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Samsun Yöresi Mandalarında Sindirim Sistemi Helmitleri

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 46 - 57, 01.12.1996


Bu çalışma Samsun yöresi mandalannın sindirim sistemi helmint faunasını
belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma, Ocak 1993-Şubat 1994 tarihleri
· arasında manda kesiminin yoğun olduğu Samsun -Merkez, Bafra, Ladik, Taflan,
Kavak ve Dereköy mezbahalannda yürütülmüş ve 0-3 yaş grubundan 45, 4 yaş
ve üzeri grubundan 55 olmak üzere toplam 100 mandanın sindirim sistemi
incelenmiştir. Bakısı yapılacak hayvanlarm sindirim sistemi anatomik olarak
bölümlere aynlıp laboratuvara getirilmiş ve burada önce dışkı muayeneleri, daha
sonra ayn ayn organ incelemeleri yapılmıştır. İncelenen ıoo mandanın %78 i
sindirim sistemi helmintleri ile enfekte bulunmuştur. Hayvanlarda ı trematod ve
12 nematod olmak üzere toplam 13 helmint tüiü bulunurken hiçbir sestoda
rastlanmamıştır. Bulunan helmint türleri Calicophoron daubneyi (%31),
Gonglyonema pulchrum (%28), Oesôphagostomum radiatum (%23), Capillaria
bovis (%20), Paracooperia nodulosa (%1 7), Setaria cervi (%10), Oesophagostomum
venulosum (%4 ), Bunostomum phlebotomum (%4 ), Haemanchus
contortus (%3), Trichuris ovis (%3), T.discolor (%1), Chabertia ovina (%1),
Ostertagia ostertagi (%1) olarak teşhis edilmiştir. Dışkı bakılannda %39 olarak
belirlenen enfeksiyon oranının otopsi bulguianna (%78) oranla oldukça düşük
düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür. Bu araştırmada saptanan türlerden O. ostertagi,
C.bovis, B.phlebotomum, O.venulosum, T.ovis ve T.discolor'a ülkemiz
mandalannda ilk kez rastlanmaktadır.


  • ACUTHAN,H.N.: Paracooperiasis in buffalo calves due to Paracooperia matoffi (Matoff,ı938) Le Roux, ı950 . Indıan Vet.J.47 : 451-453,1970.
  • AFZAL,M.,SHAFIQUE,M., HUSSAIN.A, and SAAED, M.: A study ofhelmints of cattle and buffaloes in Lahore. Pakistan J: Sci., 33 (1-4): 14-20, . ı981.
  • ANDERSON,R.C. : Nematoda Parasites of Vertebrates Their Development and Transmission. C.A.B. Internatıonal Wallingford. University Press Cambridge. U.K., 1992.
  • ANSARI,J.A.: A survey on the frequency and intensity of Setaria cervi infection. IndianJ.Anim. Sci., 47 (3): 115-119,1977. (Ref: Vet.Bull ., 1978,48, 2367). .
  • BHOPALE,K.K., JOSHI,S.C and KAMALAPUR,S.K.: Observations on the helminth parasites of buffalo calves (Bubaıus bubalis) from Madhya Pradesh. Indian J.Anim. Res., 5 (1): 19-23, 1971. (Ref: Helminth. Abstr., 1973, 42, 3005)
  • BHOPALE,K.K., JOSHI,S.C. and KAMALAPUR,S.K.: Occurence öf Agriostomum vryburgi (Railliet, 1902) in an Indian buffalo (Bos bubalis) in M.P.Orissa. Vet.J., 6 (2): 44-45 . 1971. (Ref: Helminth. Abstr., 1973, 42, 3906).
  • BHOPALE,K.K., JOSHI,S.C. and KAMALAPUR,S.K.: Occurence ofTrichuris discoıor (Von Linstow, ı 906) Ransom, 1911, in buffalo calves with a note on its histopathoıogy. Orissa Vet.J., 6 (3-4): 104-106, 1971.
