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Besi Sığırlarında Rumen Patolojisi

Yıl 2003, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1-2, 40 - 53, 01.12.2003


Bu çalışmada, Suluova Et ve Balık Kurumu ile Samsun Belediye mezbahasında kesilen farklı ırkiara ait 3290
besi sığırı rumenieri incelendi. Bunlann 232 (%7,05) adedinde ınakroskobik olarak lezyon tespit edildi.
Bu lezyonlar: Kronik rumenitis, hiperkeratozis ve parazitik rumenitis olmak üzere 3 ana bölüm içinde değerlendirildi.
Kronik rurrıenitise 143 (%61,64) olguda rast/andı. Bunlar depigmentasyon, papillaların bulunmaması, nedbe
dokusu oluşumları, fokal pigmentasyon, epiteli ya! nodül ve yapışık içerik gibi makroskobik bulgular ile karakterize
idi. Çok az olguda papillasız, depigmente alanlarda hiperemi, kanama, nekroz ve ülserlerle karakterize akut forma
dönen sahalara da rast/andı.
Kronik rumenitis olgularının 104 (%72, 7) adedinde lezyonlar anterior-ventral kesede; 39 (%27,3) adedi de
ise anterior-dorsal kesede fokalize olmuştu.
Hiperkeratozis 63 (%2 7,16) olguda, parazitik rumenitis ise 2 6 (%11 ,20) olguda görüldü.
Çalışmada tüm bulguların ayrıntılı mikroskobik yapısı incelendi.


  • AHRENS FA (1967). Histamine, lactic acid and hyppertonicty as factors in the development of rumenitis in cattle. Am j Vet Res, 28: 1335-1342.
  • ALİBAŞOGLU M, YEŞİLDERE T (1988). Veteriner Sistemik Patoloji. Cağaloğlu, İstanbul. Kardeşler basımevi cilt:l, s:148.
  • BARKER IK, VANDREUMEL AA, PALMER N (1 993). The Alimantery System. Chapter,l. In: Pathology of Domestic Animals. Vol. II.JUBB, K. V. F., KENNEDY, P. C., PALMER, N. 4th ed., California.: Acedemic Press Ine, p.:41-51.
  • BRENT BE (1976). Relationship of acidosis to other feedlot aliments. J Anim. Sci., 43: 930-935.
  • BROWNLEEA (1963). The development of rumen papillae in cattle fed on different diets. Bı·it. Vet.], 25: 369-375.
  • CHIHAYA Y, MATSUKAWA K, MIZUSHIMA S, KISHIMOTO M (1981). Pathological observations of emphysema in the mucosa of the forestomach in fattened steers.j Coll. Dairy., 9:115-122.
  • CHIHAYA, Y, MATSUKAWA K, OHSHIMA K, MATSUl Y, OGASA K, FURUSOWA Y, OKADA H (1992). Pathological study of bovine alimentary mycosis. J Com. Pathol., 107: 195-206.
  • ÇİFTÇİ MK, BERKİN Ş, TÜRKÜTANIT SS (1993). Besi sığırlarında karaciğer apselerinin insidensi ve patolojisi. S. Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 9: 26-32.
  • ELAM CJ (1976). Acidosis in feedlot cattle practical observations. J Anim. Sci., 43: 898- 901.
  • FELL BF, KAY M, WALKER JT (1967b). Ruminal lesions in cattle fed on barley. Vet. Rec., 81: 715-717.
  • FELL BF, KAY M, WILLIAMS RB, MACLEOD NA (1967a). Effect of feeding barley and other diets on the tissues of the calf Vet. Rec., 81: 593-598.
  • FELL BF, KAY M, WHITELAW FG, BOYNE R (1968). Observations on the development of ruminal lesions in calves fed on barley. Res. Vet. Sci., 9: 458-466.
  • HUNGATE RE, DOUGHERTY RW, BRYANT MP, CELLO RM (1952). Microbiological and physiological changes assocated with acute indigestion in sheep. Comeli Vet., 42:423-449.
