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The Comparision of the ELISA and The Gamma-İnterferon Assay for the Diagnosis of Bovine Tuberculosis

Yıl 2002, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 7 - 15, 01.12.2002


In the present study, the blood samples from 536 animal s, checked w ith tu bereulin each year and the samples from 2'10 animals
which have never been checked with tuberculin have been tested with ELISA. As a result 582 of them (78%) have resulred
in negative and 164 of them (22%) have resulred in positive. In the group of checked animals there were 57 ( 11 %) positive
and 479 (89%) negative samples and in the group of unchecked animals there were 107 (51%) pasit/ve and 103 (49%)
negative samples. 75 samples from checked animals, resulred in negative in ELISA and 75 samples ,chosen from the unchecked
animals ,resulted in positive have been tesred with y-IFN assay. 42 of the unchecked samples (56%) have given positive and
33 (44%) ofthem negative, 61 of the checked samples (8'1.3%) have given negative and 14 of them (18.7%) havegiven
positive results.
The difference between the positive results (p<0.001) is important, between the negative results (p>0.05) is unimportant and
the difference between the evafuarian of the results of the tests (p


  • AKAY Ö, AYDIN N, ARDA, M, HAZIROGLU, R (1984). Bir mink'te saptanan tüberkülozis üzerinde araştırma. A Ü Vet Fak Derg, 3, 463-470.
  • ARDA M, MiNBAY A, LELOGLU N, AYDIN N, AKAY Ö (1992). Özel Mikrobiyoloji. Atatürk Üniv Yay, 741,279-3 311.
  • AUER LA (1987). Assessment of an enzyme linked immunosorbem assay for the detection of cattle infected with Mycobacteriumbovis. AustVetJ, 64,172-176
  • AUERLA, SCHLEEHAUF SM (1988).Amibodies to Mycobacteria in cattle not infected with Mycobacterium bovis. Vet Microbiol,18, 51-61 .
  • BARLOW AM, MITCHELL KA, VISRAM KH (1999). Bovine tu bereulasis in llama (Lama glama) in the UK. Vet Rec, 145,639-640.
  • BOURNE J, DONNELLY CA, COX DR, GETINNBY G, MCINERNEY JP, MORRISON I, WOODROFFE R (2000). Bovine tuberculosis: towards a future controlstrategy. Vet Rec, 146, 207- 210.
  • COLLINS DM, ERASMUSON SK, STEPHENS DM, YATES FG, DE LISLE GW (1993). DNA fingerprinting of Mycobacterium bovis strains by restriction fragment analysis and hybridization with insertion elemems 151081 and l56110. J ClinMicrobiol, 31, 1143-1147.
  • DANIEL TM, DEBANNE SM (1987). The seradiagnosis of Tu bereulasis and other mycobacterial diseases by enzyme-linked immunosorbem assay. Am Rev Respir Dis,135,1137-1151
  • DEL PORTILLO P, MURILLO LA, PATARROYO ME (1991). Amplification of a species-specifı'c DNA fragment of Nlycobacterium tuberculosis and its possible use in diagnosis. J Clin Microbiol, 29, 2163-2168.
  • DOWLING LA, SCHLEEHAUF SM (1991). Specific antibody respanses to Mycobacterium bovis in infected cattle analysed with six Mycobacterial Antigens in enzyme-linked immunosorbem assays. Res Vet Sci,50,157-161.
  • FOURNIEJJ, MULLINS RJ, BASTEN B (1990). Isolation and structural characteristic of a monocianal antibody-defined crass-reactive phospholipid antigen from Mycobacterium tu bereulasis and Mycobacterium .leprae. JBiolChem,266,1211-1219.
  • FRANCIS JS, SElTER RJ, WILKIE IW, O'DOYLE D, LUMSDEN MJ, FROST AJ (1978). The sensitiviıy and specificity of various tuberculin tests using bovine PPD and other tuberculin. Vet Rec, 103,420-425.
  • GABORICK CM, SALMAN MD, ELLIS RP, TRIANTIS J (1996). Evaluaıion of a five-antigen ELISA for diagnosis of tuberculosis in cattle and Cervidae. JAV MA, 209, 962-966.