  • BRYAN,R.P., BAINBRIDGE,M.J.and KERR,J.D.: A study ofhelminth parasites in the gastrointestinal tract of the swamp buffalo Bubalis bubalis Lydekker in the N orthem Territory. Aust. J. Zool., 24 (3) : 417-421, 1976. (Ref: Vet. Bull., 1947, 47, 2120) .
  • CAHNDRAWATHANI,P. :Gastrointestinal Parasitismin Murrah Buffalo Calves and Its Relation To Management OfSmallholdings In Solangor and Perak. Universiti Pertanian Malaysia DVM. Thesis, ı985.
  • CHAUHAN, P.P.S ., BHATIA, B.B. and PANDE, B.P.: Ineidence of gastrointestinal nematodes in buffalo and cows at State livestock farms in Uttar Pradesh. IndianJ.Anim.Sci., 43 (3): 2ı6-219,1973.
  • COŞKUN, P.Z.: Ruminantlarda Paramphistomum türlerinin bulunuş ve yayılışlan. Doğa Tr. Vet. ve Hay. Derg., 12(3): 168-179, 1988.
  • ÇETİNDAG, M.: Türkiye'de mandalarda yeni bir nematod türü Paracooperia nodulosa (Schwartz, 1928). Etlik Vet.Mikrob. Derg., 7( 4) : 136-141,1993.
  • DE SILVA, R.G.: Nematode parasites of Bubalus·bubalis in Brazil. Pesquisa agropec. Bras., 4:155-160, 1969. (Ref: Vet. Bull., 1971,41, 1284).
  • D'SOUZA,P.E.,JAGANNATH, M.S. and ABDULRA!IMAN,S.: Prevalance of gastrointestinal parasitisin in cows and buffaloes. Indian J.Anim.Sci., 58 (7): 748-752,1988.
  • EDUARDO,S.L. and MANUEL,M.F.: Amphistomes (Trematode: Digenea) of cattle and carabaos slaughtered in the Grater Manila Arae. Philipbine J.Vet. Med., 14 (2): 33-44,1975.
  • EDUARDO,S.L. and PERALTA,R.C.: Orthocoelium serpenticaecum Systematic Parasitology. 9:221-225, 1987.
  • GUPTA,R.P., YADAV, C.L. and GHOSH, J.D. : Epidemiology of helminth infections in calves ofHaryana State. Agric. Sci. Digest., 5(1): 53-56, 1985. (Ref: Helminth. Abstr., 1987, 56,1052).
  • GÜRALP,N.: Manda ve Türkiye'deki parazideri hakkında. Türk Vet.Hek.Derg., 40 (4): 17-20, 1970.
  • GÜRALP, N.: Helmintöloji. 2.Baskı, A.Ü.Vet.Fak.Yayınlan 368/266. Ankara, 1981.
  • GÜRALP,N. ve DOGRU, C. : Türkiye'de ehli hayvanlarda Setariose. A.Ü.Vet.Fak.Derg., 15 (1): 29-40, 1968.
  • HANNA,R.E.B., WILLIAMSON, D.S.,. MATTISON, R .G. and NIZAMI, W.A.: Seasonal reproduction in Paramphistomum ep i elitum and Gastrohylax crumenifer, .rumen Paramphistomes of the Indıan water buffalo and comparison with the biliary Paramphistome Gigantocotyle explanatum. Int. J. Parasitol., 18 (4): 513-521, 1988.
  • HEKİMOGLU, Ö.L.: Mandalarda yaş tayini üzerine bir sürvey araştırması. Türk Vet.Hek.Dem.Derg., 59 (1-2): 50-55, 1989.
  • İZGİ,A .N., ASKER, R., KARABULUT, A., SABAZ, S . ve KOZANDA Gl, M.: Yerli ırk mandalann melezierne ile ıslahı olanaklan üzerinde bir araştırma. Mandacılık Araşt. Enst. Yayın . , 20, Afyon, 1989.
