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Mandalarda Bulunan Sarcocystıs Türleri ve Gelişmeleri

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 58 - 69, 01.12.1996


Bu çalışmada, Sarcocystis levinei 'nin biyoloji ve patojenitesinin incelenmesi
amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, Çubuk ilçesi mezbahasında Aralık 1993-Temmuz
1994 tarihleri arasında 125 manda muayene edilmiştir. Bu mandaların
özefaguslannda %3 9.2 oranında makroskopik, %81.6 oranında da mikroskop ik
Sarcocystis kistlerine rastlanmıştır. Sadece, mikroskopik Sarcocystis kistleri ile
enfekte manda özefagusu yedirilen 6 köpekte S.levinei'nin p.repatent döneminin
13 (1 1-15) gün, patent döneminin ise 107 (99-115) gün olduğu ve 1 gram dışkıda
ortalama 30.6 adet sporokist bulunduğu saptanmışıtr. İnokulasyondan 5 gün sonra
ölen bir köpeğin bağırsağında parazitin gelişme şekilleri bulunamazken,
inokulasyondan sonraki 30. günde otopsisi yapılan diğer köpeğin ince
bağırsaklarında makrogametler ve sporokistler bulunmuştur. S.levinei'nin
100.000 'er adet sporokisti ile inokule edilen iki malak inokulasyondan sonra
ölmemiş ve klinik olarak hiç bir semptom göstermemişlerdir. İnokulasyondan
sonra 45 . günde kesilen malağın çeşitli organlannda şizontlara, kalp ve çizgili
kaslarında ise kistlere rastlanmış, karaciğer ve akciğerde kanama odakları