  • GOLEM, B (1941). Memleketimizde sığır tüberkülozunun vaziyeti ve sığır tüberkülozunun insan için olan tehlikesi. Vet Hek Dern Derg, 11, 28- 38.
  • GRIFFIN JFT, CROSS JP, CHINN DN, RODGERS CR, BUCHAN GS (1994). Diagnosis of tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis in New Zealand red deer (Cervus elaphus). using a composite blood test and anıibody assays. N Zealand Vet J, 42, 173-179.
  • GRIFFITH AS, TYTLER WH, CUMMIS SL, MCINTOS J, WHITBY LEH, BILLOCH W, FLEMING A, OKELL CC, GLOYNE SR (1930) . Bacillus Tuberculosis In: A System of Bacteriology in Relation to Medicine. Majesty's Stationery Office, London, p:151-325.
  • HANNA J, NEILL SD, O'BRIEN JJ (1992). ELISA tesıs for antibodies in experimenıal bovine tuberculosis. Vet Microbiol, 31, 243-249.
  • HARBOE M, WIKER HG, DUNCAN JR, GARCIA MM, DUKES Tw, BROOKS BW, TURCOTTE C, NAGAI S (1990). Protein G-based enzyme-linked immunosorbem assay for anti-MPB70 antibodies in bovine tuberculosis. J ClinMicrobiol, 28,913-921.
  • HOLT JG, KRIEG NR, SNEAT PHA, STALEY JT, WILLIAMS ST (1994). The Mycobacteria In: Bergey's Manuel of Determinative Bacteriology 9th Ed:, Williams&Wilkins, Baltimore, p: 597-603.
  • JONES SL, COX JC, SHEPHERD JM, ROTHEL JS, WOOD PR, RADFORD AJ (1992). Removal of false-positive reacıion from plasma in an enzyme immunoassay for bovine interferon-y. J Immunol Methods, 155,233-240.
  • KESKİN O, İZGÜR M (1996). Sığır tüberkülozunun teşhisinde ELISA'nın kullanılması ve allerjik yöntemle karşılaştırılması. I Uluslararası Veteriner Mikrobiol Kong özet kitabı , s: 92.
  • LEIFSSON PS, OLSEN SN, LARSEN S (1997). Ocular tuberculosis in a horse. Vet Rec, 141, 651- 654.
  • LILENBAUM W, SCHETTINI JC, SOUZA GN, RIBEIRO ER, MOREIRA EC, FONSECA LS (1999). Comparison beıween agamma-IFN assay and inıradermal tuberculin test for diagnosis ofbovine tuberculosis in field trials in Brazil. Zentr Vet, 46, 353-358.
  • MARTIN SW, MEEK AH, WILLEBERG P (1987). Measuremenı of disease frequency and production Chapt3 In: Veterinary Epidemiology Principles and Methods first Ed:, Iowa State Univ Press, Ames, Iowa.
  • MONIES RJ, CRANWELL MP, PALMER N, INWALD J, HEWINSON RG, RULE B (2000). Bovine tuberculosis in domestic cattle. Vet Rec, 146, 407-408.
  • MORRISON Wl, BOURNE FJ, COX DR, DONNELLY CA, GETINBY G, MCINERNEY JP WOODROFFE, R (2000). Pathogenesis and diagnosis of infecıion with Mycobacterium bovis in cattle. Vet Rec 146,236-242.
  • NEILL SD, HANNA J, POLLOCK J, MACKIE DP, CASSIDY J, CLEMENTS A, BRYSON DG (1994). The diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis by blood testing Vet. Microbiol., 40, 1-7.
  • PLACKETT P, RIPPER J, CORNER LA, SMALL K, DEWITTE K, MELVILLE L, HIDES S, WOOD PR (1989). An ELISA for the detecıion of anergic tuberculosis caııle. Aust Vet J ,66, 15-16.
  • PLIKAYTIS BB, EISENACH KD, CRAWFORD JT, SHINICK TM (1991). Differentiation of Mycobacterium bovis BCG by a polymerase chain reaction assay. Mal Cell Prob,5, 215-219.
  • RITACCO V, LOPES B, BARRERA L, NADER A, FLIES E, DE KANTOR IN (1990). Further evaluation of an indireel enzyme-linked immunosorbeni assay for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis. JVetMed, 37, 19-27.
  • RITACCO V, DE KANTüR IN, BARRERA L, NADER A, BERNARDELLI A, TORREA G, ERRICO F, FLIES E (1987). Assessment of the sensitiviıy and specificity of enzyme-linked immunosorbeni assay (ELISA). for the detection mycobacterial antibodies in bovine tuberculosis. JVet Med B, 34, 119-125.

