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Kuzuların Deneysel "Cerebral Coenurosis"inde Albendazol ve Praziquantel'in Kistler Üzerine Etkisinin Patolojik Olarak İncelenmesi

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 1 - 10, 01.12.1996


Kuzularda deneysel olarak oluştunılmuş cerebral coenurosis olgularında,
albendazol ve praziquantel ' in kistler üzerine etkileri, ınakroskopik ve mikroskobik
bulguları yla patolojik yönden incelendi. Bu amaçla, 5500 Taenia multiceps
yumurtası ile oral enfekte edilmiş ve 5 ' ine albendazol ve 5 ' ine de praziquantel
uygulanmış toplam 10 adet 3-4 aylık Akkaraman kuzu 'ya ait beyinler kullanıldı .
Kontrol grubu olarak kullanılan 5 kuzudaki kistler ile albendazol ve praziquantel
sağaltını gnıbundaki kİstiere ait yapılarla protoskolekslerin nekroze olması ,
kalsifıkasyonu ve ayrıca konakçı reaksiyonunun gerilemesi şeklinde etkili oldu .
Patolojik bulgular açısından, her iki ilacın etkisinde belirgin bir fark gözlenmedi.
Ancak dejenere olan kist sayısının daha çok ve canlı protoskolekslerin
saptanmamasıyla praziquantel ' in albendazol 'e göre daha etkili olduğu gözönüne


  • AMİNZHANOV, M.,MUSİNOV,M. and BARATOV,V.A.: Chemoprophylaxis of Coenurus cerebralis infestation in sheep us ing fenbendazole and praziquantel. Veterinariya Moskow, 10:46-47, 1988 . (Ref.:Helminth. Abs., 1989,58, 1529).
  • AMİNZHANO V,M., MUSİNOV,M. . KHAKIMOV,B., NADYROV,S. TESHAEX,S., and AMONOV,M.: Controling infestation with larva! cestodes among Karakul sheep. Veterinariya Moskow, 9:50-51,1990. (Ref. :Helminth.Abst., 1991 ,60,1516).
  • BIYIKOGLU,G.: Deneysel olarak enfekte kuzularda Coenurus cerebralis 'e praziquantel ve albendazol'ün etkisi. A.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 1995
  • DOHERTY,M.L. BASSET,H.F., BREATHNACH,R., MONAGHAN, M.L. and Mc ERLEAN B.A.: Outbreak of acute coenuriasis in adult sheep in Ireland. Vet. Rec., 125:185, 1989.
  • ETWARDS,G.T. and HERBERT,I.V.: Observations on the course of Taenia multiceps infections in sheep : Clinical signs and post-mortem findings .Br.Vet.J ., 138:489-499, 1982.
  • ESLAMİ,A. UND BAZARGANİ,T.T.: Die Wirksaınkeit von praziquantel ouf Coenurus cerebralis bei naturlich infizierten · Schafen.Vet.Med.Rev., 1:97-99, 1986.
  • GREIG,A.: Coenuriasis in cattle.Vet.Rec., 100:266,1977.
  • ERBERT,I.V.,EDWARDS;G.T. and WILLIS,J.M.: Some host factors which influence the epidemiology ofTaenia ınulticeps infections in sheep. Ann.Trop. Med. Parasi to!. , 78 :243-248, I 984 .
  • LAHUNTA, Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology,pp. 405-421 , W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1977.
  • LI,J.Y., WANG,F.Y., HUO,X.C. and CHEN,Y.J.: Treatment of Coenurus cerebralis infestation in sheep whith praziquantel. Chinese J.Vet.Med.,9: 16-17,1983. (Ref.:Helminth.Abst. ,52, 7,1984).
  • PARİHAR,N.S.: Pathology of Coenurus cerebralis in ovine subelinical infections. Indian J.Anim.Sci., 58:539-543,1988.
  • PRICE, T.C., DRESDEN, M.H., ALVARADO, T., FLANOGAN, JN and CHAPPEL,C.L.: Coenuriasis in a spectacled langur (Presbytis obscura): Praziquantel treatment and the antibody response to cyst antigens. Am.J.Trop.Med.Hyg.,40:514-520,1989.
  • VERSTER,A. and TUSTIN,R.C.: Treatment of the larva! stage of Taenia multiceps whith praziquantel. J.S .Afr.Vet.Med.Ass. ,53 : 107-108,1982.
  • VERSTER,A. and TUSTIN,R.C.: Treatment of cerebral coenuriasis in sheep whith praziquantel. J.S.Afr.Vet.Med.Ass., 61 :24-26, 1990.
  • VERSTER,A. and TUSTIN,R.C. and REINECKE, R.K.: Recearch note an attempt to treat the larva! stage of Taenia multiceps and a resume of its neural and extraneural distribution in sheep. Onderstepoort J. Vet.Res., 45 :257-259,1978.

