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Conspiracy Theories as Urban Legends with a Paranoid Matrix

Yıl 2023, , 487 - 499, 02.05.2023


In this paper I seek to interpret, categorise conspiracy theories in relation to
urban legends with a paranoid matrix, with the starting point being mainly the
interpretation of the paranoid nature of conspiracy theories systematised by
Jack Z. Bratich. As one of the examples, I specify the conspiracy theory/ies on
the disappearance of flight MH370, which has been declared one of the greatest
airplane mysteries of all time. Specifically, Boeing 777 (Malaysia Airlines Flight
370) with 227 passengers and 12 crew members disappeared on March 8, 2014
during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. According to the official story, it is
believed that the airplane fell into the Indian Ocean, off the west coast of Australia.
However, the conspiracy theories indicate their own interpretative truths


  • Arnold, G. B. (2008). Conspiracy theory in film television, and politics. Westport, Connecticut Praeger.
  • Barkun, M. (2003). A culture of conspiracy. Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America. University of California Press, Berkeley.
  • Blanuša, N. (2011). Teorije zavjere i hrvatska politička zbilja (Conspiracy theories and Croatian political reality)1980. – 2007 Plejada.
  • Bratich, J. Z. (2008). Conspiracy panics: Political rationality and popular culture. State University of New York Press.
  • Brunvand, J. H. (2003). The vanishing hitchhiker. American urban legends and their meanings. WW Norton /Company.
  • Chossudovsky, M. (2015). What is a conspiracy theory? What is the truth? Retrieved from: http://www.
  • Dégh, L. (2001). Legend and belief. Dialectics of a folklore genre. Indiana University Press.
  • Dentith, M. R. X. (2014). The philosophy of conspiracy theories. Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Hood, B. M. (2010). Osjećaj za nadnaravno. Zašto vjerujemo u nevjerojatno?/ A sense of the supernatural. Why do we believe in the unbelievable? NAR.
  • Icke, D. (2011). Ljudski rode, ustani. Ovaj lav više ne spava. / Humans, get up. This lion no longer sleeps Zagreb: TELEdisk.
  • Kean, L. (2011). NLO-i. Zapanjujuće izjave generala, pilota i vladinih dužnosnika./ UFOs. Astounding statements by generals, pilots and government officials.Zagreb: Planetopija.
  • Kellner, D. (2009). Televizijski spektakl. Izvanzemaljci, urote i biotehnologija u seriji Dosjei X. / Television spectacle. Aliens, conspiracies and biotechnology in the X-Files series. In (K. Purgar, Ed.) Vizualni studiji: umjetnost i mediji u doba slikovnog obrata. (pp. 321-345). Centar za vizualne studije.
  • Knight, P. (2003). Conspiracy theories in America: A historical overview. In (P. Knight, Ed.) Conspiracy theories in American history. An Encyclopaedia. Volume 1, A-L. (pp. 1-25). Oxford: ABC Clio.
  • Krasnec, T. (2015). Rat, manipulacije i laži./ War, manipulations and lies. Večernji list, Obzor, 31 January 2015, 12-13.
  • Lewis, T., Kahn, R. The reptoid hypothesis: Utopian and dystopian representational motifs in David Icke’s Alien Conspiracy Theory. Retrieved from:
  • Hypothesis_Utopian_and_Dystopian_Representational_Motifs_in_David_Icke_s_Alien_ Conspiracy_Theory
  • Marjanić, S. (2014). Kronotop hrvatskoga performansa: Od Travelera do danas./ Chronotope of Croatian performance: From Traveler to today. Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Bijeli val, Školska knjiga.
  • Mauss, M. (1982.) Sociologija i antropologija I. Prosveta. MH370 conspiracy theories: What happened to Malaysia Airlines’ missing Boeing 777? Retrieved from:
  • Mišak, K. (2010). Sve piše u novinama (…a ponešto i ne). / Everything is written in the newspaper (... and some things are not). TELEdisk.
  • , K. (2013). Dečki, odjebite u skokovima: i dalje: sve piše u novinama…samo najvažnije ne./ Guys, fuck off in jumps: still: everything is written in the newspaper...only the most important things are not. TELEdisk.
  • Mišak, K. (2014). Okej, teorija urote, al’ daj reci gdje je nestao avion?/ Okay, conspiracy theory, but tell me where the plane disappeared to? Novi list, 25 May 2014. Retrieved from: http://www.novilist. hr/Kultura/Knjizevnost/Misak-Okej-teorija-urote-al-daj-reci-gdje-je-nestao-avion
  • Mišak, K. Blog svjetlost. Sve piše u novinama, a što piše u knjizi?/ Everything is written in the newspaper, but what is written in the book? Retrieved from:
  • Moore, J. (2016). Malaysia airlines flight MH370: Wing debris found in Mauritius confirmed as part of missing plane. Retrieved from:
  • Roeper, R. (2008). Debunked!: Conspiracy theories, urban legends, and evil plots of the 21st century. Chicago Review Press.
  • Sloterdijk, P. (1992). Kritika ciničkoga uma. Criticism of the cynical mind / Globus.
  • Solar, M. (1998). Edipova braća i sinovi. Predavanja o mitu, mitskoj svijesti i mitskom jeziku./ Brothers and sons of Oedipus. Lectures on myth, mythical consciousness and mythical language. Naprijed.
  • Solar, M. (2008). Edipova braća i sinovi. Eseji./ Brothers and sons of Oedipus. Essays. Golden marketing – Tehnička knjiga.
  • Stone, O. (2016). Svi Amerikanci osjećaju da su pod prismotrom. (Interviewed by I. Dunajevski). Nacional 20 September 2016, pp. 55-57.
  • Šešo, L. (2016). Živjeti s nadnaravnim bićima: vukodlaci, vile i vještice hrvatskih tradicijskih vjerovanja./ Living with supernatural beings: Werewolves, fairies and witches of Croatian traditional beliefs. Jesenski i Turk.
  • Thompson, D. (2009). Kontraznanje. Kako smo podlegli teorijama zavjere, nadriliječništvu, pseudoznanosti i kvazipovijesti. / Counter knowledge. How we succumbed to conspiracy theories, quackery, pseudoscience and quasi-history. Algoritam.
  • Vankin, J., Whalen. J. (2002). 70 najvećih zavjera svih vremena. Najveće zagonetke, zataškavanja i spletke u povijesti svijeta./ The 70 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time. The biggest riddles, coverups and conspiracies in the history of the world Mozaik knjiga.

