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Bursa Bölgesinde Damızlık Bir Broyler Kümesinde Gözlenen Tenosynovitis Salgını

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 11 - 20, 01.12.1996


Bursa bölgesinde 16500 adet hayvanın bulunduğu damızlık bir broiler
kümesinde 10. haftadan itibaren femoro-tibial ekiemierde şişme ve topaJlık ile
başlayan ayak problemleri saptandı. Ayak problemi gösteren hayvan sayısı 12.
haftada 120'ye ulaştı. Hastalık belirtileri gösteren hayvanlardan alınan kan
örneklerinin serolajik testleri Mycoplasma synoviae ve Reo-virus için negatif
sonuç yerdi. Nekropsi esnasında eklemlerden alınan svab numunelerinden yapılan
ekimlerde Escherichia coli ve Staphlococcus aureus üredi . Histopatolojik
yoklamada tenosynovitis purulenta chronica ile septisemi bulguları gözlendi .


  • ANDREASEN, C.B.; LATIMER, K.S.; HARMON, B.G.; GLISSON,J.R.; GOLDEN, J.M.; BROWN, J.: Heterophil Function in Healthy Chickens and in Chickens with Experimentally Induced Staphylococcal Tenosynovitis . Veterinary Pathology 28( 5 ), 419-4 2 7, (1991).
  • ANDREASEN,J.R.; ANDREASEN,C.B.; ANWER, M.; SONN, A.E.: Heterophil Chemotaxis in Chickens With Natural Staphylococcal lnfections Avian-Disease 37 (2), 284-289, (1993).
  • BARON, E.J.; FINEGOLD, M.S.: Diagnostic Microbiology (1990). The C.V.Mosby Company ST.LOUIS, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, TORONTO.
  • DAUM, R.S.; FATTOM,A.,; FREESE,S.; KARAKAWA,W.: Capsular Polysaccharide Serotypes of Coagulase-Positive Staphylococci Associated with Tenosynovitis, Osteoınyelitis And Other Invasive Infections in Chickeris And Turkeys: Evidence For New Capsular Types. Avian Diseases. 38(4) , 762-771 , (1994).
  • HEIDE,L. : Infectious Leg Problemsin Poultry. Poultry-Digest 43(506), 158, (1984) .
  • HILL,J.E.: Evaluation ofTendon Failure in Broiler Chickens. Dissertation- Abstracts-International, -B- Sciences and Engineering 49 (5), 1626-1627 (1988).
  • HILL,J.E.; ROWLAND,G.N.; GLISSON,J.R.; VILLEGAS,P.: Comparative Microscopic Lesions in Reoviral and Staphylococcal Tenosynovitis. Avian- Diseases. 33(3), 401-41 O (1989).
  • HURK,J.V.; ALLAN, B.J.; RIDDELL,C.; WATTS,T. ; POTTER,A.A: Effect of Infection with Hemorrhagic Enteritis virus On Susceptibility ofTurkeys to Escherichia coli. Avian diseases 38 (4), 708-716 (1994).
  • JONES,H.G.R.; RANDALL, C.J.; MILLS, C.P.J. : A Survey of Mortality in Three Adult Broiler Breeder Flocks, Avian-Pathology 7(4), 610- 628 (1978).
  • KIBERGE,F.S.B.; ROBERTSON, M.D.; WILCOX,G.E.; PASS, D.A.: Bacterial and Viral Agents Associated With Tenosynovitis in Broiler Breedersin Western Australia.Avian Pathology, 11(3), 351-359, (1982).
  • KIBERGE,.I'.S.B.; ROBERTSON,M.D., WILCOX,G.E.: Staphy- 1ococcus aureus Isolated From Poultry in Australia II. Epidemiology of Strains Associated With Tenosynovitis. Veterinary-Microbiology 7(5), 485-491 , ( 1982).
  • KIBERGE, F.S.B.; WILCOX,G.E.; PASS, D.A.: Pathogenicity of Four Strains of staphyıococci Isolated From Cpicmehb Wikp Clinical Tenosynovitis Avian-Pathology 12(2), 21 3-220 (1983).
  • KLEVEN,S.H.; YODER,Jr.,H.W.: Mycoplasmosis, A Laboratory Manual For The Isolation and ldentification of Avian Pathogens. HITCHNER,S.B.: DOMERMUTTH,C.H.: PURCHASE,H.G.; WILLIAMS,J.E. The American Association of Avian Pathologist. 57-62, (1989).
  • LUNA,L.G.: Manual of Histologic Staining Methods of the Armed Forces ınstitute of Pathology (ı 968) Mc Graw-Hill Book Company New York. Toronto, London Sdney. 38, 222 .
  • MUTLU, F.Ö.: Kanatlı Hayvanlarda Staphylokok-Enfeksiyonları. Vet.Kont. ve Araştr. Enst. Md.Derg. I 9(33),117- 131, (1995).
  • RAO,AT.; PANDA,SN.: Spontaneous Tenosynovitis in Hybro Layers. Pouıtry-Adviser 23(11), 53-54, (1990).
  • REECE,R.L.; BEDDOME, V.D.; BARR,D.A.: Diseases Diagnosed in Repıacement Layer and Breeder Chicken Flocks in Victoria, Australia, 1977 to 1985 . Veterinary Record 1 1 9 ( 1 9), 4 7 1 -47 5, ( 1 986).
  • VAN DER HEIDE,L.; KALBAC,M.; BRUSTOLON,M-.; LAWSON, M.G.: Pathogenicity For Chickens of a Reovinıs Isolated From Turkeys .. Avian-Disease 24, 989-997 _ ( 198 1 ).
  • VIELITZ,E.; HUTTNER,B.; LANDGRAF, H.: Case of Viral Arthritis in Broilers in Northem Germany and Preventive Measures. DeutscheTierarztliche- Wochenschrift 88 ( 1 2), 533-536, ( 1981 ).
  • YAZICIOGLU,E.: Etlik Hayvan Hastalıkları Araştınna Enstitüsüne Gelen Kanatlı Materyallerinde Koligranulomanın Organsal Dağılımı ve Patolojik Bulguları. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi 7(4), 146-171 (1993).

