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«The metabolism, toxicity and chemical properties of Diethylstilbestrol»

Yıl 1992, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 25 - 32, 01.12.1992



  • Aschbacher, P.W. (1972). "Metabolism of C14 - diethylstilbestrol ın sheep. I. Anim. Sci. 35, 1031- 1035
  • Aschbacher, P.W. and Thacker, E.J. (1974). "Metabolic fate of oral diethylstilbestrol in steers". J. Anim. Sci. 39: 1185-1192.
  • Bengston, C. (1963). "Autoradiografic distrubition studies of injected P12-labelled polydiethylstilbestrol phosphate." Acta endocrinologica. 43 , 581-586
  • Food and Drug Admınıstration. (1977). "Food producing animals criteria and procedure for evaluating assay for carsinogenic residues." Washıngton D.C. Federal Register.
  • Forsberg,J.G. (1969). "The development of atypical epithelium in the ınause uterine and vagina after neonatal oestradiol treatment." Brif. J. Exp. pathol. 50, 187-195
  • Gass, G. H. (1975). "A discussion of ass ay sensitivity methodology and carcinogenic potential." Food Drug Cosmetic Lav, 111-115.
  • Hale, W.H., Sherınan, W.C., Whate, E.A., Kuhn, G., Sche)l, R.B., Reynolds, M.N. and Luther, H.G. (1959). "Absorbtion of diethylstilbestrol pelets in steers." J. Aniın. Sci. 18.
  • Herbest, A.L., Robboy, S.J., Scully, R.E. and Pankanzer, D.C. (1974). "clear-cell adenocarsinoına of the vagina and cervix in girls analysis of 170 registry cases." Aıner. J. Obslet Gnycol, 119.
  • Herbest. · A.L., Cole, P. Colton, T., Robboy, S.J. and Scully, R.E. (1977). "Ageınsidence and risk of diethylstilbestrol-related elear-eeli adenocarcinoına of the vagina and cervix." Aıner. J. Obslet Gynecol 128, 43-50.
  • Hıghınan , B., NorvelL MJ. and schellerberger, T.E. (1977). "Patholojik changes in mice enduced by diethylstilbestrol an 17-b oestradiol." Abst. 114. sixteenth Anımal meeting of socıety of Tqxicology.
  • Hinds, F.C., Draper, H.H. Mitchell, G.E. and Neumann, A.L. (1965). "Metabolism of labelled diethylstilbestrol in ruıninants . J. Agr. Foodo Chem. 13, 256-259.
  • Jukes, T.H. (1974) . "Estrojens ın beefsteak." J. Amer. Med. Assoc, 229, 1920-1921.
  • Kayaalp, O. (1989). Hayvancılıkta verim arttın olarak kullanılan hormonal maddelerin insan üzerindeki tesirleri. Tubitak Veteriner ve Hayvancılık Araştırma Grubu İhtisas Komisyonu, X.
  • Malpress, F.H. (1 948). "The metabolisın of stilbestrol and hexestrol ın man. Biochem. J.
  • Mazur, A .. Shorr, E. (1942). "The ısol atio n of stilibestrol monoglucuronide form the urine of rabbits ." J.Biol. Cheın. 144, 283-284.
  • McKenzie, C. H. (1941)." Diethylstilbesrol. "A review of the literature." Journallancet 61, 94-100
  • McMartin, K.E., Kennedy, K.A., Greenspan, P., Alam, S.N., Greiner, P., Yam, J. "Diethylstilbestrol; A review of ıts toxicity and use as a growth promotant ın foodproducing animals." The Toxicology center, Department of pharınacology, The University of Lowa, Lowa city, Lowa, 52242.
  • Mithcell, G.E., Neumann, A.L. ·and Draper, H.H. (1956). "Metabolism of trit-labelled dietylstilbestrol by steers." J.Anim.Sci. 15.
  • Mussman, H.C. (1975). "Drug and chemical residues in domestic aniınal." Fed. Proc. 34; 197-201.
  • Noler, K.L. and Fish, C.R. (1974). "Diethylstilbestrol usage ıts interesting past, important present and guestionable future." Med. Clin. North Amer. 58, 793-810
  • Quantification of diethylstilbestrol residües in meat sample by GC-MS." J. Agricultural and Food chemistry, 1987. 35-229.
  • Rumsay, T.S., Oityjen, Kazak, A.S., Daniels, Fo!, and Aschbacher, P. W. (1975)." Fate of radiocarbon ın beef steer implanted with C14-diethylstilbestrol J.Aniın . Sci. 40, 550-560.
  • Rumsey, T.S., Oltjen, R.R., Daniel, F.L. and kazak, A.S. (1975)."Depletion Patterns of radioactivity and tissue residues in beef cattle after witharawal of oral C14- diethylstilbestrol." J.Amin. Sci. 40, 539-549.
  • Schothorst, R.C., Stephang, R.W. and Have, J.T. (1988). "Mass spectrometric determination of stilben derivativer. RIVM, Bilthoven,_ Netherlands.
  • Twombly, G.H. and Schoenewaldt, E.F. (1951). "Tissue localization and exeretian routes of radioactive diethylstilbestrol.
  • Wilder-Smith, A.E., Williams, P.C. (1948). Urinary elemination of synthetic oestrogens and stiJbestrol glucuronide in animals." Bıochem. J. 42, 253-257.
  • WHO. (1987). "Residues of same veterinary drugs in animals and foods." Thirtrysecund Meeting of the joint FAO/WHO Expert Commitlee on Food Additives, Rame, 15- 23 June.
  • WHO (1988). "Toxicological evaluation of certain veterinary drug residues in food.

