The way a consumer thinks about a particular brand is one of the most
significant aspects in making purchase decisions. Nowadays organizations
aim to make their products memorable and create points of difference in
their products or strategies. In this study the perception regarding the brand
pages and their attitude towards Facebook advertisement are focused. An
online questionnaire was published. The respondents to the questionnaire
were all active Facebook users in Turkey. In this study among different
types of social media sites Facebook is considered, there are facilities
provided through Facebook that usually brands use them such as fan pages,
advertising. The findings based on the analyses suggest that there are no
significant differences between gender considering perception towards the
brand pages and no differences regarding consumer attitude towards
Facebook advertisements furthermore the perception of a brand page does
affect consumer attitude towards advertisements. This study concludes that
building a brand requires providing or enhancing online brand pages,
moreover, creating the most relevant ads and creating interaction with
consumers. There are vital strategies of building brand such as online
presence, communicating and using social networking sites as a platform
to reach the target audience.
[1] Archambault, A., Gurdin, J. (2012). A Longitudinal Study of Facebook,
LinkedIn, & Twitter Use. Retrived July 2, 2020. From
[2] Asiegbu, I.F., Powei, D.M. and Iruka, C.H. (2012). Consumer attitude:
Some reflections on its concept, trilogy, relationship with consumer
behavior, and marketing implications. European Journal of Business and
Management, 4(13), pp.38-50.
[3] Atanasova, A. (2016). Gender-specific behaviors on social media and
what they mean for online communications. Social Media Today. Retrived
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[4] Bain, C.D. and Rice, M.L. (2006). The influence of gender on attitudes,
perceptions, and uses of technology. Journal of Research on Technology in
Education, 39(2), pp.119-132.
[5] Barreto, A., M. (2013). Does brands` participation on Facebook affect
positively brand equity. Doctoral Dissertation.
[6] Barrett, J. (2020). Why Brand Perception Matters and How You Can
Measure It. Getfeedback. Retrived August 20, 2020. From
[7] Chen, J. (2020 Jan 24). 5 Actionable strategies for social media branding.
Sprout Social. Retrieved Jan 12, 2020. From
[8] Coleman, M. (2019). Brand Perception: What It Is, Why it matters and
how to measure It. Retrieved August 6, 2020. From
[9] Dutot, V. and Mosconi, E. (2016). Social media and business
intelligence: defining and understanding social media intelligence. J. Decis.
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[10] D`Souza, W. (2008). Strategies of attitude change. Consumer behavior.
Retrived Dec 20. 2020. From
[11] Ferreira, F. and Barbosa, B. (2017). Consumers' attitude toward
Facebook advertising. International Journal of Electronic Marketing and
Retailing, 8(1), pp.45-57.
[12] Frey, C. (2016, Nov 13). How to use content marketing to enhance
brand perception. Retrieved August 13, 2020. From.
[13] Gkioulekas, I. and Papageorgiou, L.G. (2019). Piecewise regression
analysis through information criteria using mathematical programming.
Expert Systems with Applications, 121, pp.362-372.
[14] Gülpınar Demirci, V. and Kaplan, B. (2020). Veri Madenciliği ve
Pazarlama, In Dijital Pazarlama Güncel Konular (Eds. C. Soylemez and A.
Kayabaşı), Ekin Kitabevi Yayınları, pp. 253-288.
[15] Haron, S.A. (2015). Gender difference in consumer attitude towards
purchasing made in Malaysia products. Asian Journal of Social Sciences &
Humanities Vol, 4, p.4.
[16] Hair J r, J . F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2014).
Multivariate Data Analysis (7th ed.). England: Pearson Education Limited
[17] Helbling, M. (2018). Consumer Brand Perception through Social
Media: A study on the Influences of Brand Perception on Generation Y.
[18] Helmond, A. Nieborg, D.B. and van der Vlist, F.N. (2019). Facebook’s
evolution: development of a platform-as-infrastructure. Internet Histories,
3(2), pp.123-146.
[19] Iedunote. (2017). 3 Components of attitude. Retrieved Jan 23, 2020
[20] Jaafar, S.N., Lalp, P.E. and Naba, M.M. (2012). Consumers’
perceptions, attitudes and purchase intention towards private label food
products in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences,
2(8), pp.73-90.