An Outbreak of Tenosynovitis in a Broiler Breeder Flock in Bursa

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 11 - 20, 01.12.1996


An Outbreak of Tenosynovitis in a Broiler Breeder Flock in Bursa
Leg problems beginning on the I O th. week with swelling of feınore-tibial
joints and lameness were detennined ina broiler bereeder flock of 16500 birds
in Bursa. The number of birds with leg problems was 120 on the 12 th week.
Serological exarrünations for Reovirus and Mycoplasma synoviae were negative.
Staphylococcus aureus and E.coli were isolated from the affected joints.
Histopathological examination showed evidence of tenosynovitis purulenta
chronica and septicaemia.


  • ANDREASEN, C.B.; LATIMER, K.S.; HARMON, B.G.; GLISSON,J.R.; GOLDEN, J.M.; BROWN, J.: Heterophil Function in Healthy Chickens and in Chickens with Experimentally Induced Staphylococcal Tenosynovitis . Veterinary Pathology 28( 5 ), 419-4 2 7, (1991).
  • ANDREASEN,J.R.; ANDREASEN,C.B.; ANWER, M.; SONN, A.E.: Heterophil Chemotaxis in Chickens With Natural Staphylococcal lnfections Avian-Disease 37 (2), 284-289, (1993).
  • BARON, E.J.; FINEGOLD, M.S.: Diagnostic Microbiology (1990). The C.V.Mosby Company ST.LOUIS, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, TORONTO.
  • DAUM, R.S.; FATTOM,A.,; FREESE,S.; KARAKAWA,W.: Capsular Polysaccharide Serotypes of Coagulase-Positive Staphylococci Associated with Tenosynovitis, Osteoınyelitis And Other Invasive Infections in Chickeris And Turkeys: Evidence For New Capsular Types. Avian Diseases. 38(4) , 762-771 , (1994).
  • HEIDE,L. : Infectious Leg Problemsin Poultry. Poultry-Digest 43(506), 158, (1984) .
  • HILL,J.E.: Evaluation ofTendon Failure in Broiler Chickens. Dissertation- Abstracts-International, -B- Sciences and Engineering 49 (5), 1626-1627 (1988).
  • HILL,J.E.; ROWLAND,G.N.; GLISSON,J.R.; VILLEGAS,P.: Comparative Microscopic Lesions in Reoviral and Staphylococcal Tenosynovitis. Avian- Diseases. 33(3), 401-41 O (1989).
  • HURK,J.V.; ALLAN, B.J.; RIDDELL,C.; WATTS,T. ; POTTER,A.A: Effect of Infection with Hemorrhagic Enteritis virus On Susceptibility ofTurkeys to Escherichia coli. Avian diseases 38 (4), 708-716 (1994).
  • JONES,H.G.R.; RANDALL, C.J.; MILLS, C.P.J. : A Survey of Mortality in Three Adult Broiler Breeder Flocks, Avian-Pathology 7(4), 610- 628 (1978).
