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Yıl 1997, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 31 - 46, 26.07.2022


Bu çalışmada, A vian Encephalomyelitis (AE) hastalığı deneysel yolla
oluşturularak, klinik ve histopatolojik bulgulan incelenmiş, çabuk ve doğru
teşhis konulmasında histopatolojik bulguların önemi araştırılmıştır. Van Roekel
suşu ile intraserebral olarak inakule edilen SPF civcivlerin tamamında,
inokulasyonun 6. gününden itibaren klinik bulgulara rastlandı. 24 civcivde
ataksi, 20 civcivde parez ve paraliz, 12 civcivde tremor ve 8 civcivde toıtikollis
vardı. Santral sinir sisteminde rastlanan histopatolojik bulgular oldukça
şiddetli olup, nöronal dejenerasyon , santral kromatoliz ~ gliozis ve perivasküler
mononükleer hücre infiltrasyonları ile karakterize dissemine nonpurulent
akut encephalomyelitis tablosu görünümündeydi. -Perifer sinirlerde herhangi
bir bulguya rastlanmadı.
Deneme civcivlerinin tamamında santral sinir sistemi lezyonları oluştu
ve hastalığın erken safhasında dejeneratif ve nekrotik bulgular belirgin
iken sonraki safhalarında selüler değişiklikler tabloya hakimdi. AE için patognomik
bulgu kabul edilen santral kromatoliz, belirgin olarak inakulasyondan
sonraki iki haftada görüldü. İnokulasyonun üçüncü haftasından itibaren
nöronlarda dejeneratif ve nekrotik değişikliklerin azaldığı dikkati çekti. Hastalığın
her safhasında ve belli bir lokalizasyona sahip olmaksızın tüm santral
sinir sisteminde fokal ve diffuz gliozise rastlandı ve özellikle de hastalığın_
son dönemlerinde serebellumun sıratum molekülare tabakasında çok belirgindi.
Viseral organlarda gözlenen histopatolojik bulgular ise, mononüklear
hücre infiltrasyonu ile karakterize olup, belirgin olarak pankreas, bezsel inide,
kassel mide ve karaciğerdeydi.


  • AKAY Ö (1983): Avian Encephalomyelitis. Kanatlı Hayvanların Infeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Labratuvar Teşhis Yöntemleri. Pendik Vet. Kont. Arşt. Enst. Yayınları. Yayın No: 7, s. 145-151 . Milli Eğitim Basımevi, İstanbul.
  • BRAUNE MO AND GENTRY RF (1971): Avian Encephalomyelitis virus . II. Pathogenesis in chickens. Avian Dis ., 15,648-653.
  • BDTTERFIELD WK, HELMBOLDT CF AND LUGINBUHL R.E. (1969): Studies on avian ertcephalomyelitis IV . Early ineİdance and longevity of histopathologic lesions in chickens. AvianD is., 53-57.
  • BUTTERFİIELD WK, LUGINBUHL RE AND HELMBOLDT CF (1969): Characterisation of Avian Encephalomyelitis Virus (an Avian Enterovirus) . Avian Dis, 13,363-378.
  • CALNEK BW, PATRICIA JT and SEVOlAN M. (1960): Studies on Avian Encephalomyelitis IV. Epizootiology. Avian Dis., 4, 325-347.
  • CHEVILLE NF (1970): The influence of Thymic and Bursa! Lymhoid Systems in the pathogenesis of A vian encephalomyelitis. American Journal of Pathology, 58, 105-125.
  • DEMİRÖZÜ K (1987): Tavukların önemli bazı viral hastalıkları. Pendik Hay. Hast. Arşt. Enst. Yayınları No: 8 İstanbul.
  • DEMİRÖZÜ K, ERGÜN A ve AKMAN A (1988): Son on yılda Türkiye'de saptanan önemli tavuk hastalıkları. 1. Uluslararası Tavukçuluk ve Tavuk Hastalıkları Sempozyumu Tebliğleri, Manisa.
  • ENCHEV S., SHISHKOV N, PAVLOV N and VESELINOVA A (1973): Histological studies on infectious encephalomyelitis in chicks. Vcterinarmo- meditsinski Nauki , 10,(5) , 15-24.
  • FEIBEL F, HELMBOLT CF, JUNGHERR L and CARSON JR (1952): Avian Encephalomyelitis Prevalence. Pathogenecitiy of the Virus and Fusceptibity. Am.J.Vet.Res. 13,260-266.15.
