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Kuzu Pnömonileri Üzerinde Mikrobiyolojik ve Histopatolojik İncelemeler

Yıl 1997, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 55 - 70, 26.07.2022


Bursa Et-Balık Kurumu Kesimhanesinde çeşitli zamanlarda muayene
edilen kuzu akciğerlerinden lezyonlu olan 71 adedi mikrobiyolojik ve histopatolojik
olarak incelendi. Materyalierin 36'sından (%50.70) 70 adet etken
izole edildi. Bunlar sırasıyla, ll (%15.71) Staph.aureus; 9 (%12.85) K.pneumonia;
8 (%11.43) E.coli; 8 (%ı1.43) Streptococcus spp.; 7 ( o/o ıO.OO)
Mycoplasma spp; 7(%ıO.OO) P.lıaemonlytica; 4(%5.71) Haemophylus spp.;
4(%5 .7ı) C.pyogenes; 3(%4.29) Neisse1ia spp; 3 (%4.29) Staplı. epidermidis;
2 (%2.86) C. albicans; 1 ( %ı .43) P. multocida; 1 (%1.43) Ps. aeruginosa;
ı (% ı.43) A. denitlificans; ı (%1.43) Pr.mirabilis'tir. Histopatolojik
olarak ise 7ı adet akciğerin 24'ünde (% 33.80) Kataral- purulent bronkopnömoni;
31 'inde(% 43.66) İntersitisyel pnömoni; ı5'inde (%2ı.l3) Verminöz
pnömoni ve birinde(% 1.41) Pulmoner adenomatozis saptanmıştır. izole edilen
etkenierin pnömoni tiplerine göre spesifik bir dağılım göstermediği saptanmış
ve mikrobiyolojik bulgular ile histopatolojik bulgular arasında bir ilişki


