Dondurup Çözdürmenin Serumdaki IBR Virus Antikor Titrelerine Etkisinin SNT ve ELİSA ile Tesbiti
Yıl 1996,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 169 - 180, 01.12.1996
Özden Kabaklı
Ayhan Akçora
Bu araştırmada Türkiye'nin değişik bölgelerinden IBR/IPV şüpheli sığırlardan
alınan 250 adet serum hem mikro nötralizasyon testi hemde ELISA ile test
edildi. Testler arasındaki farklılık karşılaştırıldı. Ayrıca test edilen bu 250 serum
içinde 44 adedi 10 kez dondurulup - çözdüri.ilerek, dondurup çözdürmenin
serumlardaki antikor seviyeleri üzerine etkisi SNT ve ELISA ile araştırıldı.
ELI SA ile 250 adet kan serumunun 173 adedi pozitif, 77 adedi negatif sonuç
verdi. SNT ile 170 adedi pozitif, 80 adedi negatif sonuç verdi. SNT ile negatif
sonuç veren 80 serumdan 3 adedi ELISA ile pozitifreaksiyon verdi . Chi square
(X2) metodu kullanılarak her iki testte serumlardaki pozitiflik oranı
Bu araştırmada, 10 kez dondurulup-çözdüri.ilen 44 adet serumun başlangıçta
her iki test ile pozitif oldukları tesbit edilen 40 adedinin serum nötralizasyon
değerleri (SN50) 1:1.41 -1:316, ELISA'daki optikal dansite (OD) değerleri %50
- %95 arasında dağılım gösterdiği bulundu. Her iki test arasında iyi bir pozitif
korelasyon ( r=O . 90) bulunduğu tesbit edildi. Elde edilen sonuçlar, 1 O kez dondunıp- çözdümlenin bile serumdaki antikorlar üzerinde önemli bir değişikliğe sebep olmadığını gösterdi.
- BAILEY, N.T.J. (1981): Statistical methodsin biology. Second Edition
Nourthumberland Press Ltd. London.
SLODIC, D.(l994): The stability ofantibodies to bovine leukeınia vinıs in milk
and blood sera. Yeterinarski Archiv. 64:1-3, 19-26.
- CECCHİNİ, G.; BEKELE, T.; KASALI, O.B.(l992): The effect of
repeatad freezİng and thawing of senım on the activitiy of antibodies. Vet. Res.
Com. 16(6): 425-428.
- DURHAM, P.J.K. ; SILLARS, H.M. ( 1986) : Evaluation of on enzyme
- linked inununosorbent assay (ELI SA) for sera diagnosis of ınfectıous
bovine rhinotracheitis infcction. with results of a prilaminary survey. NevvZeland.
Vet.Jour., 34(3):27-30.
- FREY, H.R.; LIESS, B. ( 1971): Verınchrungskinetik und
vcrwendbarkcit cincr stark zytopatogenen VD -MD virusstammes für
diagnostische untcrsuchungen mit der mikratiter methode. Zbl. Vet. Med. , 18:61-
- FRESHNEY, I.R.( 1983): Cultures of Animal Cclls. 2. Edition. Alan,
R.Liss.Inc., NewYork.
H.(l994): Şap aşılı sığırlarda mikro nötralizasyon ve ELISA ile antikor
düzeylerinin saptanması. Etlik Vet.Mikr. Derg., 7(5): 99-109 .
- HAINES, D.M.; CHELACK, B.J.; RADOSTITS, O. (1992): Freezİng
-thawing does not adversly effect inımunoglobulin levcls in colostnını. Can.
Vet. Jour., 33(6): 355-356.
- KAERBER, G.(1964): In diagnostic procedures for virus and ricketsial
disease. Public Hacith Ass. (New York), 3:48-50. ·
- LYAKU, J.R.S.; NETTLETON, P.F.; SCOTT, G.R. (1990): A
quantitative enzyme- linked immunosorbant assay for bovine herpes virus type-
1 (BHV-J) antibody. Biologicals, 18(3): 199-205.
- MOORHOUSE, P.D.; HUGH - JONES, M. E. ( 1982): The results
of retcsting bovine sera stored at -18°C for twenty years with lessons for future
serum banks. Vet. Bull. 4:260-265 .
- PASCUAL, D.W.; CLEM, L.W. (1992): An effective procedure for
mouse lg M (F(ab)2 fragment production. Jour. of lmmun. Meth., 146:249-255 .
- RATTAN, B.; SHARMA, B.; SHANKAR, H.(1992): Comparative
evaluation of enhanced serum neutralization test and ELISA for detection
ofbovine herpesvirus -1 antibody in cattle. Indian J. of Vir., 8(1): 4-7.
- ROCHE, P.M.; EDWARDS, S. (1992): Effect of multiple freezing/
thawing on sera from the offspring of pestivirus - infected sows. Second symposium
on pestiviruses 1-3 october 1992, France.
