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Anthrax'ın Patojenitesi

Yıl 1972, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1-2, 93 - 102, 01.12.1972


insan, çeşitli evcil ve vahşi hayvanlarda ekseriya akut, septi­ s'ernik karekterde seyreden anthrax hastalığı bilhassa çift tırnaklı hayvanlarda ani ölüm husule getirir. Ot yiyen hayvanlar bu has­ talığa daha çok yakalanırsada hayvanat bahçelerinde ki birçok domuz, mink, fil, deve kuşu, köpek ve diğer karnivorlar arasında hastalık çıktığı tesbit edilmiştir. Sterne (25) kuşların ve hatta kur­bağa ve balıklarında infekte edilebileceklerini bildirmiştir. Bu has­ talığa karşı çeşitli hayvan türlerinin hassasiyetleride değişiktir. Sterne (25) diğer koyun ırklarının aksine cezair koyunlarının ve domuzların anthrax'a karşı oldukca dirençli olduklarını, Walker ve arkadaşları (28) domuzların özellikle üzerinde yaptıkları tecnibelere gere cüce domuzların bu hastalığa karşı dirençli olduklarını ve bu hayvanlarda sporların çoğalmasını önleyici bir faktörün mev­cut olduğunu bildirmişlerdir.


  • Albrink, W.S., 1961 Pathogenesis of inhalation anthrax. - Bact. Rev. 25, 268 - 273.
  • Barues, J .M,., 1947 : The development of anthrax following the adminis tration of spores by inhalation. - Brit. Exp. Path . 27, 385 - 394 .
  • Beal, F.A., Taylor, M.J. and Tlıorne, C.B. 1962 : Rapid lethal effect iı•, rats of a third component found upon factionating the toxin of B. anth ­ rac is . J. Bact. 83, 1274 - 1 280 .
  • Berdjis, C.C., Gleiser, C.A., and Hartman, H.A., 1963 : Experimental pa­ renteral anthrax in /ı/ıacaca Mu l a tta . - Brit. J. Ex p . Pa th . 44, 1 Ol - 115 .
  • Bloom, W.L., McGlıee, W .J., Cromartie, \V.J . and Watson, D.W., 1947 : Studies of infection with B. anthracis V I . Physiological changes in expe­ rimcntal animals during the course of infection with B. ant hrac is . - J. of infect. Dis. 50, 137 - 144.
  • Burrows, W., Moulder, J.W ., Lewert, R.M., 1963 : Bacillus. - The spor forming Aerobes in Textbook of Microbiology. - 7th ed i t io n . - W.B. Soun­ ders Co m pany . - Philadelphia and Lo ndo n . P. 688 - 696 .
  • De Moulin, F. W.K., 1936 : Ned. İ nd . BI . Diergeneesk. 48, 126 . citecl by Sterile M., 1959, Anthrax in infectious Diseases of animals Diseases d u e to bacteria by Stableforth, A.W., and Gal lo way , I . A. - Butterworths Scie ­n tifi,: Publication London, l, 16-52.
  • Fitzpatrick, D.F., Walker, J.S., Rlıian, M.A., Klein, F. and Lincoln, R.E ., 1962 : Changes in bloocl constituents and evidence of central nervous i n vo l ve men t resulting fronı anthrax toxin. - J. the Tennessee- Ac ede my of Scie nses . 38, 67 .
  • Gleiser, C.A., Goclıenour, W.S., Jr., and Ward, M.K., 1968 : Pulmonary lesions in d'ogs and pi gs exp osed to a cloud of anthrax spores . - J. Co mp . Pa t r- . 78 , 445 - 448 .
  • Harris. smitlı, P.W., Smitlı, H. and Keppie, J., 1958 : Production invitı•o of the toxin of Bacillus anthracis previously recognized in vi vo . - J. of Gen. M ic ro b. 19, 91 - 103.
  • Heııclerson, D.W ., Peacock, S. and Belton, F.C. 1956 : Observations on the p ro phy l axis of expe r i nıe nta l pulmonary anthrax in monkey. - J. of Hygi •en e,. 54, 28 - 36.
  • Heppleston, A.G ., 1963 : The disposal of inhaled particulate mat tsr ; a unifying hypothesis, - Anıer . J. of Path. 42, 119 - 135.
  • Klein, P., Malılandt, B.G., Lincoln, R.E., De Arman, İ. A., Jr., and Fer. nelius, A.L., 1960 : İ mmunization as a factor affecting the course of sep­ tiseınic anthrax . - Science. 133, 1021 - 1022.