  • HUTYRA R, MAREKJ, MANINGER R (1 938). Special Pathology and Therapeutics of Disease of Domestıc Animals 2, 4th ed. Alexander Eger, Chicago. ALINMIŞTIR JENSEN R, DEANE HM, COOPER JL, MILLERT AV, GRAHAM WR (1954). The Besi s1ğ1rlarmda rumen patolojisi- ULUSOY rumenitis liver abscess complex in beef cattle. Anı. ] Vet. Res., 15:202-216.
  • JENSEN R, CONNELL M, DEEM AW (1954b). Rumenitis and its relation to rate of change of ration and the proportion of concentrate in the ra tion of cattle. Am. J Vet. Res., p.: 425-428.
  • JENSEN R, DEANE HM, COOPERJL, MILLERT AV, GRAHAM WR (1954a). The rumenitis-liver abscess complex in beef cattle. Am. J Vet. Res., 15: 202-216.
  • KAY M, FELL BF, BOYNER (1969). The relationship between the acidity of the rumen contents and rumenitis in calves fed on barley. Res. Vet. Sci. , 10: 181-187.
  • KESLER EM, ROTHENBACTER H, JONES GM (1967). Limitations of an all ground diet in growing dairy beef Science for the farmer(Pen.Agr. Exp. Station)l4:5.In: ROTHENBACTER H, EL-SABBAN FF, LONG TA, BAUMGARDT BR (1972). Prevention of stomach and liver pathology in feeder steers by sawdust roughage repkacer. Vet.Med.Small.Anim. Clin.,68:ll27-113220.
  • KURTPlNAR H, LATİF BM (1970). Paramphistomiasis of Cattle and Buffaloes in Iraq. The Vet. Rec.,14:l68.
  • MİLLİ HÜ, İMREN YH, HAZIROGLU R (1985). Bir buzağıda ön midelerde mucormycosis olgusu.A. Ü Vet. Fak. Derg. , 32:215-222.
  • MORALES GA, VAN KRUININGEN HJ (1971). Contagious ovine ecthyma with primary lesions of the rumen and concurent phycomycosis: a case report. Am. J Vet. Res., 32: 163-166. 22. MORISSE JP, HUONNIC D, COTTE JP (1992). Alterations de la muqueuse du rumen chez le taurillon en elevage intensif Rec. Med. Vet., 168: 17-24.
  • NAGARAJA TG, CHENGAPPA MM (1998). Liver Abscess in Feedlot Cattle. J Anim. Sci ., 76:287-298.
  • NAYAK BC, RAO AG, RAY SK, CHANDA SK (1975). Mycotic rumenitis in a calf Indian Vet.], 52:55-57.
  • PRESNEL KJ, SCHREIBMAN PM (1997). Animal Tissue Techniques. The Johns Hopkisn University Press baltimore p: 126,2 ı 9,248,302,3 82,3 83,3 89 o
  • ROBINSONTJ,JASPERDE, GUILBERT HR (1951). The isolation of Spherophorus Necrophorus from the rumen together with some feed lot data on abscess and telangiectasis.] Anim. Sci., 10:732-741. ALINMIŞTIR JENSEN R, DEANE HM, COOPER JL, MILLERT AV, GRAHAM WR (1954).The rumenitis liver abscess complex in beef cattle. Am.] Vet. Res., 15:202-216.
  • ROTHENBACTER H, EL-SABBAN FF, LONG TA, BAUMGARDT BR (1972). Prevention of stomach and liver pathology in feeder steers by sawdust roughage replacer. Vet. Med. Smal/Anim. C/in., 68:1127-1132.
  • ROWLAND AC (1966). S ome aspects of the rumenitis/ liver abscess complex in traditional and in intensively managed beef cattle. Vet. Rec., 78: 713-716.