  • JAGANNATH, M.S.,D'SOUZA, P.E. and ABDULRAHMAN, S. : Gastrointestinal parasites of cattle and buffaloes in Bangalore and Mysore milk unions. MysoreJ.Agric. Sci., 22: 91-96, 1988.
  • JAGANNATH,M.S., D'SOUZA,P.E. and ABDULRAHMAN, S.: Observations on gastrointestinal parasitism in dairy cattle and buffaloes in Bangalore and Katar Districts ofKamataka State. Mysore J.Agric. Sci., 23 : 73-81, 1989.
  • LAMETA,K.T. and MANUEL,M.F: A survey ofthe helminth parasites of cattle and carabaos slaughtered in Metro Manila abattoirs. Philippine J.Vet.Med., 20 (2): 45-66, 1981. (Ref: helrninth. Abstr., 1983, 52, 2306).
  • LAPAGE, G.: Veterinary Parasitology. 2 nd ed., Oliver-Body, Edinburg and London, 1968.
  • LEVINE, N.D.: Nematode Parasites ofDomestic Animals and ofMan . . Burges Publishing Company. Minneapolis, 1968.
  • MERDİVENCİ, A. ve BUYURMAN,Ü.: Türkiye'de koyun, keçi, sığır ve mandalarda Anoplocephalata infeksiyonlan üzerinde araştırmalar. Bomova Vet. Araşt. Enst. Derg., 12: 79-100, 1965.
  • MERDİVENCİ, A. ve BUYURMAN, Ü.: Türkiye'de koyun, keçi, sığır ve mandalarda Anoplocephalata enfeksiyonları üzerinde araştırmalar. Bomova Vet. Araşt. Enst. Derg. ,12;79-100,1965
  • OVER,H.J., JANSEN, J. and VAN OLM, P.W. : Distribution and Impact of Helminth Diseases Of Livestock In Developing Countries . FAO ANİMAL Production and Helatlı Paper 96, Rome, 1992.
  • PAVLOVIC, D.: First finding of Paracooperia nodulosa in buffalo in Yugoslavia. Yeterinarski Glasnik 29 (3) : 209-211, 1975 (Ref: Vet.Bull., 1976, 46, 3167).
  • PAVLOVIC, D.: lnfection rates ofsome endoparasites found at slaughter in buffaloes of different ages in the Kosova territory of SAP. (Yugoslavia). Veterinary Glasnik 29 (4): 285-290, 1975. (Ref: Helminth. Abstr., 1975, 44, 4623).
  • PETHKAR, D.K and HIREGAUDAR, L.S . : Helmintic infections of cattle and buffaloes in Gujarat State. Gujvet, 6(1): 30-31 1972. (Ref: Helminth. Abstr., 1974, 43, 355).
  • RIVELLINI,P. and GUARINO, C.: On the ineidence of larva! oesophagostomiasis of buffalo in Campania (Oesophagostomum radiatum (Bosicola) Rudolphi, 1863) . Veterinarialtal. 23 (7-8): 413-426, 1972 .
  • RIVELLINI,P., RANTIA,U. and URSO, C: The parasitic nematodes of the intestine of buffaloes bred in Latina and Salermo provinces. Atti delle Societa, Ital, Sci. Vet., 26: 490-491, 1972 .
  • SANI, RA. : A review of helmints affecting domestic animals in Malaysia. Tropical Biomedicine, 4: 83-91, 1987.
  • SEY, 0 .: Examination ofamphistomes (Trematoda: Paramphistomata) parasitizing in Egyptian ruminants. Parasit Hung.10: 47-50, 1977.
  • SEY, O. : Kişisel Haberleşme, 1993.......................................
  • SHEIKH-OMAR,A.R., IKEME, M.M. and FATIMAH, 1.: Paracooperia nodulosa infection in a water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calf. Vet. Rec., 116: 134, 1985.
  • SINGH,B.P., SHARMA DEORANI; VP. and SRIVASTAVA, VK.: . Prevalence of hydatid in buffaloes in India and report of a severe li ver infection. J.Helminth., 62: 124-126, 1988.
