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Seroprevalence of leptospirosis in stray dogs in Bursa

Yıl 1997, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 108 - 114, 01.12.1997


In this study, sera obtained from 82 stray dogs in Bursa were cxamined by
the Mieroscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) for Leptospiral antibodies. Ninc
sera (10.97%) were positive only with serotype L.icterohaemorrhagiae -RGA in
MAT which L.grippotvphosa (sv. Moskova-V). L.ballum (sv Mus-127),
L.pomona (sv.pomona), L.canicola (sv. utrecht-IV) and L.icterohaemorrhagiae
(sv. Jet. RGA) serotypes \:vere used as antigens. Positive sera titres were I: I 00
(4/9), 1:200 (2/9), 1:400 (2/9)and 1:800 ( 1/9). Infection rates were found 13.72%
in female dogs, 6.45% in malc dogs. It was datermined that the infection rate
was highe


  • ANONYM (Australia, Veterinary Pathology Services ), ( 1989) : Canine Leptospirosis- A Reeınerging Disease? Australian Veteıinary Practitioner, 19(3), 154.
  • ANDREWES, C. H. and WALTON, J. R.( 1977) : Animal and Human Health Viral and Bacteıial Zoonoses, Brander,G.C.,Cassell and Collier, London, 108- 111.
  • ARDA, M., MİNBAY, A., LELOGLU, N., AYDIN, N., AKAY; Ö. (1992): Özel Mikrobiyoloji, Atatürk Üniv. Yayınları , No:741. Erzunım, 456- 460.
  • ARİMİTSU, Y., FUKUMURA, K., SHİNGAKİ, Y. (1989) : Distribution of Leptospirozis among stray dogs in the Okinawa islands, Japan: Comparison of the microcapsule and microscopic agglutination tests, Br. Vet. J., 145,473 .
  • ARİMİTSU, Y., HARİTANİ, K., ISHIGURO, N. and KOBAYASHİ, S. ( 1989) : Detection of antibodies to Leptospirosis in experimentally infected dogs us ing the Micocapsule Agglutination Test, B r. Vet. J ., 145,356-361.
  • ARİMİTSU, Y. and MATUHASi, T. (1987) : Seradiagnosis of Leptospirosis in China by the one-point MCA method, Epidem, InL99,393- 398.
  • BLO BEL, H. and SCHLİEBER, T. (1985) : Leptospira, Handbuch der bacteriellen infektionen beitieren, 5,135- 136.
  • DİCKESON D., LOVE D.N. (1993): A serological survey of dogs, cats and horses in south-castern Australia for leptospiral antibodies, Aust. Vet.J .,70 (10), 389-390.
  • ELLIS, W. A. (1986): Leptospirosis, J. Smail Anim. Practice, 27 ,683- 390.
  • EVERARD, C.O.R., JONES, C.J., INNİSS, V.A., CARRİNGTON, D.G. and VAUGHAN A.W.(I987): Leptospirosis in dogs on Barbados, Isr.J.Vet.Med.,43(4), 288-295.
  • FAİNE, S. (1982) :Guidelines for control of Leptospirosis, Seetion B- 138, World Health Organization, Geneva.
  • GİLLESPİE, J.H., TİMONEY, J.F. (1981): Hagan anc;i Bruner's lnfectious Diseascs of Domestic Animal s, Seventh Edition, Comeli University Press, United Kingdom, 67-68.
  • HARTMAN, E.G., VAN DEN INGH, T.S.G.A.M., ROTHUİZEN, J. ( 1986) : Clinical, Pathological and Serogical features of spontaneous canine Leptospirosis. An evaluation of the IgM-and lgG-specifıc ELISA., Vet. Immun. Immunopath., 13,261-271.
  • HATHAWAY, S.C., LİTTLE, T.W.A., HEADLAM, S.A. (1983): Infection of free-living camİvares with leptospires of the Australis serogrup, Vet.Rec., 113,233-235.
  • HATHAWAY, S.C., LİTTLE, T.W.A., STEVENS, A.E.(1983) : Seravar identifıcation ofleptospires of the Australis serogrup isolated from freeliving and domestic species in the United Kingdom, Res.Vet.Sci .,35,64-68.
  • JOHNSON, R.C. and FAİNE, S. (1984) : Leptospiracea, Bargey's Manual of systematic Hacteriology Vol .1 , Krieg N. R., Williams & Wilkins, USA, 62-67.
  • MA LO NE, E. ( 1994) : Leptospirosis-an im portant zoonosis, Iris h Vet.J., 47(6),272-273
  • MİCHNA, S.W. (1970) : Leptospirosis, Vet.Rec.,86,484-496.
  • PRESCOTT, J.F., FERRİER, R.L., NİCHOLSON, V.M., JOHNSTON, K. M., HOFF, B. ( 1991): Is canine leptospirosis underdiagnosed in southem Ortario? A casereport and serological survey, Can.Vet.J.,32,481- 486
  • PRİTCHARD, D.G. (1990) : Spirochaetal and Leptospiral diseases, Topley and Wilson's Principles ofBacteriology, Virology and lrnmunity, Eighth Ed., Vo1.3 ,Bacterial Diseases, Geoffrey R. Smith, Charles S.F., Easman, Butler & Tanner Ltd., Great Britain, 632-633 .
  • ROTHWELL, J. T. (1990) : Serum agglutinating antibodies to Leptospira interrogans serovar canicola presumed due to seravar robinsani infection in an Australian dog, Australian Vet. J.,67(6),232.
  • SCHMİDT, D.R., WİNN, R.E., KEEFE, T.J. ( 1989): Lcptospirosis, Epideıniological features ofa sporadic qase, Arch. Intem.Med., 149, 1878-1880.
  • SÜMBÜLOVA, K., SÜMBÜLOVA, V. ( 1995): Biyoistatistik, Özdemir yay ıncılık, Ankara, 156-167. 24. VENKANATARAMAN, K.S. and NEDUNCHELLİYAN, S.(1992): Epideıniology of an outbreak of Leptospirosis in man and dog, Comp. Immun. Microbiol. Infect. Dis., 15(4), 243-247.
  • VENKANATARAMAN, K.S. and NEDUNCHELLİYAN, S.(1993): Seroepideıniology of canine leptospirosis in Madras city, Inciian Journal of Animal Sciences,63(2), 150-152.
  • WATSON, A.D.J. (199 1): Leptospirra interrogans seravar bratislava infection, J .A.V.M.A., 199(10), 1239.
  • WİNERALS, C.G., CHAN, L., CONGLAN, J.D., LEDİNGHAM, J.G.G., OLiVER, D.O. (1984) : Acute renal failure due to Leptospirosis: Clinical features and outcoıne in six cases, Quarterly Journal of Medicine, 212, 487-495 .


