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Treatment Of Laboratory Animals Diseases

Yıl 2002, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 77 - 88, 01.06.2002


In this article detailed information will be given about treatment of diseases rabbit, hamster
and mouse w hi ch are most commonly used in laboratory researches.


  • Adams CE (I 976) .The rabbit.In:The UFAW Handbook On The Care and Management of Laboratory Animals. Fifth edition . Ed.C.W. Huıne . Cluırchill Livingstone Edinburgh London pp. 172-192.
  • Adams CE (I 987). The Laboratory rabbit.ln : The UFAW Handbook On The Care and Manageınent of Laboratory Aniınals . Sixth edition. Ed. B.P. Trevor.Printed and Bound in Great Britain at the bath press , Avon . pp. 4 I 5-436.
  • Barthold SW (I 99 I). A review of comman infectious disease agents of laboratory mice and rats. Potencial in(luence onPneumocystis cm-ini. J of Protozool, 38: 131-133.
  • Baumans V, Haveenoar R, Van Herck H ( 1988) . The use of repeated treatment w ith ivomec and neguvon spray in the control ofmurine furmites and oxyurid worms. Lab Anim, 22: 246-249.
  • Burgmann P, Percy DH (I 993). Antimicrobial drug use in rodents and rabbits.ln: Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine, second edition Ed .F.P. John. Iowa State University Press/Ames. U.S.A.
  • Chiodini RJ, Kreeger JM, Thayer WR ( 1993). Use of rifabutin in treatment of systenıic mycobacterium paratuberculosis in mice. Antiınicrob Agents Chem, 37:1645-1648.
  • Cunliffe Beamer TL, Les EP (1987). The Laboratory mouse.In : The UFAW Hancibook On The Care and Management of Laboratory Animals Sixth edition. Ed. B.P. Trevor. Printed and Bound in Great Britain at The Bath Press, Avon.
  • Debuf MY (I 991 ). Preseri b ing for laboratory animals.ln :The Veterinary Forınulary. First Edition . Ed. Y. M Debuf, Pharmaceutical Press, London The Pharınaceutical Press. England .
  • Joseph E, Manning PJ, W Harkness J ( 1 984). Bi ology and diseases of quinea-pigs. Lab Aniın Med, pp. 164-166.
  • Kaya K ( 1994). Laboratuvar Hayvanları Yetiştiriciliği. Tarım Bakanlığı Uzmanlık Semineri, Ankara.
  • Kraus AL, ALAN L (1984). Biology and diseases of rabbit in: Laboratory Animal Medicine, 88 First Edition, Eds: Fax OG, Cohen BJ. Academic Press Ine. pp. 222-229.
  • Lee Blanc SA, Faith RE, Montgomery CA (I 993). Use of topica! ivermectin treatment for Syphacia obvelata in mice. Lab Anim Sci, 43: 526- 528.
  • Lo e w MF (I 967). A review of s ome helminths of labora/0/'Y animals. Comel Vet, 58: 408-42 I.
  • Pappenheimer AM, Cheever FS (1948). Epidemic diarheal disease of suck/ing mice ji-om department of bacteriology and immunology. Harvard Medical School, Bostan. J Exp Med, 88: 317-324.
  • Petter WL (1976) . The laboratory mouse. The laboratory rat. In: The UFAW Handbook on The Care and Management of Laboratory Animals. Fifth Edition . Ed.C.W.Hume. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh London.
  • Poyraz Ö (1995). Laboratuvar Hayvan Yetiştiriciliği. AÜ Vet Fak Yay. Teksir No: I , Ankara.
  • XU ZJ, Chen WX (1989). Viral heamorhagic disease in rabbi/s: a review. Vet Res Commun, 13: 205-212.
  • Weiss LM, Wasserman S, üz HS, Retsama J, Tanowitz HB (1993). Efficacy of azitromycin for treating Babesia microti in the hamster model. The J of Infec D is, 168: 1289- 1292.

Laboratuvar Hayvanlarının Hastalıklarının Sağaltımı

Yıl 2002, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 77 - 88, 01.06.2002


Bu derlemede, laboratuvar araştırmaları için en fazla kullanılmakta olan hayvan türlerinden
özellikle tavşan, hamster ve fare hastalıklarının sağaltımı hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi verilecektir.


