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Kobaylarda Deneysel Toxoplasma gondii Enfeksiyonunda Patolojik Bulgular

Yıl 2001, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1-2, 23 - 38, 01.12.2001


Bu çalışmada, 42 adet erkek kobayda, farklı yollarla Toxoplasma gondii Ankara suşu takizoitleri verilerek deneysel toksoplazmozis oluşturuldu. Her grupta 12 ko bay olacak şekilde; intravenöz (grup 1 ), intraperitoneal (grup 2) ve intradermal (grup 3) yollarla enfekte edilen üç deney grubu oluşturuldu. Ayrıca her bir deney grubu için ikişer kobay kontrol (grup 4) olarak ayrıldı. İnokülasyon sonrası belirlenen günlerde örenazileri yapılan kabaylardan alınan sistemik doku örnekleri histopatolojik ve elektron mikroskobik yönden incelendi.
Enfeksiyonda şekillenen lezyonlar etkeni n veriliş yoluna göre farklılık gösterdi. Makroskobik olarak, grup 1 'de yoğun olarak akciğerler, karaciğer ve böbrek üstü bezlerinde 1-2 mm büyüklüğünde çok sayıda boz-beyaz renkli odaklar şekillendi. Grup 2'de, karın boşluğunda değişen miktarlarda fıbrinli eksudatla birlikte organların yüzeyinin fıbrinle kaplandığı, grup 3'te ise deri inakülasyon bölgesinde 1.5-2.0 cm çapında kanama ve nekrozlar ile bölgesel lenf düğümlerinde nekrozlara rastlandı. Mikroskobik olarak; grup 1 'de akciğer, karaciğer, dalak ve böbrek üstü bezlerinde T. gondii takizoit fonnlarının bulunduğu multifokal pıhtılaşma nekrozları gözlendi. Grup
2'de karaciğer, dalak, bağırsak ve böbreklerin serozalarından başlayarak parankimine doğru ilerleme gösteren nekrozlar şekillendi ve çok sayıda serbest takizoit grupları gözlendi. Grup 3'te ise deri, lenf düğümleri, karaciğer, beyin ve akciğerde takizoitlerin de bulunduğu granülomatöz lezyonlar şekillendi. İnokülasyon sonrası aradan geçen süreyle doğru orantılı olarak, lezyonların organlardaki yaydışında artış görüldü. Elektron mikroskobik incelemede; hücre dışında serbest takizoitlerle birlikte dokularda yoğun nekroz dikkati çekti. Hücre içi takizoitlere ise çoğunlukla makrofaj sitoplaznıalarında rastlandı ve endozoit fom1ları da gözlendi.


  • AKÇA Y Ş, P AMUKÇU M, BARAN S (1950). Bir köpekte Toxoplasma observasyonu. Türk Vet Hek Dern Derg, 47: 245.
  • AVERILL DR, de LAHUNTA A (1971). Toxoplasmosis of the canine nervous system: clinicopathologic findings in four casesJAVMA, 1S9: 1134-1141.
  • BABÜR C, PİŞKİN FÇ, BIYIKOGLU G, DÜNDAR B, YARALI C (1999). Eskişehir Çifteler harası keçilerinde anti-Toxoplasma gondii antikarlarının Sabin-Feldman Dye test (SFDT) ile araştırılması. T Parazitol Derg, 23: 72-74.
  • CAPEN CC, COLE CR (1966). Pulmonaı·y lesions in dogs with experimental and naturally occurıng toxoplasmosis. Vet Patlıol, 3: 40-63.
  • ÇAKMAK A, KARAER Z, BIYIKOGLU G, BABÜR C, PİŞKİN FÇ (1996). Ankara'da sokak köpeklerinde toksoplazmozisin seroprevalansı. FÜ Sağlik Bil Derg, 10: 279- 282.
  • DUBEY JP ( 1986). Toxoplasmosis. JAVMA , 189: 166-170.
  • DUBEY JP (1987). Toxoplasınosis in goats. Agric Pract, 8: 43-52.
  • DUBEY JP, BEATTIE CP (1988). Toxoplasmosis of Aniına1s and Man CRC Press, Ine, Boca Raton, Florida., p.: 1-26.
