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Yumurta Tavuklarında Yaş ve Verimin Serum Gama-GT, GOT, ve CK Düzeylerine Etkisi

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 90 - 103, 01.12.1996


Bu çalışmada yumurta tavuklarında yaş ve verimin serum Gama-GT,
GüT,GPT ve CK düzeyleri üzerine etkil~ri incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla 50 adet
. yumurtacı civciv kullanılmıştır. Hisex Brown hibrit civcivlerinden 3 günlükten
yumurta veriminde pike ulaşınca ya dek kan serumu alınınışı tr. Hayvanlar ı 7.
haftada yumurtlamaya başlamışlar ve yumurta verimi %94.3 ile 29. haftada
pike ulaşmıştır. Gama-GT düzeyi 7., 10. ve 27. haftalarda yükselmiş, diğer
haftalarda ise önemli farklılıklar meydana gelmemiştir. İlk dört haftada yüksek
olan GüT düzeyi 7. haftada düşmüş, enzimin düzeyinde 7, 1O ve 12. haftalarda
önemli bir değişiklik olmamıştır. Yumurta üretimine geçiş öncesi olan 15. haftada
yükselme, 19. haftada düşme meydana gelmiştir. Bundan sonraki haftalarda
yavaş yavaş artarak yumurta veriminde pike ulaşılan 29. haftada önemli bir
yükselme meydana gelmiştir. GPT düzeyinde 12. ve 25 . haftalardaki düşüş dışında önemli bir farklılık görülmemiştir. CK düzeyinde 12. haftada önemli bir düşme,10, 15 , 19, 25 . haftalarda yükselme meydana gelmiştir.


  • Aktaş ,M. , Auguste, D., Lefevre, H.P., Tautain, P.P., Braun, J.P. (1993): Creatine kinase in dog: A review. Vet. Res. Comm., 17(5): 353-369.
  • Anonim (1976) : Sentinel Chernicals Ck-NAC. Milano.
  • Anonim (1991) : BioClinica GPT/ALT optirnize. Biobak Lah. Mal. San. Tic. A.P.
  • Anonim ( 1991) : BioClinica GOT 1 AST optirnize. Bi o bak Lah. Mal. San. Tic. ·A.P.
  • Anonim (1995) BioClinica y-GT. Biobak Lah. Malz.San. Tic. A.P.
  • Arlian, L.G., Ahmed, M. and Vyszenski-Moher, D.L. (1988): Effects of S. Scabie var. canis (Acari: Sarcoptidae) on blood indexes ofparasitized rabbits. J.Med. Entomol., 25 :360-369 (Abstr.)
  • Balachandran, C. and Ramarkrishnan, R. (ı988): Influence of dietary aflatoxin on certain serum enzyme levels in broiler chickens. Mycopathologia, 101:65-67. (Abstr.)
  • Bayşu , N. (ı979) : Temel Biyokimya. Fırat Univ. Vet. Fak. Yayın No : ı8 .
  • Beljan, J.R., Madley, T.I., Hellewel, A.B. and Hein, L.J. (1970): netermination of selected avian blood plasma chernistry values us ing the Technicon Aı:itoAnalyzer. Poult. Sci., 50:2290232.
  • Beli, D.J. (I071) : PlasmaEnzymes. In: Beli, D.J., Freeman, B.M.: Physiology and Biochemistry ofthe Domestic Fowl. Academic Press Ine., pp.964-
  • Bogin, E., Ratner, D. and Avidar, Y. (1983): Biochemica1 changes in b1ood and tissues associated whit Raund Heart Disease in Turkey poults. Avian Pathol., 12:437-442.
  • Boorman, K.N., and Lewis, D. (1971): Protein In: Bell, . D.J., Freeman, B.M.; Phisyology and Biochemistry of the Domestic Fowl. Academic Press Ine., pp.339-366.
  • Bowes, V.A, Julian, RJ. and Stirtzinger, T. (19SY): Comparisyon of serum biochemical profiles of male broilers with famele broilers and White Leghom chickens. Can. J. Vet. Res., 53: 7-11.
  • Brake, J. and Thaxton, P. (1979): Physiological changes in caged layers during a forced mo lt. 1.Body temperature and selected blood constituents. Poult. Sci., 58:699-706.