  • Klein, F., Haines. B.W., Malılandt, B.G., DeArmon, İ.A., Jr ., and Lincoln, R.E ., 1963 : Dual nature of resistance mechanisms as revealed by studies of anthrax septisemia. - J. of Bact. 85, l 032 - 1038 .
  • Lincoln, R.E., Walker, J.S ., Klein, F. and H ai.nes, B.W ., 1964 : Anthrax. - Advances in Veterinary Scie nce . 9, 327 - 368 .
  • Nordberg. B.K., Scnıiterlow, G.G., and Hansen, H.J. 1961 : Pathologi- cal investigations into the terminal course of experimental anthra x in the rabbit. - Acta Patlı. Microbiol. Scand . 53, 295 - 318 . Ref . Vet. Bu ll . 32 , 1962, 1732 .
  • Popovic - Sabo, M., 1958 : ( Biochenıical study o, f anthracis.) - Veterinaria, Sarajevo., 7, 335 - 340., Ref. Vet. Bull., 1959, 923. the action of Bacillus Preisz, H., 1909 : Zbl . Bact. l, orig. 49, 341. cited by Sterne M., 1959. Anthrax in infectious diseases of animals; Diseasse due to bacteria by Stableforth, A.W ., and Galloway, I .A. - Butterworths Scientific pub lic a­ tions, - London l, 16-52.
  • RemmeJe, N.S., Klein, F., Vick, J.A., Walker, J.S., Mahlandt, B.G. and Lin­ coln, R.E., 1968 : Anthrax toxin, primary site of act io n . - J. İnfect. Dis. . i ı 8, l 04 - l 13.
  • Rhi,ın, M., Riley, J.M., Wolfe, V.L., and Simmons, A.H., 1963 : Change in virulence of Bacillus anthracis spores as affected by solids and Challen­ ge route. - J. İnfect. Dis. 112, 187-193.
  • Ross, J.M., 1957 : The pathogenesis of anthrax following the adminis­ tration of spores by the respiratory route. - J. patlı'., Bact. 73, 485-494.
  • Sawyer, W.D., Kuehne, R.W. and Gochenour. W.S., Jr., 1965 : Effect of egg yolk and phosphatides on anthrax infection of rats and guinea - pigs. . Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 118, 105 - 108. Ref. Vet. Bull. 35, 1965, 2083.
  • Sınith, H., Keppie, J., and Stanley, J.L., 1955 : The chemical basis of vi­ rulence of Bacillus anthracis. V. The specific toxin produced by B. anthracis invivo - Brith J . Exp. Path. 36, 460 - 472.
  • Stanley, J.L., and Smith, H., 1961 : Purification of factor I and recog­ nition of a third factor of anhrax tox i n . - J. of Gen. Microbiol. 26, 49-66.
  • Sterne, M., 1959 : Anthrax in İnfectious Diseasse of Animal:s, Diseases clue to bacteria» by Stableforth, A.W., and Galloway, I.A., - Butterworths Scientinfic Publications. - London 1, 16-52.
  • Thorne, C.B., Molnar, D.M., and Strage, R.E., 1960 : Production of toxın invlvo by B. anthracis and its separation into two com po nents . - J. of Bact. 79, 450 - 455.
  • Trnka, z., Malek, P., Sterzl, J. and Kolc, J., 1958 : (Experimental con t­ ributions to the lymphatic pathogenesis of anthrax i nfe ct io n ) . - Schweiz. Z. All g. Path. 21, 1082 - 1095. Ref . Vet. Bull., 29, 1959, 1281.
  • Walker, J.S., Klein, F., Lincoln, R.E. and Fernelius, A.L., 1967 : A unique defence mechanism against anthrax demonstrated in clwarf sw ine . - J. Bact. 93, 2031 - 2032.
  • Watson, D.W., Cromartie, W .J., Bllom, \V.L., Kegeles, G. and Heckley, R.J., 1947 : Studies on infection with Bacillus anthracis 111 . Chemical and İm­ munological properties of the protective antigen in crude extracts of ski,. lesions of B. anthracis. - J. of. İnfect. Dis. 80, 27 - 40.
  • Young, G.A., Jr., Zelle, M.R., and Lincoln, R.E;., 1946 : Respiratory Pat­ hogenicity of Bacillus anthracis spo res . 1. Methods of study and observa­ tions on pa thogenes is . - J . of İnfct. Diseas . 79, 233 - 246.

