoflourescent and Precipitin antigens and Cell Free Virus in tissues of Birds Infected with Marek's Disease. Res. Vet. Sci .. 8: 440- 449. 1967
  • PURCHASE, H, G., BIGGS, P.M.: Characterization of Five Isolates of Marek's Disease. Res. Vet. Sci., 8, 440-449. 1967
  • PURCHASE, H. G .. BURGOYNE, G.H.: Immunofluorescence in The study of Marek's Disease: Detection of Antibody. Amr. J. Vet. Res .. 31: 117-123. 1979
  • ROUSE. B. I., WELLS. R.J .N., WARNER., N.L.: Proportion of Tand B Lympocytes in Lesion of Marek's Disease. Thereotical Implications for Patogenesis. J. Immunol., 110: 534-558, 1973
  • SCHIDLOYSKY, G., AHMED, M., JENSEN. K.E.: Herpesvirus in Marek's Disease Tumars. Science. 114: 959-961. 1969
  • SEVOIAN. M., CHAMBERLAIN, B.M.; Avian Lymphomatosis IV . Patogenesis. Avian Dis., 8: 281-310. 1964
  • SPENCER. J.L., CALNEK, B.W.: Marek's Disease: Aplication of Immunofluorcscence for Detection of Antigen and Antibody. Am. J. Vet. Res., 31 : 345-358 , 1970
  • TANYOLAÇ. A.: Özel Histoloji A.Ü. Basım Evi - ANKARA, 1984
  • WITTER, R.L.. NAZERIAN, K. , DURCHASE, H.C.: BURGOYNE. G.H.: Isolation from Turkey of Cell Associated Herpesvirus Antigenically Related to Marek's disease Virus. Amer. J. Vet. Res., 31: 525-538, 1970
  • YAMAMATO. H .. YOSHINO, T .. HIHARA. H .. ISHITANI, R.: Histopathologic Comparison of Marek's Disease with Avian Lymphoid Leukosis Nath. lnst. Anim. Hlta. Quart, 12: 29-42. (1972)
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Emine Aksoy Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1992
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1992
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1992 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Aksoy, E. (1992). Kanatlılarda Marek Hastalığı ve Bursal Lezyonlar. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 7(3), 1-12.