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Sığırlarda Theileria Türlerinin Reverse Lıne Blottıng Ve İndirek Floresan Antikor Testi İle Karşılaştırmalı Tanısı Üzerine Araştırmalar

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1-2, 43 - 54, 01.12.2006


Bu çalışma, 2001-2002 tarihleri arasında Ankara bölgesinde RLB(Reverse Line Blotting), IFA (Indirek Floresan Antikor testi)testleri ve mikroskobik bakı ile sığırlarda Theileria türlerinin tanısını yapmak, tanı yöntemlerinin karşılaştırmalı geçerliliğini tespit etmek, ayrıca eşzamanlı, yani bir örnekle aynı soya bağlı birden fazla türün saptanabildiği RLB testinin rutin olarak laboratvarlarda ve özellikle epidemiyolojik çalışmalarda kullanılabilirliğini ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla, Ankara İline bağlı 9 ilçeye ait köylerde meraya çıkan hayvanlardan, rastgele seçilen 250 sığırdan IFAT ve RLB testlerinde kullanılmak üzere kan alınmıştır. Sonuç olarak, mikrsokobik bakıda %29,6; IFA testinde (t. annulata) %28.8; RLB yöntemlerinde ise %47,6 oranında pozitiflik tespit edilmiştir. Kullanılan yöntemler duyarlılık ve özgüllük bakımından karşılaştırıldığında RLB'ye göre mikroskobik bakının %59,8; IFAT (T.annulata)ın ise %64,6 oranında duyarlı olduğu görülmüştür. Bu çalışma ile Türkiye'de ilk defa sığırlarda Theileria buffeli tespit edilmiştir.


  • AKTAS, M., DUMANLI, N., CETINKAYA, B., CAKMAK, A. (2002). Field evaination of PCR in detecting Theilerta annulata infection in cattle in eastern Turkey, Vet.Rec., ı 50: 548-549.
  • BURRIDGE, M. J., BROWN, C.G., KIMBER, C. D.(1974). Theilerta annulata: crossreactions between cell culture schizont antigen and antigens of East African species in the indirect fluorescent antibody test. Exp. Parasitol., 35: 374-380.
  • BISHOP, R., SOHANPAL, B., KARIUKI, D. P., YOUNG, A.S., NENE, V., BAYLIS, H., ALLSOPP, B.A., SPOONER, P.R., DOLAN, T.T., MORZARIA, S.P. (1992). Detection of a carrier state in Theilerta parva-infected cattle by the polymerase chain reaction. Parasitol., ı 04: 215-232.
  • BEKKER, C., de VOS, S., TAOUFIK, A., SPARAGANO, O., JONGEJAN, F. (2002). Simultaneous detection of Anaplasma and Erlichia species in ruminants and detection of Erlichia ruminantum in Amblyomma variegatum ticks by reverse line blot hybridisation. Vet. Microbiol., 89: 223-238.
  • CALDER, J.A.M., REDDY, G.R., CHIEVES, L., COUTNEY, C.H., LİTTLE, R., LIVENGOOD, J.R., NORVAL, R.A.I., SMITH, C., DAME, J.B. (1996). Monitoring Babesia · bovis infection in cattle by using PCR-based tests. J. Clin.Microbiol., 34(11): 2748-2755.
  • CECI, L., JONGEJAN, F., CARELLI, G., TASSI, P., SPARAGANO, O. (1999) . . Identification of Theilerta buffeli/orientalis and Babesia bigemina in Apulian cattle using molecular techniques and study of changes in blood param e ters. Parassitologia., 4 ı (Suppl. 1 ): 31-32.
  • ÇAKMAK, A. (1987). Untersuchungen zur ınzidenz von Hamoparasiten in einer Rinderherde in der Provinz Ankara. Hannover, Tierarztl. Hocsch., Diss., ı33p.