Pathogenesis of Anthrax

Yıl 1972, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1-2, 93 - 102, 01.12.1972


İt has been given details about the principal factors in the pat­ hogenicity of anthrax and the mechanism of anthrax infection.


  • Albrink, W.S., 1961 Pathogenesis of inhalation anthrax. - Bact. Rev. 25, 268 - 273.
  • Barues, J .M,., 1947 : The development of anthrax following the adminis tration of spores by inhalation. - Brit. Exp. Path . 27, 385 - 394 .
  • Beal, F.A., Taylor, M.J. and Tlıorne, C.B. 1962 : Rapid lethal effect iı•, rats of a third component found upon factionating the toxin of B. anth ­ rac is . J. Bact. 83, 1274 - 1 280 .
  • Berdjis, C.C., Gleiser, C.A., and Hartman, H.A., 1963 : Experimental pa­ renteral anthrax in /ı/ıacaca Mu l a tta . - Brit. J. Ex p . Pa th . 44, 1 Ol - 115 .
  • Bloom, W.L., McGlıee, W .J., Cromartie, \V.J . and Watson, D.W., 1947 : Studies of infection with B. anthracis V I . Physiological changes in expe­ rimcntal animals during the course of infection with B. ant hrac is . - J. of infect. Dis. 50, 137 - 144.
  • Burrows, W., Moulder, J.W ., Lewert, R.M., 1963 : Bacillus. - The spor forming Aerobes in Textbook of Microbiology. - 7th ed i t io n . - W.B. Soun­ ders Co m pany . - Philadelphia and Lo ndo n . P. 688 - 696 .
  • De Moulin, F. W.K., 1936 : Ned. İ nd . BI . Diergeneesk. 48, 126 . citecl by Sterile M., 1959, Anthrax in infectious Diseases of animals Diseases d u e to bacteria by Stableforth, A.W., and Gal lo way , I . A. - Butterworths Scie ­n tifi,: Publication London, l, 16-52.
  • Fitzpatrick, D.F., Walker, J.S., Rlıian, M.A., Klein, F. and Lincoln, R.E ., 1962 : Changes in bloocl constituents and evidence of central nervous i n vo l ve men t resulting fronı anthrax toxin. - J. the Tennessee- Ac ede my of Scie nses . 38, 67 .
  • Gleiser, C.A., Goclıenour, W.S., Jr., and Ward, M.K., 1968 : Pulmonary lesions in d'ogs and pi gs exp osed to a cloud of anthrax spores . - J. Co mp . Pa t r- . 78 , 445 - 448 .
  • Harris. smitlı, P.W., Smitlı, H. and Keppie, J., 1958 : Production invitı•o of the toxin of Bacillus anthracis previously recognized in vi vo . - J. of Gen. M ic ro b. 19, 91 - 103.
  • Heııclerson, D.W ., Peacock, S. and Belton, F.C. 1956 : Observations on the p ro phy l axis of expe r i nıe nta l pulmonary anthrax in monkey. - J. of Hygi •en e,. 54, 28 - 36.
  • Heppleston, A.G ., 1963 : The disposal of inhaled particulate mat tsr ; a unifying hypothesis, - Anıer . J. of Path. 42, 119 - 135.
  • Klein, P., Malılandt, B.G., Lincoln, R.E., De Arman, İ. A., Jr., and Fer. nelius, A.L., 1960 : İ mmunization as a factor affecting the course of sep­ tiseınic anthrax . - Science. 133, 1021 - 1022.
  • Klein, F., Haines. B.W., Malılandt, B.G., DeArmon, İ.A., Jr ., and Lincoln, R.E ., 1963 : Dual nature of resistance mechanisms as revealed by studies of anthrax septisemia. - J. of Bact. 85, l 032 - 1038 .
  • Lincoln, R.E., Walker, J.S ., Klein, F. and H ai.nes, B.W ., 1964 : Anthrax. - Advances in Veterinary Scie nce . 9, 327 - 368 .
  • Nordberg. B.K., Scnıiterlow, G.G., and Hansen, H.J. 1961 : Pathologi- cal investigations into the terminal course of experimental anthra x in the rabbit. - Acta Patlı. Microbiol. Scand . 53, 295 - 318 . Ref . Vet. Bu ll . 32 , 1962, 1732 .