  • Broun,J.p., Bezille, P., Galtier, P., Rico, AG., Ouderaogo, G. (1992): Effects of age on the distribution of same enzyıns in organ of sheep. Small Rum. Res., 9:149-156.
  • Chatter jee, M., Ghosh, S.P., Chakraborty, AK., Desarkar, M.k., Chatter jee, S. (1979): A note on the effect of starvation and sex hormones on blood glucose and gluconesogenesis in male and female goats (Capra hircus bengalesnsis). Indian J. Anim. Sci., 49:677-679. (Abstr.)
  • Çamaş, H, Ertürk, Ersoy, E. (1976): Normal ve musculaer dystrophie' li kuzulann kan serumlannda total protein, protein fraksiyonlan, kreatinin, kreatinfosfokinaz, Glutamik-Piruvik-Transaminaz ve GlutamikOkzalasetik- Transaminaz yönünden araştırmalar. Ankara Üniv.Vet.Fak.Derg., . 23: 249-259.
  • Deshpande, P.M., Chatter Jee, AK. and Datta, I. C. (1976): Biochemical changes in the blood and egg formation. Indian J.Anim. Sci., 46:36-38.
  • Ersoy, E., Bayşu, N., Ertürk, K. ve üstadal, K.M. (1979): Biyokimya. Ankara Üniv.Vet. Fak. Yayın No:358.
  • Fishman, W.H. (1960): Plasma enzyınes . In: Putnam, F.W.: The Plazma Proteins. Academic Press. Vol.II, pp. 59-97.
  • Georgie, G.C. , Chand, D. and Razdan, M.N. (1973): seasonal changes in palsına cholesterol and serum alkaline phosphatase and transaminases activities in cross- bred cattle. Indian J. Exp. Biol. 11 :448-450. (Abstr.)
  • Gildersleeve, RP., Satterlee, D.G., Jonson, W.A. and Scott, T.R. (1983): The effects Of forced molt treatment on blood biochemicals in hens. Poult. Sci., 62:755-762.
  • Hollands, K.G., Grunder, AA., Williams, C.J. and Gavora, J.S . (1980): Plasma kreatine kinase as an indicator of degenerative myopathy in live Turkeys. Br. Poult. Sci., 21:161-169.
  • Johson, R.J., Choice, A., Farrell, D.J. and Cumming, R.B. (1984): Production respanses of layer strain hens to food restriction during rearing. Br. Poult. Sci., 25:369-387.
  • Kamal, T.H., Habebe, AA., Abdel-Samee, AM., and Marai, I.F. {1989): Milk production ofheat-stressed Friesian cows and its improvement in the subtropics. Europian Associ. Anim. Product. Netherlands, 38:156-158.
  • King, J. (1965: Practical Clinical Biochemistry. Camalot Press. Ltd. Suothampton, pp. 139-147.
  • Kirchhoff, A. (1993 ): Commparative patthological histoological and elinical studies on stress myopathy in differant breeds of fowl, with difference to the pathogenesis of subracoracoid muscle necrosis in male broilers. Inaguaral Dissertation, Fachbereich Veterinarimedizin, Berlin (Abstr.).
  • Kumar, P., Kumar, M., Joshi, H.C {1993): Serum enzyıns profile in experimental hypomagnezemia in yeaarling buffaloes. Indian J.Anim. Sci., 63: 1152-1155.
  • Mahzunlar, H. {1990): Klinikman normal ve deneysei olarak hypothyroidi oluşturulan köpeklerde, EKG parametreleri ve SGOT, SGPT, LDH, CPK enzim düzeyleri üzerinde karşılaştırmalı araştırmalar. İstanbul Üniv. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi. İstanbul.
  • Malherbe. WD., Kellerman, T.S., Kriek, N.P.J. andHaupt, W.H. (1977): Garrıma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity in speep serum: Normal valuesandan evaluation of its potential for detecting li ver involvement in experimental lupinosis. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Res., 44:29-38.
  • Matsuzava, T., Noomura, M., Unno, T. (1993): Clunucal pathology reference ranges of laboratory animals. J. Vet. Med. S ci., 55:351-362.
