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Etlik Hayvan Hastalıkları Araştırma Enstitüsünde Gelen Kanatlı Materyallerinde Koligranuloma'nın Organsal Dağılımı ve Patolojik Bulguları

Yıl 1993, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 4, 146 - 171, 01.12.1993


Bu çalışmada, Etlik Hayvan Hastalıklan Araştırma Enstitüsüne gelen kanatlı
materyallerinde; koligranuloma olgularının görülme sıklığının, yerleşim
gösterdiği organların ve patolojik bulgularının saptanması amaçlanınıştır. 2 yıl
süren çalışma boyunca hastalık, sadece tavuklarda gözlendi ve incelenen 853
kartatlı materyalinin 14'ünde histolojik olarak saptandı. Koligranuloma, 14 olgunun
2'sinde 14-15 günlük civcivlerde görüldü. %1.64 gibi düşük bir prevalans bulundu.
Makroskobik bulgular, histolojik olarak koligranuloma tanısı konan 14 olgudan
9'unda görüldü. Bu bulgular, karaciğer, akciğer ve böbrekte; organların
visceral yüzlerinde parankime gömülü ya da seröz yüzeyden hafif çıkıntı
yapan az ya da çok sayıda, toplu iğne başından birkaç mm çapına kadar
değişen boyutlarda, grimsi-beyaz veya sarımsı renkte kabartılar şeklindeydi.
Ayrıca akciğer ve karaciğerde , fokal ya da diffuz nekroz alanlarına da rastlandı.
Bir olguda, bağırsak duvarında 1,5 x 0.5 x 0.9 cm boyutunda bir nodül
görüldü. Histolojik olarak granulomatöz lezyorıların görüldüğü 5 olguda,
makroskobik bir bulgu gözlenmedi.
Histolojik olarak granülomatöz lezyonlar bağırsak. karaciğer, akciğer,
böbrek, bursa fabrisius ve beyinde görüldü. Karaciğer ve bursa fabrisiusun en
sık etkilenen organlar olduğu dikkati çekti.
Mikroskobik olarak, erken lezyonların az ya da çok çekirdek debrileri kapsayan
ve etrafı epitelioid histiyositler ve çok çekirdekli dev hücreler tarafından
çevrilen fokal kazeifikasyon nekrozu alanlarından ibaret olduğu görüldü. Eski
lezyonlarda, tanımlanan bu lezyonun dışında çok sayıda lenfositler, makrofajlar,
az sayıda heterofiller ve plazma hücreleri ile infiltre bağdoku ve kapillar
damar proliferasyonu vardı. Ayrıca sentral nekroz alanlarında parçalanma ve
lamellasyon dikkati çekti fakat kalsifikasyon görülmedi. Daha eski lezyonların,
ince bir libröz kapsül tarafından çevrilcliği gözlendi.
Koligranuloma tanısı ; lezyonların morfolojik görünümüne ve MacCallum
Goodpasture Gram boyama tekniği ile boyanan kesitlerde, nekrotik alanlar
içinde Gram (-) bakterilerin görülmesine dayanarak kondu. Şüpheli materyaller,
tüberküloz yönünden Ziehl-Neelsen ve mikotik granulomalar yönünden
Grocott mantar boyası ile boyandı. E.coli, bakteriyolojik ekim yapılan 4 materyalin
sadece birinde karaciğerde görülen lezyonlardan izole edildi.


  • Anonim : T.C. Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü. Türkiye İstatistik Yıllığı. Yay. No: 1405, D1E Matbaası, Ankara, s. 199, 1990.
  • ARDA, M., AKA Y, Ö. ve İzgür, M.: Septisemili piliçlerden izole edilen Escherichia coli suşlarının bazı biyokimyasal ve patojenik özellikleri üzerinde bir araştırma. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 30 : 407-419, 1983.
  • BIEL Y, I. and MARCH, B.E.: Ev idence of genetic susceptibility to Hjarre's disease. Avian Dis., 7 :1-5, 1963.
  • BISPING, W. and AMTSBERG, G.: Colour Atlas for the Diagnosis of Bacterial Pathogens in AnimaL (Farbatlas zur diagnose hacterieller infektionserreger de tiere) Paul Parey Scientific Publishers, Berlin and Hamburg, pp. 160-168, 1988.
  • CHEVILLE, N.F. and ARP, L.H.: Comparative pathologic findings of Escherichia coli infection in birds. J.A.V.M.M., 173 : 584-587, 1978.
  • DAMORADAN, S. and THANIKACHALAM, M.: Coligranuloma in fowls. lndian Vet. J., 49 : 32-35, 1972.
  • DEMlRÖZÜ, K.: Kanatlılarda koliform enfeksiyonlarından izole edilen Escherichia coli suşlarının biyokimyasal ve antibiyotik duyarlılık özellikleri üzerinde inceleme. Pendik Vet. Microbiol. Derg., 12 : 48-52, 1980.
  • DOMINICK, M.A. and CHEVILLE, N. F.: Pathology of c!oacal bursae of gnotobiotik turkeys orally inocu!ated with Escherichia coli. Vet. Pathol., 22: 262-271. 1985.
  • DOROSHKO, I.N., BAIDEVLYATOV, A.B, MEZENTSEV, M.F. and IGNATOV, V.A.:Outbreak of granulomatosis in fow!s. Veterinariya, 42 : 35-40, 1965. (Abstr. Vet. Bull.,3681, 1965).
  • FABRICANT, J. and LEVINE, P.P.: Experimental production of complicated Chronic respiratory disease infection ("Air sac" disease). Avian Dis., 6 : 13-23, 1962.
  • GROSS. W. B. : Escherichia coli as a complicating factor in Chronic respiratory disease of chickens and Infectious sinusitis of turkeys. Poult. Sci .. 35: 765-771. 1956.
  • GROSS, W. B.: Patho1ogica1 changes of an Eshericlıia coli infection in chickens and turkeys. Am. J. Vet. Res .. 18 : 724-730, 1957.
  • GROSS. W.B.: The development of "air sac disease". Avian Dis., 5: 431-439, 1961.
  • GROSS. W.B .: Colibacillosis. In : HOFSTAD. M.S., BARNES. H.J., CALNEK. B.W., REID, W.M. and YODER, H.W.: Diseases of Poultry. 8 th. ed., Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, lowa, pp. 270-278, 1984.
  • HAMILTON, C.M. and CONRAD, R. D.: Extreme morta1ity in Hjarre's disease (Coligranuloma) in chickens. J.A.V.M.A. 132: 84-85, 1958.
  • HARRY, E.G .: A study of 119 outbreaks of coli-septicemia in broi1er flocks. Vet. Rec., 76 : 443-449, 1964a.
  • HARRY, E.G.: The survival of Escherichia coli in the dust of pou!ty houses. Vet. Rec., 76 : 466-470, 1964b.
  • HARRY, E.G. and HEMSLEY, L.A.: The association between the presence of septicaemia strains of Escherichia coli in the respiratory and intestinal tracts of chickens and the occurrence of co!! septicaemia. Vet. Rec., 77 : 35-40, 1965.
  • HERNANDEZ, D.J., ROBERTS, E.D., ADAMS, L.G. and VERA T.: Pathogenesis of hepatic granuloınas in turkeys infected with Stereptecoccus faecalis var. 1iquefaciens. Avian Dis., !6 : 201-216, 1975.
  • HJARRE, A. and WRAMBY, G.: Undersokningar over med specifika granulom forlopande honssjukdom orsakad av mukoida Kolibacterier (Koli-granulom). Stand. Veterinartidskr., 35 : 449-507, 1945.
  • HOFSTAD, M.S.: Coligranuloma (Hjarre's Disease) In: BIESTER, H.E. and SCHW ARTE, L.H.: Diseases of Poultry. 3 rd. ed., lowa State College Press: Ames, lowa, pp. 432 -434, ı 952.
  • JORTNER, B.S. AND ADAMS, W.R.: Turpentine-induced inflamınation in the chicken. A light and electron microscope study. with emphasis on the ınacrophage, epithelioid cell. and ınultinucleated giant eel! reaction. Avian Dis., 15: 533-550. 1971.
  • JOUBERT, L., COTTEREAU. P., SAINT-AUBERT, G., OUDAR, J. and VAN HA VERBEKE, G.: Aetiology of avian coligranulaınatosis-Hjarre's disease. Bul!. Soc. Sci.Vet., Lyon, 66: 305-310, 1964. (Abstr. Vet. Bul!.. ı6ı5, 1965)
  • KAKURINA. A.G .. ULENDEEV, A.I. and VASILEV. D.A.: (Judgeıııent of turkey carcasses affectcd with Escherichia coli graııuloıııatosis). Otseııka ııı y asa pri koli-granulomatozeindeek. Veterinariya. 10: 80-82. 1976. (Abstr. Vet. Bul!.. 2389.1977)
  • KÖHLER, H.: Koligraııulom der Hiihner. (The so-called Bact. coli graııuloıııa of fowls.) Exp. Vet. Med. 5: 75-94. 1951. (Abstr. Vet. Bul!.. 2469. 1953)
  • LANGHEINRICH, K.A. and SCHWAB, B.: Isolation of bacteria and histomorphology of turkey liver graııulomas. Avian Dis., 16: 806-8ı6, 1972.
  • LUNA, L.G.: Manual of Histologic Staining Method of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. 3. rd. ed., American Registry of Pathology, pp. 2220-232, 1968.
  • MAZURKIEWICZ, M., PODLEWSKA, D. and W ACHINK, Z.: Coligranuloınatosis in Japanese quail. Medycyna Wet., 24 : 17-18, 1968. (Abstr. Vet. Bull., 392ı, 1968)
  • MAZURKIEWICZ, M. and W ACHINK. Z.: Coligranulomatosis of geese with secondary Aeromonas hyd_rophila infection. Medycyna · weı., 25 : 274-276, 1969. (Abstr. Vet. Bul!., 5, 1970)
  • MICEVSKI, C. and NALETOSKI, A. : (Coligranulomatosis of fowls.) Koligranulomatoza-Hjarre-ova bolest, Makedonski Veterinaren Pregled. 1/2 : 57-65, ·1972. (Abstr. Vet. Bull., 4853, 1974).
  • MONTALI, R. J.: Coınparative pathology of inflaınınation in the higher vertebrates (Reptiles, birds and mammals) . J. Comp. Path., 99 :1-26, 1988.
  • MOORE, W.E.C. and GROSS, W.B.: Liver granulomas of turkeys: Causative agents and mechanism of infection. Av ian Dis., 12 : 417-422, 1968 .
  • MUNGER, L.L. and KELLY, B.L.: Staphylococcal granulomas in a Leghorn hen. Avian Dis., 17 : 858-860, 1978.
  • NAGI. M.S. and RAGGI, L.G.: Iınportance to "airsac" disease of water supplies contaminated with pathojenic Escherichia coli. Avian Dis., 16: 718-723, 1972.
  • NAGI, M.S. and MA THEY, W. J.: Interaction of Escherichia coli and Eimeria brunetti in chickens. Avian Dis., 16 : 864-873, 1972.
  • NAKAMURA. K .. MAEDA, M., IMADA. Y .. IMADA. T. and SATO. K.: Pathology of spontaneous Colibasillosis in an broiler flock. Vet. Pathol., 22 : 592-597, 1985.
  • NAY AK, B.C .. MISRA, B. and BISW AL, G.: Avian Coligranulomatosis-Hjarre's disease. Indian Vet. J., 44 : 385-389, 1967.
  • PRASAD, H .. SRIVASTAVA. C.P. and PRASAD. S.: Occurrence of coligranuloına in poultry. Indian Vet. J., 44: 389-393. 1967.
  • SAVAGE. A. and ISA, J.M.: A note on Hjarre's disease in Manitoba. Comeli Vet., 46 : 379-381. 1956.
  • SCHOFfELD. F.W.: Hjarre and Wraınby disease in turkeys. (Coli-granuloına).Can. J. Coınp. Med. ll : 141-143, 1947.
  • SILVA, P.L., COELHO, H.E., ALMEIDA RIBEIRD, S.C. and OLIVEIRA, P .R.: Occurence of Coligranulomatosis in coturnix quail in Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Avian Dis., 33 : 590-593 , 1989.
  • SOJKA, W. J. and CARNAGHAN, R.B.A.: Escherichia coli infection in poulty. Res. Vet. Sci., 2 : 340-352, 1961.
  • TRYLICH, C.: Coligranuloma (Hjarre's disease) in turkeys. Can. Vet. J., 7 : 40-42, 1966.
  • TRYLICH, C .. HOWELL, J. and MACDONALD, D.W.: Avian coligranuloma: Case histories. Can. Vet. J., 18 : 38-40, 1977.
  • VALLEE, A. and GUILLON, J.C.: Coligranulomatosi·s in canaries. Bull. Acad. Vet. Fr., 37 : 35-36, 1964. (Abstr. Vet. Bull., 3560, 1964)
  • WICKW ARE. A.B.: lnfectious granuloına of fowls. A preliminary note. Can. J. Comp. Med. 12: 295-296, 1948.
  • WYETH. P.J. : Effect of lnfectious bursal disease on the response of chickens to S.typhimurium and E.coli infections. Vet. Rec., 96 : 238-243, 1975.

«Determination of pathological findings and distribution of Coligranuloma in organs in poultry materials that were sent to Etlik Animal Diseases Research Institute»

Yıl 1993, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 4, 146 - 171, 01.12.1993


" Determination of patholojical findings and distribution of Coligranuloma
in .organs in poultry materials that sent to Etlik Animal Diseases.Research Institute"
In this study, it was aimed to determine the prevalence and involving organs
and patholojical findings of coligranuloma in poultry materials that sent
to Etlik Animal Diseases Research Institute. During the period of 2 years, it
was observed only in chickens and diagnosed histologically in 14 of 853 materials.
Coligranuloma was seenin 14-15 day-old chicks in 2 of 14 cases. The
prevalence w as as lo w as %1 ,64.
Macroscopical findings were seen in 9 of 14 cases that diagnosed coligranuloma
histologically. These were consist of a few or many, grayish-white or
yellowish, firm nodules varying from pin head to several mm in diameter penetrating
the paranchyma or protruding slightly on visceral surfaces of liver,
lung and kidney. In addition. focal or diffuse necrosis areas were found in
liver and lung. A nodule with 1,5 x 0,5 x 0,9 cm in diameter was seen on the
intestinal wall in one case. Macroscopical findings were not observed in 5 cases that had granulomatous lesions in histolojical examination.
Histologically, granulomatous lesion were seen on the intestine, liver,
lung, kidney, bursa fabricius and brain. The liver and bursa fabricius were affected
Microscopically, early lesions were consist of focal areas of caseous necrosis
containing more or less nuclear debris and surrounding by a zone of epithelioid
histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells. In old lesions, it was seen
that connective tissue and kapillar vessel proliferations infiltrated with a large
number of lymphocytes, macrophages, a few heterophils and plasma cells
around the giant cells zone were present. However, fragmentation and lamellation
were seen in central necrosis areas but calcification was not. A thin fibrouse
tissue capsule was also evident in old er lesions.
The diagnosis of coligranuloma was carried out according to morphological
appearance of lesions and demonstration of Gran1 (-) organisms within necrotic
areas in stained sections w ith MacCallum Good pasture Gram's stain. Suspected
materials was stained with Ziehl-Neelsen for tuberculosis and Grocott
fungal stain for micotik granulomas. E.coli was isolated from lesions seen on
li ver in only one of four materials.


  • Anonim : T.C. Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü. Türkiye İstatistik Yıllığı. Yay. No: 1405, D1E Matbaası, Ankara, s. 199, 1990.
  • ARDA, M., AKA Y, Ö. ve İzgür, M.: Septisemili piliçlerden izole edilen Escherichia coli suşlarının bazı biyokimyasal ve patojenik özellikleri üzerinde bir araştırma. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 30 : 407-419, 1983.
  • BIEL Y, I. and MARCH, B.E.: Ev idence of genetic susceptibility to Hjarre's disease. Avian Dis., 7 :1-5, 1963.
  • BISPING, W. and AMTSBERG, G.: Colour Atlas for the Diagnosis of Bacterial Pathogens in AnimaL (Farbatlas zur diagnose hacterieller infektionserreger de tiere) Paul Parey Scientific Publishers, Berlin and Hamburg, pp. 160-168, 1988.
  • CHEVILLE, N.F. and ARP, L.H.: Comparative pathologic findings of Escherichia coli infection in birds. J.A.V.M.M., 173 : 584-587, 1978.
  • DAMORADAN, S. and THANIKACHALAM, M.: Coligranuloma in fowls. lndian Vet. J., 49 : 32-35, 1972.
  • DEMlRÖZÜ, K.: Kanatlılarda koliform enfeksiyonlarından izole edilen Escherichia coli suşlarının biyokimyasal ve antibiyotik duyarlılık özellikleri üzerinde inceleme. Pendik Vet. Microbiol. Derg., 12 : 48-52, 1980.
  • DOMINICK, M.A. and CHEVILLE, N. F.: Pathology of c!oacal bursae of gnotobiotik turkeys orally inocu!ated with Escherichia coli. Vet. Pathol., 22: 262-271. 1985.
  • DOROSHKO, I.N., BAIDEVLYATOV, A.B, MEZENTSEV, M.F. and IGNATOV, V.A.:Outbreak of granulomatosis in fow!s. Veterinariya, 42 : 35-40, 1965. (Abstr. Vet. Bull.,3681, 1965).
  • FABRICANT, J. and LEVINE, P.P.: Experimental production of complicated Chronic respiratory disease infection ("Air sac" disease). Avian Dis., 6 : 13-23, 1962.
  • GROSS. W. B. : Escherichia coli as a complicating factor in Chronic respiratory disease of chickens and Infectious sinusitis of turkeys. Poult. Sci .. 35: 765-771. 1956.
  • GROSS, W. B.: Patho1ogica1 changes of an Eshericlıia coli infection in chickens and turkeys. Am. J. Vet. Res .. 18 : 724-730, 1957.
  • GROSS. W.B.: The development of "air sac disease". Avian Dis., 5: 431-439, 1961.
  • GROSS. W.B .: Colibacillosis. In : HOFSTAD. M.S., BARNES. H.J., CALNEK. B.W., REID, W.M. and YODER, H.W.: Diseases of Poultry. 8 th. ed., Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, lowa, pp. 270-278, 1984.
  • HAMILTON, C.M. and CONRAD, R. D.: Extreme morta1ity in Hjarre's disease (Coligranuloma) in chickens. J.A.V.M.A. 132: 84-85, 1958.
  • HARRY, E.G .: A study of 119 outbreaks of coli-septicemia in broi1er flocks. Vet. Rec., 76 : 443-449, 1964a.
  • HARRY, E.G.: The survival of Escherichia coli in the dust of pou!ty houses. Vet. Rec., 76 : 466-470, 1964b.
  • HARRY, E.G. and HEMSLEY, L.A.: The association between the presence of septicaemia strains of Escherichia coli in the respiratory and intestinal tracts of chickens and the occurrence of co!! septicaemia. Vet. Rec., 77 : 35-40, 1965.
  • HERNANDEZ, D.J., ROBERTS, E.D., ADAMS, L.G. and VERA T.: Pathogenesis of hepatic granuloınas in turkeys infected with Stereptecoccus faecalis var. 1iquefaciens. Avian Dis., !6 : 201-216, 1975.
  • HJARRE, A. and WRAMBY, G.: Undersokningar over med specifika granulom forlopande honssjukdom orsakad av mukoida Kolibacterier (Koli-granulom). Stand. Veterinartidskr., 35 : 449-507, 1945.
  • HOFSTAD, M.S.: Coligranuloma (Hjarre's Disease) In: BIESTER, H.E. and SCHW ARTE, L.H.: Diseases of Poultry. 3 rd. ed., lowa State College Press: Ames, lowa, pp. 432 -434, ı 952.
  • JORTNER, B.S. AND ADAMS, W.R.: Turpentine-induced inflamınation in the chicken. A light and electron microscope study. with emphasis on the ınacrophage, epithelioid cell. and ınultinucleated giant eel! reaction. Avian Dis., 15: 533-550. 1971.
  • JOUBERT, L., COTTEREAU. P., SAINT-AUBERT, G., OUDAR, J. and VAN HA VERBEKE, G.: Aetiology of avian coligranulaınatosis-Hjarre's disease. Bul!. Soc. Sci.Vet., Lyon, 66: 305-310, 1964. (Abstr. Vet. Bul!.. ı6ı5, 1965)
  • KAKURINA. A.G .. ULENDEEV, A.I. and VASILEV. D.A.: (Judgeıııent of turkey carcasses affectcd with Escherichia coli graııuloıııatosis). Otseııka ııı y asa pri koli-granulomatozeindeek. Veterinariya. 10: 80-82. 1976. (Abstr. Vet. Bul!.. 2389.1977)
  • KÖHLER, H.: Koligraııulom der Hiihner. (The so-called Bact. coli graııuloıııa of fowls.) Exp. Vet. Med. 5: 75-94. 1951. (Abstr. Vet. Bul!.. 2469. 1953)
  • LANGHEINRICH, K.A. and SCHWAB, B.: Isolation of bacteria and histomorphology of turkey liver graııulomas. Avian Dis., 16: 806-8ı6, 1972.
  • LUNA, L.G.: Manual of Histologic Staining Method of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. 3. rd. ed., American Registry of Pathology, pp. 2220-232, 1968.
  • MAZURKIEWICZ, M., PODLEWSKA, D. and W ACHINK, Z.: Coligranuloınatosis in Japanese quail. Medycyna Wet., 24 : 17-18, 1968. (Abstr. Vet. Bull., 392ı, 1968)
  • MAZURKIEWICZ, M. and W ACHINK. Z.: Coligranulomatosis of geese with secondary Aeromonas hyd_rophila infection. Medycyna · weı., 25 : 274-276, 1969. (Abstr. Vet. Bul!., 5, 1970)
  • MICEVSKI, C. and NALETOSKI, A. : (Coligranulomatosis of fowls.) Koligranulomatoza-Hjarre-ova bolest, Makedonski Veterinaren Pregled. 1/2 : 57-65, ·1972. (Abstr. Vet. Bull., 4853, 1974).
  • MONTALI, R. J.: Coınparative pathology of inflaınınation in the higher vertebrates (Reptiles, birds and mammals) . J. Comp. Path., 99 :1-26, 1988.
  • MOORE, W.E.C. and GROSS, W.B.: Liver granulomas of turkeys: Causative agents and mechanism of infection. Av ian Dis., 12 : 417-422, 1968 .
  • MUNGER, L.L. and KELLY, B.L.: Staphylococcal granulomas in a Leghorn hen. Avian Dis., 17 : 858-860, 1978.
  • NAGI. M.S. and RAGGI, L.G.: Iınportance to "airsac" disease of water supplies contaminated with pathojenic Escherichia coli. Avian Dis., 16: 718-723, 1972.
  • NAGI, M.S. and MA THEY, W. J.: Interaction of Escherichia coli and Eimeria brunetti in chickens. Avian Dis., 16 : 864-873, 1972.
  • NAKAMURA. K .. MAEDA, M., IMADA. Y .. IMADA. T. and SATO. K.: Pathology of spontaneous Colibasillosis in an broiler flock. Vet. Pathol., 22 : 592-597, 1985.
  • NAY AK, B.C .. MISRA, B. and BISW AL, G.: Avian Coligranulomatosis-Hjarre's disease. Indian Vet. J., 44 : 385-389, 1967.
  • PRASAD, H .. SRIVASTAVA. C.P. and PRASAD. S.: Occurrence of coligranuloına in poultry. Indian Vet. J., 44: 389-393. 1967.
  • SAVAGE. A. and ISA, J.M.: A note on Hjarre's disease in Manitoba. Comeli Vet., 46 : 379-381. 1956.
  • SCHOFfELD. F.W.: Hjarre and Wraınby disease in turkeys. (Coli-granuloına).Can. J. Coınp. Med. ll : 141-143, 1947.
  • SILVA, P.L., COELHO, H.E., ALMEIDA RIBEIRD, S.C. and OLIVEIRA, P .R.: Occurence of Coligranulomatosis in coturnix quail in Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Avian Dis., 33 : 590-593 , 1989.
  • SOJKA, W. J. and CARNAGHAN, R.B.A.: Escherichia coli infection in poulty. Res. Vet. Sci., 2 : 340-352, 1961.
  • TRYLICH, C.: Coligranuloma (Hjarre's disease) in turkeys. Can. Vet. J., 7 : 40-42, 1966.
  • TRYLICH, C .. HOWELL, J. and MACDONALD, D.W.: Avian coligranuloma: Case histories. Can. Vet. J., 18 : 38-40, 1977.
  • VALLEE, A. and GUILLON, J.C.: Coligranulomatosi·s in canaries. Bull. Acad. Vet. Fr., 37 : 35-36, 1964. (Abstr. Vet. Bull., 3560, 1964)
  • WICKW ARE. A.B.: lnfectious granuloına of fowls. A preliminary note. Can. J. Comp. Med. 12: 295-296, 1948.
  • WYETH. P.J. : Effect of lnfectious bursal disease on the response of chickens to S.typhimurium and E.coli infections. Vet. Rec., 96 : 238-243, 1975.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Öznur Yazıcıoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1993
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1993
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1993 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Yazıcıoğlu, Ö. (1993). Etlik Hayvan Hastalıkları Araştırma Enstitüsünde Gelen Kanatlı Materyallerinde Koligranuloma’nın Organsal Dağılımı ve Patolojik Bulguları. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 7(4), 146-171.