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Tüberculosis Cases In Two Monkeys

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 47 - 58, 01.12.1996


Tuberculosis casesin two Old Wold monkeys, from the zoos oftwo different
cities in Turkey, submitted for necropsy to the Department of Pathology Veterinary. Faculty, Uludag University (Case 1) and Bursa, City Control Laboratory
(Case 2) were exarnined. White in one ofthe monkeys (Case 1) Mycobacterium
tuberculosis was isolated and identifıed, in the other (Case 2) isolation
of the Mycobacterium s pp. was made, yet identifıcation was not accomplished.
Macroscopically, in both cases, subpleural and parenchymatous grey to
white, miliary, disseminated nodules in the lungs \vere observed. Bronchial lymph
nodes contained similar nodules. Tuberculotic lesions of the li ver were observed
in Case 1 only, yet spleen and kidneys had been affected in both cases. Neither
in Case I nor in case two, no tuberculotic lesions were seen in the intertines,
mesenteric lymph nodes, cerebrum, bones, and the skin. Tubercles were either
in s ing! e or conglomerated appearance microscopically, and generally composed
of necrosis, epithelioid cells, Langhans type giant cells, and surraunding connective
tissue. Caseation of the tubercles were only observed in the spleen.
In the choroid and retina ofthe left eye of the case 1, cell infıltrations with
epithelioid cells and few giant cells were not evaluated as tuberculotic lesions
since they were not in the fonn of tu bere! e and also did not contain acid-tast
bacteria in Ziehl-Neelsen stain.
In both cases, with Ziehl-Neelsen stain, acid-fast bacteria being more abundant
in the lungs, kidneys and spleen \.vere observed.


  • ALLEN, M.A., KINARD, F.R. (1958). Primary cutaneous inceulation tuberculosis in the Macaca mulatta monkey. Am. J. Pathol. 34: 337-345.
  • CARLTON, W.W., HUNT R.D. (1978). Bacterial Diseases. In: Pathology of Laboratory Animals. Eds. K. Benirschke, F.M. Gamer, and T.C. Jones. Vol. Il, pp 1368- 1480, Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • CHRIPS, C.E., COHEN, B.J., RINGLER, D.H., ABRAMS, G.D. (1968). Tuberculosis ina squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) . J.A.V.M.A. 153: 918-922.
  • COLLINS, J.D. (1985). Tuberculosis in animals. lrish J. Med. Sci. 154: S15-S23.
  • CORCORAN, K.D., JAAX, G.P. (1991). An attempt to predict anergy in tuberculosis suspect Cynomolgus monkeys. Lab. Anim. Sci. 41: 57-62.
  • COSTALLAT, L.F., CATRO, A.F., SIMON, F., DINIZ, L., GIORGI, W. (1978). Mycobacteriosis in ınonkeys : a report of two cases. Vet. Med. Smail Anim. Clin. 73: 651-655.
  • FRANCiS, J. (1956). Natural and experimental tuberculosis in monkeys. J. Comp. Path. 66:. 123-135.
  • GOODWIN, B.T., JEROME, P., BULLOCK, B.C. (1988). Unusual lesion morphology and skin test reaction for Mycobacteriuın aviuro complex in ınacaques . Lab. Aniın . Sci. 38: 20-24.
  • JACKSON, R.K., JURAS, R.A., STIEFEL, S.M., HALL, J.E. (1989) . Mycobacterium kansasii ina rhesus monkey. Lab. Anim. Sci. 39: 425- 428.
  • MARTIN, J.E., COLE, W.C., WHITNEY, R.A.(1968) Tuberculosis of the spine (Pott 's Disease) in a rhesus monkey (Macaca ınulatta) . J.A.V.M.A. 153: 914-917.
  • PEYMAN, G.A., SANDERS, D.R.,GOLDBERG, M.F. (1980) . Priciples and Practice of Ophthalınology. Vol. 1, pp 299-302, W.B. Saunder~ Co., Piladelphia, London, Toronto.
  • RICHTER, C.B., NOEL, D.M., HENRICKSON, R.V. (1984) . Primates, In: Laboratory Aniınal Medicine. Eds. Fox, G.J., Cohen, B.J ., Loew F.M., pp. 297-383 . Academic Press, Harcaurt Brace Javanovich Publishers.
  • SAINSBURY, A.W. (1994). Primates. In: Manual of Exotic Pets. Eds. P.H. Beynon and J.E. Cooper. pp 111-121, 2nd Printing. The British Smail Animal Veterinary Association.
  • POLSKY, R.M., ELSE, J.G. (1987). Bovine tuberculosis in a wild baboon population: epidemiological aspects. J. Med. Primatol. 16: 229- 235.
  • STEELE, J.H., RANNEY, A.F. (1958). Animal tuberçulosis. Am. Rev. Tuberc. 77: 908-922.
  • TARARA, R., SULEMAN, M.A., SAPOLSKY, R., WABOMBA, M.J., ELSE, J.G. (1985). Tuberculosis in wild olive baboons, Papio cynocephalus anubis (Lesson), in Kenya. J. Wildl. Dis. 21: 137-140.
  • WARD, G.S., ELWELL, M.R., TINGPALAPONG, M., POMSDHID, J. (1985). Use of Streptomycin and Isopiazid during a tuberculosis epizootic ina rhesus and cynomolgus breeding colony. Lab. Anim. Sci. 35: 395-399.
  • WILCOCK, B.P. (1993). The Eye anda Ear. In: Pathology of Domestic Animals. Eds. K.V.F. Jubb, P.C. Kennedy, N.Palmer, Vol. I, pp. 451- 529, Academic Press Ine., Harcaurt Brace Havanovich, Publishers, San Diego, CA.
  • WILSON, P., WEAVERS, E., WEST, B., TAYLOR, M., KAVANAGH, J., JONES, P. (1984). Mycobacterium bovis infection in primates in Du b lin Zoo: epidemiological aspects and implications for management. Lab. Anim. 18: 383-387.
  • WOLF, R.H., GIBSON, S.V., WATSON, E.A., BASKlN, G.B., (1988). Multidrug chemotherapy oftuberculosis in rhesus monkeys Lab. Anim. Sci, 38: 25-33.

İki Maymunda Görülen Tüberküloz Olgusu

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 47 - 58, 01.12.1996


Farklı iki ilimizin hayvanat bahçelerinden U. Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi Patoloji
Anabilim Dalı 'na (Olgu ı) ve Bursa il Kontrol Laboratuvar Müdür! üğü ' ne (O lg u
2) nekropsi için getirilen iki Eski Dünya maymunundaki tüberküloz olgusu
incelenmiştir. Bir maymundan (Olgu I) Mycobacterium spp. İzolasyonu yapılmış
ancak, identifıkasyon gerçekleştirilememiştir. Makroskobik olarak her iki
maymunun akcigerinde subplöyral ve parankimatöz, boz-beyaz renkli, milier,
dissemine nodüller görülmüş , bronşiyal lenf nodüllerinde de tüberküller
saptannuştır. Sadece, birinci olgumm karaciğerinde tüberküloz lezyonlan görülmüş ,dalak ve böbreklerdeki Iezyonlara ise her iki olguda da rastlanmıştır.Barsak,mezenteriyel lenf yumruları, beyin, kemik ve deride her iki maymuncia da lezyongörülemeıniştir. Tüberküller tek veya konglomere olup, nekroz, epiteloid hücreler,Langhans tipi dev hücreleri ve bağ doku kuşağındanoluşmuştur. Kazeifıkasyonayalnızca 1. olgunun dalagında rastlanmıştır.
Birinci olgunun sol gözünün koroid ve retina tabakalarında göriilen epiteloid
histiyosit ve az sayıdaki dev hücre infiltrasyonları tipik tüberkül yapısında
olmadığından ve Ziehl-Neelsen tekniği ile yapılan boyama negatif sonuç
verdiğinden tüberküloz lezyonu olarak değerlendirilmemiştir.
Ziehl-Neelsen tekniği ile yapılan boyaınada, her iki olguda akciğerlerde yoğun
olmak üzere, böbrek ve dalaktaki tüberküllerde çomak şeklinde, aside-dirençli
mikroorganizma! ara rastlanmıştır.


  • ALLEN, M.A., KINARD, F.R. (1958). Primary cutaneous inceulation tuberculosis in the Macaca mulatta monkey. Am. J. Pathol. 34: 337-345.
  • CARLTON, W.W., HUNT R.D. (1978). Bacterial Diseases. In: Pathology of Laboratory Animals. Eds. K. Benirschke, F.M. Gamer, and T.C. Jones. Vol. Il, pp 1368- 1480, Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • CHRIPS, C.E., COHEN, B.J., RINGLER, D.H., ABRAMS, G.D. (1968). Tuberculosis ina squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) . J.A.V.M.A. 153: 918-922.
  • COLLINS, J.D. (1985). Tuberculosis in animals. lrish J. Med. Sci. 154: S15-S23.
  • CORCORAN, K.D., JAAX, G.P. (1991). An attempt to predict anergy in tuberculosis suspect Cynomolgus monkeys. Lab. Anim. Sci. 41: 57-62.
  • COSTALLAT, L.F., CATRO, A.F., SIMON, F., DINIZ, L., GIORGI, W. (1978). Mycobacteriosis in ınonkeys : a report of two cases. Vet. Med. Smail Anim. Clin. 73: 651-655.
  • FRANCiS, J. (1956). Natural and experimental tuberculosis in monkeys. J. Comp. Path. 66:. 123-135.
  • GOODWIN, B.T., JEROME, P., BULLOCK, B.C. (1988). Unusual lesion morphology and skin test reaction for Mycobacteriuın aviuro complex in ınacaques . Lab. Aniın . Sci. 38: 20-24.
  • JACKSON, R.K., JURAS, R.A., STIEFEL, S.M., HALL, J.E. (1989) . Mycobacterium kansasii ina rhesus monkey. Lab. Anim. Sci. 39: 425- 428.
  • MARTIN, J.E., COLE, W.C., WHITNEY, R.A.(1968) Tuberculosis of the spine (Pott 's Disease) in a rhesus monkey (Macaca ınulatta) . J.A.V.M.A. 153: 914-917.
  • PEYMAN, G.A., SANDERS, D.R.,GOLDBERG, M.F. (1980) . Priciples and Practice of Ophthalınology. Vol. 1, pp 299-302, W.B. Saunder~ Co., Piladelphia, London, Toronto.
  • RICHTER, C.B., NOEL, D.M., HENRICKSON, R.V. (1984) . Primates, In: Laboratory Aniınal Medicine. Eds. Fox, G.J., Cohen, B.J ., Loew F.M., pp. 297-383 . Academic Press, Harcaurt Brace Javanovich Publishers.
  • SAINSBURY, A.W. (1994). Primates. In: Manual of Exotic Pets. Eds. P.H. Beynon and J.E. Cooper. pp 111-121, 2nd Printing. The British Smail Animal Veterinary Association.
  • POLSKY, R.M., ELSE, J.G. (1987). Bovine tuberculosis in a wild baboon population: epidemiological aspects. J. Med. Primatol. 16: 229- 235.
  • STEELE, J.H., RANNEY, A.F. (1958). Animal tuberçulosis. Am. Rev. Tuberc. 77: 908-922.
  • TARARA, R., SULEMAN, M.A., SAPOLSKY, R., WABOMBA, M.J., ELSE, J.G. (1985). Tuberculosis in wild olive baboons, Papio cynocephalus anubis (Lesson), in Kenya. J. Wildl. Dis. 21: 137-140.
  • WARD, G.S., ELWELL, M.R., TINGPALAPONG, M., POMSDHID, J. (1985). Use of Streptomycin and Isopiazid during a tuberculosis epizootic ina rhesus and cynomolgus breeding colony. Lab. Anim. Sci. 35: 395-399.
  • WILCOCK, B.P. (1993). The Eye anda Ear. In: Pathology of Domestic Animals. Eds. K.V.F. Jubb, P.C. Kennedy, N.Palmer, Vol. I, pp. 451- 529, Academic Press Ine., Harcaurt Brace Havanovich, Publishers, San Diego, CA.
  • WILSON, P., WEAVERS, E., WEST, B., TAYLOR, M., KAVANAGH, J., JONES, P. (1984). Mycobacterium bovis infection in primates in Du b lin Zoo: epidemiological aspects and implications for management. Lab. Anim. 18: 383-387.
  • WOLF, R.H., GIBSON, S.V., WATSON, E.A., BASKlN, G.B., (1988). Multidrug chemotherapy oftuberculosis in rhesus monkeys Lab. Anim. Sci, 38: 25-33.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

M. Müfit Kahraman Bu kişi benim

Figen Kahraman Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1996 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Kahraman, M. M., & Kahraman, F. (1996). İki Maymunda Görülen Tüberküloz Olgusu. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 8(4), 47-58.