  • Achuthan HN,1993 . Sarcocystis and SarcOcystosis in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves. Indian Vet.J., 60,5,344-346.
  • Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü, Türkiye İstatistik Yıllığı, 1994 . Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Matbaası, Ankara.
  • Boch J,Supperer R, 1983. Veterinarmediznische Parasitologie, 356-359.
  • Chauan PPS, Agraval RD, Arara GS, 1978. Ineidence of Sarcocystis fusiformis in lndıa buffaloes. Indian J Parasit., 2,2,123-124.
  • Deshpandey AV, Shastri UV, Deshpande MS, 1983. Prevalence of Sarcocysts in cattle and buffaloes in Marathwada, lndia. Trop Vet Anim Sci Res., 1,92-93 .
  • Dissanaike AS, Kan SP,1978. Studies on Sarcocystis in Malaysia. Z.Parasitenkd., 55, 127-138.
  • Dubey JP, Speer CA, Shah HL, 1989. Ultrastructure of Sarcocysts from water buffalo in India. Vet Parasit., 34, 149-152.
  • Erber M, 1977. Möglichkeiten des nachweises und der differenzierung won zwei Sarcocysts-Arten des schweines, Beri Münch Tierarztl Wschr, 90,480- . 482 .
  • Fayer R, 1972. Gametogony of Sarcocystis sp. in cell culture. Science, 175,65-67.
  • Ghosal SB, Joshi SC, Shah HL, 1986. A note on the Natural üceurance of Sarcocystis in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in Jabalpur Region. MP Indian Vet J., 63,2,165-166.
  • Ghosal SB, Joshi SC, Shah HL, 1987. Morphological studies of the Sarcocyst of Sarcocystis levinei of the naturally infected water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). lndian Vet J., 64,11,915-917.
  • Ghosal SB, Joshi SC, Shah HL, 1987. Development of Sarcocysts of Sarcocystis levinei in water buffalo infected with Sporocysts from dogs. Vet · Parasit., 26,1-2, 165-167.
  • Gill HS,Ajaib S, Vadelım DV, Sethi SK, 1978. Shedding ofunsporulated · isosporan oocysts in feces by dogs fed diaphragm muscles from watei: buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) naturally infected with Sarcocystis. J. Parasit., 64,3 ,549-551 .
  • Jain AK, Gupta SL, Singh RP, Mahajan SK, 1986. Experimental Sarcocystis levinei infection in buffalo calves. Vet Parasit., 21,51-53.
  • Jain PC, Shah. HL, 1987. Comparative morphology of oocysts and Sarcocysts of bovine and bubaline Sarcocystis in Madhya Pradesh, lndian.J Anirri Sci., 57,8,849-852.
  • Jainudeen MR, 1983. The water buffalo. Pertanika. 6, 133-151.
  • Juyal PD, Bhatia BB,1987. A note on the occurrence of Sarcocystis infection in goats (Capra hircus) and buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in Tarai Region ofUttar Pradesh. lndian Vet Med., 11,4,234-235 .
  • Kan SP, Dissanaike AS, 1978. Studies on Sarcocystis in Malaysia. Z Parasitenkd., 57, 107-116.
  • Levine ND, 1977. Nomenclature of Sarcocystis in the ox and sheep and offecal coccidia ofthe dog and cat. J Parasit., 63,1,36-51.
  • Lopes CWG, Araujo JL de B,Pereira MJS, 1982. Sarcocystis levinei (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae) in the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Brazil. Arg Univ Fed Rur Rio de J., ltaguai, 5,1 ,21-24.
  • Manuel MF,Misa GA, Yoda T,1983. Histomorphological" studies of bubaline Sarcocystis in the Philippines. Phil J Vet Med., XXII, 1, 24-36.
  • Mimioğlu M,Göksu K, Sayın F, ı969. Veteriner ve Tıbbi-Protozooloji ·II.AnkaraÜniv Vet Fak Yay.248, Ankara, 59ı-ı313.
  • Özer E, 1988 . Elazığ mezbahasında kesilen sığır ve mandalarda Sarcocystis türleri ve insidensi üzerinde araştırmalar. Doğa Tu Vet Hay Derg., 12, 2, 130-139.
  • Pant HC, ı98l.The future of the water buffalo. ı4 th. FAO/SIDA International postgraduate course .on animal reproduction. Collage of Veterinary Medicine, Upsala, 2,1-4.
  • RetzlaffVN, Weise E,1969 . Sarcosporidien beim wasserbuffel (Bubalus bubalis) in der Türkei, Beri Münch Tierarztl Wschr., 15,283-286.
  • Shalash MR, 199 ı. Problems and research potentials for buffalo development in the world. In: First scientific congress, Egyptian Society for Cattle Diseases, Assiut, Egypt. 56-76.
  • Srivastava PS, Sahai BN, Sinha SRP, Saha AK, ı985. Same differential features of the devetopmental cycle of bubaline Sarcocystis sp. in canine and feline definitive hosts Parasitologica, T.XXI,3,385-390.
  • Srivastava PS, Sinha SRP, Juyal PD, Saha AK, 1987. Host resistance and faecal sporocyst exeretian in dogs exposed to repeated infection with Sarcocystis levinei. VetRes Commun., 11,2,185-190.
  • Tongson MS, Pablo LSM, ı979. Preliminary screening of the possible definitive hosts ofSarcocystis sp.found in Philippine buffaloes (Buba.lus bubalis). Philippine JVetMed., 18,1,42-54 .
  • Tüzdil AN, ı 939. Türkiye kasaplık hayvanlarında Gongylonema. Yüksek Ziraat Enstitüsü çalışmalarından, Ankara, 93, 117.
  • Wang M, LiuH, LinQ, Xiao B, Zhang C, GongZ, 1989 . Acomparative ultrastructurel study on the two types of Sarcocysts in Chinese buffaloes. Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 20,4,356-362.
  • Wang M, Xiao B, Lin Q, Zhang C, Li u H, 1991, Ultrastructurel sutdy on · the endogenous development of Sarcocystis cruzi in Chinese buffalo infected experimentally. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 37, 1, 1 -6.
  • Wang M, Lin Q, Li u H, Xiao B, Zhang C, Gong Z, 1991 Ultrastructure of Sarcocystis levinei from Chinese buffalo. Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Pekinensis. 17,2,117-120.
  • Xiao B,Zhang X, Zhang Y, Gong Z, 1988. A survey ofSarcosporidiosis in domestic animals Chinese J Vet Med., 14, 10,12-14.
  • Xiao B, Wang M, Zhang C, Li Y, Zeng D, Fu T, ı994 . The discovery of Sarcocystis cruzi in waterbuffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in China: China Vet Sci., 1,1,78-85.