Paranoyak Bir Matrix ile Şehir Efsanelerine Dönüşen Komplo Teorileri

Yıl 2023, , 487 - 499, 02.05.2023


Bu yazıda Jack Z. Bratich tarafından sistematize edilen komplo teorilerinin paranoyak doğasının yorumlanmasından yola çıkarak,
şehir efsaneleriyle ilgili komplo teorilerini paranoid bir matrisle yorumlamaya, kategorize etmeye çalışıyorum.
Örneklerden biri olarak, tüm zamanların en büyük uçak gizemlerinden biri ilan
edilen MH370 sefer sayılı uçağın ortadan kaybolmasıyla ilgili komplo teori/lerini
ele alıyorum. Spesifik olarak, 227 yolcu ve 12 mürettebat ile Boeing 777 (Malezya
Havayolları Uçuş 370), 8 Mart 2014’te Kuala Lumpur’dan Pekin’e bir uçuş sırasında kayboldu.
Resmi açıklamaya göre uçağın Avustralya’nın batı kıyısı açıklarında Hint Okyanusu’na düştüğüne inanılıyor.
birlikte, komplo teorileri kendi yorumlayıcı gerçeklerini gösterir.


  • Arnold, G. B. (2008). Conspiracy theory in film television, and politics. Westport, Connecticut Praeger.
  • Barkun, M. (2003). A culture of conspiracy. Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America. University of California Press, Berkeley.
  • Blanuša, N. (2011). Teorije zavjere i hrvatska politička zbilja (Conspiracy theories and Croatian political reality)1980. – 2007 Plejada.
  • Bratich, J. Z. (2008). Conspiracy panics: Political rationality and popular culture. State University of New York Press.
  • Brunvand, J. H. (2003). The vanishing hitchhiker. American urban legends and their meanings. WW Norton /Company.
  • Chossudovsky, M. (2015). What is a conspiracy theory? What is the truth? Retrieved from: http://www.
  • Dégh, L. (2001). Legend and belief. Dialectics of a folklore genre. Indiana University Press.
  • Dentith, M. R. X. (2014). The philosophy of conspiracy theories. Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Hood, B. M. (2010). Osjećaj za nadnaravno. Zašto vjerujemo u nevjerojatno?/ A sense of the supernatural. Why do we believe in the unbelievable? NAR.
  • Icke, D. (2011). Ljudski rode, ustani. Ovaj lav više ne spava. / Humans, get up. This lion no longer sleeps Zagreb: TELEdisk.
  • Kean, L. (2011). NLO-i. Zapanjujuće izjave generala, pilota i vladinih dužnosnika./ UFOs. Astounding statements by generals, pilots and government officials.Zagreb: Planetopija.
  • Kellner, D. (2009). Televizijski spektakl. Izvanzemaljci, urote i biotehnologija u seriji Dosjei X. / Television spectacle. Aliens, conspiracies and biotechnology in the X-Files series. In (K. Purgar, Ed.) Vizualni studiji: umjetnost i mediji u doba slikovnog obrata. (pp. 321-345). Centar za vizualne studije.
  • Knight, P. (2003). Conspiracy theories in America: A historical overview. In (P. Knight, Ed.) Conspiracy theories in American history. An Encyclopaedia. Volume 1, A-L. (pp. 1-25). Oxford: ABC Clio.
  • Krasnec, T. (2015). Rat, manipulacije i laži./ War, manipulations and lies. Večernji list, Obzor, 31 January 2015, 12-13.
  • Lewis, T., Kahn, R. The reptoid hypothesis: Utopian and dystopian representational motifs in David Icke’s Alien Conspiracy Theory. Retrieved from:
  • Hypothesis_Utopian_and_Dystopian_Representational_Motifs_in_David_Icke_s_Alien_ Conspiracy_Theory