  • GİRGİN H. (1971): Yurdumuzda Avian Encephalomyelitis olayları göz bulguları . Etlik Vet Bakteriyoloji Enst. Derg. 3,1-26.
  • HAZIROGLU R, ALÇIGIR G ve KARADEMİR N (1990): Piliçlerde Avian Encephalomyelitis. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. 37(2)207-213.
  • HISHIDA N, ODAGIRI Y, KOTANIT and HORIUCHI T (1985): Morphological Changes of Neurons, Experimental Avian Encephalomyelitis. Japan J. Vet. Sci. 48(1), 169-172.
  • HUANG JF, ZHANG ZL and YAO DM (1986):Pathological studies on avian encephalomyelitis. Ada Veterinaria et Zootechnica Scandinavica. 17, (4) , 244-248.
  • ISITOR GN (1985): Avian Encephalomyelitis: A clinica-pathological and ultrastructural study of outbreaks in Kaduna Stade of Nigeria. J. Anim. Product. Res . 5(1), 97-111.
  • LUGINBUHL RE, HELMBOLDT CF and CALNEK BW (1984): Avian Encephalomyelitis (Epidemic Tremor) "Diseases of Poultry" Ed. M.S. Hofstad 8th ed., pp.471-481. Iowa State University Press, Ames, lowa.
  • LUNA LG (1968): Manuel of Histological Staining Methods of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Third Edition., Mc Graw-Hill Comp. New York, Toronto, Sidney.
  • MARKSON LM and BLAXLAND JD (1985): Infectious Avian Encephalomyelitis. Vet. Rec. 70, 1208-1215.
  • MAYOR, OY (1968). Histopathological Aids to the Diagnosis of Certain Poultry Diseases. Vet. Bull. 38 (5) 273-274. 25 .
  • MAYOR, OY (1974): The Histopathology of Certain Common Poultry Diseases. United Nations FAO. Publishing P. 2-9 .
  • MIYAMAE T (1974): Distribution and Persistence of Avian Encaphalomyelitis viral antigens in Intestinal organs of naturally infected chickens . Am. J.Vet. Res . 35 ,1229-1234.
  • MIYAMAE T (1981): Invasion of avian encephalomyelitis virus from the gastrointestinal tract to the central nervous system in young chickens . Am.J.Vet.Res . 44, (3) 508-510.29.
  • MOHANTY GC and WEST JL (1968): Pathogenisis and Pathologic Features of avian encephalomyelitis in chickens. Am. J.Vet.Res. 29, 2387-2400.
  • MOHANTY GC and WEST JL (1968): Research note: Some observations on experimental avian encephalomyelitis. Avian Dis ., 12, 689- 693.
  • MOHANTY GC and WEST JL (1972): Avian Encephalomyelitis pathogenesis and histpathologic features of darsal roat ganglia lesions in chicks. Avian Dis. 16, 31-41.
  • OHISHI K, SENDA M, NAKASHIMA N, NAKAMURA M, SASAKI H, and KOEDA T (1991): Evaluation of test for vim..: content of avian encephalomyelitis live vaccine based on histologic lesiu. ·' in central nervous system. Annual report of the National Veterinary Assey Laboratory . No 28 , 3-8 . Vet. Bull. (1992) 62(6), p.563 , Abst No: 3263.
  • ÖZCAN C. (1994): Elazığ, Diyarbakır, Malatya ilieri ve çevrelerinde Avian encephalomyelitis üzerine serolajik araştırma. Pendik Vet. Mikrobiol. Derg. 25 (1-2), 55-61 .
  • PATTISON M (1973): Histopathology of some viral infections of the central nervous system of the domestic fowl. Vet. Bull. 43(6), 305-306.
  • RIDDEL C (1987): Avian Histopathology. American Association of Avian Pathologists. Allen Press Ine., Lawrence Kansas. 30.SHAFREN DR and TANNOCK GA (1991): Pathogenesis of avian encephalomyelitis viruses, Vet. Bull. 62, (12) , Abst. No: 7567
  • SÖNMEZ G, ÇARLI KT, ERTÜRK E (1989- 1990): Bursa yöresinde Avian Encephalomyelitis salgını. U.Ü. Vet.Fak. Derg. 1, 2, 3 (1989), ı, 2, 3 (1990), 8-9,7-16 .29.