  • McDaniel, L.S . and Chute, H.L. (ı 96 ı): Enzyrne activity levels in ebieken ranges oflaboratory animals. J. Vet. Med. Sci., 55:351-362
  • McDaniel, L.S. and Dempsey, H.A. (1963): The effects offasting ufon plasma anzyme levels in chickens. 3.Sixth International Congress on Nutrition, Edinburg, Scotland.
  • Mengi, A. ( 1979): Biyolojik ve stres faktörlerinin sıçan karaciğer! erindeki gamaglutarniltranspepti dase (y-GT) aktivitesine tesiri. VI. Bilim Kongresi ,Veteriner ve Hayvancılık Araştırma Grubu Tebliğleri, s. 287-292.
  • Mengi, A. (1980): Gama-glutamil transpeptidaz (y-GT). İstanbul üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 6:95-102.
  • Mengi, A. (1991) Biyokimya. İstanbul üniv. Vet. Fak. Yayın. No: 12.
  • Mengi, A. ve Serpek, B. (1981): Normal, Fasciolasis'li ve Hydatidosis'li koyunlarda serum gamaglutarniltranspeptidaz (y-GT) aktivitesinin saptanması. İstanbul Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 7:13-17.
  • Mengi, A., Serpek, B. ve Bilal, T. (1983): Normal ve hasta köpeklerin kan serumlannda glütamik oksalasetik transaminaz (GOT), glütarnik pirüvik transaminaz ve gama glutamil transpeptidaz aktiviteleri ile serüloplazmin konsantrasyonu üzerinde çalışmalar. İstanbul üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg , 9:21-27.
  • Obe, D.C.B. and Studdert, V.P. (1990): Bailliere's Comprehensive Vetrarinary Dictionary. Second Edition, Bailliere Tindall, London.
  • Pons, A., Garcia, F.J., Palou, A. and Alemany, M. (1986): Effects of starvation anda protein diet on the amino acid matabolism enzyme activities of the organs ofdomestic fowl hatchlings. Comp. Biochem. Physiol, 85B (1):275- 278.
  • Rivetz, B. and Bogin, E. (1982): Enzyınatic changes in serum and tissues in fowl infected with a neurotropicmesogenic strain ofNewcastle Disease Virus. AvanPathol., 11:407-425.
  • Simesen, M.G., Nielsen, K. and Nasnsen, P.(l973): Some effects of experimental Fasciola hepatica infection in cattle on the serum activities of yglutamly transpeptidase and glutarnic oxaloacetic transarninase. Res. Vet. Sci., 15:32-36. .
  • S pano, J.S., Pedersoli, W.M., Kemppainen, RJ., Krist L.M. and Young, D.W. (1987): Baseline hematologic, endokrine, and elinical chemistıy valuesin ducks and roosters. Avian Disease, 31 :800-803.
  • Sreemannarayana, 0., Marguardt, R.R., Frohlich, AA. and Guenter, W. (1989): Enzyıne ativities, protein, metabolites and electrolyte concentra.tions in the serum of Single Comb White Leghorn chickens. Indian Vet. J., 66:435- 440.
  • Pener, S.(l988): Etanot'ün kobayda karaciğer ve serum gammaglutamyl- transferase (GGT) aktivitesi üzerine etkisi. İstanbul Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg. 14:1-10.
  • Tietz, N.W. (1987): Fundamental of Clinical Chemistry. Third Edition. W.B. Saunders Company, pp. 353-392.
  • Töre, İ.R. (1978): Enzim testleri ve veteriner kliniğinde uygulanmalan. İstanbul Üniv .. Vet. Fak. Derg., 4:39-62.
  • Tripp, M.J. and Schmitz, J.A. (1982): Influence ofphysical exercise on palsına creatinekinase activity in helaty and dystrophic Turkeys and sheep. Am. J. Vet. Res. 43 :2220-2223.
  • Türkalp, 1., Aktüre, S., Mengi, A. (1988): Viral hepatitlerde gamma. glutamil-tarnspeptidaz. Pişli Çocuk Hast. Tıp BQlteni. Ayn Baskı .
  • Visser, I.J.R., Vermeulen, D.J., Vellema, P.P., Gruys, E. (1992):Total CK and CK-Bb activity in serum from sheep with scrapie. Vet. Quart., 14:157- 158.

