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Çok Yönlü Hayvan Yetiriciliğinde Karma Yem ve Yem Hammaddelerinden Kaynaklanan Olumsuzluk Faktörlerinin Araştırılması. 3. Türkiye'de Üretilen Veya İthal Edilen Yem veYem Hammaddelerinde Toksik Etkili Mineral Madde İçeriklerinin Araştırılması

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 81 - 92, 01.12.1996


Çalışmada Türkiye'de üretilen veya ithal edilen bazı yem hammaddeleri ve
karma yemlerde zehirliliği bulunan bazı mineral madde miktarlarının ortaya
konulması amaçlandı.
Bunun için, Nisan 1993-Nisan 1996 dönemi arasında Türkiye'nin 7 bölgesinde
faaliyette bulunan 48 yem fabrikasından düzenli aralıklarda 420'si karma yem
ve 780'i yem hammaddesinden oluşan toplam 1200 örnek sağlandı. Bu
maddelerde kurşun, bakır, demir, manganez, magnezyum ve nikel yönünden analiz yapıldı.
Organik madde kısmının kuru külleştirmeyle yıkımianmasını takiben,
örneklerin mineral madde düzeyleri ASS ile ölçüldü . Analiz edilen yem
hanunaddelerinde 0.17-11 .24 ppm arasında kurşun, 0.21-17.10 ppm arasında bakır, 2 . 64-127.80 ppm arasında demir, 1.05-53.08 ppm arasında manganez,
601-ı994 ppm arasında mağnezyum ve 0.05-7.07 ppm arasında nikel; karma
yemlerde O. 14-14.87 ppm arasında kurşun, 0.40-19.25 ppm arasında bakır,l.34-
ıo9 . 93 ppm arasında demir, 1.35-51.77 ppm arasında manganez, 613-2023 ppm arasında magnezyum ve O. ı4-6.46 ppm arasında nikel bulunduğu belirlendi.
Analiz bulgulannın değerlendirilmesi ile yem ve yem hammaddelerindeki
mineral madde düzeylerinin hayvanlar için kısa veya uzun süreli dönemde herhangibir zehirlenıneye yol açacak boyutta olmadığı ; aslında, özellikle bakır,demir vemanganez yönlerinden yemierin desteklenmesi gerektiği sonucuna varıldı.