[21] Kakri, A. (2019). Understanding the ABC model of attitude and live
more intelligent. Retrive July 12, 2020. From
[22] Kaplan, B. (2015). Marketing Strategies For The Generation “C”
Consumer Behavior: An Overview For The GSM Market in Turkey.
In Handbook of Research on Developing Sustainable Value in Economics,
Finance, and Marketing (pp. 463-475). IGI Global.
[23] Kwon, E. S. (2005). Exploring consumer’s attitudes and behavior
toward product placement in television shows. Southern Illinois University
at Carbondale
[24] Long-Crowell, N. (2020). How do I change consumer attitudes?.
Retrieved Jan 23, 2020
[25] Madichie, N. O. (2012). Consumer attitude. Retrieved Feb 5, 2020.
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[26] Madsen, D.Ø. and Slåtten, K. (2015). Social media and management
fashions. Cogent Business & Management, 2(1), p.1122256.
[27] Mcdonald, S. M. (2011). Perception: Concept of analysis. Doctoral
dissertation University of Texas at Tyler.
[28] Nambisan, P. (2005). Online community experience: impact on
customer attitudes. (Master Thesis Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy,
New York) Also Available on Proquest UMI Number: 3201894.
[29] Nauert, R. (2012). Gender Influences Perception of Objects. Retrieved
June 5, 2020
[30] Noel, J. (2020). Affective component of attitude: Definition &
Overview. Retrieved June 12, 2020. From
[31] Olsenki, S. (2012). Are Brands Wielding More Influence In Social
Media Than WeThought?. Retrieved June 10, 2020. From
[32] Picken, J. (2005). Attitudes and Perceptions. Retreived June 20, 2020
[33] Patterson, J. (2017). Female perception VS. male perception. Retrieved
June 5, 2020
[34] Rai, P. (2011). Gender Difference in Privacy and Perception about
Facebook Advertising: Urban Youth in India and Indian Youth Living In
United States of America (Doctoral dissertation, Hawaii Pacific University).
[35] Ramle, O. and Kaplan, B. (2019). The Power of Instagram Brand
Communities: An Overview About Cosmetic Brands On Instagram. Florya
Chronicles of Political Economy, 5(1), pp.1-14.
[36] Romaniuk, J., Sharp, B. (2002). Measuring brand perceptions: Testing
quantity and quality. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for
Marketing, 11 (3), 218–229
[37] Sehl, K. (2020). 9 of the most important Facebook trends to watch right
now. Hootsuite. Retrieved June 20, 2020. From
[38] Siu. E. (2020). 5 Facebook Ads Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2020.
Single grain. Retrieved June 10, 2020.
[39] Smith, K. (2015). The Importance of Brand Perception. Retrieved
August 1, 2020
[40] Tauber, S. (2014). Perception VS Atttitude- What is the difference.
Retrieved July 6, 2020.
[41] Tuskej, M. (2010). Brand perception study. Retrieved August 13, 2020.
[42] Vermeren, I. (2015). Men Vs. Women: Who is more active on social
media. Brandwatch. Retrived July 9. 2020. From
[43] Webb, L.M. and Temple, N. (2015). Social media and gender issues. In
book: Handbook of Research on the Societal Impact of Digital Media, 638-
669. doi: DOI: 10.4018. ch025.
[44] Weisberg, J., Te`eni, Dov, Arman, L. (2011). Past purchase and
intention to purchase in e‐commerce: The mediation of social presence and
trust. Journal of Internet research, 21 (1), 82-96
[45] Welbers, K & Opgenhaffen, O. (2019) Presenting News on
SocialMedia. Journal of Digital Journalism, 7:1, 45-62
[46] WR, J. W. (2015). Perceived Factors Influencing Consumer Trust and
Its Impact on Online Purchase Intention in Indonesia. Journal of Science
and Research, 6(8).
[47] Ye, L., Robertson, T. M. A. (2012). Gender Identity: Does It Matter for
Consumers’ Perceptions? Journal of Business Diversity, 12(3), 81-92
[48] Yoon, B., Chung, Y. (2017). Consumer attitude and visit intention
toward Food-trucks: targeting Millennials. Journal of Foodservice business
research. 21(2),187-199.