The Effekts Of Age and Egg Produktuon On Serum Gama-GT,GOT,GPT and CK Leves İn Layers

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 90 - 103, 01.12.1996


In this study, the effect of age and egg production on serum GOT, GPT,
gama-GT and CK levels were investigated. Commercialy available strains of
50 Hisex Brown chicks were used and sera of animals were collected from 3
· days untill the pik Jevel of egg production. Egg production started at 17. week and piked with 94.3 %at 29. week. No significant differences were found in
gama-GT levels except teh increases at 7 27. weeks. The GOT levels were
high during the first fo ur weeks and decreased at 7. week Although no significant
differences were seen 7., 10. and 12. weeks, atthe begininf of egg production
(at 15. week) the enzyın levels increased and at 19. week it decreased.
Thereafter, GOT levels increased gradually and at 29. week it significantly
increased. No significant differences were found in GPT levels except the
decrease at 12. and 25 weeks. The Ok levels decreased markedly at 12. week
and increased at 10., 15., 19. and 25 . weeks.


  • Aktaş ,M. , Auguste, D., Lefevre, H.P., Tautain, P.P., Braun, J.P. (1993): Creatine kinase in dog: A review. Vet. Res. Comm., 17(5): 353-369.
  • Anonim (1976) : Sentinel Chernicals Ck-NAC. Milano.
  • Anonim (1991) : BioClinica GPT/ALT optirnize. Biobak Lah. Mal. San. Tic. A.P.
  • Anonim ( 1991) : BioClinica GOT 1 AST optirnize. Bi o bak Lah. Mal. San. Tic. ·A.P.
  • Anonim (1995) BioClinica y-GT. Biobak Lah. Malz.San. Tic. A.P.
  • Arlian, L.G., Ahmed, M. and Vyszenski-Moher, D.L. (1988): Effects of S. Scabie var. canis (Acari: Sarcoptidae) on blood indexes ofparasitized rabbits. J.Med. Entomol., 25 :360-369 (Abstr.)
  • Balachandran, C. and Ramarkrishnan, R. (ı988): Influence of dietary aflatoxin on certain serum enzyme levels in broiler chickens. Mycopathologia, 101:65-67. (Abstr.)
  • Bayşu , N. (ı979) : Temel Biyokimya. Fırat Univ. Vet. Fak. Yayın No : ı8 .
  • Beljan, J.R., Madley, T.I., Hellewel, A.B. and Hein, L.J. (1970): netermination of selected avian blood plasma chernistry values us ing the Technicon Aı:itoAnalyzer. Poult. Sci., 50:2290232.
  • Beli, D.J. (I071) : PlasmaEnzymes. In: Beli, D.J., Freeman, B.M.: Physiology and Biochemistry ofthe Domestic Fowl. Academic Press Ine., pp.964-
  • Bogin, E., Ratner, D. and Avidar, Y. (1983): Biochemica1 changes in b1ood and tissues associated whit Raund Heart Disease in Turkey poults. Avian Pathol., 12:437-442.
  • Boorman, K.N., and Lewis, D. (1971): Protein In: Bell, . D.J., Freeman, B.M.; Phisyology and Biochemistry of the Domestic Fowl. Academic Press Ine., pp.339-366.
  • Bowes, V.A, Julian, RJ. and Stirtzinger, T. (19SY): Comparisyon of serum biochemical profiles of male broilers with famele broilers and White Leghom chickens. Can. J. Vet. Res., 53: 7-11.
  • Brake, J. and Thaxton, P. (1979): Physiological changes in caged layers during a forced mo lt. 1.Body temperature and selected blood constituents. Poult. Sci., 58:699-706.
  • Broun,J.p., Bezille, P., Galtier, P., Rico, AG., Ouderaogo, G. (1992): Effects of age on the distribution of same enzyıns in organ of sheep. Small Rum. Res., 9:149-156.
  • Chatter jee, M., Ghosh, S.P., Chakraborty, AK., Desarkar, M.k., Chatter jee, S. (1979): A note on the effect of starvation and sex hormones on blood glucose and gluconesogenesis in male and female goats (Capra hircus bengalesnsis). Indian J. Anim. Sci., 49:677-679. (Abstr.)
