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Çok Yönlü Hayvan Yetiştiriciliğinde Karma Yem ve Yem Hammaddelerinden Kaynaklanan Olumsuzluk Faktörlerinin Araştırılması :5. Türkiye'de Üretilen veya İthal Edilen Yem ve Yem Hammaddelerinin Teknolojik İşlenmesi ve Bozulma Ürünlerinden Kaynaklanan Olumsuzluk Etmelerinin Araştırılması

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 93 - 110, 01.12.1996


Çalışmada Türkiye 'de üretilen veya ithal edilen soya fasulyesi unu
örneklerinde üreaz etkinlik düzeyi ve kanatlı kanna yemlerinde toplam yağ içeriği
ve bu yağlarda ölçülen peroksit değerinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır.
Bunun için, Nisan 1993-Nisan 1995 döneminde, Türkiye'nin 7 bölgesinde
faaliyette bulunan 48 yem fabrikasından düzenli aralıklarla 11 O'u soya fasulyesi
unu ve 286'sı kanatlı karma yeminden oluşan 396 örnek sağlanmıştır. Soya unu
örneklerinde üreaz etkinliği, kanatlı yemlerinde ise toplam yağ ve peroksit değeri
yönünden analiz yapılmıştır.
30°C'de inkübasyon sonucunda açığa çıkan amonyak azotunun nötralize edilmesiiçin harcanan 0.1 N hidroklorik asit hacminin ölçülmesi esasınadayanmaktadır;buna göre, örneklerin üreaz etkinliğinin 0.02-0.73 L.pH arasında belirlenmiştir.
Toplam yağ ölçümü için, yemlerdeki yağ sokselet ekstraksiyon tekniği
kullanılmıştır. Örneklerdeki toplan1 yağ içeriği %0.8-15 .6, peroksit değeri ise
1.4-42 mEq/kg olarak belirleruniştir.
Örneklerde belirlenen üreaz etkinlik düzeyleri ve peroksit miktarlarının
değerlendirilmesiyle, ülkemizde yem sanayii ve böylece tavukçuluk sektörünün
belli ölçüde ama sürekli şekilde kalitesiz-acılaşmış yağ ve yeterince işlemnemiş
soya fasulyesi unu kullanmakta olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • ABDELGADIR, I.E.O., MORRILL, J.L., STUTTS, J .A., MORRILL, K.C., JOHNSON, D.E. AND BEHNKE, K.C. (1984) . Effect of processing temperature on u tilisation of who le soybeans by calves. J. Dairy Sci. 67:2554-2559.
  • ALMQUİST, H.J. AND MERRİTT, J.B. (1952). Effect of soybean . antitrypsin on growth ofthe chick. Arch.Biochem. Biophys. 35:352-354.
  • AMERICAN FEED MANIFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (ı972) . Dehulled soybean meal. p. 91. In: AFMA Feed Ingredient Guide. Amn. Feed.Manuf.Assoc. Ariington V.A.
  • ANON. (ı 986). Tarım Orman ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı 'nın yağlarda peroksit sayısı tayinine dair tebliği (KKGM 86/ 1) . 1.3. 1986 tarih ve 19034 sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • ANON. (1992). Toxic oil syndrome: Current knowledge and future perspectives. WHO Regina! Publications European Series. No: 42. Printed in England. p.l-163 .
  • ASSOCIATION OF. OFFICAL AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS. (1986). Offıcial Methods of Analyses. 10 th Ed. Assoc. Offical Agricultural Chemists. (1965). Official Methods of Analyses . 10 th Ed. Assoc . Ofıfıc . Anal.Chem.Washinton D.C.
  • BALLOUN, S.L. (1952). Laboratory estiınation ofthe biological value if soybean oil meal as related to method ot preparation. Ph.D. Thesis. lowa State Univ. Library. Ames lova.
  • BALLOUN, S.L., JOHNSON, E. AND ARNOLD, L.K. (1953) . Laboratory estimation of the nutritive value of soybean oil meals. Poult. S ci. 32:51 7-527.
  • BALLOUN, S.L. (1980). Soybean meal in poultry nutrition. Printed and Published by American Soybean Association. P.O.Box 27300. St.Louis. MO 6141. First printing. P.l-122.