  • d'OLIVEIRA, C., VAN DER WEIDE, M., HABELA, M.A., JACQUIET, P., JONGEJAN, F. (1995). Detection of Theilerta annu/ata in blood samples of can-ier cattle by PCR. J.Clin. Microbiol., 33: 2665-2669.
  • d'OLIVEIRA, C., VAN DER WEIDE., JACQUIET, P., JONGEJAN, F. (1997). Detection of Theilerta annulata by the PCR in ticks (Acari:Ixodidae) collected from cattle in Mauritania. Exp. Appl. Acarol., 2ı: 279-291.
  • de KOK, J. B., D'OLIVEIRA, C., JONGEJAN, F. (1993). Detection of the protozoan parasite Theilerta arınıdata in Hyalomma ticks by the polymerase chain reaction, Exp.Appl.Acarol., 17:839-846.
  • DOLAN, T.T. (1989). Theileriasis: a comprehensive review. Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 8, ı: 11-36.
  • FAHRIMAL, Y., GOFF, W.L., JASMER, D.P.(1992). Detection of Babesia bovis can-ier cattle by using polymerase chain reaction amplification of parasite DNA. J.Clin. Microbiol., 30(6): ı374-ı379.
  • FIGUEROA, J. V., CHIEVES, L. P., JOHNSON, G. S., BUENING, G. M. (1993). Multiplex polymerase chain reaction based assay for the detection of Babesia bigemina, Babesia bovts and Arıapiasma margina/e DNA in bovine blood, Vet.Parasitol., 50: 69-8 ı.
  • FIGUEROA, J. V., BUENING, G. M. (1995). Nucleic acid probes as a diagnostic method for tick-bome hemoparasi tes of veterinary importance. Vet.Parasitol., 75: 75-92.
  • GÖKSU, K. (1959). Ankara ve civarı sığırlarında theileriosis üzerinde sistematik araştırmalar. Tez, Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Yay. No: 115/60, Yeni Matbaa, Ankara, 73s.
  • GEORGES, K., LORIA, G. R., RIILI, S., GRECO, A., CARACAPPA, S., JONGEJAN, F., SPARAGANO, O. (2001). Detection of haemoparasites in cattle by reverse line blot hybridisation with a note on the distribution of ticks in Sicily. Vet. Parasitol., 99: 273-286.
  • GUBBELS, M. J., deVOS, S., VAN DER WEIDE, M., VISERAS, J., SCHOULS, L.M., de VRIES, E., JONGEJAN, F. (1999). Simultaneous detection of bovine Theilerta and Babesia species using reverse line blotting hybridization. J.Clin. Microbiol., 37: 1782-1789.
  • KACHANI, M., FLACH, E., WILLIAMSON, S., MCDONALD, F., SHIELS, B., SPOONER, R.L., AND OUHELLI, H. (1994). The use of ELISA in theileriesis studies in Morocco. European Union third Coordination Meeting on Tropical Theileriosis, Antalya, Turkey, p: 49-51 .
  • KAMERBEEK, J., SCHOULS, L., KOLK, A., VAN AGTERVELD, M., VAN SOOLINGEN, D., KUIJPER, S., BUNSCHOTEN, A., MOLHUIZEN, H., SHAW, R., GOYAL, M., VAN EMBDEN, J. (1997). Simultaneous detection and strain differentiation of Mycobactertum tubercu!osis for diagnosis and epidemiology. J.Clin. Microbiol., 35 (4): 907-914.
  • KIRVAR, E., ILHAN, T., KATZER, F., HOOSHMAND-RAD, P., ZWEYGARTH, E., GERSTENBERG, C., PHIPPS, P., BROWN, C. G. (2000). Detection of Theilerta annulata in cattle and veetar ticks by PCR using the Tamsl gene sequences, Parasitology, 120:245-254.
  • LEVINE, N. D. (1985). Veterinaıy Protozoology. lowa State University Press, Ames, p: 313-328.
