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Lyme Hastalığı

Yıl 1999, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 79 - 91, 01.06.1999


Bir spiroketa olan Borrelia burgdorferi tarafından oluşturulan
bu hastalık. ı 976 yılından itibaren Lyme hastalığı olarak tanımlanmakta ve tüm dünyada insan ve birçok evcil hayvanda görülmektedir.
Hastalık, başta ABD'de Ixodes dammini (I. scapularis) ve I. pasificus,
Avrupa'da I. ricinus ve Asya'da I. persulcatus ile taşınmaktadır.
Bu kenelerin yanında, sinek ve sivri sinek gibi diğer bazı vektörler
de bu zoonotik infeksiyonu insanlara taşırlar. Bunun yanında
hayvanlar arasında direkt bulaşma da şekillenebilir. Bu hastalıkta
klinik olarak dal1a çok artritis sonucu şekillenen topallık. ateş. deri
lezyonları ve sinirsel belirtiler görülmektedir. Tanıda, etken izolasyonu
zor olduğu için lFA ve ELISA gibi serolajik yöntemler tercih edilmektedir.
Sağaltımda antibiyotikler etkili olmakta. koruma amacıyla
hazırlanan bakterinler başarılı bulunmaktadır.


  • ANDERSON J F, JOHNSON R C, MAGNARELLI LA and HYDE F W, ( ı985) . Identification oj endemicjoci oj Lyme Disease: Isolation oj Borrelia burgdorjerijromjeral rodents and ticlcs (Dermacentor variabilis). J. Clin. Microbiol. . 22(1):36-38 .
  • ANDERSON J F, MAGNARELLI L A, BURGDORFER W and BARBOUR A G, (1983). Spirochetes in Ixodes dammini and mamals from Connecticut. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg .. 32(4): 8ı8-824.
  • ANGULO AB, (ı986). Lyme Disease in cats. The SouthernWestern Veterinarian, 37(2): ıo8- ıo9.
  • BARANTON G, (ı 990). Lyme Borreliosis. Comp. İmmun. Microbiol. Infect. Dis .. ı3(3) : ı ıı-ı 17.
  • BERGER B W, JOHNSON R C, CORNER C and COLEMAN L, (ı 992). Cultivation oj Borrelia burgdorjerijrom erythema migrans lesions and perilesianal slcin. J . Clin. Microbiol. . 30(2): 359-361.
  • BURGDORFER W, BARBOUR G, HAYES ·s F, PETER O and AESCHLIMANN A, (1983). Erythema chronicum migrans-a tic/cbome spirochetosis. Acta Tropica, 40: 79-8 3 .
  • BURGDORFER W, LANE R S, BARBOUR A G, GRESBRING RA and ANDERSON JR, (ı985): The western blaclc-lagged ticlc, Ixodes pasificus: A veetar oj Borrelia burgdorjeri. Am. J . Trop. Med. Hyg .. 34(5): 925-930.
  • BURGESS E C, (1986). Natural exposure ojWisconsin dogs to the Lyme disease spirochete (Borrelia burgdorjeri). Lab. Ani. Sci., 36(3): 288-290.
  • BURGESS E C, (1988). Borrelia burgdorjeri irifection in horses and cows. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539:235-243.
  • BURGESS E C and PATRICAN LA, (ı987). Oral injection oj Peromyscus maniculatus with Borrelia burgdorjeri and subsequent transmission by Ixodes dammini. Am. J . Trop. Med. Hyg .. 36(2): 402- 407.
  • BURGESS E C, AMUNDSON TE, DAVIS J P, KASLOW R A and EDELMAN R, (1986): Experimental inoculation oj Peromyscus spp. with Borrelia burgdorjeri : Evidence oj contact transmission. Am J Trop Med Hyg .. 35(2): 355-359.
  • BÜKE M, ( 1993). Lyme ha.stalığı . 4. Ulusal infeksiyon Hastalıkları Kongresi, 27-30 Nisan 1993. İzmir. pp.203-210.
  • CHU H, CHAVEZ LG, BLUMER B M, SEBRING R W, WASMOEN T L and ACREE W M, (1992). Immunogenicity and efficacy study oj a commercial Borrelia burgdorjeri bacterin. JAVMA, 201(3): 403-411.
