The experimental study on heparin, streptokinase, Vitamin-e and selenium for the prevention Of intraabdominal adhesions in rabbits
Yıl 1996,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 114 - 127, 01.12.1996
Zeki Alkan
Ali Bumin
Yaşar Şeker
Tolga Güvenç
Adhesions are abdominal connections between peritoneal surfaces. Postoperative
peritoneal adhesions continue to be a serious surgical problem various
methods have been tried with lirriited success to reduce the ineidence of
peritoneal adhesions. These methods as the prevention of fibrin depositian in
the postoperative period, the removal of the fibrinous exudate, which follows
any surgical procedure by peritoneal surfaces and the inhibition of fibroblast
proliferation using cytotoxic agents, antihistamines and steroids. In this study,
40 unit/kg heparİn or 90.000 IU/kg streptokinase were applied intraabdominally
4 times with 12 hours intervals, vitamin-E 300 mg/kg or sodium selenit 0.5 mg/
kg IM 24 hours preoperativeiy, peroperatively and 24 hours postoperatively. All
these methods found to be meaninigful better than control gruoups.
- Alan, A., De Cherney, M.D. (1984). Preventing postoperative pelvic adhesions
with intraperitoneal treatment. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine,
29 (3): 157-161
- Anteplioğlu, H., Samsar, E., Akın, F. (1986). Veteriner Özel Şirurji. AÜ
Basımevi, Ankara, 353-360
- Ascheri, R., Wriedt-Lübbe, 1. , Rothe, M. (1983) . Prophylaxe
intraperitonealer Adhesionen mit einem fıbrinolyticum. Medwelt, 34 (13): 410-
- Bateman, B.G., Nunley, W.C., Kitchin, J.D. (1982). Prevention ofpostoperative
peritoneal adhesions with ibuprofen. Fertility and Sterility, 38 (1): 107-
- Batzofın, J.H., Holmes, S.D., Gibbons, W.E., Butrau, V.C.(l985). Peritoneal
fluid plasminogen activator activity in endometriosis and pelvic adhesive
disease. Fertility and Sterility. 44 (2): 277-279
- Borten, M., Seibert, C.P., Taymor, M.L (1983). Recurrent anaphylactic
reaction to intraperitoneal Dextran 75 used for prevention ofpostsurgical adhesions.
Obstetrics and Gynecol. 61 (6): 755-756
- Demirel, H.(l990). Postoperatif periton adezyonlannın profilaksisinde
Aprotinin, Dextran 70. Antiaksidan maddeler ve fibrinolitik ajaniann kullanımı
ve sonuçlan. Uzamanlık Tezi, Ankara.
- Engle, W.A., Yoder, M.C., Baurley, J.L., Yu, pao-lo. (1988). Vitamin E
decreases superoxide anion porduction buy polymorphnuclear leukocytes
Pediauric Res. 23 (3): 245-248
- Erdener, A., Çetinkurşun, S., İlhan, H., İlman, İ. (1989). Postoperatifintraperitoneal
yapışıklıklann önlenmesinde Evitaminin yeri. Ulusal Cerrahi Dergisi.
5 (3): 29-3 ı
- Fredericks, C.M., Kotry, I., Holtz, G., Askalani, AH, Serour, _G.I. (1986).
Adhesion pervention in the rabbit with sodium carboxymethylcellulose solutions.
Am.J.Obstet. Gynecol. 155 (3): 667-670
- Gervin, A.S., Puckett, C.L.-Silver, D. (1972). Serosal hypofibrinolysis.
A cause of postoperative adhesions. Presented at the annual meeting of
the society for surgery of the alimentary tract. San Fransisco, California. !
- Hittner, H.M., Speer, M.E., Rudolph, A.J. (1984). Retrolental fibroplasia
and Vitamin E in the preterm infant-comparison of oral versus intramuscular:
Oraladminstration. Prediatrics, 73 (2): 238-249.
- James, D.C/0., Ellis, H., Hugh, T.B. (2965). The effect of streptokinase
on experimental intraperitoneal adhesion formation. J.Path. Fact. 90:270-
- Janic, J.S., Nagaraj, H.S., Groff, D.B (1982). Prevention ofpostoperative
peritoneal adhesions. Arch. Surg. 117 (ll): 1321-1324
- Kagoma, P.,Burger, S.N.Seifter, E. (1985). The effect of vitamin E on
experimentally ınduced peritoneal adhesions in Mice. Arch. Surg. 120 (8): 949.:
- Knightly, J.J., Agostino, D., Cliffi:on, E.E. (1962). The Effect of fibrinolysin
and heparinon the formatian ofperitoneal adhesions. Surgery, 52 (1):
- Krunsky, A.H., Haseltine F.P., De Chemey, A. (2984). Pentoneal fluid accumulation with Dextran 70 instilled at time of laparoscopy. Fertility and Sterility.
