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Köpeklerde Leptospirozisin Epidemiyolojik Değişimi

Yıl 2003, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1-2, 74 - 81, 01.12.2003


Köpek Leptospimzisi genellikle L. interrogans seravar icteı-ohaemorrhagiae ve seravar canicola tarafından oluşturulmaktadır.
Fakat son yıllarda Kuzey Amerika'da ve bazı Avntpa ülkelerinde pomona, grippotyphosa ve bratislava
serovadarının da infeksiyana sebep olduğu bildirilmektediı: Hastalık, zoonoz olup yüksek ateş, kusma, depresyon,
hemoraji, kanlı idrar ve dışkı, sarı/ık, hepatik ve renal yetmezlik, abort ve in fertilite ile seyreder ve ölümle sonuçlanabil
ir. Bu derlemede; köpeklerin bu önemli enfeksiyonunun epidemiyolojisi, klinik hastalık bulguları, klinik laboratuvar
· bulguları, klinik mikrobiyolojik tanısı, tedavisi ve eııfeksiyondan korunma hakkında bilgi verilmektedir.


  • ADIN CA, COWGILL LD (2000) . Treatment and outcome of do gs with leptospirosis: Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi • Yil: 2003 Cilt 14 • Say1: 1-2 36 cases (1990-1998}. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 216,371-375.
  • AP PEL MJ (1999). Forty yeaı-s of canine vaccination. Adv Vet Med, 41,309-324.
  • BEY RF, JOHNSON RC (1982). Leptospiral vaccines in dogs: Immunogenicity of who/e eel/ and outer env~lope vaccines prepared in proteinfree medium. Am] Vet Res, 43,831-834.
  • BIRNBAUM N, BARR SC, CENTER SA, SCHERNERHORN T, RANDOLPH NF, SIMPSON KW (1998). Naturally acquired leptospirosis in 3 6 do gs: serological and clinicopathological features. J Smail Anim Pract, 39, 232-236.
  • BO LIN CA (1996). Diagnosis ofleptospirosis: a reemerging disase of companian animals. Sernin Vet Med Surg (Smail Anim), 11, 166-171.
  • BROWN CA, ROBERTS AW, MILLER MA, DAVIS DA, BROWN SA, BOLIN CA, JARECKI-BLACK J, GREENE CE, MILLER-LIEEL D (1996). Leptospira intermgans seı·ovar grippotyphosa infection in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 209, 1265-1267.
  • CAI HY, HORNEY G, KEY DW, OSUCH MR, MAXIE MG (2002). Preliminary study on dijfeı·entiation of Leptospira grippotyphosa and Leptospira sejroe from other com mo n pathogenic leptospiral serovars in canine urine by polymerase chain reaction ass ay. J Vet Diagn Invest, 14, 164-168.
  • CARMICHAEL LE (1999). Canine viı-al vaccines at a tuming point-a personal perspective. Adv Vet Med, 41,289-307.
  • DUVAL D, GIGER U (1996). Vaccine-associated immıme-ınediated hemolytic aneınia in the dog.] Vet Intern Med, 10: 290-295.
  • ELLIS WA (1986). Leptospirosis. J Smail Anim Pract, 27, 683-692. - 80-
  • FAINE S, ADLER B, BOLIN C, PEROLAT P (1999). Leptospira and Leptospirosis. 2nd ed., MediSci, Melbourne, Australia.
  • HARKIN KR, GARTRELL CL (1996). Canine leptospirosis in New ]ersey and Michigan: 17 cases (1990-1995}. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc, 32, 495-501.
  • HARKIN KR, ROSHTO YM, SULUVAN JT (2003). Clinical application of a polymerase chain reaction assay for diagnosis of leptospirosis in dogs.] Am Vet Med Assoc, 222, 1224-1229.