  • DUBEY JP, FRENKEL JK (1974). Immunity to feline toxoplasmosis: Modification by administration of corticosteroids. Vet Pat!ıol, ll: 350-379.
  • DUBEY JP, FRENKEL JK (1976). Peline toxoplasmosis from acutely infected mice and the development of toxoplasına cysts. J Protozool, 23: 537-546.
  • DUBEY JP, MA TTIX ME, LIPS CO MB TP ( 1996). Lesions of neonatally induced toxoplasınosis in cats. Vet Patlıol, 33: 290- 295.
  • EKMEN H (1970). Köpek ve kedilerde toxoplasına antikorları. Mikrobiol Biilt, 4:11-15.
  • EKMEN H, ALTINTAŞ K (1973): Bir köpekte Toxoplasma gondii izolınanı. Türk Hij Tek Biol Derg, 33: 17.
  • FERGUSON DJP, HUTCHISON WM(l987). An ultrastructural study of the early development and tissue cyst formatian of Toxoplasma gondii in the brains of mice. ParasiroL Res, 73: 483-491.
  • FOLKERS C (1964a). Toxoplasmosis in pigs I.- The intluence of age on the pathogenicity of Toxoplasma gondii for pigs. Vet Rec, 76:747-749.
  • FOLKERS C (1964b). Toxoplasmosis in pigs. II- Experiments on the pathogenicity of Toxoplasma gondii for pigs infected by different routes. Vet Rec, 76: 770-774.
  • FRENKEL JK (1990). Transmission of toxoplasmosis and the role of imınunit y in liıniting transmission and illness. JAVMA , 196: 233-240.
  • GREEN LE, MORGAN KL ( 199 1). Toxoplasma abortion in a guinea pi g. Ve! Rec, 129: 266-267.
  • GUSTAFSSON K, UGGLA A, JARPLID B (1997). To .. ı:op/asma gondii inf'cetion in the mountain hare (Lepus timidus) and domestic rabbit ( 0Jyc!olagus cuniculus). I. Pathology J Comp Pa!lı , 117: 351-360.
  • HAY BJ, LEE WR, DUTTON GN, HUTCHISON WM, SIIM JC (1984). Congenital toxop1asmic retinochoroidiıis ina mouse model. Ann Trop Med Parasi/01, 78: 109-116.
  • HAZIROGLU R ( 1993): An ultras ıructural study of Toxoplasma gondii devel opmcnıal stages in the lungs of the cat fsr J Ver Med, 48: 65-68.
  • HAZIROGLU R, AL TlNSAAT MS, ATASEVER A, AKIN HG(I988). Kedilerde fatal toksoplazmozis. A Ü Ve! Fak Derg, 35: 330-340.
  • HAZIROGLU R, GULBAHAR MY, ALTINTAS K (1994) Demon s traıion of Toxoplasma gondii antigen in naturall yinfected cats u s ıng immunoperoxidase technique lsr J Ve! Med, 49: 28-30.
  • IT AK URA C, NIGI H (I 968). Histopathological observations on two spontaneous cases of toxoplasmosis in the monkey (Lemur catta) . Jpn J Ver Sci, 30: 341-346.
  • KANRA G, ERDEM MD, CEYHAN MD ( 1995). Konjenital toksoplazmozis. I . Ulusal Toksoplazma Kongresi Özet Kitabı , s: 32- 37. 12-13 Ekim 1995, Ankara.
  • KEAGY HF (1949): Toxopl as nıa in the chinchilla. JAVMA, 114: 15.
  • KITTAS S, KITTAS C, PAIZI-BIZA P, HENRY L (1984). A histological and immunohistochemical study of the changes induced in the brains or white mice by infection with Toxoplasma gondii. Br J Exp Patlı, 65: 67-74.
  • KRAI-IENBUHL JL, BLAZKOVEC AA (I975) Toxoplasma gondii: Immunopathology of cutaneous hypersensiıivity reacti ons in guinea pigs injected with living parasi tes. Exp Parasito/, 37: 83-91.
  • NICHOLS BA, CHIAPPINO ML, O'CONNOR GR (1983). Seeretian of Toxoplasma gondii during hast-celi invasion. J. Ultrastrucr. Res ., 83: 85-98.