Sığır Tüberkülozunun Teşhisinde Kullanılan Gamma İnterferon Testi ile Elısa'nın Karşılaştırmalı Değerlendirmesi

Yıl 2002, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 7 - 15, 01.12.2002


Bu çalışmada, tüberkülin testi ile periyodik kontrolleri yapılan 536 adet ve test edilmeyen kontrolsüz 210 adet hayvandan
kan örnekleri toplanarak önce ELISA'da değerlendirilmiştir. ELISA'da örneklerin 582'si (%78) negatif 164'ü (%22)
pozitifbulunmuştur. Kontrollü hayvanlarda 57 (%11) pozitif, 479 (%89) negatif kontrolsüz hayvanlarda '107 (%51) pozitif,
103 (%49) negatif sonuç saptanmıştır. Kontrollü hayvanlarda negatif bulunan 75 adet örnek ile kontrolsüz
hayvanlarda pozitif bulunan 75 adet örnek y-IFN testinde kullanılmıştır. y-IFN testinde kontrolsüz hayvanlardan seçilen
örneklerin 42'si (%56) pozitif 33'ü (%44) negatif, kontrollü hayvanlardan seçilen örneklerin 61'1 (%8'1.3) negatif ,14'ü
(%18. 7) pozitifsonuç vermiştir.
Her iki testten elde edilen sonuçların khi kare (x2) yöntemi ile istatistiksel değerlendirilmelerinde, pozitif sonuçlar arasındaki
farkın (p<0.001) önemli, negatif sonuçlar arasındaki farkın (p>0.05) önemsiz ve test sonuçlarınm ortak
değerlendirilmelerinde ise testler arasındaki farkın (p<0.01) önemli olduğu görülmüştür.