  • HARKIN KR, ROSHTO YM, SULUVAN JT, PURVIS TJ, CHENGAPPA MM (2003). Comparison of polymerase chain reaction assay, bacteriologic culture, and seralogic testing in assessınent of prevalence of urinaıy shedding of leptospiı·osis in dogs.] Am Vet Med Assoc, 222, 1230-1233.
  • BARTMAN EG (1984). AnIgM-and IgGspecific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect anti-leptospiral iınmunoglobulins in dogs. Zentbl Bakteriol, 257, 508-510.
  • BARTMAN EG (1984). Epidemiological aspects of canine leptospirosis in the Netherlands. Zentbl Bakteriol Hyg A, 258, 350-359.
  • BARTMAN EG, VAN HOUTEN M, FRIK JF, VAN DER DONK JA (1984). Humoral imınune response of dogs after vaccinatioıı against leptospirosis measuı·ed by an IgM ·and IgG-specific ELISA. Vet Immunol Immunopathol, 7, 245-254.
  • BARTMAN EG, VAN HOUTEN M, VAN DER DONK JA, FRIK JF (1984). Seradiagnosis of canine leptospirosis by solidphase enzyme-linked iınmunosorbent assay. Vet Immunol Immunopathol, 7, 33-42.
  • HARTSKEERL RA, SMITS HL, KORVER H, GORIS MGA, TERPSTRA WJ (2002). Handbook of Intmıatioııal Course on Köpeklerde leptospirozis - KOCABIYlK Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Leptospirosis. Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, the N etherlands.
  • KALIN M, DEVAUX C, DIFRUSCIA R, LEMAY S, HIGGINS R (1999). Three cases of canine leptosoirosis in Quebec. Can Vet J, 40, 187-191.
  • LEVETT PN (2001) . Leptospi1·osis. Clin Microbiol Rev, 14,296-326.
  • ÖZDEMİR V, DiKER KS (1999). Köpek serumlarının leptospirozis yönünden mikroskopik aglutinasyon testi ve ELISA ile incelenmesi. Etlik Vet Mikrob Derg, 10, 1-17.
  • PRESCOTT JF, MCEWEN B, TAYLOR}, WOODS JP, ABRAMS-OGG A, WILCOCK B (2002) . Resurgeııce of leptospirosis in dogs in Ontario: 1·ecent Jindings. Can Vet J, 43, 955-961.
  • RIBOTTA M, FORTIN M, HIGGINS R, BEAUDIN S (2000). Canine leptospirosis: serology. Can Vet}, 41,494-495.
  • RIBOTTA MJ, HIGGINS R, GOTTSCHALK M, LALLIER R-· (2000). Development of an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent ass ay for the detection of leptospiral antibodies in dogs. CanJ Vet Res, 64,32-37.
  • SCANZIANI E, ORIGGI F, GIUSTIA.M, IACCHIA G, VASINO A, PIROVANO G, SCARPA P, TAGLIABUE S (2002). Serological survey of leptospiral infection in kennelled dogs in Italy. J Smail Anim Pract, 43, 154-157.
  • STEGER-LIEB A, . GERBER B, NICOLET J, GASCHEN .F'(199"9). An old disease with a new Jace: ca~ ine leptospirosis does not los e its relevance. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd, 141, 499-507.
  • UNAT EK, GÜRTÜRK S (1954). Türkiye'de Leptospira canicola infeksiyonu. Türk Vet Hekim Dern Derg, 24, 96-97.
  • ÜLGEN M, ÇETİN C, ÖZDEMİR V, BÜYÜKÇOBAN M (1997). Buna ilindeki sokak köpekle1·inde leptospirozisin seroprevalansı. Etlik Vet Mikrob Derg, 9, 108-114.
  • WARD MP (2002). Seasonality of canine leptospirosis in the United States and Canada and its association with rainfall. Prev Vet Med, 56, 203-213.
  • WATSON ADJ (1994). Leptospimsis in cats and dogs. Aust Vet J, 71, 59-60.
  • WEEKES CC, EVERARD CO R, LEVETT PN (1997). Seroepidemiology of canine leptospirosis on the isiand ofBarbados. Vet Microbiol, 51, 215-222.