  • SPRINGER WT and SCHMITTLE SC (1968): A vian Encephalomyelitis: A chronological study of the histopathogenesis in selected tissue. Avian Dis. 12,229-239.


Yıl 1997, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 31 - 46, 26.07.2022


In this study, A vian encephalomyelitis (AE) w as experimentally in du- ,
ced and histopathological findings were evaluated in detail and the importance
of histopathological criteria in rapid and accurate diagnosis was investigated.
Spesific pathogene free (SPF) chicks were intracerebellary inoculated
with Van Roekel strain and the first clinic symptoms were seen 6-9 days after
the inoculation. All of the chtcks in investigation exhibited clinic symptoms
of AE. In all of the 24 chicks which were necropsied periodically, ataxia
characteristic for the diesase; in 20 chicks paresis and paralysis; in 12
chicks tremors; and 8 chicks torticollis was noted. At necropsy, chicks were
emaciated .
Histopathologicallesions in central nervous system were quite extensive
and of a disseminated nonpurulent acute encephalomylitis characterised
by mononuclear cell infiltrations . There w ere not any pathologicallesions in
peripheric nerves .
Central nervous system lesions were found in all the experimental
checks and at early stage of the disease degenerative and necrotic changes
predominated where as at later stages of the disease cellular changes were remarkable.
Central chromatolysis that is spesific for AE was seen on the 7. -
14. days post inatulation and after the third week of inoculation neurons showed
reversible changes trying to get their normal structure.
Focal and diffuse gliosis w as seen at every stage of the disease and gliosis
was seenin every part of central nervous system, particularly in stratum
moleculare of cerebellum during the later stages of disease. Histopathologicallesions
in viscera were characterised by mononuclear infiltration and were
notedin the pancreas , proventriculus, gizzard and liver.


  • AKAY Ö (1983): Avian Encephalomyelitis. Kanatlı Hayvanların Infeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Labratuvar Teşhis Yöntemleri. Pendik Vet. Kont. Arşt. Enst. Yayınları. Yayın No: 7, s. 145-151 . Milli Eğitim Basımevi, İstanbul.
  • BRAUNE MO AND GENTRY RF (1971): Avian Encephalomyelitis virus . II. Pathogenesis in chickens. Avian Dis ., 15,648-653.
  • BDTTERFIELD WK, HELMBOLDT CF AND LUGINBUHL R.E. (1969): Studies on avian ertcephalomyelitis IV . Early ineİdance and longevity of histopathologic lesions in chickens. AvianD is., 53-57.
  • BUTTERFİIELD WK, LUGINBUHL RE AND HELMBOLDT CF (1969): Characterisation of Avian Encephalomyelitis Virus (an Avian Enterovirus) . Avian Dis, 13,363-378.
  • CALNEK BW, PATRICIA JT and SEVOlAN M. (1960): Studies on Avian Encephalomyelitis IV. Epizootiology. Avian Dis., 4, 325-347.
  • CHEVILLE NF (1970): The influence of Thymic and Bursa! Lymhoid Systems in the pathogenesis of A vian encephalomyelitis. American Journal of Pathology, 58, 105-125.
  • DEMİRÖZÜ K (1987): Tavukların önemli bazı viral hastalıkları. Pendik Hay. Hast. Arşt. Enst. Yayınları No: 8 İstanbul.
  • DEMİRÖZÜ K, ERGÜN A ve AKMAN A (1988): Son on yılda Türkiye'de saptanan önemli tavuk hastalıkları. 1. Uluslararası Tavukçuluk ve Tavuk Hastalıkları Sempozyumu Tebliğleri, Manisa.
  • ENCHEV S., SHISHKOV N, PAVLOV N and VESELINOVA A (1973): Histological studies on infectious encephalomyelitis in chicks. Vcterinarmo- meditsinski Nauki , 10,(5) , 15-24.
  • FEIBEL F, HELMBOLT CF, JUNGHERR L and CARSON JR (1952): Avian Encephalomyelitis Prevalence. Pathogenecitiy of the Virus and Fusceptibity. Am.J.Vet.Res. 13,260-266.15.
  • GİRGİN H. (1971): Yurdumuzda Avian Encephalomyelitis olayları göz bulguları . Etlik Vet Bakteriyoloji Enst. Derg. 3,1-26.