  • DATTWAYLER RJ and HALPERIN J J, (1987). Failure oj tetracycline therapy in earl Lyme disease. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 30(4): 448-450.
  • DATTWAYLER RJ, WOLKMAN DJ, HALPERIN J J, LUFT B J, THOMAS J and GOLIGHTLY MG, (1988). Spesijic immun respanses in Lyme borreliosis, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.. ·539: 93-101.
  • DONOGHUE AR and SCILLHORN van VEEN T W, ( 1989). Investigating cross-reastions between Leptospira and Borrelia. JAVMA, 195(11): 1460-1462.
  • EDELMAN R, ( 1991 ). Perspective on the development oj vaccines against Lyme Disease. Vaccine, 9: 531-532.
  • EUZEBY J P, (1989). Borrelia burgdorjeri et la maladie de Lyme chez les animaııx. Revue Generale. Rev. Med. Vet .. 140(5): 371- 388
  • EUZEBY J Pet RAFFI A, (1988). Mise en evidence anti-B. burgdorjeri chez le chien: Sondage epidemiologique en region midiPyrenees. Rev. Med. Vet., 139(6): 589-593.
  • GOLIGHTLY M, THOMAS J, WOLKMAN D and DATTWAYLER R, (1988). Modulation ojnaturaliciller eel/ actirJity by Borrelia burgdorjeri. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539: 103-111.
  • GOODMAN J L, JURKOVICH P, KRAMBER J M and JOHNSON R C ( 1991 ). Malecular detection oj persistent Borrelia burgdorjeri in the urine oj patients with active Lyme disease. Infect. Immun .. 59( l): 269-278.
  • GREENE R T, LEVINE J F, BREITSCHWERDT B and BERKHOFF H A, ( 1988). Antibodies to Borrelia burgdorjeri in dogs in North Carolina. Am. J. Vet. Res., 49(4): 473-476.
  • HABICHT G S, ( 1988). Lyme Disease: Antigens oj Borrelia burgdorjeri and immun respanses to them. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539: 112-114.
  • HABICHT G S, BECK G and BENACH J L, (ı 988). The role oj Interleulcin-1 in the pathogenesis oj Lyme disease. Arın . N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539: 80-86.
  • İZGÜR M ve KESKİN O, (1993). Hayvanlarda Lyme disease. 4. Ulusal infeksiyon Hastalıkları Kongresi, 27-30 Nisan ı 993, İzmir, p . ı55 .
  • KORNBLATT AN, URBANT PH and STEERE A C, (1985). Arthritis caused by Borrelia burgdoTjeri in dogs. JAVMA, ı86(9) : 960- 964.
  • KÖKSAL İ, SALTOÖLU N, BİNGÜL T ve ÖZTÜRK H, (1990). Bir Lyme hastalığı olgusu .. Ankem, 4:284.
  • LEVY SA, LlSSMAN B A and FICKE C M, (1993). PeTjormance oj a Borrelia burgdoiferi bacterin in borreliosis-endemic areas. JAVMA, 202(1 ı): ı834-ı838 .
  • LUFT B J, VOLKMAN DJ, HALPERIN J J and DATTWAYLER RJ, (1988). New chemothrapeutic approaches in the treatment oj Lyme borreliosis. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539: 352-361.
  • MAGNARELLI LA, (ı980) . Seralogic diagnosis oj Lyme disease. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539: ı54-ı6ı.
  • MAGNARELLI LA, ANDERSON J F and FISH D, (ı987) . Transavarial Transmission oj Borrelia burgdoTjeri in Ixodes dammini (Acari: Ixodidae.l. J . Infect. Dis., ı56(ı): 234-236.
  • MAGNARELLI LA, MILLER J N, ANDERSON J F and RIVIERE G R, ( ı990): Cross-reactivity oj nonspesific Treponemal antibody in seralogic testsfor Lyme disease. J . Clin. Microbiol.. 28(6): ı276-ı279 .
  • MUNDERLOCH U G, KURTTI T J, JOHNSON R C and AHLSTRAND G G, (1988). Colonyjormation by Lyme disease spirochetes. Arın . N.Y. Acad. Sci. , 539: 404-406.
  • NEED J and ESCAMILLA J, (ı99ı). Lyme disease in South America. J . Infect. Dis., ı63: 68ı-682.