  • LUNEMANN, J. D., ZARMAS, S., PRIEM, S., FRANZ, J., ZSCHENDERLEIN, R., ABERER, E., KLEIN, R., SCHOULS, L., BURMESTER, G. R., KRAUSE. A.(2001). Rapid typing of Borrelia burdgoferi sensu lato species in speciments from patients with different manifestations ofLyme boneliosis. J. Clin. Microbiol., 39: I 130-1133.
  • MARTİN-SANCHEZ, J., VISERAS, J., ADROHER, F. J., GARCİA-FERNANDEZ, P. (1999). Nested polymerase chain reaction for detection of Theilerta annulata and comparison with conventional diagnostic techniques: its use in epidemiology studies. ParasiteL Res., 85: 243- 245.
  • MİMİOGLU, M., ULUTAŞ, M., GÜLER, S. (1971). Yurdumuz sığırlarında theileriesis etkenleri ve diğer kan parazitleri. Ajans- Türk Matbaacılık Sanayii, Ankara, 89s.
  • NEITZ, W.O. (1957). Theileriosis, genderiosis and cytauxoonoses. Ondestepooıt J. Vet. Res., 27 (3): 319-346.
  • NORVAL, R.A.I., PERRY, B.D. AND YOUNG, A.S (1992) The Epidemiology of Theileriesis in Africa. Academic Press, London., p: 48 ı.
  • ÖZCAN, C. (1961). Ankara civarında evcil hayvanlarda piroplasmose vak'aları ve tedavileri üzerinde araştırmalar. Doç. Tez. Ankara Üniv.Vet. Fak. Yay., 143, 83.
  • PAPADOPOULOS, B., PERlE, N.M., UILENBERG, G. (1996a). Piroplasms of domestic animals in the Macedonia region of Greece 1. Serological cross-reactions. Vet.Parasitol., 63: 41-56.
  • PIPANO, E. (1965). Piroplasmosis- A review. Refuah Vet., 22, 181-175.
  • PIPANO, E. AND CAHANA, M. (1969). Fluorescent antibody test for the seradiagnosis of Theilerta annulata. J. Parasitol., 55: 765.
  • PIPANO, E. (1974). Immunological aspects of Thei!eria annulata infection. Bull. Off. Int. Epiz., 31, 1-2:139-159.
  • RANDALL, K., SAIKI, B.S., CHU-AN CHAN, P.D., COREY, H., LEVENSON, P.D., TINA, C., WARREN, B.A., CORINNE, D., BOEHM, M.S., HAIG, H., KAZAZIAN, Jr.M.D., HENRY, A., ERLICH, P.D. (1988). Diagnosis of sickle cell anemia and ~Thalassemia with enzimatically amplified DNA and nonradioactive allele-spesific oligonucleotide probs. N.Engl. J. Med,. 309 (9): 537-541.
  • RIJPKEMA, S. G., MOLKENBOER, M. J., SCHOUL, L. M., JONGEJAN, F., SCHELLEKENS, J. F. (1995). Simultaneous detection and genotyping of three gen om i c malecular detection of Theileria annulata. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 969: 73-77.
  • SAYIN, F., DİNÇER, Ş., KARAER, Z., ÇAKMAK, A., İNCi, A., YUKARI, B.A., EREN, H. AND BROWN, C.G.D. (1992). Epidemiological study on tropical theileriosis araund Ankara. In: Veteriner Hekimliği Öğreniminin 150. Yılı, Ankara, Türkiye, p: 263-278.
  • SAYIN, F., DİNÇER, Ş., ÇAKMAK, A., İNCİ, A., YUKARI, B.A., VATANSEVER, Z., NALBANTOGLU, S., DENİZ, A. (1997). Tickbome diseasesin Turkey. Trop. Anim. Hlth. Prod., 29: 53S.
  • SPARAGANO, O. (1999). Malecular diagnosis of Theileria and Babesia species. J. Vet.Parasitol., 13(2): 83-92.