  • NICOLLE C, MANCEAUX L (1908) Sur une infeelian a corps de Le i s hınan (ou organisms voisins) du gundii, CR Acad Sci, 147: 763, " Alınmıştır" Levıne , ND (1977). Taxo nomy of To.:wp/asnıa J Protozool, 24: 36-41.
  • OCHOLI RA, KALEJAIYE 10, OKEWOLE PA (1989). Acute di ssc ıninated t oxop l as ıno s i s in two captive lions (Panthera leo) in Nigcria. Vet Rec, 124:515-516.
  • PAVIA CS ( 1987). Thymocyte-dependent immunity to toxoplasmosis in the normal and immunocompromised guinea-pig host. Parasite lmmuno/, 9: 205-218.
  • PAYlA CS, BITTKER SJ, CURNieK KE ( 1992). Pass ive imınunization protects guinca pigs from lethal toxoplasma iııfection . FEMS Microbiollmmuno/, 89: 97-104. REED WM, TUR EK JJ ( 1985). Cancurrent disteıııper and disseminated toxoplasmosis inared fo x .JAVMA, 187:1264-1265.
  • RIFAAT MA, SALEM SA, AZAB ME, BESHIR SR, S AFER EH, El-SHENNA WY SFA ( 1981 ). E llect of Toxoplasnw gondii on hi s t opa ıh o l ogy and histochemistry of reti c uloend othclial system in experimental a niın a l s. Folia Parasirol (Prague) 28: I I 7- 124. SKORICH DN, CHIAPPINO MN, NICHOLS BA ( 1988). In vasian of the guinea pig conjunctiva by Toxoplasma gondii. !nves/ Oplırlıalnıol Vis Sc i, 29: 187 I- 1880.
  • SULZER AJ , STROBEL PL, SPRINGER EL, ROTH IL, eALLAWAY es ( 1974). A Comparative electron microscopic study of the morphology of Toxoplasma gondii by freeze-etch replication and thin seetioning technic. J Protozool, 21: 710-714.
  • YOUSSEF MYM, EL-RIDI AMS, ARAFA MS, EL-SAWY MF, EL-SAYED WM(I985). Effect of levamisole on toxoplasmosis during pregnancy in guineapigs. J Egypt Soc Parasitol, 15: 41-48

Pathological Findings of Experimental Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Guinea Pigs

Yıl 2001, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1-2, 23 - 38, 01.12.2001


An experimental toxoplasınosis was performed via different routes in 42 male guinea pigs by
adıninistı·ating tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii Ankara strain. Three experimental groups were constituted by
administratiııg tachyzoites through intravenous (group I), iııtraperitoneal (group 2), intradermal (group 3) routes.
Each group contained 12 guinea pigs and 2 guinea pigs for each group were used to set up control (group 4).
Tissue specimens of the euthanasied guinea pigs on certain days after inoculation were collected and examined
histopathologically and ultrastructurally. The lesions occurred, were different in location and histopathological
features depending on the inoculation routes. Macroscopically; In group I, multifocal gray to white foci were
observed intensively in the lungs, liver and adreııal glaiıds of aııimals. In group 2, the serosal surfaces of abdominal cavity organs were covered with fıbrine , and in group 3, necroti c and lıaemorrhagic areas
in 1.5-2.0 cm diameter at the inoculation si tes of the ski n were observed and region al lymph nodes were severely
affected. Microscopically; In group 1, ınultifoc a l coagulation necrosis containing T. gondii tachyzoites were
found in the lung, liver, splcen and adrenal gland . In group 2, necrotic areas starting at the seraza of the li ver,
spleen, intestine and kidney were found to invade through the parenchyma. In this group, abundant tachyzo ites
were detected. In group 3, granulomatous lesions included tac lıyz o it es were frequently seen in the skin, lymph
node, liver, brain and lung. According to post inoculation days, lesions were distributed and invaded to the deep
parts of the organs.
Ultras tructurally; intensive necrotic areas with extracellular free tachyzoites were observed in exaınined
ti ssues. Intracellul ar tachyzoites were detected frequcntly in ınacroph age cytoplasıns and endozoite forıns were
alsa found.


  • AKÇA Y Ş, P AMUKÇU M, BARAN S (1950). Bir köpekte Toxoplasma observasyonu. Türk Vet Hek Dern Derg, 47: 245.
  • AVERILL DR, de LAHUNTA A (1971). Toxoplasmosis of the canine nervous system: clinicopathologic findings in four casesJAVMA, 1S9: 1134-1141.
  • BABÜR C, PİŞKİN FÇ, BIYIKOGLU G, DÜNDAR B, YARALI C (1999). Eskişehir Çifteler harası keçilerinde anti-Toxoplasma gondii antikarlarının Sabin-Feldman Dye test (SFDT) ile araştırılması. T Parazitol Derg, 23: 72-74.
  • CAPEN CC, COLE CR (1966). Pulmonaı·y lesions in dogs with experimental and naturally occurıng toxoplasmosis. Vet Patlıol, 3: 40-63.
  • ÇAKMAK A, KARAER Z, BIYIKOGLU G, BABÜR C, PİŞKİN FÇ (1996). Ankara'da sokak köpeklerinde toksoplazmozisin seroprevalansı. FÜ Sağlik Bil Derg, 10: 279- 282.
  • DUBEY JP ( 1986). Toxoplasmosis. JAVMA , 189: 166-170.
  • DUBEY JP (1987). Toxoplasınosis in goats. Agric Pract, 8: 43-52.
  • DUBEY JP, BEATTIE CP (1988). Toxoplasmosis of Aniına1s and Man CRC Press, Ine, Boca Raton, Florida., p.: 1-26.
  • DUBEY JP, FRENKEL JK (1974). Immunity to feline toxoplasmosis: Modification by administration of corticosteroids. Vet Pat!ıol, ll: 350-379.
  • DUBEY JP, FRENKEL JK (1976). Peline toxoplasmosis from acutely infected mice and the development of toxoplasına cysts. J Protozool, 23: 537-546.
  • DUBEY JP, MA TTIX ME, LIPS CO MB TP ( 1996). Lesions of neonatally induced toxoplasınosis in cats. Vet Patlıol, 33: 290- 295.
  • EKMEN H (1970). Köpek ve kedilerde toxoplasına antikorları. Mikrobiol Biilt, 4:11-15.
  • EKMEN H, ALTINTAŞ K (1973): Bir köpekte Toxoplasma gondii izolınanı. Türk Hij Tek Biol Derg, 33: 17.
  • FERGUSON DJP, HUTCHISON WM(l987). An ultrastructural study of the early development and tissue cyst formatian of Toxoplasma gondii in the brains of mice. ParasiroL Res, 73: 483-491.
  • FOLKERS C (1964a). Toxoplasmosis in pigs I.- The intluence of age on the pathogenicity of Toxoplasma gondii for pigs. Vet Rec, 76:747-749.
  • FOLKERS C (1964b). Toxoplasmosis in pigs. II- Experiments on the pathogenicity of Toxoplasma gondii for pigs infected by different routes. Vet Rec, 76: 770-774.
  • FRENKEL JK (1990). Transmission of toxoplasmosis and the role of imınunit y in liıniting transmission and illness. JAVMA , 196: 233-240.
  • GREEN LE, MORGAN KL ( 199 1). Toxoplasma abortion in a guinea pi g. Ve! Rec, 129: 266-267.
  • GUSTAFSSON K, UGGLA A, JARPLID B (1997). To .. ı:op/asma gondii inf'cetion in the mountain hare (Lepus timidus) and domestic rabbit ( 0Jyc!olagus cuniculus). I. Pathology J Comp Pa!lı , 117: 351-360.
  • HAY BJ, LEE WR, DUTTON GN, HUTCHISON WM, SIIM JC (1984). Congenital toxop1asmic retinochoroidiıis ina mouse model. Ann Trop Med Parasi/01, 78: 109-116.
  • HAZIROGLU R ( 1993): An ultras ıructural study of Toxoplasma gondii devel opmcnıal stages in the lungs of the cat fsr J Ver Med, 48: 65-68.
  • HAZIROGLU R, AL TlNSAAT MS, ATASEVER A, AKIN HG(I988). Kedilerde fatal toksoplazmozis. A Ü Ve! Fak Derg, 35: 330-340.