  • ÖZBAKKALOÖLU B, (ı 990). Lyme hastalığı. Türk Mikro biyol. Cem. Derg. , 20(3-4):288-298.
  • PENNELL DR, WAND P J and SCHELL RF, (1988). An indirect quantative jluorescence immunoassay for the detection oj Lyme disease serum antibody. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539: 483-484.
  • SCHWAN T G, BURGDORFER W and ROSA PA, (1995). Borrelia. In:Manuel oj Clinical Microbiology, Ed.:MURRAY, P.R., BARON. E.J., PFALLER. M.A., TENOVER F.C. and YOLKEN. R.H. ASM PRESS, WASHINGTON D.C.
  • SCZEPANSKI A and BENACH J L, (ı 99 ı). Lyme borreliosis: Host respanses to Borrelia burgdorjeri. Microbiological Reviews, 55(1): 2ı-34.
  • SCZEPANSKI A and FLEITH H B, (1988). Interaction between Borrelia burgdorjeri" and polymorpnuclear leulcocytes. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539: 425-428.
  • STEERE A C, (ı 989). Lyme disease. The New England Journal of Medicine. 321(9): 586-596.
  • TASAI M, TAKASHIMA I, KARIWA H, HASHIMOTO N, KONDO T, SUGIURA Tand KAMADA M, (1993). Serological survey oj Lyme borreliosis in horses in Japan by immunojluorescent antibody test andjluorescent enzymelinlced immunosorbent assay. Bull. Equine Res. Inst. 30: 37-42.
  • UILENBERG G, HINAIDY H K, PERlE N M and FEESTRA T, (ı988). Borrelia injections oj ruminants in the Europe. The Veterinary Quarterlı, ıO(l): 63-67.
  • WELLS S J, TRE NT A M, ROBINSON R A, KNUTSON K S and BEY RF, (ı993). Association between clinicallameness andBorrelia burgdorjeri antibody in dairy cows. Am. J. Vet. Res .. 54(3): 398- 405.
  • WILLIAMS J L, BENACH J L, CURRAN A S, SPIERLING P and MEDICI F, (1988). Lyme disease during pregnancy. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539:504-505.

Lyme Disease

Yıl 1999, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 79 - 91, 01.06.1999


Borreliosis, cansed by a spirochete. Borrelia burgdorferi, is
known as Lyme Diseae since 1976, and encountered among men, domestic
animals throughout the world. The disease is transmitted by
Ixodide ticks, namely Ixodes dammini (I. scapularis) and I. pasificus
in USA, I. ricinus in Europe and I. persulcatus in Asia. These ticks
and same other vectors such as mosquitos and flies can alsa transmit
this zoonitic infection to human beings. Apart from this, direct
transmission among animals may occur. Clinical manifestations of the disease include lamenas due to severe arthritis. fever. skin lesions
and neurologic abnormalities . Since the isolation of the causative
agent is quite difficult, seralogic techniques such as lFA and ELISA
are used in the diagnosis of the disease . Antibiotics proved to be
useful in the treatment of the elinical disease and it has been shown
that the use of bacterins in the prevention of the disease was succesful.


  • ANDERSON J F, JOHNSON R C, MAGNARELLI LA and HYDE F W, ( ı985) . Identification oj endemicjoci oj Lyme Disease: Isolation oj Borrelia burgdorjerijromjeral rodents and ticlcs (Dermacentor variabilis). J. Clin. Microbiol. . 22(1):36-38 .
  • ANDERSON J F, MAGNARELLI L A, BURGDORFER W and BARBOUR A G, (1983). Spirochetes in Ixodes dammini and mamals from Connecticut. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg .. 32(4): 8ı8-824.
  • ANGULO AB, (ı986). Lyme Disease in cats. The SouthernWestern Veterinarian, 37(2): ıo8- ıo9.
  • BARANTON G, (ı 990). Lyme Borreliosis. Comp. İmmun. Microbiol. Infect. Dis .. ı3(3) : ı ıı-ı 17.
  • BERGER B W, JOHNSON R C, CORNER C and COLEMAN L, (ı 992). Cultivation oj Borrelia burgdorjerijrom erythema migrans lesions and perilesianal slcin. J . Clin. Microbiol. . 30(2): 359-361.
