İnfeksiyöz Bronşitis Virusu'nun Tracheal Organ Kültürlerine Etkisi: Işık Mikroskobik İnceleme
Yıl 1996,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 21 - 28, 01.12.1996
Ayşin Şen
Mihriban Ülgen
Deniz Mısırlıoğlu
IBV M41 referens suşunun infektivite titrasyonu tracheal organ kültürlerinde
yapıldı ve Ml'de %50 siliostatik doz olarak ifade edildi. lB M41 suşunun titresi
Log10 5,48 CD50/ml idi. Virus-infekte tracheal halkaların histopatolojik
incelemesinde kinosilyumlarda kayıp, epitel katmanda yassılaşma ve epitel
hücrelerinde yuvarlaklaşma, piknoz ve dökülmeler gözlendi.
- ARDA,M.: Hastalık etkenlerinin titrasyon. ve nötralizasyon testlerinde
uygulanan laboratuvar metodları , Ankara Üniv. Vet.Fak.Yayınları , 273, 1971,
- ARDA,M., MİNBAY,A., AKAY,Ö., ÖZGÜR,M.: Kanatlı Hayvan
Hastalıkları, Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara, 1994.
DAVIS,R.B.: Studies of avi an. urolithiasis associated w ith an infectious
bronhchitis virus, AvianD is., 31, 629-636, 1987.
- CHERREY,J.D., TAYLOR-ROBINSON,D.: Large- quantity production
of ebieken embıyo tracheal organ cultures and use in virus and mycoplasma
studies. Appl. Microbiol., 19, 65 8-662, 1970.
- COLWELL,W.M., LUKERT, P.D.: Effects of avian infectious bronchitis
virus (IBV) on traheal organ cultures, Avian Dis, 13, 888-894, 1969.
- COOK, J.K.A., DORBYSHIRE,J.H .. , PETERS,R.W.: The use of
ebieken tracheal organ cultures for isolation and assay ofavian infectious virus.
Arch. Viral., 50, 109-118, 1976.
- COOK,J:K.A., HUGGINS,M.B., BUMSTEAD,N.: Pathogenesis
for respiratory tract of IBV alone or with invasive E.coli (Proceedings of), I.INt. Sym. lnfectious Bronchitis, Rouischolzhausen, 108-112, 1988.
- CRINION, R.A.P.: Egg quality and production following infektious
bronchitis virus exposure at one day old. Poult Sci., 51; 582-585, 1972.
- CRINION,R.A.P., BALL, R.A., HOFSTAD,M.S.: Pathogenesis of
oviduct lesions in irnrnature chickens following exposure to infectious bronchitis
virus at one day old., Avian dis., 15, 32-41, 1971. .
- CRINION,R.A.P., BALL,R.A., HOFSTAD,M.S.: Abnorrnalities
in laying chickens following exposure to infectious bronchitis virus at one day
old., Avian Dis., 15, 42-48, 1971.
- CUMMING,R.B.: Infectious avian nephrosis (ureamia) in Australia
Australian Vet.J., 39, 145-147, 1963.
- DARBSHIRE,J.H., COOK,J.K.A., PETERS,R.W.: Organ culture
studies on the efficiency of infection of ebieken tissues with avian infectious
bronchitis virus. Br. J. exp.Path .. , 57, 443-454, 1976.
HOORENS,J.: Aetiopathology of the fowl trachea early after inoculation with
H52 Infectious bronchitis virus. ZBL. Vet. Med. B, 31, 151-160, 1984. .
- DUTTA,S.K.: Morphological changes of ebieken tracheas and trachea1
organ cultures infected with avian infectious bronchitis virus studied in
scanning electron microscope. Avian Dis., 19, 429-438, 1975 .
- DUTTA,S.K., JIHNSON,R.B.: Scanning electron microscopy oftrachea
infected in vitro in organ culture and in vivo with avian infestious bronchitis
virus. Proceedings ofthe 32 nd Annual EMSA meeting, Missouri, 24-25,
. 1974.
AMBALI,A.G.: The isolation and characterisation of s ix avi an infectious bronchitis
viruses isolated in Morocco, Avian Pathol., 15, 93-105, 1986.