Yıl 1997, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 108 - 114, 01.12.1997


Bu çalışmada, Bursa ilinde 82 adet sokak köpeğinden alınan kan senunu
Mikroskopik Aglutinasyon Testi (MAT) ile Leptospira antikorları yönünden
incelendi . L.grippotvphosa (serovar moskova-V) .L. bali um (sv. Mus-127),
L.poınona (sv.pomona), L.canicola (sv.utrecht-IV), L.icterohaemorrhagiae(sv.
icterohaemorrhagiae-RGA) antijenlerinin kullanıldığı MAT'inde 9 adet (%10. 97)
serum sadece L. icterohaemorrhagiae (sv. icterohaemorrhagie-RGA) seratipi
ile pozitif reaksiyon verdi. Pozitif senımiarın titreleri 1:100 ( 4/9), 1:200 (2/9),
1:400 (2/9), ve 1:800 ( 1/9) olarak bulundu. infeksiyon oranı dişi köpeklerde
%13.72, erkek köpeklerde %6.45 olarak bulundu . 1-4 yaş arası köpeklerde
infeksiyon oranının (%15.09), I yaşından küçük köpeklerden (%4.34) daha
yüksek olduğu saptandı.


  • ANONYM (Australia, Veterinary Pathology Services ), ( 1989) : Canine Leptospirosis- A Reeınerging Disease? Australian Veteıinary Practitioner, 19(3), 154.
  • ANDREWES, C. H. and WALTON, J. R.( 1977) : Animal and Human Health Viral and Bacteıial Zoonoses, Brander,G.C.,Cassell and Collier, London, 108- 111.
  • ARDA, M., MİNBAY, A., LELOGLU, N., AYDIN, N., AKAY; Ö. (1992): Özel Mikrobiyoloji, Atatürk Üniv. Yayınları , No:741. Erzunım, 456- 460.
  • ARİMİTSU, Y., FUKUMURA, K., SHİNGAKİ, Y. (1989) : Distribution of Leptospirozis among stray dogs in the Okinawa islands, Japan: Comparison of the microcapsule and microscopic agglutination tests, Br. Vet. J., 145,473 .
  • ARİMİTSU, Y., HARİTANİ, K., ISHIGURO, N. and KOBAYASHİ, S. ( 1989) : Detection of antibodies to Leptospirosis in experimentally infected dogs us ing the Micocapsule Agglutination Test, B r. Vet. J ., 145,356-361.
  • ARİMİTSU, Y. and MATUHASi, T. (1987) : Seradiagnosis of Leptospirosis in China by the one-point MCA method, Epidem, InL99,393- 398.
  • BLO BEL, H. and SCHLİEBER, T. (1985) : Leptospira, Handbuch der bacteriellen infektionen beitieren, 5,135- 136.
  • DİCKESON D., LOVE D.N. (1993): A serological survey of dogs, cats and horses in south-castern Australia for leptospiral antibodies, Aust. Vet.J .,70 (10), 389-390.
  • ELLIS, W. A. (1986): Leptospirosis, J. Smail Anim. Practice, 27 ,683- 390.
  • EVERARD, C.O.R., JONES, C.J., INNİSS, V.A., CARRİNGTON, D.G. and VAUGHAN A.W.(I987): Leptospirosis in dogs on Barbados, Isr.J.Vet.Med.,43(4), 288-295.
  • FAİNE, S. (1982) :Guidelines for control of Leptospirosis, Seetion B- 138, World Health Organization, Geneva.
  • GİLLESPİE, J.H., TİMONEY, J.F. (1981): Hagan anc;i Bruner's lnfectious Diseascs of Domestic Animal s, Seventh Edition, Comeli University Press, United Kingdom, 67-68.
  • HARTMAN, E.G., VAN DEN INGH, T.S.G.A.M., ROTHUİZEN, J. ( 1986) : Clinical, Pathological and Serogical features of spontaneous canine Leptospirosis. An evaluation of the IgM-and lgG-specifıc ELISA., Vet. Immun. Immunopath., 13,261-271.