  • SOULSBY, E.J.L: Helminths, Artropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals. 2nd ed. Bailliere, Tindall, London, 1986.
  • TAWFİK, M.A.: Parasitic infestation asa cause of diarrhoea in buffalo calves. Assuit Vet. Med.J., 3 (5) 161-168, 1978. (Ref: Vet.Bull., 1979, 49, 1433).
  • TINAR, R., COŞKUN, Ş .Z . , DOGAN, H., DEMİR, S. ve AKYOL, Ç. V: Güney Marmara bölgesi ruminantlarında Amphistomum türlerinin bulunuşu veyayılışı. Doğa Tr. Vet. veHay.Derg., 16 (2): 187-197, 1992.
  • TRIPATHI, H.N. and SRIVASTAVA, H.D.: Amphistomes of ruminants. 2. Life history oftwo species ofParamphistomum Srivastava and Tripathi (1980) ofsheep, goats and buffaloes. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 57 (10): 1043-1056, . 1987. .
  • TÜZDİL~ A.N. : Türkiye'de Kasaplık Hay-Vanlarda Gongylonema. Yüksek Ziraat Enstitüsü Çalışmaları . Sayı : 93,Ankara, 1939
  • URQUHART, G.M., ARMOUR, J.L., DUNCAN, J.L., DUNN, A.M. and JENNINGS, F.M. : Veterinary Parasitology. Engilish Language Book Society, Longmwın Group, U.K.Ltd., England, 1987.
  • YARMA, T.K.and SUBRAMARIAN, G.: Seasonal ineidence of helminth parasites in domestic buffalo (Bos bubalus). Livestock Adviser, 2 ( 4): 27-32, 1917. (Ref: Helminth. Abstr., 1978 47, 5577).
  • YUSUF, LA. and CHAUDHRY, M.A.: Species of Paramphistomes (Trematoda) from buffaloes in Peshawar region of West Pakıstan. Trop.Anim.Hlth.Prod. 2: 285-237, 1970. (Ref:Vet.Bull.,1971, 41, 3455).

Gastrointestinal Helminths of Buffaloes In Samsun Region

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 46 - 57, 01.12.1996


This study was made to determine the gastrointestinal helminth fauna in
buffaloes in the region of Samsun. In this investigation, a total of 100 buffaloes
(45 buffaloes from 0-3 age groups and 55 buffaloes from above 4 age groups)
were exarnined for helminth infections at slaughterhouses in Samsun, Bafra, Ladik, Taflan, Kavak and Dereköy between January ı993 and February ı994 .
Firstly, faeces samples removed from the rectum were examined for
gastrointestinal helminilis and other parasites. Secondly, the digestive tract were
sectioned anatomically (oesophagus, rumen-reticulum, abomasum, smail
intestines, caecum and large intestines) and examined indiVidually. According
to necropsy results, seventy-eight out of a hundered of (78%) buffaloes were
found to be infected with various helminths. One trematode species and 12
nematode species were found, making a total of 13 helminili species. On the
other hand cestodes were notfonudin any animals. ·The collected helminilis ·
were identified as follows : C.daubneyi (3 ı%), G.pulchrum (28%),0.radiatum
(23%), C.bovis (20%), P.nodulosa (17%), S.cervi (10%), O.venulosum (4%),
B.phlebotumum (4%),H.controtus (3%) , T.ovis (3%), T.discolor (1 %), C.ovina
(ı%), O.ostertagi (ı %).The rates ofhelminth infection according to necropsy
results (78%) were found higher than the rates according to faecal examination
results (39%). Ostertagia ostertagi, C.bovis, B.phlebotumum, O.venulosum,
. T.ovis and T.discolor species were found in tih Turkish bu:ffalo population for
the first time.


  • ACUTHAN,H.N.: Paracooperiasis in buffalo calves due to Paracooperia matoffi (Matoff,ı938) Le Roux, ı950 . Indıan Vet.J.47 : 451-453,1970.