- JOHNSON,R.B., MARQİARDT,W.W.: The neutralizing characteristics
of strains of infetious bronchitis virus as measured by the constantvirus-
variable-serum method 0 ebieken tracheal organ cultures. Avian Dis., 19,
82-90, 1995.
- JONES,R.C., AMBOLİ,A. G.: Rexexcretion of an enterotropic infectious
bronchitis virus by hens at po int of lay after experimental infection at
dayold. Vet.Rec., 120, 617-620, 1987.
- KING,D.J., and CAVANAGH,D.: Infectious bronchitis in "Disease
of Poultry" ed. B.W. Calnek, H.J.Barnes, C.W.Beard, W.M. Reid and H.W.Yoder Jr., 9th-ed., 471-484, Wolfe Publishing Ltd., London, 1991.
- MARTI,N.K., SHARMA, S.N., SAMBYAL, D.S: Isolation of infeetious
bronehitis virus from intestine and reprodietive organs of laying hens
with dropped egg produetion, Avian Dis., 29, 509-513, 1984.
- PRADHAN,H.K., MOHANTY,G.C., RAJYA,B.S.: Comparative
sensitivities of oviduct and traeheal organ cultures and chicken embriyo kidney
cell cultures to infectious bronchitis virus. Avian Dis., 27, 594-601 , 1983.
- PEN,A.: Yumurta tavuğu, broyler ve damızlık işletmelerinde infeksiyöz
bronşitis teşhisi ve hastalığın prevalansı, U. Ü.Sağlık Bil.Ens., Doktora Tezi, 1991 .
- PEN,A., ÇARLI,K.T., ÇETİN,C., MİNBAY,A.: Bursa bölgesi
yumurta tavuğu, brayler ve damızlık işletmelerinde infeksiyöz bronşitis virusunun
İzolasyonu ve identifıkasyonu, U.Ü .Araştırma Fonu, Proje No: 93i16, 1996.
- XINGING,W., Xİ, L.: Studies on the pathomorphology and
pathogenesis of avian IB. Acta Vet. Zootech. Sinica, 24, 554-55,9, 1993
Effect Of Infectious Bronchitis Virus On The Tracheal Organ Cultures: Light Microscopic Examination
Yıl 1996,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 21 - 28, 01.12.1996
Ayşin Şen
Mihriban Ülgen
Deniz Mısırlıoğlu
Infectivity titration of IBV M4 1 strain (reference virus) were done in tracheal
organ cultures and expressed as the fıfty per cent ciliostatic dose (CD50)
per ml. The teter of the IBV M41 strain was log ı O 5,48 CD50/ml. Histopathological
examination of virus -infected tracheal rings showed loss of kynocilum,
fiattening of lamina epithelialis and pyknosis, raunding and desquamation of
epithelial cell.
- ARDA,M.: Hastalık etkenlerinin titrasyon. ve nötralizasyon testlerinde
uygulanan laboratuvar metodları , Ankara Üniv. Vet.Fak.Yayınları , 273, 1971,
- ARDA,M., MİNBAY,A., AKAY,Ö., ÖZGÜR,M.: Kanatlı Hayvan
Hastalıkları, Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara, 1994.
DAVIS,R.B.: Studies of avi an. urolithiasis associated w ith an infectious
bronhchitis virus, AvianD is., 31, 629-636, 1987.
- CHERREY,J.D., TAYLOR-ROBINSON,D.: Large- quantity production
of ebieken embıyo tracheal organ cultures and use in virus and mycoplasma
studies. Appl. Microbiol., 19, 65 8-662, 1970.
- COLWELL,W.M., LUKERT, P.D.: Effects of avian infectious bronchitis
virus (IBV) on traheal organ cultures, Avian Dis, 13, 888-894, 1969.
- COOK, J.K.A., DORBYSHIRE,J.H .. , PETERS,R.W.: The use of
ebieken tracheal organ cultures for isolation and assay ofavian infectious virus.
Arch. Viral., 50, 109-118, 1976.
- COOK,J:K.A., HUGGINS,M.B., BUMSTEAD,N.: Pathogenesis
for respiratory tract of IBV alone or with invasive E.coli (Proceedings of), I.INt. Sym. lnfectious Bronchitis, Rouischolzhausen, 108-112, 1988.
- CRINION, R.A.P.: Egg quality and production following infektious
bronchitis virus exposure at one day old. Poult Sci., 51; 582-585, 1972.
- CRINION,R.A.P., BALL, R.A., HOFSTAD,M.S.: Pathogenesis of
oviduct lesions in irnrnature chickens following exposure to infectious bronchitis
virus at one day old., Avian dis., 15, 32-41, 1971. .
- CRINION,R.A.P., BALL,R.A., HOFSTAD,M.S.: Abnorrnalities
in laying chickens following exposure to infectious bronchitis virus at one day
old., Avian Dis., 15, 42-48, 1971.
- CUMMING,R.B.: Infectious avian nephrosis (ureamia) in Australia
Australian Vet.J., 39, 145-147, 1963.
- DARBSHIRE,J.H., COOK,J.K.A., PETERS,R.W.: Organ culture
studies on the efficiency of infection of ebieken tissues with avian infectious
bronchitis virus. Br. J. exp.Path .. , 57, 443-454, 1976.
HOORENS,J.: Aetiopathology of the fowl trachea early after inoculation with
H52 Infectious bronchitis virus. ZBL. Vet. Med. B, 31, 151-160, 1984. .
- DUTTA,S.K.: Morphological changes of ebieken tracheas and trachea1
organ cultures infected with avian infectious bronchitis virus studied in
scanning electron microscope. Avian Dis., 19, 429-438, 1975 .
- DUTTA,S.K., JIHNSON,R.B.: Scanning electron microscopy oftrachea
infected in vitro in organ culture and in vivo with avian infestious bronchitis
virus. Proceedings ofthe 32 nd Annual EMSA meeting, Missouri, 24-25,
. 1974.
AMBALI,A.G.: The isolation and characterisation of s ix avi an infectious bronchitis
viruses isolated in Morocco, Avian Pathol., 15, 93-105, 1986.
- JOHNSON,R.B., MARQİARDT,W.W.: The neutralizing characteristics
of strains of infetious bronchitis virus as measured by the constantvirus-
variable-serum method 0 ebieken tracheal organ cultures. Avian Dis., 19,
82-90, 1995.
- JONES,R.C., AMBOLİ,A. G.: Rexexcretion of an enterotropic infectious
bronchitis virus by hens at po int of lay after experimental infection at
dayold. Vet.Rec., 120, 617-620, 1987.
- KING,D.J., and CAVANAGH,D.: Infectious bronchitis in "Disease
of Poultry" ed. B.W. Calnek, H.J.Barnes, C.W.Beard, W.M. Reid and H.W.Yoder Jr., 9th-ed., 471-484, Wolfe Publishing Ltd., London, 1991.
- MARTI,N.K., SHARMA, S.N., SAMBYAL, D.S: Isolation of infeetious
bronehitis virus from intestine and reprodietive organs of laying hens
with dropped egg produetion, Avian Dis., 29, 509-513, 1984.
- PRADHAN,H.K., MOHANTY,G.C., RAJYA,B.S.: Comparative
sensitivities of oviduct and traeheal organ cultures and chicken embriyo kidney
cell cultures to infectious bronchitis virus. Avian Dis., 27, 594-601 , 1983.
- PEN,A.: Yumurta tavuğu, broyler ve damızlık işletmelerinde infeksiyöz
bronşitis teşhisi ve hastalığın prevalansı, U. Ü.Sağlık Bil.Ens., Doktora Tezi, 1991 .
- PEN,A., ÇARLI,K.T., ÇETİN,C., MİNBAY,A.: Bursa bölgesi
yumurta tavuğu, brayler ve damızlık işletmelerinde infeksiyöz bronşitis virusunun
İzolasyonu ve identifıkasyonu, U.Ü .Araştırma Fonu, Proje No: 93i16, 1996.
- XINGING,W., Xİ, L.: Studies on the pathomorphology and
pathogenesis of avian IB. Acta Vet. Zootech. Sinica, 24, 554-55,9, 1993