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Çeşitli Et Suyu Ürünlerinin Kimyasal ve Mikrobiyolojik Kalitesi

Yıl 2000, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1-2, 1 - 10, 01.12.2000


Bu çalışma, Ankara piyasasında satılan et suyu tabletlerinin kimyasal, fizyokimyasal ve
mikrobiyolojik kalitelerini tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular halk sağlığına
etkileri açısından değerlendirilmiştir .
Sığır et suyu tabletlerinden 31 adet ve tavuk et suyu tabletlerinden 29 adet olmak üzere
toplam 60 adet materyal üzerinde çalışılmıştır.
Numunelerin kimyasal ve fizikokimyasal analizleri sonucunda ortalama değerler olarak sığır
et suyu tabletlerinde; kuru madde% 97.85, rutubet% 2. ı5, yağ% ı 7.58, tuz% 40.66, kül
% 5l.19, toplam azot% 2.26, toplam kreatinin 74 . 19 mg/1, pH 6.25 ve su aktivitesi (awl 0.603,
tavuk et suyu tabietlerinde ise sırasıyla;% 98.28,% 1.72,% ı7.64,% 39.85,% 48.ı4,% 2.58,
- , 6.31 ve 0.602 olarak tespit edildi.
Yapılan mikrobiyolojik analizler sonucunda ortalama bakteri sayıları, sığır et suyu tabletlerinde;
toplam aerobik mezofılik bakteri 5.1x104/g, maya ve küf7.9x10/g, Staphylococcus aureus
13/g, Clostridium peifringens 12;g, tavuk et suyu tabietlerinde sırasıyla 6.4x104/g,
5.8x10/g, 10;g ve 12;g olarak saptandı. İncelenen hiçbir et suyu tabietinde Salmonella ve Koliform
grubu mikroorganizmalara rastlanamamıştır.
İncelenen sığır ve tavuk et suyu tabietlerinin tuz oranı ile Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium
peifringens, Salmonella ve Koliform grubu mikroorganizma sayıları standartına uygun bulunmuştur
Araştırma sonucunda, Ankara piyasasında satılmakta olan et suyu tabietlerinin üretimi sırasında
standartına uyulmadığı, üretimi ve pazarlanması sırasında kontaminasyona maruz kalabildiği
ve halk sağlığını bozabilecek bir potansiyel tehlikeye sahip olabileceği kanaatine varılmıştır.