  • BLAIR, M.E. AND POTTER, L.M. (1987) . Deficient amnio acids in protein of dehulled soybean meal for young turkey. Poult. S ci. 66: 18 13-18 17.
  • BORCHERS, E., ACKERSON, C.W. AND SANDSTEDT, R.M. (1947). Trypsin inhibitor. 3. Determination and heat destruction of the trypsin inhibitor ofsoybeans. Arch. Biochem. 12:367-374.
  • BRANDON, D.L., BATES, A.H. AND FRIEDMAN, M. (1991). ELISA analysis of soybean trypsin inhibitors in processed foods. Nutritional and toxicological consequences of food processing. In: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. (Friedman, M., Ed.). 1991 (289): 321-337 .
  • CARD, L.E. AND NESHEIM, M. C. (1976). Poultry production. llth Ed.p.l84-185 . Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia. USA.
  • CASKEY, C.D. JR. AND KNAPP, F. (1944). Method for detem1İning inadequately heated soybean meal. lnd. Eng. Chem. (Anal.Ed). 16:640- 641.
  • CHE-MAN, Y.B. (1989) Acid inactivation of soybean lipoxygenase and its effects on protein solubility. D issertation Abstracts International, B. Sciences and Engineering. 49 (9): 3523-3524.
  • CHE-MAN, Y.B., WEİ, L.S. AND NELSON, A,I. (1989). Acid inactivation ofsoybean lipoxygenase with retention of protein solubility. J.Food Sci. 54 (4):963-967.
  • CONCON, J.M. (1988). Food Toxicology. Mareel Dekker, Ine. Press/ USA. P.614-620.
  • CRASS, R.A., OATES, P.S. AND, MORGAN, R.G.H. (1987) . The effect of fasting on enzyıne levels in the enlarged and involuting rat pancreas, Brit. J.Nutr. 58 (3): 427-436.
  • CRAVENS, W.W. AND SIPOS, E. Soybean oil meal. In:Processed plant protein. (Altschul, A.A., Ed.). Academic Press. lns. New York. 1958 . p.369-372.
  • DEMET, Ö. (1987) . Tavukçulukta toksik yağ sorunu, A.Ü.Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Seminer. s. 1 -7.
  • EVANS, R.J. AND MC GINNIS, J. (1946) . The influence of autoclaving soybean oil meal on the availability of cystein and methionine for chick. J.Nutrition, 31 :449-461.
  • GELTWELL, R. AND FOX, S. (1978). Practical poultry feeding. p.36-49. Latimer Trend and Company Ltd. Plymouth, England.
  • GARLICH, J.D., LEE, H. AND MIAN, M. (1988). Effectofblending under toasted and adequately toasted soybean meal for Turkey. Po u lt. s ci. 67: 15 .
  • GÖKTÜRK, F., ÜRÜN, H. VE BANOGLU, V. (1982) . Gıda maddeleri ve umumi sağlığı ilgilendiren eşya ve levazımın hususi vasıflarını gösteren tüzük. Titiz Ofset Matbaası. Ankara.
  • HASDAİ, A., NITSAN, Z., VOLCANI, R. AND BIRK, Y. (1989). Growth, digestibi1ity, and enzyme activities in the pancreas and intestines of guinea-pigs fed on raw and heated soya-bean flour. Brit. J.Nutr. 62(3):529-537.
  • HAYWARD, J.W. (1959) . lmproved feed ingredient processing. Feedstuffs. 31 (34): 18-19.
  • HAYWARD, J.W. (1975).. Precision processing of soybean meal. Feedstuffs. 47:62-63 .
  • HOFSTAD, M.S., CALNEK, B.W., HELMBOLDT, C.F., REID, W.W. AND YODER, H.W. (1978). Diseases ofpoultry. 7th Ed.lowa State Univ.Press. Ames. 1owa. USA.
  • HORVATH, E., PETRES, J., GELENCCSER, E. AND CZUKOR, B. ( 1989). Effect of e"1:rusion temperature on physico-chemical properties and bio1ogical value of soybean-protein. Acta Alimentaria . I8(3): 299-311 .
  • JONES, F.T. (1984). Soybean meal quality varies with seasons, Suppliers in 1976-1983 . Po u lt. Sc i. 63:1462-1463.
  • JONES, F.T. (1984). Soybean meal quality varies with seasons, Suppliers in 1976-1983 samples. Feedstuff. (May 21): 34-36. · KAMMULLER, M.E., PENNINKS, A.H. AND SEİNEN, W. (1984 ). Spanish toxic o il syndrome is a chemically induced GVHD-Iike epidemic. Lancet. 26:1174-1176.