  • Çamaş, H, Ertürk, Ersoy, E. (1976): Normal ve musculaer dystrophie' li kuzulann kan serumlannda total protein, protein fraksiyonlan, kreatinin, kreatinfosfokinaz, Glutamik-Piruvik-Transaminaz ve GlutamikOkzalasetik- Transaminaz yönünden araştırmalar. Ankara Üniv.Vet.Fak.Derg., . 23: 249-259.
  • Deshpande, P.M., Chatter Jee, AK. and Datta, I. C. (1976): Biochemical changes in the blood and egg formation. Indian J.Anim. Sci., 46:36-38.
  • Ersoy, E., Bayşu, N., Ertürk, K. ve üstadal, K.M. (1979): Biyokimya. Ankara Üniv.Vet. Fak. Yayın No:358.
  • Fishman, W.H. (1960): Plasma enzyınes . In: Putnam, F.W.: The Plazma Proteins. Academic Press. Vol.II, pp. 59-97.
  • Georgie, G.C. , Chand, D. and Razdan, M.N. (1973): seasonal changes in palsına cholesterol and serum alkaline phosphatase and transaminases activities in cross- bred cattle. Indian J. Exp. Biol. 11 :448-450. (Abstr.)
  • Gildersleeve, RP., Satterlee, D.G., Jonson, W.A. and Scott, T.R. (1983): The effects Of forced molt treatment on blood biochemicals in hens. Poult. Sci., 62:755-762.
  • Hollands, K.G., Grunder, AA., Williams, C.J. and Gavora, J.S . (1980): Plasma kreatine kinase as an indicator of degenerative myopathy in live Turkeys. Br. Poult. Sci., 21:161-169.
  • Johson, R.J., Choice, A., Farrell, D.J. and Cumming, R.B. (1984): Production respanses of layer strain hens to food restriction during rearing. Br. Poult. Sci., 25:369-387.
  • Kamal, T.H., Habebe, AA., Abdel-Samee, AM., and Marai, I.F. {1989): Milk production ofheat-stressed Friesian cows and its improvement in the subtropics. Europian Associ. Anim. Product. Netherlands, 38:156-158.
  • King, J. (1965: Practical Clinical Biochemistry. Camalot Press. Ltd. Suothampton, pp. 139-147.
  • Kirchhoff, A. (1993 ): Commparative patthological histoological and elinical studies on stress myopathy in differant breeds of fowl, with difference to the pathogenesis of subracoracoid muscle necrosis in male broilers. Inaguaral Dissertation, Fachbereich Veterinarimedizin, Berlin (Abstr.).
  • Kumar, P., Kumar, M., Joshi, H.C {1993): Serum enzyıns profile in experimental hypomagnezemia in yeaarling buffaloes. Indian J.Anim. Sci., 63: 1152-1155.
  • Mahzunlar, H. {1990): Klinikman normal ve deneysei olarak hypothyroidi oluşturulan köpeklerde, EKG parametreleri ve SGOT, SGPT, LDH, CPK enzim düzeyleri üzerinde karşılaştırmalı araştırmalar. İstanbul Üniv. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi. İstanbul.
  • Malherbe. WD., Kellerman, T.S., Kriek, N.P.J. andHaupt, W.H. (1977): Garrıma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity in speep serum: Normal valuesandan evaluation of its potential for detecting li ver involvement in experimental lupinosis. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Res., 44:29-38.
  • Matsuzava, T., Noomura, M., Unno, T. (1993): Clunucal pathology reference ranges of laboratory animals. J. Vet. Med. S ci., 55:351-362.
  • McDaniel, L.S . and Chute, H.L. (ı 96 ı): Enzyrne activity levels in ebieken ranges oflaboratory animals. J. Vet. Med. Sci., 55:351-362
  • McDaniel, L.S. and Dempsey, H.A. (1963): The effects offasting ufon plasma anzyme levels in chickens. 3.Sixth International Congress on Nutrition, Edinburg, Scotland.