  • SPARAGANO, O., ALLSHOP, M.T., MANK, R.A., RIJPKEMA, S.G., FIGUEROA, J.V., JONGEJAN, F. (1999). Malecular detection ofpathogen DNA in ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) . Exp. Appl. Acarol., 23: 929-960.
  • SPARAGANO, 0., LORIA, G. R., GUBBELS, M. J., DE VOS, A. P., CARACAPPA, S., JONGEJAN, F. (2000). Integrated malecular diagnosis of Theileria and Babesia spcies of cattle in İtaly. Ann. N. Y. Acad.Sci ., 916: 533-539.
  • SPARAGONA, 0., CARELLI, G., CECI, L., SHKAP,V., MOLAD, T., VITALE, F., LORIA, G. R., REALE, S., CARACAPPA, S., BOUATTOUR, A., ALMERIA, S., CASTELLA, J., CORCHERO, E., HABELA, M. (2002). Pan-MediteiTanean comparison for the malecular detection of Theileria annulata. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 969: 73-77.
  • TÜZER, E. (1981). İstanbul ili ve çevresinde sığırlarda görülen Babesia, Theileria ve Anaplasma türleri ve bunlardan oluşan enfeksiy- onların yayılışı üzerinde araştırma. İst.Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 8 (1):97-110.
  • UILENBERG, G. (1981a). Theilerial species of domestic livestock. In: Irvin, A.D., Cunningham, M.P., Young, A.S. Advances in the Control of Theileriosis.Proceeding of an International Conference Held at ILRAD, Nairobi, 9-13 Februaıy 1981. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, p: 4-37.
  • UILENBERG, G. (1981b). Theilerial infection other than East Coast Fever. In:Diseases of Cattle in the Tropics. Eds. M.Ristic and I. Mc Intyre, Martinus NijhoffPublishers, The Hague p:41 1-427.
  • UILENBERG, G. (1994). Significance of tick-bome haemoparasitic diseases to animal health in the tropics. p. 7-28. In G. Uilenberg, A. Permin, J. W. Hansen (Eds), Use of applicable biotechnological methods for diagnosing haemoparasites. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rame, Italy.
  • UILENBERG, G. (1995). International collaborative research: significance oftick-bome hemoparasitic diseases to world animal health. Vet. Parasitol., 57: 19-41.
  • VATANSEVER, Z., NALBANTOGLU, S. (2002). Sahada Theileria annu/ata ile enfekte sığırların Nested PZR (Polimeraz Zincir Reaksiyonu), lFA (indirekt Floresan Antikor) testi ve kan frotisi bakısı ile saptanması. Turk.J.Vet.Anim.Sci., 26: 1465-1469.
  • ZARLENGA, D.S., HIGGINS, J. (2001). PCR as a diagnostic and quantitative technique in veterinaıy parasitology. Vet. Parasi to!., 1 O 1: 215- 230.

"Comparative Studies on Oetection of Bovine Theileria Species by Reverse Line Blotting and Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test"

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1-2, 43 - 54, 01.12.2006


This study was carried out to diagnose Theileria species in cattle by using, RLB, IFA and microscopic examination; to compare the diagnosis methods; in addition to detect the value of the usage of RLB, that can detect more species belong to the same family, routinliy in laboratory and particularly in epidemiological studies in Ankara region between 2001-2002. For this purpose the blood samples were randomly collected from 250 cattle from the village of 9 towns of Ankara province. At the end of the examination of the samples according to the tests, 29,6%positivity was detected by microscopic examination, 28,8% by IFA and 47,6 by RLB. When the tests used were compared according to RLB regarding to their sensitivity and specifity, th esensitivity of microscopic examination was detected to be 59,8% and IFA 64,6%. The differences among the three tests were statistically found to b significant and it is cancluded that RLB was more sensitiv and specific compared to the other two tests. By this study, Theileria buffeli was firstly detected in cattle in Turkey.