  • KAYA, S. VE YAVUZ, H. Yemlerden kaynaklanan bazı olumsuzluk faktörleri. Alınmıştır : Veteriner Klinik Toksikoloji (S.Kaya, Ed.). 1995.s.375- 388. Medisan Yayınevi . Yayın No: 21. Ankara.
  • LAM-SANCHEZ, A., BRESSANI, R., ELIAS, L.G., GONZALES, J.M. AND DURİGAN, J.F. (1985). Effects of cone opening, initial moisture content and multiple extrusion on the protein quality of extruded soybean using the Brady Crop Cooker. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion, 35(3):447-457.
  • LEE, S.Y., MIN, Y.K. AND PARK, K.H. (1983). Nutritional evaluatian of naturally fermented soyalıean and the enzyınatic activity changes during the preparation. Korean J. Food Sci. Techno!. 15 (2): 101-107.
  • LIENER, I.E. (1955) . The photometric determination of the hemaglutinating activity ofsoybean and crud soybean extracts. Arcl1. Biochem. Biophysics. 54:223-231.
  • LIENER, I.E. (1969). Toxic constitutents of plants foodstuffs . Academic Press Newyork. London. p.7-68 .
  • MC NAUGHTON, J.L. AND REECE, F.N. (1980). Effect ofmoisture content and cooking tin1e on soyhan meal urease index trypsin inhibitor content and broiler growth. Poult. Sci. 59:2300-2306 . . NESHEIM, M.C., GARLICH, J.D. AND HOPKINS, D.T. (1962). Studies on effect of raw soybean meal of fat absorbtion in young chicks J.Nutrition. 78:89-94.
  • PETERS, J .M. AND BOYD, E.M. (1969) . Toxic effects from a rancid diet containing large amounts of raw egg white powder. Food Cosmet. Toxicol. 7:197-207.
  • SANGER, V.L. (1958). Alimentary toxemia in chickens. J.Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 133:172-176.
  • SESSA, D.J., HANEY, J.K. AND NELSEN, T.C . (1990). Inaetivation of soybean trypsin inhibitors with ascorbic acid plus copper. J .Agric.Food. Chem. 38 (7): 1469-1474.
  • ŞANLI, Y. (1986). Tavukçulukta yemlerden kaynaklanan zehirlenme olayları . Türkiye 4. Tavukçuluk Kongresi Kitabı , s:87-l 07 .
  • ŞANLI, Y. AKAR, F. VE BİLGİLİ, A. (1993). Et-tipi piliçlerde altlığı ısiatma sendromuna yol açan kalıtımcı etmenler üzerinde araştınnalar. Uluslararası Tav.Kong.93, 13-14 Mayıs , İstanbul. s.376-384
  • ŞANLI, Y. VE BİLGİLİ, A. (1989). Bazı işlenmiş soya fasulyesi unu örneklerinin üreaz aktivite düzeyleri üzerinde araştınnalar. A. Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. 36(1):165-180.
  • ŞENKÖYLÜ, N. (1993). Yumurta tavuğu rasyonlarına yağ eklemenin etkileri. Çiftlik Dergisi, I 09:42-49.
  • THOMASON, D.M. (1987) . Hayvan beslenmesinde soya küspesi kullanımı. American Soybean Association. Centre International Roger, Box 521, 121 O Brussels-Belgium
  • TOUCHSTONE, J.C. AND DOBBİNS, M.F. (1983). Practice of thin layer chromatography. 2 the Ed. Published in Canada.
  • WALDROUP, P.W., RAMSEY, B.E., B.E., HELVİG, M.H. AND SMITH, N.K. (1985). Optimum processing for soybean meal used in broiler diets. Poult. Sci. 64:2314-2320.
  • WILGUS, H.S.JR., NORRIS, L.C. AND, HEUSER, G.F. (1986). Effect ofheat on nutritive value ofsoybean oil meal. Eng. Chem. 28 :586-588
  • WILLIAMS, S. (1984). Official methods of analysis of the association ofo:fficial analytical chemists. 14th Ed. 11ll North 9 th Street, Suite 210 Airlington. Virginia. 22209 USA.
  • WRIGHT, K.N. (1968). Determination and quality control ofsoybean meal. Feedstuffs. (May 4): 21-25 .
  • WRIGHT, K.N. 1981). Soybean meal processing and guality control. J.Am.Oil.Chem.Soc. 58:294-300.