Sarcocystis Species and Their Developments İn Buffaloes

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 58 - 69, 01.12.1996


The aim of this sutdy is to investigate of the life cycle and pathogenicity of
S.levinei. For this purpose, between December 1993-July 1994, 125 buffaloes
were examined at slaughterhouse located in Çubuk Town in Ankara. 39.2% of
the animals were found to be infected with macroscopic S.fusiformis cysts
which were located on oesophagus. 6 pups were fed with buffalo oesophagus
infected with only rnicroscopic S.levinei cysts. All ofthe pups started to discharge
sporocyst intheir feces on 13 (11-15) daysafter feeding. Discharging of sporocyst in feces continued until ı 07 (99- 115) day and it was found that the
avarage number of sporcysts were 30.6 per gram feces . Development stages
of Sarcocystis were not present in the intestine of the pupy killed 5 days after
infection, but macrogamets and sporocysts were found in the smail intestines of
I pupy killed after 30 days of inoculation. N one of two buffaloes inoculated
with 100.000 sporocysts of S .Ievinei showed clinical symptoms and died. S.levinei cysts were found in the heart, skeletal muscles and its schizonts were found in
brain, kidney, spleen and heart in the buffalo which was necropsied on 45 . day.
In addition, petechial haemorrhagia in liver and lung were detected.