[49] Zhang, X. (2013). Facebook Users' Experience and Attitude Toward
Facebook Ads (Doctoral dissertation, Oklahoma State University).
[50] Zhou, Z. (2002). ‘Users’ attitudes toward web advertising: effects of
internet motivation and Internet ability’, Advances in Consumer Research.
29(1), 71–78.
[1] Archambault, A., Gurdin, J. (2012). A Longitudinal Study of Facebook,
LinkedIn, & Twitter Use. Retrived July 2, 2020. From
[2] Asiegbu, I.F., Powei, D.M. and Iruka, C.H. (2012). Consumer attitude:
Some reflections on its concept, trilogy, relationship with consumer
behavior, and marketing implications. European Journal of Business and
Management, 4(13), pp.38-50.
[3] Atanasova, A. (2016). Gender-specific behaviors on social media and
what they mean for online communications. Social Media Today. Retrived
July 10, 2020. From
[4] Bain, C.D. and Rice, M.L. (2006). The influence of gender on attitudes,
perceptions, and uses of technology. Journal of Research on Technology in
Education, 39(2), pp.119-132.
[5] Barreto, A., M. (2013). Does brands` participation on Facebook affect
positively brand equity. Doctoral Dissertation.
[6] Barrett, J. (2020). Why Brand Perception Matters and How You Can
Measure It. Getfeedback. Retrived August 20, 2020. From
[7] Chen, J. (2020 Jan 24). 5 Actionable strategies for social media branding.
Sprout Social. Retrieved Jan 12, 2020. From
[8] Coleman, M. (2019). Brand Perception: What It Is, Why it matters and
how to measure It. Retrieved August 6, 2020. From
[9] Dutot, V. and Mosconi, E. (2016). Social media and business
intelligence: defining and understanding social media intelligence. J. Decis.
Syst., 25(3), pp.191-192.
[10] D`Souza, W. (2008). Strategies of attitude change. Consumer behavior.
Retrived Dec 20. 2020. From
[11] Ferreira, F. and Barbosa, B. (2017). Consumers' attitude toward
Facebook advertising. International Journal of Electronic Marketing and
Retailing, 8(1), pp.45-57.
[12] Frey, C. (2016, Nov 13). How to use content marketing to enhance
brand perception. Retrieved August 13, 2020. From.
[13] Gkioulekas, I. and Papageorgiou, L.G. (2019). Piecewise regression
analysis through information criteria using mathematical programming.
Expert Systems with Applications, 121, pp.362-372.
[14] Gülpınar Demirci, V. and Kaplan, B. (2020). Veri Madenciliği ve
Pazarlama, In Dijital Pazarlama Güncel Konular (Eds. C. Soylemez and A.
Kayabaşı), Ekin Kitabevi Yayınları, pp. 253-288.
[15] Haron, S.A. (2015). Gender difference in consumer attitude towards
purchasing made in Malaysia products. Asian Journal of Social Sciences &
Humanities Vol, 4, p.4.
[16] Hair J r, J . F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2014).
Multivariate Data Analysis (7th ed.). England: Pearson Education Limited
[17] Helbling, M. (2018). Consumer Brand Perception through Social
Media: A study on the Influences of Brand Perception on Generation Y.
[18] Helmond, A. Nieborg, D.B. and van der Vlist, F.N. (2019). Facebook’s
evolution: development of a platform-as-infrastructure. Internet Histories,
3(2), pp.123-146.
[19] Iedunote. (2017). 3 Components of attitude. Retrieved Jan 23, 2020
[20] Jaafar, S.N., Lalp, P.E. and Naba, M.M. (2012). Consumers’
perceptions, attitudes and purchase intention towards private label food
products in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences,
2(8), pp.73-90.
[21] Kakri, A. (2019). Understanding the ABC model of attitude and live
more intelligent. Retrive July 12, 2020. From
[22] Kaplan, B. (2015). Marketing Strategies For The Generation “C”
Consumer Behavior: An Overview For The GSM Market in Turkey.
In Handbook of Research on Developing Sustainable Value in Economics,
Finance, and Marketing (pp. 463-475). IGI Global.