Investigation Of Unfavoruable Factors Occurig In Feedstuffs and Mixed Feeds In Multipurpose Animal Rearing: 5. Investigation Of Unfavourable Factors Arising From Processing Or Degradation Process In Feedstuffs and Mixed Feeds Produced Or Imported In Turkey

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 93 - 110, 01.12.1996


In this study, it was aimed to acl1ieve the urease activity in soybean meals
samples which were imported or produced in Turkey and the total oil content
with their peroxide values in poultry feeds .
Of this, total 396 samples that 110 of them are soybean meal and 286 of
them are poultry feeds were provided from 48 feed factories which are found
at seven region of the Turkey in the years of April 1993-April 1995 .
Determ"ination of the urease activity levels in soybean meal samples were
based to cletennine volume of 0.1 N HCl exerted to notralize the ammonium
nitragen which is ariesed after ineubatian at 30°C, in return for urea added in
one gram soybean meal. According to this, it -vvas determin activity levels in analyzed saınples were between 0.02-0.73 pH
To determine the total oil, the oil in feeds was separated by soxeled cxtraction
technique. Total oil content and peroxidase values in analysed samples are
0.8-15.6 percent and 1.4-42 mEqlkg, respectively.
Interpretation of the urease activity levels and the peroxide values obtained
from this research, it was concluded that unqualifıed-bitterished oil and incoınplete
processed soybean ıneal saınples has been used for feed production in the
poultry industry ofTurkey.


  • ABDELGADIR, I.E.O., MORRILL, J.L., STUTTS, J .A., MORRILL, K.C., JOHNSON, D.E. AND BEHNKE, K.C. (1984) . Effect of processing temperature on u tilisation of who le soybeans by calves. J. Dairy Sci. 67:2554-2559.
  • ALMQUİST, H.J. AND MERRİTT, J.B. (1952). Effect of soybean . antitrypsin on growth ofthe chick. Arch.Biochem. Biophys. 35:352-354.
  • AMERICAN FEED MANIFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (ı972) . Dehulled soybean meal. p. 91. In: AFMA Feed Ingredient Guide. Amn. Feed.Manuf.Assoc. Ariington V.A.
  • ANON. (ı 986). Tarım Orman ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı 'nın yağlarda peroksit sayısı tayinine dair tebliği (KKGM 86/ 1) . 1.3. 1986 tarih ve 19034 sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • ANON. (1992). Toxic oil syndrome: Current knowledge and future perspectives. WHO Regina! Publications European Series. No: 42. Printed in England. p.l-163 .
  • ASSOCIATION OF. OFFICAL AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS. (1986). Offıcial Methods of Analyses. 10 th Ed. Assoc. Offical Agricultural Chemists. (1965). Official Methods of Analyses . 10 th Ed. Assoc . Ofıfıc . Anal.Chem.Washinton D.C.
  • BALLOUN, S.L. (1952). Laboratory estiınation ofthe biological value if soybean oil meal as related to method ot preparation. Ph.D. Thesis. lowa State Univ. Library. Ames lova.
  • BALLOUN, S.L., JOHNSON, E. AND ARNOLD, L.K. (1953) . Laboratory estimation of the nutritive value of soybean oil meals. Poult. S ci. 32:51 7-527.
  • BALLOUN, S.L. (1980). Soybean meal in poultry nutrition. Printed and Published by American Soybean Association. P.O.Box 27300. St.Louis. MO 6141. First printing. P.l-122.
  • BLAIR, M.E. AND POTTER, L.M. (1987) . Deficient amnio acids in protein of dehulled soybean meal for young turkey. Poult. S ci. 66: 18 13-18 17.
  • BORCHERS, E., ACKERSON, C.W. AND SANDSTEDT, R.M. (1947). Trypsin inhibitor. 3. Determination and heat destruction of the trypsin inhibitor ofsoybeans. Arch. Biochem. 12:367-374.
  • BRANDON, D.L., BATES, A.H. AND FRIEDMAN, M. (1991). ELISA analysis of soybean trypsin inhibitors in processed foods. Nutritional and toxicological consequences of food processing. In: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. (Friedman, M., Ed.). 1991 (289): 321-337 .
  • CARD, L.E. AND NESHEIM, M. C. (1976). Poultry production. llth Ed.p.l84-185 . Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia. USA.
  • CASKEY, C.D. JR. AND KNAPP, F. (1944). Method for detem1İning inadequately heated soybean meal. lnd. Eng. Chem. (Anal.Ed). 16:640- 641.
  • CHE-MAN, Y.B. (1989) Acid inactivation of soybean lipoxygenase and its effects on protein solubility. D issertation Abstracts International, B. Sciences and Engineering. 49 (9): 3523-3524.
  • CHE-MAN, Y.B., WEİ, L.S. AND NELSON, A,I. (1989). Acid inactivation ofsoybean lipoxygenase with retention of protein solubility. J.Food Sci. 54 (4):963-967.
  • CONCON, J.M. (1988). Food Toxicology. Mareel Dekker, Ine. Press/ USA. P.614-620.
  • CRASS, R.A., OATES, P.S. AND, MORGAN, R.G.H. (1987) . The effect of fasting on enzyıne levels in the enlarged and involuting rat pancreas, Brit. J.Nutr. 58 (3): 427-436.
  • CRAVENS, W.W. AND SIPOS, E. Soybean oil meal. In:Processed plant protein. (Altschul, A.A., Ed.). Academic Press. lns. New York. 1958 . p.369-372.
  • DEMET, Ö. (1987) . Tavukçulukta toksik yağ sorunu, A.Ü.Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Seminer. s. 1 -7.
  • EVANS, R.J. AND MC GINNIS, J. (1946) . The influence of autoclaving soybean oil meal on the availability of cystein and methionine for chick. J.Nutrition, 31 :449-461.
  • GELTWELL, R. AND FOX, S. (1978). Practical poultry feeding. p.36-49. Latimer Trend and Company Ltd. Plymouth, England.
  • GARLICH, J.D., LEE, H. AND MIAN, M. (1988). Effectofblending under toasted and adequately toasted soybean meal for Turkey. Po u lt. s ci. 67: 15 .
  • GÖKTÜRK, F., ÜRÜN, H. VE BANOGLU, V. (1982) . Gıda maddeleri ve umumi sağlığı ilgilendiren eşya ve levazımın hususi vasıflarını gösteren tüzük. Titiz Ofset Matbaası. Ankara.
  • HASDAİ, A., NITSAN, Z., VOLCANI, R. AND BIRK, Y. (1989). Growth, digestibi1ity, and enzyme activities in the pancreas and intestines of guinea-pigs fed on raw and heated soya-bean flour. Brit. J.Nutr. 62(3):529-537.
  • HAYWARD, J.W. (1959) . lmproved feed ingredient processing. Feedstuffs. 31 (34): 18-19.
  • HAYWARD, J.W. (1975).. Precision processing of soybean meal. Feedstuffs. 47:62-63 .
  • HOFSTAD, M.S., CALNEK, B.W., HELMBOLDT, C.F., REID, W.W. AND YODER, H.W. (1978). Diseases ofpoultry. 7th Ed.lowa State Univ.Press. Ames. 1owa. USA.