41 (4): 647-649
- Lindenberg, S., Lauritsen, J.G. (1984). Prevention ofperitoneal adhesion
formatian by fibrin sealant. Ann. Chinırgiae and Pharrnacologiae, 73: 11-
- Milligan, D.W., Raftery, A.T. (1974): Observations on the pathogenesis
of peritoneal adhesions; a light and electron microscopical study. Br. J. Surg.
61 :274-280
- O' leary, J.A. (1985). Liquid silicone for the pereventian ofpelvic adhesions.
T.J.of Reprod. Med. 30 (10): 761-763
- Parker, J.E., Fubini, S.L., B.D.,Erb, H.N. (1987). Prevention of
intraabdominal adhesions in Ponies by low-dose heparİn tehrapy. Veterinary
Surgery, 16 (6): 459-462
- Schütze, U., Buchr, H , Wurster, K., Müller, A. (1977). Zur prophylaxe
peritonealer verwachsungen mit streptokinase und streptodomase varidase.
Müch. Med. Wschr. 119 (4): 123-126
- Shapiro, 1., Granat, M., Sharf, M.(l982). The effect of intraperitoneal
. colchicine on the fomation of peritoneal adhesions in the rat. Arch. Gynecol. ·
- Skaare, J.U., Nafstad, I. (1878). Interactioon of vitamin E and seleniuro
with the hepatotolic agent Dimethylnitrosamine Acta Pharrnacol. et toxicol.
43: 119-129
- Stuyvesant, V.W., Jolley, W.B. (1967). Anti-inflamatory activity ofd-otocopherol
(Vıtamiri E) and linoleik acid. Nature, 216 (11) : 585-586
- Yavru, N., Samsar, E., Akın, F. (ı987). Büyük ve küçükbaş hayvanların
bazı tarvmatik lezyonlarında DMSO (Dimethylsülfoxide) uygulamaları üzerinde
klinik çalışmalar. Selçuk üniv.Vet.Fak.Derg. 3 (1): 221-232.
Tavşanlarda İntraabdominal Adezyonların Önlenmesinde Heparin, Streptokinaz, Vitamin-E ve Selenyum Kullanılması Üzerine Deneysel Çalışmalar
Yıl 1996,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 114 - 127, 01.12.1996
Zeki Alkan
Ali Bumin
Yaşar Şeker
Tolga Güvenç
Adezyonlar, periton yüzeyleri arasında oluşan anormal birleşmelerdir.
Operasyon sonrası perİtonal yapışmalar, ciddi bir cerrahi problem olarak ortaya
çıkar. Sınırlı başanya sahip değişik metotlar, perİtonal adezyonlann oluşumunu
azaltmak için denenmiştir.Bu metotlar, postoperatif olarak şekillenen fibrinöz eksudatın proteolitik enzimlerle lavajı, steroidler, antihistaminikler ve sitotoksik ajanlar kullanılarak
fibroblastik aktivasyonun inhibisyonu ve perİtonal yüzeylerin mekanik olarak
ayrılması şeklinde sınıflandınlmıştır.
Bu çalışmada, heparin'in 40 ünite/kg ve streptokinaz'ın 90.000 İU/kg
intraperitonal olarak ı2 saat ara ile 4 kez, vitaminE'nin 300 mg/kg ve Sodyum
selenit'in 0.5 mg/kg olarak operasyondan 24 saat önce, operasyon sonrası ve
24 saat sonra olmak üzere kas içi uygulanması ile kontrol grubuna oranla başarılı
sonuçlar alınmıştır.
- Alan, A., De Cherney, M.D. (1984). Preventing postoperative pelvic adhesions
with intraperitoneal treatment. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine,
29 (3): 157-161
- Anteplioğlu, H., Samsar, E., Akın, F. (1986). Veteriner Özel Şirurji. AÜ
Basımevi, Ankara, 353-360
- Ascheri, R., Wriedt-Lübbe, 1. , Rothe, M. (1983) . Prophylaxe
intraperitonealer Adhesionen mit einem fıbrinolyticum. Medwelt, 34 (13): 410-
- Bateman, B.G., Nunley, W.C., Kitchin, J.D. (1982). Prevention ofpostoperative
peritoneal adhesions with ibuprofen. Fertility and Sterility, 38 (1): 107-
- Batzofın, J.H., Holmes, S.D., Gibbons, W.E., Butrau, V.C.(l985). Peritoneal
fluid plasminogen activator activity in endometriosis and pelvic adhesive
disease. Fertility and Sterility. 44 (2): 277-279
- Borten, M., Seibert, C.P., Taymor, M.L (1983). Recurrent anaphylactic
reaction to intraperitoneal Dextran 75 used for prevention ofpostsurgical adhesions.