  • Mengi, A. ( 1979): Biyolojik ve stres faktörlerinin sıçan karaciğer! erindeki gamaglutarniltranspepti dase (y-GT) aktivitesine tesiri. VI. Bilim Kongresi ,Veteriner ve Hayvancılık Araştırma Grubu Tebliğleri, s. 287-292.
  • Mengi, A. (1980): Gama-glutamil transpeptidaz (y-GT). İstanbul üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 6:95-102.
  • Mengi, A. (1991) Biyokimya. İstanbul üniv. Vet. Fak. Yayın. No: 12.
  • Mengi, A. ve Serpek, B. (1981): Normal, Fasciolasis'li ve Hydatidosis'li koyunlarda serum gamaglutarniltranspeptidaz (y-GT) aktivitesinin saptanması. İstanbul Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 7:13-17.
  • Mengi, A., Serpek, B. ve Bilal, T. (1983): Normal ve hasta köpeklerin kan serumlannda glütamik oksalasetik transaminaz (GOT), glütarnik pirüvik transaminaz ve gama glutamil transpeptidaz aktiviteleri ile serüloplazmin konsantrasyonu üzerinde çalışmalar. İstanbul üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg , 9:21-27.
  • Obe, D.C.B. and Studdert, V.P. (1990): Bailliere's Comprehensive Vetrarinary Dictionary. Second Edition, Bailliere Tindall, London.
  • Pons, A., Garcia, F.J., Palou, A. and Alemany, M. (1986): Effects of starvation anda protein diet on the amino acid matabolism enzyme activities of the organs ofdomestic fowl hatchlings. Comp. Biochem. Physiol, 85B (1):275- 278.
  • Rivetz, B. and Bogin, E. (1982): Enzyınatic changes in serum and tissues in fowl infected with a neurotropicmesogenic strain ofNewcastle Disease Virus. AvanPathol., 11:407-425.
  • Simesen, M.G., Nielsen, K. and Nasnsen, P.(l973): Some effects of experimental Fasciola hepatica infection in cattle on the serum activities of yglutamly transpeptidase and glutarnic oxaloacetic transarninase. Res. Vet. Sci., 15:32-36. .
  • S pano, J.S., Pedersoli, W.M., Kemppainen, RJ., Krist L.M. and Young, D.W. (1987): Baseline hematologic, endokrine, and elinical chemistıy valuesin ducks and roosters. Avian Disease, 31 :800-803.
  • Sreemannarayana, 0., Marguardt, R.R., Frohlich, AA. and Guenter, W. (1989): Enzyıne ativities, protein, metabolites and electrolyte concentra.tions in the serum of Single Comb White Leghorn chickens. Indian Vet. J., 66:435- 440.
  • Pener, S.(l988): Etanot'ün kobayda karaciğer ve serum gammaglutamyl- transferase (GGT) aktivitesi üzerine etkisi. İstanbul Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg. 14:1-10.
  • Tietz, N.W. (1987): Fundamental of Clinical Chemistry. Third Edition. W.B. Saunders Company, pp. 353-392.
  • Töre, İ.R. (1978): Enzim testleri ve veteriner kliniğinde uygulanmalan. İstanbul Üniv .. Vet. Fak. Derg., 4:39-62.
  • Tripp, M.J. and Schmitz, J.A. (1982): Influence ofphysical exercise on palsına creatinekinase activity in helaty and dystrophic Turkeys and sheep. Am. J. Vet. Res. 43 :2220-2223.
  • Türkalp, 1., Aktüre, S., Mengi, A. (1988): Viral hepatitlerde gamma. glutamil-tarnspeptidaz. Pişli Çocuk Hast. Tıp BQlteni. Ayn Baskı .
  • Visser, I.J.R., Vermeulen, D.J., Vellema, P.P., Gruys, E. (1992):Total CK and CK-Bb activity in serum from sheep with scrapie. Vet. Quart., 14:157- 158.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Fatma Uyanık Bu kişi benim

A. Ayman Önal Bu kişi benim

Kaan M. Işcan Bu kişi benim

Serpil Sevüktekin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1996 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Uyanık, F., Önal, A. A., Işcan, K. M., Sevüktekin, S. (1996). Yumurta Tavuklarında Yaş ve Verimin Serum Gama-GT, GOT, ve CK Düzeylerine Etkisi. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 8(3), 90-103.