The Diagnosis of Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD) From Cultured Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss)
Yıl 2008,
Cilt: 19 Sayı: 1, 1 - 8, 01.06.2008
Sibel Özkök
Selahattin Şen
Hikmet Ün
In this project, totally 360 samples from 5 rainbow trout farms on Kesikköprü barrage lake and aseptically 120 kidney
tissues about 6-12 months rainbow trout from one rainbow trout farm from 2005 to 2007 were collected for isolation and identification
of R.salmoninarum;. Ovarian (coelemic) fluids were collected from 120 mature females of fish farming on Safranbolu.
KDM-2 medium was used for isolation from samples. R.salmoninarum was not isolated on totally 600 samples. DFAT and nested-
PCR results of all samples were negative.
As a result Bacterial Kindey Disease was not detected in Ankara and Safranbolu. In our laboratories, Bacterial Kindey Disease
could be diagnosed rapidly by conventional isolation and identification with DFAT and nested-PCR on rainbow trout.
- Austin B, Austin DA, eds., (1999). Bacterial Fish
Pathogens: Disease in Farmed and Wild Fish, Third
Edition. Springer-Praxis, Chishester, UK.
- Bruno DW, (2004). Prevalance and diagnosis of bacterial
kidney disease (BKD) in Scotland between 1990 and
2002. Dis Aquat Organ. 59 (2), 125-30.
- Bullock GL, Herman RL, (1980). Bacterial Kidney
Disease of Salmonid fishes caused by Renibacterium
salmoninarum. Fish Disease Leaflet 78, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, National Fisheries Research Center-
Leetown, National Fish Research Laboratory, Box 700,
Kearneysville, West Virginia.
- Bullock GL, Stuckey HM, (1975). Fluorescent antibody
identification and detection of the Corynebacterium
causing kidney disease in salmonids. J Fisheries Res Board
Can. 32. 2224-2227.
- Chase DM, Pascho RJ, (1998). Development of a nested
polymerase chain reaction for amplification of a sequence
of the p57 gene of Renibacterium salmoninarum that
provides a higly sensitive method for detection of the
bacterium in Salmonid kidney. Dis Aquat Org. 34. 223-
- Fryer JL, Lannan CN, (1993). The history and current
status of Renibacterium salmoninarum causitive agent of
bacterial kidney disease in Pacific salmon. Fisheries
Resarch. 17, 15-33.
- Halıcı G, İstanbulluoğlu E, Arda M, (1977). Bayındır Barajı
alabalık yetiştirme istasyonunda görülen bakteriyel
böbrek hastalığı ve sağaltımı. İstanbul Üni Vet Fak Derg
3 (1-2), 22-27.
- Jonsson E, (2002). Bacterial Kidney Disease in salmonid
fish. PhD Thesis, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae
Veterinaria, vol. 116.
- Magnusson HB, Fridjonsson OH, Andresson OS,
Benediktsdottir E, Gudmundsdottir S, Anderstottir V,
(1994). Renibacterium salmoninarum, the causitive agent
of bacterial kidney disease in salmonid fish, detected by
nested reverse transcription-PCR of 16S rRNA sequences.
Appl Environ Microbiol. 60 (12), 4580-4583.
- Manual of Diagnostik Tests for Aquatic animals 2006,
(OIE) Bacterial Kidney Disease (Renibacterium
salmoninarum) Part 2. Section 2.1, Chapter 2.1.11 p:1-19
- Miriam A,Griffiths SG, Lovely JE, Lynch WH, (1997).
PCR and probe-PCR assays to monitor broodstock
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) ovarian fluid and kidney
tissue for presence of DNA of the fish pathogen
Renibacterium salmoninarum. J Clin Microbiol. 35(6).
- Ordal EJ, Earp BJ, (1956). Cultivation and transmission
of etiological agent of kidney disease in salmonid fishes.
Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology and
Medicine. 92, 85-88.
- Pascho JR, Chase D, McKibben CL, (1998). Comparison
of the membrane-filtration fluorescent antibody test, the
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and the polymerase
chain reaction to detect Renibacterium salmoninarum in
salmonid ovarian fluid. J Vet Diag İnvest. 10, 60-66.
- Sarıeyyüpoğlu M, Muz A, Özdemir Y, (1985). Ovacık-
Tunceli alabalık yetiştirme istasyonunda oluşan bakteriyel
böbrek hastalığı. Ege Üni Su Ürün Derg. 2 (5-6),71-78.
- White MR, Wu CC, Albregts SR, Wu CC, (1995).
Comparison of diagnostic tests for bacterial kidney
disease in juvenile steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus
mykiss). J Vet Diag Invest 74, 494-499.