Obstetrics and Gynecol. 61 (6): 755-756
- Demirel, H.(l990). Postoperatif periton adezyonlannın profilaksisinde
Aprotinin, Dextran 70. Antiaksidan maddeler ve fibrinolitik ajaniann kullanımı
ve sonuçlan. Uzamanlık Tezi, Ankara.
- Engle, W.A., Yoder, M.C., Baurley, J.L., Yu, pao-lo. (1988). Vitamin E
decreases superoxide anion porduction buy polymorphnuclear leukocytes
Pediauric Res. 23 (3): 245-248
- Erdener, A., Çetinkurşun, S., İlhan, H., İlman, İ. (1989). Postoperatifintraperitoneal
yapışıklıklann önlenmesinde Evitaminin yeri. Ulusal Cerrahi Dergisi.
5 (3): 29-3 ı
- Fredericks, C.M., Kotry, I., Holtz, G., Askalani, AH, Serour, _G.I. (1986).
Adhesion pervention in the rabbit with sodium carboxymethylcellulose solutions.
Am.J.Obstet. Gynecol. 155 (3): 667-670
- Gervin, A.S., Puckett, C.L.-Silver, D. (1972). Serosal hypofibrinolysis.
A cause of postoperative adhesions. Presented at the annual meeting of
the society for surgery of the alimentary tract. San Fransisco, California. !
- Hittner, H.M., Speer, M.E., Rudolph, A.J. (1984). Retrolental fibroplasia
and Vitamin E in the preterm infant-comparison of oral versus intramuscular:
Oraladminstration. Prediatrics, 73 (2): 238-249.
- James, D.C/0., Ellis, H., Hugh, T.B. (2965). The effect of streptokinase
on experimental intraperitoneal adhesion formation. J.Path. Fact. 90:270-
- Janic, J.S., Nagaraj, H.S., Groff, D.B (1982). Prevention ofpostoperative
peritoneal adhesions. Arch. Surg. 117 (ll): 1321-1324
- Kagoma, P.,Burger, S.N.Seifter, E. (1985). The effect of vitamin E on
experimentally ınduced peritoneal adhesions in Mice. Arch. Surg. 120 (8): 949.:
- Knightly, J.J., Agostino, D., Cliffi:on, E.E. (1962). The Effect of fibrinolysin
and heparinon the formatian ofperitoneal adhesions. Surgery, 52 (1):
- Krunsky, A.H., Haseltine F.P., De Chemey, A. (2984). Pentoneal fluid accumulation with Dextran 70 instilled at time of laparoscopy. Fertility and Sterility.
41 (4): 647-649
- Lindenberg, S., Lauritsen, J.G. (1984). Prevention ofperitoneal adhesion
formatian by fibrin sealant. Ann. Chinırgiae and Pharrnacologiae, 73: 11-
- Milligan, D.W., Raftery, A.T. (1974): Observations on the pathogenesis
of peritoneal adhesions; a light and electron microscopical study. Br. J. Surg.
61 :274-280
- O' leary, J.A. (1985). Liquid silicone for the pereventian ofpelvic adhesions.
T.J.of Reprod. Med. 30 (10): 761-763
- Parker, J.E., Fubini, S.L., B.D.,Erb, H.N. (1987). Prevention of
intraabdominal adhesions in Ponies by low-dose heparİn tehrapy. Veterinary
Surgery, 16 (6): 459-462
- Schütze, U., Buchr, H , Wurster, K., Müller, A. (1977). Zur prophylaxe
peritonealer verwachsungen mit streptokinase und streptodomase varidase.
Müch. Med. Wschr. 119 (4): 123-126
- Shapiro, 1., Granat, M., Sharf, M.(l982). The effect of intraperitoneal
. colchicine on the fomation of peritoneal adhesions in the rat. Arch. Gynecol. ·
- Skaare, J.U., Nafstad, I. (1878). Interactioon of vitamin E and seleniuro
with the hepatotolic agent Dimethylnitrosamine Acta Pharrnacol. et toxicol.
43: 119-129
- Stuyvesant, V.W., Jolley, W.B. (1967). Anti-inflamatory activity ofd-otocopherol
(Vıtamiri E) and linoleik acid. Nature, 216 (11) : 585-586
- Yavru, N., Samsar, E., Akın, F. (ı987). Büyük ve küçükbaş hayvanların
bazı tarvmatik lezyonlarında DMSO (Dimethylsülfoxide) uygulamaları üzerinde
klinik çalışmalar. Selçuk üniv.Vet.Fak.Derg. 3 (1): 221-232.