  • AKAY Ö, AYDIN N, ARDA, M, HAZIROGLU, R (1984). Bir mink'te saptanan tüberkülozis üzerinde araştırma. A Ü Vet Fak Derg, 3, 463-470.
  • ARDA M, MiNBAY A, LELOGLU N, AYDIN N, AKAY Ö (1992). Özel Mikrobiyoloji. Atatürk Üniv Yay, 741,279-3 311.
  • AUER LA (1987). Assessment of an enzyme linked immunosorbem assay for the detection of cattle infected with Mycobacteriumbovis. AustVetJ, 64,172-176
  • AUERLA, SCHLEEHAUF SM (1988).Amibodies to Mycobacteria in cattle not infected with Mycobacterium bovis. Vet Microbiol,18, 51-61 .
  • BARLOW AM, MITCHELL KA, VISRAM KH (1999). Bovine tu bereulasis in llama (Lama glama) in the UK. Vet Rec, 145,639-640.
  • BOURNE J, DONNELLY CA, COX DR, GETINNBY G, MCINERNEY JP, MORRISON I, WOODROFFE R (2000). Bovine tuberculosis: towards a future controlstrategy. Vet Rec, 146, 207- 210.
  • COLLINS DM, ERASMUSON SK, STEPHENS DM, YATES FG, DE LISLE GW (1993). DNA fingerprinting of Mycobacterium bovis strains by restriction fragment analysis and hybridization with insertion elemems 151081 and l56110. J ClinMicrobiol, 31, 1143-1147.
  • DANIEL TM, DEBANNE SM (1987). The seradiagnosis of Tu bereulasis and other mycobacterial diseases by enzyme-linked immunosorbem assay. Am Rev Respir Dis,135,1137-1151
  • DEL PORTILLO P, MURILLO LA, PATARROYO ME (1991). Amplification of a species-specifı'c DNA fragment of Nlycobacterium tuberculosis and its possible use in diagnosis. J Clin Microbiol, 29, 2163-2168.
  • DOWLING LA, SCHLEEHAUF SM (1991). Specific antibody respanses to Mycobacterium bovis in infected cattle analysed with six Mycobacterial Antigens in enzyme-linked immunosorbem assays. Res Vet Sci,50,157-161.
  • FOURNIEJJ, MULLINS RJ, BASTEN B (1990). Isolation and structural characteristic of a monocianal antibody-defined crass-reactive phospholipid antigen from Mycobacterium tu bereulasis and Mycobacterium .leprae. JBiolChem,266,1211-1219.
  • FRANCIS JS, SElTER RJ, WILKIE IW, O'DOYLE D, LUMSDEN MJ, FROST AJ (1978). The sensitiviıy and specificity of various tuberculin tests using bovine PPD and other tuberculin. Vet Rec, 103,420-425.
  • GABORICK CM, SALMAN MD, ELLIS RP, TRIANTIS J (1996). Evaluaıion of a five-antigen ELISA for diagnosis of tuberculosis in cattle and Cervidae. JAV MA, 209, 962-966.
  • GOLEM, B (1941). Memleketimizde sığır tüberkülozunun vaziyeti ve sığır tüberkülozunun insan için olan tehlikesi. Vet Hek Dern Derg, 11, 28- 38.
  • GRIFFIN JFT, CROSS JP, CHINN DN, RODGERS CR, BUCHAN GS (1994). Diagnosis of tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis in New Zealand red deer (Cervus elaphus). using a composite blood test and anıibody assays. N Zealand Vet J, 42, 173-179.
  • GRIFFITH AS, TYTLER WH, CUMMIS SL, MCINTOS J, WHITBY LEH, BILLOCH W, FLEMING A, OKELL CC, GLOYNE SR (1930) . Bacillus Tuberculosis In: A System of Bacteriology in Relation to Medicine. Majesty's Stationery Office, London, p:151-325.
  • HANNA J, NEILL SD, O'BRIEN JJ (1992). ELISA tesıs for antibodies in experimenıal bovine tuberculosis. Vet Microbiol, 31, 243-249.
  • HARBOE M, WIKER HG, DUNCAN JR, GARCIA MM, DUKES Tw, BROOKS BW, TURCOTTE C, NAGAI S (1990). Protein G-based enzyme-linked immunosorbem assay for anti-MPB70 antibodies in bovine tuberculosis. J ClinMicrobiol, 28,913-921.
  • HOLT JG, KRIEG NR, SNEAT PHA, STALEY JT, WILLIAMS ST (1994). The Mycobacteria In: Bergey's Manuel of Determinative Bacteriology 9th Ed:, Williams&Wilkins, Baltimore, p: 597-603.
  • JONES SL, COX JC, SHEPHERD JM, ROTHEL JS, WOOD PR, RADFORD AJ (1992). Removal of false-positive reacıion from plasma in an enzyme immunoassay for bovine interferon-y. J Immunol Methods, 155,233-240.
  • KESKİN O, İZGÜR M (1996). Sığır tüberkülozunun teşhisinde ELISA'nın kullanılması ve allerjik yöntemle karşılaştırılması. I Uluslararası Veteriner Mikrobiol Kong özet kitabı , s: 92.
  • LEIFSSON PS, OLSEN SN, LARSEN S (1997). Ocular tuberculosis in a horse. Vet Rec, 141, 651- 654.
  • LILENBAUM W, SCHETTINI JC, SOUZA GN, RIBEIRO ER, MOREIRA EC, FONSECA LS (1999). Comparison beıween agamma-IFN assay and inıradermal tuberculin test for diagnosis ofbovine tuberculosis in field trials in Brazil. Zentr Vet, 46, 353-358.
  • MARTIN SW, MEEK AH, WILLEBERG P (1987). Measuremenı of disease frequency and production Chapt3 In: Veterinary Epidemiology Principles and Methods first Ed:, Iowa State Univ Press, Ames, Iowa.
  • MONIES RJ, CRANWELL MP, PALMER N, INWALD J, HEWINSON RG, RULE B (2000). Bovine tuberculosis in domestic cattle. Vet Rec, 146, 407-408.
  • MORRISON Wl, BOURNE FJ, COX DR, DONNELLY CA, GETINBY G, MCINERNEY JP WOODROFFE, R (2000). Pathogenesis and diagnosis of infecıion with Mycobacterium bovis in cattle. Vet Rec 146,236-242.
  • NEILL SD, HANNA J, POLLOCK J, MACKIE DP, CASSIDY J, CLEMENTS A, BRYSON DG (1994). The diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis by blood testing Vet. Microbiol., 40, 1-7.
  • PLACKETT P, RIPPER J, CORNER LA, SMALL K, DEWITTE K, MELVILLE L, HIDES S, WOOD PR (1989). An ELISA for the detecıion of anergic tuberculosis caııle. Aust Vet J ,66, 15-16.
  • PLIKAYTIS BB, EISENACH KD, CRAWFORD JT, SHINICK TM (1991). Differentiation of Mycobacterium bovis BCG by a polymerase chain reaction assay. Mal Cell Prob,5, 215-219.
  • RITACCO V, LOPES B, BARRERA L, NADER A, FLIES E, DE KANTOR IN (1990). Further evaluation of an indireel enzyme-linked immunosorbeni assay for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis. JVetMed, 37, 19-27.
  • RITACCO V, DE KANTüR IN, BARRERA L, NADER A, BERNARDELLI A, TORREA G, ERRICO F, FLIES E (1987). Assessment of the sensitiviıy and specificity of enzyme-linked immunosorbeni assay (ELISA). for the detection mycobacterial antibodies in bovine tuberculosis. JVet Med B, 34, 119-125.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Erhan Akçay Bu kişi benim

Müjgan İzgür Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2002
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2002
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2002 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Akçay, E., & İzgür, M. (2002). Sığır Tüberkülozunun Teşhisinde Kullanılan Gamma İnterferon Testi ile Elısa’nın Karşılaştırmalı Değerlendirmesi. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 13(2), 7-15.