  • ROWLAND AC, WIESRE MF, PRESTON TR (1969). The rumen pathology of intensively managed beef cattle. Anim. Prod., ll: 499-504.
  • SCANLAN CM, HATHCOCKTL (1983). Bovine rumenitis-liver abscess complex: a bacteriological review. Comeli Vet., 73: 288-297.
  • SETHURAMAN V, RATHOR SS (1979). Pathological studies on acute acid and alkaline experimental indıgestion in bovines. Indian Vet.], 21: 831 -833. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi • Ytl: 2003 Cilt 14 • Sayt: 1-2
  • SMITH HA (1944). Ulcerative lesions of the bovine rumen and their possible relation to hepatic abscesses. Am.] Vet. Res., 5: 234-244.
  • SPRATLING FR, SPARROW DSH, NIELSEN SW (1968). Myocotic rumenitis ina cow. Vet. Rec., 82: 282-284.
  • SZAZADOS I, TAKACS J (1979). Ineidence and meat hygiene aspetts of the bovine rumen parakeratosis-liver abscess com..: plex in beef cattle in Hungary. Acta. Vet. Acad. Scien., 27: 415-426.
  • TANIMATO T, OHTSUKI Y, NOMURA Y (1994). Rumenoabomasallesions in steers induced by naturally ingested hair. Vet. Pathol., 31: 280-282.
  • VAN KRUININGEN HJ (1988). Special Veterinary Pathology. Ed. R. G. Thomson. Toronto, B. C. Decker. p.:155. ALINMIŞTIR PIERCY DWT, KEMP J (1990). Eosinophilic rumenitis in intensively reared lambs. Vet. Rec., 126: 195.
  • WILSON LL, LONG TA, ROTHENBACTER H (1968). Division of animal science, The Pennsylvania State University, University park, ALlNMlŞTlR: ROTHENBACTER H, EL-SABBAN FF, LONG TA, BAUMGARDT BR (1972). Prevention of stomach and liver pathology in feeder steers by sawdust roughage replacer. Vet. Med. Smal!Anim. C/in., 18: 1127-1132.

"Rumen Pathology of Beef Cattle"

Yıl 2003, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1-2, 40 - 53, 01.12.2003


In this study, the rumens rf tota/3290 beif cattle slaughtered in Suluova Meat and Fish Organization Group
and Samsun Municipality slaughter houses were examined In 232 (7,05 %) samples severallesions were detected.
These lesions were evaluated under 3 main s ec tion, which were chronic rumenitis, hyperkeratosis and parasitic
Choronic rumenitis were detected in 143 (61,64 %) samples. These were characterized with depigmentation
absence rfpapilla, presence rfnodes and adherent contents. In few cases, ıt was seen that the areas characterized with
hyperaemia, haemorrhage, necrosis and ulcer turned in to acute form in depigmented areas.
It was observed that the lesions in chronic rumenitis in 104 (72, 7 %) cases localised in anterior- ventral sac rf
the rumen, and in 39 (27,3 %) localised in anterioı· dorsal sac.
Hyperkeratosis were seenin 63 (27,16 %) cases and parasitic ı-umenitis in 26 (11,20 %).
In this study detailed ınicroscopic structures rf all findings were examined.


  • AHRENS FA (1967). Histamine, lactic acid and hyppertonicty as factors in the development of rumenitis in cattle. Am j Vet Res, 28: 1335-1342.
  • ALİBAŞOGLU M, YEŞİLDERE T (1988). Veteriner Sistemik Patoloji. Cağaloğlu, İstanbul. Kardeşler basımevi cilt:l, s:148.
  • BARKER IK, VANDREUMEL AA, PALMER N (1 993). The Alimantery System. Chapter,l. In: Pathology of Domestic Animals. Vol. II.JUBB, K. V. F., KENNEDY, P. C., PALMER, N. 4th ed., California.: Acedemic Press Ine, p.:41-51.
  • BRENT BE (1976). Relationship of acidosis to other feedlot aliments. J Anim. Sci., 43: 930-935.
  • BROWNLEEA (1963). The development of rumen papillae in cattle fed on different diets. Bı·it. Vet.], 25: 369-375.
  • CHIHAYA Y, MATSUKAWA K, MIZUSHIMA S, KISHIMOTO M (1981). Pathological observations of emphysema in the mucosa of the forestomach in fattened steers.j Coll. Dairy., 9:115-122.
  • CHIHAYA, Y, MATSUKAWA K, OHSHIMA K, MATSUl Y, OGASA K, FURUSOWA Y, OKADA H (1992). Pathological study of bovine alimentary mycosis. J Com. Pathol., 107: 195-206.
  • ÇİFTÇİ MK, BERKİN Ş, TÜRKÜTANIT SS (1993). Besi sığırlarında karaciğer apselerinin insidensi ve patolojisi. S. Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 9: 26-32.
  • ELAM CJ (1976). Acidosis in feedlot cattle practical observations. J Anim. Sci., 43: 898- 901.
  • FELL BF, KAY M, WALKER JT (1967b). Ruminal lesions in cattle fed on barley. Vet. Rec., 81: 715-717.
  • FELL BF, KAY M, WILLIAMS RB, MACLEOD NA (1967a). Effect of feeding barley and other diets on the tissues of the calf Vet. Rec., 81: 593-598.
  • FELL BF, KAY M, WHITELAW FG, BOYNE R (1968). Observations on the development of ruminal lesions in calves fed on barley. Res. Vet. Sci., 9: 458-466.
  • HUNGATE RE, DOUGHERTY RW, BRYANT MP, CELLO RM (1952). Microbiological and physiological changes assocated with acute indigestion in sheep. Comeli Vet., 42:423-449.
  • HUTYRA R, MAREKJ, MANINGER R (1 938). Special Pathology and Therapeutics of Disease of Domestıc Animals 2, 4th ed. Alexander Eger, Chicago. ALINMIŞTIR JENSEN R, DEANE HM, COOPER JL, MILLERT AV, GRAHAM WR (1954). The Besi s1ğ1rlarmda rumen patolojisi- ULUSOY rumenitis liver abscess complex in beef cattle. Anı. ] Vet. Res., 15:202-216.
  • JENSEN R, CONNELL M, DEEM AW (1954b). Rumenitis and its relation to rate of change of ration and the proportion of concentrate in the ra tion of cattle. Am. J Vet. Res., p.: 425-428.
  • JENSEN R, DEANE HM, COOPERJL, MILLERT AV, GRAHAM WR (1954a). The rumenitis-liver abscess complex in beef cattle. Am. J Vet. Res., 15: 202-216.
  • KAY M, FELL BF, BOYNER (1969). The relationship between the acidity of the rumen contents and rumenitis in calves fed on barley. Res. Vet. Sci. , 10: 181-187.
  • KESLER EM, ROTHENBACTER H, JONES GM (1967). Limitations of an all ground diet in growing dairy beef Science for the farmer(Pen.Agr. Exp. Station)l4:5.In: ROTHENBACTER H, EL-SABBAN FF, LONG TA, BAUMGARDT BR (1972). Prevention of stomach and liver pathology in feeder steers by sawdust roughage repkacer. Vet.Med.Small.Anim. Clin.,68:ll27-113220.
  • KURTPlNAR H, LATİF BM (1970). Paramphistomiasis of Cattle and Buffaloes in Iraq. The Vet. Rec.,14:l68.
  • MİLLİ HÜ, İMREN YH, HAZIROGLU R (1985). Bir buzağıda ön midelerde mucormycosis olgusu.A. Ü Vet. Fak. Derg. , 32:215-222.