  • HATHAWAY, S.C., LİTTLE, T.W.A., HEADLAM, S.A. (1983): Infection of free-living camİvares with leptospires of the Australis serogrup, Vet.Rec., 113,233-235.
  • HATHAWAY, S.C., LİTTLE, T.W.A., STEVENS, A.E.(1983) : Seravar identifıcation ofleptospires of the Australis serogrup isolated from freeliving and domestic species in the United Kingdom, Res.Vet.Sci .,35,64-68.
  • JOHNSON, R.C. and FAİNE, S. (1984) : Leptospiracea, Bargey's Manual of systematic Hacteriology Vol .1 , Krieg N. R., Williams & Wilkins, USA, 62-67.
  • MA LO NE, E. ( 1994) : Leptospirosis-an im portant zoonosis, Iris h Vet.J., 47(6),272-273
  • MİCHNA, S.W. (1970) : Leptospirosis, Vet.Rec.,86,484-496.
  • PRESCOTT, J.F., FERRİER, R.L., NİCHOLSON, V.M., JOHNSTON, K. M., HOFF, B. ( 1991): Is canine leptospirosis underdiagnosed in southem Ortario? A casereport and serological survey, Can.Vet.J.,32,481- 486
  • PRİTCHARD, D.G. (1990) : Spirochaetal and Leptospiral diseases, Topley and Wilson's Principles ofBacteriology, Virology and lrnmunity, Eighth Ed., Vo1.3 ,Bacterial Diseases, Geoffrey R. Smith, Charles S.F., Easman, Butler & Tanner Ltd., Great Britain, 632-633 .
  • ROTHWELL, J. T. (1990) : Serum agglutinating antibodies to Leptospira interrogans serovar canicola presumed due to seravar robinsani infection in an Australian dog, Australian Vet. J.,67(6),232.
  • SCHMİDT, D.R., WİNN, R.E., KEEFE, T.J. ( 1989): Lcptospirosis, Epideıniological features ofa sporadic qase, Arch. Intem.Med., 149, 1878-1880.
  • SÜMBÜLOVA, K., SÜMBÜLOVA, V. ( 1995): Biyoistatistik, Özdemir yay ıncılık, Ankara, 156-167. 24. VENKANATARAMAN, K.S. and NEDUNCHELLİYAN, S.(1992): Epideıniology of an outbreak of Leptospirosis in man and dog, Comp. Immun. Microbiol. Infect. Dis., 15(4), 243-247.
  • VENKANATARAMAN, K.S. and NEDUNCHELLİYAN, S.(1993): Seroepideıniology of canine leptospirosis in Madras city, Inciian Journal of Animal Sciences,63(2), 150-152.
  • WATSON, A.D.J. (199 1): Leptospirra interrogans seravar bratislava infection, J .A.V.M.A., 199(10), 1239.
  • WİNERALS, C.G., CHAN, L., CONGLAN, J.D., LEDİNGHAM, J.G.G., OLiVER, D.O. (1984) : Acute renal failure due to Leptospirosis: Clinical features and outcoıne in six cases, Quarterly Journal of Medicine, 212, 487-495 .
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mihriban Ülgen Bu kişi benim

Cengiz Çetin Bu kişi benim

Vildan Özdemir Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1997
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1997
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1997 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ülgen, M., Çetin, C., & Özdemir, V. (1997). BURSA İLİNDEKi SOKAK KÖPEKLERİNDE LEPTOSPİROZİS’İN SEROPREVALANSI. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 9(1), 108-114.