  • ANON. (1986). Anlysis guide for flaıne atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Shimadzu Corporation.
  • ADAMS, H.R. ANTIANEMIC DRUGS. (1988) In: Veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics. (N.H.Booth and L.E.McDonald, Eds). Sixth Ed. lowa Sate Univ. Press, An1es . pp.469-481.
  • ALL EN, R.D.( 1986). lngredient analysis tab le: 1985 edition. Feedstuffs, 58:20-30.
  • BAYDAN, E., KAYA, S., YAVUZ, H. VE BİLGİLİ, A. (1995) . Laboratuvar analiz sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi.Türk Vet.Hek.Derg. 7( 4 ):36- 45.
  • BOOTH, N.H.(1988). Intravenous and other parenteral anesthetics. In: Veterinary pham1acology and therapeutics. (N.H. Booth and L.E. McDonald, Eds.) Sixth Ed. lowa Sate Univ. Press, An1es . pp. 212-274.
  • BUCK, W.B (1969). Laboratory toxicologic test and their interpretation. JAVMA, 155 :1928-1941.
  • BUCK, W.B.(1986). Physical and chemical disorders. In: Current veterinary therapy. Food animal practice 2. (J.L:Hovard, Ed.). W.B. Sounders Comp. pp.437-439.
  • CASE, A.A. (1974). Toxicity of various chemical agents to sheep. JAVMA, 164:277-283 .
  • CONCON, J.M. (1988). Inorganic and organoınetallic contaminants in foodstuffs. Part B.Marcel. Dekker, Ine., New York and Basel.
  • GOUGH, J. (1991. Copper poisoning in lam bs fed h orse and cattle . feed. Can. Vet.J.32 :750-751. •
  • GRACE, N.D. (1990). Effect of Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Se, and Zn supplementation on the elemental content of soft tissues and bone in sheep grazing ryegrass/white ciaver pasture. New Zealand J.Agric. Res. 33 :635-647.
  • HAPKE, H.J.(1991). Metal accumulation in the food chain and load offeed and food. In: Metals and their compounds in the environment. (E.Merian, Ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. Weinheim. pp.469-479
  • HAT CH, R.C. Veterinary toxicology.(l988). ·In: Veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics. (N.H.Booth and L.E.McDonald, Eds.). Sixth Ed. lowa Sate Univ. Press, Ames. pp.1001 -1148.
  • KAYA, S. VE YAVUZ H. (1989). Sığırlardaakut kurşun zehirlenmesi. A.Ü. Vet.Fak.derg. 36:745-749.
  • KLEVAY, L.M. Metals as nutritional factors .(l987). In: Toxicology of metals: elinical and experimental research. (S .S.Brown, Ed.). Ellis Hanvood Limited. Publishers. Chichester. England. pp. 5-18.
  • KRAMER, H.L., STEINER, J.W. AND VALLELY, P.J. 1983). Trace element concentrations in the liver, kidney, and muscle of queensland cattle. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxcol. 30:588-594.
  • KWAYRA, M. S., GILL, B.S., SINGH, R. AND SINGH, M. ( 1986). Lead toxicosis in buffaloes and cattle in Punjab. In.J.Anim.Sci. 56:412-413 .
  • LEITA, L., ENNE, G., DE NOBİL, M., BALDİNİ, M. AND SEQUIL, P. (1991 ). Heavy metal bioaccumulation in lam b and sheep b red in smelting andmining areas ofS.W. Sardinia (Italy). Bull.Environ. Cont<1.m . Toxicol. 46:887-893.
  • MILHAUD, G.E. AND MEHENNAOUI, S. (1988). Indicators of lead, zinc and cadmium exposure in cattle: !.results ina polluted area. Vet.Hum. Toxicol. 30: 513-517.
  • PARADA, R., GONZALES, S. AND BERGQVİST, E. (1987). Industrial pollution with copper and other heavy metals in a beef cattle ranch. Vet.Hum. Toxicol. 29:122-126.
  • POPE, A.L. (1975) . Mineral interrelationships in ovine nutrition. JAVMA, 166:264-268 .
  • ROSA, I. V., AMMERMAN, C.B. AND HENRY, P.R. (1986) . Interrelationships of dietary copper, zinc and iron on perfonnance and tissue mineral concentration in sheep. Nut.Rep.International.34:893-902 .
  • SEXTON, J.W. Physical and chemical disorders.(1986) . In:Current veterinary therapy. Food aniınal practice 2. (J.L:Hovard, Ed.). W.B. Sounders Comp. pp.439-440.
  • SPEARS, J.W., HARVEY, R.W. AND SAMSELL, L.J. (1986) . Effects of dietary nickel and protein on growth, nitragen metabolism and their concentrations of nikel, iron, zinc, manganese and copper in calves. J.Nut. 116:1873-1882.
  • STAHR, H.W (1977). Analytical toxicology methods manuel. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, lowa.
  • ŞANLI, Y. VE KAYA, S. (1994). Veterinerfarmakoloji ve ilaçlasağıtım seçenekleri. İkinci baskı. Medisan Yayınları : No: 15.Ankara.
  • ŞANLI, Y. VE KAYA, 8.(1994). Veteriner ilaç rehberi ve uygulamalı bilgiler el kitabı. İkinci baskı. Medisan Yayınları : No: 16. Ankara.
  • Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanıiğı tebliği. tebliğ No:9l/14. 20.9.1191 tarih ve 20997 sayılı RG. s.41.
  • VAN DER VEEN, N.G. AND VREMAN, K. (1986). Transfer of cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic from feed into varous organs and tissues offattening lambs. Neth. J.Agric.Sci. 34 : 145-153 .
  • ZER VAS. G.P. (1988). Use of solu b le glass bolusis containing Cu, Co nad Se in the prevention of trace-element deficiencies in goats. J.Agric.Sci., Camb. 110:155-158. 92