  • AFZAL,M.,SHAFIQUE,M., HUSSAIN.A, and SAAED, M.: A study ofhelmints of cattle and buffaloes in Lahore. Pakistan J: Sci., 33 (1-4): 14-20, . ı981.
  • ANDERSON,R.C. : Nematoda Parasites of Vertebrates Their Development and Transmission. C.A.B. Internatıonal Wallingford. University Press Cambridge. U.K., 1992.
  • ANSARI,J.A.: A survey on the frequency and intensity of Setaria cervi infection. IndianJ.Anim. Sci., 47 (3): 115-119,1977. (Ref: Vet.Bull ., 1978,48, 2367). .
  • BHOPALE,K.K., JOSHI,S.C and KAMALAPUR,S.K.: Observations on the helminth parasites of buffalo calves (Bubaıus bubalis) from Madhya Pradesh. Indian J.Anim. Res., 5 (1): 19-23, 1971. (Ref: Helminth. Abstr., 1973, 42, 3005)
  • BHOPALE,K.K., JOSHI,S.C. and KAMALAPUR,S.K.: Occurence öf Agriostomum vryburgi (Railliet, 1902) in an Indian buffalo (Bos bubalis) in M.P.Orissa. Vet.J., 6 (2): 44-45 . 1971. (Ref: Helminth. Abstr., 1973, 42, 3906).
  • BHOPALE,K.K., JOSHI,S.C. and KAMALAPUR,S.K.: Occurence ofTrichuris discoıor (Von Linstow, ı 906) Ransom, 1911, in buffalo calves with a note on its histopathoıogy. Orissa Vet.J., 6 (3-4): 104-106, 1971.
  • BRYAN,R.P., BAINBRIDGE,M.J.and KERR,J.D.: A study ofhelminth parasites in the gastrointestinal tract of the swamp buffalo Bubalis bubalis Lydekker in the N orthem Territory. Aust. J. Zool., 24 (3) : 417-421, 1976. (Ref: Vet. Bull., 1947, 47, 2120) .
  • CAHNDRAWATHANI,P. :Gastrointestinal Parasitismin Murrah Buffalo Calves and Its Relation To Management OfSmallholdings In Solangor and Perak. Universiti Pertanian Malaysia DVM. Thesis, ı985.
  • CHAUHAN, P.P.S ., BHATIA, B.B. and PANDE, B.P.: Ineidence of gastrointestinal nematodes in buffalo and cows at State livestock farms in Uttar Pradesh. IndianJ.Anim.Sci., 43 (3): 2ı6-219,1973.
  • COŞKUN, P.Z.: Ruminantlarda Paramphistomum türlerinin bulunuş ve yayılışlan. Doğa Tr. Vet. ve Hay. Derg., 12(3): 168-179, 1988.
  • ÇETİNDAG, M.: Türkiye'de mandalarda yeni bir nematod türü Paracooperia nodulosa (Schwartz, 1928). Etlik Vet.Mikrob. Derg., 7( 4) : 136-141,1993.
  • DE SILVA, R.G.: Nematode parasites of Bubalus·bubalis in Brazil. Pesquisa agropec. Bras., 4:155-160, 1969. (Ref: Vet. Bull., 1971,41, 1284).
  • D'SOUZA,P.E.,JAGANNATH, M.S. and ABDULRA!IMAN,S.: Prevalance of gastrointestinal parasitisin in cows and buffaloes. Indian J.Anim.Sci., 58 (7): 748-752,1988.
  • EDUARDO,S.L. and MANUEL,M.F.: Amphistomes (Trematode: Digenea) of cattle and carabaos slaughtered in the Grater Manila Arae. Philipbine J.Vet. Med., 14 (2): 33-44,1975.
  • EDUARDO,S.L. and PERALTA,R.C.: Orthocoelium serpenticaecum Systematic Parasitology. 9:221-225, 1987.