  • AKSOY E (1993): Etlik Hayvan Hastalıkları Araştırma Enstitüsüne gelen koyun materyallerinde Mikoplazmal enzootik pnöymoni olayları ve patolojik bulgular. Etlik Vet. Mikrobiol. Derg. 7(4), 172-197.
  • AL-AUBAiDi JM, TAYLOR WD, BUBASH GR, DARDiRi AH (1972): İdentification and characterization of Mycoplasma arginini from Bighom sheep (Ovis canadensis) and goats. Am.J.Vet. Res. 33(1), 87-90.
  • ALLEY MR, CLARKE JK (1977): The influence of microorganisms on the severitiy of lesions in chronic ovine pneumonia. N.Z. Vet. J., 25, 200-202.
  • ARMOUR J (1991): Parasitic Bronchitis. In ("Disease of Sheep", ed. by W.B. Martin, I.D. Aitken, J. Stobo pp. 158-160, Blackwell Scientific publ., London.
  • AYTUG CN,ALAÇAME,ÖZKOÇ Ü, YALÇINBC, TÜRKER H, GÖKÇEN H (1990): Kuzuların Enzootik Pnömonileri, Koyun-Keçi Hastalıkları ve Yetiştiriciliği, TÜM-VET Hayvancılık Hizmetleri Yayını No.2, 92-98 .
  • BAKKE T (1982): The occurence of Mycoplasmas and basteria in lungs from sheep in southern Norway. Acta Vet. Scand., 23,235-247.
  • BAKKE T, NOSTVOLD S (1982): An investigation of ovine pneumona in four herds from central Norway I. Prevalence of pneumonia and microbiological findings. Acta Vet. Scand., 23,248-258.
  • BALL HJ, CONNOLLY M, CASSiDY J (1993): Pasteurella haemolytica serotypes isolated in Northem Ireland during 1989-1991. Br. Vet. J., 149,561-570.
  • BAYSAL T, GÜLER L (1992): Konya yöresindeki kuzu ve oğlakların Enzootik Pneumonilerinden bakteriyel etken İzolasyonu. Veterinari um, 3(1), 1-5.
  • BİBERSTEiN EL, KENNEDY PC (1959): Septicemic Pasteurellosis in lambs . A.J. Vet. Res . January, 94-101.
  • BUDDLE BM, HERCEG M, DAVİES DH (1984): Experimental infection of sheep with Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae and Pasteurella haemolytica. Vet. Microbiol., 9, 543-548.
  • DA VİES DH, JONES, BAH, THURLEY DC (1981): Infection of specific-pathogen-free lambs with parainfluenza virus type-3, Pasteurella haemolytica and Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae, Vet. Microbiol., 6: 295-308.
  • FENNER F, BACHMANN PA, GİBBS EPJ, MURPHY FA, STUDDERT MJ, WHİTE DO (1987): Parainfluenza 3 infections, in: Veterinary Virology, Academic Press, London 492.
  • GİLMOUR NJL, ANGUS KW, GİLMOUR JS (1991): In Diseases of Sheep, ed. by W .B . Martin, I.D. Aitken, J.Stobo., pp. 133-139, Blackwell Scientific Publ., London.
  • GİLMOUR JS, JONES GE, RAE, AG, QUIRE M (1986): Comparison of single strains of four serotypes of Pasteurella haemolytica biotype A in experimental pneumonia of sheep . Res. Vet. Sci., 40, 136-137.
  • HAMDY AH, POUNDEN WD (1959): Experimental production of Pneumonia in lambs. Am. J. Vet. Res., January, 78-83.
  • HAMDY AH,POUNDENVD,FERGUSONLC (1959): Microbial agents with Pneumonua in slaughtered lams. Am. J. Vet. Res., January, 87-89.
  • JONES GE, GİLMOUR JS, RAE AG (1982): The effect of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae and Pasteurella Haemolytica on specific pathogen- free lambs. J.Comp. Path., 92,261-266.
  • JONES GE, GİLMOUR JS, RAE AG (1982): The effects of different strains of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae on specific pathogen-free and conventionally-reared lambs . J.Comp. Path., 92,267-272.
  • JONES GE, GİLMOUR JS, RAE AG (1985): Investigations into the possible role ofMycoplasma arginini in ovine respiratory disease . Res. VEt. Sci., 38 , 368-372.
  • JONES GE, GİLMOUR JS, RAE AG, MCLAUCHLAN M, NETTLETON PF (1986): A rewiev experiments on the reproduction of chronic pneumoniae in sheep by the use of pneumonic lung homogenate susensions . Vet. Bul., 56(4), 251-263.
  • JONES GE, GİLMOUR JS (1991): Non-progressive (atypical) pneumonia, In "Disease of Sheep". ed. by W.B. Martin, I.D. Aitken , J. Stobo , pp. 150-157. Blackwell Scientific Publ., London.
  • JUBB KVF, KENNEDY PC, PALMER N (1993): Pathology of Domastic Animals, 4 th ed, Vol2, Academic Press Ine., San Diego, 591-694.
  • KlRAN MM (1990): Konya bölgesi kuzu pnömonilerinde patolojik ve etiyolajik araştırmalar, Doktora Tezi, S.Ü. Sağ . Bil. Ens ., Konya.
  • KlRAN LL, BERKİN Ş, KAYA O, DİNÇER Z (1993): Konya bölgesi Koyun Pnömonilerinde patolojik ve etiyolajik araştırmalar, S.Ü. VEt. Fak. Derg. 9(1) , 3-9.
  • K ONEMAN EW, ALLEN SD, DO WELL VR, SOMMERS HM (1979): Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology, J .B. Lippincolt Company, Philadelphia.
  • LUNA LG (1968): Manual ofHistologic Staining Methods of The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 3th ed., Mc Graw-Hill Book Comp., New York, USA.
  • MALONE FE, MCCULLOUGH SJ, MCLOUGHLİN MF, BALL HJ, O'HAGAN J, NEİLL SD (1988): Infectious agents in respiratory disease of housed, fattening lambs inNorthem Ireland, Vet. Rec ., 122, 203-207 .
  • NOSTVOLD S, BAKKE T (1982): An investigation of ovine pneumonia in four herds from central Norway , II. Relation between pathomorphology and presence of micro-organisms . Acta Vet. Scand., 23 , 259- 274.
  • ÖZER H, GÜLCÜ HB (1986): Kuzu ve oğlakların Enzootik Pnömonileri ile ilgili Gözleler. S.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. 3(1), 135-141.
  • STAMP JT, NİSPET DI (1963): Pneumonia of sheep , J. Comp. Path., 73 , 319-328.
  • THURLEY DC, BOYES BW, DAVİES DH, WİLKİNS MF, O'CONNİEL E, HUMPHREYS S (1977): Subclinical pneumonla in lambs . New Z. Vet. J., 25, 173-176.
  • URMAN HK (1983): Evcil Hayvanların Özel Patolojik Anatomisi. Cilt. 1, Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, Ankara.

Microbiological and Histopatlological Investigations on Lamb Pneumonia

Yıl 1997, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 55 - 70, 26.07.2022


The lungs with Jesion of 7ı lambs examined at various intervals at
Bursa abattoir were investigated microbiologically and histopathologically .
70 bacteria and fungi were isolated from 36 (50.70%) lung samples. These
are, ll (15 .7ı %) Staph.aureus; 9 (12.85%) K.pneumonia; 8 (lı.43 %) E.coli;
8 (lı.43%) Streptococcus spp.; 7 (10 .00%) Mycoplasma spp; 7(10".00%) P.haemonlytica; 4(5.71 %) Haemophylus spp.; 4(5.71 %) C.pyogenes;
3(4.29%) Neisseria spp; 3 (4 .29%) Staph. epidermidis; 2 (2.86%) C. albicans;
1 (1.43%) P. multocida; 1 (1.43%) Ps. aeruginosa; 1 (1.43%) A. denitrificans;
1 (1.43%) Pr.mirabilis respectively. Histopathological findingis
were no specific correlation between the microbiological and histopathological
findings was not able made.


  • AKSOY E (1993): Etlik Hayvan Hastalıkları Araştırma Enstitüsüne gelen koyun materyallerinde Mikoplazmal enzootik pnöymoni olayları ve patolojik bulgular. Etlik Vet. Mikrobiol. Derg. 7(4), 172-197.
  • AL-AUBAiDi JM, TAYLOR WD, BUBASH GR, DARDiRi AH (1972): İdentification and characterization of Mycoplasma arginini from Bighom sheep (Ovis canadensis) and goats. Am.J.Vet. Res. 33(1), 87-90.
  • ALLEY MR, CLARKE JK (1977): The influence of microorganisms on the severitiy of lesions in chronic ovine pneumonia. N.Z. Vet. J., 25, 200-202.
  • ARMOUR J (1991): Parasitic Bronchitis. In ("Disease of Sheep", ed. by W.B. Martin, I.D. Aitken, J. Stobo pp. 158-160, Blackwell Scientific publ., London.
  • AYTUG CN,ALAÇAME,ÖZKOÇ Ü, YALÇINBC, TÜRKER H, GÖKÇEN H (1990): Kuzuların Enzootik Pnömonileri, Koyun-Keçi Hastalıkları ve Yetiştiriciliği, TÜM-VET Hayvancılık Hizmetleri Yayını No.2, 92-98 .
  • BAKKE T (1982): The occurence of Mycoplasmas and basteria in lungs from sheep in southern Norway. Acta Vet. Scand., 23,235-247.
  • BAKKE T, NOSTVOLD S (1982): An investigation of ovine pneumona in four herds from central Norway I. Prevalence of pneumonia and microbiological findings. Acta Vet. Scand., 23,248-258.
  • BALL HJ, CONNOLLY M, CASSiDY J (1993): Pasteurella haemolytica serotypes isolated in Northem Ireland during 1989-1991. Br. Vet. J., 149,561-570.
  • BAYSAL T, GÜLER L (1992): Konya yöresindeki kuzu ve oğlakların Enzootik Pneumonilerinden bakteriyel etken İzolasyonu. Veterinari um, 3(1), 1-5.
  • BİBERSTEiN EL, KENNEDY PC (1959): Septicemic Pasteurellosis in lambs . A.J. Vet. Res . January, 94-101.
  • BUDDLE BM, HERCEG M, DAVİES DH (1984): Experimental infection of sheep with Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae and Pasteurella haemolytica. Vet. Microbiol., 9, 543-548.
  • DA VİES DH, JONES, BAH, THURLEY DC (1981): Infection of specific-pathogen-free lambs with parainfluenza virus type-3, Pasteurella haemolytica and Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae, Vet. Microbiol., 6: 295-308.
  • FENNER F, BACHMANN PA, GİBBS EPJ, MURPHY FA, STUDDERT MJ, WHİTE DO (1987): Parainfluenza 3 infections, in: Veterinary Virology, Academic Press, London 492.
  • GİLMOUR NJL, ANGUS KW, GİLMOUR JS (1991): In Diseases of Sheep, ed. by W .B . Martin, I.D. Aitken, J.Stobo., pp. 133-139, Blackwell Scientific Publ., London.
  • GİLMOUR JS, JONES GE, RAE, AG, QUIRE M (1986): Comparison of single strains of four serotypes of Pasteurella haemolytica biotype A in experimental pneumonia of sheep . Res. Vet. Sci., 40, 136-137.
  • HAMDY AH, POUNDEN WD (1959): Experimental production of Pneumonia in lambs. Am. J. Vet. Res., January, 78-83.
  • HAMDY AH,POUNDENVD,FERGUSONLC (1959): Microbial agents with Pneumonua in slaughtered lams. Am. J. Vet. Res., January, 87-89.
  • JONES GE, GİLMOUR JS, RAE AG (1982): The effect of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae and Pasteurella Haemolytica on specific pathogen- free lambs. J.Comp. Path., 92,261-266.
  • JONES GE, GİLMOUR JS, RAE AG (1982): The effects of different strains of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae on specific pathogen-free and conventionally-reared lambs . J.Comp. Path., 92,267-272.
  • JONES GE, GİLMOUR JS, RAE AG (1985): Investigations into the possible role ofMycoplasma arginini in ovine respiratory disease . Res. VEt. Sci., 38 , 368-372.
  • JONES GE, GİLMOUR JS, RAE AG, MCLAUCHLAN M, NETTLETON PF (1986): A rewiev experiments on the reproduction of chronic pneumoniae in sheep by the use of pneumonic lung homogenate susensions . Vet. Bul., 56(4), 251-263.
  • JONES GE, GİLMOUR JS (1991): Non-progressive (atypical) pneumonia, In "Disease of Sheep". ed. by W.B. Martin, I.D. Aitken , J. Stobo , pp. 150-157. Blackwell Scientific Publ., London.
  • JUBB KVF, KENNEDY PC, PALMER N (1993): Pathology of Domastic Animals, 4 th ed, Vol2, Academic Press Ine., San Diego, 591-694.
  • KlRAN MM (1990): Konya bölgesi kuzu pnömonilerinde patolojik ve etiyolajik araştırmalar, Doktora Tezi, S.Ü. Sağ . Bil. Ens ., Konya.
  • KlRAN LL, BERKİN Ş, KAYA O, DİNÇER Z (1993): Konya bölgesi Koyun Pnömonilerinde patolojik ve etiyolajik araştırmalar, S.Ü. VEt. Fak. Derg. 9(1) , 3-9.
  • K ONEMAN EW, ALLEN SD, DO WELL VR, SOMMERS HM (1979): Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology, J .B. Lippincolt Company, Philadelphia.
  • LUNA LG (1968): Manual ofHistologic Staining Methods of The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 3th ed., Mc Graw-Hill Book Comp., New York, USA.
  • MALONE FE, MCCULLOUGH SJ, MCLOUGHLİN MF, BALL HJ, O'HAGAN J, NEİLL SD (1988): Infectious agents in respiratory disease of housed, fattening lambs inNorthem Ireland, Vet. Rec ., 122, 203-207 .
  • NOSTVOLD S, BAKKE T (1982): An investigation of ovine pneumonia in four herds from central Norway , II. Relation between pathomorphology and presence of micro-organisms . Acta Vet. Scand., 23 , 259- 274.
  • ÖZER H, GÜLCÜ HB (1986): Kuzu ve oğlakların Enzootik Pnömonileri ile ilgili Gözleler. S.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. 3(1), 135-141.
  • STAMP JT, NİSPET DI (1963): Pneumonia of sheep , J. Comp. Path., 73 , 319-328.
  • THURLEY DC, BOYES BW, DAVİES DH, WİLKİNS MF, O'CONNİEL E, HUMPHREYS S (1977): Subclinical pneumonla in lambs . New Z. Vet. J., 25, 173-176.
  • URMAN HK (1983): Evcil Hayvanların Özel Patolojik Anatomisi. Cilt. 1, Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, Ankara.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mihriban Ülgen Bu kişi benim

Gürsel Sönmez Bu kişi benim

Fulya Aydın Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Temmuz 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1997
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1997 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ülgen, M., Sönmez, G., & Aydın, F. (2022). Kuzu Pnömonileri Üzerinde Mikrobiyolojik ve Histopatolojik İncelemeler. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 9(2), 55-70.