  • KIBERGE,F.S.B.; ROBERTSON, M.D.; WILCOX,G.E.; PASS, D.A.: Bacterial and Viral Agents Associated With Tenosynovitis in Broiler Breedersin Western Australia.Avian Pathology, 11(3), 351-359, (1982).
  • KIBERGE,.I'.S.B.; ROBERTSON,M.D., WILCOX,G.E.: Staphy- 1ococcus aureus Isolated From Poultry in Australia II. Epidemiology of Strains Associated With Tenosynovitis. Veterinary-Microbiology 7(5), 485-491 , ( 1982).
  • KIBERGE, F.S.B.; WILCOX,G.E.; PASS, D.A.: Pathogenicity of Four Strains of staphyıococci Isolated From Cpicmehb Wikp Clinical Tenosynovitis Avian-Pathology 12(2), 21 3-220 (1983).
  • KLEVEN,S.H.; YODER,Jr.,H.W.: Mycoplasmosis, A Laboratory Manual For The Isolation and ldentification of Avian Pathogens. HITCHNER,S.B.: DOMERMUTTH,C.H.: PURCHASE,H.G.; WILLIAMS,J.E. The American Association of Avian Pathologist. 57-62, (1989).
  • LUNA,L.G.: Manual of Histologic Staining Methods of the Armed Forces ınstitute of Pathology (ı 968) Mc Graw-Hill Book Company New York. Toronto, London Sdney. 38, 222 .
  • MUTLU, F.Ö.: Kanatlı Hayvanlarda Staphylokok-Enfeksiyonları. Vet.Kont. ve Araştr. Enst. Md.Derg. I 9(33),117- 131, (1995).
  • RAO,AT.; PANDA,SN.: Spontaneous Tenosynovitis in Hybro Layers. Pouıtry-Adviser 23(11), 53-54, (1990).
  • REECE,R.L.; BEDDOME, V.D.; BARR,D.A.: Diseases Diagnosed in Repıacement Layer and Breeder Chicken Flocks in Victoria, Australia, 1977 to 1985 . Veterinary Record 1 1 9 ( 1 9), 4 7 1 -47 5, ( 1 986).
  • VAN DER HEIDE,L.; KALBAC,M.; BRUSTOLON,M-.; LAWSON, M.G.: Pathogenicity For Chickens of a Reovinıs Isolated From Turkeys .. Avian-Disease 24, 989-997 _ ( 198 1 ).
  • VIELITZ,E.; HUTTNER,B.; LANDGRAF, H.: Case of Viral Arthritis in Broilers in Northem Germany and Preventive Measures. DeutscheTierarztliche- Wochenschrift 88 ( 1 2), 533-536, ( 1981 ).
  • YAZICIOGLU,E.: Etlik Hayvan Hastalıkları Araştınna Enstitüsüne Gelen Kanatlı Materyallerinde Koligranulomanın Organsal Dağılımı ve Patolojik Bulguları. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi 7(4), 146-171 (1993).
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Deniz Mısırıloğlu Bu kişi benim

M. Müfıt Kahraman Bu kişi benim

Emre Bahadıroglu Bu kişi benim

L.taci Cangül Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1996 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Mısırıloğlu, D., Kahraman, M. M., Bahadıroglu, E., Cangül, L. (1996). Bursa Bölgesinde Damızlık Bir Broyler Kümesinde Gözlenen Tenosynovitis Salgını. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 8(4), 11-20.