Bursa, Yenişehir'de Danalarda Görülen Bulaşıcı Pneumoni Salgını Üzerinde Bakteriyolojik ve Patolojik İncelemeler
Yıl 1996,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 134 - 138, 01.12.1996
Mihrihan Ülgen
Selda Özbilgin
M. Müfit Kahraman
Özlem Özlem
Yenişehir'de bir işletmeye. ait, solunum yolu infeksiyonu görülen 87 besi
danası Et Balık Kurumnda kesimi yapıldıktan sonra tipik lezyon gösteren 12
tanesinin akciğerleri alınarak bakteriyolajik ve patolojik yönden incelendi.
Akciğerierin makroskopik bakısında tipik mermer görünümü dikkat çekici idi.
Histopatolojik yoklamada ise fibrinonekrotik pneumoni tablosu saptandı.
Akciğerlerde yapılan bakteriyolajik incelemede ise, hazırlanan akciğer
suspansuyonlan selektif Mycoplasma besiyerine ekiidi ve tipik Mycoplasma
kolonileri (küçük tip) gözlendi. İzolatların, identifikasyonu için yapılan
biyokimyasal testler sonucunda Mycoplasma mycoides suspecies mycoides
oldukları tespit edildi. Bakteriyolajik ve patolojik yoklamalarm sonuçları
birleştirilerek bu solunum yolu infeksiyonunun Kontagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia
olduğu ortaya kondu.
- Arda, M., Minbay, A., Leloğlu, N., Aydın, N., Akay, Ö, Özel Mikrobiyoloji,
Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınlan, No: 741, Erzurum, 1992
- Cottew, G.S.: Mycoplasmas Isolated From Cattle in Australia, Australian
Veterinary Journal, Vol. 46, August, 378-381, 1970.
- Gil, J. 1., Durao, J.C.: A Colour Atlas ofMeat Inspection, Wolfe PublishingLtd
.. , 305-307, 1990.
- Gillespie, J.H., Timoney, J.F.: Hagan and Bruner's Infectious Diseases
ofDomestic Animals, Eighth Edition, Comel University Press, U.S.A., 1988
- Jones, T.C., Hunt, R.D.: Veterinary Pathology, Fifth Ed., Leaand Febiger,
513-414, 1983.
- Jubb, K.V.F., Kennedy,P.C., Palmer, N. : Pathology ofDomestic Animals
Vol. 2,4. ed., Academic Press Ine., 656-664, 1993.
- Kapoor, P.K., Garg, D.N., Mahojan, S.K. : Isolation of Mycoplasma
mycoides supsp. mycoides (LC Variant, Y-Goat) From Naturally Aborted Bovine
Fetuses, Theriogenology, 32 (4), 683-691, 1989.
- Krieg, R.N., Holt, J.F.: Bergey's Manual ofSystematic Bacteriology, Vol.l,
Williams and Wilkins, U.S.A., 1984.
- Ter Laak, E.A. : Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia: A Review, The
veterinary Quartely, Vol. 14, No:3, 104-109, 1992.
- Luna, L.G.: Manual ofhistologic staininig methods of the armed forces,
Institute ofPtahology, 3.ed., Mc Graw Hill Book Co., 34, 1968. '
- Mac Owan,K.J., Mycoplasma mycoides infections in ruminants: the
current stituation, Israel Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol. 20, 854-858, 1984.
- Razin, S., Tully, J.G., Methodsin Mycoplasmalogy Vol. 1, Academic Press,
U.S.A. , 1983.
Bacteriological and Pathological Investigation Bovine Contagious Pnemonia Occured in Calves In Yenişehir, Bursa
Yıl 1996,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 134 - 138, 01.12.1996
Mihrihan Ülgen
Selda Özbilgin
M. Müfit Kahraman
Özlem Özlem
Twelve lungs of 87 beef calves with respiratory infection from Yenişehir,
Bursa were investigated bacteriologically and pathologically after slaughtered
in Bursa abattoir.In macroscopical exarnination, the lungs have a marbled appearance.
Fibrinonecrotic pneumonia was observed in histopathological examination.
In bacteriological examination, lungs suspensions were inoculated into
selective Mycoplasma medium and typical Mycoplasma colonies (Smail Type -
SC) were observed. For identification, biochemical tests were applied and it
was found that the isolates were Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides
The results of bacteriological and pathological examinations were evaluated
. and decided that infection was Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia.
- Arda, M., Minbay, A., Leloğlu, N., Aydın, N., Akay, Ö, Özel Mikrobiyoloji,
Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınlan, No: 741, Erzurum, 1992
- Cottew, G.S.: Mycoplasmas Isolated From Cattle in Australia, Australian
Veterinary Journal, Vol. 46, August, 378-381, 1970.
- Gil, J. 1., Durao, J.C.: A Colour Atlas ofMeat Inspection, Wolfe PublishingLtd
.. , 305-307, 1990.
- Gillespie, J.H., Timoney, J.F.: Hagan and Bruner's Infectious Diseases
ofDomestic Animals, Eighth Edition, Comel University Press, U.S.A., 1988
- Jones, T.C., Hunt, R.D.: Veterinary Pathology, Fifth Ed., Leaand Febiger,
513-414, 1983.
- Jubb, K.V.F., Kennedy,P.C., Palmer, N. : Pathology ofDomestic Animals
Vol. 2,4. ed., Academic Press Ine., 656-664, 1993.
- Kapoor, P.K., Garg, D.N., Mahojan, S.K. : Isolation of Mycoplasma
mycoides supsp. mycoides (LC Variant, Y-Goat) From Naturally Aborted Bovine
Fetuses, Theriogenology, 32 (4), 683-691, 1989.
- Krieg, R.N., Holt, J.F.: Bergey's Manual ofSystematic Bacteriology, Vol.l,
Williams and Wilkins, U.S.A., 1984.
- Ter Laak, E.A. : Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia: A Review, The
veterinary Quartely, Vol. 14, No:3, 104-109, 1992.
- Luna, L.G.: Manual ofhistologic staininig methods of the armed forces,
Institute ofPtahology, 3.ed., Mc Graw Hill Book Co., 34, 1968. '
- Mac Owan,K.J., Mycoplasma mycoides infections in ruminants: the
current stituation, Israel Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol. 20, 854-858, 1984.
- Razin, S., Tully, J.G., Methodsin Mycoplasmalogy Vol. 1, Academic Press,
U.S.A. , 1983.