Dietilstilbestrol'ün Kimyasal Özellikleri, Metabolizması ve Toksisitesi

Yıl 1992, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 25 - 32, 01.12.1992


Güçlü bir östrojenik aktiviteye s~hip olan dietilstilbestrol sentetik olarak
elde edilen anabalik bir ajandır.Kapalı fonnülü CısHıoOı olan dietilstilbestrol'un
molekül agırııgı 268,4 olup Cis ve trans olmak üzere iki izomeri vardır
bunlardan trans izomeri dominant olup kimyasal abstraktlarda [(E) - 4, 4ı(
1.2-diethyl-1.2 ethenediyl) bisphenol)] olarak kayıt edilmiştir. Kapalı
fonnülü CısHıoOı ve mal ağırlığı 268,4 dür. cis isomeri ise kimyasal abstraklarda
[(z)- 4.4ı- (1.2 diethyl -1.2 - ethenedyl) bisphenol)] olarak kayıt edilm~
. .
Biyolojik olarak aktif fonn trans-des'dir ve ticari preparatlardaki Cis izomeri
oranı %1-2 kadardır (21,24).
Kısaca" Des " olarak'da isimlendirilen dietilstilbestrol ilk kez 1938 yılında
Dodds isimli bir araştıncı tarafından sentezlenmiş ve 1950'li yılların başında
FDA tarafından çiftlik hayvanlannda gelişimi hızlandıncı ve yem ilavesi olarak
veya implant şeklinde kullanımına izin verilmiştir. Amerikan Tanm Bakanlığı
. tarafından vazifelendirilen uzmanlar et ürünlerindeki "Des" residülerinin izlen-
. mesi işi için görevlendirilmiş ve birçok raporlar bu dönem içerisinde Des'in
potansiyel olarak karsinojenik etkisine işaret etmiştir. ve 1979 yılından itibaren
Dünya Saglık Teşkilatı tarafından gelişimi hızlandıncı ve yem ilavesi olarak
kullanımı tüm Dünya'da yasaklanmıştır (17,21).