Kültürü Yapılan Gökkuşağı Alabalıklarında (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Bakteriyel Böbrek Hastalığı (BKD)’nın teşhisi
Yıl 2008,
Cilt: 19 Sayı: 1, 1 - 8, 01.06.2008
Sibel Özkök
Selahattin Şen
Hikmet Ün
Bu projede Renibacterium salmoninarum izolasyon ve identifikasyonu için, 2005-2007 yılları arasında, Kesikköprü Baraj
Göleti’nde yer alan 5 adet alabalık işletmesinden toplam 360 adet; Safranbolu’da yer alan 1 adet alabalık işletmesinden 120 adet 6-12
aylık alabalıklardan böbrek örnekleri aseptik koşullarda alındı. Safranbolu’da yer alan 1 adet alabalık işletmesinde 120 adet olgun dişi
balıklardan ovaryum sıvısı uygun koşullarda alındı. Toplanan örneklerden izolasyon için KDM-2 medium kullanıldı. Toplam 600
adet örnekten hiç R.salmoninarum izolasyonu olmadı. Aynı örneklerden DFAT ve nested-PCR testleri yapıldı. Örneklerin hiçbirinde
etkene rastlanılamadı.
Sonuç olarak Ankara ve Safranbolu’da Bakteriyel Böbrek Hastalığı saptanamamıştır. Laboratuarımızda alabalıklarda konvansiyonel
izolasyon ve identifikasyon yanında DFAT ve nested-PCR gibi testlerle Bakteriyel Böbrek Hastalığı kısa sürede teşhis edilebilir
hale gelmiştir.
- Austin B, Austin DA, eds., (1999). Bacterial Fish
Pathogens: Disease in Farmed and Wild Fish, Third
Edition. Springer-Praxis, Chishester, UK.
- Bruno DW, (2004). Prevalance and diagnosis of bacterial
kidney disease (BKD) in Scotland between 1990 and
2002. Dis Aquat Organ. 59 (2), 125-30.
- Bullock GL, Herman RL, (1980). Bacterial Kidney
Disease of Salmonid fishes caused by Renibacterium
salmoninarum. Fish Disease Leaflet 78, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, National Fisheries Research Center-
Leetown, National Fish Research Laboratory, Box 700,
Kearneysville, West Virginia.
- Bullock GL, Stuckey HM, (1975). Fluorescent antibody
identification and detection of the Corynebacterium
causing kidney disease in salmonids. J Fisheries Res Board
Can. 32. 2224-2227.
- Chase DM, Pascho RJ, (1998). Development of a nested
polymerase chain reaction for amplification of a sequence
of the p57 gene of Renibacterium salmoninarum that
provides a higly sensitive method for detection of the
bacterium in Salmonid kidney. Dis Aquat Org. 34. 223-
- Fryer JL, Lannan CN, (1993). The history and current
status of Renibacterium salmoninarum causitive agent of
bacterial kidney disease in Pacific salmon. Fisheries
Resarch. 17, 15-33.
- Halıcı G, İstanbulluoğlu E, Arda M, (1977). Bayındır Barajı
alabalık yetiştirme istasyonunda görülen bakteriyel
böbrek hastalığı ve sağaltımı. İstanbul Üni Vet Fak Derg
3 (1-2), 22-27.
- Jonsson E, (2002). Bacterial Kidney Disease in salmonid
fish. PhD Thesis, Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae
Veterinaria, vol. 116.
- Magnusson HB, Fridjonsson OH, Andresson OS,
Benediktsdottir E, Gudmundsdottir S, Anderstottir V,
(1994). Renibacterium salmoninarum, the causitive agent
of bacterial kidney disease in salmonid fish, detected by
nested reverse transcription-PCR of 16S rRNA sequences.
Appl Environ Microbiol. 60 (12), 4580-4583.
- Manual of Diagnostik Tests for Aquatic animals 2006,
(OIE) Bacterial Kidney Disease (Renibacterium
salmoninarum) Part 2. Section 2.1, Chapter 2.1.11 p:1-19
- Miriam A,Griffiths SG, Lovely JE, Lynch WH, (1997).
PCR and probe-PCR assays to monitor broodstock
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) ovarian fluid and kidney
tissue for presence of DNA of the fish pathogen
Renibacterium salmoninarum. J Clin Microbiol. 35(6).
- Ordal EJ, Earp BJ, (1956). Cultivation and transmission
of etiological agent of kidney disease in salmonid fishes.
Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology and
Medicine. 92, 85-88.
- Pascho JR, Chase D, McKibben CL, (1998). Comparison
of the membrane-filtration fluorescent antibody test, the
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and the polymerase
chain reaction to detect Renibacterium salmoninarum in
salmonid ovarian fluid. J Vet Diag İnvest. 10, 60-66.
- Sarıeyyüpoğlu M, Muz A, Özdemir Y, (1985). Ovacık-
Tunceli alabalık yetiştirme istasyonunda oluşan bakteriyel
böbrek hastalığı. Ege Üni Su Ürün Derg. 2 (5-6),71-78.
- White MR, Wu CC, Albregts SR, Wu CC, (1995).
Comparison of diagnostic tests for bacterial kidney
disease in juvenile steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus
mykiss). J Vet Diag Invest 74, 494-499.