  • Popovic - Sabo, M., 1958 : ( Biochenıical study o, f anthracis.) - Veterinaria, Sarajevo., 7, 335 - 340., Ref. Vet. Bull., 1959, 923. the action of Bacillus Preisz, H., 1909 : Zbl . Bact. l, orig. 49, 341. cited by Sterne M., 1959. Anthrax in infectious diseases of animals; Diseasse due to bacteria by Stableforth, A.W ., and Galloway, I .A. - Butterworths Scientific pub lic a­ tions, - London l, 16-52.
  • RemmeJe, N.S., Klein, F., Vick, J.A., Walker, J.S., Mahlandt, B.G. and Lin­ coln, R.E., 1968 : Anthrax toxin, primary site of act io n . - J. İnfect. Dis. . i ı 8, l 04 - l 13.
  • Rhi,ın, M., Riley, J.M., Wolfe, V.L., and Simmons, A.H., 1963 : Change in virulence of Bacillus anthracis spores as affected by solids and Challen­ ge route. - J. İnfect. Dis. 112, 187-193.
  • Ross, J.M., 1957 : The pathogenesis of anthrax following the adminis­ tration of spores by the respiratory route. - J. patlı'., Bact. 73, 485-494.
  • Sawyer, W.D., Kuehne, R.W. and Gochenour. W.S., Jr., 1965 : Effect of egg yolk and phosphatides on anthrax infection of rats and guinea - pigs. . Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 118, 105 - 108. Ref. Vet. Bull. 35, 1965, 2083.
  • Sınith, H., Keppie, J., and Stanley, J.L., 1955 : The chemical basis of vi­ rulence of Bacillus anthracis. V. The specific toxin produced by B. anthracis invivo - Brith J . Exp. Path. 36, 460 - 472.
  • Stanley, J.L., and Smith, H., 1961 : Purification of factor I and recog­ nition of a third factor of anhrax tox i n . - J. of Gen. Microbiol. 26, 49-66.
  • Sterne, M., 1959 : Anthrax in İnfectious Diseasse of Animal:s, Diseases clue to bacteria» by Stableforth, A.W., and Galloway, I.A., - Butterworths Scientinfic Publications. - London 1, 16-52.
  • Thorne, C.B., Molnar, D.M., and Strage, R.E., 1960 : Production of toxın invlvo by B. anthracis and its separation into two com po nents . - J. of Bact. 79, 450 - 455.
  • Trnka, z., Malek, P., Sterzl, J. and Kolc, J., 1958 : (Experimental con t­ ributions to the lymphatic pathogenesis of anthrax i nfe ct io n ) . - Schweiz. Z. All g. Path. 21, 1082 - 1095. Ref . Vet. Bull., 29, 1959, 1281.
  • Walker, J.S., Klein, F., Lincoln, R.E. and Fernelius, A.L., 1967 : A unique defence mechanism against anthrax demonstrated in clwarf sw ine . - J. Bact. 93, 2031 - 2032.
  • Watson, D.W., Cromartie, W .J., Bllom, \V.L., Kegeles, G. and Heckley, R.J., 1947 : Studies on infection with Bacillus anthracis 111 . Chemical and İm­ munological properties of the protective antigen in crude extracts of ski,. lesions of B. anthracis. - J. of. İnfect. Dis. 80, 27 - 40.
  • Young, G.A., Jr., Zelle, M.R., and Lincoln, R.E;., 1946 : Respiratory Pat­ hogenicity of Bacillus anthracis spo res . 1. Methods of study and observa­ tions on pa thogenes is . - J . of İnfct. Diseas . 79, 233 - 246.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

M. Nabi Emre Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1972
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1972
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1972 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1-2

Kaynak Göster

APA Emre, M. N. (1972). Anthrax’ın Patojenitesi. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 4(1-2), 93-102.