  • HAZIROGLU R, GULBAHAR MY, ALTINTAS K (1994) Demon s traıion of Toxoplasma gondii antigen in naturall yinfected cats u s ıng immunoperoxidase technique lsr J Ve! Med, 49: 28-30.
  • IT AK URA C, NIGI H (I 968). Histopathological observations on two spontaneous cases of toxoplasmosis in the monkey (Lemur catta) . Jpn J Ver Sci, 30: 341-346.
  • KANRA G, ERDEM MD, CEYHAN MD ( 1995). Konjenital toksoplazmozis. I . Ulusal Toksoplazma Kongresi Özet Kitabı , s: 32- 37. 12-13 Ekim 1995, Ankara.
  • KEAGY HF (1949): Toxopl as nıa in the chinchilla. JAVMA, 114: 15.
  • KITTAS S, KITTAS C, PAIZI-BIZA P, HENRY L (1984). A histological and immunohistochemical study of the changes induced in the brains or white mice by infection with Toxoplasma gondii. Br J Exp Patlı, 65: 67-74.
  • KRAI-IENBUHL JL, BLAZKOVEC AA (I975) Toxoplasma gondii: Immunopathology of cutaneous hypersensiıivity reacti ons in guinea pigs injected with living parasi tes. Exp Parasito/, 37: 83-91.
  • NICHOLS BA, CHIAPPINO ML, O'CONNOR GR (1983). Seeretian of Toxoplasma gondii during hast-celi invasion. J. Ultrastrucr. Res ., 83: 85-98.
  • NICOLLE C, MANCEAUX L (1908) Sur une infeelian a corps de Le i s hınan (ou organisms voisins) du gundii, CR Acad Sci, 147: 763, " Alınmıştır" Levıne , ND (1977). Taxo nomy of To.:wp/asnıa J Protozool, 24: 36-41.
  • OCHOLI RA, KALEJAIYE 10, OKEWOLE PA (1989). Acute di ssc ıninated t oxop l as ıno s i s in two captive lions (Panthera leo) in Nigcria. Vet Rec, 124:515-516.
  • PAVIA CS ( 1987). Thymocyte-dependent immunity to toxoplasmosis in the normal and immunocompromised guinea-pig host. Parasite lmmuno/, 9: 205-218.
  • PAYlA CS, BITTKER SJ, CURNieK KE ( 1992). Pass ive imınunization protects guinca pigs from lethal toxoplasma iııfection . FEMS Microbiollmmuno/, 89: 97-104. REED WM, TUR EK JJ ( 1985). Cancurrent disteıııper and disseminated toxoplasmosis inared fo x .JAVMA, 187:1264-1265.
  • RIFAAT MA, SALEM SA, AZAB ME, BESHIR SR, S AFER EH, El-SHENNA WY SFA ( 1981 ). E llect of Toxoplasnw gondii on hi s t opa ıh o l ogy and histochemistry of reti c uloend othclial system in experimental a niın a l s. Folia Parasirol (Prague) 28: I I 7- 124. SKORICH DN, CHIAPPINO MN, NICHOLS BA ( 1988). In vasian of the guinea pig conjunctiva by Toxoplasma gondii. !nves/ Oplırlıalnıol Vis Sc i, 29: 187 I- 1880.
  • SULZER AJ , STROBEL PL, SPRINGER EL, ROTH IL, eALLAWAY es ( 1974). A Comparative electron microscopic study of the morphology of Toxoplasma gondii by freeze-etch replication and thin seetioning technic. J Protozool, 21: 710-714.
  • YOUSSEF MYM, EL-RIDI AMS, ARAFA MS, EL-SAWY MF, EL-SAYED WM(I985). Effect of levamisole on toxoplasmosis during pregnancy in guineapigs. J Egypt Soc Parasitol, 15: 41-48
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ouuz Kul Bu kişi benim

Rıfkı Hazıroglu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2001
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2001
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2001 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1-2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kul, O., & Hazıroglu, R. (2001). Kobaylarda Deneysel Toxoplasma gondii Enfeksiyonunda Patolojik Bulgular. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 12(1-2), 23-38.