  • Adams CE (I 976) .The rabbit.In:The UFAW Handbook On The Care and Management of Laboratory Animals. Fifth edition . Ed.C.W. Huıne . Cluırchill Livingstone Edinburgh London pp. 172-192.
  • Adams CE (I 987). The Laboratory rabbit.ln : The UFAW Handbook On The Care and Manageınent of Laboratory Aniınals . Sixth edition. Ed. B.P. Trevor.Printed and Bound in Great Britain at the bath press , Avon . pp. 4 I 5-436.
  • Barthold SW (I 99 I). A review of comman infectious disease agents of laboratory mice and rats. Potencial in(luence onPneumocystis cm-ini. J of Protozool, 38: 131-133.
  • Baumans V, Haveenoar R, Van Herck H ( 1988) . The use of repeated treatment w ith ivomec and neguvon spray in the control ofmurine furmites and oxyurid worms. Lab Anim, 22: 246-249.
  • Burgmann P, Percy DH (I 993). Antimicrobial drug use in rodents and rabbits.ln: Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine, second edition Ed .F.P. John. Iowa State University Press/Ames. U.S.A.
  • Chiodini RJ, Kreeger JM, Thayer WR ( 1993). Use of rifabutin in treatment of systenıic mycobacterium paratuberculosis in mice. Antiınicrob Agents Chem, 37:1645-1648.
  • Cunliffe Beamer TL, Les EP (1987). The Laboratory mouse.In : The UFAW Hancibook On The Care and Management of Laboratory Animals Sixth edition. Ed. B.P. Trevor. Printed and Bound in Great Britain at The Bath Press, Avon.
  • Debuf MY (I 991 ). Preseri b ing for laboratory animals.ln :The Veterinary Forınulary. First Edition . Ed. Y. M Debuf, Pharmaceutical Press, London The Pharınaceutical Press. England .
  • Joseph E, Manning PJ, W Harkness J ( 1 984). Bi ology and diseases of quinea-pigs. Lab Aniın Med, pp. 164-166.
  • Kaya K ( 1994). Laboratuvar Hayvanları Yetiştiriciliği. Tarım Bakanlığı Uzmanlık Semineri, Ankara.
  • Kraus AL, ALAN L (1984). Biology and diseases of rabbit in: Laboratory Animal Medicine, 88 First Edition, Eds: Fax OG, Cohen BJ. Academic Press Ine. pp. 222-229.
  • Lee Blanc SA, Faith RE, Montgomery CA (I 993). Use of topica! ivermectin treatment for Syphacia obvelata in mice. Lab Anim Sci, 43: 526- 528.
  • Lo e w MF (I 967). A review of s ome helminths of labora/0/'Y animals. Comel Vet, 58: 408-42 I.
  • Pappenheimer AM, Cheever FS (1948). Epidemic diarheal disease of suck/ing mice ji-om department of bacteriology and immunology. Harvard Medical School, Bostan. J Exp Med, 88: 317-324.
  • Petter WL (1976) . The laboratory mouse. The laboratory rat. In: The UFAW Handbook on The Care and Management of Laboratory Animals. Fifth Edition . Ed.C.W.Hume. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh London.
  • Poyraz Ö (1995). Laboratuvar Hayvan Yetiştiriciliği. AÜ Vet Fak Yay. Teksir No: I , Ankara.
  • XU ZJ, Chen WX (1989). Viral heamorhagic disease in rabbi/s: a review. Vet Res Commun, 13: 205-212.
  • Weiss LM, Wasserman S, üz HS, Retsama J, Tanowitz HB (1993). Efficacy of azitromycin for treating Babesia microti in the hamster model. The J of Infec D is, 168: 1289- 1292.
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ali Bilgili Bu kişi benim

Yasemin Gürel Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2002
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ocak 2002
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2002 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Bilgili, A., & Gürel, Y. (2002). Laboratuvar Hayvanlarının Hastalıklarının Sağaltımı. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 13(1), 77-88.