  • GUPTA,R.P., YADAV, C.L. and GHOSH, J.D. : Epidemiology of helminth infections in calves ofHaryana State. Agric. Sci. Digest., 5(1): 53-56, 1985. (Ref: Helminth. Abstr., 1987, 56,1052).
  • GÜRALP,N.: Manda ve Türkiye'deki parazideri hakkında. Türk Vet.Hek.Derg., 40 (4): 17-20, 1970.
  • GÜRALP, N.: Helmintöloji. 2.Baskı, A.Ü.Vet.Fak.Yayınlan 368/266. Ankara, 1981.
  • GÜRALP,N. ve DOGRU, C. : Türkiye'de ehli hayvanlarda Setariose. A.Ü.Vet.Fak.Derg., 15 (1): 29-40, 1968.
  • HANNA,R.E.B., WILLIAMSON, D.S.,. MATTISON, R .G. and NIZAMI, W.A.: Seasonal reproduction in Paramphistomum ep i elitum and Gastrohylax crumenifer, .rumen Paramphistomes of the Indıan water buffalo and comparison with the biliary Paramphistome Gigantocotyle explanatum. Int. J. Parasitol., 18 (4): 513-521, 1988.
  • HEKİMOGLU, Ö.L.: Mandalarda yaş tayini üzerine bir sürvey araştırması. Türk Vet.Hek.Dem.Derg., 59 (1-2): 50-55, 1989.
  • İZGİ,A .N., ASKER, R., KARABULUT, A., SABAZ, S . ve KOZANDA Gl, M.: Yerli ırk mandalann melezierne ile ıslahı olanaklan üzerinde bir araştırma. Mandacılık Araşt. Enst. Yayın . , 20, Afyon, 1989.
  • JAGANNATH, M.S.,D'SOUZA, P.E. and ABDULRAHMAN, S. : Gastrointestinal parasites of cattle and buffaloes in Bangalore and Mysore milk unions. MysoreJ.Agric. Sci., 22: 91-96, 1988.
  • JAGANNATH,M.S., D'SOUZA,P.E. and ABDULRAHMAN, S.: Observations on gastrointestinal parasitism in dairy cattle and buffaloes in Bangalore and Katar Districts ofKamataka State. Mysore J.Agric. Sci., 23 : 73-81, 1989.
  • LAMETA,K.T. and MANUEL,M.F: A survey ofthe helminth parasites of cattle and carabaos slaughtered in Metro Manila abattoirs. Philippine J.Vet.Med., 20 (2): 45-66, 1981. (Ref: helrninth. Abstr., 1983, 52, 2306).
  • LAPAGE, G.: Veterinary Parasitology. 2 nd ed., Oliver-Body, Edinburg and London, 1968.
  • LEVINE, N.D.: Nematode Parasites ofDomestic Animals and ofMan . . Burges Publishing Company. Minneapolis, 1968.
  • MERDİVENCİ, A. ve BUYURMAN,Ü.: Türkiye'de koyun, keçi, sığır ve mandalarda Anoplocephalata infeksiyonlan üzerinde araştırmalar. Bomova Vet. Araşt. Enst. Derg., 12: 79-100, 1965.
  • MERDİVENCİ, A. ve BUYURMAN, Ü.: Türkiye'de koyun, keçi, sığır ve mandalarda Anoplocephalata enfeksiyonları üzerinde araştırmalar. Bomova Vet. Araşt. Enst. Derg. ,12;79-100,1965
  • OVER,H.J., JANSEN, J. and VAN OLM, P.W. : Distribution and Impact of Helminth Diseases Of Livestock In Developing Countries . FAO ANİMAL Production and Helatlı Paper 96, Rome, 1992.
  • PAVLOVIC, D.: First finding of Paracooperia nodulosa in buffalo in Yugoslavia. Yeterinarski Glasnik 29 (3) : 209-211, 1975 (Ref: Vet.Bull., 1976, 46, 3167).