  • Aschbacher, P.W. (1972). "Metabolism of C14 - diethylstilbestrol ın sheep. I. Anim. Sci. 35, 1031- 1035
  • Aschbacher, P.W. and Thacker, E.J. (1974). "Metabolic fate of oral diethylstilbestrol in steers". J. Anim. Sci. 39: 1185-1192.
  • Bengston, C. (1963). "Autoradiografic distrubition studies of injected P12-labelled polydiethylstilbestrol phosphate." Acta endocrinologica. 43 , 581-586
  • Food and Drug Admınıstration. (1977). "Food producing animals criteria and procedure for evaluating assay for carsinogenic residues." Washıngton D.C. Federal Register.
  • Forsberg,J.G. (1969). "The development of atypical epithelium in the ınause uterine and vagina after neonatal oestradiol treatment." Brif. J. Exp. pathol. 50, 187-195
  • Gass, G. H. (1975). "A discussion of ass ay sensitivity methodology and carcinogenic potential." Food Drug Cosmetic Lav, 111-115.
  • Hale, W.H., Sherınan, W.C., Whate, E.A., Kuhn, G., Sche)l, R.B., Reynolds, M.N. and Luther, H.G. (1959). "Absorbtion of diethylstilbestrol pelets in steers." J. Aniın. Sci. 18.
  • Herbest, A.L., Robboy, S.J., Scully, R.E. and Pankanzer, D.C. (1974). "clear-cell adenocarsinoına of the vagina and cervix in girls analysis of 170 registry cases." Aıner. J. Obslet Gnycol, 119.
  • Herbest. · A.L., Cole, P. Colton, T., Robboy, S.J. and Scully, R.E. (1977). "Ageınsidence and risk of diethylstilbestrol-related elear-eeli adenocarcinoına of the vagina and cervix." Aıner. J. Obslet Gynecol 128, 43-50.
  • Hıghınan , B., NorvelL MJ. and schellerberger, T.E. (1977). "Patholojik changes in mice enduced by diethylstilbestrol an 17-b oestradiol." Abst. 114. sixteenth Anımal meeting of socıety of Tqxicology.
  • Hinds, F.C., Draper, H.H. Mitchell, G.E. and Neumann, A.L. (1965). "Metabolism of labelled diethylstilbestrol in ruıninants . J. Agr. Foodo Chem. 13, 256-259.
  • Jukes, T.H. (1974) . "Estrojens ın beefsteak." J. Amer. Med. Assoc, 229, 1920-1921.
  • Kayaalp, O. (1989). Hayvancılıkta verim arttın olarak kullanılan hormonal maddelerin insan üzerindeki tesirleri. Tubitak Veteriner ve Hayvancılık Araştırma Grubu İhtisas Komisyonu, X.
  • Malpress, F.H. (1 948). "The metabolisın of stilbestrol and hexestrol ın man. Biochem. J.
  • Mazur, A .. Shorr, E. (1942). "The ısol atio n of stilibestrol monoglucuronide form the urine of rabbits ." J.Biol. Cheın. 144, 283-284.
  • McKenzie, C. H. (1941)." Diethylstilbesrol. "A review of the literature." Journallancet 61, 94-100
  • McMartin, K.E., Kennedy, K.A., Greenspan, P., Alam, S.N., Greiner, P., Yam, J. "Diethylstilbestrol; A review of ıts toxicity and use as a growth promotant ın foodproducing animals." The Toxicology center, Department of pharınacology, The University of Lowa, Lowa city, Lowa, 52242.
  • Mithcell, G.E., Neumann, A.L. ·and Draper, H.H. (1956). "Metabolism of trit-labelled dietylstilbestrol by steers." J.Anim.Sci. 15.
  • Mussman, H.C. (1975). "Drug and chemical residues in domestic aniınal." Fed. Proc. 34; 197-201.
  • Noler, K.L. and Fish, C.R. (1974). "Diethylstilbestrol usage ıts interesting past, important present and guestionable future." Med. Clin. North Amer. 58, 793-810
  • Quantification of diethylstilbestrol residües in meat sample by GC-MS." J. Agricultural and Food chemistry, 1987. 35-229.
  • Rumsay, T.S., Oityjen, Kazak, A.S., Daniels, Fo!, and Aschbacher, P. W. (1975)." Fate of radiocarbon ın beef steer implanted with C14-diethylstilbestrol J.Aniın . Sci. 40, 550-560.
  • Rumsey, T.S., Oltjen, R.R., Daniel, F.L. and kazak, A.S. (1975)."Depletion Patterns of radioactivity and tissue residues in beef cattle after witharawal of oral C14- diethylstilbestrol." J.Amin. Sci. 40, 539-549.
  • Schothorst, R.C., Stephang, R.W. and Have, J.T. (1988). "Mass spectrometric determination of stilben derivativer. RIVM, Bilthoven,_ Netherlands.
  • Twombly, G.H. and Schoenewaldt, E.F. (1951). "Tissue localization and exeretian routes of radioactive diethylstilbestrol.
  • Wilder-Smith, A.E., Williams, P.C. (1948). Urinary elemination of synthetic oestrogens and stiJbestrol glucuronide in animals." Bıochem. J. 42, 253-257.
  • WHO. (1987). "Residues of same veterinary drugs in animals and foods." Thirtrysecund Meeting of the joint FAO/WHO Expert Commitlee on Food Additives, Rame, 15- 23 June.
  • WHO (1988). "Toxicological evaluation of certain veterinary drug residues in food.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ahmet Akıllı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1992
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1992
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1992 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Akıllı, A. (1992). Dietilstilbestrol’ün Kimyasal Özellikleri, Metabolizması ve Toksisitesi. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 7(3), 25-32.