  • HAZIROGLU R, ALÇIGIR G ve KARADEMİR N (1990): Piliçlerde Avian Encephalomyelitis. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. 37(2)207-213.
  • HISHIDA N, ODAGIRI Y, KOTANIT and HORIUCHI T (1985): Morphological Changes of Neurons, Experimental Avian Encephalomyelitis. Japan J. Vet. Sci. 48(1), 169-172.
  • HUANG JF, ZHANG ZL and YAO DM (1986):Pathological studies on avian encephalomyelitis. Ada Veterinaria et Zootechnica Scandinavica. 17, (4) , 244-248.
  • ISITOR GN (1985): Avian Encephalomyelitis: A clinica-pathological and ultrastructural study of outbreaks in Kaduna Stade of Nigeria. J. Anim. Product. Res . 5(1), 97-111.
  • LUGINBUHL RE, HELMBOLDT CF and CALNEK BW (1984): Avian Encephalomyelitis (Epidemic Tremor) "Diseases of Poultry" Ed. M.S. Hofstad 8th ed., pp.471-481. Iowa State University Press, Ames, lowa.
  • LUNA LG (1968): Manuel of Histological Staining Methods of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Third Edition., Mc Graw-Hill Comp. New York, Toronto, Sidney.
  • MARKSON LM and BLAXLAND JD (1985): Infectious Avian Encephalomyelitis. Vet. Rec. 70, 1208-1215.
  • MAYOR, OY (1968). Histopathological Aids to the Diagnosis of Certain Poultry Diseases. Vet. Bull. 38 (5) 273-274. 25 .
  • MAYOR, OY (1974): The Histopathology of Certain Common Poultry Diseases. United Nations FAO. Publishing P. 2-9 .
  • MIYAMAE T (1974): Distribution and Persistence of Avian Encaphalomyelitis viral antigens in Intestinal organs of naturally infected chickens . Am. J.Vet. Res . 35 ,1229-1234.
  • MIYAMAE T (1981): Invasion of avian encephalomyelitis virus from the gastrointestinal tract to the central nervous system in young chickens . Am.J.Vet.Res . 44, (3) 508-510.29.
  • MOHANTY GC and WEST JL (1968): Pathogenisis and Pathologic Features of avian encephalomyelitis in chickens. Am. J.Vet.Res. 29, 2387-2400.
  • MOHANTY GC and WEST JL (1968): Research note: Some observations on experimental avian encephalomyelitis. Avian Dis ., 12, 689- 693.
  • MOHANTY GC and WEST JL (1972): Avian Encephalomyelitis pathogenesis and histpathologic features of darsal roat ganglia lesions in chicks. Avian Dis. 16, 31-41.
  • OHISHI K, SENDA M, NAKASHIMA N, NAKAMURA M, SASAKI H, and KOEDA T (1991): Evaluation of test for vim..: content of avian encephalomyelitis live vaccine based on histologic lesiu. ·' in central nervous system. Annual report of the National Veterinary Assey Laboratory . No 28 , 3-8 . Vet. Bull. (1992) 62(6), p.563 , Abst No: 3263.
  • ÖZCAN C. (1994): Elazığ, Diyarbakır, Malatya ilieri ve çevrelerinde Avian encephalomyelitis üzerine serolajik araştırma. Pendik Vet. Mikrobiol. Derg. 25 (1-2), 55-61 .
  • PATTISON M (1973): Histopathology of some viral infections of the central nervous system of the domestic fowl. Vet. Bull. 43(6), 305-306.
  • RIDDEL C (1987): Avian Histopathology. American Association of Avian Pathologists. Allen Press Ine., Lawrence Kansas. 30.SHAFREN DR and TANNOCK GA (1991): Pathogenesis of avian encephalomyelitis viruses, Vet. Bull. 62, (12) , Abst. No: 7567
  • SÖNMEZ G, ÇARLI KT, ERTÜRK E (1989- 1990): Bursa yöresinde Avian Encephalomyelitis salgını. U.Ü. Vet.Fak. Derg. 1, 2, 3 (1989), ı, 2, 3 (1990), 8-9,7-16 .29.
  • SPRINGER WT and SCHMITTLE SC (1968): A vian Encephalomyelitis: A chronological study of the histopathogenesis in selected tissue. Avian Dis. 12,229-239.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Yavuz Selim Sağlam Bu kişi benim

Hüdaverdi Erer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Temmuz 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1997
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1997 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster