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Kanatlı Hayvanlarda Mycoplasma Gallisepticum ve Mycoplasma Synoviae'ya Karşı Oluşan Antikorların Tesbitinde Serum Lam Aglutinasyon (SPA), Hemaglutinasyon-İnhibisyon (HI) ve İmmunocomb Katı-Faz İmmuoassay Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırılması

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 33 - 45, 01.12.1996


Bu çalışmada, kanatlı hayvanlarda Mycoplasma infeksiyonlanna karşı oluşan
spesifik antikorlarm ortaya konulmasında rutin olarak kullanılan SPA ve HI
testlerinin yanısıra, enzim immunoassay prensibine dayanan ImmunoComb
test kitinin karşılaştırmalı olarak denenınesi ve rutin uygulamadaki öneminin ortaya
konulması amaçlanmıştır. Denemede kullamlan 70 adet tavuk serumu MG
antikorlan yönünden SPA testi ile incelendiğinde 26 serumun (%37.14) pozitif,
44'ünün ise (%62.86) negatif olduğu saptanmıştır. öte yandan, MS antikorları
yönünden 21 serumun (%30) pozitif, 49 serumun ise (%70) negatif olduğu
görülmüştür. Aynı serumların HI testi ile incelenmesinde MG yönünden 15
adedinin (%21. 43) pozitif ve 55 adedinin (% 78 .57) negatif olduğu; MS yönünden
ise 23 seium (o/o3 2. 8 6) pozitif ve 4 7 serum (%6 7. 14) negatif olduğu saptanmışıtr.
MG yönünden lC ile incelenen serumlarm 20 adedinin (%28.57) pozitif ve 50
adedinin (%71.43) negatif sonuç verdiği ; MS yönünden ise 25 adet serumun
(%35 .71) pozitif ve 45 adet serumun da (%64.29) negatif sonuç verdiği
belirlenmiştir. Her 3 testin karşılaştınlmasında pozitiflik ve negatif}ik yönünden
paralellik bulunduğu gözlenmiş özellikle, m ile lC arasında bu paralleliğin çok daha dikkat çekici olduğu ve IC'un biraz daha duyarlı çalıştığı ortaya konmuştur.
Bu nedenle, IC test kitüıin pratikte uygulanabilir, duyarlı bir test olarak diğer
konvansiyonel testlerle birlikte güvenle kullanılabileceği kanısına varılmıştır.


  • ADELR,H,E. and YAMAMOTO,R.(ı956). Preparation of a new pleuropneumonia- like organism antigen for the diagnosis of chronic respiratory disease by the agglutination test. Am.J Vet.Res., ı 7:290-293 .
  • ANON (1994). Kanatlı ve çiftlik hayvanlannın bazı hastalıklarında pratik teşhis metotlaoyla ilgili yeni üıünler. Pethask A.P., Biogal (Galed Lab.), İSRAiL
  • ANON (ı994) . ImmunoComb-Mycoplasma gallisepticum-synoviae antikortestkiti kullanma talimatlan. PethaskA.P., Biogal (Galed Lab.), İSRAiL
  • ANSARI, A.A., TAYLOR,R.F. and CHANG, T.S . (ı983). Application of enzyıne-linked immunosorbent assay for detecting antibody to Mycoplasma gallisepticum in poultry. Avi an Di s., 2 7:2 ı -35 .
  • ARDA,M., MİNBAY,A., AYDIN,N., AKAY,Ö ve İZGÜR,M (1990) . . Kanatlı hayvan hastalıklan . Pfizer ilaçlan A.P., Ortaköy-İSTANBUL
  • AYCARDI,E.R., ANDERSON,D.P.and HANSON,R.P. (197ı) . Classi: fication of avian mycoplasmas by gel-diffiısion and growth inhibition tests. AvianDis., ı5 : 434-447.
  • BRADBURY,J.M. and JORDAN,F.T.W. (1973). Non-sepecific agglutination ofMycoplasma gallisepticum. Vet.Rec., 92:59 ı -592.
  • CRAWLEY,J.F. and FAHEY,J.E. (1957). The use of the hemagglutination inhibition test for the control of PPLO infection in poultry. J .Am. Vet. Med. Assoc., 130:187-190.
  • CULLEN,G.A. and SNELL,G.C.(ı976). A eeli-free haemagglutinating antigen of Mycoplasma synoviae and its use in haemagglutination inhibition j:ests. Bio.Stand., 4:203-207.
  • CULLEN,G.A. and TIMMS,L. (ı972). Diagnosis ofMycoplasma infections in poultiy previously vaccinated with killed adjuvant vaccines. B ri. Vet.J. 128:94-100.
  • HIGGINS,P.A. and WHITHEAR,K.G (1986). Detection and differentiation ofMycoplasma gallisepticum and M.synoviae antibodies in chicken serum using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Avian Dis., 30: ı60-ı68 .
  • JORDAN,F.T.W.(1985). Oordon memorial lecture: people, poultry and pathogenic Mycoplasmas. Bri.Poult.Sci., 26: ı-ı5 .
  • LIN,M.Yand KLEVEN,S.H (1983). Evaluation ofthemicroagglutination test in the diagnosis of Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection in the chickens. Avian Dis., 28:289-294.
  • MATSUO,K., KUNIYASU,C., YAMADA,S., SUSUMI,S. and YAMAMOTO,S.(1978). Suppression of immunoresponses to Haemophilus gallinarum with nonviable Mycoplasma gallisepticum in chickens. Avian Dis., 520-561. .
  • NONOMURA,I.and YODER,H.W.Jr (1977). Identification of avian Mycoplasma isolates by the agar-gel precipitin test: Avjan Dis., 21:370-381.
  • 0LSON,N.O., KERR,K.M. and CAMPBELL,A. (1963). Control of Infectious synovitis. 12.Preparation of an agglutination test antigen. Avian Di s., 7:310-317.
  • OLSON,N.O., KERR, K.M. and CAMPBELL,A. (1964): Control of Infectious synovitis. 13 .The antigen study ofthree strains. Avian Dis., 8:209- 214.
  • OPITZ,H.M., DUPLESSIS,J.B. and CYR,M.J. (1983).-Indirect mi. cro-enzyme-Iinked immunosorbent assay for the detection of antibodies to Mycoplasma synoviae and M. gallisepticum. Avian Dis., 27:773-786.
  • PATTEN,B.E., HIGGINS, P.A. and WHITHEAR, K.G.(1984). A urease- ELISA for the detection ofMycoplasma infections in poultry. Aust. Vet. J., 61:151-155.
  • PIELA,T.H., GULKA,C.M., YATES, V.J.and CHANG ,P.W (1984). Use of egg yolk in serological tests (ELISA and HI) to detect antibodies to Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis and'Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Avian Dis., 28:877-883.
  • RIVETZ;B., WEISMAN,Y. , RITTERBAND,M., FISH,F.and HERZBERG, M.(l985). Evaluation of a novel rapid kit for the visual detection ofNewcastle Disease virus antibodies. Avian Dis., 29:929-942.
  • ROBERTS,D.H.(l969). Serological response produced in chickens by three strains ofMycoplasma gallisepticum. J.Appi.Bact., 32:395-401.
  • ROBERTS,D.H. and OLESIUK,O.M. (1967). Serological studies with Mycoplasma synoviae. Avian Dis., ll: 104-109.

Comparisom Of Serum Plate Agglutination (SPA) Haemagglutination-Inhibition (HI) and Immunocomb Solid-Phase Immunoassay Methods In THE Detection Of Antibodies Produced In Chickens Against Mycoplasma Gallisepticum and Mycoplasma Synoviae

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 33 - 45, 01.12.1996


In this study, the use, effıciency and reliability of ImmunoComb test kit,
which works according to the enzyrne irnmunoassay principle,together with
other conventionally used serological tests, such as SPA and lll, were investigatedin the detection of specific antibodies produced against Mycoplasma infectionsin poultry. SPA test results of70 field sera revealed that, 26 (37.14%)
were positive and 49 (70%) were negative for MS antibodies. In the HI test, 15
(21.43%) samples were found positive and 55 (78.57%) were negative for
MG, and 23 (32.86%) samples were found positive and 47 (67.14%) were
negative for MS, antibodies. On the other hand, IC test results showed that, 20
(28.57%) samples were positive and 50 (71.43%) samples were negative for
MG, and 25 (35 .71%) were positive and 45 (67.29%) were negative for MS
antibodies. The comparison of these 3 tests indicated that, a good correlation
existed among them, particularly, a more pronounced one between HI and IC
tests, in the detection of specific antibodies, and IC test was slightly mo re sen.
sitive than the other two. Therefore, it was concluded that, the IC test kit could
be used conveniently, together with other conventional serelogical tests in the
detection of specific antibodies produced against Mycoplasma infections in


  • ADELR,H,E. and YAMAMOTO,R.(ı956). Preparation of a new pleuropneumonia- like organism antigen for the diagnosis of chronic respiratory disease by the agglutination test. Am.J Vet.Res., ı 7:290-293 .
  • ANON (1994). Kanatlı ve çiftlik hayvanlannın bazı hastalıklarında pratik teşhis metotlaoyla ilgili yeni üıünler. Pethask A.P., Biogal (Galed Lab.), İSRAiL
  • ANON (ı994) . ImmunoComb-Mycoplasma gallisepticum-synoviae antikortestkiti kullanma talimatlan. PethaskA.P., Biogal (Galed Lab.), İSRAiL
  • ANSARI, A.A., TAYLOR,R.F. and CHANG, T.S . (ı983). Application of enzyıne-linked immunosorbent assay for detecting antibody to Mycoplasma gallisepticum in poultry. Avi an Di s., 2 7:2 ı -35 .
  • ARDA,M., MİNBAY,A., AYDIN,N., AKAY,Ö ve İZGÜR,M (1990) . . Kanatlı hayvan hastalıklan . Pfizer ilaçlan A.P., Ortaköy-İSTANBUL
  • AYCARDI,E.R., ANDERSON,D.P.and HANSON,R.P. (197ı) . Classi: fication of avian mycoplasmas by gel-diffiısion and growth inhibition tests. AvianDis., ı5 : 434-447.
  • BRADBURY,J.M. and JORDAN,F.T.W. (1973). Non-sepecific agglutination ofMycoplasma gallisepticum. Vet.Rec., 92:59 ı -592.
  • CRAWLEY,J.F. and FAHEY,J.E. (1957). The use of the hemagglutination inhibition test for the control of PPLO infection in poultry. J .Am. Vet. Med. Assoc., 130:187-190.
  • CULLEN,G.A. and SNELL,G.C.(ı976). A eeli-free haemagglutinating antigen of Mycoplasma synoviae and its use in haemagglutination inhibition j:ests. Bio.Stand., 4:203-207.
  • CULLEN,G.A. and TIMMS,L. (ı972). Diagnosis ofMycoplasma infections in poultiy previously vaccinated with killed adjuvant vaccines. B ri. Vet.J. 128:94-100.
  • HIGGINS,P.A. and WHITHEAR,K.G (1986). Detection and differentiation ofMycoplasma gallisepticum and M.synoviae antibodies in chicken serum using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Avian Dis., 30: ı60-ı68 .
  • JORDAN,F.T.W.(1985). Oordon memorial lecture: people, poultry and pathogenic Mycoplasmas. Bri.Poult.Sci., 26: ı-ı5 .
  • LIN,M.Yand KLEVEN,S.H (1983). Evaluation ofthemicroagglutination test in the diagnosis of Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection in the chickens. Avian Dis., 28:289-294.
  • MATSUO,K., KUNIYASU,C., YAMADA,S., SUSUMI,S. and YAMAMOTO,S.(1978). Suppression of immunoresponses to Haemophilus gallinarum with nonviable Mycoplasma gallisepticum in chickens. Avian Dis., 520-561. .
  • NONOMURA,I.and YODER,H.W.Jr (1977). Identification of avian Mycoplasma isolates by the agar-gel precipitin test: Avjan Dis., 21:370-381.
  • 0LSON,N.O., KERR,K.M. and CAMPBELL,A. (1963). Control of Infectious synovitis. 12.Preparation of an agglutination test antigen. Avian Di s., 7:310-317.
  • OLSON,N.O., KERR, K.M. and CAMPBELL,A. (1964): Control of Infectious synovitis. 13 .The antigen study ofthree strains. Avian Dis., 8:209- 214.
  • OPITZ,H.M., DUPLESSIS,J.B. and CYR,M.J. (1983).-Indirect mi. cro-enzyme-Iinked immunosorbent assay for the detection of antibodies to Mycoplasma synoviae and M. gallisepticum. Avian Dis., 27:773-786.
  • PATTEN,B.E., HIGGINS, P.A. and WHITHEAR, K.G.(1984). A urease- ELISA for the detection ofMycoplasma infections in poultry. Aust. Vet. J., 61:151-155.
  • PIELA,T.H., GULKA,C.M., YATES, V.J.and CHANG ,P.W (1984). Use of egg yolk in serological tests (ELISA and HI) to detect antibodies to Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis and'Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Avian Dis., 28:877-883.
  • RIVETZ;B., WEISMAN,Y. , RITTERBAND,M., FISH,F.and HERZBERG, M.(l985). Evaluation of a novel rapid kit for the visual detection ofNewcastle Disease virus antibodies. Avian Dis., 29:929-942.
  • ROBERTS,D.H.(l969). Serological response produced in chickens by three strains ofMycoplasma gallisepticum. J.Appi.Bact., 32:395-401.
  • ROBERTS,D.H. and OLESIUK,O.M. (1967). Serological studies with Mycoplasma synoviae. Avian Dis., ll: 104-109.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ömer M. Esendal Bu kişi benim

Hakan Yardımcı Bu kişi benim

Nejat Aydın Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1996 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA M. Esendal, Ö., Yardımcı, H., & Aydın, N. (1996). Kanatlı Hayvanlarda Mycoplasma Gallisepticum ve Mycoplasma Synoviae’ya Karşı Oluşan Antikorların Tesbitinde Serum Lam Aglutinasyon (SPA), Hemaglutinasyon-İnhibisyon (HI) ve İmmunocomb Katı-Faz İmmuoassay Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırılması. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 8(3), 33-45.