  • MORALES GA, VAN KRUININGEN HJ (1971). Contagious ovine ecthyma with primary lesions of the rumen and concurent phycomycosis: a case report. Am. J Vet. Res., 32: 163-166. 22. MORISSE JP, HUONNIC D, COTTE JP (1992). Alterations de la muqueuse du rumen chez le taurillon en elevage intensif Rec. Med. Vet., 168: 17-24.
  • NAGARAJA TG, CHENGAPPA MM (1998). Liver Abscess in Feedlot Cattle. J Anim. Sci ., 76:287-298.
  • NAYAK BC, RAO AG, RAY SK, CHANDA SK (1975). Mycotic rumenitis in a calf Indian Vet.], 52:55-57.
  • PRESNEL KJ, SCHREIBMAN PM (1997). Animal Tissue Techniques. The Johns Hopkisn University Press baltimore p: 126,2 ı 9,248,302,3 82,3 83,3 89 o
  • ROBINSONTJ,JASPERDE, GUILBERT HR (1951). The isolation of Spherophorus Necrophorus from the rumen together with some feed lot data on abscess and telangiectasis.] Anim. Sci., 10:732-741. ALINMIŞTIR JENSEN R, DEANE HM, COOPER JL, MILLERT AV, GRAHAM WR (1954).The rumenitis liver abscess complex in beef cattle. Am.] Vet. Res., 15:202-216.
  • ROTHENBACTER H, EL-SABBAN FF, LONG TA, BAUMGARDT BR (1972). Prevention of stomach and liver pathology in feeder steers by sawdust roughage replacer. Vet. Med. Smal/Anim. C/in., 68:1127-1132.
  • ROWLAND AC (1966). S ome aspects of the rumenitis/ liver abscess complex in traditional and in intensively managed beef cattle. Vet. Rec., 78: 713-716.
  • ROWLAND AC, WIESRE MF, PRESTON TR (1969). The rumen pathology of intensively managed beef cattle. Anim. Prod., ll: 499-504.
  • SCANLAN CM, HATHCOCKTL (1983). Bovine rumenitis-liver abscess complex: a bacteriological review. Comeli Vet., 73: 288-297.
  • SETHURAMAN V, RATHOR SS (1979). Pathological studies on acute acid and alkaline experimental indıgestion in bovines. Indian Vet.], 21: 831 -833. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi • Ytl: 2003 Cilt 14 • Sayt: 1-2
  • SMITH HA (1944). Ulcerative lesions of the bovine rumen and their possible relation to hepatic abscesses. Am.] Vet. Res., 5: 234-244.
  • SPRATLING FR, SPARROW DSH, NIELSEN SW (1968). Myocotic rumenitis ina cow. Vet. Rec., 82: 282-284.
  • SZAZADOS I, TAKACS J (1979). Ineidence and meat hygiene aspetts of the bovine rumen parakeratosis-liver abscess com..: plex in beef cattle in Hungary. Acta. Vet. Acad. Scien., 27: 415-426.
  • TANIMATO T, OHTSUKI Y, NOMURA Y (1994). Rumenoabomasallesions in steers induced by naturally ingested hair. Vet. Pathol., 31: 280-282.
  • VAN KRUININGEN HJ (1988). Special Veterinary Pathology. Ed. R. G. Thomson. Toronto, B. C. Decker. p.:155. ALINMIŞTIR PIERCY DWT, KEMP J (1990). Eosinophilic rumenitis in intensively reared lambs. Vet. Rec., 126: 195.
  • WILSON LL, LONG TA, ROTHENBACTER H (1968). Division of animal science, The Pennsylvania State University, University park, ALlNMlŞTlR: ROTHENBACTER H, EL-SABBAN FF, LONG TA, BAUMGARDT BR (1972). Prevention of stomach and liver pathology in feeder steers by sawdust roughage replacer. Vet. Med. Smal!Anim. C/in., 18: 1127-1132.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Yavuz Ulusoy Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2003
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ocak 2003
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2003 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1-2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ulusoy, Y. (2003). Besi Sığırlarında Rumen Patolojisi. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 14(1-2), 40-53.