Investigation Of Unfavourable Factors Occurıng In Feedstuffs and Mixed Feeds In Multipurpose Animal Rearing: 3. Investıgatıon Of Toxic Mineral Content In Feedstuffs and Mixed Feeds Produced Or Imported In Turkey

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 81 - 92, 01.12.1996


The study was performed to determine the amounts of toxic minerals in
certain feeds and feedstuffs, imported or produced in Turkey. Therefore, 1200
samples consisting of 420 mİxed feeds and 780 feedstt_ıffs were obtained regularly
from 48 factory working in 7 region ofTurkey, between April 1993 to April
1996 . The samples were subjected to the level of lead, iron, cop per, manganese,magnesium and nickel.
Following the buming of organic matter of the samples in the dry ash oven,
the mineral levels were determined by ASS. Among feedstuffs, level oflead in
between 0 .17-11.24 ppm, copper in between 0 .21-17.1 O ppm, iron in between
2.64-127.80 , manganese in between 1.05-53.08 ppm. magnesium in between
601-ı994 ppm and nickel in between 0.06-7.07 ppm were observed. As for
mİxed feeds those levels in the same order were also observed as follows:
0 . 14-14 . 87 ppm, 0.40-ı9.25 ppm, 1.34-109.93 ppm, 1.35-51.77 ppm, 613-2023
ppm and 0.14-6.46 ppm.
Interpretation of the results, ıt was concluded that the levels of mineral
substances had not been hazardous in short and long period, and those feeds
should have been suplemented with copper, iron and manganese.