  • Achuthan HN,1993 . Sarcocystis and SarcOcystosis in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves. Indian Vet.J., 60,5,344-346.
  • Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü, Türkiye İstatistik Yıllığı, 1994 . Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Matbaası, Ankara.
  • Boch J,Supperer R, 1983. Veterinarmediznische Parasitologie, 356-359.
  • Chauan PPS, Agraval RD, Arara GS, 1978. Ineidence of Sarcocystis fusiformis in lndıa buffaloes. Indian J Parasit., 2,2,123-124.
  • Deshpandey AV, Shastri UV, Deshpande MS, 1983. Prevalence of Sarcocysts in cattle and buffaloes in Marathwada, lndia. Trop Vet Anim Sci Res., 1,92-93 .
  • Dissanaike AS, Kan SP,1978. Studies on Sarcocystis in Malaysia. Z.Parasitenkd., 55, 127-138.
  • Dubey JP, Speer CA, Shah HL, 1989. Ultrastructure of Sarcocysts from water buffalo in India. Vet Parasit., 34, 149-152.
  • Erber M, 1977. Möglichkeiten des nachweises und der differenzierung won zwei Sarcocysts-Arten des schweines, Beri Münch Tierarztl Wschr, 90,480- . 482 .
  • Fayer R, 1972. Gametogony of Sarcocystis sp. in cell culture. Science, 175,65-67.
  • Ghosal SB, Joshi SC, Shah HL, 1986. A note on the Natural üceurance of Sarcocystis in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in Jabalpur Region. MP Indian Vet J., 63,2,165-166.
  • Ghosal SB, Joshi SC, Shah HL, 1987. Morphological studies of the Sarcocyst of Sarcocystis levinei of the naturally infected water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). lndian Vet J., 64,11,915-917.
  • Ghosal SB, Joshi SC, Shah HL, 1987. Development of Sarcocysts of Sarcocystis levinei in water buffalo infected with Sporocysts from dogs. Vet · Parasit., 26,1-2, 165-167.
  • Gill HS,Ajaib S, Vadelım DV, Sethi SK, 1978. Shedding ofunsporulated · isosporan oocysts in feces by dogs fed diaphragm muscles from watei: buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) naturally infected with Sarcocystis. J. Parasit., 64,3 ,549-551 .
  • Jain AK, Gupta SL, Singh RP, Mahajan SK, 1986. Experimental Sarcocystis levinei infection in buffalo calves. Vet Parasit., 21,51-53.
  • Jain PC, Shah. HL, 1987. Comparative morphology of oocysts and Sarcocysts of bovine and bubaline Sarcocystis in Madhya Pradesh, lndian.J Anirri Sci., 57,8,849-852.
  • Jainudeen MR, 1983. The water buffalo. Pertanika. 6, 133-151.
  • Juyal PD, Bhatia BB,1987. A note on the occurrence of Sarcocystis infection in goats (Capra hircus) and buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in Tarai Region ofUttar Pradesh. lndian Vet Med., 11,4,234-235 .
  • Kan SP, Dissanaike AS, 1978. Studies on Sarcocystis in Malaysia. Z Parasitenkd., 57, 107-116.
  • Levine ND, 1977. Nomenclature of Sarcocystis in the ox and sheep and offecal coccidia ofthe dog and cat. J Parasit., 63,1,36-51.
  • Lopes CWG, Araujo JL de B,Pereira MJS, 1982. Sarcocystis levinei (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae) in the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Brazil. Arg Univ Fed Rur Rio de J., ltaguai, 5,1 ,21-24.
  • Manuel MF,Misa GA, Yoda T,1983. Histomorphological" studies of bubaline Sarcocystis in the Philippines. Phil J Vet Med., XXII, 1, 24-36.
  • Mimioğlu M,Göksu K, Sayın F, ı969. Veteriner ve Tıbbi-Protozooloji ·II.AnkaraÜniv Vet Fak Yay.248, Ankara, 59ı-ı313.
  • Özer E, 1988 . Elazığ mezbahasında kesilen sığır ve mandalarda Sarcocystis türleri ve insidensi üzerinde araştırmalar. Doğa Tu Vet Hay Derg., 12, 2, 130-139.
  • Pant HC, ı98l.The future of the water buffalo. ı4 th. FAO/SIDA International postgraduate course .on animal reproduction. Collage of Veterinary Medicine, Upsala, 2,1-4.
  • RetzlaffVN, Weise E,1969 . Sarcosporidien beim wasserbuffel (Bubalus bubalis) in der Türkei, Beri Münch Tierarztl Wschr., 15,283-286.
  • Shalash MR, 199 ı. Problems and research potentials for buffalo development in the world. In: First scientific congress, Egyptian Society for Cattle Diseases, Assiut, Egypt. 56-76.
  • Srivastava PS, Sahai BN, Sinha SRP, Saha AK, ı985. Same differential features of the devetopmental cycle of bubaline Sarcocystis sp. in canine and feline definitive hosts Parasitologica, T.XXI,3,385-390.
  • Srivastava PS, Sinha SRP, Juyal PD, Saha AK, 1987. Host resistance and faecal sporocyst exeretian in dogs exposed to repeated infection with Sarcocystis levinei. VetRes Commun., 11,2,185-190.
  • Tongson MS, Pablo LSM, ı979. Preliminary screening of the possible definitive hosts ofSarcocystis sp.found in Philippine buffaloes (Buba.lus bubalis). Philippine JVetMed., 18,1,42-54 .
  • Tüzdil AN, ı 939. Türkiye kasaplık hayvanlarında Gongylonema. Yüksek Ziraat Enstitüsü çalışmalarından, Ankara, 93, 117.
  • Wang M, LiuH, LinQ, Xiao B, Zhang C, GongZ, 1989 . Acomparative ultrastructurel study on the two types of Sarcocysts in Chinese buffaloes. Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 20,4,356-362.
  • Wang M, Xiao B, Lin Q, Zhang C, Li u H, 1991, Ultrastructurel sutdy on · the endogenous development of Sarcocystis cruzi in Chinese buffalo infected experimentally. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 37, 1, 1 -6.
  • Wang M, Lin Q, Li u H, Xiao B, Zhang C, Gong Z, 1991 Ultrastructure of Sarcocystis levinei from Chinese buffalo. Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Pekinensis. 17,2,117-120.
  • Xiao B,Zhang X, Zhang Y, Gong Z, 1988. A survey ofSarcosporidiosis in domestic animals Chinese J Vet Med., 14, 10,12-14.
  • Xiao B, Wang M, Zhang C, Li Y, Zeng D, Fu T, ı994 . The discovery of Sarcocystis cruzi in waterbuffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in China: China Vet Sci., 1,1,78-85.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Bengü Dündar Bu kişi benim

Edip Özer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1996 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Dündar, B., & Özer, E. (1996). Mandalarda Bulunan Sarcocystıs Türleri ve Gelişmeleri. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 8(3), 58-69.