- TRYBALA, E.; WISKIEWSKI, J.; KALICKI, M. (1992); Evaluatian
of three serological tests and ski n test to diagnose IBR-IPV virus infectionsin
cattle. Medycyna Weterynaryjna. 48 (8): 345-347.
The Determination Of The Effect Of Freezing-Thawing On The Serum Antibody Titters For IBR Virus BY SNT and ELİSA
Yıl 1996,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4, 169 - 180, 01.12.1996
Özden Kabaklı
Ayhan Akçora
In this study, 250 serum samples were obtanied from cattle which infected
with IBR/IPV virus, in various regions of Turkey. They were tested for IBRJ IPV virus antibodies by microneutralization test and ELISA. Two tests were
compared for the detection ofthe proportion ofpositive sera. In addition to, 44
serum samples selected in 250 senım which tested before. They were frozen/
thawed 10 times and tested for effects of freezİng thawing on antibody titers in
sera by SNT and ELISA. In ELISA 173 of 250 sera were estimated as positive
and 77 were negative. For SNT test 170 were positive, 80 were negative.
Three of 80 samples were negative for SNT and positive in the ELISA. Using
the Chi square method the proportion ofpositive sera in both tests were X2=236
the SNT were 100% and 96.25%, respectively. In this study, 40 positive sera of
44 which 10 times frozenlthawed and tested before by ELI SA and MN test
were found to have 1 : 1 .41 - 1:316 neutralising dose 50 and in ELISA 50%-95%
OD values of antibodies. There was a good corelation (r=0.90) between ELI SA
and SNT. The results showed no signifıcant change on antibody levels in sera,
even after 10 cyles of freezİng and thawing.
- BAILEY, N.T.J. (1981): Statistical methodsin biology. Second Edition
Nourthumberland Press Ltd. London.
SLODIC, D.(l994): The stability ofantibodies to bovine leukeınia vinıs in milk
and blood sera. Yeterinarski Archiv. 64:1-3, 19-26.
- CECCHİNİ, G.; BEKELE, T.; KASALI, O.B.(l992): The effect of
repeatad freezİng and thawing of senım on the activitiy of antibodies. Vet. Res.
Com. 16(6): 425-428.
- DURHAM, P.J.K. ; SILLARS, H.M. ( 1986) : Evaluation of on enzyme
- linked inununosorbent assay (ELI SA) for sera diagnosis of ınfectıous
bovine rhinotracheitis infcction. with results of a prilaminary survey. NevvZeland.
Vet.Jour., 34(3):27-30.
- FREY, H.R.; LIESS, B. ( 1971): Verınchrungskinetik und
vcrwendbarkcit cincr stark zytopatogenen VD -MD virusstammes für
diagnostische untcrsuchungen mit der mikratiter methode. Zbl. Vet. Med. , 18:61-
- FRESHNEY, I.R.( 1983): Cultures of Animal Cclls. 2. Edition. Alan,
R.Liss.Inc., NewYork.
H.(l994): Şap aşılı sığırlarda mikro nötralizasyon ve ELISA ile antikor
düzeylerinin saptanması. Etlik Vet.Mikr. Derg., 7(5): 99-109 .
- HAINES, D.M.; CHELACK, B.J.; RADOSTITS, O. (1992): Freezİng
-thawing does not adversly effect inımunoglobulin levcls in colostnını. Can.
Vet. Jour., 33(6): 355-356.
- KAERBER, G.(1964): In diagnostic procedures for virus and ricketsial
disease. Public Hacith Ass. (New York), 3:48-50. ·
- LYAKU, J.R.S.; NETTLETON, P.F.; SCOTT, G.R. (1990): A
quantitative enzyme- linked immunosorbant assay for bovine herpes virus type-
1 (BHV-J) antibody. Biologicals, 18(3): 199-205.
- MOORHOUSE, P.D.; HUGH - JONES, M. E. ( 1982): The results
of retcsting bovine sera stored at -18°C for twenty years with lessons for future
serum banks. Vet. Bull. 4:260-265 .
- PASCUAL, D.W.; CLEM, L.W. (1992): An effective procedure for
mouse lg M (F(ab)2 fragment production. Jour. of lmmun. Meth., 146:249-255 .
- RATTAN, B.; SHARMA, B.; SHANKAR, H.(1992): Comparative
evaluation of enhanced serum neutralization test and ELISA for detection
ofbovine herpesvirus -1 antibody in cattle. Indian J. of Vir., 8(1): 4-7.
- ROCHE, P.M.; EDWARDS, S. (1992): Effect of multiple freezing/
thawing on sera from the offspring of pestivirus - infected sows. Second symposium
on pestiviruses 1-3 october 1992, France.
- TRYBALA, E.; WISKIEWSKI, J.; KALICKI, M. (1992); Evaluatian
of three serological tests and ski n test to diagnose IBR-IPV virus infectionsin
cattle. Medycyna Weterynaryjna. 48 (8): 345-347.