  • ANON. (1986). Anlysis guide for flaıne atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Shimadzu Corporation.
  • ADAMS, H.R. ANTIANEMIC DRUGS. (1988) In: Veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics. (N.H.Booth and L.E.McDonald, Eds). Sixth Ed. lowa Sate Univ. Press, An1es . pp.469-481.
  • ALL EN, R.D.( 1986). lngredient analysis tab le: 1985 edition. Feedstuffs, 58:20-30.
  • BAYDAN, E., KAYA, S., YAVUZ, H. VE BİLGİLİ, A. (1995) . Laboratuvar analiz sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi.Türk Vet.Hek.Derg. 7( 4 ):36- 45.
  • BOOTH, N.H.(1988). Intravenous and other parenteral anesthetics. In: Veterinary pham1acology and therapeutics. (N.H. Booth and L.E. McDonald, Eds.) Sixth Ed. lowa Sate Univ. Press, An1es . pp. 212-274.
  • BUCK, W.B (1969). Laboratory toxicologic test and their interpretation. JAVMA, 155 :1928-1941.
  • BUCK, W.B.(1986). Physical and chemical disorders. In: Current veterinary therapy. Food animal practice 2. (J.L:Hovard, Ed.). W.B. Sounders Comp. pp.437-439.
  • CASE, A.A. (1974). Toxicity of various chemical agents to sheep. JAVMA, 164:277-283 .
  • CONCON, J.M. (1988). Inorganic and organoınetallic contaminants in foodstuffs. Part B.Marcel. Dekker, Ine., New York and Basel.
  • GOUGH, J. (1991. Copper poisoning in lam bs fed h orse and cattle . feed. Can. Vet.J.32 :750-751. •
  • GRACE, N.D. (1990). Effect of Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Se, and Zn supplementation on the elemental content of soft tissues and bone in sheep grazing ryegrass/white ciaver pasture. New Zealand J.Agric. Res. 33 :635-647.
  • HAPKE, H.J.(1991). Metal accumulation in the food chain and load offeed and food. In: Metals and their compounds in the environment. (E.Merian, Ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. Weinheim. pp.469-479
  • HAT CH, R.C. Veterinary toxicology.(l988). ·In: Veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics. (N.H.Booth and L.E.McDonald, Eds.). Sixth Ed. lowa Sate Univ. Press, Ames. pp.1001 -1148.
  • KAYA, S. VE YAVUZ H. (1989). Sığırlardaakut kurşun zehirlenmesi. A.Ü. Vet.Fak.derg. 36:745-749.
  • KLEVAY, L.M. Metals as nutritional factors .(l987). In: Toxicology of metals: elinical and experimental research. (S .S.Brown, Ed.). Ellis Hanvood Limited. Publishers. Chichester. England. pp. 5-18.
  • KRAMER, H.L., STEINER, J.W. AND VALLELY, P.J. 1983). Trace element concentrations in the liver, kidney, and muscle of queensland cattle. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxcol. 30:588-594.
  • KWAYRA, M. S., GILL, B.S., SINGH, R. AND SINGH, M. ( 1986). Lead toxicosis in buffaloes and cattle in Punjab. In.J.Anim.Sci. 56:412-413 .
  • LEITA, L., ENNE, G., DE NOBİL, M., BALDİNİ, M. AND SEQUIL, P. (1991 ). Heavy metal bioaccumulation in lam b and sheep b red in smelting andmining areas ofS.W. Sardinia (Italy). Bull.Environ. Cont<1.m . Toxicol. 46:887-893.
  • MILHAUD, G.E. AND MEHENNAOUI, S. (1988). Indicators of lead, zinc and cadmium exposure in cattle: !.results ina polluted area. Vet.Hum. Toxicol. 30: 513-517.
  • PARADA, R., GONZALES, S. AND BERGQVİST, E. (1987). Industrial pollution with copper and other heavy metals in a beef cattle ranch. Vet.Hum. Toxicol. 29:122-126.
  • POPE, A.L. (1975) . Mineral interrelationships in ovine nutrition. JAVMA, 166:264-268 .
  • ROSA, I. V., AMMERMAN, C.B. AND HENRY, P.R. (1986) . Interrelationships of dietary copper, zinc and iron on perfonnance and tissue mineral concentration in sheep. Nut.Rep.International.34:893-902 .
  • SEXTON, J.W. Physical and chemical disorders.(1986) . In:Current veterinary therapy. Food aniınal practice 2. (J.L:Hovard, Ed.). W.B. Sounders Comp. pp.439-440.
  • SPEARS, J.W., HARVEY, R.W. AND SAMSELL, L.J. (1986) . Effects of dietary nickel and protein on growth, nitragen metabolism and their concentrations of nikel, iron, zinc, manganese and copper in calves. J.Nut. 116:1873-1882.
  • STAHR, H.W (1977). Analytical toxicology methods manuel. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, lowa.
  • ŞANLI, Y. VE KAYA, S. (1994). Veterinerfarmakoloji ve ilaçlasağıtım seçenekleri. İkinci baskı. Medisan Yayınları : No: 15.Ankara.
  • ŞANLI, Y. VE KAYA, 8.(1994). Veteriner ilaç rehberi ve uygulamalı bilgiler el kitabı. İkinci baskı. Medisan Yayınları : No: 16. Ankara.
  • Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanıiğı tebliği. tebliğ No:9l/14. 20.9.1191 tarih ve 20997 sayılı RG. s.41.
  • VAN DER VEEN, N.G. AND VREMAN, K. (1986). Transfer of cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic from feed into varous organs and tissues offattening lambs. Neth. J.Agric.Sci. 34 : 145-153 .
  • ZER VAS. G.P. (1988). Use of solu b le glass bolusis containing Cu, Co nad Se in the prevention of trace-element deficiencies in goats. J.Agric.Sci., Camb. 110:155-158. 92
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Metin Kerman Bu kişi benim

Sezai Kaya Bu kişi benim

Ali Bilgili Bu kişi benim

Rauf Akkaya Bu kişi benim

Ender Yarsan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1996 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Kerman, M., Kaya, S., Bilgili, A., Akkaya, R., vd. (1996). Çok Yönlü Hayvan Yetiriciliğinde Karma Yem ve Yem Hammaddelerinden Kaynaklanan Olumsuzluk Faktörlerinin Araştırılması. 3. Türkiye’de Üretilen Veya İthal Edilen Yem veYem Hammaddelerinde Toksik Etkili Mineral Madde İçeriklerinin Araştırılması. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 8(4), 81-92.