  • AKTAS, M., DUMANLI, N., CETINKAYA, B., CAKMAK, A. (2002). Field evaination of PCR in detecting Theilerta annulata infection in cattle in eastern Turkey, Vet.Rec., ı 50: 548-549.
  • BURRIDGE, M. J., BROWN, C.G., KIMBER, C. D.(1974). Theilerta annulata: crossreactions between cell culture schizont antigen and antigens of East African species in the indirect fluorescent antibody test. Exp. Parasitol., 35: 374-380.
  • BISHOP, R., SOHANPAL, B., KARIUKI, D. P., YOUNG, A.S., NENE, V., BAYLIS, H., ALLSOPP, B.A., SPOONER, P.R., DOLAN, T.T., MORZARIA, S.P. (1992). Detection of a carrier state in Theilerta parva-infected cattle by the polymerase chain reaction. Parasitol., ı 04: 215-232.
  • BEKKER, C., de VOS, S., TAOUFIK, A., SPARAGANO, O., JONGEJAN, F. (2002). Simultaneous detection of Anaplasma and Erlichia species in ruminants and detection of Erlichia ruminantum in Amblyomma variegatum ticks by reverse line blot hybridisation. Vet. Microbiol., 89: 223-238.
  • CALDER, J.A.M., REDDY, G.R., CHIEVES, L., COUTNEY, C.H., LİTTLE, R., LIVENGOOD, J.R., NORVAL, R.A.I., SMITH, C., DAME, J.B. (1996). Monitoring Babesia · bovis infection in cattle by using PCR-based tests. J. Clin.Microbiol., 34(11): 2748-2755.
  • CECI, L., JONGEJAN, F., CARELLI, G., TASSI, P., SPARAGANO, O. (1999) . . Identification of Theilerta buffeli/orientalis and Babesia bigemina in Apulian cattle using molecular techniques and study of changes in blood param e ters. Parassitologia., 4 ı (Suppl. 1 ): 31-32.
  • ÇAKMAK, A. (1987). Untersuchungen zur ınzidenz von Hamoparasiten in einer Rinderherde in der Provinz Ankara. Hannover, Tierarztl. Hocsch., Diss., ı33p.
  • d'OLIVEIRA, C., VAN DER WEIDE, M., HABELA, M.A., JACQUIET, P., JONGEJAN, F. (1995). Detection of Theilerta annu/ata in blood samples of can-ier cattle by PCR. J.Clin. Microbiol., 33: 2665-2669.
  • d'OLIVEIRA, C., VAN DER WEIDE., JACQUIET, P., JONGEJAN, F. (1997). Detection of Theilerta annulata by the PCR in ticks (Acari:Ixodidae) collected from cattle in Mauritania. Exp. Appl. Acarol., 2ı: 279-291.
  • de KOK, J. B., D'OLIVEIRA, C., JONGEJAN, F. (1993). Detection of the protozoan parasite Theilerta arınıdata in Hyalomma ticks by the polymerase chain reaction, Exp.Appl.Acarol., 17:839-846.
  • DOLAN, T.T. (1989). Theileriasis: a comprehensive review. Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 8, ı: 11-36.
  • FAHRIMAL, Y., GOFF, W.L., JASMER, D.P.(1992). Detection of Babesia bovis can-ier cattle by using polymerase chain reaction amplification of parasite DNA. J.Clin. Microbiol., 30(6): ı374-ı379.
  • FIGUEROA, J. V., CHIEVES, L. P., JOHNSON, G. S., BUENING, G. M. (1993). Multiplex polymerase chain reaction based assay for the detection of Babesia bigemina, Babesia bovts and Arıapiasma margina/e DNA in bovine blood, Vet.Parasitol., 50: 69-8 ı.
  • FIGUEROA, J. V., BUENING, G. M. (1995). Nucleic acid probes as a diagnostic method for tick-bome hemoparasi tes of veterinary importance. Vet.Parasitol., 75: 75-92.
  • GÖKSU, K. (1959). Ankara ve civarı sığırlarında theileriosis üzerinde sistematik araştırmalar. Tez, Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Yay. No: 115/60, Yeni Matbaa, Ankara, 73s.
  • GEORGES, K., LORIA, G. R., RIILI, S., GRECO, A., CARACAPPA, S., JONGEJAN, F., SPARAGANO, O. (2001). Detection of haemoparasites in cattle by reverse line blot hybridisation with a note on the distribution of ticks in Sicily. Vet. Parasitol., 99: 273-286.
  • GUBBELS, M. J., deVOS, S., VAN DER WEIDE, M., VISERAS, J., SCHOULS, L.M., de VRIES, E., JONGEJAN, F. (1999). Simultaneous detection of bovine Theilerta and Babesia species using reverse line blotting hybridization. J.Clin. Microbiol., 37: 1782-1789.
  • KACHANI, M., FLACH, E., WILLIAMSON, S., MCDONALD, F., SHIELS, B., SPOONER, R.L., AND OUHELLI, H. (1994). The use of ELISA in theileriesis studies in Morocco. European Union third Coordination Meeting on Tropical Theileriosis, Antalya, Turkey, p: 49-51 .
  • KAMERBEEK, J., SCHOULS, L., KOLK, A., VAN AGTERVELD, M., VAN SOOLINGEN, D., KUIJPER, S., BUNSCHOTEN, A., MOLHUIZEN, H., SHAW, R., GOYAL, M., VAN EMBDEN, J. (1997). Simultaneous detection and strain differentiation of Mycobactertum tubercu!osis for diagnosis and epidemiology. J.Clin. Microbiol., 35 (4): 907-914.
  • KIRVAR, E., ILHAN, T., KATZER, F., HOOSHMAND-RAD, P., ZWEYGARTH, E., GERSTENBERG, C., PHIPPS, P., BROWN, C. G. (2000). Detection of Theilerta annulata in cattle and veetar ticks by PCR using the Tamsl gene sequences, Parasitology, 120:245-254.
  • LEVINE, N. D. (1985). Veterinaıy Protozoology. lowa State University Press, Ames, p: 313-328.
  • LUNEMANN, J. D., ZARMAS, S., PRIEM, S., FRANZ, J., ZSCHENDERLEIN, R., ABERER, E., KLEIN, R., SCHOULS, L., BURMESTER, G. R., KRAUSE. A.(2001). Rapid typing of Borrelia burdgoferi sensu lato species in speciments from patients with different manifestations ofLyme boneliosis. J. Clin. Microbiol., 39: I 130-1133.
  • MARTİN-SANCHEZ, J., VISERAS, J., ADROHER, F. J., GARCİA-FERNANDEZ, P. (1999). Nested polymerase chain reaction for detection of Theilerta annulata and comparison with conventional diagnostic techniques: its use in epidemiology studies. ParasiteL Res., 85: 243- 245.
  • MİMİOGLU, M., ULUTAŞ, M., GÜLER, S. (1971). Yurdumuz sığırlarında theileriesis etkenleri ve diğer kan parazitleri. Ajans- Türk Matbaacılık Sanayii, Ankara, 89s.
  • NEITZ, W.O. (1957). Theileriosis, genderiosis and cytauxoonoses. Ondestepooıt J. Vet. Res., 27 (3): 319-346.
  • NORVAL, R.A.I., PERRY, B.D. AND YOUNG, A.S (1992) The Epidemiology of Theileriesis in Africa. Academic Press, London., p: 48 ı.
  • ÖZCAN, C. (1961). Ankara civarında evcil hayvanlarda piroplasmose vak'aları ve tedavileri üzerinde araştırmalar. Doç. Tez. Ankara Üniv.Vet. Fak. Yay., 143, 83.
  • PAPADOPOULOS, B., PERlE, N.M., UILENBERG, G. (1996a). Piroplasms of domestic animals in the Macedonia region of Greece 1. Serological cross-reactions. Vet.Parasitol., 63: 41-56.