A Pathological Study Of Effects Of Praziquantel and Albendazole on Cerebral Coenurosis in Experimentally İnfected Lambs

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 1 - 10, 01.12.1996


The effects of praziquantel and albendazole on cerebral cocnurosis in experimentally
infected lambs was examined pathologically. For this purposc, 15
Akkaraman Lambs aged 3-4 months were used. All lambs were infected orally
with suspensions of 5500 Taenia multiceps eggs in physiologycal saline. They
were divided into 3 groups consisting of 5 lambs each. Animals in groups one
and two included individuals which were subjected to albendazole and
praziquantel treatınent.respectively. The third group was kept as control. The
brain of each lamb was removed soon after death and examinecl grossly and histopathologically for coenuri. The location of coenuri and associated lesioııs
in the brain of control and treatment groups were deseribed in detail. Both
albendazole and praziquantel was found to be affected against coenuri such as
shrunken and degeneration of cysts, necrosis and calcifıcation in interi or parts
of cysts, regression of surraunding host reaction. lt was not observed prominent
differences in effects of these two dnıgs. The number of the degenerated
cysts was higher and the alive protoscoleces were not found in praziquantel
group. Therefore, it could be considered that praziquantel was more effective
than albendazole.


  • AMİNZHANOV, M.,MUSİNOV,M. and BARATOV,V.A.: Chemoprophylaxis of Coenurus cerebralis infestation in sheep us ing fenbendazole and praziquantel. Veterinariya Moskow, 10:46-47, 1988 . (Ref.:Helminth. Abs., 1989,58, 1529).
  • AMİNZHANO V,M., MUSİNOV,M. . KHAKIMOV,B., NADYROV,S. TESHAEX,S., and AMONOV,M.: Controling infestation with larva! cestodes among Karakul sheep. Veterinariya Moskow, 9:50-51,1990. (Ref. :Helminth.Abst., 1991 ,60,1516).
  • BIYIKOGLU,G.: Deneysel olarak enfekte kuzularda Coenurus cerebralis 'e praziquantel ve albendazol'ün etkisi. A.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, 1995
  • DOHERTY,M.L. BASSET,H.F., BREATHNACH,R., MONAGHAN, M.L. and Mc ERLEAN B.A.: Outbreak of acute coenuriasis in adult sheep in Ireland. Vet. Rec., 125:185, 1989.
  • ETWARDS,G.T. and HERBERT,I.V.: Observations on the course of Taenia multiceps infections in sheep : Clinical signs and post-mortem findings .Br.Vet.J ., 138:489-499, 1982.
  • ESLAMİ,A. UND BAZARGANİ,T.T.: Die Wirksaınkeit von praziquantel ouf Coenurus cerebralis bei naturlich infizierten · Schafen.Vet.Med.Rev., 1:97-99, 1986.
  • GREIG,A.: Coenuriasis in cattle.Vet.Rec., 100:266,1977.
  • ERBERT,I.V.,EDWARDS;G.T. and WILLIS,J.M.: Some host factors which influence the epidemiology ofTaenia ınulticeps infections in sheep. Ann.Trop. Med. Parasi to!. , 78 :243-248, I 984 .
  • LAHUNTA, Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology,pp. 405-421 , W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1977.
  • LI,J.Y., WANG,F.Y., HUO,X.C. and CHEN,Y.J.: Treatment of Coenurus cerebralis infestation in sheep whith praziquantel. Chinese J.Vet.Med.,9: 16-17,1983. (Ref.:Helminth.Abst. ,52, 7,1984).
  • PARİHAR,N.S.: Pathology of Coenurus cerebralis in ovine subelinical infections. Indian J.Anim.Sci., 58:539-543,1988.
  • PRICE, T.C., DRESDEN, M.H., ALVARADO, T., FLANOGAN, JN and CHAPPEL,C.L.: Coenuriasis in a spectacled langur (Presbytis obscura): Praziquantel treatment and the antibody response to cyst antigens. Am.J.Trop.Med.Hyg.,40:514-520,1989.
  • VERSTER,A. and TUSTIN,R.C.: Treatment of the larva! stage of Taenia multiceps whith praziquantel. J.S .Afr.Vet.Med.Ass. ,53 : 107-108,1982.
  • VERSTER,A. and TUSTIN,R.C.: Treatment of cerebral coenuriasis in sheep whith praziquantel. J.S.Afr.Vet.Med.Ass., 61 :24-26, 1990.
  • VERSTER,A. and TUSTIN,R.C. and REINECKE, R.K.: Recearch note an attempt to treat the larva! stage of Taenia multiceps and a resume of its neural and extraneural distribution in sheep. Onderstepoort J. Vet.Res., 45 :257-259,1978.
Toplam 15 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Yzlmaz Aydın Bu kişi benim

Gü/ay Bıyıkoglu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1996 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Aydın, Y., & Bıyıkoglu, G. (1996). Kuzuların Deneysel "Cerebral Coenurosis"inde Albendazol ve Praziquantel’in Kistler Üzerine Etkisinin Patolojik Olarak İncelenmesi. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 8(4), 1-10.