  • BURGDORFER W, BARBOUR G, HAYES ·s F, PETER O and AESCHLIMANN A, (1983). Erythema chronicum migrans-a tic/cbome spirochetosis. Acta Tropica, 40: 79-8 3 .
  • BURGDORFER W, LANE R S, BARBOUR A G, GRESBRING RA and ANDERSON JR, (ı985): The western blaclc-lagged ticlc, Ixodes pasificus: A veetar oj Borrelia burgdorjeri. Am. J . Trop. Med. Hyg .. 34(5): 925-930.
  • BURGESS E C, (1986). Natural exposure ojWisconsin dogs to the Lyme disease spirochete (Borrelia burgdorjeri). Lab. Ani. Sci., 36(3): 288-290.
  • BURGESS E C, (1988). Borrelia burgdorjeri irifection in horses and cows. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539:235-243.
  • BURGESS E C and PATRICAN LA, (ı987). Oral injection oj Peromyscus maniculatus with Borrelia burgdorjeri and subsequent transmission by Ixodes dammini. Am. J . Trop. Med. Hyg .. 36(2): 402- 407.
  • BURGESS E C, AMUNDSON TE, DAVIS J P, KASLOW R A and EDELMAN R, (1986): Experimental inoculation oj Peromyscus spp. with Borrelia burgdorjeri : Evidence oj contact transmission. Am J Trop Med Hyg .. 35(2): 355-359.
  • BÜKE M, ( 1993). Lyme ha.stalığı . 4. Ulusal infeksiyon Hastalıkları Kongresi, 27-30 Nisan 1993. İzmir. pp.203-210.
  • CHU H, CHAVEZ LG, BLUMER B M, SEBRING R W, WASMOEN T L and ACREE W M, (1992). Immunogenicity and efficacy study oj a commercial Borrelia burgdorjeri bacterin. JAVMA, 201(3): 403-411.
  • DATTWAYLER RJ and HALPERIN J J, (1987). Failure oj tetracycline therapy in earl Lyme disease. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 30(4): 448-450.
  • DATTWAYLER RJ, WOLKMAN DJ, HALPERIN J J, LUFT B J, THOMAS J and GOLIGHTLY MG, (1988). Spesijic immun respanses in Lyme borreliosis, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.. ·539: 93-101.
  • DONOGHUE AR and SCILLHORN van VEEN T W, ( 1989). Investigating cross-reastions between Leptospira and Borrelia. JAVMA, 195(11): 1460-1462.
  • EDELMAN R, ( 1991 ). Perspective on the development oj vaccines against Lyme Disease. Vaccine, 9: 531-532.
  • EUZEBY J P, (1989). Borrelia burgdorjeri et la maladie de Lyme chez les animaııx. Revue Generale. Rev. Med. Vet .. 140(5): 371- 388
  • EUZEBY J Pet RAFFI A, (1988). Mise en evidence anti-B. burgdorjeri chez le chien: Sondage epidemiologique en region midiPyrenees. Rev. Med. Vet., 139(6): 589-593.
  • GOLIGHTLY M, THOMAS J, WOLKMAN D and DATTWAYLER R, (1988). Modulation ojnaturaliciller eel/ actirJity by Borrelia burgdorjeri. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539: 103-111.
  • GOODMAN J L, JURKOVICH P, KRAMBER J M and JOHNSON R C ( 1991 ). Malecular detection oj persistent Borrelia burgdorjeri in the urine oj patients with active Lyme disease. Infect. Immun .. 59( l): 269-278.
  • GREENE R T, LEVINE J F, BREITSCHWERDT B and BERKHOFF H A, ( 1988). Antibodies to Borrelia burgdorjeri in dogs in North Carolina. Am. J. Vet. Res., 49(4): 473-476.
  • HABICHT G S, ( 1988). Lyme Disease: Antigens oj Borrelia burgdorjeri and immun respanses to them. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539: 112-114.
  • HABICHT G S, BECK G and BENACH J L, (ı 988). The role oj Interleulcin-1 in the pathogenesis oj Lyme disease. Arın . N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539: 80-86.
  • İZGÜR M ve KESKİN O, (1993). Hayvanlarda Lyme disease. 4. Ulusal infeksiyon Hastalıkları Kongresi, 27-30 Nisan ı 993, İzmir, p . ı55 .
  • KORNBLATT AN, URBANT PH and STEERE A C, (1985). Arthritis caused by Borrelia burgdoTjeri in dogs. JAVMA, ı86(9) : 960- 964.
  • KÖKSAL İ, SALTOÖLU N, BİNGÜL T ve ÖZTÜRK H, (1990). Bir Lyme hastalığı olgusu .. Ankem, 4:284.
  • LEVY SA, LlSSMAN B A and FICKE C M, (1993). PeTjormance oj a Borrelia burgdoiferi bacterin in borreliosis-endemic areas. JAVMA, 202(1 ı): ı834-ı838 .
  • LUFT B J, VOLKMAN DJ, HALPERIN J J and DATTWAYLER RJ, (1988). New chemothrapeutic approaches in the treatment oj Lyme borreliosis. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539: 352-361.
  • MAGNARELLI LA, (ı980) . Seralogic diagnosis oj Lyme disease. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539: ı54-ı6ı.
  • MAGNARELLI LA, ANDERSON J F and FISH D, (ı987) . Transavarial Transmission oj Borrelia burgdoTjeri in Ixodes dammini (Acari: Ixodidae.l. J . Infect. Dis., ı56(ı): 234-236.
  • MAGNARELLI LA, MILLER J N, ANDERSON J F and RIVIERE G R, ( ı990): Cross-reactivity oj nonspesific Treponemal antibody in seralogic testsfor Lyme disease. J . Clin. Microbiol.. 28(6): ı276-ı279 .
  • MUNDERLOCH U G, KURTTI T J, JOHNSON R C and AHLSTRAND G G, (1988). Colonyjormation by Lyme disease spirochetes. Arın . N.Y. Acad. Sci. , 539: 404-406.
  • NEED J and ESCAMILLA J, (ı99ı). Lyme disease in South America. J . Infect. Dis., ı63: 68ı-682.
  • ÖZBAKKALOÖLU B, (ı 990). Lyme hastalığı. Türk Mikro biyol. Cem. Derg. , 20(3-4):288-298.
  • PENNELL DR, WAND P J and SCHELL RF, (1988). An indirect quantative jluorescence immunoassay for the detection oj Lyme disease serum antibody. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539: 483-484.
  • SCHWAN T G, BURGDORFER W and ROSA PA, (1995). Borrelia. In:Manuel oj Clinical Microbiology, Ed.:MURRAY, P.R., BARON. E.J., PFALLER. M.A., TENOVER F.C. and YOLKEN. R.H. ASM PRESS, WASHINGTON D.C.
  • SCZEPANSKI A and BENACH J L, (ı 99 ı). Lyme borreliosis: Host respanses to Borrelia burgdorjeri. Microbiological Reviews, 55(1): 2ı-34.
  • SCZEPANSKI A and FLEITH H B, (1988). Interaction between Borrelia burgdorjeri" and polymorpnuclear leulcocytes. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539: 425-428.
  • STEERE A C, (ı 989). Lyme disease. The New England Journal of Medicine. 321(9): 586-596.
  • TASAI M, TAKASHIMA I, KARIWA H, HASHIMOTO N, KONDO T, SUGIURA Tand KAMADA M, (1993). Serological survey oj Lyme borreliosis in horses in Japan by immunojluorescent antibody test andjluorescent enzymelinlced immunosorbent assay. Bull. Equine Res. Inst. 30: 37-42.
  • UILENBERG G, HINAIDY H K, PERlE N M and FEESTRA T, (ı988). Borrelia injections oj ruminants in the Europe. The Veterinary Quarterlı, ıO(l): 63-67.
  • WELLS S J, TRE NT A M, ROBINSON R A, KNUTSON K S and BEY RF, (ı993). Association between clinicallameness andBorrelia burgdorjeri antibody in dairy cows. Am. J. Vet. Res .. 54(3): 398- 405.
  • WILLIAMS J L, BENACH J L, CURRAN A S, SPIERLING P and MEDICI F, (1988). Lyme disease during pregnancy. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 539:504-505.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Oktay Keskin Bu kişi benim

Müjgan İzgür Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 1999
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1999
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1999 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Keskin, O., & İzgür, M. (1999). Lyme Hastalığı. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 10(1), 79-91.