  • PIPANO, E. (1965). Piroplasmosis- A review. Refuah Vet., 22, 181-175.
  • PIPANO, E. AND CAHANA, M. (1969). Fluorescent antibody test for the seradiagnosis of Theilerta annulata. J. Parasitol., 55: 765.
  • PIPANO, E. (1974). Immunological aspects of Thei!eria annulata infection. Bull. Off. Int. Epiz., 31, 1-2:139-159.
  • RANDALL, K., SAIKI, B.S., CHU-AN CHAN, P.D., COREY, H., LEVENSON, P.D., TINA, C., WARREN, B.A., CORINNE, D., BOEHM, M.S., HAIG, H., KAZAZIAN, Jr.M.D., HENRY, A., ERLICH, P.D. (1988). Diagnosis of sickle cell anemia and ~Thalassemia with enzimatically amplified DNA and nonradioactive allele-spesific oligonucleotide probs. N.Engl. J. Med,. 309 (9): 537-541.
  • RIJPKEMA, S. G., MOLKENBOER, M. J., SCHOUL, L. M., JONGEJAN, F., SCHELLEKENS, J. F. (1995). Simultaneous detection and genotyping of three gen om i c malecular detection of Theileria annulata. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 969: 73-77.
  • SAYIN, F., DİNÇER, Ş., KARAER, Z., ÇAKMAK, A., İNCi, A., YUKARI, B.A., EREN, H. AND BROWN, C.G.D. (1992). Epidemiological study on tropical theileriosis araund Ankara. In: Veteriner Hekimliği Öğreniminin 150. Yılı, Ankara, Türkiye, p: 263-278.
  • SAYIN, F., DİNÇER, Ş., ÇAKMAK, A., İNCİ, A., YUKARI, B.A., VATANSEVER, Z., NALBANTOGLU, S., DENİZ, A. (1997). Tickbome diseasesin Turkey. Trop. Anim. Hlth. Prod., 29: 53S.
  • SPARAGANO, O. (1999). Malecular diagnosis of Theileria and Babesia species. J. Vet.Parasitol., 13(2): 83-92.
  • SPARAGANO, O., ALLSHOP, M.T., MANK, R.A., RIJPKEMA, S.G., FIGUEROA, J.V., JONGEJAN, F. (1999). Malecular detection ofpathogen DNA in ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) . Exp. Appl. Acarol., 23: 929-960.
  • SPARAGANO, 0., LORIA, G. R., GUBBELS, M. J., DE VOS, A. P., CARACAPPA, S., JONGEJAN, F. (2000). Integrated malecular diagnosis of Theileria and Babesia spcies of cattle in İtaly. Ann. N. Y. Acad.Sci ., 916: 533-539.
  • SPARAGONA, 0., CARELLI, G., CECI, L., SHKAP,V., MOLAD, T., VITALE, F., LORIA, G. R., REALE, S., CARACAPPA, S., BOUATTOUR, A., ALMERIA, S., CASTELLA, J., CORCHERO, E., HABELA, M. (2002). Pan-MediteiTanean comparison for the malecular detection of Theileria annulata. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 969: 73-77.
  • TÜZER, E. (1981). İstanbul ili ve çevresinde sığırlarda görülen Babesia, Theileria ve Anaplasma türleri ve bunlardan oluşan enfeksiy- onların yayılışı üzerinde araştırma. İst.Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 8 (1):97-110.
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Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ahmet Deniz Bu kişi benim

Zafer Karaer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2006
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2006
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1-2

Kaynak Göster

APA Deniz, A., & Karaer, Z. (2006). Sığırlarda Theileria Türlerinin Reverse Lıne Blottıng Ve İndirek Floresan Antikor Testi İle Karşılaştırmalı Tanısı Üzerine Araştırmalar. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 17(1-2), 43-54.