"The Epidemiologic Changes of Canine Leptospirosis"

Yıl 2003, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1-2, 74 - 81, 01.12.2003


Leptospirosis in do gs is caıtsed by L. interrogans serovaı·s icterohaemorrhagiae and canicola in general, but with
other serovaı·s such as pomona, grippotyphosa, and bratislava couse elinical Leptospirosis in dogs in North America
and some European countries have been reported to due to ep idemiologic change. The disease is zoonotic and associated
with Jever, vomiting, depression, haemorrhage, bloodstained uı·ine and Jaeces, jaundice, hepatic and renal failure, abortion, infertility and death. In this ı·eview artiele; epidemiology, elinical sin gs, elinicallaboratory findings, elinical
microbiological diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of this important disease of do gs are presented.


  • ADIN CA, COWGILL LD (2000) . Treatment and outcome of do gs with leptospirosis: Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi • Yil: 2003 Cilt 14 • Say1: 1-2 36 cases (1990-1998}. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 216,371-375.
  • AP PEL MJ (1999). Forty yeaı-s of canine vaccination. Adv Vet Med, 41,309-324.
  • BEY RF, JOHNSON RC (1982). Leptospiral vaccines in dogs: Immunogenicity of who/e eel/ and outer env~lope vaccines prepared in proteinfree medium. Am] Vet Res, 43,831-834.
  • BIRNBAUM N, BARR SC, CENTER SA, SCHERNERHORN T, RANDOLPH NF, SIMPSON KW (1998). Naturally acquired leptospirosis in 3 6 do gs: serological and clinicopathological features. J Smail Anim Pract, 39, 232-236.
  • BO LIN CA (1996). Diagnosis ofleptospirosis: a reemerging disase of companian animals. Sernin Vet Med Surg (Smail Anim), 11, 166-171.
  • BROWN CA, ROBERTS AW, MILLER MA, DAVIS DA, BROWN SA, BOLIN CA, JARECKI-BLACK J, GREENE CE, MILLER-LIEEL D (1996). Leptospira intermgans seı·ovar grippotyphosa infection in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 209, 1265-1267.
  • CAI HY, HORNEY G, KEY DW, OSUCH MR, MAXIE MG (2002). Preliminary study on dijfeı·entiation of Leptospira grippotyphosa and Leptospira sejroe from other com mo n pathogenic leptospiral serovars in canine urine by polymerase chain reaction ass ay. J Vet Diagn Invest, 14, 164-168.
  • CARMICHAEL LE (1999). Canine viı-al vaccines at a tuming point-a personal perspective. Adv Vet Med, 41,289-307.
  • DUVAL D, GIGER U (1996). Vaccine-associated immıme-ınediated hemolytic aneınia in the dog.] Vet Intern Med, 10: 290-295.
  • ELLIS WA (1986). Leptospirosis. J Smail Anim Pract, 27, 683-692. - 80-
  • FAINE S, ADLER B, BOLIN C, PEROLAT P (1999). Leptospira and Leptospirosis. 2nd ed., MediSci, Melbourne, Australia.
  • HARKIN KR, GARTRELL CL (1996). Canine leptospirosis in New ]ersey and Michigan: 17 cases (1990-1995}. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc, 32, 495-501.
  • HARKIN KR, ROSHTO YM, SULUVAN JT (2003). Clinical application of a polymerase chain reaction assay for diagnosis of leptospirosis in dogs.] Am Vet Med Assoc, 222, 1224-1229.
  • HARKIN KR, ROSHTO YM, SULUVAN JT, PURVIS TJ, CHENGAPPA MM (2003). Comparison of polymerase chain reaction assay, bacteriologic culture, and seralogic testing in assessınent of prevalence of urinaıy shedding of leptospiı·osis in dogs.] Am Vet Med Assoc, 222, 1230-1233.