  • Marjanić, S. (2014). Kronotop hrvatskoga performansa: Od Travelera do danas./ Chronotope of Croatian performance: From Traveler to today. Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Bijeli val, Školska knjiga.
  • Mauss, M. (1982.) Sociologija i antropologija I. Prosveta. MH370 conspiracy theories: What happened to Malaysia Airlines’ missing Boeing 777? Retrieved from:
  • Mišak, K. (2010). Sve piše u novinama (…a ponešto i ne). / Everything is written in the newspaper (... and some things are not). TELEdisk.
  • , K. (2013). Dečki, odjebite u skokovima: i dalje: sve piše u novinama…samo najvažnije ne./ Guys, fuck off in jumps: still: everything is written in the newspaper...only the most important things are not. TELEdisk.
  • Mišak, K. (2014). Okej, teorija urote, al’ daj reci gdje je nestao avion?/ Okay, conspiracy theory, but tell me where the plane disappeared to? Novi list, 25 May 2014. Retrieved from: http://www.novilist. hr/Kultura/Knjizevnost/Misak-Okej-teorija-urote-al-daj-reci-gdje-je-nestao-avion
  • Mišak, K. Blog svjetlost. Sve piše u novinama, a što piše u knjizi?/ Everything is written in the newspaper, but what is written in the book? Retrieved from:
  • Moore, J. (2016). Malaysia airlines flight MH370: Wing debris found in Mauritius confirmed as part of missing plane. Retrieved from:
  • Roeper, R. (2008). Debunked!: Conspiracy theories, urban legends, and evil plots of the 21st century. Chicago Review Press.
  • Sloterdijk, P. (1992). Kritika ciničkoga uma. Criticism of the cynical mind / Globus.
  • Solar, M. (1998). Edipova braća i sinovi. Predavanja o mitu, mitskoj svijesti i mitskom jeziku./ Brothers and sons of Oedipus. Lectures on myth, mythical consciousness and mythical language. Naprijed.
  • Solar, M. (2008). Edipova braća i sinovi. Eseji./ Brothers and sons of Oedipus. Essays. Golden marketing – Tehnička knjiga.
  • Stone, O. (2016). Svi Amerikanci osjećaju da su pod prismotrom. (Interviewed by I. Dunajevski). Nacional 20 September 2016, pp. 55-57.
  • Šešo, L. (2016). Živjeti s nadnaravnim bićima: vukodlaci, vile i vještice hrvatskih tradicijskih vjerovanja./ Living with supernatural beings: Werewolves, fairies and witches of Croatian traditional beliefs. Jesenski i Turk.
  • Thompson, D. (2009). Kontraznanje. Kako smo podlegli teorijama zavjere, nadriliječništvu, pseudoznanosti i kvazipovijesti. / Counter knowledge. How we succumbed to conspiracy theories, quackery, pseudoscience and quasi-history. Algoritam.
  • Vankin, J., Whalen. J. (2002). 70 najvećih zavjera svih vremena. Najveće zagonetke, zataškavanja i spletke u povijesti svijeta./ The 70 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time. The biggest riddles, coverups and conspiracies in the history of the world Mozaik knjiga.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Türk Halk Bilimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri - Research Articles

Suzana Marjanić Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Marjanić, S. (2023). Conspiracy Theories as Urban Legends with a Paranoid Matrix. Folklor/Edebiyat, 29(114), 487-499.

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