  • American Public Health Association (1974) Standart ·Methods of Dairy Products. l3th ed, American Public Health Association. Washington.
  • American Public Health Association (1976) Compendium ofMethods for the Microbiological Examination of Food, Ed ML Speck. American Public Health Association Ine, Washington.
  • Association of Official Analytical Chemist ( 1984) Official Methods of Analysis, l4th ed, Association of Official Analytical Chemist, Virginia.
  • Atlas RM (1995) Handbook ofMicrobiological Media for the Examination ·of Food. CRC Press. London.
  • Bender AE and Ballan ce PE ( 1961) A preliminary examination of the flavour of meat extract. J the Sci Food and Agric, 12, 683- 687.
  • Billon JM, Cazaillet M et Lafont Ph ( 1962) Les potages deshydrates a base de viande: Etude bacteriologique et chimique Influence de la conservation. Bull Acad Vet, 35, 383.
  • Binsted R and Devey JD (1970) Legal aspects: meat soups; cream soups; vegetable soups; clear soups; broths; miscellaneous. In "Soup Manufacture: Canning, Dehydration & Quick-Freezing" 3 rd ed. 132-133, Food Trade Press Ltd. London.
  • Catsaras M, Sampalo-Ramos M et Buttiaux R ( 1961) Etude microbiologique des potages deshydrates ou concentrates du marchejrancais. Ann Inst Pasteur Lille, 12, 163.
  • Coretti K et Müggenburg H (1973) Keimgehalt von Trochensuppen und seine Beurteilung. Feinkostwirtschaft. 4( ll. 76.
  • Fernandes-Salguero J, Gomez R and Cannona MA (1994) Water activity oj Span is h Intermediate-moisture meat products. Meat Sci, 38, 341-346.
  • Flowers RS, D'aoust JY, Andrews WH and Bailey JS (1992) Salmone{la. In" Compendium of the Methods for the Microbiological Examinations ofFoods 3rd ed" Ed. by C Vanderzant and DF Splittoesser. American Public Healt Association, 371-404.
  • Gögüş AK (1986) Et Teknolojisi. Ankara Üniv Zir Fak Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Harrigan WF and MC Cance ME ( 1976) Laboratory Methods in Foo d and Dairy Microbiology. Revised Ed, Academic Press, London.
  • Holl JF de (1989) Encyclopedia oj labeling meat and poultry products. 9th ed. Meat Plant Magazine. 28-29, St.Louis. MO.
  • İnal T (1992) Besin Hijyeni Hayvansal Gıdaların Sağlık Kontrolü. Final Ofset A.Ş. İstanbul.
  • İnal T, Kaymaz ş, Yıldırım Y ve Ünsal M (1975) Kuru çarbaların bakteri florası üzerine araştırmalar 1. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg. ı (1), 20-37.
  • Krugers Dagneaux EL and Mossel DAA (1968) The microbiological condition oj dried soups. "The Microbiological Co ndition of Dried Foods" Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Food Microbiology. Organized by International Association of Microbiological Societies" Ed EH Kampelmacher, M Ingram and DAA Mossel. 411-432, Bilthoven, The Netherlands.
  • Lage MA, Sirnal J and Rodriguez G (l987a) Dehydrated stock cubes and soups I. Physicochemical and microscopic aspects. Alimentaria, 188, 31 -33.
  • Lage MA, Sirnal J and Rodriguez G (l987b) Stoclc cubes and dehydrates soups II. Basic components. Alimentaria, 188, 34-39.
  • Leistner L and Rödel W (1975) The significance oj water activity for microorganisms in meats. In "Water Relations of Foods" Ed by RB Duckworth, 309-323. Academic Press, London.
  • Minor LJ (1964) Identification oj some chemical components in chiclcen flavor. Ph.D.Thesis, Michigan State Univ, East Lansig. ML
  • Murkoviç M, Loew H, Sontag G and Pfannhauser W ( 1995) Heterocyclic aramatic amines in commercial bouillons. Current status and juture trends. Proceedings of Euro Foo d Chem VIII (ı). 38-41.
  • Ockerman HW and Pellegrino JM (1988) Meat Extractives . In "Edible Meat by Products-Advances in Meat Research, Vol 5 " Ed. by AM Pearson and TR Dutson, 303-309, Elsevier Applied Science, London.
  • Sümbüloğlu K ve Sümbüloğlu V (1995) Bioistatistik. 6.baskı, Özdemir Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Troller JA and Christian JHB (1978) Water Activity and Food. Academic Press Ine, New York.
  • TSE- Türk Standartlan Enstitüsü (1974) Et ve et mamülleri toplam yağ miktarı tayini. TS 1744, Birinci baskı, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • TSE- Türk Standartlan Enstitüsü (1974) Et ve et mamülleri kül tayini. TS 1746, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara. 10
  • TSE- Türk Standartlan Enstitüsü (1974) Et ve et mamülleri klorür miktarının tayini, TS 1747. Birinci baskı , Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • TSE- Türk Standartlan Enstitüsü (1974) Et ve et mamülleri azot miktarının tayini, TS 1748. Birinci baskı, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • TSE- Türk Standartlan Enstitüsü (1989) Et suyu ürünleri (Tablet, Macun, Granül, Toz ve Konsantre şeklinde), TS 7440. Birinci baskı, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Waart J de, Mossel DAA, Ten Broke R and Van de Moosdijk A (1968) Enumeration oj Staphylococcus aureus injoods with s pecia! rejerence to egg-yolk reaction and mannitol negative mutants. J Appl Bact, 31. 276-285.
Yıl 2000, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1-2, 1 - 10, 01.12.2000