  • BARTMAN EG (1984). AnIgM-and IgGspecific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect anti-leptospiral iınmunoglobulins in dogs. Zentbl Bakteriol, 257, 508-510.
  • BARTMAN EG (1984). Epidemiological aspects of canine leptospirosis in the Netherlands. Zentbl Bakteriol Hyg A, 258, 350-359.
  • BARTMAN EG, VAN HOUTEN M, FRIK JF, VAN DER DONK JA (1984). Humoral imınune response of dogs after vaccinatioıı against leptospirosis measuı·ed by an IgM ·and IgG-specific ELISA. Vet Immunol Immunopathol, 7, 245-254.
  • BARTMAN EG, VAN HOUTEN M, VAN DER DONK JA, FRIK JF (1984). Seradiagnosis of canine leptospirosis by solidphase enzyme-linked iınmunosorbent assay. Vet Immunol Immunopathol, 7, 33-42.
  • HARTSKEERL RA, SMITS HL, KORVER H, GORIS MGA, TERPSTRA WJ (2002). Handbook of Intmıatioııal Course on Köpeklerde leptospirozis - KOCABIYlK Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Leptospirosis. Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, the N etherlands.
  • KALIN M, DEVAUX C, DIFRUSCIA R, LEMAY S, HIGGINS R (1999). Three cases of canine leptosoirosis in Quebec. Can Vet J, 40, 187-191.
  • LEVETT PN (2001) . Leptospi1·osis. Clin Microbiol Rev, 14,296-326.
  • ÖZDEMİR V, DiKER KS (1999). Köpek serumlarının leptospirozis yönünden mikroskopik aglutinasyon testi ve ELISA ile incelenmesi. Etlik Vet Mikrob Derg, 10, 1-17.
  • PRESCOTT JF, MCEWEN B, TAYLOR}, WOODS JP, ABRAMS-OGG A, WILCOCK B (2002) . Resurgeııce of leptospirosis in dogs in Ontario: 1·ecent Jindings. Can Vet J, 43, 955-961.
  • RIBOTTA M, FORTIN M, HIGGINS R, BEAUDIN S (2000). Canine leptospirosis: serology. Can Vet}, 41,494-495.
  • RIBOTTA MJ, HIGGINS R, GOTTSCHALK M, LALLIER R-· (2000). Development of an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent ass ay for the detection of leptospiral antibodies in dogs. CanJ Vet Res, 64,32-37.
  • SCANZIANI E, ORIGGI F, GIUSTIA.M, IACCHIA G, VASINO A, PIROVANO G, SCARPA P, TAGLIABUE S (2002). Serological survey of leptospiral infection in kennelled dogs in Italy. J Smail Anim Pract, 43, 154-157.
  • STEGER-LIEB A, . GERBER B, NICOLET J, GASCHEN .F'(199"9). An old disease with a new Jace: ca~ ine leptospirosis does not los e its relevance. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd, 141, 499-507.
  • UNAT EK, GÜRTÜRK S (1954). Türkiye'de Leptospira canicola infeksiyonu. Türk Vet Hekim Dern Derg, 24, 96-97.
  • ÜLGEN M, ÇETİN C, ÖZDEMİR V, BÜYÜKÇOBAN M (1997). Buna ilindeki sokak köpekle1·inde leptospirozisin seroprevalansı. Etlik Vet Mikrob Derg, 9, 108-114.
  • WARD MP (2002). Seasonality of canine leptospirosis in the United States and Canada and its association with rainfall. Prev Vet Med, 56, 203-213.
  • WATSON ADJ (1994). Leptospimsis in cats and dogs. Aust Vet J, 71, 59-60.
  • WEEKES CC, EVERARD CO R, LEVETT PN (1997). Seroepidemiology of canine leptospirosis on the isiand ofBarbados. Vet Microbiol, 51, 215-222.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

A. Levent Kocabıyık Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2003
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ocak 2003
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2003 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1-2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kocabıyık, A. L. (2003). Köpeklerde Leptospirozisin Epidemiyolojik Değişimi. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 14(1-2), 74-81.