  • HORVATH, E., PETRES, J., GELENCCSER, E. AND CZUKOR, B. ( 1989). Effect of e"1:rusion temperature on physico-chemical properties and bio1ogical value of soybean-protein. Acta Alimentaria . I8(3): 299-311 .
  • JONES, F.T. (1984). Soybean meal quality varies with seasons, Suppliers in 1976-1983 . Po u lt. Sc i. 63:1462-1463.
  • JONES, F.T. (1984). Soybean meal quality varies with seasons, Suppliers in 1976-1983 samples. Feedstuff. (May 21): 34-36. · KAMMULLER, M.E., PENNINKS, A.H. AND SEİNEN, W. (1984 ). Spanish toxic o il syndrome is a chemically induced GVHD-Iike epidemic. Lancet. 26:1174-1176.
  • KAYA, S. VE YAVUZ, H. Yemlerden kaynaklanan bazı olumsuzluk faktörleri. Alınmıştır : Veteriner Klinik Toksikoloji (S.Kaya, Ed.). 1995.s.375- 388. Medisan Yayınevi . Yayın No: 21. Ankara.
  • LAM-SANCHEZ, A., BRESSANI, R., ELIAS, L.G., GONZALES, J.M. AND DURİGAN, J.F. (1985). Effects of cone opening, initial moisture content and multiple extrusion on the protein quality of extruded soybean using the Brady Crop Cooker. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion, 35(3):447-457.
  • LEE, S.Y., MIN, Y.K. AND PARK, K.H. (1983). Nutritional evaluatian of naturally fermented soyalıean and the enzyınatic activity changes during the preparation. Korean J. Food Sci. Techno!. 15 (2): 101-107.
  • LIENER, I.E. (1955) . The photometric determination of the hemaglutinating activity ofsoybean and crud soybean extracts. Arcl1. Biochem. Biophysics. 54:223-231.
  • LIENER, I.E. (1969). Toxic constitutents of plants foodstuffs . Academic Press Newyork. London. p.7-68 .
  • MC NAUGHTON, J.L. AND REECE, F.N. (1980). Effect ofmoisture content and cooking tin1e on soyhan meal urease index trypsin inhibitor content and broiler growth. Poult. Sci. 59:2300-2306 . . NESHEIM, M.C., GARLICH, J.D. AND HOPKINS, D.T. (1962). Studies on effect of raw soybean meal of fat absorbtion in young chicks J.Nutrition. 78:89-94.
  • PETERS, J .M. AND BOYD, E.M. (1969) . Toxic effects from a rancid diet containing large amounts of raw egg white powder. Food Cosmet. Toxicol. 7:197-207.
  • SANGER, V.L. (1958). Alimentary toxemia in chickens. J.Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 133:172-176.
  • SESSA, D.J., HANEY, J.K. AND NELSEN, T.C . (1990). Inaetivation of soybean trypsin inhibitors with ascorbic acid plus copper. J .Agric.Food. Chem. 38 (7): 1469-1474.
  • ŞANLI, Y. (1986). Tavukçulukta yemlerden kaynaklanan zehirlenme olayları . Türkiye 4. Tavukçuluk Kongresi Kitabı , s:87-l 07 .
  • ŞANLI, Y. AKAR, F. VE BİLGİLİ, A. (1993). Et-tipi piliçlerde altlığı ısiatma sendromuna yol açan kalıtımcı etmenler üzerinde araştınnalar. Uluslararası Tav.Kong.93, 13-14 Mayıs , İstanbul. s.376-384
  • ŞANLI, Y. VE BİLGİLİ, A. (1989). Bazı işlenmiş soya fasulyesi unu örneklerinin üreaz aktivite düzeyleri üzerinde araştınnalar. A. Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. 36(1):165-180.
  • ŞENKÖYLÜ, N. (1993). Yumurta tavuğu rasyonlarına yağ eklemenin etkileri. Çiftlik Dergisi, I 09:42-49.
  • THOMASON, D.M. (1987) . Hayvan beslenmesinde soya küspesi kullanımı. American Soybean Association. Centre International Roger, Box 521, 121 O Brussels-Belgium
  • TOUCHSTONE, J.C. AND DOBBİNS, M.F. (1983). Practice of thin layer chromatography. 2 the Ed. Published in Canada.
  • WALDROUP, P.W., RAMSEY, B.E., B.E., HELVİG, M.H. AND SMITH, N.K. (1985). Optimum processing for soybean meal used in broiler diets. Poult. Sci. 64:2314-2320.
  • WILGUS, H.S.JR., NORRIS, L.C. AND, HEUSER, G.F. (1986). Effect ofheat on nutritive value ofsoybean oil meal. Eng. Chem. 28 :586-588
  • WILLIAMS, S. (1984). Official methods of analysis of the association ofo:fficial analytical chemists. 14th Ed. 11ll North 9 th Street, Suite 210 Airlington. Virginia. 22209 USA.
  • WRIGHT, K.N. (1968). Determination and quality control ofsoybean meal. Feedstuffs. (May 4): 21-25 .
  • WRIGHT, K.N. 1981). Soybean meal processing and guality control. J.Am.Oil.Chem.Soc. 58:294-300.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ali Bilgili Bu kişi benim

Yusuf Şanlı Bu kişi benim

Sezai Kaya Bu kişi benim

Hidayet Yavuz Bu kişi benim

Ferda Akar Bu kişi benim

Rauf Akkaya Bu kişi benim

Ayhan Filazi Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1996 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Bilgili, A., Şanlı, Y., Kaya, S., Yavuz, H., vd. (1996). Çok Yönlü Hayvan Yetiştiriciliğinde Karma Yem ve Yem Hammaddelerinden Kaynaklanan Olumsuzluk Faktörlerinin Araştırılması :5. Türkiye’de Üretilen veya İthal Edilen Yem ve Yem Hammaddelerinin Teknolojik İşlenmesi ve Bozulma Ürünlerinden Kaynaklanan Olumsuzluk Etmelerinin Araştırılması. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 8(4), 93-110.