[23] Kwon, E. S. (2005). Exploring consumer’s attitudes and behavior
toward product placement in television shows. Southern Illinois University
at Carbondale
[24] Long-Crowell, N. (2020). How do I change consumer attitudes?.
Retrieved Jan 23, 2020
[25] Madichie, N. O. (2012). Consumer attitude. Retrieved Feb 5, 2020.
From file:///C:/Users/USER%201/Downloads/CB-TC_04%20(1).pdf
[26] Madsen, D.Ø. and Slåtten, K. (2015). Social media and management
fashions. Cogent Business & Management, 2(1), p.1122256.
[27] Mcdonald, S. M. (2011). Perception: Concept of analysis. Doctoral
dissertation University of Texas at Tyler.
[28] Nambisan, P. (2005). Online community experience: impact on
customer attitudes. (Master Thesis Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy,
New York) Also Available on Proquest UMI Number: 3201894.
[29] Nauert, R. (2012). Gender Influences Perception of Objects. Retrieved
June 5, 2020
[30] Noel, J. (2020). Affective component of attitude: Definition &
Overview. Retrieved June 12, 2020. From
[31] Olsenki, S. (2012). Are Brands Wielding More Influence In Social
Media Than WeThought?. Retrieved June 10, 2020. From
[32] Picken, J. (2005). Attitudes and Perceptions. Retreived June 20, 2020
[33] Patterson, J. (2017). Female perception VS. male perception. Retrieved
June 5, 2020
[34] Rai, P. (2011). Gender Difference in Privacy and Perception about
Facebook Advertising: Urban Youth in India and Indian Youth Living In
United States of America (Doctoral dissertation, Hawaii Pacific University).
[35] Ramle, O. and Kaplan, B. (2019). The Power of Instagram Brand
Communities: An Overview About Cosmetic Brands On Instagram. Florya
Chronicles of Political Economy, 5(1), pp.1-14.
[36] Romaniuk, J., Sharp, B. (2002). Measuring brand perceptions: Testing
quantity and quality. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for
Marketing, 11 (3), 218–229
[37] Sehl, K. (2020). 9 of the most important Facebook trends to watch right
now. Hootsuite. Retrieved June 20, 2020. From
[38] Siu. E. (2020). 5 Facebook Ads Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2020.
Single grain. Retrieved June 10, 2020.
[39] Smith, K. (2015). The Importance of Brand Perception. Retrieved
August 1, 2020
[40] Tauber, S. (2014). Perception VS Atttitude- What is the difference.
Retrieved July 6, 2020.
[41] Tuskej, M. (2010). Brand perception study. Retrieved August 13, 2020.
[42] Vermeren, I. (2015). Men Vs. Women: Who is more active on social
media. Brandwatch. Retrived July 9. 2020. From
[43] Webb, L.M. and Temple, N. (2015). Social media and gender issues. In
book: Handbook of Research on the Societal Impact of Digital Media, 638-
669. doi: DOI: 10.4018. ch025.
[44] Weisberg, J., Te`eni, Dov, Arman, L. (2011). Past purchase and
intention to purchase in e‐commerce: The mediation of social presence and
trust. Journal of Internet research, 21 (1), 82-96
[45] Welbers, K & Opgenhaffen, O. (2019) Presenting News on
SocialMedia. Journal of Digital Journalism, 7:1, 45-62
[46] WR, J. W. (2015). Perceived Factors Influencing Consumer Trust and
Its Impact on Online Purchase Intention in Indonesia. Journal of Science
and Research, 6(8).
[47] Ye, L., Robertson, T. M. A. (2012). Gender Identity: Does It Matter for
Consumers’ Perceptions? Journal of Business Diversity, 12(3), 81-92
[48] Yoon, B., Chung, Y. (2017). Consumer attitude and visit intention
toward Food-trucks: targeting Millennials. Journal of Foodservice business
research. 21(2),187-199.
[49] Zhang, X. (2013). Facebook Users' Experience and Attitude Toward
Facebook Ads (Doctoral dissertation, Oklahoma State University).
[50] Zhou, Z. (2002). ‘Users’ attitudes toward web advertising: effects of
internet motivation and Internet ability’, Advances in Consumer Research.
29(1), 71–78.