  • PAVLOVIC, D.: lnfection rates ofsome endoparasites found at slaughter in buffaloes of different ages in the Kosova territory of SAP. (Yugoslavia). Veterinary Glasnik 29 (4): 285-290, 1975. (Ref: Helminth. Abstr., 1975, 44, 4623).
  • PETHKAR, D.K and HIREGAUDAR, L.S . : Helmintic infections of cattle and buffaloes in Gujarat State. Gujvet, 6(1): 30-31 1972. (Ref: Helminth. Abstr., 1974, 43, 355).
  • RIVELLINI,P. and GUARINO, C.: On the ineidence of larva! oesophagostomiasis of buffalo in Campania (Oesophagostomum radiatum (Bosicola) Rudolphi, 1863) . Veterinarialtal. 23 (7-8): 413-426, 1972 .
  • RIVELLINI,P., RANTIA,U. and URSO, C: The parasitic nematodes of the intestine of buffaloes bred in Latina and Salermo provinces. Atti delle Societa, Ital, Sci. Vet., 26: 490-491, 1972 .
  • SANI, RA. : A review of helmints affecting domestic animals in Malaysia. Tropical Biomedicine, 4: 83-91, 1987.
  • SEY, 0 .: Examination ofamphistomes (Trematoda: Paramphistomata) parasitizing in Egyptian ruminants. Parasit Hung.10: 47-50, 1977.
  • SEY, O. : Kişisel Haberleşme, 1993.......................................
  • SHEIKH-OMAR,A.R., IKEME, M.M. and FATIMAH, 1.: Paracooperia nodulosa infection in a water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calf. Vet. Rec., 116: 134, 1985.
  • SINGH,B.P., SHARMA DEORANI; VP. and SRIVASTAVA, VK.: . Prevalence of hydatid in buffaloes in India and report of a severe li ver infection. J.Helminth., 62: 124-126, 1988.
  • SOULSBY, E.J.L: Helminths, Artropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals. 2nd ed. Bailliere, Tindall, London, 1986.
  • TAWFİK, M.A.: Parasitic infestation asa cause of diarrhoea in buffalo calves. Assuit Vet. Med.J., 3 (5) 161-168, 1978. (Ref: Vet.Bull., 1979, 49, 1433).
  • TINAR, R., COŞKUN, Ş .Z . , DOGAN, H., DEMİR, S. ve AKYOL, Ç. V: Güney Marmara bölgesi ruminantlarında Amphistomum türlerinin bulunuşu veyayılışı. Doğa Tr. Vet. veHay.Derg., 16 (2): 187-197, 1992.
  • TRIPATHI, H.N. and SRIVASTAVA, H.D.: Amphistomes of ruminants. 2. Life history oftwo species ofParamphistomum Srivastava and Tripathi (1980) ofsheep, goats and buffaloes. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 57 (10): 1043-1056, . 1987. .
  • TÜZDİL~ A.N. : Türkiye'de Kasaplık Hay-Vanlarda Gongylonema. Yüksek Ziraat Enstitüsü Çalışmaları . Sayı : 93,Ankara, 1939
  • URQUHART, G.M., ARMOUR, J.L., DUNCAN, J.L., DUNN, A.M. and JENNINGS, F.M. : Veterinary Parasitology. Engilish Language Book Society, Longmwın Group, U.K.Ltd., England, 1987.
  • YARMA, T.K.and SUBRAMARIAN, G.: Seasonal ineidence of helminth parasites in domestic buffalo (Bos bubalus). Livestock Adviser, 2 ( 4): 27-32, 1917. (Ref: Helminth. Abstr., 1978 47, 5577).
  • YUSUF, LA. and CHAUDHRY, M.A.: Species of Paramphistomes (Trematoda) from buffaloes in Peshawar region of West Pakıstan. Trop.Anim.Hlth.Prod. 2: 285-237, 1970. (Ref:Vet.Bull.,1971, 41, 3455).
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Ahmet Doğanay Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1996 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Çetindağ, M., & Doğanay, A. (1996). Samsun Yöresi Mandalarında Sindirim Sistemi Helmitleri. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 8(3), 46-57.