This study was conducted to determine the chemical, physichochemical and microbiological
qualities ofmeat stock cubes soldin Ankara market.The results were evaluated with regards
to the public health.Totally 60 material consisted of 31 beef stock cu bes and 29 chicken stock cu bes were inspected.
As a result of the chemical and physichochemical analyses, the average values of beef stock
cubes concerning the following properties are 97.85% total solid, 2. ı5% for humidity, ı 7.58%
for fat. 40.66 % for salt, 5 ı. ı 9 % for aslı, 2.26 % for total nitrogen, 7 4. ı 9 mg/1 for total creatinine,
6.25 for pH and 0.603 for water activity (awl for the same properties for chicken stock cubes
98.28 %, 1.72 %, ı 7.64 %, 39.85 %, 48.ı4 %, 2.58 %, total ereatilline was not analysed,
6.3 ı and 0.602 respectively.
As a result of the microbiologic analyses of the meat stock cu bes, the average values were
found to be as follows for beef stock cubes total amount of aerobic mezophyllic bacteria is
5.ıxı04/g, total amount ofyeast and mold is 7.9xıoz;g, total amount of Staphylococcus aureus
is ı 31 g ve total amount of Clostridium peıjringens is ı 21 g, for chicken stock cu bes the amounts
were determined to be 6.4x104/g, 5.8xı02 /g, 10;g and 12;g respectively. None of the meat
stock cubes were observed to have Salmonella and Coliform group microorganisms.
The salt level and the number of microorganisms of Staphylococcus aureus , Clostridium
peıjrlngens, Salmonella and Coliform group of the analysed beef and chicken stock cubes were
observed to be in appropriate with their standarts.
As a result of this study it was concluded that the meat stock cubes that might be sold
in Ankara markets do not compel with their standarts during their manufacture and are exposed
to contamination during manufacture and marketing and can be a potential danger with regards
to the public health.


  • American Public Health Association (1974) Standart ·Methods of Dairy Products. l3th ed, American Public Health Association. Washington.
  • American Public Health Association (1976) Compendium ofMethods for the Microbiological Examination of Food, Ed ML Speck. American Public Health Association Ine, Washington.
  • Association of Official Analytical Chemist ( 1984) Official Methods of Analysis, l4th ed, Association of Official Analytical Chemist, Virginia.
  • Atlas RM (1995) Handbook ofMicrobiological Media for the Examination ·of Food. CRC Press. London.
  • Bender AE and Ballan ce PE ( 1961) A preliminary examination of the flavour of meat extract. J the Sci Food and Agric, 12, 683- 687.
  • Billon JM, Cazaillet M et Lafont Ph ( 1962) Les potages deshydrates a base de viande: Etude bacteriologique et chimique Influence de la conservation. Bull Acad Vet, 35, 383.
  • Binsted R and Devey JD (1970) Legal aspects: meat soups; cream soups; vegetable soups; clear soups; broths; miscellaneous. In "Soup Manufacture: Canning, Dehydration & Quick-Freezing" 3 rd ed. 132-133, Food Trade Press Ltd. London.
  • Catsaras M, Sampalo-Ramos M et Buttiaux R ( 1961) Etude microbiologique des potages deshydrates ou concentrates du marchejrancais. Ann Inst Pasteur Lille, 12, 163.
  • Coretti K et Müggenburg H (1973) Keimgehalt von Trochensuppen und seine Beurteilung. Feinkostwirtschaft. 4( ll. 76.
  • Fernandes-Salguero J, Gomez R and Cannona MA (1994) Water activity oj Span is h Intermediate-moisture meat products. Meat Sci, 38, 341-346.
  • Flowers RS, D'aoust JY, Andrews WH and Bailey JS (1992) Salmone{la. In" Compendium of the Methods for the Microbiological Examinations ofFoods 3rd ed" Ed. by C Vanderzant and DF Splittoesser. American Public Healt Association, 371-404.
  • Gögüş AK (1986) Et Teknolojisi. Ankara Üniv Zir Fak Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Harrigan WF and MC Cance ME ( 1976) Laboratory Methods in Foo d and Dairy Microbiology. Revised Ed, Academic Press, London.
  • Holl JF de (1989) Encyclopedia oj labeling meat and poultry products. 9th ed. Meat Plant Magazine. 28-29, St.Louis. MO.
  • İnal T (1992) Besin Hijyeni Hayvansal Gıdaların Sağlık Kontrolü. Final Ofset A.Ş. İstanbul.
  • İnal T, Kaymaz ş, Yıldırım Y ve Ünsal M (1975) Kuru çarbaların bakteri florası üzerine araştırmalar 1. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg. ı (1), 20-37.
  • Krugers Dagneaux EL and Mossel DAA (1968) The microbiological condition oj dried soups. "The Microbiological Co ndition of Dried Foods" Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Food Microbiology. Organized by International Association of Microbiological Societies" Ed EH Kampelmacher, M Ingram and DAA Mossel. 411-432, Bilthoven, The Netherlands.
  • Lage MA, Sirnal J and Rodriguez G (l987a) Dehydrated stock cubes and soups I. Physicochemical and microscopic aspects. Alimentaria, 188, 31 -33.
  • Lage MA, Sirnal J and Rodriguez G (l987b) Stoclc cubes and dehydrates soups II. Basic components. Alimentaria, 188, 34-39.
  • Leistner L and Rödel W (1975) The significance oj water activity for microorganisms in meats. In "Water Relations of Foods" Ed by RB Duckworth, 309-323. Academic Press, London.
  • Minor LJ (1964) Identification oj some chemical components in chiclcen flavor. Ph.D.Thesis, Michigan State Univ, East Lansig. ML
  • Murkoviç M, Loew H, Sontag G and Pfannhauser W ( 1995) Heterocyclic aramatic amines in commercial bouillons. Current status and juture trends. Proceedings of Euro Foo d Chem VIII (ı). 38-41.
  • Ockerman HW and Pellegrino JM (1988) Meat Extractives . In "Edible Meat by Products-Advances in Meat Research, Vol 5 " Ed. by AM Pearson and TR Dutson, 303-309, Elsevier Applied Science, London.
  • Sümbüloğlu K ve Sümbüloğlu V (1995) Bioistatistik. 6.baskı, Özdemir Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Troller JA and Christian JHB (1978) Water Activity and Food. Academic Press Ine, New York.
  • TSE- Türk Standartlan Enstitüsü (1974) Et ve et mamülleri toplam yağ miktarı tayini. TS 1744, Birinci baskı, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • TSE- Türk Standartlan Enstitüsü (1974) Et ve et mamülleri kül tayini. TS 1746, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara. 10
  • TSE- Türk Standartlan Enstitüsü (1974) Et ve et mamülleri klorür miktarının tayini, TS 1747. Birinci baskı , Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • TSE- Türk Standartlan Enstitüsü (1974) Et ve et mamülleri azot miktarının tayini, TS 1748. Birinci baskı, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • TSE- Türk Standartlan Enstitüsü (1989) Et suyu ürünleri (Tablet, Macun, Granül, Toz ve Konsantre şeklinde), TS 7440. Birinci baskı, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Waart J de, Mossel DAA, Ten Broke R and Van de Moosdijk A (1968) Enumeration oj Staphylococcus aureus injoods with s pecia! rejerence to egg-yolk reaction and mannitol negative mutants. J Appl Bact, 31. 276-285.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mihrihan H. Aksoy Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2000
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2000
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2000 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1-2

Kaynak Göster

APA Aksoy, M. H. (2000). Çeşitli Et Suyu Ürünlerinin Kimyasal ve Mikrobiyolojik Kalitesi. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 11(1-2), 1-10.